1;;; -*- mode:scheme; coding:utf-8; -*-
3;;; text/xml/xpath/fn.scm - XPath Functions and Operators
5;;;   Copyright (c) 2020  Takashi Kato  <ktakashi@ymail.com>
7;;;   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
8;;;   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
9;;;   are met:
11;;;   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
12;;;      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14;;;   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
15;;;      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
16;;;      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
31;; ref:
32;;  XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators 3.1
33;;  https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions-31/
36(library (text xml xpath fn)
37    (export xpath-fn:node-name
38	    xpath-fn:nilled
39	    xpath-fn:string
40	    xpath-fn:data
41	    xpath-fn:base-uri
42	    xpath-fn:document-uri
43	    xpath-fn:error
44	    xpath-fn:trace
45	    xpath-op:numeric-add
46	    xpath-op:numeric-subtract
47	    xpath-op:numeric-multiply
48	    xpath-op:numeric-divide
49	    xpath-op:numeric-integer-divide
50	    xpath-op:numeric-mod
51	    xpath-op:numeric-unary-plus
52	    xpath-op:numeric-unary-minus
53	    xpath-op:numeric-equal
54	    xpath-op:numeric-less-than
55	    xpath-op:numeric-greater-than
56	    xpath-fn:abs
57	    xpath-fn:ceiling
58	    xpath-fn:floor
59	    xpath-fn:round
60	    xpath-fn:round-half-to-even
61	    xpath-fn:number
62	    xpath-fn:format-integer
63	    xpath-fn:format-number
64	    xpath-math:pi
65	    xpath-math:exp
66	    xpath-math:exp10
67	    xpath-math:log
68	    xpath-math:log10
69	    xpath-math:pow
70	    xpath-math:sqrt
71	    xpath-math:sin
72	    xpath-math:cos
73	    xpath-math:tan
74	    xpath-math:asin
75	    xpath-math:acos
76	    xpath-math:atan
77	    xpath-math:atan2
78	    xpath-fn:random-number-generator
79	    xpath-fn:codepoints-to-string
80	    xpath-fn:string-to-codepoints
81	    xpath-fn:compare
82	    xpath-fn:codepoint-equal
83	    xpath-fn:collation-key
84	    xpath-fn:contains-token
85	    xpath-fn:concat
86	    xpath-fn:string-join
87	    xpath-fn:substring
88	    xpath-fn:string-length
89	    xpath-fn:normalize-space
90	    xpath-fn:normalize-unicode
91	    xpath-fn:upper-case
92	    xpath-fn:lower-case
93	    xpath-fn:translate
94	    xpath-fn:contains
95	    xpath-fn:starts-with
96	    xpath-fn:ends-with
97	    xpath-fn:substring-before
98	    xpath-fn:substring-after
99	    xpath-fn:matches
100	    xpath-fn:replace
101	    xpath-fn:tokenize
102	    xpath-fn:analyze-string
103	    xpath-fn:resolve-uri
104	    xpath-fn:encode-for-uri
105	    xpath-fn:iri-to-uri
106	    xpath-fn:escape-html-uri
107	    xpath-fn:true
108	    xpath-fn:false
109	    xpath-op:boolean-equal
110	    xpath-op:boolean-less-than
111	    xpath-op:boolean-greater-than
112	    xpath-fn:boolean
113	    xpath-fn:not
114	    xpath-op:year-month-duration-less-than
115	    xpath-op:year-month-duration-greater-than
116	    xpath-op:day-time-duration-less-than
117	    xpath-op:day-time-duration-greater-than
118	    xpath-op:duration-equal
119	    xpath-fn:years-from-duration
120	    xpath-fn:months-from-duration
121	    xpath-fn:days-from-duration
122	    xpath-fn:hours-from-duration
123	    xpath-fn:minutes-from-duration
124	    xpath-fn:seconds-from-duration
125	    xpath-op:add-year-month-durations
126	    xpath-op:subtract-year-month-durations
127	    xpath-op:multiply-year-month-duration
128	    xpath-op:divide-year-month-duration
129	    xpath-op:divide-year-month-duration-by-year-month-duration
130	    xpath-op:add-day-time-durations
131	    xpath-op:subtract-day-time-durations
132	    xpath-op:multiply-day-time-duration
133	    xpath-op:divide-day-time-duration
134	    xpath-op:divide-day-time-duration-by-day-time-duration
135	    xpath-fn:datetime
136	    xpath-op:datetime-equal
137	    xpath-op:datetime-less-than
138	    xpath-op:datetime-greater-than
139	    xpath-op:date-equal
140	    xpath-op:date-less-than
141	    xpath-op:date-greater-than
142	    xpath-op:time-equal
143	    xpath-op:time-less-than
144	    xpath-op:time-greater-than
145	    xpath-op:g-year-month-equal
146	    xpath-op:g-year-equal
147	    xpath-op:g-month-day-equal
148	    xpath-op:g-month-equal
149	    xpath-op:g-day-equal
150	    xpath-fn:year-from-datetime
151	    xpath-fn:month-from-datetime
152	    xpath-fn:day-from-datetime
153	    xpath-fn:hours-from-datetime
154	    xpath-fn:minutes-from-datetime
155	    xpath-fn:seconds-from-datetime
156	    xpath-fn:timezone-from-datetime
157	    xpath-fn:year-from-date
158	    xpath-fn:month-from-date
159	    xpath-fn:day-from-date
160	    xpath-fn:timezone-from-date
161	    xpath-fn:hours-from-time
162	    xpath-fn:minutes-from-time
163	    xpath-fn:seconds-from-time
164	    xpath-fn:timezone-from-time
166	    xpath-fn:adjust-datetime-to-timezone
167	    xpath-fn:adjust-date-to-timezone
168	    xpath-fn:adjust-time-to-timezone
169	    xpath-op:subtract-datetimes
170	    xpath-op:subtract-dates
171	    xpath-op:subtract-times
172	    xpath-op:add-year-month-duration-to-datetime
173	    xpath-op:add-day-time-duration-to-datetime
174	    xpath-op:subtract-year-month-duration-from-datetime
175	    xpath-op:subtract-day-time-duration-from-datetime
176	    xpath-op:add-year-month-duration-to-date
177	    xpath-op:add-day-time-duration-to-date
178	    xpath-op:subtract-year-month-duration-from-date
179	    xpath-op:subtract-day-time-duration-from-date
180	    xpath-op:add-day-time-duration-to-time
181	    xpath-op:subtract-day-time-duration-from-time
183	    xpath-fn:format-datetime
184	    xpath-fn:format-date
185	    xpath-fn:format-time
186	    xpath-fn:parse-ietf-date
187	    xpath-fn:resolve-qname
188	    xpath-fn:qname
189	    xpath-op:qname-equal
190	    xpath-fn:prefix-from-qname
191	    xpath-fn:local-name-from-qname
192	    xpath-fn:namespace-uri-from-qname
193	    xpath-fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix
194	    xpath-fn:in-scope-prefixes
195	    xpath-op:hex-binary-equal
196	    xpath-op:hex-binary-less-than
197	    xpath-op:hex-binary-greater-than
198	    xpath-op:base64-binary-equal
199	    xpath-op:base64-binary-less-than
200	    xpath-op:base64-binary-greater-than
201	    xpath-op:notation-equal
202	    xpath-fn:name
203	    xpath-fn:local-name
204	    xpath-fn:namespace-uri
205	    xpath-fn:lang
206	    xpath-fn:root
207	    xpath-fn:path
208	    xpath-fn:has-children
209	    xpath-fn:outermost
210	    xpath-fn:empty
211	    xpath-fn:exists
212	    xpath-fn:head
213	    xpath-fn:tail
214	    xpath-fn:insert-before
215	    xpath-fn:remove
216	    xpath-fn:reverse
217	    xpath-fn:subsequence
218	    xpath-fn:unordered
219	    xpath-fn:distinct-values
220	    xpath-fn:index-of
221	    xpath-fn:deep-equal
222	    xpath-fn:zero-or-one
223	    xpath-fn:one-or-more
224	    xpath-fn:exactly-one
225	    xpath-fn:count
226	    xpath-fn:avg
227	    xpath-fn:max
228	    xpath-fn:min
229	    xpath-fn:sum
230	    xpath-fn:id
231	    xpath-fn:element-with-id
232	    xpath-fn:idref
233	    xpath-fn:generate-id
234	    xpath-fn:doc
235	    xpath-fn:doc-available
236	    xpath-fn:collection
237	    xpath-fn:uri-collection
238	    xpath-fn:unparsed-text
239	    xpath-fn:unparsed-text-lines
240	    xpath-fn:environment-variable
241	    xpath-fn:environment-variables
242	    xpath-fn:parse-xml
243	    xpath-fn:parse-xml-fragment
244	    xpath-fn:serialize
245	    xpath-fn:position
246	    xpath-fn:last
247	    xpath-fn:current-datetime
248	    xpath-fn:current-date
249	    xpath-fn:current-time
250	    xpath-fn:implicit-timezone
251	    xpath-fn:default-collation
252	    xpath-fn:default-language
253	    xpath-fn:static-base-uri
254	    xpath-fn:function-lookup
255	    xpath-fn:function-name
256	    xpath-fn:function-arity
257	    xpath-fn:for-each
258	    xpath-fn:filter
259	    xpath-fn:fold-left
260	    xpath-fn:fold-right
261	    xpath-fn:for-each-pair
262	    xpath-fn:sort
263	    xpath-fn:apply
264	    xpath-fn:load-xquery-module
265	    xpath-fn:transform
266	    xpath-op:same-key
267	    xpath-fn:map
268	    xpath-map:merge
269	    xpath-map:size
270	    xpath-map:keys
271	    xpath-map:contains
272	    xpath-map:get
273	    xpath-map:find
274	    xpath-map:put
275	    xpath-map:entry
276	    xpath-map:remove
277	    xpath-map:for-each
278	    xpath-array:size
279	    xpath-array:get
280	    xpath-array:put
281	    xpath-array:append
282	    xpath-array:subarray
283	    xpath-array:remove
284	    xpath-array:insert-before
285	    xpath-array:head
286	    xpath-array:tail
287	    xpath-array:reverse
288	    xpath-array:join
289	    xpath-array:for-each
290	    xpath-array:filter
291	    xpath-array:fold-left
292	    xpath-array:fold-right
293	    xpath-array:for-each-pair
294	    xpath-array:sort
295	    xpath-array:flatten
296	    xpath-fn:parse-json
297	    xpath-fn:json-doc
298	    xpath-fn:json-to-xml
299	    xpath-fn:xml-to-json)
300    (import (rnrs)
301	    (rnrs r5rs)
302	    (peg)
303	    (peg chars)
304	    (rfc uri)
305	    (sagittarius)
306	    (sagittarius calendar)
307	    (sagittarius generators)
308	    (sagittarius regex)
309	    (sagittarius timezone)
310	    (only (scheme base) read-line)
311	    (srfi :1 lists)
312	    (srfi :13 strings)
313	    (srfi :14 char-sets)
314	    (srfi :39 parameters)
315	    (srfi :43 vectors)
316	    (srfi :98 os-environment-variables)
317	    (srfi :115 regexp)
318	    (srfi :127 lseqs)
319	    (srfi :144 flonums)
320	    (text json parser)
321	    (text xml errors)
322	    (text xml dom)
323	    (only (text xml dom parser) +xml:char-set+)
324	    (text xml dom writer)
325	    (text xml schema)
326	    (text xml xpath dm)
327	    (text xml xpath tools)
328	    (util bytevector)
329	    (util file)
330	    (util hashtables)
331	    (util vector))
333;;; 2 Accessors
334;;; All accessor requires the $arg argument, the XPath evaluator
335;;; must handle the context item.
336(define (xpty0004-error who arg)
337  (xqt-error 'XPTY0004 who "Invalid argument" arg))
338(define-syntax dm:delegate
339  (syntax-rules ()
340    ((_ who delegate)
341     (let ((proc delegate))
342       (lambda (arg)
343	 (cond ((null? arg) '())
344	       ((not (node? arg))
345		(xqt-error 'XPTY0004 'who "Not a node" arg))
346	       (else (proc arg))))))))
348;;;; 2.1 fn:node-name
349;;;; fn:node-name($arg as node()?) as xs:QName?
350(define xpath-fn:node-name (dm:delegate xpath-fn:node-name xpath-dm:node-name))
352;;;; 2.2 fn:nilled
353(define xpath-fn:nilled (dm:delegate xpath-fn:nilled xpath-dm:nilled))
355;;;; 2.3 fn:string
356(define xpath-fn:string
357  (let ((delegate (dm:delegate xpath-fn:string xpath-dm:string-value)))
358    (lambda (arg)
359      (cond ((null? arg) "")
360	    ((xs:any-atomic-type? arg) (atomic->string 'xpath-fn:string arg))
361	    (else (delegate arg))))))
363;;;; 2.4 fn:data
364(define xpath-fn:data
365  (let ((delegate (dm:delegate xpath-fn:data xpath-dm:typed-value)))
366    (lambda (arg)
367      (cond ((pair? arg) (map xpath-fn:data arg))
368	    ;; ((array? args) ...)
369	    ((xs:any-atomic-type? arg) arg) ;; correct?
370	    (else (delegate arg))))))
372;;;; 2.5 fn:base-uri
373(define xpath-fn:base-uri (dm:delegate xpath-fn:base-uri xpath-dm:base-uri))
375;;;; 2.6 fn:document-uri
376(define xpath-fn:document-uri
377  (dm:delegate xpath-fn:document-uri xpath-dm:document-uri))
379;;; 3 Errors and diagnostics
380;;;; 3.1.1 fn:error
381;;;; fn:error() as none
382;;;; fn:error($code as xs:QName?) as none
383;;;; fn:error($code as xs:QName?, $description as xs:string) as none
384;;;; fn:error($code         as xs:QName?,
385;;;;          $description  as xs:string,
386;;;;          $error-object as item()*) as none
387(define +default-error-code+
388  (xs:make-qname "http://www.w3.org/2005/xqt-errors" "FOER0000" "err"))
389(define (search-error-description type)
390  (cond ((assq (string->symbol type) +xqt-errors+) => cadr)
391	(else "Unknown reason")))
392(define xpath-fn:error
393  (case-lambda
394   (() (xpath-fn:error +default-error-code+))
395   ((qname)
396    (xpath-fn:error qname
397		    (search-error-description (xs:qname-local-part qname)) '()))
398   ((qname description error-object)
399    ;; TODO should we check the namespace?
400    (if (null? error-object)
401	(xqt-error (string->symbol (xs:qname-local-part qname))
402		   'xpath-fn:error description)
403	(xqt-error (string->symbol (xs:qname-local-part qname))
404		   'xpath-fn:error description error-object)))))
406;;;; 3.2.1 fn:trace
407(define (xpath-fn:trace . args)
408  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:trace
409					"xpath-fn:trace is not supported"))
411;;; 4 Functions and operators on numerics
412(define-syntax fn:delegate-numeric-op
413  (syntax-rules ()
414    ((_ op) (lambda (v1 v2) (op v1 v2)))))
415;;;; 4.2.1 op:numeric-add
416(define xpath-op:numeric-add (fn:delegate-numeric-op +))
417;;;; 4.2.2 op:numeric-subtract
418(define xpath-op:numeric-subtract (fn:delegate-numeric-op -))
419;;;; 4.2.3 op:numeric-multiply
420(define xpath-op:numeric-multiply (fn:delegate-numeric-op *))
421;;;; 4.2.4 op:numeric-divide
422(define (xpath-op:numeric-divide v1 v2)
423  (and (integer? v2) (zero? v2)
424       (xqt-error 'FOAR0001 'xpath-op:numeric-divide "Dividing by 0" v1 v2))
425  (let ((r (/ v1 v2)))
426    (if (and (not (flonum? r)) (not (= (denominator r) 1)))
427	(inexact r)
428	r)))
429;;;; 4.2.5 op:numeric-integer-divide
430(define (xpath-op:numeric-integer-divide x y)
431  (when (zero? y)
432    (xqt-error 'FOAR0001 'xpath-op:numeric-integer-divide "Dividing by 0" x y))
433  (when (infinite? x)
434    (xqt-error 'FOAR0002 'xpath-op:numeric-integer-divide "Argument is INF" x y))
435  (if (infinite? x)
436      0
437      (let ((r (/ x y)))
438	(if (negative? r)
439	    (exact (ceiling r))
440	    (exact (floor r))))))
441;;;; 4.2.6 op:numeric-mod
442(define (xpath-op:numeric-mod v1 v2)
443  (and (zero? v2)
444       (xqt-error 'FOAR0001 'xpath-op:numeric-mod "Dividing by 0" v1 v2))
445  (mod v1 v2))
447;;;; 4.2.7 op:numeric-unary-plus
448(define (xpath-op:numeric-unary-plus x) (+ x))
449;;;; 4.2.8 op:numeric-unary-minus
450(define (xpath-op:numeric-unary-minus x) (- x))
452;;;; 4.3.1 op:numeric-equal
453(define xpath-op:numeric-equal (fn:delegate-numeric-op =))
454;;;; 4.3.2 op:numeric-less-than
455(define xpath-op:numeric-less-than (fn:delegate-numeric-op <))
456;;;; 4.3.3 op:numeric-greater-than
457(define xpath-op:numeric-greater-than (fn:delegate-numeric-op >))
459(define-syntax fn:delegate-numeric-unary-fn
460  (syntax-rules ()
461    ;; TODO type check but which error?
462    ((_ fn) (lambda (v1) (fn v1)))))
463;;;; 4.4.1 fn:abs
464(define xpath-fn:abs (fn:delegate-numeric-unary-fn abs))
465;;;; 4.4.2 fn:ceiling
466(define xpath-fn:ceiling (fn:delegate-numeric-unary-fn ceiling))
467;;;; 4.4.3 fn:floor
468(define xpath-fn:floor (fn:delegate-numeric-unary-fn floor))
469;;;; 4.4.4 fn:round
470(define xpath-fn:round
471  (case-lambda
472   ((arg) (xpath-fn:round arg 0))
473   ((arg precision)
474    ;; for now it's not a good way of doing it :(
475    (let ((lift (expt 10.0 precision)))
476      (let-values (((i f) (flinteger-fraction (* arg lift))))
477	(/ (if (>= f 0.5) (+ i 1) i) lift))))))
478;;;; 4.4.5 fn:round-half-to-even
479(define xpath-fn:round-half-to-even
480  (case-lambda
481   ((arg) (xpath-fn:round-half-to-even arg 0))
482   ((arg precision)
483    (let ((lift (expt 10.0 precision)))
484      (/ (round (* arg lift)) lift)))))
486;;;; 4.5.1 fn:number
487;;;; fn:number($arg as xs:anyAtomicType?) as xs:double
488(define (xpath-fn:number arg)
489  (cond ((string->number (xpath-fn:string arg)) => inexact)
490	(else +nan.0)))
492;;;; 4.6.1 fn:format-integer
493(define xpath-fn:format-integer
494  (case-lambda
495   ((value picture)
496    (xpath-fn:format-integer value picture "en"))
497   ((value picture lang)
498    (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:format-integer
499					  "Not supported yet"))))
501;;;; 4.7.2 fn:format-number
502(define xpath-fn:format-number
503  (case-lambda
504   ((value picture)
505    (xpath-fn:format-number value picture "default"))
506   ((value picture decimal-format-name)
507    (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:format-number
508					  "Not supported yet"))))
510;;;; 4.8.1 math:pi
511(define (xpath-math:pi) fl-pi)
513;;;; 4.8.2 math:exp
514(define (xpath-math:exp x) (exp (inexact x)))
515;;;; 4.8.3 math:exp10
516(define (xpath-math:exp10 x) (expt 10.0 x))
517(define-syntax ->nan
518  (syntax-rules ()
519    ((_ exp)
520     (let ((r exp)) (if (real? r) r +nan.0)))))
521;;;; 4.8.4 math:log
522(define (xpath-math:log x) (->nan (log (inexact x))))
523;;;; 4.8.5 math:log10
524(define (xpath-math:log10 x) (->nan (log (inexact x) 10)))
525;;;; 4.8.6 math:pow
526(define (xpath-math:pow x y)
527  (inexact (expt x y)))
528;;;; 4.8.7 math:sqrt
529(define (xpath-math:sqrt x) (->nan (inexact (sqrt x))))
530;;;; 4.8.8 math:sin
531(define (xpath-math:sin x) (->nan (inexact (sin x))))
532;;;; 4.8.9 math:cos
533(define (xpath-math:cos x) (->nan (inexact (cos x))))
534;;;; 4.8.10 math:tan
535(define (xpath-math:tan x) (->nan (inexact (tan x))))
536;;;; 4.8.11 math:asin
537(define (xpath-math:asin x) (->nan (inexact (asin x))))
538;;;; 4.8.12 math:acos
539(define (xpath-math:acos x) (->nan (inexact (acos x))))
540;;;; 4.8.13 math:atan
541(define (xpath-math:atan x) (->nan (inexact (atan x))))
542;;;; 4.8.14 math:atan2
543(define (xpath-math:atan2 x y) (->nan (inexact (atan x y))))
545;;;; 4.9.1 fn:random-number-generator
546(define (xpath-fn:random-number-generator seed)
547  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:random-number-generator
548					"Not supported"))
550;;; 5 Functions on strings
551;;;; 5.2.1 fn:codepoints-to-string
552(define (xpath-fn:codepoints-to-string codepoints)
553  (define (integer->xml-char i)
554    (let ((c (integer->char i)))
555      (unless (char-set-contains? +xml:char-set+ c)
556	(xqt-error 'FOCH0001 'xpath-fn:codepoints-to-string
557		   "Invalid XML char" c))
558      c))
559  (list->string (map integer->xml-char codepoints)))
561;;;; 5.2.2 fn:string-to-codepoints
562(define (xpath-fn:string-to-codepoints str)
563  (map char->integer (string->list str)))
566(define +default-collation+ "default")
567;;;; 5.3.6 fn:compare
568(define xpath-fn:compare
569  (case-lambda
570   ((arg0 arg1) (xpath-fn:compare arg0 arg1 +default-collation+))
571   ((s0 s1 collation)
572    ;; TODO support collation
573    (unless (string=? collation +default-collation+)
574      (xqt-error 'FOCH0002 'xpath-fn:compare "Not supported" collation))
575    (string-compare s0 s1 (lambda (_) -1) (lambda (_) 0) (lambda (_) 1)))))
577;;;; 5.3.7 fn:codepoint-equal
578(define (xpath-fn:codepoint-equal s1 s2)
579  (if (or (null? s1) (null? s2))
580      '()
581      (string=? s1 s2)))
583;;;; 5.3.8 fn:collation-key
584(define xpath-fn:collation-key
585  (case-lambda
586   ((key) (xpath-fn:collation-key key +default-collation+))
587   ((key collation)
588    (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:collation-key "Not supported yet"))))
590;;;; 5.3.9 fn:contains-token
591(define xpath-fn:contains-token
592  (case-lambda
593   ((input token) (xpath-fn:contains-token input token +default-collation+))
594   ((input token collation)
595    (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:collation-token
596					  "Not supported yet"))))
598;;;; 5.4.1 fn:concat
599(define (xpath-fn:concat s1 s2 . s*)
600  ;; TODO very inefficient...
601  (string-concatenate
602   (map (lambda (e) (atomic->string 'xpath-fn:concat e)) (cons* s1 s2 s*))))
604;;;; 5.4.2 fn:string-join
605(define xpath-fn:string-join
606  (case-lambda
607   ((s*) (xpath-fn:string-join s* ""))
608   ((s* delim)
609    (string-join (map (lambda (e) (atomic->string 'xpath-fn:string-join e)) s*) delim))))
611;;;; 5.4.3 fn:substring
612(define xpath-fn:substring
613  (case-lambda
614   ((src start)
615    (let ((len (string-length src)))
616      (xpath-fn:substring src start (+ (- len start) 1))))
617   ((src start length)
618    (define s (xpath-fn:round start))
619    (define l (xpath-fn:round length))
620    (cond ((null? src) "")
621	  ((or (nan? s) (nan? l)) "")
622	  (else
623	   (let ((start (max 1 s))
624		 (end   (max start (+ s l))))
625	     (cond ((nan? end) "") ;; (+ +inf.0 -inf.0)
626		   ((infinite? start) "")
627		   (else
628		    (let* ((s (exact start))
629			   (e (if (infinite? end)
630				  ;; handling inifinate is a bit silly here...
631				  (if (negative? end)
632				      s
633				      (+ (- (string-length src) (- s 1)) 1))
634				  (exact end))))
635		      (substring src (- s 1) (- e 1)))))))))))
637;;;; 5.4.4 fn:string-length
638(define (xpath-fn:string-length arg)
639  (if (null? arg)
640      0
641      (string-length arg)))
643;;;; 5.4.5 fn:normalize-space
644(define (xpath-fn:normalize-space arg)
645  (define (space? c) (memv c '(#\x20 #\x9 #\xD #\xA)))
646  (if (null? arg)
647      ""
648      (let-values (((out e) (open-string-output-port)))
649	;; TODO a bit inefficient...
650	(define str (string-trim-both arg space?))
651	;; TODO maybe should use cursor SRFI for better portability
652	;; but no plan to make this portable so forget about it for now
653	(let loop ((i 0) (prev-space? #f))
654	  (cond ((= (string-length str) i) (e))
655		((space? (string-ref str i))
656		 (unless prev-space? (put-char out #\x20))
657		 (loop (+ i 1) #t))
658		(else (put-char out (string-ref str i)) (loop (+ i 1) #f)))))))
660;;;; 5.4.6 fn:normalize-unicode
661(define xpath-fn:normalize-unicode
662  (case-lambda
663   ((arg) (xpath-fn:normalize-unicode arg "NFC"))
664   ((arg form)
665    (case (string->symbol form)
666      ((NFC) (string-normalize-nfc arg))
667      ((NFD) (string-normalize-nfd arg))
668      ((NFKC) (string-normalize-nfkc arg))
669      ((NFKD) (string-normalize-nfkd arg))
670      (else (xqt-error 'FOCH0003 'xpath-fn:normalize-unicode
671		       "Unsupported normalization" form))))))
673;;;; 5.4.7 fn:upper-case
674(define (xpath-fn:upper-case arg) (string-upcase arg))
675;;;; 5.4.8 fn:lower-case
676(define (xpath-fn:lower-case arg) (string-downcase arg))
678;;;; 5.4.9 fn:translate
679(define (xpath-fn:translate arg map-s trans-s)
680  (list->string
681   (filter-map
682    (lambda (c)
683      (let ((i (string-index map-s c)))
684	(cond ((and i (< i (string-length trans-s)) (string-ref trans-s i)))
685	      ((and i (>= i (string-length trans-s))) #f)
686	      (else c)))) (string->list arg))))
688;;;; 5.5.1 fn:contains
689(define xpath-fn:contains
690  (case-lambda
691   ((s1 s2) (xpath-fn:contains s1 s2 +default-collation+))
692   ((s1 s2 collation)
693    (unless (string=? collation +default-collation+)
694      (xqt-error 'FOCH0004 'xpath-fn:contains "Not supported" collation))
695    (cond ((and (null? s1) (null? s2))) ;; "" contains ""
696	  ((null? s2))			;; s1 contains ""
697	  ((null? s1) #f)		;; "" contains s2
698	  (else (and (string-contains s1 s2) #t))))))
700;;;; 5.5.2 fn:starts-with
701(define xpath-fn:starts-with
702  (case-lambda
703   ((s1 s2) (xpath-fn:starts-with s1 s2 +default-collation+))
704   ((s1 s2 collation)
705    (unless (string=? collation +default-collation+)
706      (xqt-error 'FOCH0004 'xpath-fn:starts-with "Not supported" collation))
707    (cond ((and (null? s1) (null? s2))) ;; "" starts with ""
708	  ((null? s2))			;; s1 starts with ""
709	  ((null? s1) #f)		;; "" starts with s2
710	  (else (string-prefix? s2 s1))))))
712;;;; 5.5.3 fn:ends-with
713(define xpath-fn:ends-with
714  (case-lambda
715   ((s1 s2) (xpath-fn:ends-with s1 s2 +default-collation+))
716   ((s1 s2 collation)
717    (unless (string=? collation +default-collation+)
718      (xqt-error 'FOCH0004 'xpath-fn:ends-with "Not supported" collation))
719    (cond ((and (null? s1) (null? s2))) ;; "" ends with ""
720	  ((null? s2))			;; s1 ends with ""
721	  ((null? s1) #f)		;; "" ends with s2
722	  (else (string-suffix? s2 s1))))))
724;;;; 5.5.4 fn:substring-before
725(define xpath-fn:substring-before
726  (case-lambda
727   ((s1 s2) (xpath-fn:substring-before s1 s2 +default-collation+))
728   ((s1 s2 collation)
729    (unless (string=? collation +default-collation+)
730      (xqt-error 'FOCH0004 'xpath-fn:substring-before "Not supported" collation))
731    (cond ((and (null? s1) (null? s2)) "") ;; "" substring before ""
732	  ((null? s2) "")		   ;; s1 substring before ""
733	  ((null? s1) "")		   ;; "" substring before s2
734	  ((string-contains s1 s2) => (lambda (i) (substring s1 0 i)))
735	  (else "")))))
737;;;; 5.5.5 fn:substring-after
738(define xpath-fn:substring-after
739  (case-lambda
740   ((s1 s2) (xpath-fn:substring-after s1 s2 +default-collation+))
741   ((s1 s2 collation)
742    (unless (string=? collation +default-collation+)
743      (xqt-error 'FOCH0004 'xpath-fn:substring-after "Not supported" collation))
744    (cond ((and (null? s1) (null? s2)) "") ;; "" substring before ""
745	  ((null? s2) "")		   ;; s1 substring before ""
746	  ((null? s1) "")		   ;; "" substring before s2
747	  ((string-contains s1 s2) =>
748	   (lambda (i) (substring s1 (+ i (string-length s2)) (string-length s1))))
749	  (else "")))))
751;; helper
752(define +regex-flags+
753  `((#\s . ,DOTALL)
754    (#\m . ,MULTILINE)
755    (#\i . ,CASE-INSENSITIVE)
756    (#\x . ,COMMENTS)
757    (#\q . ,LITERAL)))
758(define (->regex-flag who c)
759  (cond ((assv c +regex-flags+) => cdr)
760	(else (xqt-error 'FORX0001 who "Invalid flag" c))))
761(define (string-flags->flags who flags)
762  (define (->flag c) (->regex-flag who c))
763  (fold-left bitwise-ior 0 (map ->flag (string->list flags))))
764;;;; 5.6.3 fn:matches
765(define xpath-fn:matches
766  (case-lambda
767   ((input pattern) (xpath-fn:matches input pattern ""))
768   ((input pattern flags)
769    (let ((flags (string-flags->flags 'xpath-fn:matches flags)))
770      (guard (e (else (xqt-error 'FORX0002 'xpath-fn:matches "Invalid pattern" pattern)))
771	(looking-at (regex pattern flags) input))))))
773(define (check-pattern who input pattern flags)
774  (when (looking-at (regex pattern flags) "")
775    (xqt-error 'FORX0003 who "Pattern matches empty string" pattern)))
776;;;; 5.6.4 fn:replace
777(define xpath-fn:replace
778  (case-lambda
779   ((input pattern replacement) (xpath-fn:replace input pattern replacement ""))
780   ((input pattern replacement flags)
781    (let ((flags (string-flags->flags 'xpath-fn:replace flags)))
782      (check-pattern 'xpath-fn:replace input pattern flags)
783      ;; TODO not really correct..
784      (guard (e (else (xqt-error 'FORX0004 'xpath-fn:replace (condition-message e))))
785	(regex-replace-all (regex pattern flags) input replacement))))))
787;;;; 5.6.5 fn:tokenize
788(define xpath-fn:tokenize
789  (case-lambda
790   ((input) (xpath-fn:tokenize (xpath-fn:normalize-space input) " "))
791   ((input pattern) (xpath-fn:tokenize input pattern ""))
792   ((input pattern flags)
793    (let ((flags (string-flags->flags 'xpath-fn:tokenize flags)))
794      (check-pattern 'xpath-fn:tokenize input pattern flags)
795      (guard (e (else (xqt-error 'FORX0002 'xpath-fn:tokenize (condition-message e))))
796	(let ((r (regexp-split (regex pattern flags) input)))
797	  (if (null? (cdr r))
798	      (car r)
799	      r)))))))
801;;;; 5.6.6 fn:analyze-string
802(define xpath-fn:analyze-string
803  (case-lambda
804   ((input pattern) (xpath-fn:analyze-string input pattern ""))
805   ((input pattern flags)
806    (string-flags->flags 'xpath-fn:analyze-string flags) ;; for fun
807    (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:analyze-string "Not supported"))))
809;;;; 6.1 fn:resolve-uri
810(define not-supplied (list '()))
811(define xpath-fn:resolve-uri
812  (case-lambda
813   ((relative) (xpath-fn:resolve-uri relative not-supplied))
814   ((relative base)
815    (define (absoluete-iri? uri)
816      (let-values (((scheme specific) (uri-scheme&specific uri)))
817	(and scheme #t)))
818    (cond ((null? relative) '())
819	  ((absoluete-iri? relative) relative)
820	  ((eq? not-supplied base)
821	   (xqt-error 'FONS0005 xpath-fn:resolve-uri "Base is not provided" relative))
822	  (else (uri-merge base relative))))))
824;;;; 6.2 fn:encode-for-uri
825(define (xpath-fn:encode-for-uri uri-part)
826  (if (null? uri-part)
827      ""
828      (uri-encode-string uri-part)))
830;;;; 6.3 fn:iri-to-uri
831(define (xpath-fn:iri-to-uri iri)
832  (if (null? iri)
833      ""
834      (let*-values (((scheme specific) (uri-scheme&specific iri))
835		    ((auth path query frag) (uri-decompose-hierarchical specific)))
836	(define (encode p) (uri-encode-string (uri-decode-string p)))
837	(uri-compose :scheme scheme
838		     :authority auth
839		     :path (and path
840				(string-join (map encode (string-split path "/")) "/"))
841		     :query (and query (uri-encode-string query))
842		     :fragment (and frag (uri-encode-string frag))))))
844;;;; 6.4 fn:escape-html-uri
845(define us-ascii-printables (char-set-intersection char-set:ascii char-set:printing))
846(define (xpath-fn:escape-html-uri uri)
847  (if (null? uri)
848      ""
849      (uri-encode-string uri :noescape us-ascii-printables)))
851;;;; 7.1.1 fn:true
852(define (xpath-fn:true) #t)
853;;;; 7.1.2 fn:false
854(define (xpath-fn:false) #f)
855;;;; 7.2.1 op:boolean-equal
856(define (xpath-op:boolean-equal v1 v2) (boolean=? v1 v2))
857;;;; 7.2.2 op:boolean-less-than
858(define (xpath-op:boolean-less-than v1 v2)
859  (and (boolean=? v1 #f) (boolean=? v2 #t)))
860;;;; 7.2.3 op:boolean-greater-than
861(define (xpath-op:boolean-greater-than v1 v2)
862  (xpath-op:boolean-less-than v2 v1))
863;;;; 7.3.1 fn:boolean
864(define (xpath-fn:boolean arg*)
865  (cond ((null? arg*) #f)
866	((and (pair? arg*) (node? (car arg*))))
867	((boolean? arg*) arg*)
868	((string? arg*) (not (zero? (string-length arg*))))
869	((number? arg*) (not (or (zero? arg*) (nan? arg*))))
870	(else (xqt-error 'FORG0006 'xpath-fn:boolean "Unknown value" arg*))))
871;;;; 7.3.2 fn:not
872(define (xpath-fn:not arg*) (not (xpath-fn:boolean arg*)))
875;;;; 8.2.1 op:yearMonthDuration-less-than
876(define (xpath-op:year-month-duration-less-than v1 v2)
877  ;; TODO type check
878  (< (xs:duration-months v1) (xs:duration-months v2)))
879;;;; 8.2.2 op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than
880(define (xpath-op:year-month-duration-greater-than v1 v2)
881  (xpath-op:year-month-duration-less-than v2 v1))
882;;;; 8.2.3 op:dayTimeDuration-less-than
883(define (xpath-op:day-time-duration-less-than v1 v2)
884  (< (xs:duration-seconds v1) (xs:duration-seconds v2)))
885;;;; 8.2.4 op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than
886(define (xpath-op:day-time-duration-greater-than v1 v2)
887  (xpath-op:day-time-duration-less-than v2 v1))
888;;;; 8.2.5 op:duration-equal
889(define (xpath-op:duration-equal v1 v2)
890  (unless (and (xs:duration? v1) (xs:duration? v2))
891    ;; FIXME which error?
892    (assertion-violation 'xpath-op:duration-equal "Invalid arguments" v1 v2))
893  (and (= (xs:duration-months v1) (xs:duration-months v2))
894       (= (xs:duration-seconds v1) (xs:duration-seconds v2))))
896;;;; 8.3.1 fn:years-from-duration
897(define (xpath-fn:years-from-duration arg)
898  (if (xs:day-time-duration? arg)
899      0
900      (quotient (xs:duration-months arg) 12)))
901;;;; 8.3.2 fn:months-from-duration
902(define (xpath-fn:months-from-duration arg)
903  (if (xs:day-time-duration? arg)
904      0
905      (remainder (xs:duration-months arg) 12)))
906(define (exact-floor d) (exact (floor d)))
907;;;; 8.3.3 fn:days-from-duration
908(define (xpath-fn:days-from-duration arg)
909  (if (xs:year-month-duration? arg)
910      0
911      (quotient (exact-floor (xs:duration-seconds arg)) 86400)))
912;;;; 8.3.4 fn:hours-from-duration
913(define (xpath-fn:hours-from-duration arg)
914  (if (xs:year-month-duration? arg)
915      0
916      (quotient (remainder (exact-floor (xs:duration-seconds arg)) 86400) 3600)))
917;;;; 8.3.5 fn:minutes-from-duration
918(define (xpath-fn:minutes-from-duration arg)
919  (if (xs:year-month-duration? arg)
920      0
921      (quotient (remainder (exact-floor (xs:duration-seconds arg)) 3600) 60)))
922;;;; 8.3.6 fn:seconds-from-duration
923(define (xpath-fn:seconds-from-duration arg)
924  (if (xs:year-month-duration? arg)
925      0
926      (let-values (((s f) (flinteger-fraction (xs:duration-seconds arg))))
927	(+ (remainder s 60) f))))
929(define-syntax define-duration-arithmetic-operators
930  (lambda (x)
931    (define (op-name k type op plural)
932      (datum->syntax k
933       (string->symbol (string-append "xpath-op:" op "-"
934				      (symbol->string (syntax->datum type))
935				      plural))))
936    (define (div-by-name k type)
937      (define type-str (symbol->string (syntax->datum type)))
938      (datum->syntax k
939       (string->symbol
940	(string-append "xpath-op:divide-" type-str "-by-" type-str))))
941    (define (ctr-name k type)
942      (datum->syntax k
943       (string->symbol
944	(string-append "xs:make-" (symbol->string (syntax->datum type))))))
945    (syntax-case x ()
946      ((k type getter)
947       (with-syntax ((add (op-name #'k #'type "add" "s"))
948		     (sub (op-name #'k #'type "subtract" "s"))
949		     (mul (op-name #'k #'type "multiply" ""))
950		     (div (op-name #'k #'type "divide" ""))
951		     (div-by (div-by-name #'k #'type))
952		     (make (ctr-name #'k #'type)))
953	 #'(begin
954	     (define (add v1 v2) (make (+ (getter v1) (getter v2))))
955	     (define (sub v1 v2) (make (- (getter v1) (getter v2))))
956	     (define (mul v1 arg)
957	       (when (nan? arg)
958		 (xqt-error 'FOCA0005 'mul
959			    "Multiplier must be a real number" arg))
960	       (make (exact (ceiling (* (getter v1) arg)))))
961	     (define (div v1 arg)
962	       (when (nan? arg)
963		 (xqt-error 'FOCA0005 'div
964			    "Multiplier must be a real number" arg))
965	       (make (exact (xpath-fn:round (/ (getter v1) arg)))))
966	     (define (div-by v1 v2)
967	       (xpath-op:numeric-divide (getter v1) (getter v2)))))))))
968;;;; 8.4.1 op:add-yearMonthDurations
969;;;; 8.4.2 op:subtract-yearMonthDurations
970;;;; 8.4.3 op:multiply-yearMonthDuration
971;;;; 8.4.4 op:divide-yearMonthDuration
972;;;; 8.4.5 op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration
973(define-duration-arithmetic-operators year-month-duration xs:duration-months)
974;;;; 8.4.6 op:add-dayTimeDurations
975;;;; 8.4.7 op:subtract-dayTimeDurations
976;;;; 8.4.8 op:multiply-dayTimeDuration
977;;;; 8.4.9 op:divide-dayTimeDuration
978;;;; 8.4.10 op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration
979(define-duration-arithmetic-operators day-time-duration xs:duration-seconds)
982;;;; 9.3.1 fn:dateTime
983(define (xpath-fn:datetime d t)
984  (unless (eqv? (xs:date-timezone-offset d) (xs:time-timezone-offset t))
985    (xqt-error 'FORG0008 'xpath-fn:datetime
986	       "Date and time has different timezones" d t))
987  (xs:make-datetime (xs:date-year d) (xs:date-month d) (xs:date-day d)
988		    (xs:time-hour t) (xs:time-minute t) (xs:time-second t)
989		    (xs:date-timezone-offset d)))
991(define-syntax define-date-comparison
992  (lambda (x)
993    (define (gen k type)
994      (define name (symbol->string (syntax->datum type)))
995      (datum->syntax k
996       (map (lambda (suffix op)
997	      (list (string->symbol (string-append "xpath-op:" name suffix))
998		    (string->symbol (string-append "xs:" name op))))
999	    '("-equal" "-less-than" "-greater-than")
1000	    '("-w/o-tz=?" "<?" ">?"))))
1001    (syntax-case x ()
1002      ((k type)
1003       (with-syntax ((((name op) ...) (gen #'k #'type)))
1004	 #'(begin
1005	     (define (name d1 d2) (op d1 d2))
1006	     ...))))))
1007;;;; 9.4.1 op:dateTime-equal
1008;;;; 9.4.2 op:dateTime-less-than
1009;;;; 9.4.3 op:dateTime-greater-than
1010(define-date-comparison datetime)
1011;;;; 9.4.4 op:date-equal
1012;;;; 9.4.5 op:date-less-than
1013;;;; 9.4.6 op:date-greater-than
1014(define-date-comparison date)
1015;;;; 9.4.7 op:time-equal
1016;;;; 9.4.8 op:time-less-than
1017;;;; 9.4.9 op:time-greater-than
1018(define-date-comparison time)
1020;; we define extra procedures but don't export it ;)
1021;;;; 9.4.10 op:gYearMonth-equal
1022(define-date-comparison g-year-month)
1023;;;; 9.4.11 op:gYear-equal
1024(define-date-comparison g-year)
1025;;;; 9.4.12 op:gMonthDay-equal
1026(define-date-comparison g-month-day)
1027;;;; 9.4.13 op:gMonth-equal
1028(define-date-comparison g-month)
1029;;;; 9.4.14 op:gDay-equal
1030(define-date-comparison g-day)
1032(define-syntax define-date-accessor
1033  (lambda (x)
1034    (define (gen k type prop1 prop2)
1035      (define t (symbol->string (syntax->datum type)))
1036      (define p1 (symbol->string (syntax->datum prop1)))
1037      (define p2 (symbol->string (syntax->datum prop2)))
1038      (datum->syntax k
1039       (list (string->symbol (string-append "xpath-fn:" p2 "-from-" t))
1040	     (string->symbol (string-append "xs:" t "-" p1)))))
1041    (syntax-case x ()
1042      ((k type (prop1 prop2) prop* ...)
1043       (with-syntax (((name acc) (gen #'k #'type #'prop1 #'prop2)))
1044	 #'(begin
1045	     (define (name o) (acc o))
1046	     (k type prop* ...))))
1047      ((k type prop prop* ...) #'(k type (prop prop) prop* ...))
1048      ((k type)                #'(begin)))))
1051;;;; 9.5.1 fn:year-from-dateTime
1052;;;; 9.5.2 fn:month-from-dateTime
1053;;;; 9.5.3 fn:day-from-dateTime
1054;;;; 9.5.4 fn:hours-from-dateTime
1055;;;; 9.5.5 fn:minutes-from-dateTime
1056;;;; 9.5.6 fn:seconds-from-dateTime
1057(define-date-accessor datetime year month day
1058  (hour hours) (minute minutes) (second seconds))
1060(define-syntax define-timezone-from-*
1061  (syntax-rules ()
1062    ((_ name acc)
1063     (define (name dt)
1064       (let ((tz (acc dt)))
1065	 (if (not tz)
1066	     '()
1067	     (xs:make-day-time-duration (* tz 60))))))))
1068;;;; 9.5.7 fn:timezone-from-dateTime
1069(define-timezone-from-* xpath-fn:timezone-from-datetime
1070  xs:datetime-timezone-offset)
1072;;;; 9.5.8 fn:year-from-date
1073;;;; 9.5.9 fn:month-from-date
1074;;;; 9.5.10 fn:day-from-date
1075(define-date-accessor date year month day)
1076;;;; 9.5.11 fn:timezone-from-date
1077(define-timezone-from-* xpath-fn:timezone-from-date xs:date-timezone-offset)
1079;;;; 9.5.12 fn:hours-from-time
1080;;;; 9.5.13 fn:minutes-from-time
1081;;;; 9.5.14 fn:seconds-from-time
1082(define-date-accessor time (hour hours) (minute minutes) (second seconds))
1083;;;; 9.5.15 fn:timezone-from-time
1084(define-timezone-from-* xpath-fn:timezone-from-time xs:time-timezone-offset)
1086;;;; 9.6.1 fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone
1087(define (adjust-datetime dt offset)
1088  (if (null? dt)
1089      '()
1090      (let ((zone (xs:datetime-timezone-offset dt)))
1091	(cond ((and (null? offset) (not zone)) dt)
1092	      ((and (null? offset) zone)
1093	       (xs:make-datetime (xs:datetime-year dt)
1094				 (xs:datetime-month dt)
1095				 (xs:datetime-day dt)
1096				 (xs:datetime-hour dt)
1097				 (xs:datetime-minute dt)
1098				 (xs:datetime-second dt)))
1099	      ((not zone)
1100	       (xs:make-datetime (xs:datetime-year dt)
1101				 (xs:datetime-month dt)
1102				 (xs:datetime-day dt)
1103				 (xs:datetime-hour dt)
1104				 (xs:datetime-minute dt)
1105				 (xs:datetime-second dt)
1106				 (div offset 60)))
1107	      (else
1108	       (let* ((new-off (div offset 60))
1109		      (diff (- zone new-off)))
1110		 (xs:make-datetime (xs:datetime-year dt)
1111				   (xs:datetime-month dt)
1112				   (xs:datetime-day dt)
1113				   (xs:datetime-hour dt)
1114				   (- (xs:datetime-minute dt) diff)
1115				   (xs:datetime-second dt)
1116				   new-off)))))))
1118(define xpath-fn:adjust-datetime-to-timezone
1119  (case-lambda
1120   ((dt)
1121    (adjust-datetime dt (timezone-offset (or (*xs:dynamic-timezone*)
1122					     (local-timezone)))))
1123   ((dt dtd)
1124    (cond ((null? dtd) (adjust-datetime dt dtd))
1125	  (else
1126	   (unless (xs:day-time-duration? dtd)
1127	     (assertion-violation 'xpath-fn:adjust-datetime-to-timezone
1128				  "DayTimeDuration required" dtd))
1129	   (let ((sec (xs:duration-seconds dtd)))
1130	     (when (or (<  sec (* -14 3600)) (< (* 14 3600) sec))
1131	       (xqt-error 'FODT0003 'xpath-fn:adjust-datetime-to-timezone
1132			  "Range error (-PT14H < n < PT14H)" dtd))
1133	     (adjust-datetime dt sec)))))))
1135;;;; 9.6.2 fn:adjust-date-to-timezone
1137* Let $dt be the value of fn:dateTime($arg, xs:time('00:00:00')).
1138* Let $adt be the value of fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone($dt, $timezone)
1139* The function returns the value of xs:date($adt)
1141(define xpath-fn:adjust-date-to-timezone
1142  (case-lambda
1143   ((d)
1144    (let* ((dt (xs:make-datetime (xs:date-year d)
1145				 (xs:date-month d)
1146				 (xs:date-day d)
1147				 0 0 0 (xs:date-timezone-offset d)))
1148	   (adt (xpath-fn:adjust-datetime-to-timezone dt)))
1149      (xs:make-date (xs:datetime-year adt) (xs:datetime-month adt)
1150		    (xs:datetime-day adt)
1151		    (xs:date-timezone-offset adt))))
1152   ((d tz)
1153    (let* ((dt (xs:make-datetime (xs:date-year d)
1154				 (xs:date-month d)
1155				 (xs:date-day d)
1156				 0 0 0 (xs:date-timezone-offset d)))
1157	   (adt (xpath-fn:adjust-datetime-to-timezone dt tz)))
1158      (xs:make-date (xs:datetime-year adt) (xs:datetime-month adt)
1159		    (xs:datetime-day adt)
1160		    (xs:date-timezone-offset adt))))))
1162;;;; 9.6.3 fn:adjust-time-to-timezone
1164* Let $dt be the xs:dateTime value fn:dateTime(xs:date('1972-12-31'), $arg).
1165* Let $adt be the value of fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone($dt, $timezone)
1166* The function returns the xs:time value xs:time($adt).
1168(define xpath-fn:adjust-time-to-timezone
1169  (case-lambda
1170   ((t)
1171    (let* ((dt (xs:make-datetime 1972 12 31
1172				 (xs:time-hour t)
1173				 (xs:time-minute t)
1174				 (xs:time-second t)
1175				 (xs:time-timezone-offset t)))
1176	   (adt (xpath-fn:adjust-datetime-to-timezone dt)))
1177      (xs:make-time (xs:datetime-hour adt) (xs:datetime-minute adt)
1178		    (xs:datetime-second adt)
1179		    (xs:date-timezone-offset adt))))
1180   ((t tz)
1181    (let* ((dt (xs:make-datetime 1972 12 31
1182				 (xs:time-hour t)
1183				 (xs:time-minute t)
1184				 (xs:time-second t)
1185				 (xs:time-timezone-offset t)))
1186	   (adt (xpath-fn:adjust-datetime-to-timezone dt tz)))
1187      (xs:make-time (xs:datetime-hour adt) (xs:datetime-minute adt)
1188		    (xs:datetime-second adt)
1189		    (xs:date-timezone-offset adt))))))
1191;;;; 9.7.2 op:subtract-dateTimes
1192(define (xpath-op:subtract-datetimes dt1 dt2)
1193  (unless (and (xs:datetime? dt1) (xs:datetime? dt2))
1194    (assertion-violation 'xpath-op:subtract-datetimes "Datetime required"
1195			 dt1 dt2))
1196  (xs:datetime-subtract dt1 dt2))
1197;;;; 9.7.3 op:subtract-dates
1198(define (xpath-op:subtract-dates d1 d2)
1199  (unless (and (xs:date? d1) (xs:date? d1))
1200    (assertion-violation 'xpath-op:subtract-dates "Date required" d1 d2))
1201  (xs:date-subtract d1 d2))
1202;;;; 9.7.4 op:subtract-times
1203(define (xpath-op:subtract-times t1 t2)
1204  (unless (and (xs:time? t1) (xs:time? t2))
1205    (assertion-violation 'xpath-op:subtract-dates "Time required" t1 t2))
1206  (xs:time-subtract t1 t2))
1209(define-syntax define-date-add/sub-duration
1210  (lambda (x)
1211    (define (gen-name k type op conj)
1212      (define t (symbol->string (syntax->datum type)))
1213      (datum->syntax k
1214       (map string->symbol
1215	    (list
1216	     (string-append "xpath-op:" op "-year-month-duration-" conj "-" t)
1217	     (string-append "xpath-op:" op "-day-time-duration-" conj "-" t)
1218	     (string-append "xs:" t "-" op "-duration")))))
1219    (syntax-case x ()
1220      ((k type)
1221       (with-syntax (((ymd-add dt-add d-add) (gen-name #'k #'type "add" "to"))
1222		     ((ymd-sub dt-sub d-sub)
1223		      (gen-name #'k #'type "subtract" "from")))
1224	 #'(begin
1225	     (define (ymd-add dt d) (d-add dt d))
1226	     (define (dt-add dt d) (d-add dt d))
1227	     (define (ymd-sub dt d) (d-sub dt d))
1228	     (define (dt-sub dt d) (d-sub dt d))))))))
1230;;;; 9.7.5 op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime
1231;;;; 9.7.6 op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime
1232;;;; 9.7.7 op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime
1233;;;; 9.7.8 op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime
1234(define-date-add/sub-duration datetime)
1236;;;; 9.7.9 op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date
1237;;;; 9.7.10 op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date
1238;;;; 9.7.11 op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date
1239;;;; 9.7.12 op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-datew
1240(define-date-add/sub-duration date)
1242;;;; 9.7.13 op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time
1243;;;; 9.7.14 op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time
1244(define-date-add/sub-duration time)
1246;;;; 9.8.1 fn:format-dateTime
1247;;;; 9.8.2 fn:format-date
1248;;;; 9.8.3 fn:format-time
1249(define (xpath-fn:format-datetime . args)
1250  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:format-datetime
1251					"Not supported yet"))
1252(define (xpath-fn:format-date . args)
1253  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:format-date
1254					"Not supported yet"))
1255(define (xpath-fn:format-time . args)
1256  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:format-time
1257					"Not supported yet"))
1259;;;; 9.9.1 fn:parse-ietf-date
1260;; apparently, the definition doesn't meet with the RFC 5322, so
1261;; we define it separately... damn another date format...
1262;;; S ::= ( x09 | x0A | x0D | x20 )+
1263(define $xpath:S ($or ($eqv? #\x09) ($eqv? #\x0A) ($eqv? #\x0D) ($eqv? #\x20)))
1264;;; digit ::= [0-9]
1265(define $xpath:digit
1266  ($or ($eqv? #\0) ($eqv? #\1) ($eqv? #\2) ($eqv? #\3) ($eqv? #\4)
1267       ($eqv? #\5) ($eqv? #\6) ($eqv? #\7) ($eqv? #\8) ($eqv? #\9)))
1268;;; hours ::= digit digit?
1269(define $xpath:hours
1270  ($let ((d0 $xpath:digit)
1271	 (d1 ($optional $xpath:digit #f)))
1272   ($return (if d1 (string->number (string d0 d1)) (- (char->integer d0) 48)))))
1273;;; minutes ::= digit digit
1274(define $xpath:minutes
1275  ($let ((d0 $xpath:digit)
1276	 (d1 $xpath:digit))
1277   ($return (string->number (string d0 d1)))))
1278;;; seconds ::= digit digit ("." digit+)?
1279(define $xpath:seconds
1280  ($let ((d0 $xpath:digit)
1281	 (d1 $xpath:digit)
1282	 (d2 ($optional ($seq ($eqv? #\.) ($many $xpath:digit)) #f)))
1283   (if d2
1284       ($return (string->number (apply string d0 d1 #\. d2)))
1285       ($return (string->number (string d0 d1 #\.))))))
1286;;; year ::= digit digit (digit digit)?
1287(define $xpath:year
1288  ($let ((d0 $xpath:digit)
1289	 (d1 $xpath:digit)
1290	 (d2-3 ($optional ($repeat $xpath:digit 2) #f)))
1291    ($return (if d2-3
1292		 (string->number (apply string d0 d1 d2-3))
1293		 (+ 1900 (string->number (string d0 d1)))))))
1294;;; daynum ::= digit digit?
1295(define $xpath:daynum $xpath:hours)
1296;;; dayname ::= "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun" |
1297;;;             "Monday | "Tuesday" | "Wednesday" | "Thursday" | "Friday" |
1298;;;             "Saturday" | "Sunday"
1299(define $xpath:dayname
1300  ($or ($token "Monday") ($token "Tuesday") ($token "Wednesday")
1301       ($token "Thursday") ($token "Friday") ($token "Saturday")
1302       ($token "Sunday")
1303       ($token "Mon") ($token "Tue") ($token "Wed") ($token "Thu")
1304       ($token "Fri") ($token "Sat") ($token "Sun")))
1305;;; dsep ::= S | (S? "-" S?)
1306(define $xpath:desp
1307  ($or $xpath:S
1308       ($seq ($optional $xpath:S) ($eqv? #\-) ($optional $xpath:S))))
1309;;; monthname ::= "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr" | "May" | "Jun" |
1310;;;               "Jul" | "Aug" | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec"
1311(define $xpath:monthname
1312  ($or ($seq ($token "Jan") ($return 1)) ($seq ($token "Feb") ($return 2))
1313       ($seq ($token "Mar") ($return 3)) ($seq ($token "Apr") ($return 4))
1314       ($seq ($token "May") ($return 5)) ($seq ($token "Jun") ($return 6))
1315       ($seq ($token "Jul") ($return 7)) ($seq ($token "Aug") ($return 8))
1316       ($seq ($token "Sep") ($return 9)) ($seq ($token "Oct") ($return 10))
1317       ($seq ($token "Nov") ($return 11)) ($seq ($token "Dec") ($return 12))))
1318;;; datespec ::= daynum dsep monthname dsep year
1319(define $xpath:datespec
1320  ($let ((d $xpath:daynum)
1321	 $xpath:desp
1322	 (m $xpath:monthname)
1323	 $xpath:desp
1324	 (y $xpath:year))
1325   ($return (list y m d))))
1326;;; tzoffset ::= ("+"|"-") hours ":"? minutes?
1327(define $xpath:tzoffset
1328  ($let ((s ($or ($eqv? #\+) ($eqv? #\-)))
1329	 (h $xpath:hours)
1330	 (($optional ($eqv? #\:)))
1331	 (m ($optional $xpath:minutes)))
1332   (let ((off (+ (* h 60) m))) ;; offset of XML date...
1333     (if (eqv? #\- s)
1334	 ($return (- off))
1335	 ($return off)))))
1336;;; tzname ::= "UT" | "UTC" | "GMT" | "EST" | "EDT"
1337;;;          | "CST" | "CDT" | "MST" | "MDT" | "PST" | "PDT"
1338(define $xpath:tzname
1339  ($or ($seq ($token "UT")  ($return 0)) ($seq ($token "UTC") ($return 0))
1340       ($seq ($token "GMT") ($return 0))
1341       ($seq ($token "EST") ($return -300)) ($seq ($token "EDT") ($return -240))
1342       ($seq ($token "CST") ($return -360)) ($seq ($token "CDT") ($return -300))
1343       ($seq ($token "MST") ($return -420)) ($seq ($token "MDT") ($return -360))
1344       ($seq ($token "PST") ($return -480)) ($seq ($token "PDT") ($return -420)))
1345  )
1346;;; timezone ::= tzname | tzoffset (S? "(" S? tzname S? ")")?
1347(define $xpath:timezone
1348  ($or $xpath:tzname
1349       ($let ((off $xpath:tzoffset)
1350	      (($optional ($let ($xpath:S
1351				 (($eqv? #\())
1352				 (n $xpath:tzname)
1353				 (($eqv? #\))))
1354			    n) #f)))
1355	 ($return off))))
1356;;; time ::= hours ":" minutes (":" seconds)? (S? timezone)?
1357(define $xpath:time
1358  ($let ((h $xpath:hours)
1359	 (($eqv? #\:))
1360	 (m $xpath:minutes)
1361	 (s ($optional ($seq ($eqv? #\:) $xpath:seconds) 0))
1362	 (t ($optional ($seq ($optional $xpath:S) $xpath:timezone) #f)))
1363    ($return `(,h ,m ,s ,t))))
1364;;; asctime ::= monthname dsep daynum S time S year
1365(define $xpath:asctime
1366  ($let ((m $xpath:monthname)
1367	 $xpath:desp
1368	 (d $xpath:daynum)
1369	 $xpath:S
1370	 (t $xpath:time)
1371	 $xpath:S
1372	 (y $xpath:year))
1373   ($return `(,y ,m ,d ,@t))))
1374;;; input ::= S? (dayname ","? S)? ((datespec S time) | asctime) S?
1375(define $xpath:input
1376  ($let ((($optional $xpath:S))
1377	 (dow ($optional ($let ((d $xpath:dayname)
1378				(($optional ($eqv? #\,)))
1379				$xpath:S) ($return d)) #f))
1380	 (t ($or ($let ((s $xpath:datespec)
1381			$xpath:S
1382			(t $xpath:time))
1383		   ($return `(,@s ,@t)))
1384		 $xpath:asctime))
1385	 (($optional $xpath:S)))
1386    ($return t)))
1388(define (xpath-fn:parse-ietf-date value)
1389  (define lseq (generator->lseq (string->generator value)))
1390  (let-values (((s v nl) ($xpath:input lseq)))
1391    (unless (parse-success? s)
1392      (assertion-violation 'xpath-fn:parse-ietf-date "Invalid format" value))
1393    (apply xs:make-datetime v)))
1395;;;; 10.1.1 fn:resolve-QName
1396(define (xpath-fn:resolve-qname qname element)
1397  (if (null? qname)
1398      '()
1399      ;; no idea what to do here. finding the prefix?
1400      (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:resolve-qname "Not yet")))
1402;;;; 10.1.2 fn:QName
1403(define (xpath-fn:qname uri name)
1404  (when (or (null? uri) (zero? (string-length uri)))
1405    (xqt-error 'FOCA0002 "Namespace URI must not be empty" uri))
1406  (cond ((string-index name #\:) =>
1407	 (lambda (index)
1408	   (xs:make-qname uri (substring name (+ index 1) (string-length name))
1409			  (substring name 0 index))))
1410	(else (xs:make-qname uri name))))
1412;;;; 10.2.1 op:QName-equal
1413(define (xpath-op:qname-equal qn1 qn2)
1414  (and (equal? (xs:qname-namespace-uri qn1) (xs:qname-namespace-uri qn2))
1415       (equal? (xs:qname-local-part qn1) (xs:qname-local-part qn2))))
1417;;;; 10.2.2 fn:prefix-from-QName
1418(define (xpath-fn:prefix-from-qname qn)
1419  (cond ((null? qn) '())
1420	((xs:qname-prefix qn) =>
1421	 (lambda (p)
1422	   (if (zero? (string-length p))
1423	       '()
1424	       p)))))
1426;;;; 10.2.3 fn:local-name-from-QName
1427(define (xpath-fn:local-name-from-qname qn)
1428  (cond ((null? qn) '())
1429	((xs:qname-local-part qn))))
1431;;;; 10.2.4 fn:namespace-uri-from-QName
1432(define (xpath-fn:namespace-uri-from-qname qn)
1433  (cond ((null? qn) '())
1434	((xs:qname-namespace-uri qn))))
1436;;;; 10.2.5 fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix
1437(define (xpath-fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix prefix element)
1438  (define fixed-up (if (null? prefix) "" prefix))
1439  (define (prefix=? n)
1440    (and (equal? (namespace-prefix n) fixed-up)
1441	 (namespace-uri n)))
1442  (let ((namespaces (node-list->list (element:namespace-nodes element))))
1443    (cond ((exists prefix=? namespaces))
1444	  (else '()))))
1446;;;; 10.2.6 fn:in-scope-prefixes
1447(define (xpath-fn:in-scope-prefixes element*)
1448  (if (null? element*)
1449      '()
1450      (delete-duplicates
1451       (append-map (lambda (e)
1452		     (map namespace-prefix
1453			  (node-list->list (element:namespace-nodes e))))
1454		   element*))))
1456;;;; 11.1.1 op:hexBinary-equal
1457(define xpath-op:hex-binary-equal bytevector=?)
1458;;;; 11.1.2 op:hexBinary-less-than
1459(define xpath-op:hex-binary-less-than bytevector<?)
1460;;;; 11.1.3 op:hexBinary-greater-than
1461(define xpath-op:hex-binary-greater-than bytevector>?)
1463;;;; 11.1.4 op:base64Binary-equal
1464(define xpath-op:base64-binary-equal xs:base64-binary=?)
1465;;;; 11.1.5 op:base64Binary-less-than
1466(define xpath-op:base64-binary-less-than xs:base64-binary<?)
1467;;;; 11.1.6 op:base64Binary-greater-than
1468(define xpath-op:base64-binary-greater-than xs:base64-binary>?)
1470;;;; 12.1 op:NOTATION-equal
1471(define (xpath-op:notation-equal arg1 arg2)
1472  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-op:notation-equal
1473					"Not supported yet"))
1475;;;; 13.1 fn:name
1476(define (xpath-fn:name arg) (xpath-fn:string (xpath-fn:node-name arg)))
1478;;;; 13.2 fn:local-name
1479(define (xpath-fn:local-name arg)
1480  (if (null? arg)
1481      ""
1482      (let ((n (xpath-dm:node-name arg)))
1483	(if (null? n)
1484	    ""
1485	    (xs:qname-local-part n)))))
1487;;;; 13.3 fn:namespace-uri
1488(define (xpath-fn:namespace-uri arg)
1489  (xs:qname-namespace-uri (xpath-dm:node-name arg)))
1491;;;; 13.4 fn:lang
1492(define (xpath-fn:lang testlang node)
1493  (define lang (string-downcase testlang))
1494  (define (has-testlang n)
1495    (exists (lambda (attr)
1496	      (and (string=? (attr-name attr) "xml:lang")
1497		   (string-prefix? lang (string-downcase (attr-value attr)))))
1498	    (xpath-dm:attributes n)))
1499  (let ((selector (xml:ancestor-or-self has-testlang)))
1500      ;; (ansestor-or-self::*/@xml:lang)[last()] = testlang
1501    (let ((nl (selector node)))
1502      (not (zero? (node-list-length nl))))))
1504;;;; 13.5 fn:root
1505(define xpath-fn:root
1506  (let ((selector (xml:ancestor-or-self node?)))
1507    (lambda (arg)
1508      ;; (ansestor-or-self::node())[1]
1509      (let ((node-list (selector arg)))
1510	(node-list:item node-list 0)))))
1512;;;; 13.6 fn:path
1513(define (xpath-fn:path node)
1514  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:path "Not supported yet"))
1516;;;; 13.7 fn:has-children
1517(define (xpath-fn:has-children node)
1518  (and (not (null? node))
1519       ;; = fn:exists($node/child::node())
1520       (not (zero? (node-list-length (node-child-nodes node))))))
1522;;;; 13.8 fn:innermost
1523(define (xpath-fn:innermost nodes)
1524  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:innermost "Not supported yet"))
1526;;;; 13.9 fn:outermost
1527(define (xpath-fn:outermost nodes)
1528  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:outermost "Not supported yet"))
1531;;;; 14.1.1 fn:empty
1532(define (xpath-fn:empty arg)
1533  (or (null? arg) (and (vector? arg) (zero? (vector-length arg)))))
1535;;;; 14.1.2 fn:exists
1536(define (xpath-fn:exists arg*) (not (xpath-fn:empty arg*)))
1538;;;; 14.1.3 fn:head
1539(define (xpath-fn:head arg)
1540  (cond ((null? arg) '())
1541	((pair? arg) (car arg))
1542	(else arg)))
1544;;;; 14.1.4 fn:tail
1545(define (xpath-fn:tail arg)
1546  (cond ((null? arg) '())
1547	((pair? arg) (cdr arg))
1548	(else '())))
1550;;;; 14.1.5 fn:insert-before
1551(define (xpath-fn:insert-before target position inserts)
1552  ;; lazy implementation
1553  (let-values (((f e) (split-at target (max 0 (- position 1)))))
1554    (if (pair? inserts)
1555	`(,@f ,@inserts ,@e)
1556	`(,@f ,inserts ,@e))))
1558;;;; 14.1.6 fn:remove
1559(define (xpath-fn:remove target position)
1560  (define p (- position 1))
1561  (if (negative? p)
1562      target
1563      (let loop ((r '()) (t target) (i 0))
1564	(cond ((null? t) (reverse! r))
1565	      ((= i p) (loop r (cdr t) (+ i 1)))
1566	      (else (loop (cons (car t) r) (cdr t) (+ i 1)))))))
1568;;;; 14.1.7 fn:reverse
1569(define (xpath-fn:reverse args) (if (pair? args) (reverse args) args))
1571;;;; 14.1.8 fn:subsequence
1572(define xpath-fn:subsequence
1573  (case-lambda
1574   ((l start n)
1575    (define offset (- start 1))
1576    (take (drop l offset) n))
1577   ((l start)
1578    (define offset (- start 1))
1579    (drop l offset))))
1581;;;; 14.1.9 fn:unordered
1582;; this is still permutation of the input list...
1583(define (xpath-fn:unordered args) args)
1585;;;; 14.2.1 fn:distinct-values
1586(define xpath-fn:distinct-values
1587  (case-lambda
1588   ((args) (delete-duplicates args equal?))
1589   ((args collation) (xpath-fn:distinct-values args))))
1591;;;; 14.2.2 fn:index-of
1592(define xpath-fn:index-of
1593  (case-lambda
1594   ((seq search)
1595    (if (pair? seq)
1596	(do ((r '() (if (equal? (car seq) search) (cons i r) r))
1597	     (i 1 (+ i 1))
1598	     (seq seq (cdr seq)))
1599	    ((null? seq) (reverse! r)))
1600	'()))
1601   ((seq search collation) (xpath-fn:index-of seq search))))
1603;;;; 14.2.3 fn:deep-equal
1604(define (%xpath-fn:deep-equal a b)
1605  (cond ((and (null? a) (null? b)))
1606	((and (pair? a) (pair? b))
1607	 (and (= (length a) (length b))
1608	      (for-all %xpath-fn:deep-equal a b)))
1609	((equal? a b)) ;; atomic can be compared like this ;)
1610	((and (xs:base64-binary? a) (xs:base64-binary? b))
1611	 (xs:base64-binary=? a b))
1612	((and (xs:base-date? a) (xs:base-date? b))
1613	 ;; TODO check type...
1614	 (xs:base-date=? a b))
1615	((and (xs:duration? a) (xs:duration? b))
1616	 ;; TODO check type
1617	 (and (= (xs:duration-seconds a) (xs:duration-seconds b))
1618	      (= (xs:duration-months a) (xs:duration-months b))))
1619	((and (vector? a) (vector? b))
1620	 (vector= %xpath-fn:deep-equal a b))
1621	((and (hashtable? a) (hashtable? b))
1622	 (and (= (hashtable-size a) (hashtable-size b))
1623	      (for-all (lambda (k)
1624			 (%xpath-fn:deep-equal (hashtable-ref a k #f)
1625					       (hashtable-ref b k #f)))
1626		       (vector->list (hashtable-keys a)))))
1627	((and (node? a) (node? b))
1628	 (and (eqv? (node-node-type a) (node-node-type b))
1629	      (cond ((document? a)
1630		     (string=? (xpath-dm:string-value a)
1631			       (xpath-dm:string-value b)))
1632		    ((element? a)
1633		     (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:deep-equal
1634							   "not yet"))
1635		    ((attr? a)
1636		     (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:deep-equal
1637							   "not yet"))
1638		    ((processing-instruction? a)
1639		     (and (xpath-op:qname-equal (xpath-dm:node-name a)
1640						(xpath-dm:node-name b))
1641			  (string=? (xpath-dm:string-value a)
1642				    (xpath-dm:string-value b))))
1643		    ((namespace? a)
1644		     (and (%xpath-fn:deep-equal (xpath-dm:node-name a)
1645						(xpath-dm:node-name b))
1646			  (string=? (xpath-dm:string-value a)
1647				    (xpath-dm:string-value b))))
1648		    ((text? a)
1649		     (string=? (xpath-dm:string-value a)
1650			       (xpath-dm:string-value b)))
1651		    (else #f))))
1652	((and (xs:qname? a) (xs:qname? b))
1653	 ;; not sure how it suppose to be
1654	 (and (xpath-op:qname-equal a b)
1655	      (equal? (xs:qname-prefix a) (xs:qname-prefix b))))
1656	(else #f)))
1658(define xpath-fn:deep-equal
1659  (case-lambda
1660   ((a b) (%xpath-fn:deep-equal a b))
1661   ;; ignore collation for now
1662   ((a b collation) (%xpath-fn:deep-equal a b))))
1664;;;; 14.3.1 fn:zero-or-one
1665(define (xpath-fn:zero-or-one arg)
1666  (cond ((null? arg) arg)
1667	((and (pair? arg) (null? (cdr arg))) arg)
1668	(else (xqt-error 'FORG0003 'xpath-fn:zero-or-one
1669			 "More than one or not a sequence" arg))))
1671;;;; 14.3.2 fn:one-or-more
1672(define (xpath-fn:one-or-more arg)
1673  (if (and (pair? arg) (not (null? arg)))
1674      arg
1675      (xqt-error 'FORG0004 'xpath-fn:one-or-more "Empty or not a sequence" arg)))
1677;;;; 14.3.3 fn:exactly-one
1678(define (xpath-fn:exactly-one arg)
1679  (if (and (pair? arg) (= 1 (length arg)))
1680      arg
1681      (xqt-error 'FORG0005 'xpath-fn:exactly-one
1682		 "Not an exacely one element sequence" arg)))
1684;;;; 14.4.1 fn:count
1685(define (xpath-fn:count arg)
1686  (cond ((pair? arg) (length arg))
1687	((null? arg) 0)
1688	(else 1)))
1690;;;; 14.4.2 fn:avg
1691(define (xpath-fn:avg arg)
1692  (cond ((null? arg) arg)
1693	((for-all number? arg) (/ (fold-left + 0.0 arg) (length arg)))
1694	((for-all xs:year-month-duration? arg)
1695	 (let loop ((m 0) (n 0) (arg arg))
1696	   (if (null? arg)
1697	       (xs:make-year-month-duration (/ m n))
1698	       (loop (+ m (xs:duration-months (car arg))) (+ n 1) (cdr arg)))))
1699	((for-all xs:day-time-duration? arg)
1700	 (let loop ((s 0.0) (n 0) (arg arg))
1701	   (if (null? arg)
1702	       (xs:make-day-time-duration (/ s n))
1703	       (loop (+ s (xs:duration-seconds (car arg))) (+ n 1) (cdr arg)))))
1704	(else (xqt-error 'FORG0006 'xpath-fn:avg "Invalid type" arg))))
1706;;;; 14.4.3 fn:max
1707(define (xpath-fn:max arg)
1708  (define (compute-max arg <)
1709    (let loop ((v (car arg)) (arg (cdr arg)))
1710      (cond ((null? arg) v)
1711	    ((< v (car arg)) (loop (car arg) (cdr arg)))
1712	    (else (loop v (cdr arg))))))
1713  (cond ((null?  arg) arg)
1714	((vector? arg) (xpath-fn:max (vector->list arg)))
1715	((for-all number? arg) (apply max arg))
1716	((for-all xs:year-month-duration? arg)
1717	 (compute-max arg xpath-op:year-month-duration-less-than))
1718	((for-all xs:day-time-duration? arg)
1719	 (compute-max arg xpath-op:day-time-duration-less-than))
1720	((for-all string? arg) (compute-max arg string<))
1721	;; a bit lazy
1722	((for-all xs:base-date? arg) (compute-max arg xs:base-date<?))
1723	;; TBD
1724	(else
1725	 (xqt-error 'FORG0006 'xpath-fn:min "Invalid type" arg))))
1727;;;; 14.4.4 fn:min
1728(define (xpath-fn:min arg)
1729  (define (compute-min arg <)
1730    (let loop ((v (car arg)) (arg (cdr arg)))
1731      (cond ((null? arg) v)
1732	    ((< (car arg) v) (loop (car arg) (cdr arg)))
1733	    (else (loop v (cdr arg))))))
1734  (cond ((null?  arg) arg)
1735	((vector? arg) (xpath-fn:min (vector->list arg)))
1736	((for-all number? arg) (apply min arg))
1737	((for-all xs:year-month-duration? arg)
1738	 (compute-min arg xpath-op:year-month-duration-less-than))
1739	((for-all xs:day-time-duration? arg)
1740	 (compute-min arg xpath-op:day-time-duration-less-than))
1741	((for-all string? arg) (compute-min arg string<))
1742	;; a bit lazy
1743	((for-all xs:base-date? arg) (compute-min arg xs:base-date<?))
1744	;; TBD
1745	(else
1746	 (xqt-error 'FORG0006 'xpath-fn:min "Invalid type" arg))))
1748;;;; 14.4.5 fn:sum
1749(define xpath-fn:sum
1750  (case-lambda
1751   ((arg) (xpath-fn:sum arg 0))
1752   ((arg zero)
1753    (cond ((null? arg) zero)
1754	  ((for-all number? arg) (fold-left + zero arg))
1755	  ((for-all xs:year-month-duration? arg)
1756	   (let loop ((m 0) (arg arg))
1757	     (if (null? arg)
1758		 (xs:make-year-month-duration m)
1759		 (loop (+ m (xs:duration-months (car arg))) (cdr arg)))))
1760	  ((for-all xs:day-time-duration? arg)
1761	   (let loop ((s 0.0) (arg arg))
1762	     (if (null? arg)
1763		 (xs:make-day-time-duration s)
1764		 (loop (+ s (xs:duration-seconds (car arg))) (cdr arg)))))
1765	  (else (xqt-error 'FORG0006 'xpath-fn:sum "Invalid type" arg))))))
1767;;;; 14.5.1 fn:id
1768(define (xpath-fn:id str node)
1769  (unless (node? node) (xpty0004-error 'xpath-fn:id node))
1770  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:id "Not yet"))
1772;;;; 14.5.2 fn:element-with-id
1773(define (xpath-fn:element-with-id str node)
1774  (unless (node? node) (xpty0004-error 'xpath-fn:element-with-id node))
1775  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:element-with-id "Not yet"))
1777;;;; 14.5.3 fn:idref
1778(define (xpath-fn:idref str node)
1779  (unless (node? node) (xpty0004-error 'xpath-fn:idref node))
1780  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:idref "Not yet"))
1782;;;; 14.5.4 fn:generate-id
1783(define (xpath-fn:generate-id node)
1784  (cond ((null? node) "")
1785	((not (node? node)) (xpty0004-error 'xpath-fn:generate-id node))
1786	(else
1787	 ;; How to generate? Digest or something?
1788	 (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:generate-id
1789					       "Not yet"))))
1791;;;; 14.6.1 fn:doc
1792(define (xpath-fn:doc uri)
1793  ;; TODO check validity of given URI and if it's not value raise FODC0005
1794  (xqt-error 'FODC0003 'xpath-fn:doc "More or less not supported" uri))
1796;;;; 14.6.2 fn:doc-available
1797(define (xpath-fn:doc-available uri) #f) ;; not really supported
1799;;;; 14.6.3 fn:collection
1800(define (xpath-fn:collection arg)
1801  (xqt-error 'FODC0003 'xpath-fn:collection "More or less not supported" arg))
1803;;;; 14.6.4 fn:uri-collection
1804(define (xpath-fn:uri-collection arg)
1805  (xqt-error 'FODC0003 'xpath-fn:uri-collection "More or less not supported"
1806	     arg))
1808;;;; 14.6.5 fn:unparsed-text
1809(define default-transcoder
1810  (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec) (eol-style none)))
1811(define xpath-fn:unparsed-text
1812  (case-lambda
1813   ((href) (call-with-input-file href get-string-all
1814				 :transcoder default-transcoder))
1815   ;; TODO should we care the encoding?
1816   ((href encoding) (call-with-input-file href get-string-all
1817					  :transcoder default-transcoder))))
1819;;;; 14.6.6 fn:unparsed-text-lines
1820(define xpath-fn:unparsed-text-lines
1821  (case-lambda
1822   ((href) (file->list read-line href
1823		       :transcoder default-transcoder))
1824   ;; TODO should we care the encoding?
1825   ((href encoding) (file->list read-line href
1826				:transcoder default-transcoder))))
1828;;;; 14.6.8 fn:environment-variable
1829(define (xpath-fn:environment-variable name)
1830  (get-environment-variable name))
1832;;;; 14.6.8 fn:environment-variables
1833(define (xpath-fn:environment-variables)
1834  (map car (get-environment-variables)))
1836;;;; 14.7.1 fn:parse-xml
1837(define (xpath-fn:parse-xml arg)
1838  (guard (e (else (xqt-error 'FODC0006 'xpath-fn:parse-xml
1839			     (condition-message e) arg)))
1840    (input-port->dom-tree (open-string-input-port arg))))
1842;;;; 14.7.2 fn:parse-xml-fragment
1843(define (xpath-fn:parse-xml-fragment arg)
1844  (guard (e (else (xqt-error 'FODC0006 'xpath-fn:parse-xml-fragment
1845			     (condition-message e) arg)))
1846    (input-port->tolerant-dom-tree (open-string-input-port arg))))
1848;;;; 14.7.3 fn:serialize
1849(define default-write-options (make-xml-write-options #f #f))
1850(define (yes-no-converter v) (string=? "yes" (car v)))
1851(define (yes-no-omit-converter v*)
1852  (define v (car v*)) ;; use first value
1853  (cond ((string=? "yes" v))
1854	((string=? "omit" v) '())
1855	(else #f)))
1856(define (single-value v*) (car v*))
1857(define (single-string->number v*) (string->number (car v*)))
1858(define +options+
1859  `(("allow-duplicate-names"   . ,yes-no-converter)
1860    ("byte-order-mark"	       . ,yes-no-converter)
1861    ("cdata-section-elements"  . ,single-value)
1862    ("doctype-public"	       . ,single-value)
1863    ("doctype-system"	       . ,single-value)
1864    ("encoding"		       . ,single-value)
1865    ("escape-uri-attribute"    . ,yes-no-converter)
1866    ("html-version"	       . ,single-string->number)
1867    ("include-content-type"    . ,yes-no-converter)
1868    ("indent"		       . ,yes-no-converter)
1869    ("item-separator"	       . ,values)
1870    ("json-node-output-method" . ,single-value)
1871    ("media-type"	       . ,single-value)
1872    ("normalization-form"      . ,single-value)
1873    ("omit-xml-declaration"    . ,yes-no-converter)
1874    ("standalone"	       . ,yes-no-omit-converter)
1875    ("suppress-indentation"    . ,values)
1876    ("undeclare-prefixes"      . ,yes-no-converter)
1877    ("use-character-maps"      . ,values) ;; FIXME
1878    ("version"                 . ,single-value)))
1879(define (serialization-parameters->options params)
1880  (define get-elements element:get-elements-by-tag-name-ns)
1881  (define serialization-ns "http://www.w3.org/2010/xslt-xquery-serialization")
1882  (define (get-element-value parameters name conv)
1883    (let ((e (get-elements parameters serialization-ns name)))
1884      (if (zero? (node-list-length e))
1885	  '()
1886	  (let* ((v* (filter-map (lambda (e) (element:get-attribute e "value"))
1887				 (node-list->list e))))
1888	    (if (null? v*)
1889		'()
1890		(list (string->keyword name) (conv v*)))))))
1891  (define (->options element)
1892    (define (collect&make parameter)
1893      (apply make-xml-write-options #f #f
1894	     (append-map
1895	      (lambda (name&conv)
1896		(get-element-value parameter (car name&conv) (cdr name&conv)))
1897	      +options+)))
1898    (define parameters
1899      (get-elements element serialization-ns "serialization-parameters"))
1900    (if (zero? (node-list-length parameters))
1901	default-write-options
1902	(collect&make (node-list:item parameters 0))))
1903  (cond ((null? params) default-write-options)
1904	((element? params) (->options params))
1905	;; TODO how should we handle if the document has more than one child...
1906	((document? params) (->options (document-document-element params)))
1907	(else default-write-options)))
1908(define xpath-fn:serialize
1909  (case-lambda
1910   ((arg) (xpath-fn:serialize arg '()))
1911   ((arg params)
1912    (define options (serialization-parameters->options params))
1913    (let-values (((out extract) (open-string-output-port)))
1914      ((make-dom-writer options) arg out)
1915      (extract)))))
1917;; we can't implement context related procedure without context :)
1918;;;; 15.1 fn:position
1919(define (xpath-fn:position)
1920  (xqt-error 'XPDY0002 'xpath-fn:position "No context"))
1921;;;; 15.2 fn:last
1922(define (xpath-fn:last)
1923  (xqt-error 'XPDY0002 'xpath-fn:last "No context"))
1925;;;; 15.3 fn:current-dateTime
1926(define (xpath-fn:current-datetime)
1927  (xs:make-datetime (current-calendar-date) #t))
1928;;;; 15.4 fn:current-date
1929(define (xpath-fn:current-date) (xs:make-date (current-calendar-date) #t))
1930;;;; 15.5 fn:current-time
1931(define (xpath-fn:current-time) (xs:make-time (current-calendar-date) #t))
1932;;;; 15.6 fn:implicit-timezone
1933(define (xpath-fn:implicit-timezone)
1934  (let ((offset (timezone-offset (local-timezone))))
1935    (xs:make-day-time-duration offset)))
1936;;;; 15.7 fn:default-collation
1937(define (xpath-fn:default-collation)
1938  "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint")
1939;;;; 15.8 fn:default-language
1940(define (xpath-fn:default-language) "en")
1941;;;; 15.9 fn:static-base-uri
1942(define (xpath-fn:static-base-uri) '())
1945;;;; 16.1.1 fn:function-lookup
1946(define (xpath-fn:function-lookup name arity)
1947  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:function-lookup "not yet"))
1948;;;; 16.1.2 fn:function-name
1949(define (xpath-fn:function-name func)
1950  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:function-name "not yet"))
1951;;;; 16.1.3 fn:function-arity
1952(define (xpath-fn:function-arity func)
1953  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:function-arity "not yet"))
1955;;;; 16.2.1 fn:for-each
1956(define (xpath-fn:for-each seq action)
1957  (append-map (lambda (e) (let ((r (action e))) (if (pair? r) r `(,r)))) seq))
1958;;;; 16.2.2 fn:filter
1959(define (xpath-fn:filter seq pred) (filter pred seq))
1960;;;; 16.2.3 fn:fold-left
1961(define (xpath-fn:fold-left seq zero f) (fold-left f zero seq))
1962;;;; 16.2.4 fn:fold-right
1963(define (xpath-fn:fold-right seq zero f) (fold-right f zero seq))
1964;;;; 16.2.5 fn:for-each-pair
1965(define (xpath-fn:for-each-pair seq1 seq2 f)
1966  (append-map (lambda (e1 e2) (let ((r (f e1 e2))) (if (pair? r) r `(,r))))
1967	      seq1 seq2))
1969;;;; 16.2.6 fn:sort
1970(define (deep-less-than a b c)
1971  (define (type=? type? a b) (and (type? a) (type? b)))
1972  (cond ((type=? string? a b) (< (xpath-fn:compare a b c) 0))
1973	((type=? number? a b) (xpath-op:numeric-less-than a b))
1974	((type=? boolean? a b) (xpath-op:boolean-less-than a b))
1975	((type=? xs:year-month-duration? a b)
1976	 (xpath-op:year-month-duration-less-than a b))
1977	((type=? xs:day-time-duration? a b)
1978	 (xpath-op:day-time-duration-less-than a b))
1979	((type=? xs:datetime? a b) (xpath-op:datetime-less-than a b))
1980	((type=? xs:date? a b) (xpath-op:date-less-than a b))
1981	((type=? xs:time? a b) (xpath-op:time-less-than a b))
1982	((type=? bytevector? a b) (xpath-op:hex-binary-less-than a b))
1983	((type=? xs:base64-binary? a b)
1984	 (xpath-op:base64-binary-less-than a b))
1985	((type=? pair? a b)
1986	 (or (deep-less-than (xpath-fn:head a) (xpath-fn:head b) c)
1987	     (deep-less-than (xpath-fn:tail a) (xpath-fn:tail b) c)))
1988	((type=? vector? a b)
1989	 (and (not (zero? (vector-length a)))
1990	      (not (zero? (vector-length b)))
1991	      (or (deep-less-than (xpath-array:head a) (xpath-array:head b) c)
1992		  (deep-less-than (xpath-array:tail a) (xpath-array:tail b) c)))
1993	 )
1994	((eq? a b) #f) ;; lazy... though this would handle symbol, should we?
1995	(else (xpty0004-error 'deep-less-than `(,a ,b)))))
1996(define xpath-fn:sort
1997  (case-lambda
1998   ((v) (xpath-fn:sort v '()))
1999   ((v c) (xpath-fn:sort v c values))
2000   ((v c key)
2001    (list-sort
2002     (lambda (a b) (deep-less-than (key a) (key b) c)) v))))
2004;;;; 16.2.7 fn:apply
2005(define (xpath-fn:apply fn arr)
2006  ;; TODO raise FOAP0001, when arity is not the same
2007  (apply fn (vector->list arr)))
2009;;;; 16.3.1 fn:load-xquery-module
2010(define (xpath-fn:load-xquery-module uri . options)
2011  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:load-xquery-module
2012					"Not supported"))
2013;;;; 16.3.2 fn:transform
2014(define (xpath-fn:transform options)
2015  (implementation-restriction-violation 'xpath-fn:transform
2016					"Not supported"))
2018;;;; 17.1.1 op:same-key
2019(define (xpath-op:same-key key1 key2)
2020  (cond ((and (string? key1) (string? key2)) (string=? key1 key2))
2021	((and (number? key1) (number? key2))
2022	 (or (and (nan? key1) (nan? key2))
2023	     (= key1 key2)))
2024	((and (xs:base-date? key1) (xs:base-date? key2))
2025	 (xs:base-date=? key1 key2))
2026	((or (and (boolean? key1) (boolean? key2))
2027	     (and (bytevector? key1) (bytevector? key2))
2028	     (and (xs:base64-binary? key1) (xs:base64-binary? key2))
2029	     (and (xs:duration? key1) (xs:duration? key2))
2030	     ;; TODO  notation
2031	     )
2032	 (xpath-fn:deep-equal key1 key2))
2033	(else #f)))
2034(define (xpath-op:hash value)
2035  (unless (xs:any-atomic-type? value)
2036    (assertion-violation 'xpath-op:hash "Invalid type" value))
2037  ;; for now
2038  (equal-hash value))
2040;;;;; well define it here for convenience...
2041;; k&v* ::= [key value]*
2042;; this one isn't there but we can use as map{} constructor ;)
2043(define (xpath-fn:map . k&v*)
2044  (do ((r (make-hashtable xpath-op:hash xpath-op:same-key))
2045       (k&v* k&v* (cddr k&v*)))
2046      ((null? k&v*) r)
2047    (let ((k (car k&v*))
2048	  (v (cadr k&v*)))
2049      (hashtable-set! r k v))))
2051;;;; 17.1.2 map:merge
2052(define default-operation (lambda (a b) a))
2053(define *operations*
2054  `(("use-first" . ,default-operation)
2055    ("use-last"  . ,(lambda (a b) b))
2056    ("combine"   . ,(lambda (a b)
2057		      (if (pair? a)
2058			  `(,@a ,b)
2059			  (list a b))))
2060    ("reject"    . ,(lambda (a b)
2061		      (xqt-error 'FOJS0003
2062				 'xpath-map:merge "Duplicate key" a b)))
2063    ("use-any"   . ,(lambda (a b) a))))
2064(define default-operation
2065  (alist->hashtable '(("duplicates" . "use-first"))))
2066(define xpath-map:merge
2067  (case-lambda
2068   ((map*) (xpath-map:merge map* default-operation))
2069   ((map* options)
2070    (define (get-duplicate-handler op)
2071      (cond ((hashtable-ref op "duplicates" #f) =>
2072	     (lambda (key)
2073	       (cond ((assoc key *operations*) => cdr)
2074		     (else (xqt-error 'FOJS0005 'xpath-map:merge
2075				      "Non supported key" key)))))
2076	    (else default-operation)))
2077    (let ((duplicate-handler (get-duplicate-handler options)))
2078      (do ((r (xpath-fn:map)) (map* map* (cdr map*)))
2079	  ((null? map*) r)
2080	(hashtable-for-each
2081	 (lambda (k v)
2082	   (if (hashtable-contains? r k)
2083	       (hashtable-set! r k (duplicate-handler (hashtable-ref r k) v))
2084	       (hashtable-set! r k v)))
2085	 (car map*)))))))
2087;;;; 17.1.3 map:size
2088(define (xpath-map:size v) (hashtable-size v))
2089;;;; 17.1.4 map:keys
2090(define (xpath-map:keys v) (hashtable-keys-list v))
2091;;;; 17.1.5 map:contains
2092(define (xpath-map:contains v k) (hashtable-contains? v k))
2093;;;; 17.1.6 map:get
2094(define (xpath-map:get v k) (hashtable-ref v k '()))
2095;;;; 17.1.7 map:find
2096(define (xpath-map:find input* k)
2097  (define (find-inner input k acc)
2098    (cond ((hashtable-contains? input k)
2099	   (cons (hashtable-ref input k #f) acc))
2100	  (else acc)))
2101  (do ((r '() (find-inner (car input*) k r))
2102       (input* input* (cdr input*)))
2103      ((null? input*) (list->vector (reverse! r)))))
2104;;;; 17.1.8 map:put
2105(define (xpath-map:put m k v)
2106  (let ((r (xpath-map:merge (list m))))
2107    (hashtable-set! r k v)
2108    r))
2109;;;; 17.1.9 map:entry
2110(define (xpath-map:entry k value) (xpath-fn:map k value))
2111;;;; 17.1.10 map:remove
2112(define (xpath-map:remove m keys)
2113  (let ((r (xpath-map:merge (list m))))
2114    (cond ((null? keys))
2115	  ((pair? keys)
2116	   (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! r k)) keys))
2117	  (else (hashtable-delete! r keys)))
2118    r))
2119;;;; 17.1.11 map:for-each
2120(define (xpath-map:for-each map action)
2121  (let ((r (hashtable-map action map)))
2122    (if (for-all hashtable? r)
2123	(xpath-map:merge r)
2124	r)))
2126;;;; 17.3.1 array:size
2127(define (xpath-array:size array) (vector-length array))
2128;;;; 17.3.2 array:get
2129(define (array:check-index who array i)
2130  (unless (<= 1 i (vector-length array))
2131    (xqt-error 'FOAY0001 'who "Index out of bound" i)))
2132(define (xpath-array:get array i)
2133  (array:check-index 'xpath-array:get array i)
2134  (vector-ref array (- i 1)))
2135;;;; 17.3.3 array:put
2136(define (xpath-array:put array i v)
2137  (array:check-index 'xpath-array:put array i)
2138  (let ((r (vector-copy array)))
2139    (vector-set! r (- i 1) v)
2140    r))
2141;;;; 17.3.4 array:append
2142(define (xpath-array:append array v)
2143  (vector-append array (vector v)))
2144;;;; 17.3.5 array:subarray
2145(define xpath-array:subarray
2146  (case-lambda
2147   ((array start)
2148    (xpath-array:subarray array start
2149			  (max 0 (- (vector-length array) (- start 1)))))
2150   ((array start length)
2151    (unless (<= 1 start (+ (vector-length array) 1))
2152      (xqt-error 'FOAY0001 'xpath-array:subarray
2153		 "Start is less than 1 or greater than size+1" start))
2154    (when (negative? length)
2155      (xqt-error 'FOAY0002 'xpath-array:subarray "Negative length subarray"))
2156    (vector-copy array (- start 1) (+ (- start 1) length)))))
2157;;;; 17.3.6 array:remove
2158(define (xpath-array:remove array pos*)
2159  (cond ((null? pos*) array)
2160	((integer? pos*) (xpath-array:remove array (list pos*)))
2161	(else
2162	 (for-each (lambda (pos)
2163		     (array:check-index xpath-array:remove array pos)) pos*)
2164	 (let* ((l (length pos*))
2165		(ol (vector-length array))
2166		(size (- ol l))
2167		(r (make-vector size)))
2168	   (let loop ((i 0) (j 0))
2169	     (cond ((= j ol) r)
2170		   ((memv (+ j 1) pos*) (loop i (+ j 1)))
2171		   (else
2172		    (vector-set! r i (vector-ref array j))
2173		    (loop (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))))))))
2174;;;; 17.3.7 array:insert-before
2175(define (xpath-array:insert-before array pos v)
2176  (unless (<= 1 pos (+ (vector-length array) 1))
2177    (xqt-error 'FOAY0001 'who "Position is less than 1 or greater than size+1"
2178	       pos))
2179  (let* ((len (vector-length array))
2180	 (ind (- pos 1)))
2181    (if (= ind len)
2182	(xpath-array:append array v)
2183	(let ((vec (make-vector (+ len 1))))
2184	  (let loop ((i 0) (j 0))
2185	    (cond ((= j len) vec)
2186		  ((= i ind)
2187		   (vector-set! vec i v)
2188		   (loop (+ i 1) j))
2189		  (else
2190		   (vector-set! vec i (vector-ref array j))
2191		   (loop (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))))))))
2192;;;; 17.3.8 array:head
2193(define (xpath-array:head array) (xpath-array:get array 1))
2194;;;; 17.3.9 array:tail
2195(define (xpath-array:tail array) (xpath-array:remove array 1))
2196;;;; 17.3.10 array:reverse
2197(define (xpath-array:reverse array) (vector-reverse array))
2198;;;; 17.3.11 array:join
2199(define (xpath-array:join array*)
2200  (if (vector? array*)
2201      array*
2202      (vector-concatenate array*)))
2203;;;; 17.3.12 array:for-each
2204(define (xpath-array:for-each array action)
2205  (vector-map (lambda (i e) (action e)) array))
2206;;;; 17.3.13 array:filter
2207(define (xpath-array:filter array action)
2208  (vector-filter action array))
2209;;;; 17.3.14 array:fold-left
2210(define (xpath-array:fold-left array nil action)
2211  (vector-fold (lambda (i a b) (action a b)) nil array))
2212;;;; 17.3.15 array:fold-right
2213(define (xpath-array:fold-right array nil action)
2214  (vector-fold-right (lambda (i b a) (action a b)) nil array))
2215;;;; 17.3.16 array:for-each-pair
2216(define (xpath-array:for-each-pair array1 array2 action)
2217  (vector-map (lambda (i e1 e2) (action e1 e2)) array1 array2))
2218;;;; 17.3.17 array:sort
2219(define xpath-array:sort
2220  (case-lambda
2221   ((v) (xpath-array:sort v '()))
2222   ((v c) (xpath-array:sort v c values))
2223   ((v c key)
2224    (vector-sort
2225     (lambda (a b) (deep-less-than (key a) (key b) c)) v))))
2226;;;; 17.3.18 array:flatten
2227(define (flatten l)
2228  (cond ((null? l) '())
2229	((not (pair? l)) (list l))
2230	(else (append (flatten (car l)) (flatten (cdr l))))))
2231(define (xpath-array:flatten array*)
2232  (define (->list array*)
2233    (if (vector? array*)
2234	(->list (vector->list array*))
2235	(map (lambda (e) (if (vector? e) (->list (vector->list e)) e)) array*)))
2236  (flatten (->list array*)))
2238;;;; 17.5.1 fn:parse-json
2239(define default-json-operation (make-eq-hashtable))
2240(define (xml-array-handler v) (list->vector v))
2241(define (xml-object-handler opt)
2242  (lambda (v) (apply xpath-fn:map (flatten v))))
2243(define (xml-null-handler) '())
2244(define (xml-number-handler v) (inexact v))
2245(define (xml-string-handler opt)
2246  (define escape? (hashtable-ref opt "escape" #f))
2247  (define fallback (hashtable-ref opt "fallback" (lambda (s) "\xFFFD;")))
2248  (define (escape-char c)
2249    (define (pad s)
2250      (let-values (((out e) (open-string-output-port)))
2251	(do ((len (- 4 (string-length s))) (i 0 (+ i 1)))
2252	    ((= i len) (put-string out s) (e))
2253	  (put-char out #\0))))
2254    (string-append "\\u" (pad (number->string (char->integer c) 16))))
2255  (lambda (v)
2256    (let-values (((out e) (open-string-output-port)))
2257      (do ((len (string-length v)) (i 0 (+ i 1)))
2258	  ((= len i) (e))
2259	(let ((c (string-ref v i)))
2260	  (cond ((and escape? (char=? c #\\)) (put-string out "\\\\"))
2261		;; TODO handle control characters...
2262		((char-set-contains? +xml:char-set+ c) (put-char out c))
2263		(escape? (put-string out (escape-char c)))
2264		(else (put-string out (fallback (escape-char c))))))))))
2266(define xpath-fn:parse-json
2267  (case-lambda
2268   ((text) (xpath-fn:parse-json text default-json-operation))
2269   ((text options)
2270    ;; TODO setup handlers here
2271    (let ((lseq (generator->lseq (string->generator text))))
2272      (parameterize ((*json:array-handler* xml-array-handler)
2273		     (*json:object-handler* (xml-object-handler options))
2274		     (*json:null-handler* xml-null-handler)
2275		     (*json:number-handler* xml-number-handler)
2276		     (*json:string-handler* (xml-string-handler options)))
2277      (let-values (((s v nl) (json:parser lseq)))
2278	(if (parse-success? s)
2279	    v
2280	    (xqt-error 'FOJS0001 'xpath-fn:parse-json "Invalid JSON" text))))))))
2281;;;; 17.5.2 fn:json-doc
2282(define xpath-fn:json-doc
2283  (case-lambda
2284   ((href) (xpath-fn:json-doc href default-json-operation))
2285   ((href options)
2286    (let ((t (xpath-fn:unparsed-text href)))
2287      (xpath-fn:parse-json t options)))))
2289;;;; 17.5.3 fn:json-to-xml
2290(define +xpath-functions:namespace+ "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions")
2291(define (json->xml json)
2292  (define doc (make-xml-document #f))
2293  (define (make-element doc name)
2294    (document:create-element-ns doc +xpath-functions:namespace+ name))
2295  (define (create-text-node-w/value doc name val)
2296    (let ((e (make-element doc name))
2297	  (t (document:create-text-node doc val)))
2298      (node:append-child! e t)
2299      e))
2300  (define (null->xml-node json doc)
2301    (document:create-element-ns doc +xpath-functions:namespace+ "null"))
2302  (define (boolean->xml-node json doc)
2303    (create-text-node-w/value doc "boolean" (if json "true" "false")))
2304  (define (number->xml-node json doc)
2305    (let ((n (if (integer? json) (exact json) json)))
2306      (create-text-node-w/value doc "number" (number->string n))))
2307  (define (string->xml-node json doc)
2308    (define escaped? (string-contains json "\\u")) ;; a bit naive
2309    (let ((e (create-text-node-w/value doc "string" json)))
2310      (when escaped?
2311	(element:set-attribute! e "escaped" "true"))
2312      e))
2313  (define (array->xml-node json doc)
2314    (define e (make-element doc "array"))
2315    (do ((len (vector-length json)) (i 0 (+ i 1)))
2316	((= len i) e)
2317      (node:append-child! e (json->xml-node (vector-ref json i) doc))))
2318  (define (object->xml-node json doc)
2319    (define e (make-element doc "map"))
2320    (hashtable-for-each
2321     (lambda (k v)
2322       (let ((v (json->xml-node v doc)))
2323	 (element:set-attribute! v "key" k)
2324	 (node:append-child! e v)))
2325     json)
2326    e)
2327  (define (json->xml-node json doc)
2328    (cond ((hashtable? json) (object->xml-node json doc))
2329	  ((vector? json)    (array->xml-node json doc))
2330	  ((string? json)    (string->xml-node json doc))
2331	  ((number? json)    (number->xml-node json doc))
2332	  ((boolean? json)   (boolean->xml-node json doc))
2333	  ((null? json)      (null->xml-node json doc))
2334	  (else (assertion-violation 'json->xml "Unknown type" json))))
2335  (let ((element (json->xml-node json doc)))
2336    (node:append-child! doc element)
2337    doc))
2338(define xpath-fn:json-to-xml
2339  (case-lambda
2340   ((text) (xpath-fn:json-to-xml text default-json-operation))
2341   ((text options)
2342    (let ((json (xpath-fn:parse-json text options)))
2343      (json->xml json)))))
2345;;;; 17.5.4 fn:xml-to-json
2346(define (node->json-text node options)
2347  (define indent? (hashtable-ref options "indent" #f))
2348  (define *indent-level* (make-parameter 0))
2349  (define (indent out)
2350    (put-char out #\newline)
2351    (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (level (* (*indent-level*) 2)))
2352	((= i level))
2353      (put-char out #\space)))
2354  (define (get-tag element)
2355    (let ((ns (element-namespace-uri element)))
2356      (unless (equal? ns +xpath-functions:namespace+)
2357	(xqt-error 'FOJS0006 'xpath-fn:xml-to-json "Not a valid node" element))
2358      (string->symbol (element-local-name element))))
2359  (define (node-value node)
2360    (define size (node-list-length (node-child-nodes node)))
2361    (unless (= size 1)
2362      (xqt-error 'FOJS0006 'xpath-fn:xml-to-json "Not a valid node" node))
2363    (let ((v (node-first-child node)))
2364      (unless (text? v)
2365	(xqt-error 'FOJS0006 'xpath-fn:xml-to-json "Not a valid node" node))
2366      (node-text-content v)))
2367  ;; indentation happens only array or object ;)
2368  (define (boolean->json-text node out)
2369    (define (->xs:boolean s)
2370      (cond ((member s '("true"  "1")))
2371	    ((member s '("false" "0")) #f)
2372	    (else (xqt-error 'FOJS0006
2373			     'xpath-fn:xml-to-json "Invalid boolean value" s))))
2374    (put-string out (if (->xs:boolean (node-value node)) "true" "false")))
2375  (define (number->json-text node out)
2376    (define v (node-value node))
2377    (unless (string->number v)
2378      (xqt-error 'FOJS0006 'xpath-fn:xml-to-json "Invalid number value" v))
2379    (put-string out v))
2380  (define (null->json-text node out) (put-string out "null"))
2381  (define (string->json-text node out)
2382    (put-char out #\")
2383    (put-string out (node-value node))
2384    (put-char out #\"))
2385  (define (array->json-text node out)
2386    (put-char out #\[)
2387    (parameterize ((*indent-level* (+ (*indent-level*) 1)))
2388      (when indent? (indent out))
2389      (let ((nl (node-child-nodes node)))
2390	(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (l (node-list-length nl)))
2391	    ((= i l))
2392	  (->json-text (node-list:item nl i) out)
2393	  (unless (= i (- l 1))
2394	    (put-char out #\,)
2395	    (when indent? (indent out))))))
2396    (when indent? (indent out))
2397    (put-char out #\]))
2398  (define (object->json-text node out)
2399    (put-char out #\{)
2400    (parameterize ((*indent-level* (+ (*indent-level*) 1)))
2401      (when indent? (indent out))
2402      (let ((nl (node-child-nodes node)))
2403	(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (l (node-list-length nl)))
2404	    ((= i l))
2405	  (let* ((n (node-list:item nl i))
2406		 (key (element:get-attribute n "key")))
2407	    (put-char out #\")
2408	    (put-string out key)
2409	    (put-string out "\":")
2410	    (when indent? (put-char out #\space))
2411	    (->json-text n out)
2412	    (unless (= i (- l 1))
2413	      (put-char out #\,)
2414	      (when indent? (indent out)))))))
2415    (when indent? (indent out))
2416    (put-char out #\}))
2417  (define (->json-text node out)
2418    (case (get-tag node)
2419      ((boolean) (boolean->json-text node out))
2420      ((number) (number->json-text node out))
2421      ((null) (null->json-text node out))
2422      ((string) (string->json-text node out))
2423      ((array) (array->json-text node out))
2424      ((map) (object->json-text node out))
2425      (else (xqt-error 'FOJS0006 'xpath-fn:xml-to-json "Not a valid node"
2426		       node))))
2427  (let-values (((out e) (open-string-output-port)))
2428    (->json-text node out)
2429    (e)))
2430(define xpath-fn:xml-to-json
2431  (case-lambda
2432   ((node) (xpath-fn:xml-to-json node default-json-operation))
2433   ((node options)
2434    (cond ((document? node)
2435	   (node->json-text (document-document-element node) options))
2436	  ((element? node) (node->json-text node options))
2437	  (else (xqt-error 'FOJS0006 'xpath-fn:xml-to-json "Not a valid node"
2438			   node))))))
2440;;; 19 Casting
2441(define (atomic->string who atomic)
2442  (cond ((string? atomic) atomic)
2443	((null? atomic) "")
2444	((or (integer? atomic) (flonum? atomic)) (number->string atomic))
2445	;; this may loose the original information when the value is
2446	;; either 0 or 1...
2447	((boolean? atomic) (if atomic "true" "false"))
2448	(else (xpty0004-error who atomic))))
2450(define (implementation-restriction-violation who msg)
2451  (raise (condition (make-implementation-restriction-violation)
2452		    (make-who-condition who)
2453		    (make-message-condition msg))))