1 /*
2 	This file is part of solidity.
4 	solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 	(at your option) any later version.
9 	solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 	GNU General Public License for more details.
14 	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 	along with solidity.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 */
17 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
18 /**
19  * Yul interpreter module that evaluates EVM instructions.
20  */
22 #include <test/tools/yulInterpreter/EVMInstructionInterpreter.h>
24 #include <test/tools/yulInterpreter/Interpreter.h>
26 #include <libyul/backends/evm/EVMDialect.h>
27 #include <libyul/AST.h>
29 #include <libevmasm/Instruction.h>
31 #include <libsolutil/Keccak256.h>
32 #include <libsolutil/Numeric.h>
34 #include <limits>
36 using namespace std;
37 using namespace solidity;
38 using namespace solidity::yul;
39 using namespace solidity::yul::test;
41 using solidity::util::h160;
42 using solidity::util::h256;
43 using solidity::util::keccak256;
45 namespace
46 {
48 /// Reads 32 bytes from @a _data at position @a _offset bytes while
49 /// interpreting @a _data to be padded with an infinite number of zero
50 /// bytes beyond its end.
readZeroExtended(bytes const & _data,u256 const & _offset)51 u256 readZeroExtended(bytes const& _data, u256 const& _offset)
52 {
53 	if (_offset >= _data.size())
54 		return 0;
55 	else if (_offset + 32 <= _data.size())
56 		return *reinterpret_cast<h256 const*>(_data.data() + static_cast<size_t>(_offset));
57 	else
58 	{
59 		size_t off = static_cast<size_t>(_offset);
60 		u256 val;
61 		for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
62 		{
63 			val <<= 8;
64 			if (off + i < _data.size())
65 				val += _data[off + i];
66 		}
67 		return val;
68 	}
69 }
71 /// Copy @a _size bytes of @a _source at offset @a _sourceOffset to
72 /// @a _target at offset @a _targetOffset. Behaves as if @a _source would
73 /// continue with an infinite sequence of zero bytes beyond its end.
copyZeroExtended(map<u256,uint8_t> & _target,bytes const & _source,size_t _targetOffset,size_t _sourceOffset,size_t _size)74 void copyZeroExtended(
75 	map<u256, uint8_t>& _target, bytes const& _source,
76 	size_t _targetOffset, size_t _sourceOffset, size_t _size
77 )
78 {
79 	for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; ++i)
80 		_target[_targetOffset + i] = _sourceOffset + i < _source.size() ? _source[_sourceOffset + i] : 0;
81 }
83 }
85 using u512 = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_backend<512, 256, boost::multiprecision::unsigned_magnitude, boost::multiprecision::unchecked, void>>;
eval(evmasm::Instruction _instruction,vector<u256> const & _arguments)87 u256 EVMInstructionInterpreter::eval(
88 	evmasm::Instruction _instruction,
89 	vector<u256> const& _arguments
90 )
91 {
92 	using namespace solidity::evmasm;
93 	using evmasm::Instruction;
95 	auto info = instructionInfo(_instruction);
96 	yulAssert(static_cast<size_t>(info.args) == _arguments.size(), "");
98 	auto const& arg = _arguments;
99 	switch (_instruction)
100 	{
101 	case Instruction::STOP:
102 		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExplicitlyTerminated());
103 	// --------------- arithmetic ---------------
104 	case Instruction::ADD:
105 		return arg[0] + arg[1];
106 	case Instruction::MUL:
107 		return arg[0] * arg[1];
108 	case Instruction::SUB:
109 		return arg[0] - arg[1];
110 	case Instruction::DIV:
111 		return arg[1] == 0 ? 0 : arg[0] / arg[1];
112 	case Instruction::SDIV:
113 		return arg[1] == 0 ? 0 : s2u(u2s(arg[0]) / u2s(arg[1]));
114 	case Instruction::MOD:
115 		return arg[1] == 0 ? 0 : arg[0] % arg[1];
116 	case Instruction::SMOD:
117 		return arg[1] == 0 ? 0 : s2u(u2s(arg[0]) % u2s(arg[1]));
118 	case Instruction::EXP:
119 		return exp256(arg[0], arg[1]);
120 	case Instruction::NOT:
121 		return ~arg[0];
122 	case Instruction::LT:
123 		return arg[0] < arg[1] ? 1 : 0;
124 	case Instruction::GT:
125 		return arg[0] > arg[1] ? 1 : 0;
126 	case Instruction::SLT:
127 		return u2s(arg[0]) < u2s(arg[1]) ? 1 : 0;
128 	case Instruction::SGT:
129 		return u2s(arg[0]) > u2s(arg[1]) ? 1 : 0;
130 	case Instruction::EQ:
131 		return arg[0] == arg[1] ? 1 : 0;
132 	case Instruction::ISZERO:
133 		return arg[0] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
134 	case Instruction::AND:
135 		return arg[0] & arg[1];
136 	case Instruction::OR:
137 		return arg[0] | arg[1];
138 	case Instruction::XOR:
139 		return arg[0] ^ arg[1];
140 	case Instruction::BYTE:
141 		return arg[0] >= 32 ? 0 : (arg[1] >> unsigned(8 * (31 - arg[0]))) & 0xff;
142 	case Instruction::SHL:
143 		return arg[0] > 255 ? 0 : (arg[1] << unsigned(arg[0]));
144 	case Instruction::SHR:
145 		return arg[0] > 255 ? 0 : (arg[1] >> unsigned(arg[0]));
146 	case Instruction::SAR:
147 	{
148 		static u256 const hibit = u256(1) << 255;
149 		if (arg[0] >= 256)
150 			return arg[1] & hibit ? u256(-1) : 0;
151 		else
152 		{
153 			unsigned amount = unsigned(arg[0]);
154 			u256 v = arg[1] >> amount;
155 			if (arg[1] & hibit)
156 				v |= u256(-1) << (256 - amount);
157 			return v;
158 		}
159 	}
160 	case Instruction::ADDMOD:
161 		return arg[2] == 0 ? 0 : u256((u512(arg[0]) + u512(arg[1])) % arg[2]);
162 	case Instruction::MULMOD:
163 		return arg[2] == 0 ? 0 : u256((u512(arg[0]) * u512(arg[1])) % arg[2]);
164 	case Instruction::SIGNEXTEND:
165 		if (arg[0] >= 31)
166 			return arg[1];
167 		else
168 		{
169 			unsigned testBit = unsigned(arg[0]) * 8 + 7;
170 			u256 ret = arg[1];
171 			u256 mask = ((u256(1) << testBit) - 1);
172 			if (boost::multiprecision::bit_test(ret, testBit))
173 				ret |= ~mask;
174 			else
175 				ret &= mask;
176 			return ret;
177 		}
178 	// --------------- blockchain stuff ---------------
179 	case Instruction::KECCAK256:
180 	{
181 		if (!accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]))
182 			return u256("0x1234cafe1234cafe1234cafe") + arg[0];
183 		uint64_t offset = uint64_t(arg[0] & uint64_t(-1));
184 		uint64_t size = uint64_t(arg[1] & uint64_t(-1));
185 		return u256(keccak256(readMemory(offset, size)));
186 	}
187 	case Instruction::ADDRESS:
188 		return h256(m_state.address, h256::AlignRight);
189 	case Instruction::BALANCE:
190 		if (arg[0] == h256(m_state.address, h256::AlignRight))
191 			return m_state.selfbalance;
192 		else
193 			return m_state.balance;
194 	case Instruction::SELFBALANCE:
195 		return m_state.selfbalance;
196 	case Instruction::ORIGIN:
197 		return h256(m_state.origin, h256::AlignRight);
198 	case Instruction::CALLER:
199 		return h256(m_state.caller, h256::AlignRight);
200 	case Instruction::CALLVALUE:
201 		return m_state.callvalue;
202 	case Instruction::CALLDATALOAD:
203 		return readZeroExtended(m_state.calldata, arg[0]);
204 	case Instruction::CALLDATASIZE:
205 		return m_state.calldata.size();
206 	case Instruction::CALLDATACOPY:
207 		if (accessMemory(arg[0], arg[2]))
208 			copyZeroExtended(
209 				m_state.memory, m_state.calldata,
210 				size_t(arg[0]), size_t(arg[1]), size_t(arg[2])
211 			);
212 		return 0;
213 	case Instruction::CODESIZE:
214 		return m_state.code.size();
215 	case Instruction::CODECOPY:
216 		if (accessMemory(arg[0], arg[2]))
217 			copyZeroExtended(
218 				m_state.memory, m_state.code,
219 				size_t(arg[0]), size_t(arg[1]), size_t(arg[2])
220 			);
221 		return 0;
222 	case Instruction::GASPRICE:
223 		return m_state.gasprice;
224 	case Instruction::CHAINID:
225 		return m_state.chainid;
226 	case Instruction::BASEFEE:
227 		return m_state.basefee;
228 	case Instruction::EXTCODESIZE:
229 		return u256(keccak256(h256(arg[0]))) & 0xffffff;
230 	case Instruction::EXTCODEHASH:
231 		return u256(keccak256(h256(arg[0] + 1)));
232 	case Instruction::EXTCODECOPY:
233 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
234 		if (accessMemory(arg[1], arg[3]))
235 			// TODO this way extcodecopy and codecopy do the same thing.
236 			copyZeroExtended(
237 				m_state.memory, m_state.code,
238 				size_t(arg[1]), size_t(arg[2]), size_t(arg[3])
239 			);
240 		return 0;
241 	case Instruction::RETURNDATASIZE:
242 		return m_state.returndata.size();
243 	case Instruction::RETURNDATACOPY:
244 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
245 		if (accessMemory(arg[0], arg[2]))
246 			copyZeroExtended(
247 				m_state.memory, m_state.returndata,
248 				size_t(arg[0]), size_t(arg[1]), size_t(arg[2])
249 			);
250 		return 0;
251 	case Instruction::BLOCKHASH:
252 		if (arg[0] >= m_state.blockNumber || arg[0] + 256 < m_state.blockNumber)
253 			return 0;
254 		else
255 			return 0xaaaaaaaa + (arg[0] - m_state.blockNumber - 256);
256 	case Instruction::COINBASE:
257 		return h256(m_state.coinbase, h256::AlignRight);
258 	case Instruction::TIMESTAMP:
259 		return m_state.timestamp;
260 	case Instruction::NUMBER:
261 		return m_state.blockNumber;
262 	case Instruction::DIFFICULTY:
263 		return m_state.difficulty;
264 	case Instruction::GASLIMIT:
265 		return m_state.gaslimit;
266 	// --------------- memory / storage / logs ---------------
267 	case Instruction::MLOAD:
268 		accessMemory(arg[0], 0x20);
269 		return readMemoryWord(arg[0]);
270 	case Instruction::MSTORE:
271 		accessMemory(arg[0], 0x20);
272 		writeMemoryWord(arg[0], arg[1]);
273 		return 0;
274 	case Instruction::MSTORE8:
275 		accessMemory(arg[0], 1);
276 		m_state.memory[arg[0]] = uint8_t(arg[1] & 0xff);
277 		return 0;
278 	case Instruction::SLOAD:
279 		return m_state.storage[h256(arg[0])];
280 	case Instruction::SSTORE:
281 		m_state.storage[h256(arg[0])] = h256(arg[1]);
282 		return 0;
283 	case Instruction::PC:
284 		return 0x77;
285 	case Instruction::MSIZE:
286 		return m_state.msize;
287 	case Instruction::GAS:
288 		return 0x99;
289 	case Instruction::LOG0:
290 		accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]);
291 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
292 		return 0;
293 	case Instruction::LOG1:
294 		accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]);
295 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
296 		return 0;
297 	case Instruction::LOG2:
298 		accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]);
299 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
300 		return 0;
301 	case Instruction::LOG3:
302 		accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]);
303 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
304 		return 0;
305 	case Instruction::LOG4:
306 		accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]);
307 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
308 		return 0;
309 	// --------------- calls ---------------
310 	case Instruction::CREATE:
311 		accessMemory(arg[1], arg[2]);
312 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
313 		return (0xcccccc + arg[1]) & u256("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
314 	case Instruction::CREATE2:
315 		accessMemory(arg[2], arg[3]);
316 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
317 		return (0xdddddd + arg[1]) & u256("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
318 	case Instruction::CALL:
319 	case Instruction::CALLCODE:
320 		// TODO assign returndata
321 		accessMemory(arg[3], arg[4]);
322 		accessMemory(arg[5], arg[6]);
323 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
324 		return arg[0] & 1;
325 	case Instruction::DELEGATECALL:
326 	case Instruction::STATICCALL:
327 		accessMemory(arg[2], arg[3]);
328 		accessMemory(arg[4], arg[5]);
329 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
330 		return 0;
331 	case Instruction::RETURN:
332 	{
333 		bytes data;
334 		if (accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]))
335 			data = readMemory(arg[0], arg[1]);
336 		logTrace(_instruction, arg, data);
337 		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExplicitlyTerminated());
338 	}
339 	case Instruction::REVERT:
340 		accessMemory(arg[0], arg[1]);
341 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
342 		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExplicitlyTerminated());
343 	case Instruction::INVALID:
344 		logTrace(_instruction);
345 		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExplicitlyTerminated());
346 	case Instruction::SELFDESTRUCT:
347 		logTrace(_instruction, arg);
348 		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExplicitlyTerminated());
349 	case Instruction::POP:
350 		break;
351 	// --------------- invalid in strict assembly ---------------
352 	case Instruction::JUMP:
353 	case Instruction::JUMPI:
354 	case Instruction::JUMPDEST:
355 	case Instruction::PUSH1:
356 	case Instruction::PUSH2:
357 	case Instruction::PUSH3:
358 	case Instruction::PUSH4:
359 	case Instruction::PUSH5:
360 	case Instruction::PUSH6:
361 	case Instruction::PUSH7:
362 	case Instruction::PUSH8:
363 	case Instruction::PUSH9:
364 	case Instruction::PUSH10:
365 	case Instruction::PUSH11:
366 	case Instruction::PUSH12:
367 	case Instruction::PUSH13:
368 	case Instruction::PUSH14:
369 	case Instruction::PUSH15:
370 	case Instruction::PUSH16:
371 	case Instruction::PUSH17:
372 	case Instruction::PUSH18:
373 	case Instruction::PUSH19:
374 	case Instruction::PUSH20:
375 	case Instruction::PUSH21:
376 	case Instruction::PUSH22:
377 	case Instruction::PUSH23:
378 	case Instruction::PUSH24:
379 	case Instruction::PUSH25:
380 	case Instruction::PUSH26:
381 	case Instruction::PUSH27:
382 	case Instruction::PUSH28:
383 	case Instruction::PUSH29:
384 	case Instruction::PUSH30:
385 	case Instruction::PUSH31:
386 	case Instruction::PUSH32:
387 	case Instruction::DUP1:
388 	case Instruction::DUP2:
389 	case Instruction::DUP3:
390 	case Instruction::DUP4:
391 	case Instruction::DUP5:
392 	case Instruction::DUP6:
393 	case Instruction::DUP7:
394 	case Instruction::DUP8:
395 	case Instruction::DUP9:
396 	case Instruction::DUP10:
397 	case Instruction::DUP11:
398 	case Instruction::DUP12:
399 	case Instruction::DUP13:
400 	case Instruction::DUP14:
401 	case Instruction::DUP15:
402 	case Instruction::DUP16:
403 	case Instruction::SWAP1:
404 	case Instruction::SWAP2:
405 	case Instruction::SWAP3:
406 	case Instruction::SWAP4:
407 	case Instruction::SWAP5:
408 	case Instruction::SWAP6:
409 	case Instruction::SWAP7:
410 	case Instruction::SWAP8:
411 	case Instruction::SWAP9:
412 	case Instruction::SWAP10:
413 	case Instruction::SWAP11:
414 	case Instruction::SWAP12:
415 	case Instruction::SWAP13:
416 	case Instruction::SWAP14:
417 	case Instruction::SWAP15:
418 	case Instruction::SWAP16:
419 	{
420 		yulAssert(false, "");
421 		return 0;
422 	}
423 	}
425 	return 0;
426 }
evalBuiltin(BuiltinFunctionForEVM const & _fun,vector<Expression> const & _arguments,vector<u256> const & _evaluatedArguments)428 u256 EVMInstructionInterpreter::evalBuiltin(
429 	BuiltinFunctionForEVM const& _fun,
430 	vector<Expression> const& _arguments,
431 	vector<u256> const& _evaluatedArguments
432 )
433 {
434 	if (_fun.instruction)
435 		return eval(*_fun.instruction, _evaluatedArguments);
437 	string fun = _fun.name.str();
438 	// Evaluate datasize/offset/copy instructions
439 	if (fun == "datasize" || fun == "dataoffset")
440 	{
441 		string arg = std::get<Literal>(_arguments.at(0)).value.str();
442 		if (arg.length() < 32)
443 			arg.resize(32, 0);
444 		if (fun == "datasize")
445 			return u256(keccak256(arg)) & 0xfff;
446 		else
447 		{
448 			// Force different value than for datasize
449 			arg[31]++;
450 			arg[31]++;
451 			return u256(keccak256(arg)) & 0xfff;
452 		}
453 	}
454 	else if (fun == "datacopy")
455 	{
456 		// This is identical to codecopy.
457 		if (accessMemory(_evaluatedArguments.at(0), _evaluatedArguments.at(2)))
458 			copyZeroExtended(
459 				m_state.memory,
460 				m_state.code,
461 				size_t(_evaluatedArguments.at(0)),
462 				size_t(_evaluatedArguments.at(1) & numeric_limits<size_t>::max()),
463 				size_t(_evaluatedArguments.at(2))
464 			);
465 		return 0;
466 	}
467 	else
468 		yulAssert(false, "Unknown builtin: " + fun);
469 	return 0;
470 }
accessMemory(u256 const & _offset,u256 const & _size)473 bool EVMInstructionInterpreter::accessMemory(u256 const& _offset, u256 const& _size)
474 {
475 	if (((_offset + _size) >= _offset) && ((_offset + _size + 0x1f) >= (_offset + _size)))
476 	{
477 		u256 newSize = (_offset + _size + 0x1f) & ~u256(0x1f);
478 		m_state.msize = max(m_state.msize, newSize);
479 		return _size <= 0xffff;
480 	}
481 	else
482 		m_state.msize = u256(-1);
484 	return false;
485 }
readMemory(u256 const & _offset,u256 const & _size)487 bytes EVMInstructionInterpreter::readMemory(u256 const& _offset, u256 const& _size)
488 {
489 	yulAssert(_size <= 0xffff, "Too large read.");
490 	bytes data(size_t(_size), uint8_t(0));
491 	for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
492 		data[i] = m_state.memory[_offset + i];
493 	return data;
494 }
readMemoryWord(u256 const & _offset)496 u256 EVMInstructionInterpreter::readMemoryWord(u256 const& _offset)
497 {
498 	return u256(h256(readMemory(_offset, 32)));
499 }
writeMemoryWord(u256 const & _offset,u256 const & _value)501 void EVMInstructionInterpreter::writeMemoryWord(u256 const& _offset, u256 const& _value)
502 {
503 	for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
504 		m_state.memory[_offset + i] = uint8_t((_value >> (8 * (31 - i))) & 0xff);
505 }
logTrace(evmasm::Instruction _instruction,std::vector<u256> const & _arguments,bytes const & _data)508 void EVMInstructionInterpreter::logTrace(evmasm::Instruction _instruction, std::vector<u256> const& _arguments, bytes const& _data)
509 {
510 	logTrace(evmasm::instructionInfo(_instruction).name, _arguments, _data);
511 }
logTrace(std::string const & _pseudoInstruction,std::vector<u256> const & _arguments,bytes const & _data)513 void EVMInstructionInterpreter::logTrace(std::string const& _pseudoInstruction, std::vector<u256> const& _arguments, bytes const& _data)
514 {
515 	string message = _pseudoInstruction + "(";
516 	for (size_t i = 0; i < _arguments.size(); ++i)
517 		message += (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + formatNumber(_arguments[i]);
518 	message += ")";
519 	if (!_data.empty())
520 		message += " [" + util::toHex(_data) + "]";
521 	m_state.trace.emplace_back(std::move(message));
522 	if (m_state.maxTraceSize > 0 && m_state.trace.size() >= m_state.maxTraceSize)
523 	{
524 		m_state.trace.emplace_back("Trace size limit reached.");
525 		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(TraceLimitReached());
526 	}
527 }