1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 /* Iterator class for frame lists that respect CSS "order" during layout */
9 #ifndef mozilla_CSSOrderAwareFrameIterator_h
10 #define mozilla_CSSOrderAwareFrameIterator_h
12 #include <algorithm>
13 #include "nsFrameList.h"
14 #include "nsIFrame.h"
15 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
16 #include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
18 #if defined(__clang__) && __clang_major__ == 3 && __clang_minor__ <= 9
19 #define CLANG_CRASH_BUG 1
20 #endif
22 namespace mozilla {
24 /**
25  * CSSOrderAwareFrameIteratorT is a base class for iterators that traverse
26  * child frame lists in a way that respects their CSS "order" property.
27  *   https://drafts.csswg.org/css-flexbox-1/#order-property
28  * This class isn't meant to be directly used; instead, use its specializations
29  * CSSOrderAwareFrameIterator and ReverseCSSOrderAwareFrameIterator.
30  *
31  * Client code can use a CSSOrderAwareFrameIterator to traverse lower-"order"
32  * frames before higher-"order" ones (as required for correct flex/grid
33  * layout), without modifying the frames' actual ordering within the frame
34  * tree. Any frames with equal "order" values will be traversed consecutively,
35  * in frametree order (which is generally equivalent to DOM order).
36  *
37  * By default, the iterator will skip past placeholder frames during
38  * iteration. You can adjust this behavior via the ChildFilter constructor arg.
39  *
40  * By default, the iterator will use the frames' CSS "order" property to
41  * determine its traversal order. However, it can be customized to instead use
42  * the (prefixed) legacy "box-ordinal-group" CSS property instead, as part of
43  * emulating "display:-webkit-box" containers. This behavior can be customized
44  * using the OrderingProperty constructor arg.
45  *
46  * A few notes on performance:
47  *  - If you're iterating multiple times in a row, it's a good idea to reuse
48  * the same iterator (calling Reset() to start each new iteration), rather than
49  * instantiating a new one each time.
50  *  - If you have foreknowledge of the list's orderedness, you can save some
51  * time by passing eKnownOrdered or eKnownUnordered to the constructor (which
52  * will skip some checks during construction).
53  *
54  * Warning: if the given frame list changes, it makes the iterator invalid and
55  * bad things will happen if it's used further.
56  */
57 template <typename Iterator>
58 class CSSOrderAwareFrameIteratorT {
59  public:
60   enum OrderState { eUnknownOrder, eKnownOrdered, eKnownUnordered };
61   enum ChildFilter { eSkipPlaceholders, eIncludeAll };
62   enum OrderingProperty {
63     eUseOrder,           // Default behavior: use "order".
64     eUseBoxOrdinalGroup  // Legacy behavior: use prefixed "box-ordinal-group".
65   };
66   CSSOrderAwareFrameIteratorT(nsIFrame* aContainer,
67                               nsIFrame::ChildListID aListID,
68                               ChildFilter aFilter = eSkipPlaceholders,
69                               OrderState aState = eUnknownOrder,
70                               OrderingProperty aOrderProp = eUseOrder)
71       : mChildren(aContainer->GetChildList(aListID)),
72         mArrayIndex(0),
73         mItemIndex(0),
74         mSkipPlaceholders(aFilter == eSkipPlaceholders)
75 #ifdef DEBUG
76         ,
77         mContainer(aContainer),
78         mListID(aListID)
79 #endif
80   {
81     MOZ_ASSERT(aContainer->IsFlexOrGridContainer(),
82                "Only use this iterator in a container that honors 'order'");
84     size_t count = 0;
85     bool isOrdered = aState != eKnownUnordered;
86     if (aState == eUnknownOrder) {
87       auto maxOrder = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
88       for (auto child : mChildren) {
89         ++count;
91         int32_t order;
92         if (aOrderProp == eUseBoxOrdinalGroup) {
93           // We'll be using mBoxOrdinal, which has type uint32_t. However, the
94           // modern 'order' property (whose functionality we're co-opting) has
95           // type int32_t.  So: if we happen to have a uint32_t value that's
96           // greater than INT32_MAX, we clamp it rather than letting it
97           // overflow. Chances are, this is just an author using BIG_VALUE
98           // anyway, so the clamped value should be fine.
99           uint32_t clampedBoxOrdinal = std::min(
100               child->StyleXUL()->mBoxOrdinal, static_cast<uint32_t>(INT32_MAX));
101           order = static_cast<int32_t>(clampedBoxOrdinal);
102         } else {
103           order = child->StylePosition()->mOrder;
104         }
106         if (order < maxOrder) {
107           isOrdered = false;
108           break;
109         }
110         maxOrder = order;
111       }
112     }
113     if (isOrdered) {
114       mIter.emplace(begin(mChildren));
115       mIterEnd.emplace(end(mChildren));
116     } else {
117       count *= 2;  // XXX somewhat arbitrary estimate for now...
118       mArray.emplace(count);
119       for (Iterator i(begin(mChildren)), iEnd(end(mChildren)); i != iEnd; ++i) {
120         mArray->AppendElement(*i);
121       }
122       auto comparator = (aOrderProp == eUseBoxOrdinalGroup)
123                             ? CSSBoxOrdinalGroupComparator
124                             : CSSOrderComparator;
126       // XXX replace this with nsTArray::StableSort when bug 1147091 is fixed.
127       std::stable_sort(mArray->begin(), mArray->end(), comparator);
128     }
130     if (mSkipPlaceholders) {
131       SkipPlaceholders();
132     }
133   }
~CSSOrderAwareFrameIteratorT()134   ~CSSOrderAwareFrameIteratorT() {
135     MOZ_ASSERT(IsForward() == mItemCount.isNothing());
136   }
138   bool IsForward() const;
139   Iterator begin(const nsFrameList& aList);
140   Iterator end(const nsFrameList& aList);
142   nsIFrame* operator*() const {
143     MOZ_ASSERT(!AtEnd());
144     if (mIter.isSome()) {
145       return **mIter;
146     }
147     return (*mArray)[mArrayIndex];
148   }
150   /**
151    * Return the child index of the current item, placeholders not counted.
152    * It's forbidden to call this method when the current frame is placeholder.
153    */
ItemIndex()154   size_t ItemIndex() const {
155     MOZ_ASSERT(!AtEnd());
156     MOZ_ASSERT(!(**this)->IsPlaceholderFrame(),
157                "MUST not call this when at a placeholder");
158     MOZ_ASSERT(IsForward() || mItemIndex < *mItemCount,
159                "Returning an out-of-range mItemIndex...");
160     return mItemIndex;
161   }
SetItemCount(size_t aItemCount)163   void SetItemCount(size_t aItemCount) {
164 #ifndef CLANG_CRASH_BUG
165     MOZ_ASSERT(mIter.isSome() || aItemCount <= mArray->Length(),
166                "item count mismatch");
167 #endif
168     mItemCount.emplace(aItemCount);
169     // Note: it's OK if mItemIndex underflows -- ItemIndex()
170     // will not be called unless there is at least one item.
171     mItemIndex = IsForward() ? 0 : *mItemCount - 1;
172   }
174   /**
175    * Skip over placeholder children.
176    */
SkipPlaceholders()177   void SkipPlaceholders() {
178     if (mIter.isSome()) {
179       for (; *mIter != *mIterEnd; ++*mIter) {
180         nsIFrame* child = **mIter;
181         if (!child->IsPlaceholderFrame()) {
182           return;
183         }
184       }
185     } else {
186       for (; mArrayIndex < mArray->Length(); ++mArrayIndex) {
187         nsIFrame* child = (*mArray)[mArrayIndex];
188         if (!child->IsPlaceholderFrame()) {
189           return;
190         }
191       }
192     }
193   }
AtEnd()195   bool AtEnd() const {
196 #ifndef CLANG_CRASH_BUG
197     // Clang 3.6.2 crashes when compiling this assertion:
198     MOZ_ASSERT(mIter.isSome() || mArrayIndex <= mArray->Length());
199 #endif
200     return mIter ? (*mIter == *mIterEnd) : mArrayIndex >= mArray->Length();
201   }
Next()203   void Next() {
204 #ifdef DEBUG
205     MOZ_ASSERT(!AtEnd());
206     nsFrameList list = mContainer->GetChildList(mListID);
207     MOZ_ASSERT(list.FirstChild() == mChildren.FirstChild() &&
208                    list.LastChild() == mChildren.LastChild(),
209                "the list of child frames must not change while iterating!");
210 #endif
211     if (mSkipPlaceholders || !(**this)->IsPlaceholderFrame()) {
212       IsForward() ? ++mItemIndex : --mItemIndex;
213     }
214     if (mIter.isSome()) {
215       ++*mIter;
216     } else {
217       ++mArrayIndex;
218     }
219     if (mSkipPlaceholders) {
220       SkipPlaceholders();
221     }
222   }
224   void Reset(ChildFilter aFilter = eSkipPlaceholders) {
225     if (mIter.isSome()) {
226       mIter.reset();
227       mIter.emplace(begin(mChildren));
228       mIterEnd.reset();
229       mIterEnd.emplace(end(mChildren));
230     } else {
231       mArrayIndex = 0;
232     }
233     mItemIndex = IsForward() ? 0 : *mItemCount - 1;
234     mSkipPlaceholders = aFilter == eSkipPlaceholders;
235     if (mSkipPlaceholders) {
236       SkipPlaceholders();
237     }
238   }
IsValid()240   bool IsValid() const { return mIter.isSome() || mArray.isSome(); }
Invalidate()242   void Invalidate() {
243     mIter.reset();
244     mArray.reset();
245     mozWritePoison(&mChildren, sizeof(mChildren));
246   }
ItemsAreAlreadyInOrder()248   bool ItemsAreAlreadyInOrder() const { return mIter.isSome(); }
250   static bool CSSOrderComparator(nsIFrame* const& a, nsIFrame* const& b);
251   static bool CSSBoxOrdinalGroupComparator(nsIFrame* const& a,
252                                            nsIFrame* const& b);
254  private:
255   nsFrameList mChildren;
256   // Used if child list is already in ascending 'order'.
257   Maybe<Iterator> mIter;
258   Maybe<Iterator> mIterEnd;
259   // Used if child list is *not* in ascending 'order'.
260   // This array is pre-sorted in reverse order for a reverse iterator.
261   Maybe<nsTArray<nsIFrame*>> mArray;
262   size_t mArrayIndex;
263   // The index of the current item (placeholders excluded).
264   size_t mItemIndex;
265   // The number of items (placeholders excluded).
266   // It's only initialized and used in a reverse iterator.
267   Maybe<size_t> mItemCount;
268   // Skip placeholder children in the iteration?
269   bool mSkipPlaceholders;
270 #ifdef DEBUG
271   nsIFrame* mContainer;
272   nsIFrame::ChildListID mListID;
273 #endif
274 };
276 typedef CSSOrderAwareFrameIteratorT<nsFrameList::iterator>
277     CSSOrderAwareFrameIterator;
278 typedef CSSOrderAwareFrameIteratorT<nsFrameList::reverse_iterator>
279     ReverseCSSOrderAwareFrameIterator;
281 }  // namespace mozilla
283 #endif  // mozilla_CSSOrderAwareFrameIterator_h