1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
6 #ifndef __TX_I_XPATH_CONTEXT
7 #define __TX_I_XPATH_CONTEXT
9 #include "nscore.h"
10 #include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
11 #include "nsStringFwd.h"
13 class FunctionCall;
14 class nsAtom;
15 class txAExprResult;
16 class txResultRecycler;
17 class txXPathNode;
19 /*
20  * txIParseContext
21  *
22  * This interface describes the context needed to create
23  * XPath Expressions and XSLT Patters.
24  * (not completely though. key() requires the ProcessorState, which is
25  * not part of this interface.)
26  */
28 class txIParseContext {
29  public:
30   virtual ~txIParseContext() = default;
32   /*
33    * Return a namespaceID for a given prefix.
34    */
35   virtual nsresult resolveNamespacePrefix(nsAtom* aPrefix, int32_t& aID) = 0;
37   /*
38    * Create a FunctionCall, needed for extension function calls and
39    * XSLT. XPath function calls are resolved by the Parser.
40    */
41   virtual nsresult resolveFunctionCall(nsAtom* aName, int32_t aID,
42                                        FunctionCall** aFunction) = 0;
44   /**
45    * Should nametests parsed in this context be case-sensitive
46    */
47   virtual bool caseInsensitiveNameTests() = 0;
49   /*
50    * Callback to be used by the Parser if errors are detected.
51    */
52   virtual void SetErrorOffset(uint32_t aOffset) = 0;
54   enum Allowed { KEY_FUNCTION = 1 << 0 };
allowed(Allowed aAllowed)55   virtual bool allowed(Allowed aAllowed) { return true; }
56 };
58 /*
59  * txIMatchContext
60  *
61  * Interface used for matching XSLT Patters.
62  * This is the part of txIEvalContext (see below), that is independent
63  * of the context node when evaluating a XPath expression, too.
64  * When evaluating a XPath expression, |txIMatchContext|s are used
65  * to transport the information from Step to Step.
66  */
67 class txIMatchContext {
68  public:
69   virtual ~txIMatchContext() = default;
71   /*
72    * Return the ExprResult associated with the variable with the
73    * given namespace and local name.
74    */
75   virtual nsresult getVariable(int32_t aNamespace, nsAtom* aLName,
76                                txAExprResult*& aResult) = 0;
78   /*
79    * Is whitespace stripping allowed for the given node?
80    * See http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#strip
81    */
82   virtual nsresult isStripSpaceAllowed(const txXPathNode& aNode,
83                                        bool& aAllowed) = 0;
85   /**
86    * Returns a pointer to the private context
87    */
88   virtual void* getPrivateContext() = 0;
90   virtual txResultRecycler* recycler() = 0;
92   /*
93    * Callback to be used by the expression/pattern if errors are detected.
94    */
95   virtual void receiveError(const nsAString& aMsg, nsresult aRes) = 0;
96 };
98 #define TX_DECL_MATCH_CONTEXT                                            \
99   nsresult getVariable(int32_t aNamespace, nsAtom* aLName,               \
100                        txAExprResult*& aResult) override;                \
101   nsresult isStripSpaceAllowed(const txXPathNode& aNode, bool& aAllowed) \
102       override;                                                          \
103   void* getPrivateContext() override;                                    \
104   txResultRecycler* recycler() override;                                 \
105   void receiveError(const nsAString& aMsg, nsresult aRes) override
107 class txIEvalContext : public txIMatchContext {
108  public:
109   /*
110    * Get the context node.
111    */
112   virtual const txXPathNode& getContextNode() = 0;
114   /*
115    * Get the size of the context node set.
116    */
117   virtual uint32_t size() = 0;
119   /*
120    * Get the position of the context node in the context node set,
121    * starting with 1.
122    */
123   virtual uint32_t position() = 0;
124 };
126 #define TX_DECL_EVAL_CONTEXT                    \
127   TX_DECL_MATCH_CONTEXT;                        \
128   const txXPathNode& getContextNode() override; \
129   uint32_t size() override;                     \
130   uint32_t position() override
132 #endif  // __TX_I_XPATH_CONTEXT