1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6    max-run-time:
7        by-test-platform:
8            .*-qr/.*: 2400
9            .*-ref-hw-2017/.*: 3600
10            default: 1800
11    suite: raptor
12    workdir: /home/cltbld
13    run-on-projects:
14        by-test-platform:
15            linux.*shippable[^-qr].*: ['mozilla-central', 'try']
16            default: []
17    tier: 3
18    fission-tier: 3
19    virtualization:
20        by-test-platform:
21            windows10-64-ccov/.*: virtual
22            default: hardware
23    mozharness:
24        script: raptor_script.py
25        config:
26            by-test-platform:
27                macosx.*:
28                    - raptor/mac_config.py
29                windows.*:
30                    - raptor/windows_config.py
31                windows10-64-ccov/.*:
32                    - raptor/windows_vm_config.py
33                linux64-ccov/.*:
34                    - raptor/linux64_config_taskcluster.py
35                default:
36                    - raptor/linux_config.py
37        extra-options:
38            - --browsertime
39    fission-run-on-projects: []
42    description: "Raptor (browsertime) tp6 page-load tests"
43    raptor-test: tp6
44    raptor-subtests: ['amazon']
45    apps: ['firefox', 'chrome']
46    variants:
47        by-app:
48            firefox: []
49            default: []
50    pageload:
51        by-app:
52            firefox: 'both'
53            chrome: 'cold'
54            default: 'warm'
55    run-on-projects:
56        by-app:
57            chrome: []
58            default:
59                by-test-platform:
60                    linux.*shippable[^-qr].*: ['mozilla-central', 'try']
61                    default: []
62    limit-platforms:
63        by-app:
64            chrome:
65                - linux.*shippable[^-qr].*
66            default: []
67    treeherder-symbol: Btime(tp6)
68    max-run-time: 4000
69    run-visual-metrics:
70        by-app:
71            chrome: false
72            default: true
75    description: "Raptor (browsertime) Speedometer on Firefox"
76    raptor-test: speedometer
77    variants: ["fission"]
78    apps: ["firefox"]
79    treeherder-symbol: Btime(sp)
82    description: "Raptor (browsertime) ares6 on Firefox"
83    raptor-test: raptor-ares6
84    variants: ["fission"]
85    apps: ["firefox"]
86    treeherder-symbol: Btime(ares6)
89    description: "Raptor (browsertime) tp6 page-load tests with Gecko Profiling"
90    raptor-test: tp6
91    raptor-subtests: ['amazon']
92    apps: ['firefox']
93    pageload: 'both'
94    treeherder-symbol: Btime-Prof(tp6)
95    max-run-time: 4000
96    mozharness:
97        extra-options:
98            - --gecko-profile