3We acquire the python information by running an interrogation script via subprocess trigger. This operation is not
4cheap, especially not on Windows. To not have to pay this hefty cost every time we apply multiple levels of
7from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
9import logging
10import os
11import pipes
12import sys
13from collections import OrderedDict
15from virtualenv.app_data import AppDataDisabled
16from virtualenv.discovery.py_info import PythonInfo
17from virtualenv.info import PY2
18from virtualenv.util.path import Path
19from virtualenv.util.six import ensure_text
20from virtualenv.util.subprocess import Popen, subprocess
22_CACHE = OrderedDict()
23_CACHE[Path(sys.executable)] = PythonInfo()
26def from_exe(cls, app_data, exe, raise_on_error=True, ignore_cache=False):
27    """"""
28    result = _get_from_cache(cls, app_data, exe, ignore_cache=ignore_cache)
29    if isinstance(result, Exception):
30        if raise_on_error:
31            raise result
32        else:
33            logging.info("%s", str(result))
34        result = None
35    return result
38def _get_from_cache(cls, app_data, exe, ignore_cache=True):
39    # note here we cannot resolve symlinks, as the symlink may trigger different prefix information if there's a
40    # pyenv.cfg somewhere alongside on python3.4+
41    exe_path = Path(exe)
42    if not ignore_cache and exe_path in _CACHE:  # check in the in-memory cache
43        result = _CACHE[exe_path]
44    else:  # otherwise go through the app data cache
45        py_info = _get_via_file_cache(cls, app_data, exe_path, exe)
46        result = _CACHE[exe_path] = py_info
47    # independent if it was from the file or in-memory cache fix the original executable location
48    if isinstance(result, PythonInfo):
49        result.executable = exe
50    return result
53def _get_via_file_cache(cls, app_data, path, exe):
54    path_text = ensure_text(str(path))
55    try:
56        path_modified = path.stat().st_mtime
57    except OSError:
58        path_modified = -1
59    if app_data is None:
60        app_data = AppDataDisabled()
61    py_info, py_info_store = None, app_data.py_info(path)
62    with py_info_store.locked():
63        if py_info_store.exists():  # if exists and matches load
64            data = py_info_store.read()
65            of_path, of_st_mtime, of_content = data["path"], data["st_mtime"], data["content"]
66            if of_path == path_text and of_st_mtime == path_modified:
67                py_info = cls._from_dict({k: v for k, v in of_content.items()})
68            else:
69                py_info_store.remove()
70        if py_info is None:  # if not loaded run and save
71            failure, py_info = _run_subprocess(cls, exe, app_data)
72            if failure is None:
73                data = {"st_mtime": path_modified, "path": path_text, "content": py_info._to_dict()}
74                py_info_store.write(data)
75            else:
76                py_info = failure
77    return py_info
80def _run_subprocess(cls, exe, app_data):
81    py_info_script = Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent / "py_info.py"
82    with app_data.ensure_extracted(py_info_script) as py_info_script:
83        cmd = [exe, str(py_info_script)]
84        # prevent sys.prefix from leaking into the child process - see https://bugs.python.org/issue22490
85        env = os.environ.copy()
86        env.pop("__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__", None)
87        logging.debug("get interpreter info via cmd: %s", LogCmd(cmd))
88        try:
89            process = Popen(
90                cmd,
91                universal_newlines=True,
92                stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
93                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
94                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
95                env=env,
96            )
97            out, err = process.communicate()
98            code = process.returncode
99        except OSError as os_error:
100            out, err, code = "", os_error.strerror, os_error.errno
101    result, failure = None, None
102    if code == 0:
103        result = cls._from_json(out)
104        result.executable = exe  # keep original executable as this may contain initialization code
105    else:
106        msg = "failed to query {} with code {}{}{}".format(
107            exe, code, " out: {!r}".format(out) if out else "", " err: {!r}".format(err) if err else "",
108        )
109        failure = RuntimeError(msg)
110    return failure, result
113class LogCmd(object):
114    def __init__(self, cmd, env=None):
115        self.cmd = cmd
116        self.env = env
118    def __repr__(self):
119        def e(v):
120            return v.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(v, bytes) else v
122        cmd_repr = e(" ").join(pipes.quote(e(c)) for c in self.cmd)
123        if self.env is not None:
124            cmd_repr += e(" env of {!r}").format(self.env)
125        if PY2:
126            return cmd_repr.encode("utf-8")
127        return cmd_repr
129    def __unicode__(self):
130        raw = repr(self)
131        if PY2:
132            return raw.decode("utf-8")
133        return raw
136def clear(app_data):
137    app_data.py_info_clear()
138    _CACHE.clear()
141___all___ = (
142    "from_exe",
143    "clear",
144    "LogCmd",