1MODULE Compiler;  (* J. Templ 3.2.95 *)
4    SYSTEM, Heap, Platform, Configuration,
5    OPP, OPB, OPT,
6    OPV, OPC, OPM,
7    extTools, Strings, VT100;
9  PROCEDURE Module*(VAR done: BOOLEAN);
10    VAR ext, new: BOOLEAN; p: OPT.Node;
12    OPP.Module(p, OPM.Options);
13    IF OPM.noerr THEN
14      OPV.Init;
15      OPT.InitRecno;
16      OPV.AdrAndSize(OPT.topScope);
17      OPT.Export(ext, new);
18      IF OPM.noerr THEN
19        OPM.OpenFiles(OPT.SelfName);
20        OPM.DeleteObj(OPT.SelfName); (* Make sure old object file isn't left hanging around. *)
21        OPC.Init;
22        OPV.Module(p);
23        IF OPM.noerr THEN
24          IF (OPM.mainprog IN OPM.Options) & (OPM.modName # "SYSTEM") THEN
25            OPM.DeleteSym(OPT.SelfName);
26            OPM.LogVT100(VT100.Green); OPM.LogWStr("  Main program."); OPM.LogVT100(VT100.ResetAll);
27          ELSE
28            IF new THEN
29              OPM.LogVT100(VT100.Green); OPM.LogWStr("  New symbol file."); OPM.LogVT100(VT100.ResetAll);
30	            OPM.RegisterNewSym
31            ELSIF ext THEN
32              OPM.LogWStr("  Extended symbol file.");
33              OPM.RegisterNewSym
34            END
35          END;
36      	ELSE
37          OPM.DeleteSym(OPT.SelfName)
38        END
39      END
40    END;
41    OPM.CloseFiles; OPT.Close;
42    OPM.LogWLn;
43    done := OPM.noerr;
44  END Module;
47  PROCEDURE PropagateElementaryTypeSizes;
48    VAR adrinttyp: OPT.Struct;
50    OPT.sysptrtyp.size := OPM.AddressSize;
51    OPT.sysptrtyp.idfp := OPT.sysptrtyp.form;
52    OPM.FPrint(OPT.sysptrtyp.idfp, OPT.sysptrtyp.size);
54    OPT.adrtyp.size := OPM.AddressSize;
55    OPT.adrtyp.idfp := OPT.adrtyp.form;
56    OPM.FPrint(OPT.adrtyp.idfp, OPT.adrtyp.size);
58    adrinttyp := OPT.IntType(OPM.AddressSize);
59    OPT.adrtyp.strobj := adrinttyp.strobj;
61    OPT.sinttyp := OPT.IntType(OPM.ShortintSize);
62    OPT.inttyp  := OPT.IntType(OPM.IntegerSize);
63    OPT.linttyp := OPT.IntType(OPM.LongintSize);
65    OPT.sintobj.typ   := OPT.sinttyp;
66    OPT.intobj.typ    := OPT.inttyp;
67    OPT.lintobj.typ   := OPT.linttyp;
69    CASE OPM.SetSize OF
70    |4:  OPT.settyp := OPT.set32typ
71    ELSE OPT.settyp := OPT.set64typ
72    END;
73    OPT.setobj.typ := OPT.settyp;
75    (* Enable or disable (non-system) BYTE type *)
76    IF OPM.Model = "C" THEN
77      OPT.cpbytetyp.strobj.name[4] := 0X  (* Enable Component Pascal non-system BYTE type *)
78    ELSE
79      OPT.cpbytetyp.strobj.name[4] := '@' (* Disable Component Pascal non-system BYTE type *)
80    END
81  END PropagateElementaryTypeSizes;
84  PROCEDURE FindLocalObjectFiles(VAR objectnames: ARRAY OF CHAR);
85    VAR
86      l:  OPT.Link;
87      fn: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
88      id: Platform.FileIdentity;
90    objectnames[0] := 0X;
91    l := OPT.Links; WHILE l # NIL DO
92      (* Tell linker to link this module as an object file if both a symbol
93         and an object file exist in the current directory. *)
94      COPY(l.name, fn); Strings.Append('.sym', fn);
95      IF Platform.IdentifyByName(fn, id) = 0 THEN
96        COPY(l.name, fn); Strings.Append(Configuration.objext, fn);
97        IF Platform.IdentifyByName(fn, id) = 0 THEN
98          Strings.Append(' ', objectnames);
99          Strings.Append(fn,  objectnames)
100        ELSE
101          (* Found symbol file but no object file. *)
102          OPM.LogVT100(VT100.LightRed);
103          OPM.LogWStr("Link warning: a local symbol file is present for module "); OPM.LogWStr(l.name);
104          OPM.LogWStr(", but local object file '"); OPM.LogWStr(fn); OPM.LogWStr("' is missing.");
105          OPM.LogVT100(VT100.ResetAll); OPM.LogWLn
106        END
107      ELSE
108        (* No symbol file present in current directory.
109           Assume this referenced module is in a library. *)
110      END;
111      l := l.next
112    END
113  END FindLocalObjectFiles;
116  PROCEDURE Translate*;
117    VAR
118      done:      BOOLEAN;
119      linkfiles: ARRAY 2048 OF CHAR; (* Object files to be linked into main program. *)
120  BEGIN
121    IF OPM.OpenPar() THEN
122      (* gclock();   slightly faster translation but may lead to opening "too many files" *)
124      LOOP
125        OPM.Init(done); (* Get next module name from command line *)
126        IF ~done THEN RETURN END ;
128        OPM.InitOptions; (* Get options for this module *)
129        PropagateElementaryTypeSizes;
131        (* Compile source to .c and .h files *)
132        Heap.GC(FALSE);
133        Module(done);
134        IF ~done THEN
135          OPM.LogWLn; OPM.LogWStr("Module compilation failed."); OPM.LogWLn;
136          Platform.Exit(1)
137        END;
139        (* 'assemble' (i.e. c compile) .c to object or executable. *)
140        IF ~(OPM.dontasm IN OPM.Options) THEN
141          IF OPM.dontlink IN OPM.Options THEN
142            (* If not linking, just assemble each module. *)
143            extTools.Assemble(OPM.modName)
144          ELSE
145            IF ~(OPM.mainprog IN OPM.Options) THEN
146              (* Assemble non main program and add object name to link list *)
147              extTools.Assemble(OPM.modName);
148            ELSE
149              (* Assemble and link main program *)
150              FindLocalObjectFiles(linkfiles);
151              extTools.LinkMain(OPM.modName, OPM.mainlinkstat IN OPM.Options, linkfiles)
152            END
153          END
154  	    END
155      END (* loop *)
156    END
157  END Translate;
159  PROCEDURE Trap(sig: SYSTEM.INT32);
160  BEGIN
161    Heap.FINALL();
162    IF sig = 3 THEN
163      Platform.Exit(0)
164    ELSE
165      IF sig = 4 THEN
166        OPM.LogWStr(" --- Oberon compiler internal error"); OPM.LogWLn
167      END ;
168      Platform.Exit(2)
169    END
170  END Trap;
173  Platform.SetInterruptHandler(Trap);
174  Platform.SetQuitHandler(Trap);
175  Platform.SetBadInstructionHandler(Trap);
176  Translate
177END Compiler.