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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


READMEH A D19-May-2015462 108

fft.iH A D19-May-201511.4 KiB325112

graph.iH A D19-May-201596 KiB2,278556

matrix.iH A D19-May-201518.7 KiB578231

paths.iH A D19-May-20155.8 KiB1327

std.iH A D19-May-2015256.1 KiB6,3191,545

stdx.iH A D19-May-20151.2 KiB323


1These interpreted source files are read by yorick as it starts.  The
2files themselves contain extensive documentation comments.
4paths.i     -- read before anything else, allows adjustments to paths
5std.i       -- standard built in yorick functions (yorick/)
6graph.i     -- standard graphics functions (yorick/)
7matrix.i    -- linear algebra functions (matrix/)
8fft.i       -- FFT functions (fft/)
9stdx.i      -- final startup file, changes path to proper value