1 // Copyright 2009 The Archiveopteryx Developers <info@aox.org>
3 #include "fetch.h"
5 #include "messagecache.h"
6 #include "imapsession.h"
7 #include "transaction.h"
8 #include "annotation.h"
9 #include "integerset.h"
10 #include "estringlist.h"
11 #include "mimefields.h"
12 #include "imapparser.h"
13 #include "bodypart.h"
14 #include "address.h"
15 #include "mailbox.h"
16 #include "message.h"
17 #include "ustring.h"
18 #include "section.h"
19 #include "listext.h"
20 #include "fetcher.h"
21 #include "iso8859.h"
22 #include "codec.h"
23 #include "query.h"
24 #include "scope.h"
25 #include "store.h"
26 #include "timer.h"
27 #include "imap.h"
28 #include "date.h"
29 #include "user.h"
30 #include "dict.h"
31 #include "map.h"
32 #include "utf.h"
36 static const char * legalAnnotationAttributes[] = {
37     "value",
38     "value.priv",
39     "value.shared",
40     "size",
41     "size.priv",
42     "size.shared",
43     0
44 };
47 class FetchData
48     : public Garbage
49 {
50 public:
FetchData()51     FetchData()
52         : state( 0 ), peek( true ), processed( 0 ),
53           changedSince( 0 ), those( 0 ), findIds( 0 ),
54           deleted( 0 ), store( 0 ),
55           uid( false ),
56           flags( false ), envelope( false ),
57           body( false ), bodystructure( false ),
58           internaldate( false ), rfc822size( false ),
59           annotation( false ), modseq( false ),
60           databaseId( false ), threadId( false ), vanished( false ),
61           needsHeader( false ), needsAddresses( false ),
62           needsBody( false ), needsPartNumbers( false ),
63           seenDeletedFetcher( 0 ), flagFetcher( 0 ),
64           annotationFetcher( 0 ), modseqFetcher( 0 )
65     {}
67     int state;
68     bool peek;
69     IntegerSet set;
70     IntegerSet remaining;
71     IntegerSet expunged;
72     Map<Message> messages;
73     uint processed;
74     int64 changedSince;
75     Query * those;
76     Query * findIds;
77     Query * deleted;
78     Store * store;
80     // we want to ask for...
81     bool uid;
82     bool flags;
83     bool envelope;
84     bool body;
85     bool bodystructure;
86     bool internaldate;
87     bool rfc822size;
88     bool annotation;
89     bool modseq;
90     bool databaseId;
91     bool threadId;
92     bool vanished;
93     List<Section> sections;
95     // and the sections imply that we...
96     bool needsHeader;
97     bool needsAddresses;
98     bool needsBody;
99     bool needsPartNumbers;
101     EStringList entries;
102     EStringList attribs;
104     struct DynamicData
105         : public Garbage
106     {
107     public:
DynamicDataFetchData::DynamicData108         DynamicData(): modseq( 0 ) {}
109         int64 modseq;
110         Dict<EString> flags;
111         List<Annotation> annotations;
112     };
113     Map<DynamicData> dynamics;
114     Query * seenDeletedFetcher;
115     Query * flagFetcher;
116     Query * annotationFetcher;
117     Query * modseqFetcher;
118 };
121 /*! \class Fetch fetch.h
123     Returns message data (RFC 3501, section 6.4.5, extended by RFC
124     4551 and RFC 5257).
126     Our parser used to be slightly more permissive than the RFC. This
127     is a bug (is it? why?), and many of the problems have been
128     corrected (but not tested).
129 */
132 /*! Creates a new handler for FETCH if \a u is false, or for UID FETCH
133     if \a u is true.
134 */
Fetch(bool u)136 Fetch::Fetch( bool u )
137     : Command(), d( new FetchData )
138 {
139     d->uid = u;
140     if ( u )
141         setGroup( 1 );
142     else
143         setGroup( 2 );
144 }
147 /*! Constructs a handler for the implicit fetch which is executed by
148     ImapSession for flag updates, etc. If \a f is true the updates
149     will include FLAGS sections and if \a a is true, ANNOTATION. The
150     handler starts fetching those messagges in \a set that have a
151     modseq greater than \a limit. The responses are sent via \a i.
153     If \a t is non-null, the fetch operates within a subtransaction
154     of \a t.
155 */
Fetch(bool f,bool a,bool v,const IntegerSet & set,int64 limit,IMAP * i,Transaction * t)157 Fetch::Fetch( bool f, bool a, bool v, const IntegerSet & set,
158               int64 limit, IMAP * i, Transaction * t )
159     : Command( i ), d( new FetchData )
160 {
161     setLog( new Log );
162     Scope x( log() );
163     d->uid = true;
164     d->flags = f;
165     d->annotation = a;
166     d->set = set;
167     d->changedSince = limit;
168     d->modseq = i->clientSupports( IMAP::Condstore );
169     d->vanished = v;
170     if ( t )
171         setTransaction( t->subTransaction( this ) );
173     d->peek = true;
175     Transaction * parent = t;
176     while( parent && parent->parent() )
177         parent = parent->parent();
179     List<Command>::Iterator c( i->commands() );
180     while ( c && c->state() == Command::Retired )
181         ++c;
182     while ( c && c->tag().isEmpty() )
183         ++c;
184     if ( c &&
185          ( ( parent && parent == c->transaction() ) || c->group() > 0 ) &&
186          ( c->state() == Command::Blocked ||
187            c->state() == Command::Finished ||
188            c->state() == Command::Executing ) ) {
189         log( EString("Inserting flag update for modseq>") + fn( limit ) +
190              " and UIDs " + set.set() + " before " +
191              c->tag() + " " + c->name() );
192         i->commands()->insert( c, this );
193         if ( c->group() == 1 || c->group() == 2 )
194             setGroup( c->group() );
195     }
196     else {
197         log( "Appending flag update for modseq>" + fn( limit ) +
198              " and UIDs " + set.set() );
199         i->commands()->append( this );
200     }
202     setAllowedState( IMAP::Selected );
203 }
206 // fetch           = "FETCH" SP set SP ("ALL" / "FULL" / "FAST" / fetch-att /
207 //                   "(" fetch-att *(SP fetch-att) ")")
208 // fetch-att       = "ENVELOPE" / "FLAGS" / "INTERNALDATE" /
209 //                   "RFC822" [".HEADER" / ".SIZE" / ".TEXT"] /
210 //                   "BODY" ["STRUCTURE"] / "UID" /
211 //                   "BODY" [".PEEK"] section ["<" number "." nz-number ">"]
212 //                 / "MODSEQ" ; 4551
213 // section         = "[" [section-spec] "]"
214 // section-spec    = section-msgtext / (section-part ["." section-text])
215 // section-msgtext = "HEADER" / "HEADER.FIELDS" [".NOT"] SP header-list /
216 //                   "TEXT"
217 // section-part    = nz-number *("." nz-number)
218 // section-text    = section-msgtext / "MIME"
219 // header-list     = "(" header-fld-name *(SP header-fld-name) ")"
220 // header-fld-name = astring
parse()223 void Fetch::parse()
224 {
225     space();
226     d->set = set( !d->uid );
227     space();
228     if ( nextChar() == '(' ) {
229         // "(" fetch-att *(SP fetch-att) ")")
230         step();
231         parseAttribute( false );
232         while( nextChar() == ' ' ) {
233             step();
234             parseAttribute( false );
235         }
236         require( ")" );
237     }
238     else {
239         // single fetch-att, or the macros
240         parseAttribute( true );
241     }
242     if ( present( " (" ) ) {
243         // RFC 4466 fetch-modifiers
244         parseFetchModifier();
245         while ( present( " " ) )
246             parseFetchModifier();
247         require( ")" );
248     }
249     end();
250     if ( d->envelope ) {
251         d->needsHeader = true;
252         d->needsAddresses = true;
253     }
254     if ( d->body || d->bodystructure ) {
255         // message/rfc822 body[structure] includes envelope in some
256         // cases, so we need both here too.
257         d->needsHeader = true;
258         d->needsAddresses = true;
259         // and we even need some data about the bodies
260         d->needsPartNumbers = true;
261     }
262     if ( d->needsBody )
263         d->needsHeader = true; // Bodypart::asText() needs mime type etc
264     if ( !ok() )
265         return;
266     EStringList l;
267     l.append( new EString( "Fetch <=" + fn( d->set.count() ) + " messages: " ) );
268     if ( d->needsAddresses )
269         l.append( "address" );
270     if ( d->needsHeader )
271         l.append( "header" );
272     if ( d->needsBody )
273         l.append( "body" );
274     if ( d->flags )
275         l.append( "flags" );
276     if ( d->internaldate || d->rfc822size || d->databaseId || d->threadId )
277         l.append( "trivia" );
278     if ( d->needsPartNumbers )
279         l.append( "bytes/lines" );
280     if ( d->annotation )
281         l.append( "annotations" );
282     log( l.join( " " ) );
283 }
286 /*! This helper is responsible for parsing a single attribute from the
287     fetch arguments. If \a alsoMacro is true, this function parses a
288     macro as well as a single attribute.
289 */
parseAttribute(bool alsoMacro)291 void Fetch::parseAttribute( bool alsoMacro )
292 {
293     EString keyword = dotLetters( 3, 13 ).lower(); // UID/ALL, RFC822.HEADER
294     if ( alsoMacro && keyword == "all" ) {
295         // equivalent to: (FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE)
296         d->flags = true;
297         d->envelope = true;
298         d->internaldate = true;
299         d->rfc822size = true;
300     }
301     else if ( alsoMacro && keyword == "full" ) {
302         // equivalent to: (FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE BODY)
303         d->flags = true;
304         d->envelope = true;
305         d->body = true;
306         d->internaldate = true;
307         d->rfc822size = true;
308     }
309     else if ( alsoMacro && keyword == "fast" ) {
310         // equivalent to: (FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE)
311         d->flags = true;
312         d->internaldate = true;
313         d->rfc822size = true;
314     }
315     else if ( keyword == "envelope" ) {
316         d->envelope = true;
317     }
318     else if ( keyword == "flags" ) {
319         d->flags = true;
320     }
321     else if ( keyword == "internaldate" ) {
322         d->internaldate = true;
323     }
324     else if ( keyword == "rfc822" ) {
325         d->peek = false;
326         d->needsAddresses = true;
327         d->needsHeader = true;
328         d->needsBody = true;
329         Section * s = new Section;
330         s->id = keyword;
331         d->sections.append( s );
332     }
333     else if ( keyword == "rfc822.header" ) {
334         d->needsAddresses = true;
335         d->needsHeader = true;
336         Section * s = new Section;
337         s->id = keyword;
338         d->sections.append( s );
339     }
340     else if ( keyword == "rfc822.size" ) {
341         d->rfc822size = true;
342     }
343     else if ( keyword == "annotation" ) {
344         d->annotation = true;
345         require( " " );
346         parseAnnotation();
347     }
348     else if ( keyword == "rfc822.text" ) {
349         d->peek = false;
350         d->needsHeader = true;
351         d->needsBody = true;
352         Section * s = new Section;
353         s->id = keyword;
354         d->sections.append( s );
355     }
356     else if ( keyword == "body.peek" && nextChar() == '[' ) {
357         step();
358         parseBody( false );
359     }
360     else if ( keyword == "body" ) {
361         if ( nextChar() == '[' ) {
362             d->peek = false;
363             step();
364             parseBody( false );
365         }
366         else {
367             d->body = true;
368             // poor man's bodystructure
369         }
370     }
371     else if ( keyword == "bodystructure" ) {
372         d->bodystructure = true;
373         // like body, but with bells and whistles
374     }
375     else if ( keyword == "uid" ) {
376         d->uid = true;
377     }
378     else if ( keyword == "binary.peek" && nextChar() == '[' ) {
379         step();
380         parseBody( true );
381     }
382     else if ( keyword == "binary" && nextChar() == '[' ) {
383         d->peek = false;
384         step();
385         parseBody( true );
386     }
387     else if ( keyword == "binary.size" && nextChar() == '[' ) {
388         step();
389         parseBody( true );
390         Section * s = d->sections.last();
391         s->id = "size";
392         if ( s->partial )
393             error( Bad, "Fetching partial BINARY.SIZE is not meaningful" );
394         if ( s->part.isEmpty() )
395             d->rfc822size = true;
396     }
397     else if ( keyword == "modseq" ) {
398         d->modseq = true;
399     }
400     else if ( keyword == "msgid" ) {
401         d->databaseId = true;
402     }
403     else if ( keyword == "thrid" ) {
404         d->threadId = true;
405     }
406     else {
407         error( Bad, "expected fetch attribute, saw word " + keyword );
408     }
409 }
412 /*! This utility function fetches at least \a min, at most \a max
413     characters, all of which must be a letter, a digit or a dot.
414     Consecutive dots ARE allowed.
415 */
dotLetters(uint min,uint max)417 EString Fetch::dotLetters( uint min, uint max )
418 {
419     EString r( parser()->dotLetters( min, max ) );
420     if ( !parser()->ok() )
421         error( Bad, parser()->error() );
422     return r;
423 }
426 /*! Uses the ImapParser \a ip to parse a section-text production, and
427     returns a pointer to a suitably constructed Section object. Upon
428     return, the ImapParser's cursor is advanced to point past the end
429     of the section-text. \a ip must not be 0; and the return value of
430     this function is also guaranteed to be non-zero.
432     If \a binary is false (the default), then the BINARY extensions of
433     RFC 3516 are summarily ignored.
435     If there were any parsing errors, Section::error will be non-empty.
436 */
parseSection(ImapParser * ip,bool binary)438 Section * Fetch::parseSection( ImapParser * ip, bool binary )
439 {
440     Section * s = new Section;
441     s->binary = binary;
443     // section-spec    = section-msgtext / (section-part ["." section-text])
444     // section-msgtext = "HEADER" /
445     //                   "HEADER.FIELDS" [".NOT"] SP header-list /
446     //                   "TEXT"
447     // section-part    = nz-number *("." nz-number)
448     // section-text    = section-msgtext / "MIME"
450     // Parse a section-part.
451     bool dot = false;
452     if ( ip->nextChar() >= '0' && ip->nextChar() <= '9' ) {
453         EString part;
454         part.append( fn( ip->nzNumber() ) );
455         while ( ip->nextChar() == '.' ) {
456             ip->step();
457             if ( ip->nextChar() >= '0' && ip->nextChar() <= '9' ) {
458                 part.append( "." );
459                 part.appendNumber( ip->nzNumber() );
460             }
461             else {
462                 dot = true;
463                 break;
464             }
465         }
466         s->part = part;
467     }
469     // Parse any section-text.
470     EString item = ip->dotLetters( 0, 17 ).lower();
471     if ( binary && !item.isEmpty() ) {
472         s->error = "BINARY with section-text is not legal, saw " + item;
473     }
474     else if ( item.isEmpty() || item == "text" ) {
475         s->needsBody = true;
476         // and because we might need headers and addresses of subparts:
477         s->needsHeader = true;
478         s->needsAddresses = true;
479     }
480     else if ( item == "header" ) {
481         s->needsHeader = true;
482         s->needsAddresses = true;
483     }
484     else if ( item == "header.fields" ||
485               item == "header.fields.not" )
486     {
487         ip->require( " (" );
488         s->fields.append( new EString( ip->astring().headerCased() ) );
489         while ( ip->nextChar() == ' ' ) {
490             ip->require( " " );
491             s->fields.append( new EString( ip->astring().headerCased() ) );
492         }
493         ip->require( ")" );
494         if ( item == "header.fields.not" ) {
495             // if we need to hand out "all other" fields...
496             s->needsAddresses = true;
497             s->needsHeader = true;
498         }
499         EStringList::Iterator i( s->fields );
500         while ( i && ( !s->needsAddresses || !s->needsHeader ) ) {
501             uint t = HeaderField::fieldType( *i );
502             if ( t > 0 && t <= HeaderField::LastAddressField )
503                 s->needsAddresses = true;
504             else
505                 s->needsHeader = true;
506             ++i;
507         }
508     }
509     else if ( item == "mime" ) {
510         if ( s->part.isEmpty() )
511             s->error = "MIME requires a section-part.";
512         s->needsHeader = true;
513     }
514     else if ( dot ) {
515         s->error =
516             "Expected text, header, header.fields etc, not " + item +
517             ip->following();
518     }
520     s->id = item;
521     return s;
522 }
525 /*! Parses a bodypart description - the bit following "body[" in an
526     attribute. The cursor must be after '[' on entry, and is left
527     after the trailing ']'.
529     If \a binary is true, the parsed section will be sent using the
530     BINARY extension (RFC 3516). If not, it'll be sent using a normal
531     BODY.
532 */
parseBody(bool binary)534 void Fetch::parseBody( bool binary )
535 {
536     Section * s = parseSection( parser(), binary );
537     if ( !s->error.isEmpty() ) {
538         error( Bad, s->error );
539         return;
540     }
542     require( "]" );
544     // Parse any range specification.
545     if ( nextChar() == '<' ) {
546         s->partial = true;
547         step();
548         s->offset = number();
549         require( "." );
550         s->length = nzNumber();
551         require( ">" );
552     }
554     d->sections.append( s );
555     if ( s->needsAddresses )
556         d->needsAddresses = true;
557     if ( s->needsHeader )
558         d->needsHeader = true;
559     if ( s->needsBody )
560         d->needsBody = true;
561 }
record(EStringList & l,Dict<void> & d,const EString & a)564 void record( EStringList & l, Dict<void> & d, const EString & a )
565 {
566     if ( !d.contains( a.lower() ) )
567         l.append( new EString( a ) );
568     d.insert( a.lower(), (void *)1 );
569 }
572 /*! Parses the entries and attributes from an ANNOTATION fetch-att.
573     Expects the cursor to be on the first parenthesis, and advances
574     it to past the last one.
575 */
parseAnnotation()577 void Fetch::parseAnnotation()
578 {
579     bool atEnd;
580     bool paren;
582     // Simplified ABNF from draft-ietf-imapext-annotate-15:
583     //
584     //  fetch-att =/ "ANNOTATION" SP "(" entries SP attribs ")"
585     //  entries   = list-mailbox /
586     //              "(" list-mailbox *(SP list-mailbox) ")"
587     //  attribs   = astring /
588     //              "(" astring *(SP astring) ")"
590     require( "(" );
592     paren = false;
593     if ( nextChar() == '(' ) {
594         step();
595         paren = true;
596     }
598     atEnd = false;
599     while ( !atEnd ) {
600         d->entries.append( new EString( parser()->listMailbox() ) );
601         if ( !parser()->ok() )
602             error( Bad, parser()->error() );
604         if ( paren ) {
605             if ( nextChar() == ')' ) {
606                 step();
607                 atEnd = true;
608             }
609             else {
610                 space();
611             }
612         }
613         else {
614             atEnd = true;
615         }
616     }
618     require( " " );
620     paren = false;
621     if ( nextChar() == '(' ) {
622         step();
623         paren = true;
624     }
626     Dict<void> attribs;
628     atEnd = false;
629     while ( !atEnd ) {
630         EString a( astring() );
632         // XXX: This check (and the legalAnnotationAttributes table) is
633         // duplicated in Search::parseKey(). But where should a common
634         // attribute-checking function live?
635         uint i = 0;
636         while ( ::legalAnnotationAttributes[i] &&
637                 a != ::legalAnnotationAttributes[i] )
638             i++;
639         if ( !::legalAnnotationAttributes[i] )
640             error( Bad, "Unknown annotation attribute: " + a );
642         if ( a.endsWith( ".priv" ) || a.endsWith( ".shared" ) ) {
643             record( d->attribs, attribs, a );
644         }
645         else {
646             record( d->attribs, attribs, a + ".priv" );
647             record( d->attribs, attribs, a + ".shared" );
648         }
650         if ( paren ) {
651             if ( nextChar() == ')' ) {
652                 step();
653                 atEnd = true;
654             }
655             else {
656                 space();
657             }
658         }
659         else {
660             atEnd = true;
661         }
662     }
664     require( ")" );
665 }
execute()668 void Fetch::execute()
669 {
670     if ( state() != Executing )
671         return;
673     ImapSession * s = session();
675     if ( !d->peek && s->readOnly() )
676         d->peek = true;
678     if ( d->state == 0 ) {
679         if ( !transaction() &&
680              ( !d->peek ||
681                ( d->modseq && ( d->flags || d->annotation || d->vanished ) ) ) )
682             setTransaction( new Transaction( this ) );
684         if ( d->vanished && d->changedSince > 0 && !d->deleted ) {
685             d->deleted = new Query( "select uid from deleted_messages "
686                                      "where mailbox=$1 and modseq>$2 "
687                                      "and uid=any($3)",
688                                      this );
689             d->deleted->bind( 1, s->mailbox()->id() );
690             d->deleted->bind( 2, d->changedSince );
691             IntegerSet s( d->set );
692             s.remove( session()->messages() );
693             d->deleted->bind( 3, s );
694             transaction()->enqueue( d->deleted );
695         }
697         Mailbox * mb = s->mailbox();
698         if ( !d->those ) {
699             d->set = d->set.intersection( session()->messages() );
700             if ( d->changedSince ) {
701                 d->those = new Query( "select uid, message "
702                                       "from mailbox_messages "
703                                       "where mailbox=$1 and uid=any($2) "
704                                       "and modseq>$3",
705                                       this );
706                 d->those->bind( 1, s->mailbox()->id() );
707                 d->those->bind( 2, d->set );
708             }
709             else if ( d->modseq ||
710                       d->needsAddresses || d->needsHeader ||
711                       d->needsBody || d->needsPartNumbers ||
712                       d->rfc822size || d->internaldate ||
713                       d->databaseId || d->threadId ) {
714                 IntegerSet r;
715                 IntegerSet s( d->set );
716                 while ( !s.isEmpty() ) {
717                     uint uid = s.smallest();
718                     s.remove( uid );
719                     Message * m = MessageCache::find( mb, uid );
720                     if ( m )
721                         d->messages.insert( uid, m );
722                     if ( !m || !m->databaseId() || d->modseq )
723                         r.add( uid );
724                 }
725                 if ( !r.isEmpty() ) {
726                     d->those = new Query( "select uid, message "
727                                           "from mailbox_messages "
728                                           "where mailbox=$1 and uid=any($2)",
729                                           this );
730                     d->those->bind( 1, session()->mailbox()->id() );
731                     d->those->bind( 2, d->set );
732                 }
733             }
734             if ( d->those ) {
735                 if ( d->changedSince )
736                     d->those->bind( 3, d->changedSince );
737                 if ( d->modseq ) {
738                     if ( !d->peek ) {
739                         // if we aren't peeking, then we have to lock
740                         // the mailbox before we lock the messages,
741                         // otherwise we might deadlock with Store or
742                         // Expunge.
743                         Query * q = new Query( "select nextmodseq "
744                                                "from mailboxes "
745                                                "where id=$1 for update", 0 );
746                         q->bind( 1, mb->id() );
747                         transaction()->enqueue( q );
748                     }
749                     EString s = d->those->string();
750                     s.append( " order by uid for update" );
751                     d->those->setString( s );
752                 }
753                 enqueue( d->those );
754             }
755         }
756         if ( transaction() )
757             transaction()->execute();
758         if ( d->those ) {
759             if ( !d->those->done() )
760                 return;
761             d->set.clear();
762             Row * r;
763             while ( d->those->hasResults() ) {
764                 r = d->those->nextRow();
765                 uint uid = r->getInt( "uid" );
766                 d->set.add( uid );
767                 Message * m = d->messages.find( uid );
768                 if ( !m ) {
769                     m = MessageCache::provide( mb, uid );
770                     d->messages.insert( uid, m );
771                 }
772                 m->setDatabaseId( r->getInt( "message" ) );
773                 if ( d->modseq || d->flags || d->annotation ) {
774                     FetchData::DynamicData * dd = new FetchData::DynamicData;
775                     d->dynamics.insert( uid, dd );
776                 }
777             }
778         }
779         else {
780             IntegerSet r( d->set );
781             while ( !r.isEmpty() ) {
782                 uint uid = r.smallest();
783                 r.remove( uid );
784                 d->dynamics.insert( uid, new FetchData::DynamicData );
785             }
786         }
787         d->state = 1;
788     }
790     if ( d->deleted && d->deleted->done() ) {
791         IntegerSet vanished;
792         while ( d->deleted->hasResults() ) {
793             Row * r = d->deleted->nextRow();
794             uint uid = r->getInt( "uid" );
795             vanished.add( uid );
796         }
797         if ( !vanished.isEmpty() )
798             respond( "VANISHED (EARLIER) " + vanished.set() );
799         d->deleted = 0;
800     }
802     if ( d->state == 1 ) {
803         if ( group() == 2 ) // then RFC 2180 section 4.1.2 applies
804             d->expunged = s->expunged().intersection( d->set );
805         shrink( &d->set );
806         d->remaining = d->set;
807         d->state = 2;
808         if ( d->set.isEmpty() ) {
809             d->state = 5;
810             if ( transaction() )
811                 transaction()->commit();
812         }
813     }
815     if ( d->state == 2 ) {
816         if ( d->peek ) {
817             d->state = 3;
818         }
819         else {
820             if ( !d->store ) {
821                 List<Command>::Iterator c = imap()->commands()->find( this );
822                 if ( c ) {
823                     d->store = new Store( imap(), d->set, d->flags,
824                                           transaction() );
825                     d->store->setState( Executing );
826                     imap()->commands()->insert( c, d->store );
827                     // should we feed the Store a subtransaction, if
828                     // we're using one? I don't know.
829                     d->store->execute();
830                 }
831             }
832             if ( d->store && d->store->state() == Executing )
833                 return;
834             d->state = 3;
835         }
836     }
838     if ( d->state == 3 ) {
839         d->state = 4;
840         sendFetchQueries();
841         if ( d->flags )
842             sendFlagQuery();
843         if ( d->annotation )
844             sendAnnotationsQuery();
845         if ( d->modseq )
846             sendModSeqQuery();
847         if ( transaction() )
848             transaction()->commit();
849     }
851     if ( d->state < 4 )
852         return;
854     pickup();
856     if ( d->processed < d->set.largest() )
857         return;
859     if ( !d->expunged.isEmpty() ) {
860         s->recordExpungedFetch( d->expunged );
861         error( No, "UID(s) " + d->expunged.set() + " has/have been expunged" );
862     }
863     finish();
864 }
867 /*! Issues queries to resolve any questions this FETCH needs to answer.
868 */
sendFetchQueries()870 void Fetch::sendFetchQueries()
871 {
872     bool haveAddresses = true;
873     bool haveHeader = true;
874     bool haveBody = true;
875     bool havePartNumbers = true;
876     bool haveTrivia = true;
878     List<Message> * l = new List<Message>;
880     Map<Message>::Iterator i( d->messages );
881     while ( i ) {
882         Message * m = i;
883         ++i;
884         if ( !m->hasAddresses() )
885             haveAddresses = false;
886         if ( !m->hasHeaders() )
887             haveHeader = false;
888         if ( !m->hasBytesAndLines() )
889             havePartNumbers = false;
890         if ( !m->hasBodies() )
891             haveBody = false;
892         if ( !m->hasTrivia() )
893             haveTrivia = false;
894         l->append( m );
895     }
897     Fetcher * f = new Fetcher( l, this, imap() );
898     if ( d->needsAddresses && !haveAddresses )
899         f->fetch( Fetcher::Addresses );
900     if ( d->needsHeader && !haveHeader )
901         f->fetch( Fetcher::OtherHeader );
902     if ( d->needsBody && !haveBody )
903         f->fetch( Fetcher::Body );
904     if ( ( d->rfc822size || d->internaldate ||
905            d->databaseId || d->threadId ) && !haveTrivia )
906         f->fetch( Fetcher::Trivia );
907     if ( d->needsPartNumbers && !havePartNumbers )
908         f->fetch( Fetcher::PartNumbers );
909     f->execute();
910 }
913 /*! This function returns the text of that portion of the Message \a m
914     that is described by the Section \a s. It is publicly available so
915     that Append may use it for CATENATE.
917     If \a unicodable is true, the result may contain unquoted unicode.
918 */
sectionData(Section * s,Message * m,bool unicodable)920 EString Fetch::sectionData( Section * s, Message * m, bool unicodable )
921 {
922     EString item, data;
924     if ( s->id == "rfc822" ) {
925         item = s->id.upper();
926         data = m->rfc822( !unicodable );
927     }
929     else if ( s->id == "mime" ||
930               s->id == "rfc822.header" ||
931               s->id.startsWith( "header" ) ) {
932         bool rfc822 = s->id == "rfc822.header";
933         bool fields = s->id.startsWith( "header.fields" );
934         bool exclude = s->id.endsWith( ".not" );
936         data.reserve( 80 * s->fields.count() ); // suboptimal for .not, but...
938         Header * hdr = m->header();
939         if ( !s->part.isEmpty() ) {
940             Bodypart * bp = m->bodypart( s->part, false );
941             if ( bp && bp->header() )
942                 hdr = bp->header();
943             else
944                 hdr = 0;
945         }
947         List< HeaderField >::Iterator it;
948         if ( hdr )
949             it = hdr->fields()->first();
950         while ( it ) {
951             bool include = false;
952             if ( !fields ) {
953                 include = true;
954             }
955             else {
956                 bool listed = s->fields.find( it->name() );
957                 if ( exclude )
958                     include = !listed;
959                 else
960                     include = listed;
961             }
962             if ( include ) {
963                 EString n = it->name().headerCased();
964                 data.append( n );
965                 data.append( ": " );
966                 data.append( it->rfc822( !unicodable ) );
967                 data.append( "\r\n" );
968             }
969             ++it;
970         }
972         item = s->id.upper();
973         if ( !rfc822 ) {
974             if ( !s->part.isEmpty() )
975                 item = s->part + "." + item;
976             item = "BODY[" + item;
977             if ( fields )
978                 item.append( " (" + s->fields.join( " " ) + ")" );
979             item.append( "]" );
980         }
981         data.append( "\r\n" );
982     }
984     else if ( s->id == "rfc822.text" ) {
985         item = s->id.upper();
986         data = m->body( !unicodable );
987     }
989     else if ( s->id == "text" ) {
990         if ( s->part.isEmpty() ) {
991             item = "TEXT";
992             data = m->body( !unicodable );
993         }
994         else {
995             item = s->part + ".TEXT";
996             Bodypart *bp = m->bodypart( s->part, false );
997             if ( bp && bp->message() )
998                 data = bp->message()->body( !unicodable );
999         }
1000         item = "BODY[" + item + "]";
1001     }
1003     else if ( ( s->id.isEmpty() || s->id == "size" ) &&
1004               s->part.isEmpty() )
1005     {
1006         if ( s->id == "size" ) {
1007             item = "BINARY.SIZE[]";
1008             data = fn( m->rfc822Size() );
1009         }
1010         else {
1011             item = "BODY[]";
1012             data = m->rfc822( !unicodable );
1013         }
1014     }
1016     else if ( s->id.isEmpty() || s->id == "size" ) {
1017         item = "BODY";
1018         Bodypart * bp = m->bodypart( s->part, false );
1019         if ( !bp ) {
1020             // nonexistent part number
1021             if ( s->binary )
1022                 item = "BINARY";
1023             // should we report an error?  the fetch responses will be
1024             // sent anyway.
1025             // error( No, "No such bodypart: " + s->part );
1026         }
1027         else if ( bp->message() ) {
1028             // message/rfc822 part
1029             data = bp->message()->rfc822( !unicodable );
1030         }
1031         else if ( bp->children()->isEmpty() ) {
1032             // leaf part
1033             data = bp->data();
1035             ContentType * ct = bp->contentType();
1036             if ( !ct || ct->type() == "text" ) {
1037                 UString text;
1039                 if ( data.isEmpty() ) {
1040                     text = bp->text();
1041                 }
1042                 else {
1043                     Codec * c = new Utf8Codec;
1044                     text = c->toUnicode( data );
1045                 }
1047                 Codec * c = 0;
1048                 if ( ct )
1049                     c = Codec::byName( ct->parameter( "charset" ) );
1050                 if ( !c && ct && ct->subtype() == "html" )
1051                     c = new Iso88591Codec;
1052                 if ( !c )
1053                     c = new Utf8Codec;
1054                 data = c->fromUnicode( text );
1055             }
1056             if ( !s->binary )
1057                 data = data.encoded( bp->contentTransferEncoding(), 70 );
1058         }
1059         else {
1060             // nonleaf part. probably wrong - this might use the wrong
1061             // content-transfer-encoding.
1062             data = bp->asText( !unicodable );
1063         }
1065         if ( s->binary )
1066             item = "BINARY";
1068         if ( s->id == "size" ) {
1069             item = "BINARY.SIZE";
1070             data = fn( data.length() );
1071         }
1073         item = item + "[" + s->part + "]";
1074     }
1076     if ( s->partial ) {
1077         item.append( "<" + fn( s->offset ) + ">" );
1078         data = data.mid( s->offset, s->length );
1079     }
1081     s->item = item;
1082     return data;
1083 }
1086 /* This function returns the response data for an element in
1087    d->sections, to be included in the FETCH response by
1088    fetchResponses() below. If \a unicode is false, the result will be
1089    downgraded rather than contain unicode.
1090 */
sectionResponse(Section * s,Message * m,bool unicode)1092 static EString sectionResponse( Section * s, Message * m, bool unicode )
1093 {
1094     EString data( Fetch::sectionData( s, m, unicode ) );
1095     if ( !s->item.startsWith( "BINARY.SIZE" ) )
1096         data = Command::imapQuoted( data, Command::NString );
1097     EString r;
1098     r.reserve( data.length() + s->item.length() + 1 );
1099     r.append( s->item );
1100     r.append( " " );
1101     r.append( data );
1102     return r;
1103 }
1106 /*! Emits a single FETCH response for the message \a m, which is
1107     trusted to have UID \a uid and MSN \a msn.
1109     The message must have all necessary content.
1110 */
makeFetchResponse(Message * m,uint uid,uint msn)1112 EString Fetch::makeFetchResponse( Message * m, uint uid, uint msn )
1113 {
1114     EStringList l;
1115     if ( d->uid )
1116         l.append( "UID " + fn( uid ) );
1117     if ( d->databaseId )
1118         l.append( "MSGID " + fn( m->databaseId() ) );
1119     if ( d->threadId )
1120         l.append( "THRID " + fn( m->threadId() ) );
1121     if ( d->rfc822size )
1122         l.append( "RFC822.SIZE " + fn( m->rfc822Size() ) );
1123     if ( d->flags )
1124         l.append( "FLAGS (" + flagList( uid ) + ")" );
1125     if ( d->internaldate )
1126         l.append( "INTERNALDATE " + internalDate( m ) );
1127     if ( d->envelope )
1128         l.append( "ENVELOPE " + envelope( m ) );
1129     if ( d->body )
1130         l.append( "BODY " + bodyStructure( m, false ) );
1131     if ( d->bodystructure )
1132         l.append( "BODYSTRUCTURE " + bodyStructure( m, true ) );
1133     if ( d->annotation )
1134         l.append( "ANNOTATION " + annotation( imap()->user(), uid,
1135                                               d->entries, d->attribs ) );
1136     if ( d->modseq ) {
1137         FetchData::DynamicData * dd = d->dynamics.find( uid );
1138         if ( dd && dd->modseq )
1139             l.append( "MODSEQ (" + fn( dd->modseq ) + ")" );
1140     }
1142     List< Section >::Iterator it( d->sections );
1143     bool unicode = imap()->clientSupports( IMAP::Unicode );
1144     while ( it ) {
1145         l.append( sectionResponse( it, m, unicode ) );
1146         ++it;
1147     }
1149     EString r;
1150     EString payload = l.join( " " );
1151     r.reserve( payload.length() + 30 );
1152     r.appendNumber( msn );
1153     r.append( " FETCH (" );
1154     r.append( payload );
1155     r.append( ")" );
1156     return r;
1157 }
1160 /*! Returns a string containing all the flags that are set for the
1161     message with \a uid.
1162 */
flagList(uint uid)1164 EString Fetch::flagList( uint uid )
1165 {
1166     EStringList r;
1168     FetchData::DynamicData * dd = d->dynamics.find( uid );
1169     if ( dd ) {
1170         if ( session()->isRecent( uid ) )
1171             dd->flags.insert( "\\recent", new EString( "\\Recent" ) );
1172         Dict<EString>::Iterator i( dd->flags );
1173         while ( i ) {
1174             r.append( *i );
1175             ++i;
1176         }
1177     }
1179     return r.join( " " );
1180 }
1183 /*! Returns the internaldate of \a m in IMAP format. */
internalDate(Message * m)1185 EString Fetch::internalDate( Message * m )
1186 {
1187     Date date;
1188     date.setUnixTime( m->internalDate() );
1189     return "\"" + date.imap() + "\"";
1190 }
hf(Header * f,HeaderField::Type t,bool unicodable)1193 static EString hf( Header * f, HeaderField::Type t, bool unicodable )
1194 {
1195     List<Address> * a = f->addresses( t );
1196     if ( !a || a->isEmpty() )
1197         return "NIL ";
1198     EString r;
1199     r.reserve( 50 );
1200     r.append( "(" );
1201     List<Address>::Iterator it( a );
1202     while ( it ) {
1203         r.append( "(" );
1204         if ( it->type() == Address::EmptyGroup ) {
1205             r.append( "NIL NIL " );
1206             r.append( Command::imapQuoted( it->name( !unicodable ),
1207                                            Command::NString ) );
1208             r.append( " NIL)(NIL NIL NIL NIL" );
1209         } else if ( it->type() == Address::Local ||
1210                     it->type() == Address::Normal ) {
1211             UString u = it->uname();
1212             EString eu;
1213             if ( u.isAscii() || unicodable )
1214                 eu = u.simplified().utf8();
1215             else
1216                 eu = HeaderField::encodePhrase( u );
1217             r.append( Command::imapQuoted( eu, Command::NString ) );
1218             r.append( " NIL " );
1219             if ( unicodable ||
1220                  ( it->localpart().isAscii() && it->domain().isAscii() ) ) {
1221                 r.append( Command::imapQuoted( it->localpart().utf8(),
1222                                                Command::NString ) );
1223                 r.append( " " );
1224                 if ( it->domain().isEmpty() )
1225                     r.append( "\" \"" ); // RFC 3501, page 77 near bottom
1226                 else
1227                     r.append( Command::imapQuoted( it->domain().utf8(),
1228                                                    Command::NString ) );
1229             }
1230             else {
1231                 r.append( "noreply unicode-needed.invalid" );
1232             }
1233         }
1234         r.append( ")" );
1235         ++it;
1236     }
1237     r.append( ") " );
1238     return r;
1239 }
1242 /*! Returns the IMAP envelope for \a m. */
envelope(Message * m)1244 EString Fetch::envelope( Message * m )
1245 {
1246     Header * h = m->header();
1248     // envelope = "(" env-date SP env-subject SP env-from SP
1249     //                env-sender SP env-reply-to SP env-to SP env-cc SP
1250     //                env-bcc SP env-in-reply-to SP env-message-id ")"
1252     EString r;
1253     r.reserve( 300 );
1254     r.append( "(" );
1256     Date * date = h->date();
1257     if ( date )
1258         r.append( imapQuoted( date->rfc822(), NString ) );
1259     else
1260         r.append( "NIL" );
1261     r.append( " " );
1263     r.append( imapQuoted( h->subject(), NString ) + " " );
1264     bool unicode = imap()->clientSupports( IMAP::Unicode );
1265     r.append( hf( h, HeaderField::From, unicode ) );
1266     r.append( hf( h, HeaderField::Sender, unicode ) );
1267     r.append( hf( h, HeaderField::ReplyTo, unicode ) );
1268     r.append( hf( h, HeaderField::To, unicode ) );
1269     r.append( hf( h, HeaderField::Cc, unicode ) );
1270     r.append( hf( h, HeaderField::Bcc, unicode ) );
1271     r.append( imapQuoted( h->inReplyTo(), NString ) + " " );
1272     r.append( imapQuoted( h->messageId(), NString ) );
1274     r.append( ")" );
1275     return r;
1276 }
parameterEString(MimeField * mf)1279 static EString parameterEString( MimeField *mf )
1280 {
1281     EStringList *p = 0;
1283     if ( mf )
1284         p = mf->parameters();
1285     if ( !mf || !p || p->isEmpty() )
1286         return "NIL";
1288     EStringList l;
1289     EStringList::Iterator it( p );
1290     while ( it ) {
1291         l.append( Command::imapQuoted( *it ) );
1292         l.append( Command::imapQuoted( mf->parameter( *it ) ) );
1293         ++it;
1294     }
1296     EString r = l.join( " " );
1297     r.prepend( "(" );
1298     r.append( ")" );
1299     return r;
1300 }
dispositionEString(ContentDisposition * cd)1303 static EString dispositionEString( ContentDisposition *cd )
1304 {
1305     if ( !cd )
1306         return "NIL";
1308     EString s;
1309     switch ( cd->disposition() ) {
1310     case ContentDisposition::Inline:
1311         s = "inline";
1312         break;
1313     case ContentDisposition::Attachment:
1314         s = "attachment";
1315         break;
1316     }
1318     return "(\"" + s + "\" " + parameterEString( cd ) + ")";
1319 }
languageEString(ContentLanguage * cl)1322 static EString languageEString( ContentLanguage *cl )
1323 {
1324     if ( !cl )
1325         return "NIL";
1327     EStringList m;
1328     const EStringList *l = cl->languages();
1329     EStringList::Iterator it( l );
1330     while ( it ) {
1331         m.append( Command::imapQuoted( *it ) );
1332         ++it;
1333     }
1335     if ( l->count() == 1 )
1336         return *m.first();
1337     EString r = m.join( " " );
1338     r.prepend( "(" );
1339     r.append( ")" );
1340     return r;
1341 }
1344 /*! Returns either the IMAP BODY or BODYSTRUCTURE production for \a
1345     m. If \a extended is true, BODYSTRUCTURE is returned. If it's
1346     false, BODY.
1347 */
bodyStructure(Multipart * m,bool extended)1349 EString Fetch::bodyStructure( Multipart * m, bool extended )
1350 {
1351     EString r;
1352     bool isSigned = false;
1353     Multipart * ancestor = m;
1354     while ( ancestor->parent() != NULL )
1355         ancestor = ancestor->parent();
1356     if ( ancestor->isMessage() ) {
1357         Message *msg = (Message *)ancestor;
1358         if ( msg->hasPGPsignedPart() ) {
1359             ::log( "Fetch::bodyStructure - signed message", Log::Debug );
1360             isSigned = true;
1361         }
1362     }
1364     Header * hdr = m->header();
1365     ContentType * ct = hdr->contentType();
1366     if ( ct && ct->type() == "multipart" ) {
1367         EStringList children;
1368         List< Bodypart >::Iterator it( m->children() );
1369         if ( ( m == ancestor ) && isSigned ) {  // if top level, consider raw part
1370             if ( !extended ) {
1371                 log( "Fetch::bodyStructure - append raw part", Log::Debug );
1372                 children.append( bodyStructure( it, extended ) );
1373                 uint i;
1374                 for ( i = 1; i <= m->children()->count(); i++ )
1375                     ++it;
1376             } else {  // skip raw part
1377                 log( "Fetch::bodyStructure - skip raw part", Log::Debug );
1378                 ++it;
1379             }
1380         }
1381         while ( it ) {
1382             children.append( bodyStructure( it, extended ) );
1383             ++it;
1384         }
1386         r = children.join( "" );
1387         r.prepend( "(" );
1388         r.append( " " );
1389         r.append( imapQuoted( ct->subtype() ));
1391         if ( extended ) {
1392             r.append( " " );
1393             r.append( parameterEString( ct ) );
1394             r.append( " " );
1395             r.append( dispositionEString( hdr->contentDisposition() ) );
1396             r.append( " " );
1397             r.append( languageEString( hdr->contentLanguage() ) );
1398             r.append( " " );
1399             r.append( imapQuoted( hdr->contentLocation(), NString ) );
1400         }
1402         r.append( ")" );
1403     }
1404     else {
1405         r = singlePartStructure( (Bodypart*)m, extended );
1406     }
1407     return r;
1408 }
1411 /*! Returns the structure of the single-part bodypart \a mp.
1413     If \a extended is true, extended BODYSTRUCTURE attributes are
1414     included.
1415 */
singlePartStructure(Multipart * mp,bool extended)1417 EString Fetch::singlePartStructure( Multipart * mp, bool extended )
1418 {
1419     EStringList l;
1421     if ( !mp )
1422         return "";
1424     ContentType * ct = mp->header()->contentType();
1426     if ( ct ) {
1427         l.append( imapQuoted( ct->type() ) );
1428         l.append( imapQuoted( ct->subtype() ) );
1429     }
1430     else {
1431         // XXX: What happens to the default if this is a /digest?
1432         l.append( "\"text\"" );
1433         l.append( "\"plain\"" );
1434     }
1436     l.append( parameterEString( ct ) );
1437     l.append( imapQuoted( mp->header()->messageId( HeaderField::ContentId ),
1438                           NString ) );
1439     l.append( imapQuoted( mp->header()->contentDescription(), NString ) );
1441     if ( mp->header()->contentTransferEncoding() ) {
1442         switch( mp->header()->contentTransferEncoding()->encoding() ) {
1443         case EString::Binary:
1444             l.append( "\"8BIT\"" ); // hm. is this entirely sound?
1445             break;
1446         case EString::Uuencode:
1447             l.append( "\"x-uuencode\"" ); // should never happen
1448             break;
1449         case EString::Base64:
1450             l.append( "\"BASE64\"" );
1451             break;
1452         case EString::QP:
1453             l.append( "\"QUOTED-PRINTABLE\"" );
1454             break;
1455         }
1456     }
1457     else {
1458         l.append( "\"7BIT\"" );
1459     }
1461     Bodypart * bp = 0;
1462     if ( mp->isBodypart() )
1463         bp = (Bodypart*)mp;
1464     else if ( mp->isMessage() )
1465         bp = ((Message*)mp)->children()->first();
1467     if ( bp ) {
1468         l.append( fn( bp->numEncodedBytes() ) );
1469         if ( ct && ct->type() == "message" && ct->subtype() == "rfc822" ) {
1470             // body-type-msg   = media-message SP body-fields SP envelope
1471             //                   SP body SP body-fld-lines
1472             l.append( envelope( bp->message() ) );
1473             l.append( bodyStructure( bp->message(), extended ) );
1474             l.append( fn ( bp->numEncodedLines() ) );
1475         }
1476         else if ( !ct || ct->type() == "text" ) {
1477             // body-type-text  = media-text SP body-fields SP body-fld-lines
1478             l.append( fn( bp->numEncodedLines() ) );
1479         }
1480     }
1482     if ( extended ) {
1483         EString md5;
1484         HeaderField *f = mp->header()->field( HeaderField::ContentMd5 );
1485         if ( f )
1486             md5 = f->rfc822( false );
1488         l.append( imapQuoted( md5, NString ) );
1489         l.append( dispositionEString( mp->header()->contentDisposition() ) );
1490         l.append( languageEString( mp->header()->contentLanguage() ) );
1491         l.append( imapQuoted( mp->header()->contentLocation(), NString ) );
1492     }
1494     EString r = l.join( " " );
1495     r.prepend( "(" );
1496     r.append( ")" );
1497     return r;
1498 }
1501 /*! Returns the IMAP ANNOTATION production for the message with \a
1502     uid, from the point of view of \a u (0 for no user, only public
1503     annotations). \a entrySpecs is a list of the entries to be
1504     matched, each of which can contain the * and % wildcards. \a
1505     attributes is a list of attributes to be returned (each including
1506     the .priv or .shared suffix).
1507 */
annotation(User * u,uint uid,const EStringList & entrySpecs,const EStringList & attributes)1509 EString Fetch::annotation( User * u, uint uid,
1510                           const EStringList & entrySpecs,
1511                           const EStringList & attributes )
1512 {
1513     FetchData::DynamicData * dd = d->dynamics.find( uid );
1514     if ( !dd ) {
1515         setRespTextCode( "SERVERBUG" );
1516         return "()";
1517     }
1519     typedef Dict< EString > AttributeDict;
1520     Dict< AttributeDict > entries;
1522     EStringList entryNames;
1524     uint user = 0;
1525     if ( u )
1526         user = u->id();
1527     List<Annotation>::Iterator i( dd->annotations );
1528     while ( i ) {
1529         Annotation * a = i;
1530         ++i;
1532         EString entry( a->entryName() );
1533         bool entryWanted = false;
1534         EStringList::Iterator e( entrySpecs );
1535         while ( e && !entryWanted ) {
1536             AsciiCodec c;
1537             if ( Mailbox::match( c.toUnicode( *e ), 0,
1538                                  c.toUnicode( entry ), 0 ) == 2 ) {
1539                 if ( !entries.find( entry ) )
1540                     entryNames.append( entry );
1541                 entryWanted = true;
1542             }
1543             ++e;
1544         }
1546         if ( ( a->ownerId() == 0 || a->ownerId() == user ) &&
1547              entryWanted )
1548         {
1549             AttributeDict * atts = entries.find( entry );
1550             if ( !atts ) {
1551                 atts = new AttributeDict;
1552                 entries.insert( entry, atts );
1553             }
1555             const char * suffix = ".shared";
1556             if ( a->ownerId() )
1557                 suffix = ".priv";
1559             EString * v = new EString( a->value() );
1560             EString * s = new EString( fn( v->length() ) );
1562             atts->insert( EString( "value" ) + suffix, v );
1563             atts->insert( EString( "size" ) + suffix, s );
1564         }
1565     }
1567     EString r( "(" );
1568     EStringList::Iterator e( entryNames );
1569     while ( e ) {
1570         EString entry( *e );
1572         EStringList l;
1573         EStringList::Iterator a( attributes );
1574         while ( a ) {
1575             EString attrib( *a );
1577             EString * value = 0;
1578             AttributeDict * atts = entries.find( entry );
1579             if ( atts )
1580                 value = atts->find( attrib );
1582             EString tmp = attrib;
1583             tmp.append( " " );
1584             if ( value )
1585                 tmp.append( imapQuoted( *value ) );
1586             else if ( attrib.startsWith( "size." ) )
1587                 tmp.append( "\"0\"" );
1588             else
1589                 tmp.append( "NIL" );
1590             ++a;
1591             l.append( tmp );
1592         }
1594         r.append( entry );
1595         if ( !l.isEmpty() ) {
1596             r.append( " (" );
1597             r.append( l.join( " " ) );
1598             r.append( ")" );
1599         }
1601         ++e;
1602         if ( e )
1603             r.append( " " );
1604     }
1605     r.append( ")" );
1606     return r;
1607 }
1610 /*! Parses a single RFC 4466 fetch-modifier. At the moment RFC 4551
1611     and RFC 7162 are supported.
1612 */
parseFetchModifier()1614 void Fetch::parseFetchModifier()
1615 {
1616     EString name = atom().lower();
1617     if ( name == "changedsince" ) {
1618         space();
1619         d->changedSince = number();
1620         d->modseq = true;
1621     }
1622     else if ( name == "vanished" ) {
1623         d->vanished = true;
1624     }
1625     else {
1626         error( Bad, "Unknown fetch modifier: " + name );
1627     }
1628 }
1631 /*! Retrieves completed messages and builds ImapFetchResponse objects.
1632 */
pickup()1634 void Fetch::pickup()
1635 {
1636     ImapSession * s = (ImapSession *)imap()->session();
1637     if ( !s )
1638         return;
1640     if ( d->seenDeletedFetcher ) {
1641         EString seenl( "\\seen" );
1642         EString * seen = new EString( "\\Seen" );
1643         EString deletedl( "\\deleted" );
1644         EString * deleted = new EString( "\\Deleted" );
1645         while ( d->seenDeletedFetcher->hasResults() ) {
1646             Row * r = d->seenDeletedFetcher->nextRow();
1647             uint uid = r->getInt( "uid" );
1648             FetchData::DynamicData * dd = d->dynamics.find( uid );
1649             if ( !dd ) {
1650                 dd = new FetchData::DynamicData;
1651                 d->dynamics.insert( uid, dd );
1652             }
1653             if ( r->getBoolean( "seen" ) )
1654                 dd->flags.insert( seenl, seen );
1655             if ( r->getBoolean( "deleted" ) )
1656                 dd->flags.insert( deletedl, deleted );
1657         }
1658         while ( d->flagFetcher->hasResults() ) {
1659             Row * r = d->flagFetcher->nextRow();
1660             uint uid = r->getInt( "uid" );
1661             FetchData::DynamicData * dd = d->dynamics.find( uid );
1662             if ( !dd ) {
1663                 dd = new FetchData::DynamicData;
1664                 d->dynamics.insert( uid, dd );
1665             }
1666             EString f = r->getEString( "name" );
1667             if ( !f.isEmpty() )
1668                 dd->flags.insert( f.lower(), new EString( f ) );
1669         }
1670         if ( d->seenDeletedFetcher->done() &&
1671              d->flagFetcher->done() ) {
1672             d->seenDeletedFetcher = 0;
1673             d->flagFetcher = 0;
1674         }
1675     }
1677     if ( d->annotationFetcher ) {
1678         while ( d->annotationFetcher->hasResults() ) {
1679             Row * r = d->annotationFetcher->nextRow();
1680             uint uid = r->getInt( "uid" );
1681             FetchData::DynamicData * dd = d->dynamics.find( uid );
1682             if ( !dd ) {
1683                 dd = new FetchData::DynamicData;
1684                 d->dynamics.insert( uid, dd );
1685             }
1687             EString n = r->getEString( "name" );
1688             EString v( r->getEString( "value" ) );
1690             uint owner = 0;
1691             if ( !r->isNull( "owner" ) )
1692                 owner = r->getInt( "owner" );
1694             dd->annotations.append( new Annotation( n, v, owner ) );
1695         }
1696     }
1698     if ( d->modseqFetcher ) {
1699         while ( d->modseqFetcher->hasResults() ) {
1700             Row * r = d->modseqFetcher->nextRow();
1701             uint uid = r->getInt( "uid" );
1702             FetchData::DynamicData * dd = d->dynamics.find( uid );
1703             if ( !dd ) {
1704                 dd = new FetchData::DynamicData;
1705                 d->dynamics.insert( uid, dd );
1706             }
1707             dd->modseq = r->getBigint( "modseq" );
1708         }
1709     }
1711     if ( d->seenDeletedFetcher && !d->seenDeletedFetcher->done() )
1712         return;
1714     if ( d->flagFetcher && !d->flagFetcher->done() )
1715         return;
1717     if ( d->annotationFetcher && !d->annotationFetcher->done() )
1718         return;
1720     if ( d->modseqFetcher && !d->modseqFetcher->done() )
1721         return;
1723     bool ok = true;
1724     uint done = 0;
1725     while ( ok && !d->remaining.isEmpty() ) {
1726         uint uid = d->remaining.smallest();
1727         Message * m = d->messages.find( uid );
1728         if ( d->needsAddresses && !m->hasAddresses() )
1729             ok = false;
1730         if ( d->needsHeader && !m->hasHeaders() )
1731             ok = false;
1732         if ( d->needsPartNumbers && !m->hasBytesAndLines() )
1733             ok = false;
1734         if ( d->needsBody && !m->hasBodies() )
1735             ok = false;
1736         if ( ( d->rfc822size || d->internaldate ||
1737                d->databaseId || d->threadId ) && !m->hasTrivia() )
1738             ok = false;
1739         if ( ok ) {
1740             d->processed = uid;
1741             d->remaining.remove( uid );
1742             done++;
1743             waitFor( new ImapFetchResponse( s, this, uid ) );
1744         }
1745     }
1747     if ( !done )
1748         return;
1749     log( "Processed " + fn( done ) + " messages", Log::Debug );
1750     imap()->emitResponses();
1751 }
1754 /*! \class ImapFetchResponse fetch.h
1756     The ImapFetchResponse class models a single FETCH response. Its
1757     primary responsibity is to pick the right MSN at send time.
1758 */
1761 /*! Constructs a FETCH response for the message with \a uid with the
1762     data \a fetch fetched, if and only if \a s is active when it's
1763     time to send.
1764 */
ImapFetchResponse(ImapSession * s,Fetch * fetch,uint uid)1766 ImapFetchResponse::ImapFetchResponse( ImapSession * s,
1767                                       Fetch * fetch, uint uid )
1768     : ImapResponse( s ), f( fetch ), u( uid )
1769 {
1770 }
text() const1773 EString ImapFetchResponse::text() const
1774 {
1775     uint msn = session()->msn( u );
1776     if ( u && msn )
1777         return f->makeFetchResponse( f->message( u ), u, msn );
1778     return "";
1779 }
1782 /*! This reimplementation of setSent() frees up memory... that
1783     shouldn't be necessary when using garbage collection, but in this
1784     case it's important to remove messages from the data structures
1785     when they've been sent, so the collector sees that the memory can
1786     be reused. If we don't, then all of the messages occupy RAM until
1787     the last one has been sent.
1788 */
setSent()1790 void ImapFetchResponse::setSent()
1791 {
1792     f->forget( u );
1793     ImapResponse::setSent();
1794 }
1797 /*! This dangerous function makes the Fetch handler forget (part of)
1798     what it knows about \a uid. If Fetch has processed \a uid to
1799     completion, then forget() frees up memory for other use. To be
1800     used only by ImapFetchResponse::setSent().
1801 */
forget(uint uid)1803 void Fetch::forget( uint uid )
1804 {
1805     d->messages.remove( uid );
1806 }
1809 /*! Returns a pointer to the message with \a uid that this command has
1810     fetched or will fetch.
1811 */
message(uint uid) const1813 Message * Fetch::message( uint uid ) const
1814 {
1815     return d->messages.find( uid );
1816 }
1819 /*! Sends a query to retrieve all flags. */
sendFlagQuery()1821 void Fetch::sendFlagQuery()
1822 {
1823     d->seenDeletedFetcher = new Query(
1824         "select uid, seen, deleted from mailbox_messages "
1825         "where mailbox=$1 and uid=any($2)",
1826         this );
1827     d->seenDeletedFetcher->bind( 1, session()->mailbox()->id() );
1828     d->seenDeletedFetcher->bind( 2, d->set );
1829     enqueue( d->seenDeletedFetcher );
1831     d->flagFetcher = new Query(
1832         "select f.uid, fn.name from flags f "
1833         "join flag_names fn on (f.flag=fn.id) "
1834         "where f.mailbox=$1 and f.uid=any($2)",
1835         this );
1836     d->flagFetcher->bind( 1, session()->mailbox()->id() );
1837     d->flagFetcher->bind( 2, d->set );
1838     enqueue( d->flagFetcher );
1839 }
1842 /*! Sends a query to retrieve all annotations. */
sendAnnotationsQuery()1844 void Fetch::sendAnnotationsQuery()
1845 {
1846     d->annotationFetcher = new Query(
1847         "select a.uid, "
1848         "a.owner, a.value, an.name "
1849         "from annotations a "
1850         "join annotation_names an on (a.name=an.id) "
1851         "where a.mailbox=$1 and a.uid=any($2) "
1852         "order by an.name",
1853         this );
1854     d->annotationFetcher->bind( 1, session()->mailbox()->id() );
1855     d->annotationFetcher->bind( 2, d->set );
1856     enqueue( d->annotationFetcher );
1857 }
1860 /*! Sends a query to retrieve the modseq. */
sendModSeqQuery()1862 void Fetch::sendModSeqQuery()
1863 {
1864     d->modseqFetcher = new Query(
1865         "select uid, modseq "
1866         "from mailbox_messages "
1867         "where mailbox=$1 and uid=any($2)",
1868         this );
1869     d->modseqFetcher->bind( 1, session()->mailbox()->id() );
1870     d->modseqFetcher->bind( 2, d->set );
1871     enqueue( d->modseqFetcher );
1872 }
1875 /*! This helper enqueues \a q for execution, either directly of via a
1876     transaction.
1877 */
enqueue(Query * q)1879 void Fetch::enqueue( Query * q )
1880 {
1881     if ( transaction() )
1882         transaction()->enqueue( q );
1883     else
1884         q->execute();
1885 }