1 /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.7.6.  */
3 /* Bison interface for Yacc-like parsers in C
5    Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2015, 2018-2021 Free Software Foundation,
6    Inc.
8    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11    (at your option) any later version.
13    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16    GNU General Public License for more details.
18    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
21 /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
22    part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
23    under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
24    parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
25    as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
26    the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
27    special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
28    Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
29    License without this special exception.
31    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
32    version 2.2 of Bison.  */
35    especially those whose name start with YY_ or yy_.  They are
36    private implementation details that can be changed or removed.  */
40 /* Debug traces.  */
41 #ifndef YYDEBUG
42 # define YYDEBUG 1
43 #endif
44 #if YYDEBUG
45 extern int yydebug;
46 #endif
48 /* Token kinds.  */
49 #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE
50 # define YYTOKENTYPE
51   enum yytokentype
52   {
53     YYEMPTY = -2,
54     YYEOF = 0,                     /* "end of file"  */
55     YYerror = 256,                 /* error  */
56     YYUNDEF = 257,                 /* "invalid token"  */
57     DEFAULTS = 258,                /* DEFAULTS  */
58     POLL = 259,                    /* POLL  */
59     SKIP = 260,                    /* SKIP  */
60     VIA = 261,                     /* VIA  */
61     AKA = 262,                     /* AKA  */
62     LOCALDOMAINS = 263,            /* LOCALDOMAINS  */
63     PROTOCOL = 264,                /* PROTOCOL  */
64     AUTHENTICATE = 265,            /* AUTHENTICATE  */
65     TIMEOUT = 266,                 /* TIMEOUT  */
66     KPOP = 267,                    /* KPOP  */
67     SDPS = 268,                    /* SDPS  */
68     ENVELOPE = 269,                /* ENVELOPE  */
69     QVIRTUAL = 270,                /* QVIRTUAL  */
70     USERNAME = 271,                /* USERNAME  */
71     PASSWORD = 272,                /* PASSWORD  */
72     FOLDER = 273,                  /* FOLDER  */
73     SMTPHOST = 274,                /* SMTPHOST  */
74     FETCHDOMAINS = 275,            /* FETCHDOMAINS  */
75     MDA = 276,                     /* MDA  */
76     BSMTP = 277,                   /* BSMTP  */
77     LMTP = 278,                    /* LMTP  */
78     SMTPADDRESS = 279,             /* SMTPADDRESS  */
79     SMTPNAME = 280,                /* SMTPNAME  */
80     SPAMRESPONSE = 281,            /* SPAMRESPONSE  */
81     PRECONNECT = 282,              /* PRECONNECT  */
82     POSTCONNECT = 283,             /* POSTCONNECT  */
83     LIMIT = 284,                   /* LIMIT  */
84     WARNINGS = 285,                /* WARNINGS  */
85     INTERFACE = 286,               /* INTERFACE  */
86     MONITOR = 287,                 /* MONITOR  */
87     PLUGIN = 288,                  /* PLUGIN  */
88     PLUGOUT = 289,                 /* PLUGOUT  */
89     IS = 290,                      /* IS  */
90     HERE = 291,                    /* HERE  */
91     THERE = 292,                   /* THERE  */
92     TO = 293,                      /* TO  */
93     MAP = 294,                     /* MAP  */
94     BATCHLIMIT = 295,              /* BATCHLIMIT  */
95     FETCHLIMIT = 296,              /* FETCHLIMIT  */
96     FETCHSIZELIMIT = 297,          /* FETCHSIZELIMIT  */
97     FASTUIDL = 298,                /* FASTUIDL  */
98     EXPUNGE = 299,                 /* EXPUNGE  */
99     PROPERTIES = 300,              /* PROPERTIES  */
100     SET = 301,                     /* SET  */
101     LOGFILE = 302,                 /* LOGFILE  */
102     DAEMON = 303,                  /* DAEMON  */
103     SYSLOG = 304,                  /* SYSLOG  */
104     IDFILE = 305,                  /* IDFILE  */
105     PIDFILE = 306,                 /* PIDFILE  */
106     INVISIBLE = 307,               /* INVISIBLE  */
107     POSTMASTER = 308,              /* POSTMASTER  */
108     BOUNCEMAIL = 309,              /* BOUNCEMAIL  */
109     SPAMBOUNCE = 310,              /* SPAMBOUNCE  */
110     SOFTBOUNCE = 311,              /* SOFTBOUNCE  */
111     SHOWDOTS = 312,                /* SHOWDOTS  */
112     BADHEADER = 313,               /* BADHEADER  */
113     ACCEPT = 314,                  /* ACCEPT  */
114     REJECT_ = 315,                 /* REJECT_  */
115     PROTO = 316,                   /* PROTO  */
116     AUTHTYPE = 317,                /* AUTHTYPE  */
117     STRING = 318,                  /* STRING  */
118     NUMBER = 319,                  /* NUMBER  */
119     NO = 320,                      /* NO  */
120     KEEP = 321,                    /* KEEP  */
121     FLUSH = 322,                   /* FLUSH  */
122     LIMITFLUSH = 323,              /* LIMITFLUSH  */
123     FETCHALL = 324,                /* FETCHALL  */
124     REWRITE = 325,                 /* REWRITE  */
125     FORCECR = 326,                 /* FORCECR  */
126     STRIPCR = 327,                 /* STRIPCR  */
127     PASS8BITS = 328,               /* PASS8BITS  */
128     DROPSTATUS = 329,              /* DROPSTATUS  */
129     DROPDELIVERED = 330,           /* DROPDELIVERED  */
130     DNS = 331,                     /* DNS  */
131     SERVICE = 332,                 /* SERVICE  */
132     PORT = 333,                    /* PORT  */
133     UIDL = 334,                    /* UIDL  */
134     INTERVAL = 335,                /* INTERVAL  */
135     MIMEDECODE = 336,              /* MIMEDECODE  */
136     IDLE = 337,                    /* IDLE  */
137     CHECKALIAS = 338,              /* CHECKALIAS  */
138     SSL = 339,                     /* SSL  */
139     SSLKEY = 340,                  /* SSLKEY  */
140     SSLCERT = 341,                 /* SSLCERT  */
141     SSLPROTO = 342,                /* SSLPROTO  */
142     SSLCERTCK = 343,               /* SSLCERTCK  */
143     SSLCERTFILE = 344,             /* SSLCERTFILE  */
144     SSLCERTPATH = 345,             /* SSLCERTPATH  */
145     SSLCOMMONNAME = 346,           /* SSLCOMMONNAME  */
146     SSLFINGERPRINT = 347,          /* SSLFINGERPRINT  */
147     PRINCIPAL = 348,               /* PRINCIPAL  */
148     ESMTPNAME = 349,               /* ESMTPNAME  */
149     ESMTPPASSWORD = 350,           /* ESMTPPASSWORD  */
150     TRACEPOLLS = 351               /* TRACEPOLLS  */
151   };
152   typedef enum yytokentype yytoken_kind_t;
153 #endif
154 /* Token kinds.  */
155 #define YYEMPTY -2
156 #define YYEOF 0
157 #define YYerror 256
158 #define YYUNDEF 257
159 #define DEFAULTS 258
160 #define POLL 259
161 #define SKIP 260
162 #define VIA 261
163 #define AKA 262
164 #define LOCALDOMAINS 263
165 #define PROTOCOL 264
166 #define AUTHENTICATE 265
167 #define TIMEOUT 266
168 #define KPOP 267
169 #define SDPS 268
170 #define ENVELOPE 269
171 #define QVIRTUAL 270
172 #define USERNAME 271
173 #define PASSWORD 272
174 #define FOLDER 273
175 #define SMTPHOST 274
176 #define FETCHDOMAINS 275
177 #define MDA 276
178 #define BSMTP 277
179 #define LMTP 278
180 #define SMTPADDRESS 279
181 #define SMTPNAME 280
182 #define SPAMRESPONSE 281
183 #define PRECONNECT 282
184 #define POSTCONNECT 283
185 #define LIMIT 284
186 #define WARNINGS 285
187 #define INTERFACE 286
188 #define MONITOR 287
189 #define PLUGIN 288
190 #define PLUGOUT 289
191 #define IS 290
192 #define HERE 291
193 #define THERE 292
194 #define TO 293
195 #define MAP 294
196 #define BATCHLIMIT 295
197 #define FETCHLIMIT 296
198 #define FETCHSIZELIMIT 297
199 #define FASTUIDL 298
200 #define EXPUNGE 299
201 #define PROPERTIES 300
202 #define SET 301
203 #define LOGFILE 302
204 #define DAEMON 303
205 #define SYSLOG 304
206 #define IDFILE 305
207 #define PIDFILE 306
208 #define INVISIBLE 307
209 #define POSTMASTER 308
210 #define BOUNCEMAIL 309
211 #define SPAMBOUNCE 310
212 #define SOFTBOUNCE 311
213 #define SHOWDOTS 312
214 #define BADHEADER 313
215 #define ACCEPT 314
216 #define REJECT_ 315
217 #define PROTO 316
218 #define AUTHTYPE 317
219 #define STRING 318
220 #define NUMBER 319
221 #define NO 320
222 #define KEEP 321
223 #define FLUSH 322
224 #define LIMITFLUSH 323
225 #define FETCHALL 324
226 #define REWRITE 325
227 #define FORCECR 326
228 #define STRIPCR 327
229 #define PASS8BITS 328
230 #define DROPSTATUS 329
231 #define DROPDELIVERED 330
232 #define DNS 331
233 #define SERVICE 332
234 #define PORT 333
235 #define UIDL 334
236 #define INTERVAL 335
237 #define MIMEDECODE 336
238 #define IDLE 337
239 #define CHECKALIAS 338
240 #define SSL 339
241 #define SSLKEY 340
242 #define SSLCERT 341
243 #define SSLPROTO 342
244 #define SSLCERTCK 343
245 #define SSLCERTFILE 344
246 #define SSLCERTPATH 345
247 #define SSLCOMMONNAME 346
248 #define SSLFINGERPRINT 347
249 #define PRINCIPAL 348
250 #define ESMTPNAME 349
251 #define ESMTPPASSWORD 350
252 #define TRACEPOLLS 351
254 /* Value type.  */
255 #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
256 union YYSTYPE
257 {
258 #line 57 "../rcfile_y.y"
260   int proto;
261   int number;
262   char *sval;
264 #line 265 "rcfile_y.h"
266 };
267 typedef union YYSTYPE YYSTYPE;
268 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
269 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
270 #endif
273 extern YYSTYPE yylval;
275 int yyparse (void);
277 #endif /* !YY_YY_RCFILE_Y_H_INCLUDED  */