1# This is the NeoMutt Project
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12## What is NeoMutt?
14* NeoMutt is a project of projects.
15* A place to gather all the patches against Mutt.
16* A place for all the developers to gather.
18Hopefully this will build the community and reduce duplicated effort.
20NeoMutt was created when Richard Russon (@FlatCap) took all the old Mutt patches,
21sorted through them, fixed them up and documented them.
23## What Features does NeoMutt have?
25| Name                     | Description
26| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------
27| Attach Headers Color     | Color attachment headers using regex, just like mail bodies
28| Compose to Sender        | Send new mail to the sender of the current mail
29| Compressed Folders       | Read from/write to compressed mailboxes
30| Conditional Dates        | Use rules to choose date format
31| Custom Mailbox Tags      | Implements Notmuch tags and Imap keywords
32| Encrypt-to-Self          | Save a self-encrypted copy of emails
33| Fmemopen                 | Replace some temporary files with memory buffers
34| Forgotten Attachment     | Alert user when (s)he forgets to attach a file to an outgoing email.
35| Global Hooks             | Define actions to run globally within NeoMutt
36| Header Cache Compression | Options for compressing the header cache files
37| Ifdef                    | Conditional config options
38| Index Color              | Custom rules for theming the email index
39| Initials Expando         | Expando for author's initials
40| Kyoto Cabinet            | Kyoto Cabinet backend for the header cache
41| Limit Current Thread     | Focus on one Email Thread
42| LMDB                     | LMDB backend for the header cache
43| Multiple FCC             | Save multiple copies of outgoing mail
44| Nested If                | Allow complex nested conditions in format strings
45| New Mail                 | Execute a command upon the receipt of new mail.
46| NNTP                     | Talk to a Usenet news server
47| Notmuch                  | Email search engine
48| Pager Read Delay         | Delay when the pager marks a previewed message as read
49| Progress Bar             | Show a visual progress bar on slow operations
50| Quasi-Delete             | Mark emails that should be hidden, but not deleted
51| Reply With X-Original-To | Direct reply to email using X-Original-To header
52| Sensible Browser         | Make the file browser behave
53| Sidebar                  | Panel containing list of Mailboxes
54| Skip Quoted              | Leave some context visible
55| Status Color             | Custom rules for theming the status bar
56| TLS-SNI                  | Negotiate with a server for a TLS/SSL certificate
57| Trash Folder             | Automatically move deleted emails to a trash bin
58| Use Threads              | Improve the experience with viewing threads in the index
60## Contributed Scripts and Config
62| Name                   | Description
63| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------
64| Header Cache Benchmark | Script to test the speed of the header cache
65| Keybase                | Keybase Integration
66| Useful programs        | List of useful programs interacting with NeoMutt
67| Vi Keys                | Easy and clean Vi-keys for NeoMutt
68| Vim Syntax             | Vim Syntax File
70## How to Install NeoMutt?
72NeoMutt may be packaged for your distribution, and otherwise it can be
73[built from source](https://neomutt.org/dev/build/build). Please refer to the
74instructions on the [distro page](https://neomutt.org/distro.html).
76## Where is NeoMutt?
78- Source Code:     https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt
79- Releases:        https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt/releases/latest
80- Questions/Bugs:  https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt/issues
81- Website:         https://neomutt.org
82- IRC:             [irc://irc.libera.chat/neomutt](https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.libera.chat/#neomutt "IRC Web Client") - please be patient.
83  We're a small group, so our answer might take some time.
84- Mailinglists:    [neomutt-users](mailto:neomutt-users-request@neomutt.org?subject=subscribe)
85  and [neomutt-devel](mailto:neomutt-devel-request@neomutt.org?subject=subscribe)
86- Development:     https://neomutt.org/dev.html
87- Contributors:    [Everyone who has helped NeoMutt](AUTHORS.md)
89## Copyright
91NeoMutt is released under version 2 of the GPL, the GNU General Public License.
92See [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md).
94The principal authors of NeoMutt are:
96- Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Michael R. Elkins `<me@.s.hmc.edu>`
97- Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Brandon Long `<blong@fiction.net>`
98- Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Thomas Roessler `<roessler@does-not-exist.org>`
99- Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Werner Koch `<wk@isil.d.shuttle.de>`
100- Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Brendan Cully `<brendan@kublai.com>`
101- Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Tommi Komulainen `<Tommi.Komulainen@iki.fi>`
102- Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Edmund Grimley Evans `<edmundo@rano.org>`
103- Copyright (C) 2000-2019 David Champion `<dgc.mutt@c13.us>`
104- Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Rocco Rutte `<pdmef@gmx.net>`
105- Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Kevin J. McCarthy `<kevin@8t8.us>`
106- Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Richard Russon `<rich@flatcap.org>`