1 /* mhfixmsg.c -- rewrite a message with various transformations
2  *
3  * This code is Copyright (c) 2002 and 2013, by the authors of nmh.
4  * See the COPYRIGHT file in the root directory of the nmh
5  * distribution for complete copyright information.
6  */
8 #include <h/mh.h>
9 #include <h/fmt_scan.h>
10 #include <h/mime.h>
11 #include <h/mhparse.h>
12 #include <h/utils.h>
13 #include <h/signals.h>
14 #include "../sbr/m_maildir.h"
15 #include "../sbr/m_mktemp.h"
16 #include "../sbr/mime_type.h"
17 #include "mhfree.h"
18 #include "mhoutsbr.h"
19 #include "mhshowsbr.h"
20 #include <fcntl.h>
23     X("decodetext 8bit|7bit|binary", 0, DECODETEXTSW) \
24     X("nodecodetext", 0, NDECODETEXTSW) \
25     X("decodetypes", 0, DECODETYPESW) \
26     X("crlflinebreaks", 0, CRLFLINEBREAKSSW) \
27     X("nocrlflinebreaks", 0, NCRLFLINEBREAKSSW) \
28     X("textcharset", 0, TEXTCHARSETSW) \
29     X("notextcharset", 0, NTEXTCHARSETSW) \
30     X("reformat", 0, REFORMATSW) \
31     X("noreformat", 0, NREFORMATSW) \
32     X("replacetextplain", 0, REPLACETEXTPLAINSW) \
33     X("noreplacetextplain", 0, NREPLACETEXTPLAINSW) \
34     X("fixboundary", 0, FIXBOUNDARYSW) \
35     X("nofixboundary", 0, NFIXBOUNDARYSW) \
36     X("fixcte", 0, FIXCOMPOSITECTESW) \
37     X("nofixcte", 0, NFIXCOMPOSITECTESW) \
38     X("fixtype mimetype", 0, FIXTYPESW) \
39     X("file file", 0, FILESW) \
40     X("outfile file", 0, OUTFILESW) \
41     X("rmmproc program", 0, RPROCSW) \
42     X("normmproc", 0, NRPRCSW) \
43     X("changecur", 0, CHGSW) \
44     X("nochangecur", 0, NCHGSW) \
45     X("verbose", 0, VERBSW) \
46     X("noverbose", 0, NVERBSW) \
47     X("version", 0, VERSIONSW) \
48     X("help", 0, HELPSW) \
50 #define X(sw, minchars, id) id,
52 #undef X
54 #define X(sw, minchars, id) { sw, minchars, id },
56 #undef X
59 int verbosw;
60 int debugsw; /* Needed by mhparse.c. */
62 #define quitser pipeser
64 /* mhparse.c */
65 extern int skip_mp_cte_check;                 /* flag to InitMultiPart */
66 extern int suppress_bogus_mp_content_warning; /* flag to InitMultiPart */
67 extern int bogus_mp_content;                  /* flag from InitMultiPart */
68 /* flags to/from parse_header_attrs */
69 extern int suppress_extraneous_trailing_semicolon_warning;
71 /* mhmisc.c */
72 void flush_errors (void);
74 /*
75  * static prototypes
76  */
77 typedef struct fix_transformations {
78     int fixboundary;
79     int fixcompositecte;
80     svector_t fixtypes;
81     int reformat;
82     int replacetextplain;
83     int decodetext;
84     char *decodetypes;
85     /* Whether to use CRLF linebreaks, per RFC 2046 Sec. 4.1.1, par.1. */
86     int lf_line_endings;
87     char *textcharset;
88 } fix_transformations;
90 int mhfixmsgsbr (CT *, char *, const fix_transformations *, FILE **, char *,
91                  FILE **);
92 static int fix_boundary (CT *, int *);
93 static int copy_input_to_output (const char *, FILE *, const char *, FILE *);
94 static int get_multipart_boundary (CT, char **);
95 static int replace_boundary (CT, char *, char *);
96 static int fix_types (CT, svector_t, int *);
97 static char *replace_substring (char **, const char *, const char *);
98 static char *remove_parameter (char *, const char *);
99 static int fix_composite_cte (CT, int *);
100 static int set_ce (CT, int);
101 static int ensure_text_plain (CT *, CT, int *, int);
102 static int find_textplain_sibling (CT, int, int *);
103 static int insert_new_text_plain_part (CT, int, CT);
104 static CT build_text_plain_part (CT);
105 static int insert_into_new_mp_alt (CT *, int *);
106 static CT divide_part (CT);
107 static void copy_ctinfo (CI, CI);
108 static int decode_part (CT);
109 static int reformat_part (CT, char *, char *, char *, int);
110 static CT build_multipart_alt (CT, CT, int, int);
111 static int boundary_in_content (FILE **, char *, const char *);
112 static void transfer_noncontent_headers (CT, CT);
113 static int set_ct_type (CT, int type, int subtype, int encoding);
114 static int decode_text_parts (CT, int, const char *, int *);
115 static int should_decode(const char *, const char *, const char *);
116 static int content_encoding (CT, const char **);
117 static int strip_crs (CT, int *);
118 static void update_cte (CT);
119 static int least_restrictive_encoding (CT);
120 static int less_restrictive (int, int);
121 static int convert_charsets (CT, char *, int *);
122 static int fix_always (CT, int *);
123 static int fix_filename_param (char *, char *, PM *, PM *);
124 static int fix_filename_encoding (CT);
125 static int write_content (CT, const char *, char *, FILE *, int, int);
126 static void set_text_ctparams(CT, char *, int);
127 static int remove_file (const char *);
128 static void report (char *, char *, char *, char *, ...);
129 static void pipeser (int);
132 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)133 main (int argc, char **argv) {
134     int msgnum;
135     char *cp, *file = NULL, *folder = NULL;
136     char *maildir = NULL, buf[100], *outfile = NULL;
137     char **argp, **arguments;
138     struct msgs_array msgs = { 0, 0, NULL };
139     struct msgs *mp = NULL;
140     CT *ctp;
141     FILE *fp, *infp = NULL, *outfp = NULL;
142     int using_stdin = 0;
143     int chgflag = 1;
144     int status = OK;
145     fix_transformations fx;
146     fx.reformat = fx.fixcompositecte = fx.fixboundary = 1;
147     fx.fixtypes = NULL;
148     fx.replacetextplain = 0;
149     fx.decodetext = CE_8BIT;
150     fx.decodetypes = "text,application/ics";  /* Default, per man page. */
151     fx.lf_line_endings = 0;
152     fx.textcharset = NULL;
154     if (nmh_init(argv[0], 2)) { return 1; }
156     arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1);
157     argp = arguments;
159     /*
160      * Parse arguments
161      */
162     while ((cp = *argp++)) {
163         if (*cp == '-') {
164             switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) {
165             case AMBIGSW:
166                 ambigsw (cp, switches);
167                 done (1);
168             case UNKWNSW:
169                 adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp);
171             case HELPSW:
172                 snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]",
173                         invo_name);
174                 print_help (buf, switches, 1);
175                 done (0);
176             case VERSIONSW:
177                 print_version(invo_name);
178                 done (0);
180             case DECODETEXTSW:
181                 if (! (cp = *argp++)  ||  *cp == '-') {
182                     adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
183                 }
184                 if (! strcasecmp (cp, "8bit")) {
185                     fx.decodetext = CE_8BIT;
186                 } else if (! strcasecmp (cp, "7bit")) {
187                     fx.decodetext = CE_7BIT;
188                 } else if (! strcasecmp (cp, "binary")) {
189                     fx.decodetext = CE_BINARY;
190                 } else {
191                     adios (NULL, "invalid argument to %s", argp[-2]);
192                 }
193                 continue;
194             case NDECODETEXTSW:
195                 fx.decodetext = 0;
196                 continue;
197             case DECODETYPESW:
198                 if (! (cp = *argp++)  ||  *cp == '-') {
199                     adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
200                 }
201                 fx.decodetypes = cp;
202                 continue;
203             case CRLFLINEBREAKSSW:
204                 fx.lf_line_endings = 0;
205                 continue;
206             case NCRLFLINEBREAKSSW:
207                 fx.lf_line_endings = 1;
208                 continue;
209             case TEXTCHARSETSW:
210                 if (! (cp = *argp++) || (*cp == '-' && cp[1])) {
211                     adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
212                 }
213                 fx.textcharset = cp;
214                 continue;
215             case NTEXTCHARSETSW:
216                 fx.textcharset = 0;
217                 continue;
218             case FIXBOUNDARYSW:
219                 fx.fixboundary = 1;
220                 continue;
221             case NFIXBOUNDARYSW:
222                 fx.fixboundary = 0;
223                 continue;
224             case FIXCOMPOSITECTESW:
225                 fx.fixcompositecte = 1;
226                 continue;
227             case NFIXCOMPOSITECTESW:
228                 fx.fixcompositecte = 0;
229                 continue;
230             case FIXTYPESW:
231                 if (! (cp = *argp++) || (*cp == '-' && cp[1])) {
232                     adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
233                 }
234                 if (! strncasecmp (cp, "multipart/", 10)  ||
235                     ! strncasecmp (cp, "message/", 8)) {
236                     adios (NULL, "-fixtype %s not allowed", cp);
237                 } else if (! strchr (cp, '/')) {
238                     adios (NULL, "-fixtype requires type/subtype");
239                 }
240                 if (fx.fixtypes == NULL) { fx.fixtypes = svector_create (10); }
241                 svector_push_back (fx.fixtypes, cp);
242                 continue;
243             case REFORMATSW:
244                 fx.reformat = 1;
245                 continue;
246             case NREFORMATSW:
247                 fx.reformat = 0;
248                 continue;
249             case REPLACETEXTPLAINSW:
250                 fx.replacetextplain = 1;
251                 continue;
252             case NREPLACETEXTPLAINSW:
253                 fx.replacetextplain = 0;
254                 continue;
255             case FILESW:
256                 if (! (cp = *argp++) || (*cp == '-' && cp[1])) {
257                     adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
258                 }
259                 file = *cp == '-'  ?  mh_xstrdup (cp)  :  path (cp, TFILE);
260                 continue;
261             case OUTFILESW:
262                 if (! (cp = *argp++) || (*cp == '-' && cp[1])) {
263                     adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
264                 }
265                 outfile = *cp == '-'  ?  mh_xstrdup (cp)  :  path (cp, TFILE);
266                 continue;
267             case RPROCSW:
268                 if (!(rmmproc = *argp++) || *rmmproc == '-') {
269                     adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
270                 }
271                 continue;
272             case NRPRCSW:
273                 rmmproc = NULL;
274                 continue;
275             case CHGSW:
276                 chgflag = 1;
277                 continue;
278             case NCHGSW:
279                 chgflag = 0;
280                 continue;
281             case VERBSW:
282                 verbosw = 1;
283                 continue;
284             case NVERBSW:
285                 verbosw = 0;
286                 continue;
287             }
288         }
289         if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') {
290             if (folder) {
291                 adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!");
292             } else {
293                 folder = pluspath (cp);
294             }
295         } else {
296             if (*cp == '/') {
297                 /* Interpret a full path as a filename, not a message. */
298                 file = mh_xstrdup (cp);
299             } else {
300                 app_msgarg (&msgs, cp);
301             }
302         }
303     }
305     SIGNAL (SIGQUIT, quitser);
306     SIGNAL (SIGPIPE, pipeser);
308     /*
309      * Read the standard profile setup
310      */
311     if ((fp = fopen (cp = etcpath ("mhn.defaults"), "r"))) {
312         readconfig ((struct node **) 0, fp, cp, 0);
313         fclose (fp);
314     }
316     suppress_bogus_mp_content_warning = skip_mp_cte_check = 1;
317     suppress_extraneous_trailing_semicolon_warning = 1;
319     if (! context_find ("path")) {
320         free (path ("./", TFOLDER));
321     }
323     if (file && msgs.size) {
324         adios (NULL, "cannot specify msg and file at same time!");
325     }
327     if (outfile) {
328         /* Open the outfile now, so we don't have to risk opening it
329            after running out of fds. */
330         if (strcmp (outfile, "-") == 0) {
331             outfp = stdout;
332         } else if ((outfp = fopen (outfile, "w")) == NULL) {
333             adios (outfile, "unable to open for writing");
334         }
335     }
337     /*
338      * check if message is coming from file
339      */
340     if (file) {
341         /* If file is stdin, create a tmp file name before parse_mime()
342            has a chance, because it might put in on a different
343            filesystem than the output file.  Instead, put it in the
344            user's preferred tmp directory. */
345         CT ct;
347         if (! strcmp ("-", file)) {
348             int fd;
349             char *cp;
351             using_stdin = 1;
353             if ((cp = m_mktemp2 (NULL, invo_name, &fd, NULL)) == NULL) {
354                 adios (NULL, "unable to create temporary file in %s",
355                        get_temp_dir());
356             } else {
357                 free (file);
358                 file = mh_xstrdup (cp);
359                 cpydata (STDIN_FILENO, fd, "-", file);
360             }
362             if (close (fd)) {
363                 (void) m_unlink (file);
364                 adios (NULL, "failed to write temporary file");
365             }
366         }
368         cts = mh_xcalloc(2, sizeof *cts);
369         ctp = cts;
371         if ((ct = parse_mime (file))) {
372             set_text_ctparams(ct, fx.decodetypes, fx.lf_line_endings);
373             *ctp++ = ct;
374         } else {
375             inform("unable to parse message from file %s", file);
376             status = NOTOK;
378             /* If there's an outfile, pass the input message unchanged, so the
379                message won't get dropped from a pipeline. */
380             if (outfile) {
381                 /* Something went wrong.  Output might be expected, such as if
382                    this were run as a filter.  Just copy the input to the
383                    output. */
384                 if ((infp = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL) {
385                     adios (file, "unable to open for reading");
386                 }
388                 if (copy_input_to_output (file, infp, outfile, outfp) != OK) {
389                     inform("unable to copy message to %s, "
390                             "it might be lost\n", outfile);
391                 }
393                 fclose (infp);
394                 infp = NULL;
395             }
396         }
397     } else {
398         /*
399          * message(s) are coming from a folder
400          */
401         CT ct;
403         if (! msgs.size) {
404             app_msgarg(&msgs, "cur");
405         }
406         if (! folder) {
407             folder = getfolder (1);
408         }
409         maildir = mh_xstrdup(m_maildir (folder));
411         /* chdir so that error messages, esp. from MIME parser, just
412            refer to the message and not its path. */
413         if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) {
414             adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to");
415         }
417         /* read folder and create message structure */
418         if (! (mp = folder_read (folder, 1))) {
419             adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder);
420         }
422         /* check for empty folder */
423         if (mp->nummsg == 0) {
424             adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", folder);
425         }
427         /* parse all the message ranges/sequences and set SELECTED */
428         for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgs.size; msgnum++)
429             if (! m_convert (mp, msgs.msgs[msgnum])) {
430                 done (1);
431             }
432         seq_setprev (mp);       /* set the previous-sequence */
434         cts = mh_xcalloc(mp->numsel + 1, sizeof *cts);
435         ctp = cts;
437         for (msgnum = mp->lowsel; msgnum <= mp->hghsel; msgnum++) {
438             if (is_selected(mp, msgnum)) {
439                 char *msgnam = m_name (msgnum);
441                 if ((ct = parse_mime (msgnam))) {
442                     set_text_ctparams(ct, fx.decodetypes, fx.lf_line_endings);
443                     *ctp++ = ct;
444                 } else {
445                     inform("unable to parse message %s", msgnam);
446                     status = NOTOK;
448                     /* If there's an outfile, pass the input message
449                        unchanged, so the message won't get dropped from a
450                        pipeline. */
451                     if (outfile) {
452                         /* Something went wrong.  Output might be expected,
453                            such as if this were run as a filter.  Just copy
454                            the input to the output. */
455                         /* Can't use path() here because 1) it might have been
456                            called before and it caches the pwd, and 2) we call
457                            chdir() after that. */
458                         char *input_filename =
459                             concat (maildir, "/", msgnam, NULL);
461                         if ((infp = fopen (input_filename, "r")) == NULL) {
462                             adios (input_filename,
463                                    "unable to open for reading");
464                         }
466                         if (copy_input_to_output (input_filename, infp,
467                                                   outfile, outfp) != OK) {
468                             inform("unable to copy message to %s, "
469                                 "it might be lost\n", outfile);
470                         }
472                         fclose (infp);
473                         infp = NULL;
474                         free (input_filename);
475                     }
476                 }
477             }
478         }
480         if (chgflag) {
481             seq_setcur (mp, mp->hghsel);  /* update current message */
482         }
483         seq_save (mp);                    /* synchronize sequences  */
484         context_replace (pfolder, folder);/* update current folder  */
485         context_save ();                  /* save the context file  */
486     }
488     if (*cts) {
489         for (ctp = cts; *ctp; ++ctp) {
490             status += mhfixmsgsbr (ctp, maildir, &fx, &infp, outfile, &outfp);
491             free_content (*ctp);
493             if (using_stdin) {
494                 (void) m_unlink (file);
496                 if (! outfile) {
497                     /* Just calling m_backup() unlinks the backup file. */
498                     (void) m_backup (file);
499                 }
500             }
501         }
502     } else {
503         status = 1;
504     }
506     mh_xfree(maildir);
507     free (cts);
509     if (fx.fixtypes != NULL) { svector_free (fx.fixtypes); }
510     if (infp) { fclose (infp); }    /* even if stdin */
511     if (outfp) { fclose (outfp); }  /* even if stdout */
512     free (outfile);
513     free (file);
514     free (folder);
515     free (arguments);
517     done (status);
518     return NOTOK;
519 }
522 /*
523  * Apply transformations to one message.
524  */
525 int
mhfixmsgsbr(CT * ctp,char * maildir,const fix_transformations * fx,FILE ** infp,char * outfile,FILE ** outfp)526 mhfixmsgsbr (CT *ctp, char *maildir, const fix_transformations *fx,
527              FILE **infp, char *outfile, FILE **outfp) {
528     /* Store input filename in case one of the transformations, i.e.,
529        fix_boundary(), rewrites to a tmp file. */
530     char *input_filename = maildir
531         ?  concat (maildir, "/", (*ctp)->c_file, NULL)
532         :  mh_xstrdup ((*ctp)->c_file);
533     int modify_inplace = 0;
534     int message_mods = 0;
535     int status = OK;
537     /* Though the input file won't need to be opened if everything goes
538        well, do it here just in case there's a failure, and that failure is
539        running out of file descriptors. */
540     if ((*infp = fopen (input_filename, "r")) == NULL) {
541         adios (input_filename, "unable to open for reading");
542     }
544     if (outfile == NULL) {
545         modify_inplace = 1;
547         if ((*ctp)->c_file) {
548             char *tempfile;
549             /* outfp will be closed by the caller */
550             if ((tempfile = m_mktemp2 (NULL, invo_name, NULL, outfp)) ==
551                 NULL) {
552                 adios (NULL, "unable to create temporary file in %s",
553                        get_temp_dir());
554             }
555             outfile = mh_xstrdup (tempfile);
556         } else {
557             adios (NULL, "missing both input and output filenames\n");
558         }
559     } /* else *outfp was defined by caller */
561     reverse_alternative_parts (*ctp);
562     status = fix_always (*ctp, &message_mods);
563     if (status == OK  &&  fx->fixboundary) {
564         status = fix_boundary (ctp, &message_mods);
565     }
566     if (status == OK  && fx->fixtypes != NULL) {
567         status = fix_types (*ctp, fx->fixtypes, &message_mods);
568     }
569     if (status == OK  &&  fx->fixcompositecte) {
570         status = fix_composite_cte (*ctp, &message_mods);
571     }
572     if (status == OK  &&  fx->reformat) {
573         status =
574             ensure_text_plain (ctp, NULL, &message_mods, fx->replacetextplain);
575     }
576     if (status == OK  &&  fx->decodetext) {
577         status = decode_text_parts (*ctp, fx->decodetext, fx->decodetypes,
578                                     &message_mods);
579         update_cte (*ctp);
580     }
581     if (status == OK  &&  fx->textcharset != NULL) {
582         status = convert_charsets (*ctp, fx->textcharset, &message_mods);
583     }
585     if (status == OK  &&  ! (*ctp)->c_umask) {
586         /* Set the umask for the contents file.  This currently
587            isn't used but just in case it is in the future. */
588         struct stat st;
590         if (stat ((*ctp)->c_file, &st) != NOTOK) {
591             (*ctp)->c_umask = ~(st.st_mode & 0777);
592         } else {
593             (*ctp)->c_umask = ~m_gmprot();
594         }
595     }
597     /*
598      * Write the content to a file
599      */
600     if (status == OK) {
601         status = write_content (*ctp, input_filename, outfile, *outfp,
602                                 modify_inplace, message_mods);
603     } else if (! modify_inplace) {
604         /* Something went wrong.  Output might be expected, such
605            as if this were run as a filter.  Just copy the input
606            to the output. */
607         if (copy_input_to_output (input_filename, *infp, outfile,
608                                   *outfp) != OK) {
609             inform("unable to copy message to %s, it might be lost\n",
610                     outfile);
611         }
612     }
614     if (modify_inplace) {
615         if (status != OK) { (void) m_unlink (outfile); }
616         free (outfile);
617         outfile = NULL;
618     }
620     fclose (*infp);
621     *infp = NULL;
622     free (input_filename);
624     return status;
625 }
628 /*
629  * Copy input message to output.  Assumes not modifying in place, so this
630  * might be running as part of a pipeline.
631  */
632 static int
copy_input_to_output(const char * input_filename,FILE * infp,const char * output_filename,FILE * outfp)633 copy_input_to_output (const char *input_filename, FILE *infp,
634                       const char *output_filename, FILE *outfp) {
635     int in = fileno (infp);
636     int out = fileno (outfp);
637     int status = OK;
639     if (in != -1  &&  out != -1) {
640         cpydata (in, out, input_filename, output_filename);
641     } else {
642         status = NOTOK;
643     }
645     return status;
646 }
649 /*
650  * Fix mismatched outer level boundary.
651  */
652 static int
fix_boundary(CT * ct,int * message_mods)653 fix_boundary (CT *ct, int *message_mods) {
654     struct multipart *mp;
655     int status = OK;
657     if (ct  &&  (*ct)->c_type == CT_MULTIPART  &&  bogus_mp_content) {
658         mp = (struct multipart *) (*ct)->c_ctparams;
660         /*
661          * 1) Get boundary at end of part.
662          * 2) Get boundary at beginning of part and compare to the end-of-part
663          *    boundary.
664          * 3) Write out contents of ct to tmp file, replacing boundary in
665          *    header with boundary from part.  Set c_unlink to 1.
666          * 4) Free ct.
667          * 5) Call parse_mime() on the tmp file, replacing ct.
668          */
670         if (mp  &&  mp->mp_start) {
671             char *part_boundary;
673             if (get_multipart_boundary (*ct, &part_boundary) == OK) {
674                 char *fixed;
676                 if ((fixed = m_mktemp2 (NULL, invo_name, NULL, &(*ct)->c_fp))) {
677                     if (replace_boundary (*ct, fixed, part_boundary) == OK) {
678                         char *filename = mh_xstrdup ((*ct)->c_file);
679                         CT fixed_ct;
681                         free_content (*ct);
682                         if ((fixed_ct = parse_mime (fixed))) {
683                             *ct = fixed_ct;
684                             (*ct)->c_unlink = 1;
686                             ++*message_mods;
687                             if (verbosw) {
688                                 report (NULL, NULL, filename,
689                                         "fix multipart boundary");
690                             }
691                         } else {
692                             *ct = NULL;
693                             inform("unable to parse fixed part");
694                             status = NOTOK;
695                         }
696                         free (filename);
697                     } else {
698                         inform("unable to replace broken boundary");
699                         status = NOTOK;
700                     }
701                 } else {
702                     inform("unable to create temporary file in %s",
703                             get_temp_dir());
704                     status = NOTOK;
705                 }
707                 free (part_boundary);
708             } else {
709                 /* Couldn't fix the boundary.  Report failure so that mhfixmsg
710                    doesn't modify the message. */
711                 status = NOTOK;
712             }
713         } else {
714             /* No multipart struct, even though the content type is
715                CT_MULTIPART.  Report failure so that mhfixmsg doesn't modify
716                the message. */
717             status = NOTOK;
718         }
719     }
721     return status;
722 }
725 /*
726  * Find boundary at end of multipart.
727  */
728 static int
get_multipart_boundary(CT ct,char ** part_boundary)729 get_multipart_boundary (CT ct, char **part_boundary) {
730     char buffer[NMH_BUFSIZ];
731     char *end_boundary = NULL;
732     off_t begin = (off_t) ct->c_end > (off_t) (ct->c_begin + sizeof buffer)
733         ?  (off_t) (ct->c_end - sizeof buffer)
734         :  (off_t) ct->c_begin;
735     size_t bytes_read;
736     int status = OK;
738     /* This will fail if the boundary spans fread() calls.  NMH_BUFSIZ should
739        be big enough, even if it's just 1024, to make that unlikely. */
741     /* free_content() will close ct->c_fp if bogus MP boundary is fixed. */
742     if (! ct->c_fp  &&  (ct->c_fp = fopen (ct->c_file, "r")) == NULL) {
743         advise (ct->c_file, "unable to open for reading");
744         return NOTOK;
745     }
747     /* Get boundary at end of multipart. */
748     while (begin >= (off_t) ct->c_begin) {
749         fseeko (ct->c_fp, begin, SEEK_SET);
750         while ((bytes_read = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, ct->c_fp)) > 0) {
751             char *cp = rfind_str (buffer, bytes_read, "--");
753             if (cp) {
754                 char *end;
756                 /* Trim off trailing "--" and anything beyond. */
757                 *cp-- = '\0';
758                 if ((end = rfind_str (buffer, cp - buffer, "\n"))) {
759                     if (strlen (end) > 3  &&  *end++ == '\n'  &&
760                         *end++ == '-'  &&  *end++ == '-') {
761                         end_boundary = mh_xstrdup (end);
762                         break;
763                     }
764                 }
765             }
766         }
768         if (end_boundary  ||  begin <= (off_t) (ct->c_begin + sizeof buffer))
769             break;
770         begin -= sizeof buffer;
771     }
773     /* Get boundary at beginning of multipart. */
774     if (end_boundary) {
775         fseeko (ct->c_fp, ct->c_begin, SEEK_SET);
776         while ((bytes_read = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, ct->c_fp)) > 0) {
777             if (bytes_read >= strlen (end_boundary)) {
778                 char *cp = find_str (buffer, bytes_read, end_boundary);
780                 if (cp  &&  cp - buffer >= 2  &&  *--cp == '-'  &&
781                     *--cp == '-'  &&  (cp > buffer  &&  *--cp == '\n')) {
782                     status = OK;
783                     break;
784                 }
785             } else {
786                 /* The start and end boundaries didn't match, or the
787                    start boundary doesn't begin with "\n--" (or "--"
788                    if at the beginning of buffer).  Keep trying. */
789                 status = NOTOK;
790             }
791         }
792     } else {
793         status = NOTOK;
794     }
796     if (ct->c_fp) {
797         fclose (ct->c_fp);
798         ct->c_fp = NULL;
799     }
801     if (status == OK) {
802         *part_boundary = end_boundary;
803     } else {
804         *part_boundary = NULL;
805         free (end_boundary);
806     }
808     return status;
809 }
812 /*
813  * Open and copy ct->c_file to file, replacing the multipart boundary.
814  */
815 static int
replace_boundary(CT ct,char * file,char * boundary)816 replace_boundary (CT ct, char *file, char *boundary) {
817     FILE *fpin, *fpout;
818     int compnum, state;
819     char buf[NMH_BUFSIZ], name[NAMESZ];
820     char *np, *vp;
821     m_getfld_state_t gstate = 0;
822     int status = OK;
824     if (ct->c_file == NULL) {
825         inform("missing input filename");
826         return NOTOK;
827     }
829     if ((fpin = fopen (ct->c_file, "r")) == NULL) {
830         advise (ct->c_file, "unable to open for reading");
831         return NOTOK;
832     }
834     if ((fpout = fopen (file, "w")) == NULL) {
835         fclose (fpin);
836         advise (file, "unable to open for writing");
837         return NOTOK;
838     }
840     for (compnum = 1;;) {
841         int bufsz = (int) sizeof buf;
843         switch (state = m_getfld (&gstate, name, buf, &bufsz, fpin)) {
844         case FLD:
845         case FLDPLUS:
846             compnum++;
848             /* get copies of the buffers */
849             np = mh_xstrdup (name);
850             vp = mh_xstrdup (buf);
852             /* if necessary, get rest of field */
853             while (state == FLDPLUS) {
854                 bufsz = sizeof buf;
855                 state = m_getfld (&gstate, name, buf, &bufsz, fpin);
856                 vp = add (buf, vp);     /* add to previous value */
857             }
859             if (strcasecmp (TYPE_FIELD, np)) {
860                 fprintf (fpout, "%s:%s", np, vp);
861             } else {
862 	    	char *new_ctline, *new_params;
864 	    	replace_param(&ct->c_ctinfo.ci_first_pm,
865 			      &ct->c_ctinfo.ci_last_pm, "boundary",
866 			      boundary, 0);
868 		new_ctline = concat(" ", ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type, "/",
869 				    ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype, NULL);
870 		new_params = output_params(strlen(TYPE_FIELD) +
871 					   strlen(new_ctline) + 1,
872 					   ct->c_ctinfo.ci_first_pm, NULL, 0);
873                 fprintf (fpout, "%s:%s%s\n", np, new_ctline,
874 			 FENDNULL(new_params));
875 		free(new_ctline);
876                 mh_xfree(new_params);
877             }
879             free (vp);
880             free (np);
882             continue;
884         case BODY:
885             putc('\n', fpout);
886             /* buf will have a terminating NULL, skip it. */
887             if ((int) fwrite (buf, 1, bufsz-1, fpout) < bufsz-1) {
888                 advise (file, "fwrite");
889             }
890             continue;
892         case FILEEOF:
893             break;
895         case LENERR:
896         case FMTERR:
897             inform("message format error in component #%d", compnum);
898             status = NOTOK;
899             break;
901         default:
902             inform("getfld() returned %d", state);
903             status = NOTOK;
904             break;
905         }
907         break;
908     }
910     m_getfld_state_destroy (&gstate);
911     fclose (fpout);
912     fclose (fpin);
914     return status;
915 }
918 /*
919  * Fix Content-Type header to reflect the content of its part.
920  */
921 static int
fix_types(CT ct,svector_t fixtypes,int * message_mods)922 fix_types (CT ct, svector_t fixtypes, int *message_mods) {
923     int status = OK;
925     switch (ct->c_type) {
926     case CT_MULTIPART: {
927         struct multipart *m = (struct multipart *) ct->c_ctparams;
928         struct part *part;
930         for (part = m->mp_parts; status == OK  &&  part; part = part->mp_next) {
931             status = fix_types (part->mp_part, fixtypes, message_mods);
932         }
933         break;
934     }
936     case CT_MESSAGE:
937         if (ct->c_subtype == MESSAGE_EXTERNAL) {
938             struct exbody *e = (struct exbody *) ct->c_ctparams;
940             status = fix_types (e->eb_content, fixtypes, message_mods);
941         }
942         break;
944     default: {
945         char **typep, *type;
947         if (ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type  &&  ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype) {
948             for (typep = svector_strs (fixtypes);
949                  typep && (type = *typep);
950                  ++typep) {
951                 char *type_subtype =
952                     concat (ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type, "/", ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype,
953                             NULL);
955                 if (! strcasecmp (type, type_subtype)  &&
956                     decode_part (ct) == OK  &&
957                     ct->c_cefile.ce_file != NULL) {
958                     char *ct_type_subtype = mime_type (ct->c_cefile.ce_file);
959                     char *cp;
961                     if ((cp = strchr (ct_type_subtype, ';'))) {
962                         /* Truncate to remove any parameter list from
963                            mime_type () result. */
964                         *cp = '\0';
965                     }
967                     if (strcasecmp (type, ct_type_subtype)) {
968                         char *ct_type, *ct_subtype;
969                         HF hf;
971                         /* The Content-Type header does not match the
972                            content, so update these struct Content
973                            fields to match:
974                            * c_type, c_subtype
975                            * c_ctinfo.ci_type, c_ctinfo.ci_subtype
976                            * c_ctline
977                            */
978                         /* Extract type and subtype from type/subtype. */
979                         ct_type = mh_xstrdup(ct_type_subtype);
980                         if ((cp = strchr (ct_type, '/'))) {
981                             *cp = '\0';
982                             ct_subtype = mh_xstrdup(++cp);
983                         } else {
984                             inform("missing / in MIME type of %s %s",
985                                     ct->c_file, ct->c_partno);
986                             free (ct_type);
987                             return NOTOK;
988                         }
990                         ct->c_type = ct_str_type (ct_type);
991                         ct->c_subtype = ct_str_subtype (ct->c_type, ct_subtype);
993                         free (ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type);
994                         ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type = ct_type;
995                         free (ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype);
996                         ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype = ct_subtype;
997                         if (! replace_substring (&ct->c_ctline, type,
998                                                  ct_type_subtype)) {
999                             inform("did not find %s in %s",
1000                                     type, ct->c_ctline);
1001                         }
1003                         /* Update Content-Type header field. */
1004                         for (hf = ct->c_first_hf; hf; hf = hf->next) {
1005                             if (! strcasecmp (TYPE_FIELD, hf->name)) {
1006                                 if (replace_substring (&hf->value, type,
1007                                                        ct_type_subtype)) {
1008                                     ++*message_mods;
1009                                     if (verbosw) {
1010                                         report (NULL, ct->c_partno, ct->c_file,
1011                                                 "change Content-Type in header "
1012                                                 "from %s to %s",
1013                                                 type, ct_type_subtype);
1014                                     }
1015                                     break;
1016                                 }
1017                                 inform("did not find %s in %s", type, hf->value);
1018                             }
1019                         }
1020                     }
1021                     free (ct_type_subtype);
1022                 }
1023                 free (type_subtype);
1024             }
1025         }
1026     }}
1028     return status;
1029 }
1032 /*
1033  * Replace a substring, allocating space to hold the new one.
1034  */
1035 char *
replace_substring(char ** str,const char * old,const char * new)1036 replace_substring (char **str, const char *old, const char *new) {
1037     char *cp;
1039     if ((cp = strstr (*str, old))) {
1040         char *remainder = cp + strlen (old);
1041         char *prefix, *new_str;
1043         if (cp - *str) {
1044             prefix = mh_xstrdup(*str);
1045             *(prefix + (cp - *str)) = '\0';
1046             new_str = concat (prefix, new, remainder, NULL);
1047             free (prefix);
1048         } else {
1049             new_str = concat (new, remainder, NULL);
1050         }
1052         free (*str);
1054         return *str = new_str;
1055     }
1057     return NULL;
1058 }
1061 /*
1062  * Remove a name=value parameter, given just its name, from a header value.
1063  */
1064 char *
remove_parameter(char * str,const char * name)1065 remove_parameter (char *str, const char *name) {
1066     /* It looks to me, based on the BNF in RFC 2045, than there can't
1067        be whitespace between the parameter name and the "=", or
1068        between the "=" and the parameter value. */
1069     char *param_name = concat (name, "=", NULL);
1070     char *cp;
1072     if ((cp = strstr (str, param_name))) {
1073         char *start, *end;
1074         size_t count = 1;
1076         /* Remove any leading spaces, before the parameter name. */
1077         for (start = cp;
1078              start > str && isspace ((unsigned char) *(start-1));
1079              --start) {
1080             continue;
1081         }
1082         /* Remove a leading semicolon. */
1083         if (start > str  &&  *(start-1) == ';') { --start; }
1085         end = cp + strlen (name) + 1;
1086         if (*end == '"') {
1087             /* Skip past the quoted value, and then the final quote. */
1088             for (++end ; *end  &&  *end != '"'; ++end) { continue; }
1089             ++end;
1090         } else {
1091             /* Skip past the value. */
1092             for (++end ; *end  &&  ! isspace ((unsigned char) *end); ++end) {}
1093         }
1095         /* Count how many characters need to be moved.  Include
1096            trailing null, which is accounted for by the
1097            initialization of count to 1. */
1098         for (cp = end; *cp; ++cp) { ++count; }
1099         (void) memmove (start, end, count);
1100     }
1102     free (param_name);
1104     return str;
1105 }
1108 /*
1109  * Fix Content-Transfer-Encoding of composite,, e.g., message or multipart, part.
1110  * According to RFC 2045 Sec. 6.4, it must be 7bit, 8bit, or binary.  Set it to
1111  * 8 bit.
1112  */
1113 static int
fix_composite_cte(CT ct,int * message_mods)1114 fix_composite_cte (CT ct, int *message_mods) {
1115     int status = OK;
1117     if (ct->c_type == CT_MESSAGE  ||  ct->c_type == CT_MULTIPART) {
1118         if (ct->c_encoding != CE_7BIT  &&  ct->c_encoding != CE_8BIT  &&
1119             ct->c_encoding != CE_BINARY) {
1120             HF hf;
1122             for (hf = ct->c_first_hf; hf; hf = hf->next) {
1123                 char *name = hf->name;
1124                 for (; *name && isspace ((unsigned char) *name); ++name) {
1125                     continue;
1126                 }
1128                 if (! strncasecmp (name, ENCODING_FIELD,
1129                                    strlen (ENCODING_FIELD))) {
1130                     char *prefix = "Nmh-REPLACED-INVALID-";
1131                     HF h;
1133                     NEW(h);
1134                     h->name = mh_xstrdup (hf->name);
1135                     h->hf_encoding = hf->hf_encoding;
1136                     h->next = hf->next;
1137                     hf->next = h;
1139                     /* Retain old header but prefix its name. */
1140                     free (hf->name);
1141                     hf->name = concat (prefix, h->name, NULL);
1143                     ++*message_mods;
1144                     if (verbosw) {
1145                         char *encoding = cpytrim (hf->value);
1146                         report (NULL, ct->c_partno, ct->c_file,
1147                                 "replace Content-Transfer-Encoding of %s "
1148                                 "with 8 bit", encoding);
1149                         free (encoding);
1150                     }
1152                     h->value = mh_xstrdup (" 8bit\n");
1154                     /* Don't need to warn for multiple C-T-E header
1155                        fields, parse_mime() already does that.  But
1156                        if there are any, fix them all as necessary. */
1157                     hf = h;
1158                 }
1159             }
1161             set_ce (ct, CE_8BIT);
1162         }
1164         if (ct->c_type == CT_MULTIPART) {
1165             struct multipart *m;
1166             struct part *part;
1168             m = (struct multipart *) ct->c_ctparams;
1169             for (part = m->mp_parts; part; part = part->mp_next) {
1170                 if (fix_composite_cte (part->mp_part, message_mods) != OK) {
1171                     status = NOTOK;
1172                     break;
1173                 }
1174             }
1175         }
1176     }
1178     return status;
1179 }
1182 /*
1183  * Set content encoding.
1184  */
1185 static int
set_ce(CT ct,int encoding)1186 set_ce (CT ct, int encoding) {
1187     const char *ce = ce_str (encoding);
1188     const struct str2init *ctinit = get_ce_method (ce);
1190     if (ctinit) {
1191         char *cte = concat (" ", ce, "\n", NULL);
1192         int found_cte = 0;
1193         HF hf;
1194         /* Decoded contents might be in ct->c_cefile.ce_file, if the
1195            caller is decode_text_parts ().  Save because we'll
1196            overwrite below. */
1197         struct cefile decoded_content_info = ct->c_cefile;
1199         ct->c_encoding = encoding;
1201         ct->c_ctinitfnx = ctinit->si_init;
1202         /* This will assign ct->c_cefile with an all-0 struct, which
1203            is what we want. */
1204         (*ctinit->si_init) (ct);
1205         /* After returning, the caller should set
1206            ct->c_cefile.ce_file to the name of the file containing
1207            the contents. */
1209         if (ct->c_ceclosefnx) {
1210             (*ct->c_ceclosefnx) (ct);
1211         }
1213         /* Restore the cefile. */
1214         ct->c_cefile = decoded_content_info;
1216         /* Update/add Content-Transfer-Encoding header field. */
1217         for (hf = ct->c_first_hf; hf; hf = hf->next) {
1218             if (! strcasecmp (ENCODING_FIELD, hf->name)) {
1219                 found_cte = 1;
1220                 free (hf->value);
1221                 hf->value = cte;
1222             }
1223         }
1224         if (! found_cte) {
1225             add_header (ct, mh_xstrdup (ENCODING_FIELD), cte);
1226         }
1228         /* Update c_celine.  It's used only by mhlist -debug. */
1229         free (ct->c_celine);
1230         ct->c_celine = mh_xstrdup (cte);
1232         return OK;
1233     }
1235     return NOTOK;
1236 }
1239 /*
1240  * Make sure each text part has a corresponding text/plain part.
1241  */
1242 static int
ensure_text_plain(CT * ct,CT parent,int * message_mods,int replacetextplain)1243 ensure_text_plain (CT *ct, CT parent, int *message_mods, int replacetextplain) {
1244     int status = OK;
1246     switch ((*ct)->c_type) {
1247     case CT_TEXT: {
1248         /* Nothing to do for text/plain. */
1249         if ((*ct)->c_subtype == TEXT_PLAIN) { return OK; }
1251         if (parent  &&  parent->c_type == CT_MULTIPART  &&
1252             parent->c_subtype == MULTI_ALTERNATE) {
1253             int new_subpart_number = 1;
1254             int has_text_plain =
1255                 find_textplain_sibling (parent, replacetextplain,
1256                                         &new_subpart_number);
1258             if (! has_text_plain) {
1259                 /* Parent is a multipart/alternative.  Insert a new
1260                    text/plain subpart. */
1261                 const int inserted =
1262                     insert_new_text_plain_part (*ct, new_subpart_number,
1263                                                 parent);
1264                 if (inserted) {
1265                     ++*message_mods;
1266                     if (verbosw) {
1267                         report (NULL, parent->c_partno, parent->c_file,
1268                                 "insert text/plain part");
1269                     }
1270                 } else {
1271                     status = NOTOK;
1272                 }
1273             }
1274         } else if (parent  &&  parent->c_type == CT_MULTIPART  &&
1275             parent->c_subtype == MULTI_RELATED) {
1276             char *type_subtype =
1277                 concat ((*ct)->c_ctinfo.ci_type, "/",
1278                         (*ct)->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype, NULL);
1279             const char *parent_type =
1280                 get_param (parent->c_ctinfo.ci_first_pm, "type", '?', 1);
1281             int new_subpart_number = 1;
1282             int has_text_plain = 0;
1284             /* Have to do string comparison on the subtype because we
1285                don't enumerate all of them in c_subtype values.
1286                parent_type will be NULL if the multipart/related part
1287                doesn't have a type parameter.  The type parameter must
1288                be specified according to RFC 2387 Sec. 3.1 but not all
1289                messages comply. */
1290             if (parent_type  &&  strcasecmp (type_subtype, parent_type) == 0) {
1291                 /* The type of this part matches the root type of the
1292                    parent multipart/related.  Look to see if there's
1293                    text/plain sibling. */
1294                 has_text_plain =
1295                     find_textplain_sibling (parent, replacetextplain,
1296                                             &new_subpart_number);
1297             }
1299             free (type_subtype);
1301             if (! has_text_plain) {
1302                 struct multipart *mp = (struct multipart *) parent->c_ctparams;
1303                 struct part *part;
1304                 int siblings = 0;
1306                 for (part = mp->mp_parts; part; part = part->mp_next) {
1307                     if (*ct != part->mp_part) {
1308                         ++siblings;
1309                     }
1310                 }
1312                 if (siblings) {
1313                     /* Parent is a multipart/related.  Insert a new
1314                        text/plain subpart in a new multipart/alternative. */
1315                     if (insert_into_new_mp_alt (ct, message_mods)) {
1316                         /* Not an error if text/plain couldn't be added. */
1317                     }
1318                 } else {
1319                     /* There are no siblings, so insert a new text/plain
1320                        subpart, and change the parent type from
1321                        multipart/related to multipart/alternative. */
1322                     const int inserted =
1323                         insert_new_text_plain_part (*ct, new_subpart_number,
1324                                                     parent);
1326                     if (inserted) {
1327                         HF hf;
1329                         parent->c_subtype = MULTI_ALTERNATE;
1330                         free (parent->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype);
1331                         parent->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype = mh_xstrdup("alternative");
1332                         if (! replace_substring (&parent->c_ctline, "/related",
1333                                                  "/alternative")) {
1334                             inform("did not find multipart/related in %s",
1335                                 parent->c_ctline);
1336                         }
1338                         /* Update Content-Type header field. */
1339                         for (hf = parent->c_first_hf; hf; hf = hf->next) {
1340                             if (! strcasecmp (TYPE_FIELD, hf->name)) {
1341                                 if (replace_substring (&hf->value, "/related",
1342                                                        "/alternative")) {
1343                                     ++*message_mods;
1344                                     if (verbosw) {
1345                                         report (NULL, parent->c_partno,
1346                                                 parent->c_file,
1347                                                 "insert text/plain part");
1348                                     }
1350                                     /* Remove, e.g., type="text/html" from
1351                                        multipart/alternative. */
1352                                     remove_parameter (hf->value, "type");
1353                                     break;
1354                                 }
1355                                 inform("did not find multipart/"
1356                                     "related in header %s", hf->value);
1357                             }
1358                         }
1359                     } else {
1360                         /* Not an error if text/plain couldn't be inserted. */
1361                     }
1362                 }
1363             }
1364         } else {
1365             if (insert_into_new_mp_alt (ct, message_mods)) {
1366                 status = NOTOK;
1367             }
1368         }
1369         break;
1370     }
1372     case CT_MULTIPART: {
1373         struct multipart *mp = (struct multipart *) (*ct)->c_ctparams;
1374         struct part *part;
1376         for (part = mp->mp_parts; status == OK && part; part = part->mp_next) {
1377             if ((*ct)->c_type == CT_MULTIPART) {
1378                 status = ensure_text_plain (&part->mp_part, *ct, message_mods,
1379                                             replacetextplain);
1380             }
1381         }
1382         break;
1383     }
1385     case CT_MESSAGE:
1386         if ((*ct)->c_subtype == MESSAGE_EXTERNAL) {
1387             struct exbody *e = (struct exbody *) (*ct)->c_ctparams;
1389             status = ensure_text_plain (&e->eb_content, *ct, message_mods,
1390                                         replacetextplain);
1391         }
1392         break;
1393     }
1395     return status;
1396 }
1399 /*
1400  * See if there is a sibling text/plain, and return its subpart number.
1401  */
1402 static int
find_textplain_sibling(CT parent,int replacetextplain,int * new_subpart_number)1403 find_textplain_sibling (CT parent, int replacetextplain,
1404                         int *new_subpart_number) {
1405     struct multipart *mp = (struct multipart *) parent->c_ctparams;
1406     struct part *part, *prev;
1407     int has_text_plain = 0;
1409     for (prev = part = mp->mp_parts; part; part = part->mp_next) {
1410         ++*new_subpart_number;
1411         if (part->mp_part->c_type == CT_TEXT  &&
1412             part->mp_part->c_subtype == TEXT_PLAIN) {
1413             if (replacetextplain) {
1414                 struct part *old_part;
1415                 if (part == mp->mp_parts) {
1416                     old_part = mp->mp_parts;
1417                     mp->mp_parts = part->mp_next;
1418                 } else {
1419                     old_part = prev->mp_next;
1420                     prev->mp_next = part->mp_next;
1421                 }
1422                 if (verbosw) {
1423                     report (NULL, parent->c_partno, parent->c_file,
1424                             "remove text/plain part %s",
1425                             old_part->mp_part->c_partno);
1426                 }
1427                 free_content (old_part->mp_part);
1428                 free (old_part);
1429             } else {
1430                 has_text_plain = 1;
1431             }
1432             break;
1433         }
1434         prev = part;
1435     }
1437     return has_text_plain;
1438 }
1441 /*
1442  * Insert a new text/plain part.
1443  */
1444 static int
insert_new_text_plain_part(CT ct,int new_subpart_number,CT parent)1445 insert_new_text_plain_part (CT ct, int new_subpart_number, CT parent) {
1446     struct multipart *mp = (struct multipart *) parent->c_ctparams;
1447     struct part *new_part;
1449     NEW(new_part);
1450     if ((new_part->mp_part = build_text_plain_part (ct))) {
1451         char buffer[16];
1452         snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%d", new_subpart_number);
1454         new_part->mp_next = mp->mp_parts;
1455         mp->mp_parts = new_part;
1456         new_part->mp_part->c_partno =
1457             concat (parent->c_partno ? parent->c_partno : "1", ".",
1458                     buffer, NULL);
1460         return 1;
1461     }
1463     free_content (new_part->mp_part);
1464     free (new_part);
1466     return 0;
1467 }
1470 /*
1471  * Create a text/plain part to go along with non-plain sibling part.
1472  */
1473 static CT
build_text_plain_part(CT encoded_part)1474 build_text_plain_part (CT encoded_part) {
1475     CT tp_part = divide_part (encoded_part);
1476     char *tmp_plain_file = NULL;
1478     if (decode_part (tp_part) == OK) {
1479         /* Now, tp_part->c_cefile.ce_file is the name of the tmp file that
1480            contains the decoded contents.  And the decoding function, such
1481            as openQuoted, will have set ...->ce_unlink to 1 so that it will
1482            be unlinked by free_content (). */
1483         char *tempfile;
1485         /* This m_mktemp2() call closes the temp file. */
1486         if ((tempfile = m_mktemp2 (NULL, invo_name, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
1487             inform("unable to create temporary file in %s",
1488                     get_temp_dir());
1489         } else {
1490             tmp_plain_file = mh_xstrdup (tempfile);
1491             if (reformat_part (tp_part, tmp_plain_file,
1492                                tp_part->c_ctinfo.ci_type,
1493                                tp_part->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype,
1494                                tp_part->c_type) == OK) {
1495                 return tp_part;
1496             }
1497         }
1498     }
1500     free_content (tp_part);
1501     if (tmp_plain_file) { (void) m_unlink (tmp_plain_file); }
1502     free (tmp_plain_file);
1504     return NULL;
1505 }
1508 /*
1509  * Slip new text/plain part into a new multipart/alternative.
1510  */
1511 static int
insert_into_new_mp_alt(CT * ct,int * message_mods)1512 insert_into_new_mp_alt (CT *ct, int *message_mods) {
1513     CT tp_part = build_text_plain_part (*ct);
1514     int status = OK;
1516     if (tp_part) {
1517         CT mp_alt = build_multipart_alt (*ct, tp_part, CT_MULTIPART,
1518                                          MULTI_ALTERNATE);
1519         if (mp_alt) {
1520             struct multipart *mp = (struct multipart *) mp_alt->c_ctparams;
1522             if (mp  &&  mp->mp_parts) {
1523                 mp->mp_parts->mp_part = tp_part;
1524                 /* Make the new multipart/alternative the parent. */
1525                 *ct = mp_alt;
1527                 ++*message_mods;
1528                 if (verbosw) {
1529                     report (NULL, (*ct)->c_partno, (*ct)->c_file,
1530                             "insert text/plain part");
1531                 }
1532             } else {
1533                 free_content (tp_part);
1534                 free_content (mp_alt);
1535                 status = NOTOK;
1536             }
1537         } else {
1538             status = NOTOK;
1539         }
1540     } else {
1541         /* Not an error if text/plain couldn't be built. */
1542     }
1544     return status;
1545 }
1548 /*
1549  * Clone a MIME part.
1550  */
1551 static CT
divide_part(CT ct)1552 divide_part (CT ct) {
1553     CT new_part;
1555     NEW0(new_part);
1556     /* Just copy over what is needed for decoding.  c_vrsn and
1557        c_celine aren't necessary. */
1558     new_part->c_file = mh_xstrdup (ct->c_file);
1559     new_part->c_begin = ct->c_begin;
1560     new_part->c_end = ct->c_end;
1561     copy_ctinfo (&new_part->c_ctinfo, &ct->c_ctinfo);
1562     new_part->c_type = ct->c_type;
1563     new_part->c_cefile = ct->c_cefile;
1564     new_part->c_encoding = ct->c_encoding;
1565     new_part->c_ctinitfnx = ct->c_ctinitfnx;
1566     new_part->c_ceopenfnx = ct->c_ceopenfnx;
1567     new_part->c_ceclosefnx = ct->c_ceclosefnx;
1568     new_part->c_cesizefnx = ct->c_cesizefnx;
1570     /* c_ctline is used by reformat__part(), so it can preserve
1571        anything after the type/subtype. */
1572     new_part->c_ctline = mh_xstrdup (ct->c_ctline);
1574     return new_part;
1575 }
1578 /*
1579  * Copy the content info from one part to another.
1580  */
1581 static void
copy_ctinfo(CI dest,CI src)1582 copy_ctinfo (CI dest, CI src) {
1583     PM s_pm, d_pm;
1585     dest->ci_type = src->ci_type ? mh_xstrdup (src->ci_type) : NULL;
1586     dest->ci_subtype = src->ci_subtype ? mh_xstrdup (src->ci_subtype) : NULL;
1588     for (s_pm = src->ci_first_pm; s_pm; s_pm = s_pm->pm_next) {
1589     	d_pm = add_param(&dest->ci_first_pm, &dest->ci_last_pm, s_pm->pm_name,
1590 			 s_pm->pm_value, 0);
1591 	if (s_pm->pm_charset) {
1592 	    d_pm->pm_charset = mh_xstrdup(s_pm->pm_charset);
1593         }
1594 	if (s_pm->pm_lang) {
1595 	    d_pm->pm_lang = mh_xstrdup(s_pm->pm_lang);
1596         }
1597     }
1599     dest->ci_comment = src->ci_comment ? mh_xstrdup (src->ci_comment) : NULL;
1600     dest->ci_magic = src->ci_magic ? mh_xstrdup (src->ci_magic) : NULL;
1601 }
1604 /*
1605  * Decode content.
1606  */
1607 static int
decode_part(CT ct)1608 decode_part (CT ct) {
1609     char *tmp_decoded;
1610     int status;
1611     FILE *file;
1612     char *tempfile;
1614     if ((tempfile = m_mktemp2 (NULL, invo_name, NULL, &file)) == NULL) {
1615         adios (NULL, "unable to create temporary file in %s", get_temp_dir());
1616     }
1617     tmp_decoded = mh_xstrdup (tempfile);
1618     /* The following call will load ct->c_cefile.ce_file with the tmp
1619        filename of the decoded content.  tmp_decoded will contain the
1620        encoded output, get rid of that. */
1621     status = output_message_fp (ct, file, tmp_decoded);
1622     (void) m_unlink (tmp_decoded);
1623     free (tmp_decoded);
1624     if (fclose (file)) {
1625         inform("unable to close temporary file %s, continuing...", tempfile);
1626     }
1628     return status;
1629 }
1632 /*
1633  * Reformat content as plain text.
1634  * Some of the arguments aren't really needed now, but maybe will
1635  * be in the future for other than text types.
1636  */
1637 static int
reformat_part(CT ct,char * file,char * type,char * subtype,int c_type)1638 reformat_part (CT ct, char *file, char *type, char *subtype, int c_type) {
1639     int output_subtype, output_encoding;
1640     const char *reason = NULL;
1641     char *cp, *cf;
1642     int status;
1644     /* Hacky:  this redirects the output from whatever command is used
1645        to show the part to a file.  So, the user can't have any output
1646        redirection in that command.
1647        Could show_multi() in mhshowsbr.c avoid this? */
1649     /* Check for invo_name-format-type/subtype. */
1650     if ((cf = context_find_by_type ("format", type, subtype)) == NULL) {
1651         if (verbosw) {
1652             inform("Don't know how to convert %s, there is no "
1653                     "%s-format-%s/%s profile entry",
1654                     ct->c_file, invo_name, type, subtype);
1655         }
1656         return NOTOK;
1657     }
1658     if (strchr (cf, '>')) {
1659         inform("'>' prohibited in \"%s\",\nplease fix your "
1660                 "%s-format-%s/%s profile entry", cf, invo_name, type,
1661                 FENDNULL(subtype));
1663         return NOTOK;
1664     }
1666     cp = concat (cf, " >", file, NULL);
1667     status = show_content_aux (ct, 0, cp, NULL, NULL);
1668     free (cp);
1670     /* Unlink decoded content tmp file and free its filename to avoid
1671        leaks.  The file stream should already have been closed. */
1672     if (ct->c_cefile.ce_unlink) {
1673         (void) m_unlink (ct->c_cefile.ce_file);
1674         free (ct->c_cefile.ce_file);
1675         ct->c_cefile.ce_file = NULL;
1676         ct->c_cefile.ce_unlink = 0;
1677     }
1679     if (c_type == CT_TEXT) {
1680         output_subtype = TEXT_PLAIN;
1681     } else {
1682         /* Set subtype to 0, which is always an UNKNOWN subtype. */
1683         output_subtype = 0;
1684     }
1686     output_encoding = content_encoding (ct, &reason);
1687     if (status == OK  &&
1688         set_ct_type (ct, c_type, output_subtype, output_encoding) == OK) {
1689         ct->c_cefile.ce_file = file;
1690         ct->c_cefile.ce_unlink = 1;
1691     } else {
1692         ct->c_cefile.ce_unlink = 0;
1693         status = NOTOK;
1694     }
1696     return status;
1697 }
1700 /*
1701  * Fill in a multipart/alternative part.
1702  */
1703 static CT
build_multipart_alt(CT first_alt,CT new_part,int type,int subtype)1704 build_multipart_alt (CT first_alt, CT new_part, int type, int subtype) {
1705     char *boundary_prefix = "----=_nmh-multipart";
1706     char *boundary = concat (boundary_prefix, first_alt->c_partno, NULL);
1707     char *boundary_indicator = "; boundary=";
1708     char *typename, *subtypename, *name;
1709     CT ct;
1710     struct part *p;
1711     struct multipart *m;
1712     const struct str2init *ctinit;
1714     NEW0(ct);
1716     /* Set up the multipart/alternative part.  These fields of *ct were
1717        initialized to 0 by mh_xcalloc():
1718        c_fp, c_unlink, c_begin, c_end,
1719        c_vrsn, c_ctline, c_celine,
1720        c_id, c_descr, c_dispo, c_partno,
1721        c_ctinfo.ci_comment, c_ctinfo.ci_magic,
1722        c_cefile, c_encoding,
1723        c_digested, c_digest[16], c_ctexbody,
1724        c_ctinitfnx, c_ceopenfnx, c_ceclosefnx, c_cesizefnx,
1725        c_umask, c_rfc934,
1726        c_showproc, c_termproc, c_storeproc, c_storage, c_folder
1727     */
1729     ct->c_file = mh_xstrdup (first_alt->c_file);
1730     ct->c_type = type;
1731     ct->c_subtype = subtype;
1733     ctinit = get_ct_init (ct->c_type);
1735     typename = ct_type_str (type);
1736     subtypename = ct_subtype_str (type, subtype);
1738     {
1739         int serial = 0;
1740         int found_boundary = 1;
1742         while (found_boundary  &&  serial < 1000000) {
1743             found_boundary = 0;
1745             /* Ensure that the boundary doesn't appear in the decoded
1746                content. */
1747             if (new_part->c_cefile.ce_file) {
1748                 if ((found_boundary =
1749                      boundary_in_content (&new_part->c_cefile.ce_fp,
1750                                           new_part->c_cefile.ce_file,
1751                                           boundary)) == NOTOK) {
1752                     free_content (ct);
1753                     return NULL;
1754                 }
1755             }
1757             /* Ensure that the boundary doesn't appear in the encoded
1758                content. */
1759             if (! found_boundary  &&  new_part->c_file) {
1760                 if ((found_boundary =
1761                      boundary_in_content (&new_part->c_fp,
1762                                           new_part->c_file,
1763                                           boundary)) == NOTOK) {
1764                     free_content (ct);
1765                     return NULL;
1766                 }
1767             }
1769             if (found_boundary) {
1770                 /* Try a slightly different boundary. */
1771                 char buffer2[16];
1773                 free (boundary);
1774                 ++serial;
1775                 snprintf (buffer2, sizeof buffer2, "%d", serial);
1776                 boundary =
1777                     concat (boundary_prefix,
1778                             FENDNULL(first_alt->c_partno),
1779                             "-", buffer2,  NULL);
1780             }
1781         }
1783         if (found_boundary) {
1784             inform("giving up trying to find a unique boundary");
1785             free_content (ct);
1786             return NULL;
1787         }
1788     }
1790     name = concat (" ", typename, "/", subtypename, boundary_indicator, "\"",
1791                    boundary, "\"", NULL);
1793     /* Load c_first_hf and c_last_hf. */
1794     transfer_noncontent_headers (first_alt, ct);
1795     add_header (ct, mh_xstrdup (TYPE_FIELD), concat (name, "\n", NULL));
1796     free (name);
1798     /* Load c_partno. */
1799     if (first_alt->c_partno) {
1800         ct->c_partno = mh_xstrdup (first_alt->c_partno);
1801         free (first_alt->c_partno);
1802         first_alt->c_partno = concat (ct->c_partno, ".1", NULL);
1803         new_part->c_partno = concat (ct->c_partno, ".2", NULL);
1804     } else {
1805         first_alt->c_partno = mh_xstrdup ("1");
1806         new_part->c_partno = mh_xstrdup ("2");
1807     }
1809     if (ctinit) {
1810         ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type = mh_xstrdup (typename);
1811         ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype = mh_xstrdup (subtypename);
1812     }
1814     add_param(&ct->c_ctinfo.ci_first_pm, &ct->c_ctinfo.ci_last_pm,
1815               "boundary", boundary, 0);
1817     NEW(p);
1818     NEW(p->mp_next);
1819     p->mp_next->mp_next = NULL;
1820     p->mp_next->mp_part = first_alt;
1822     NEW0(m);
1823     m->mp_start = concat (boundary, "\n", NULL);
1824     m->mp_stop = concat (boundary, "--\n", NULL);
1825     m->mp_parts = p;
1826     ct->c_ctparams = m;
1828     free (boundary);
1830     return ct;
1831 }
1834 /*
1835  * Check that the boundary does not appear in the content.
1836  */
1837 static int
boundary_in_content(FILE ** fp,char * file,const char * boundary)1838 boundary_in_content (FILE **fp, char *file, const char *boundary) {
1839     char buffer[NMH_BUFSIZ];
1840     size_t bytes_read;
1841     int found_boundary = 0;
1843     /* free_content() will close *fp if we fopen it here. */
1844     if (! *fp  &&  (*fp = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL) {
1845         advise (file, "unable to open %s for reading", file);
1846         return NOTOK;
1847     }
1849     fseeko (*fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
1850     while ((bytes_read = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, *fp)) > 0) {
1851         if (find_str (buffer, bytes_read, boundary)) {
1852             found_boundary = 1;
1853             break;
1854         }
1855     }
1857     return found_boundary;
1858 }
1861 /*
1862  * Remove all non-Content headers.
1863  */
1864 static void
transfer_noncontent_headers(CT old,CT new)1865 transfer_noncontent_headers (CT old, CT new) {
1866     HF hp, hp_prev;
1868     hp_prev = hp = old->c_first_hf;
1869     while (hp) {
1870         HF next = hp->next;
1872         if (strncasecmp (XXX_FIELD_PRF, hp->name, strlen (XXX_FIELD_PRF))) {
1873             if (hp == old->c_last_hf) {
1874                 if (hp == old->c_first_hf) {
1875                     old->c_last_hf =  old->c_first_hf = NULL;
1876                 } else {
1877                     hp_prev->next = NULL;
1878                     old->c_last_hf =  hp_prev;
1879                 }
1880             } else {
1881                 if (hp == old->c_first_hf) {
1882                     old->c_first_hf = next;
1883                 } else {
1884                     hp_prev->next = next;
1885                 }
1886             }
1888             /* Put node hp in the new CT. */
1889             if (new->c_first_hf == NULL) {
1890                 new->c_first_hf = hp;
1891             } else {
1892                 new->c_last_hf->next = hp;
1893             }
1894             new->c_last_hf = hp;
1895         } else {
1896             /* A Content- header, leave in old. */
1897             hp_prev = hp;
1898         }
1900         hp = next;
1901     }
1902 }
1905 /*
1906  * Set content type.
1907  */
1908 static int
set_ct_type(CT ct,int type,int subtype,int encoding)1909 set_ct_type (CT ct, int type, int subtype, int encoding) {
1910     char *typename = ct_type_str (type);
1911     char *subtypename = ct_subtype_str (type, subtype);
1912     /* E.g, " text/plain" */
1913     char *type_subtypename = concat (" ", typename, "/", subtypename, NULL);
1914     /* E.g, " text/plain\n" */
1915     char *name_plus_nl = concat (type_subtypename, "\n", NULL);
1916     int found_content_type = 0;
1917     HF hf;
1918     const char *cp = NULL;
1919     char *ctline;
1920     int status;
1922     /* Update/add Content-Type header field. */
1923     for (hf = ct->c_first_hf; hf; hf = hf->next) {
1924         if (! strcasecmp (TYPE_FIELD, hf->name)) {
1925             found_content_type = 1;
1926             free (hf->value);
1927             hf->value = (cp = strchr (ct->c_ctline, ';'))
1928                 ?  concat (type_subtypename, cp, "\n", NULL)
1929                 :  mh_xstrdup (name_plus_nl);
1930         }
1931     }
1932     if (! found_content_type) {
1933         add_header (ct, mh_xstrdup (TYPE_FIELD),
1934                     (cp = strchr (ct->c_ctline, ';'))
1935                     ?  concat (type_subtypename, cp, "\n", NULL)
1936                     :  mh_xstrdup (name_plus_nl));
1937     }
1939     /* Some of these might not be used, but set them anyway. */
1940     ctline = cp
1941         ?  concat (type_subtypename, cp, NULL)
1942         :  concat (type_subtypename, NULL);
1943     free (ct->c_ctline);
1944     ct->c_ctline = ctline;
1945     /* Leave other ctinfo members as they were. */
1946     free (ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type);
1947     ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type = mh_xstrdup (typename);
1948     free (ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype);
1949     ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype = mh_xstrdup (subtypename);
1950     ct->c_type = type;
1951     ct->c_subtype = subtype;
1953     free (name_plus_nl);
1954     free (type_subtypename);
1956     status = set_ce (ct, encoding);
1958     return status;
1959 }
1962 /*
1963  * It's not necessary to update the charset parameter of a Content-Type
1964  * header for a text part.  According to RFC 2045 Sec. 6.4, the body
1965  * (content) was originally in the specified charset, "and will be in
1966  * that character set again after decoding."
1967  */
1968 static int
decode_text_parts(CT ct,int encoding,const char * decodetypes,int * message_mods)1969 decode_text_parts (CT ct, int encoding, const char *decodetypes,
1970                    int *message_mods) {
1971     int status = OK;
1972     int lf_line_endings = 0;
1974     switch (ct->c_type) {
1975     case CT_MULTIPART: {
1976         struct multipart *m = (struct multipart *) ct->c_ctparams;
1977         struct part *part;
1979         /* Should check to see if the body for this part is encoded?
1980            For now, it gets passed along as-is by InitMultiPart(). */
1981         for (part = m->mp_parts; status == OK  &&  part; part = part->mp_next) {
1982             status = decode_text_parts (part->mp_part, encoding, decodetypes,
1983                                         message_mods);
1984         }
1985         break;
1986     }
1988     case CT_MESSAGE:
1989         if (ct->c_subtype == MESSAGE_EXTERNAL) {
1990             struct exbody *e = (struct exbody *) ct->c_ctparams;
1992             status = decode_text_parts (e->eb_content, encoding, decodetypes,
1993                                         message_mods);
1994         }
1995         break;
1997     default:
1998         if (! should_decode(decodetypes, ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type, ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype)) {
1999             break;
2000         }
2002         lf_line_endings =
2003             ct->c_ctparams  &&  ((struct text *) ct->c_ctparams)->lf_line_endings;
2005         switch (ct->c_encoding) {
2006         case CE_BASE64:
2007         case CE_QUOTED: {
2008             int ct_encoding;
2010             if (decode_part (ct) == OK  &&  ct->c_cefile.ce_file) {
2011                 const char *reason = NULL;
2013                 if ((ct_encoding = content_encoding (ct, &reason)) == CE_BINARY
2014                     &&  encoding != CE_BINARY) {
2015                     /* The decoding isn't acceptable so discard it.
2016                        Leave status as OK to allow other transformations. */
2017                     if (verbosw) {
2018                         report (NULL, ct->c_partno, ct->c_file,
2019                                 "will not decode%s because it is binary (%s)",
2020                                 ct->c_partno  ?  ""
2021                                               :  (FENDNULL(ct->c_ctline)),
2022                                 reason);
2023                     }
2024                     (void) m_unlink (ct->c_cefile.ce_file);
2025                     free (ct->c_cefile.ce_file);
2026                     ct->c_cefile.ce_file = NULL;
2027                 } else if (ct->c_encoding == CE_QUOTED  &&
2028                            ct_encoding == CE_8BIT  &&  encoding == CE_7BIT) {
2029                     /* The decoding isn't acceptable so discard it.
2030                        Leave status as OK to allow other transformations. */
2031                     if (verbosw) {
2032                         report (NULL, ct->c_partno, ct->c_file,
2033                                 "will not decode%s because it is 8bit",
2034                                 ct->c_partno  ?  ""
2035                                               :  (FENDNULL(ct->c_ctline)));
2036                     }
2037                     (void) m_unlink (ct->c_cefile.ce_file);
2038                     free (ct->c_cefile.ce_file);
2039                     ct->c_cefile.ce_file = NULL;
2040                 } else {
2041                     int enc;
2043                     if (ct_encoding == CE_BINARY) {
2044                         enc = CE_BINARY;
2045                     } else if (ct_encoding == CE_8BIT  &&  encoding == CE_7BIT) {
2046                         enc = CE_QUOTED;
2047                     } else {
2048                         enc = ct_encoding;
2049                     }
2050                     if (set_ce (ct, enc) == OK) {
2051                         ++*message_mods;
2052                         if (verbosw) {
2053                             report (NULL, ct->c_partno, ct->c_file, "decode%s",
2054                                     FENDNULL(ct->c_ctline));
2055                         }
2056                         if (lf_line_endings) {
2057                             strip_crs (ct, message_mods);
2058                         }
2059                     } else {
2060                         status = NOTOK;
2061                     }
2062                 }
2063             } else {
2064                 status = NOTOK;
2065             }
2066             break;
2067         }
2068         case CE_8BIT:
2069         case CE_7BIT:
2070             if (lf_line_endings) {
2071                 strip_crs (ct, message_mods);
2072             }
2073             break;
2074         default:
2075             break;
2076         }
2078         break;
2079     }
2081     return status;
2082 }
2085 /*
2086  * Determine if the part with type[/subtype] should be decoded, according to
2087  * decodetypes (which came from the -decodetypes switch).
2088  */
2089 static int
should_decode(const char * decodetypes,const char * type,const char * subtype)2090 should_decode(const char *decodetypes, const char *type, const char *subtype) {
2091     /* Quick search for matching type[/subtype] in decodetypes:  bracket
2092        decodetypes with commas, then search for ,type, and ,type/subtype, in
2093        it. */
2095     int found_match = 0;
2096     char *delimited_decodetypes = concat(",", decodetypes, ",", NULL);
2097     char *delimited_type = concat(",", type, ",", NULL);
2099     if (nmh_strcasestr(delimited_decodetypes, delimited_type)) {
2100         found_match = 1;
2101     } else if (subtype != NULL) {
2102         char *delimited_type_subtype =
2103             concat(",", type, "/", subtype, ",", NULL);
2105         if (nmh_strcasestr(delimited_decodetypes, delimited_type_subtype)) {
2106             found_match = 1;
2107         }
2108         free(delimited_type_subtype);
2109     }
2111     free(delimited_type);
2112     free(delimited_decodetypes);
2114     return found_match;
2115 }
2118 /*
2119  * See if the decoded content is 7bit, 8bit, or binary.  It's binary
2120  * if it has any NUL characters, a CR not followed by a LF, or lines
2121  * greater than 998 characters in length.  If binary, reason is set
2122  *  to a string explaining why.
2123  */
2124 static int
content_encoding(CT ct,const char ** reason)2125 content_encoding (CT ct, const char **reason) {
2126     CE ce = &ct->c_cefile;
2127     int encoding = CE_7BIT;
2129     if (ce->ce_file) {
2130         size_t line_len = 0;
2131         char buffer[NMH_BUFSIZ];
2132         size_t inbytes;
2134         if (! ce->ce_fp  &&  (ce->ce_fp = fopen (ce->ce_file, "r")) == NULL) {
2135             advise (ce->ce_file, "unable to open for reading");
2136             return CE_UNKNOWN;
2137         }
2139         fseeko (ce->ce_fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
2140         while (encoding != CE_BINARY  &&
2141                (inbytes = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, ce->ce_fp)) > 0) {
2142             char *cp;
2143             size_t i;
2144             int last_char_was_cr = 0;
2146             for (i = 0, cp = buffer; i < inbytes; ++i, ++cp) {
2147                 if (*cp == '\0'  ||  ++line_len > 998  ||
2148                     (*cp != '\n'  &&  last_char_was_cr)) {
2149                     encoding = CE_BINARY;
2150                     if (*cp == '\0') {
2151                         *reason = "null character";
2152                     } else if (line_len > 998) {
2153                         *reason = "line length > 998";
2154                     } else if (*cp != '\n'  &&  last_char_was_cr) {
2155                         *reason = "CR not followed by LF";
2156                     } else {
2157                         /* Should not reach this. */
2158                         *reason = "";
2159                     }
2160                     break;
2161                 }
2162                 if (*cp == '\n') {
2163                     line_len = 0;
2164                 } else if (! isascii ((unsigned char) *cp)) {
2165                     encoding = CE_8BIT;
2166                 }
2168                 last_char_was_cr = *cp == '\r';
2169             }
2170         }
2172         fclose (ce->ce_fp);
2173         ce->ce_fp = NULL;
2174     } /* else should never happen */
2176     return encoding;
2177 }
2180 /*
2181  * Strip carriage returns from content.
2182  */
2183 static int
strip_crs(CT ct,int * message_mods)2184 strip_crs (CT ct, int *message_mods) {
2185     char *charset = content_charset (ct);
2186     int status = OK;
2188     /* Only strip carriage returns if content is ASCII or another
2189        charset that has the same readily recognizable CR followed by a
2190        LF.  We can include UTF-8 here because if the high-order bit of
2191        a UTF-8 byte is 0, then it must be a single-byte ASCII
2192        character. */
2193     if (! strcasecmp (charset, "US-ASCII")  ||
2194         ! strcasecmp (charset, "UTF-8")  ||
2195         ! strncasecmp (charset, "ISO-8859-", 9)  ||
2196         ! strncasecmp (charset, "WINDOWS-12", 10)) {
2197         char **file = NULL;
2198         FILE **fp = NULL;
2199         size_t begin;
2200         size_t end;
2201         int has_crs = 0;
2202         int opened_input_file = 0;
2204         if (ct->c_cefile.ce_file) {
2205             file = &ct->c_cefile.ce_file;
2206             fp = &ct->c_cefile.ce_fp;
2207             begin = end = 0;
2208         } else if (ct->c_file) {
2209             file = &ct->c_file;
2210             fp = &ct->c_fp;
2211             begin = (size_t) ct->c_begin;
2212             end = (size_t) ct->c_end;
2213         } /* else don't know where the content is */
2215         if (file  &&  *file  &&  fp) {
2216             if (! *fp) {
2217                 if ((*fp = fopen (*file, "r")) == NULL) {
2218                     advise (*file, "unable to open for reading");
2219                     status = NOTOK;
2220                 } else {
2221                     opened_input_file = 1;
2222                 }
2223             }
2224         }
2226         if (fp  &&  *fp) {
2227             char buffer[NMH_BUFSIZ];
2228             size_t bytes_read;
2229             size_t bytes_to_read =
2230                 end > 0 && end > begin  ?  end - begin  :  sizeof buffer;
2232             fseeko (*fp, begin, SEEK_SET);
2233             while ((bytes_read = fread (buffer, 1,
2234                                         min (bytes_to_read, sizeof buffer),
2235                                         *fp)) > 0) {
2236                 /* Look for CR followed by a LF.  This is supposed to
2237                    be text so there should be LF's.  If not, don't
2238                    modify the content. */
2239                 char *cp;
2240                 size_t i;
2241                 int last_char_was_cr = 0;
2243                 if (end > 0) { bytes_to_read -= bytes_read; }
2245                 for (i = 0, cp = buffer; i < bytes_read; ++i, ++cp) {
2246                     if (*cp == '\n'  &&  last_char_was_cr) {
2247                         has_crs = 1;
2248                         break;
2249                     }
2251                     last_char_was_cr = *cp == '\r';
2252                 }
2253             }
2255             if (has_crs) {
2256                 int fd;
2257                 char *stripped_content_file;
2258                 char *tempfile = m_mktemp2 (NULL, invo_name, &fd, NULL);
2260                 if (tempfile == NULL) {
2261                     adios (NULL, "unable to create temporary file in %s",
2262                            get_temp_dir());
2263                 }
2264                 stripped_content_file = mh_xstrdup (tempfile);
2266                 /* Strip each CR before a LF from the content. */
2267                 fseeko (*fp, begin, SEEK_SET);
2268                 while ((bytes_read = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, *fp)) >
2269                        0) {
2270                     char *cp;
2271                     size_t i;
2272                     int last_char_was_cr = 0;
2274                     for (i = 0, cp = buffer; i < bytes_read; ++i, ++cp) {
2275                         if (*cp == '\r') {
2276                             last_char_was_cr = 1;
2277                         } else if (last_char_was_cr) {
2278                             if (*cp != '\n') {
2279                                 if (write (fd, "\r", 1) < 0) {
2280                                     advise (tempfile, "CR write");
2281                                 }
2282                             }
2283                             if (write (fd, cp, 1) < 0) {
2284                                 advise (tempfile, "write");
2285                             }
2286                             last_char_was_cr = 0;
2287                         } else {
2288                             if (write (fd, cp, 1) < 0) {
2289                                 advise (tempfile, "write");
2290                             }
2291                             last_char_was_cr = 0;
2292                         }
2293                     }
2294                 }
2296                 if (close (fd)) {
2297                     inform("unable to write temporary file %s, continuing...",
2298                               stripped_content_file);
2299                     (void) m_unlink (stripped_content_file);
2300                     status = NOTOK;
2301                 } else {
2302                     /* Replace the decoded file with the converted one. */
2303                     if (ct->c_cefile.ce_file && ct->c_cefile.ce_unlink)
2304                         (void) m_unlink (ct->c_cefile.ce_file);
2306                     mh_xfree(ct->c_cefile.ce_file);
2307                     ct->c_cefile.ce_file = stripped_content_file;
2308                     ct->c_cefile.ce_unlink = 1;
2310                     ++*message_mods;
2311                     if (verbosw) {
2312                         report (NULL, ct->c_partno,
2313                                 begin == 0 && end == 0  ?  ""  :  *file,
2314                                 "stripped CRs");
2315                     }
2316                 }
2317             }
2319             if (opened_input_file) {
2320                 fclose (*fp);
2321                 *fp = NULL;
2322             }
2323         }
2324     }
2326     free (charset);
2328     return status;
2329 }
2332 /*
2333  * Add/update, if necessary, the message C-T-E, based on the least restrictive
2334  * of the part C-T-E's.
2335  */
2336 static void
update_cte(CT ct)2337 update_cte (CT ct) {
2338     const int least_restrictive_enc = least_restrictive_encoding (ct);
2340     if (least_restrictive_enc != CE_UNKNOWN  &&
2341         least_restrictive_enc != CE_7BIT) {
2342         char *cte = concat (" ", ce_str (least_restrictive_enc), "\n", NULL);
2343         HF hf;
2344         int found_cte = 0;
2346         /* Update/add Content-Transfer-Encoding header field. */
2347         for (hf = ct->c_first_hf; hf; hf = hf->next) {
2348             if (! strcasecmp (ENCODING_FIELD, hf->name)) {
2349                 found_cte = 1;
2350                 free (hf->value);
2351                 hf->value = cte;
2352             }
2353         }
2354         if (! found_cte) {
2355             add_header (ct, mh_xstrdup (ENCODING_FIELD), cte);
2356         }
2357     }
2358 }
2361 /*
2362  * Find the least restrictive encoding (7bit, 8bit, binary) of the parts
2363  * within a message.
2364  */
2365 static int
least_restrictive_encoding(CT ct)2366 least_restrictive_encoding (CT ct) {
2367     int encoding = CE_UNKNOWN;
2369     switch (ct->c_type) {
2370     case CT_MULTIPART: {
2371         struct multipart *m = (struct multipart *) ct->c_ctparams;
2372         struct part *part;
2374         for (part = m->mp_parts; part; part = part->mp_next) {
2375             const int part_encoding =
2376                 least_restrictive_encoding (part->mp_part);
2378             if (less_restrictive (encoding, part_encoding)) {
2379                 encoding = part_encoding;
2380             }
2381         }
2382         break;
2383     }
2385     case CT_MESSAGE:
2386         if (ct->c_subtype == MESSAGE_EXTERNAL) {
2387             struct exbody *e = (struct exbody *) ct->c_ctparams;
2388             const int part_encoding =
2389                 least_restrictive_encoding (e->eb_content);
2391             if (less_restrictive (encoding, part_encoding)) {
2392                 encoding = part_encoding;
2393             }
2394         }
2395         break;
2397     default: {
2398         if (less_restrictive (encoding, ct->c_encoding)) {
2399             encoding = ct->c_encoding;
2400         }
2401     }}
2403     return encoding;
2404 }
2407 /*
2408  * Return whether the second encoding is less restrictive than the first, where
2409  * "less restrictive" is in the sense used by RFC 2045 Secs. 6.1 and 6.4.  So,
2410  *   CE_BINARY is less restrictive than CE_8BIT and
2411  *   CE_8BIT is less restrictive than CE_7BIT.
2412  */
2413 static int
less_restrictive(int encoding,int second_encoding)2414 less_restrictive (int encoding, int second_encoding) {
2415     switch (second_encoding) {
2416     case CE_BINARY:
2417         return encoding != CE_BINARY;
2418     case CE_8BIT:
2419         return encoding != CE_BINARY  &&  encoding != CE_8BIT;
2420     case CE_7BIT:
2421         return encoding != CE_BINARY  &&  encoding != CE_8BIT  &&
2422             encoding != CE_7BIT;
2423     default :
2424         return 0;
2425     }
2426 }
2429 /*
2430  * Convert character set of each part.
2431  */
2432 static int
convert_charsets(CT ct,char * dest_charset,int * message_mods)2433 convert_charsets (CT ct, char *dest_charset, int *message_mods) {
2434     int status = OK;
2436     switch (ct->c_type) {
2437     case CT_TEXT:
2438         if (ct->c_subtype == TEXT_PLAIN) {
2439             status = convert_charset (ct, dest_charset, message_mods);
2440             if (status == OK) {
2441                 if (verbosw) {
2442                     char *ct_charset = content_charset (ct);
2444                     report (NULL, ct->c_partno, ct->c_file,
2445                             "convert %s to %s", ct_charset, dest_charset);
2446                     free (ct_charset);
2447                 }
2448             } else {
2449                 char *ct_charset = content_charset (ct);
2451                 report ("iconv", ct->c_partno, ct->c_file,
2452                         "failed to convert %s to %s", ct_charset, dest_charset);
2453                 free (ct_charset);
2454             }
2455         }
2456         break;
2458     case CT_MULTIPART: {
2459         struct multipart *m = (struct multipart *) ct->c_ctparams;
2460         struct part *part;
2462         /* Should check to see if the body for this part is encoded?
2463            For now, it gets passed along as-is by InitMultiPart(). */
2464         for (part = m->mp_parts; status == OK  &&  part; part = part->mp_next) {
2465             status =
2466                 convert_charsets (part->mp_part, dest_charset, message_mods);
2467         }
2468         break;
2469     }
2471     case CT_MESSAGE:
2472         if (ct->c_subtype == MESSAGE_EXTERNAL) {
2473             struct exbody *e = (struct exbody *) ct->c_ctparams;
2475             status =
2476                 convert_charsets (e->eb_content, dest_charset, message_mods);
2477         }
2478         break;
2480     default:
2481         break;
2482     }
2484     return status;
2485 }
2488 /*
2489  * Fix various problems that aren't handled elsewhere.  These
2490  * are fixed unconditionally:  there are no switches to disable
2491  * them.  Currently, "problems" are these:
2492  * 1) remove extraneous semicolon at the end of a header parameter list
2493  * 2) replace RFC 2047 encoding with RFC 2231 encoding of name and
2494  *    filename parameters in Content-Type and Content-Disposition
2495  *    headers, respectively.
2496  */
2497 static int
fix_always(CT ct,int * message_mods)2498 fix_always (CT ct, int *message_mods) {
2499     int status = OK;
2501     switch (ct->c_type) {
2502     case CT_MULTIPART: {
2503         struct multipart *m = (struct multipart *) ct->c_ctparams;
2504         struct part *part;
2506         for (part = m->mp_parts; status == OK  &&  part; part = part->mp_next) {
2507             status = fix_always (part->mp_part, message_mods);
2508         }
2509         break;
2510     }
2512     case CT_MESSAGE:
2513         if (ct->c_subtype == MESSAGE_EXTERNAL) {
2514             struct exbody *e = (struct exbody *) ct->c_ctparams;
2516             status = fix_always (e->eb_content, message_mods);
2517         }
2518         break;
2520     default: {
2521         HF hf;
2523         if (ct->c_first_hf) {
2524             fix_filename_encoding (ct);
2525         }
2527         for (hf = ct->c_first_hf; hf; hf = hf->next) {
2528             size_t len = strlen (hf->value);
2530             if (strcasecmp (hf->name, TYPE_FIELD) != 0  &&
2531                 strcasecmp (hf->name, DISPO_FIELD) != 0) {
2532                 /* Only do this for Content-Type and
2533                    Content-Disposition fields because those are the
2534                    only headers that parse_mime() warns about. */
2535                 continue;
2536             }
2538             /* whitespace following a trailing ';' will be nuked as well */
2539             if (hf->value[len - 1] == '\n') {
2540                 while (isspace((unsigned char)(hf->value[len - 2]))) {
2541                     if (len-- == 0) { break; }
2542                 }
2543             }
2545             if (hf->value[len - 2] == ';') {
2546                 /* Remove trailing ';' from parameter value. */
2547                 hf->value[len - 2] = '\n';
2548                 hf->value[len - 1] = '\0';
2550                 /* Also, if Content-Type parameter, remove trailing ';'
2551                    from ct->c_ctline.  This probably isn't necessary
2552                    but can't hurt. */
2553                 if (strcasecmp(hf->name, TYPE_FIELD) == 0 && ct->c_ctline) {
2554                     size_t l = strlen(ct->c_ctline) - 1;
2555                     while (isspace((unsigned char)(ct->c_ctline[l])) ||
2556                            ct->c_ctline[l] == ';') {
2557                         ct->c_ctline[l--] = '\0';
2558                         if (l == 0) { break; }
2559                     }
2560                 }
2562                 ++*message_mods;
2563                 if (verbosw) {
2564                     report (NULL, ct->c_partno, ct->c_file,
2565                             "remove trailing ; from %s parameter value",
2566                             hf->name);
2567                 }
2568             }
2569         }
2570     }}
2572     return status;
2573 }
2576 /*
2577  * Factor out common code for loops in fix_filename_encoding().
2578  */
2579 static int
fix_filename_param(char * name,char * value,PM * first_pm,PM * last_pm)2580 fix_filename_param (char *name, char *value, PM *first_pm, PM *last_pm) {
2581     int fixed = 0;
2583     if (has_prefix(value, "=?") && has_suffix(value, "?=")) {
2584         /* Looks like an RFC 2047 encoded parameter. */
2585         char decoded[PATH_MAX + 1];
2587         if (decode_rfc2047 (value, decoded, sizeof decoded)) {
2588             /* Encode using RFC 2231. */
2589             replace_param (first_pm, last_pm, name, decoded, 0);
2590             fixed = 1;
2591         } else {
2592             inform("failed to decode %s parameter %s", name, value);
2593         }
2594     }
2596     return fixed;
2597 }
2600 /*
2601  * Replace RFC 2047 encoding with RFC 2231 encoding of name and
2602  * filename parameters in Content-Type and Content-Disposition
2603  * headers, respectively.
2604  */
2605 static int
fix_filename_encoding(CT ct)2606 fix_filename_encoding (CT ct) {
2607     PM pm;
2608     HF hf;
2609     int fixed = 0;
2611     for (pm = ct->c_ctinfo.ci_first_pm; pm; pm = pm->pm_next) {
2612         if (pm->pm_name  &&  pm->pm_value  &&
2613             strcasecmp (pm->pm_name, "name") == 0) {
2614             fixed = fix_filename_param (pm->pm_name, pm->pm_value,
2615                                         &ct->c_ctinfo.ci_first_pm,
2616                                         &ct->c_ctinfo.ci_last_pm);
2617         }
2618     }
2620     for (pm = ct->c_dispo_first; pm; pm = pm->pm_next) {
2621         if (pm->pm_name  &&  pm->pm_value  &&
2622             strcasecmp (pm->pm_name, "filename") == 0) {
2623             fixed = fix_filename_param (pm->pm_name, pm->pm_value,
2624                                         &ct->c_dispo_first,
2625                                         &ct->c_dispo_last);
2626         }
2627     }
2629     /* Fix hf values to correspond. */
2630     for (hf = ct->c_first_hf; fixed && hf; hf = hf->next) {
2631         enum { OTHER, TYPE_HEADER, DISPO_HEADER } field = OTHER;
2633         if (strcasecmp (hf->name, TYPE_FIELD) == 0) {
2634             field = TYPE_HEADER;
2635         } else if (strcasecmp (hf->name, DISPO_FIELD) == 0) {
2636             field = DISPO_HEADER;
2637         }
2639         if (field != OTHER) {
2640             const char *const semicolon_loc = strchr (hf->value, ';');
2642             if (semicolon_loc) {
2643                 const size_t len =
2644                     strlen (hf->name) + 1 + semicolon_loc - hf->value;
2645                 const char *const params =
2646                     output_params (len,
2647                                    field == TYPE_HEADER
2648                                    ? ct->c_ctinfo.ci_first_pm
2649                                    : ct->c_dispo_first,
2650                                    NULL, 0);
2651                 const char *const new_params = concat (params, "\n", NULL);
2653                 replace_substring (&hf->value, semicolon_loc, new_params);
2654                 free((void *)new_params); /* Cast away const.  Sigh. */
2655                 free((void *)params);
2656             } else {
2657                 inform("did not find semicolon in %s:%s\n",
2658                         hf->name, hf->value);
2659             }
2660         }
2661     }
2663     return OK;
2664 }
2667 /*
2668  * Output content in input file to output file.
2669  */
2670 static int
write_content(CT ct,const char * input_filename,char * outfile,FILE * outfp,int modify_inplace,int message_mods)2671 write_content (CT ct, const char *input_filename, char *outfile, FILE *outfp,
2672                int modify_inplace, int message_mods) {
2673     int status = OK;
2675     if (modify_inplace) {
2676         if (message_mods > 0) {
2677             if ((status = output_message_fp (ct, outfp, outfile)) == OK) {
2678                 char *infile = input_filename
2679                     ?  mh_xstrdup (input_filename)
2680                     :  mh_xstrdup (ct->c_file ? ct->c_file : "-");
2682                 if (remove_file (infile) == OK) {
2683                     if (rename (outfile, infile)) {
2684                         /* Rename didn't work, possibly because of an
2685                            attempt to rename across filesystems.  Try
2686                            brute force copy. */
2687                         int old = open (outfile, O_RDONLY);
2688                         int new =
2689                             open (infile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, m_gmprot ());
2690                         int i = -1;
2692                         if (old != -1  &&  new != -1) {
2693                             char buffer[NMH_BUFSIZ];
2695                             while ((i = read (old, buffer, sizeof buffer)) >
2696                                    0) {
2697                                 if (write (new, buffer, i) != i) {
2698                                     i = -1;
2699                                     break;
2700                                 }
2701                             }
2702                         }
2703                         if (new != -1) { close (new); }
2704                         if (old != -1) { close (old); }
2705                         (void) m_unlink (outfile);
2707                         if (i < 0) {
2708                             /* The -file argument processing used path() to
2709                                expand filename to absolute path. */
2710                             int file = ct->c_file  &&  ct->c_file[0] == '/';
2712                             inform("unable to rename %s %s to %s, continuing...",
2713                                       file ? "file" : "message", outfile,
2714                                       infile);
2715                             status = NOTOK;
2716                         }
2717                     }
2718                 } else {
2719                     inform("unable to remove input file %s, "
2720 			"not modifying it, continuing...", infile);
2721                     (void) m_unlink (outfile);
2722                     status = NOTOK;
2723                 }
2725                 free (infile);
2726             } else {
2727                 status = NOTOK;
2728             }
2729         } else {
2730             /* No modifications and didn't need the tmp outfile. */
2731             (void) m_unlink (outfile);
2732         }
2733     } else {
2734         /* Output is going to some file.  Produce it whether or not
2735            there were modifications. */
2736         status = output_message_fp (ct, outfp, outfile);
2737     }
2739     flush_errors ();
2740     return status;
2741 }
2744 /*
2745  * parse_mime() does not set lf_line_endings in struct text, so use this
2746  * function to do it.  It touches the parts the decodetypes identifies.
2747  */
2748 static void
set_text_ctparams(CT ct,char * decodetypes,int lf_line_endings)2749 set_text_ctparams(CT ct, char *decodetypes, int lf_line_endings) {
2750     switch (ct->c_type) {
2751     case CT_MULTIPART: {
2752         struct multipart *m = (struct multipart *) ct->c_ctparams;
2753         struct part *part;
2755         for (part = m->mp_parts; part; part = part->mp_next) {
2756             set_text_ctparams(part->mp_part, decodetypes, lf_line_endings);
2757         }
2758         break;
2759     }
2761     case CT_MESSAGE:
2762         if (ct->c_subtype == MESSAGE_EXTERNAL) {
2763             struct exbody *e = (struct exbody *) ct->c_ctparams;
2765             set_text_ctparams(e->eb_content, decodetypes, lf_line_endings);
2766         }
2767         break;
2769     default:
2770         if (should_decode(decodetypes, ct->c_ctinfo.ci_type, ct->c_ctinfo.ci_subtype)) {
2771             if (ct->c_ctparams == NULL) {
2772                 ct->c_ctparams = mh_xcalloc(1, sizeof (struct text));
2773             }
2774             ((struct text *) ct->c_ctparams)->lf_line_endings = lf_line_endings;
2775         }
2776     }
2777 }
2780 /*
2781  * If "rmmproc" is defined, call that to remove the file.  Otherwise,
2782  * use the standard MH backup file.
2783  */
2784 static int
remove_file(const char * file)2785 remove_file (const char *file) {
2786     if (rmmproc) {
2787         char *rmm_command = concat (rmmproc, " ", file, NULL);
2788         int status = system (rmm_command);
2790         free (rmm_command);
2791         return WIFEXITED (status)  ?  WEXITSTATUS (status)  :  NOTOK;
2792     }
2793     /* This is OK for a non-message file, it still uses the
2794        BACKUP_PREFIX form.  The backup file will be in the same
2795        directory as file. */
2796     return rename (file, m_backup (file));
2797 }
2800 /*
2801  * Output formatted message to user.
2802  */
2803 static void
report(char * what,char * partno,char * filename,char * message,...)2804 report (char *what, char *partno, char *filename, char *message, ...) {
2805     va_list args;
2806     char *fmt;
2808     if (verbosw) {
2809         va_start (args, message);
2810         fmt = concat (filename, partno ? " part " : ", ",
2811                       FENDNULL(partno), partno ? ", " : "", message, NULL);
2813         advertise (what, NULL, fmt, args);
2815         free (fmt);
2816         va_end (args);
2817     }
2818 }
2821 static void
pipeser(int i)2822 pipeser (int i)
2823 {
2824     if (i == SIGQUIT) {
2825         fflush (stdout);
2826         fprintf (stderr, "\n");
2827         fflush (stderr);
2828     }
2830     done (1);
2831     /* NOTREACHED */
2832 }