1 /* Libottery by Nick Mathewson.
3    This software has been dedicated to the public domain under the CC0
4    public domain dedication.
6    To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
7    libottery has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
8    to libottery.
10    You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
11    work in doc/cc0.txt.  If not, see
12       <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
13  */
16 #include <stdint.h>
17 #include <sys/types.h>
19 #ifdef __cplusplus
20 extern "C" {
21 #endif
23 #include "ottery_common.h"
25 /** @file */
27 struct ottery_config;
28 struct ottery_state;
30 /** Size reserved for struct ottery_state */
31 #define OTTERY_STATE_DUMMY_SIZE_ 1536
34 /**
35  * The state for a libottery PRNG.
36  *
37  * An ottery_state structure is constucted with ottery_st_init().  It MUST be
38  * aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
39  *
40  * You may not use an ottery_state structure with any other function before
41  * you have first initialized it with ottery_st_init().
42  *
43  * The contents of this structure are opaque; The definition here is
44  * defined to be large enough so that programs that allocate it will get
45  * more than enough room.
46  */
47 struct __attribute__((aligned(16))) ottery_state {
48   /** Nothing to see here */
49   uint8_t dummy_[OTTERY_STATE_DUMMY_SIZE_];
50 };
51 #endif
53 /**
54  * Get the minimal size for allocating an ottery_state.
55  *
56  * sizeof(ottery_state) will give an overestimate to allow binary
57  * compatibility with future versions of libottery. Use this function instead
58  * to get the minimal number of bytes to allocate.
59  *
60  * @return The minimal number of bytes to use when allocating an
61  *   ottery_state structure.
62  */
63 size_t ottery_get_sizeof_state(void);
65 /**
66  * Initialize an ottery_state structure.
67  *
68  * You must call this function on any ottery_state structure before
69  * calling any other functions on it.
70  *
71  * @param st The ottery_state to initialize.
72  * @param cfg Either NULL, or an ottery_config structure that has been
73  *   initialized with ottery_config_init().
74  * @return Zero on success, or one of the OTTERY_ERR_* error codes on failure.
75  */
76 int ottery_st_init(struct ottery_state *st, const struct ottery_config *cfg);
78 /**
79  * Add more entropy to an ottery_state structure.
80  *
81  * Calling this function should be needless, if you trust your operating
82  * system's random number generator and entropy extraction features.  You
83  * would want to use this function if you think the operating system's random
84  * number generator might be inadequate, and you want to add more entropy from
85  * EGD or something.
86  *
87  * You might also want to call this function if your belief system says that
88  * it's useful to periodically add more raw entropy to a well-seeded
89  * cryptographically strong PRNG.
90  *
91  * @param st The state which will receive more entropy.
92  * @param seed Bytes to add to the state.
93  * @param n The number of bytes to add.
94  * @return Zero on success, or one of the OTTERY_ERR_* error codes on failure.
95  */
96 int ottery_st_add_seed(struct ottery_state *st, const uint8_t *seed, size_t n);
98 /**
99  * Destroy an ottery_state structure and release any resources that it might
100  * hold.
101  *
102  * Ordinarily, you would want to call this at exit, or before freeing an
103  * ottery_state
104  *
105  * @param st The state to wipe.
106  */
107 void ottery_st_wipe(struct ottery_state *st);
109 /**
110  * Explicitly prevent backtracking attacks. (Usually needless).
111  *
112  * Once this function has been called, an attacker who compromises the state
113  * later on will not be able to recover bytes that have previously been
114  * returned by any of the ottery_st_rand_* functions.
115  *
116  * You should not usually need to call this function: Libottery provides
117  * backtracking resistance by default, so unless you have manually recompiled
118  * with the OTTERY_NO_CLEAR_AFTER_YIELD option, this function isn't
119  * necessary and has no effect.  Even *with* OTTERY_NO_CLEAR_AFTER_YIELD,
120  * this function isn't necessary in ordinary operation: the libottery state is
121  * implicitly "stirred" every 1k or so.
122  *
123  * @param st The state to stir.
124  */
125 void ottery_st_prevent_backtracking(struct ottery_state *st);
127 /**
128  * Use an ottery_state structure to fill a buffer with random bytes.
129  *
130  * @param st The state structure to use.
131  * @param buf The buffer to fill.
132  * @param n The number of bytes to write.
133  */
134 void ottery_st_rand_bytes(struct ottery_state *st, void *buf, size_t n);
135 /**
136  * Use an ottery_state structure to generate a random number of type unsigned.
137  *
138  * @param st The state structure to use.
139  * @return A random number between 0 and UINT_MAX included,
140  *   chosen uniformly.
141  */
142 unsigned ottery_st_rand_unsigned(struct ottery_state *st);
143 /**
144  * Use an ottery_state structure to generate a random number of type uint32_t.
145  *
146  * @param st The state structure to use.
147  * @return A random number between 0 and UINT32_MAX included,
148  *   chosen uniformly.
149  */
150 uint32_t ottery_st_rand_uint32(struct ottery_state *st);
151 /**
152  * Use an ottery_state structure to generate a random number of type uint64_t.
153  *
154  * @param st The state structure to use.
155  * @return A random number between 0 and UINT64_MAX included,
156  *   chosen uniformly.
157  */
158 uint64_t ottery_st_rand_uint64(struct ottery_state *st);
159 /**
160  * Use an ottery_state structure to generate a random number of type unsigned
161  * in a given range.
162  *
163  * @param st The state structure to use.
164  * @param top The upper bound of the range (inclusive).
165  * @return A random number no larger than top, and no less than 0,
166  *   chosen uniformly.
167  */
168 unsigned ottery_st_rand_range(struct ottery_state *st, unsigned top);
169 /**
170  * Use an ottery_state structure to generate a random number of type uint64_t
171  * in a given range.
172  *
173  * @param st The state structure to use.
174  * @param top The upper bound of the range (inclusive).
175  * @return A random number no larger than top, and no less than 0,
176  *   chosen uniformly.
177  */
178 uint64_t ottery_st_rand_range64(struct ottery_state *st, uint64_t top);
180 #ifdef __cplusplus
181 }
182 #endif
184 #endif