1<!-- dump_scenario.tt2 -->
3[% IF result %]
4    <div class="block">
5        [%  IF result == 'success' %]
6            [%|loc%]scenario is created but not loaded in the list config[%END%]
7        [% ELSIF result == 'success_new_name' %]
8            [%|loc%]new scenario is created but not loaded in the list config. Edit list config if you need to apply it for that list[%END%]
9        [% ELSIF result == 'unchanged' %]
10            [%|loc%]new scenario is the same as the previous one. Nothing done.[%END%]
11        [% END %]
12    </div>
13[% ELSE %]
14    <div id="ActionHeader">
15        <h2 class='block'>[% scenario_function %].[% scenario_name %] </h2>
16        <span class="text_center">([%|loc%]path:[%END%] [% scenario_path %])</span>
17    </div>
18    <font size="-2">
19        <form action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
20            <fieldset>
21                <textarea cols="80" rows="10" name="new_scenario_content">[% dumped_scenario %]</textarea>
22                <br />
23                <input type="hidden" name="list" value="[% list %]" />
24                <input type="hidden" name="scenario_function" value="[% scenario_function %]" />
26                <!-- template is ready for saving scenario with scope limited to the current list or to the current robot but wwsympa
27                    [% IF is_listmaster %]
28                        <label for=new_scenario_scope">[%|loc%]scope:[%END%]</label>
29                        <select id="new_scenario_scope" name="new_scenario_scope">
30                            <option value="robot">[%|loc(robot)%]robot %1[%END%]</option>
31                            <option value="list" selected>[%|loc(list)%]list %1[%END%]</option>
32                        </select>
33                    [% END %]
34                -->
35                <label for="new_scenario_name">[%|loc%]scenario name:[%END%]</label>
36                <input id="new_scenario_name" type="text" name="new_scenario_name" size="30" value="[% scenario_name %]" />
37                <input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_dump_scenario" value="[%|loc%]save[%END%]" />
38            </fieldset>
39        </form>
40    </font>
41[% END %]
42<!-- end dump_scenario.tt2 -->