1% $Id: t-prot.sl,v 1.20 2012/02/07 11:19:57 jochen Exp $
2% Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Jochen Striepe <t-prot@tolot.escape.de>
4% This file is provided as an example implemention for articles to be
5% filtered through t-prot before displayed. They are still filtered if
6% you reply to such a message so you will have to deactivate this if
7% you want to include quotes of the original article.
9% Activate this macro by adding
10%   interpret t-prot.sl
11% to your ~/.slrnrc.
13% If you are not happy with the suggested t-prot default parameters,
14% put something like
15%   variable t_prot_params = "-c -emtS";
16%   variable t_prot_tmpdir = "$HOME/.tmpdir";
17%   variable t_prot_qp     = "";
18% into ~/.slrn/t-prot-cfg and add
19%   interpret .slrn/t-prot-cfg
20% to your ~/.slrnrc (after 'interpret t-prot.sl'). If "mimedecode" is
21% installed on your system you might want to use
22%   variable t_prot_qp     = "mimedecode";
23% You can get mimedecode at
24%   http://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/mimedecode.html
26% However, please keep in mind that the path of the temp directory should
27% NOT be readable to other users -- otherwise it might reveal information on
28% what you read, and probably even be a security hole. Please see t-prot's
29% man page for details on command line parameters.
31% If you want to toggle t-prot filtering on/off without leaving slrn,
32% you may want to add something like
33%   setkey article   register_t_prot "\e6"
34%   setkey article unregister_t_prot "\e7"
35% to your ~/.slrnrc -- press ESC-6 to activate t-prot filtering, and
36% ESC-7 to disable it (this will take effect on the next article you
37% read, see the package's TODO file).
39% Requirements/Bugs: tr(1) and rm(1) are POSIX and should be available
40% on any Unix-like system, mktemp(1) should be available on any recent
41% OpenBSD or Debian Linux system -- you can get the sources there
42% if your system happens to lack this program. This macro has been
43% written for S-Lang v2.x (and will definitely fail with S-Lang v1.x).
44% As always, bug reports, patches (preferrably in unified diff format),
45% comments and suggestions are welcome.
47% License: This file is part of the t-prot package and therefore
48% available under the same conditions. See t-prot's man page for
49% details.
52% these should be reasonable defaults (they work fine for me, SCNR):
53variable t_prot_params = "-aeklmtc -S --diff --bigq -L$HOME/.slrn/mlfooters -A$HOME/.slrn/adfooters";
54variable t_prot_tmpdir = "$HOME/tmp/slrn"; % you better make sure it exists
55variable t_prot_qp = "perl -i -p -e '$p=1 if /^Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable/i; if ($p==1) { s/=([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/chr(hex($1))/egi; s/=\n//eg; };'";
57define t_prot () {
58	variable art, f, fname, line, qp;
59	art = "";
61 	% Keep in mind that the path should NOT be readable to other users --
62	% otherwise it might reveal information on what you read, and probably
63	% even be a security hole:
64	f = popen ("mktemp -q "+t_prot_tmpdir+"/t-prot.sl.XXXXXX | tr -d '\n'", "r");
65	if (f == NULL) return;
66	if (-1 == fgets (&fname, f)) return;
67	pclose (f);
70	if (t_prot_qp != "") { qp = t_prot_qp+"|"; } else { qp = ""; }
72	f = popen (qp+"t-prot "+t_prot_params+" >"+fname, "w");
73	if (f == NULL) {
74		message ("Unable to filter article to "+fname);
75		return;
76	}
77	() = fputs (article_as_string(), f);
78	() = pclose (f);
81	f = fopen (fname, "r");
82	if (f == NULL) {
83		message (fname+" could not be opened.");
84		return;
85	}
86	while (-1 != fgets (&line, f)) {
87		art = art + line;
88	}
89	fclose (f);
91	if (0 != remove(fname)) message ("Unable to remove "+fname);
93	replace_article (art);
96define register_t_prot () {
97	if (1 == register_hook("read_article_hook", "t_prot")) {
98		message ("t-prot filtering activated");
99	}
100	else {
101		message ("t-prot filtering NOT activated");
102	}
105define unregister_t_prot () {
106	if (1 == unregister_hook("read_article_hook", "t_prot")) {
107		message ("t-prot filtering deactivated");
108	}
109	else {
110		message ("t-prot filtering NOT deactivated");
111	}
114% filtering is enabled by default:
115register_hook("read_article_hook", "t_prot");