2  {
3    "namespace": "manifest",
4    "types": [
5      {
6        "$extend": "OptionalPermission",
7        "choices": [
8          {
9            "type": "string",
10            "enum": [
11              "accountsRead"
12            ]
13          }
14        ]
15      }
16    ]
17  },
18  {
19    "namespace": "accounts",
20    "permissions": [
21      "accountsRead"
22    ],
23    "types": [
24      {
25        "id": "MailAccount",
26        "description": "An object describing a mail account, as returned for example by the :ref:`accounts.list` and :ref:`accounts.get` methods. The ``folders`` property is only included if requested.",
27        "type": "object",
28        "properties": {
29          "id": {
30            "type": "string",
31            "description": "A unique identifier for this account."
32          },
33          "name": {
34            "type": "string",
35            "description": "The human-friendly name of this account."
36          },
37          "type": {
38            "type": "string",
39            "description": "What sort of account this is, e.g. ``imap``, ``nntp``, or ``pop3``."
40          },
41          "folders": {
42            "type": "array",
43            "optional": true,
44            "description": "The folders for this account are only included if requested.",
45            "items": {
46              "$ref": "folders.MailFolder"
47            }
48          },
49          "identities": {
50            "type": "array",
51            "description": "The identities associated with this account. The default identity is listed first, others in no particular order.",
52            "items": {
53              "$ref": "identities.MailIdentity"
54            }
55          }
56        }
57      }
58    ],
59    "functions": [
60      {
61        "name": "list",
62        "type": "function",
63        "description": "Returns all mail accounts.",
64        "async": "callback",
65        "parameters": [
66          {
67            "name": "includeFolders",
68            "description": "Specifies whether the returned :ref:`accounts.MailAccount` objects should included their account's folders. Defaults to ``true``.",
69            "optional": true,
70            "default": true,
71            "type": "boolean"
72          },
73          {
74            "type": "function",
75            "name": "callback",
76            "optional": true,
77            "parameters": [
78              {
79                "type": "array",
80                "items": {
81                  "$ref": "accounts.MailAccount"
82                }
83              }
84            ]
85          }
86        ]
87      },
88      {
89        "name": "get",
90        "type": "function",
91        "description": "Returns details of the requested account, or null if it doesn't exist.",
92        "async": "callback",
93        "parameters": [
94          {
95            "name": "accountId",
96            "type": "string"
97          },
98          {
99            "name": "includeFolders",
100            "description": "Specifies whether the returned :ref:`accounts.MailAccount` object should included the account's folders. Defaults to ``true``.",
101            "optional": true,
102            "default": true,
103            "type": "boolean"
104          },
105          {
106            "type": "function",
107            "name": "callback",
108            "optional": true,
109            "parameters": [
110              {
111                "$ref": "accounts.MailAccount",
112                "optional": true
113              }
114            ]
115          }
116        ]
117      },
118      {
119        "name": "getDefault",
120        "type": "function",
121        "description": "Returns the default account, or null if it is not defined.",
122        "async": "callback",
123        "parameters": [
124          {
125            "name": "includeFolders",
126            "description": "Specifies whether the returned :ref:`accounts.MailAccount` object should included the account's folders. Defaults to ``true``.",
127            "optional": true,
128            "default": true,
129            "type": "boolean"
130          },
131          {
132            "type": "function",
133            "name": "callback",
134            "optional": true,
135            "parameters": [
136              {
137                "$ref": "accounts.MailAccount",
138                "optional": true
139              }
140            ]
141          }
142        ]
143      },
144      {
145        "name": "setDefaultIdentity",
146        "type": "function",
147        "description": "Sets the default identity for an account.",
148        "async": true,
149        "deprecated": "This will be removed. Use :ref:`identities.setDefault` instead.",
150        "parameters": [
151          {
152            "name": "accountId",
153            "type": "string"
154          },
155          {
156            "name": "identityId",
157            "type": "string"
158          }
159        ]
160      },
161      {
162        "name": "getDefaultIdentity",
163        "type": "function",
164        "description": "Returns the default identity for an account, or null if it is not defined.",
165        "async": "callback",
166        "deprecated": "This will be removed. Use :ref:`identities.getDefault` instead.",
167        "parameters": [
168          {
169            "name": "accountId",
170            "type": "string"
171          },
172          {
173            "type": "function",
174            "name": "callback",
175            "optional": true,
176            "parameters": [
177              {
178                "$ref": "identities.MailIdentity"
179              }
180            ]
181          }
182        ]
183      }
184    ]
185  }