1 /*
2 * Point arithmetic on elliptic curves over GF(p)
3 *
4 * (C) 2007 Martin Doering, Christoph Ludwig, Falko Strenzke
5 *     2008-2011,2014,2015 Jack Lloyd
6 *
7 * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
8 */
10 #ifndef BOTAN_POINT_GFP_H_
11 #define BOTAN_POINT_GFP_H_
13 #include <botan/curve_gfp.h>
14 #include <botan/exceptn.h>
15 #include <vector>
17 namespace Botan {
19 /**
20 * Exception thrown if you try to convert a zero point to an affine
21 * coordinate
22 *
23 * In a future major release this exception type will be removed and its
24 * usage replaced by Invalid_State
25 */
26 class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Illegal_Transformation final : public Invalid_State
27    {
28    public:
Illegal_Transformation(const std::string & err)29       explicit Illegal_Transformation(const std::string& err) : Invalid_State(err) {}
30    };
32 /**
33 * Exception thrown if some form of illegal point is decoded
34 *
35 * In a future major release this exception type will be removed and its
36 * usage replaced by Decoding_Error
37 */
38 class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Illegal_Point final : public Decoding_Error
39    {
40    public:
Illegal_Point(const std::string & err)41       explicit Illegal_Point(const std::string& err) : Decoding_Error(err) {}
42    };
44 /**
45 * This class represents one point on a curve of GF(p)
46 */
47 class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) PointGFp final
48    {
49    public:
50       enum Compression_Type {
51          UNCOMPRESSED = 0,
52          COMPRESSED   = 1,
53          HYBRID       = 2
54       };
56       enum { WORKSPACE_SIZE = 8 };
58       /**
59       * Construct an uninitialized PointGFp
60       */
61       PointGFp() = default;
63       /**
64       * Construct the zero point
65       * @param curve The base curve
66       */
67       explicit PointGFp(const CurveGFp& curve);
69       /**
70       * Copy constructor
71       */
72       PointGFp(const PointGFp&) = default;
74       /**
75       * Move Constructor
76       */
PointGFp(PointGFp && other)77       PointGFp(PointGFp&& other)
78          {
79          this->swap(other);
80          }
82       /**
83       * Standard Assignment
84       */
85       PointGFp& operator=(const PointGFp&) = default;
87       /**
88       * Move Assignment
89       */
90       PointGFp& operator=(PointGFp&& other)
91          {
92          if(this != &other)
93             this->swap(other);
94          return (*this);
95          }
97       /**
98       * Construct a point from its affine coordinates
99       * Prefer EC_Group::point(x,y) for this operation.
100       * @param curve the base curve
101       * @param x affine x coordinate
102       * @param y affine y coordinate
103       */
104       PointGFp(const CurveGFp& curve, const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y);
106       /**
107       * EC2OSP - elliptic curve to octet string primitive
108       * @param format which format to encode using
109       */
110       std::vector<uint8_t> encode(PointGFp::Compression_Type format) const;
112       /**
113       * += Operator
114       * @param rhs the PointGFp to add to the local value
115       * @result resulting PointGFp
116       */
117       PointGFp& operator+=(const PointGFp& rhs);
119       /**
120       * -= Operator
121       * @param rhs the PointGFp to subtract from the local value
122       * @result resulting PointGFp
123       */
124       PointGFp& operator-=(const PointGFp& rhs);
126       /**
127       * *= Operator
128       * @param scalar the PointGFp to multiply with *this
129       * @result resulting PointGFp
130       */
131       PointGFp& operator*=(const BigInt& scalar);
133       /**
134       * Negate this point
135       * @return *this
136       */
negate()137       PointGFp& negate()
138          {
139          if(!is_zero())
140             m_coord_y = m_curve.get_p() - m_coord_y;
141          return *this;
142          }
144       /**
145       * get affine x coordinate
146       * @result affine x coordinate
147       */
148       BigInt get_affine_x() const;
150       /**
151       * get affine y coordinate
152       * @result affine y coordinate
153       */
154       BigInt get_affine_y() const;
get_x()156       const BigInt& get_x() const { return m_coord_x; }
get_y()157       const BigInt& get_y() const { return m_coord_y; }
get_z()158       const BigInt& get_z() const { return m_coord_z; }
swap_coords(BigInt & new_x,BigInt & new_y,BigInt & new_z)160       void swap_coords(BigInt& new_x, BigInt& new_y, BigInt& new_z)
161          {
162          m_coord_x.swap(new_x);
163          m_coord_y.swap(new_y);
164          m_coord_z.swap(new_z);
165          }
167       /**
168       * Force this point to affine coordinates
169       */
170       void force_affine();
172       /**
173       * Force all points on the list to affine coordinates
174       */
175       static void force_all_affine(std::vector<PointGFp>& points,
176                                    secure_vector<word>& ws);
178       bool is_affine() const;
180       /**
181       * Is this the point at infinity?
182       * @result true, if this point is at infinity, false otherwise.
183       */
is_zero()184       bool is_zero() const { return m_coord_z.is_zero(); }
186       /**
187       * Checks whether the point is to be found on the underlying
188       * curve; used to prevent fault attacks.
189       * @return if the point is on the curve
190       */
191       bool on_the_curve() const;
193       /**
194       * swaps the states of *this and other, does not throw!
195       * @param other the object to swap values with
196       */
197       void swap(PointGFp& other);
199       /**
200       * Randomize the point representation
201       * The actual value (get_affine_x, get_affine_y) does not change
202       */
203       void randomize_repr(RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
205       /**
206       * Randomize the point representation
207       * The actual value (get_affine_x, get_affine_y) does not change
208       */
209       void randomize_repr(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, secure_vector<word>& ws);
211       /**
212       * Equality operator
213       */
214       bool operator==(const PointGFp& other) const;
216       /**
217       * Point addition
218       * @param other the point to add to *this
219       * @param workspace temp space, at least WORKSPACE_SIZE elements
220       */
add(const PointGFp & other,std::vector<BigInt> & workspace)221       void add(const PointGFp& other, std::vector<BigInt>& workspace)
222          {
223          BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(m_curve == other.m_curve);
225          const size_t p_words = m_curve.get_p_words();
227          add(other.m_coord_x.data(), std::min(p_words, other.m_coord_x.size()),
228              other.m_coord_y.data(), std::min(p_words, other.m_coord_y.size()),
229              other.m_coord_z.data(), std::min(p_words, other.m_coord_z.size()),
230              workspace);
231          }
233       /**
234       * Point addition. Array version.
235       *
236       * @param x_words the words of the x coordinate of the other point
237       * @param x_size size of x_words
238       * @param y_words the words of the y coordinate of the other point
239       * @param y_size size of y_words
240       * @param z_words the words of the z coordinate of the other point
241       * @param z_size size of z_words
242       * @param workspace temp space, at least WORKSPACE_SIZE elements
243       */
244       void add(const word x_words[], size_t x_size,
245                const word y_words[], size_t y_size,
246                const word z_words[], size_t z_size,
247                std::vector<BigInt>& workspace);
249       /**
250       * Point addition - mixed J+A
251       * @param other affine point to add - assumed to be affine!
252       * @param workspace temp space, at least WORKSPACE_SIZE elements
253       */
add_affine(const PointGFp & other,std::vector<BigInt> & workspace)254       void add_affine(const PointGFp& other, std::vector<BigInt>& workspace)
255          {
256          BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(m_curve == other.m_curve);
257          BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(other.is_affine());
259          const size_t p_words = m_curve.get_p_words();
260          add_affine(other.m_coord_x.data(), std::min(p_words, other.m_coord_x.size()),
261                     other.m_coord_y.data(), std::min(p_words, other.m_coord_y.size()),
262                     workspace);
263          }
265       /**
266       * Point addition - mixed J+A. Array version.
267       *
268       * @param x_words the words of the x coordinate of the other point
269       * @param x_size size of x_words
270       * @param y_words the words of the y coordinate of the other point
271       * @param y_size size of y_words
272       * @param workspace temp space, at least WORKSPACE_SIZE elements
273       */
274       void add_affine(const word x_words[], size_t x_size,
275                       const word y_words[], size_t y_size,
276                       std::vector<BigInt>& workspace);
278       /**
279       * Point doubling
280       * @param workspace temp space, at least WORKSPACE_SIZE elements
281       */
282       void mult2(std::vector<BigInt>& workspace);
284       /**
285       * Repeated point doubling
286       * @param i number of doublings to perform
287       * @param workspace temp space, at least WORKSPACE_SIZE elements
288       */
289       void mult2i(size_t i, std::vector<BigInt>& workspace);
291       /**
292       * Point addition
293       * @param other the point to add to *this
294       * @param workspace temp space, at least WORKSPACE_SIZE elements
295       * @return other plus *this
296       */
plus(const PointGFp & other,std::vector<BigInt> & workspace)297       PointGFp plus(const PointGFp& other, std::vector<BigInt>& workspace) const
298          {
299          PointGFp x = (*this);
300          x.add(other, workspace);
301          return x;
302          }
304       /**
305       * Point doubling
306       * @param workspace temp space, at least WORKSPACE_SIZE elements
307       * @return *this doubled
308       */
double_of(std::vector<BigInt> & workspace)309       PointGFp double_of(std::vector<BigInt>& workspace) const
310          {
311          PointGFp x = (*this);
312          x.mult2(workspace);
313          return x;
314          }
316       /**
317       * Return the zero (aka infinite) point associated with this curve
318       */
zero()319       PointGFp zero() const { return PointGFp(m_curve); }
321       /**
322       * Return base curve of this point
323       * @result the curve over GF(p) of this point
324       *
325       * You should not need to use this
326       */
get_curve()327       const CurveGFp& get_curve() const { return m_curve; }
329    private:
330       CurveGFp m_curve;
331       BigInt m_coord_x, m_coord_y, m_coord_z;
332    };
334 /**
335 * Point multiplication operator
336 * @param scalar the scalar value
337 * @param point the point value
338 * @return scalar*point on the curve
339 */
340 BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) PointGFp operator*(const BigInt& scalar, const PointGFp& point);
342 /**
343 * ECC point multiexponentiation - not constant time!
344 * @param p1 a point
345 * @param z1 a scalar
346 * @param p2 a point
347 * @param z2 a scalar
348 * @result (p1 * z1 + p2 * z2)
349 */
350 BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) PointGFp multi_exponentiate(
351    const PointGFp& p1, const BigInt& z1,
352    const PointGFp& p2, const BigInt& z2);
354 // relational operators
355 inline bool operator!=(const PointGFp& lhs, const PointGFp& rhs)
356    {
357    return !(rhs == lhs);
358    }
360 // arithmetic operators
361 inline PointGFp operator-(const PointGFp& lhs)
362    {
363    return PointGFp(lhs).negate();
364    }
366 inline PointGFp operator+(const PointGFp& lhs, const PointGFp& rhs)
367    {
368    PointGFp tmp(lhs);
369    return tmp += rhs;
370    }
372 inline PointGFp operator-(const PointGFp& lhs, const PointGFp& rhs)
373    {
374    PointGFp tmp(lhs);
375    return tmp -= rhs;
376    }
378 inline PointGFp operator*(const PointGFp& point, const BigInt& scalar)
379    {
380    return scalar * point;
381    }
383 // encoding and decoding
384 inline secure_vector<uint8_t> BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use PointGFp::encode")
EC2OSP(const PointGFp & point,uint8_t format)385    EC2OSP(const PointGFp& point, uint8_t format)
386    {
387    std::vector<uint8_t> enc = point.encode(static_cast<PointGFp::Compression_Type>(format));
388    return secure_vector<uint8_t>(enc.begin(), enc.end());
389    }
391 /**
392 * Perform point decoding
393 * Use EC_Group::OS2ECP instead
394 */
395 PointGFp BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) OS2ECP(const uint8_t data[], size_t data_len,
396                                       const CurveGFp& curve);
398 /**
399 * Perform point decoding
400 * Use EC_Group::OS2ECP instead
401 *
402 * @param data the encoded point
403 * @param data_len length of data in bytes
404 * @param curve_p the curve equation prime
405 * @param curve_a the curve equation a parameter
406 * @param curve_b the curve equation b parameter
407 */
408 std::pair<BigInt, BigInt> BOTAN_UNSTABLE_API OS2ECP(const uint8_t data[], size_t data_len,
409                                                     const BigInt& curve_p,
410                                                     const BigInt& curve_a,
411                                                     const BigInt& curve_b);
413 template<typename Alloc>
OS2ECP(const std::vector<uint8_t,Alloc> & data,const CurveGFp & curve)414 PointGFp OS2ECP(const std::vector<uint8_t, Alloc>& data, const CurveGFp& curve)
415    { return OS2ECP(data.data(), data.size(), curve); }
417 class PointGFp_Var_Point_Precompute;
419 /**
420 * Deprecated API for point multiplication
421 * Use EC_Group::blinded_base_point_multiply or EC_Group::blinded_var_point_multiply
422 */
423 class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) Blinded_Point_Multiply final
424    {
425    public:
426       Blinded_Point_Multiply(const PointGFp& base, const BigInt& order, size_t h = 0);
428       ~Blinded_Point_Multiply();
430       PointGFp BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use alternative APIs") blinded_multiply(const BigInt& scalar, RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
431    private:
432       std::vector<BigInt> m_ws;
433       const BigInt& m_order;
434       std::unique_ptr<PointGFp_Var_Point_Precompute> m_point_mul;
435    };
437 }
439 namespace std {
441 template<>
442 inline void swap<Botan::PointGFp>(Botan::PointGFp& x, Botan::PointGFp& y)
443    { x.swap(y); }
445 }
447 #endif