1 //
2 // Copyright 2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 //
7 // formatutils9.cpp: Queries for GL image formats and their translations to D3D9
8 // formats.
10 #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d9/formatutils9.h"
12 #include "image_util/copyimage.h"
13 #include "image_util/generatemip.h"
14 #include "image_util/loadimage.h"
16 #include "anglebase/no_destructor.h"
17 #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d9/Renderer9.h"
18 #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d9/vertexconversion.h"
20 using namespace angle;
22 namespace rx
23 {
25 namespace d3d9
26 {
28 constexpr D3DFORMAT D3DFMT_INTZ = ((D3DFORMAT)(MAKEFOURCC('I', 'N', 'T', 'Z')));
29 constexpr D3DFORMAT D3DFMT_NULL = ((D3DFORMAT)(MAKEFOURCC('N', 'U', 'L', 'L')));
31 // A map to determine the pixel size and mip generation function of a given D3D format
32 typedef std::map<D3DFORMAT, D3DFormat> D3D9FormatInfoMap;
34 typedef std::pair<GLint, InitializeTextureDataFunction> InternalFormatInitialzerPair;
35 typedef std::map<GLint, InitializeTextureDataFunction> InternalFormatInitialzerMap;
BuildInternalFormatInitialzerMap()37 static InternalFormatInitialzerMap BuildInternalFormatInitialzerMap()
38 {
39     using namespace angle;  // For image initialization functions
41     InternalFormatInitialzerMap map;
43     map.insert(InternalFormatInitialzerPair(
44         GL_RGB16F, Initialize4ComponentData<GLhalf, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, gl::Float16One>));
45     map.insert(InternalFormatInitialzerPair(
46         GL_RGB32F,
47         Initialize4ComponentData<GLfloat, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, gl::Float32One>));
49     return map;
50 }
UnreachableLoad(size_t width,size_t height,size_t depth,const uint8_t * input,size_t inputRowPitch,size_t inputDepthPitch,uint8_t * output,size_t outputRowPitch,size_t outputDepthPitch)52 static void UnreachableLoad(size_t width,
53                             size_t height,
54                             size_t depth,
55                             const uint8_t *input,
56                             size_t inputRowPitch,
57                             size_t inputDepthPitch,
58                             uint8_t *output,
59                             size_t outputRowPitch,
60                             size_t outputDepthPitch)
61 {
63 }
65 typedef std::pair<GLenum, TextureFormat> D3D9FormatPair;
66 typedef std::map<GLenum, TextureFormat> D3D9FormatMap;
TextureFormat()68 TextureFormat::TextureFormat()
69     : texFormat(D3DFMT_UNKNOWN),
70       renderFormat(D3DFMT_UNKNOWN),
71       dataInitializerFunction(nullptr),
72       loadFunction(UnreachableLoad)
73 {}
InsertD3D9FormatInfo(D3D9FormatMap * map,GLenum internalFormat,D3DFORMAT texFormat,D3DFORMAT renderFormat,LoadImageFunction loadFunction)75 static inline void InsertD3D9FormatInfo(D3D9FormatMap *map,
76                                         GLenum internalFormat,
77                                         D3DFORMAT texFormat,
78                                         D3DFORMAT renderFormat,
79                                         LoadImageFunction loadFunction)
80 {
81     TextureFormat info;
82     info.texFormat    = texFormat;
83     info.renderFormat = renderFormat;
85     static const angle::base::NoDestructor<InternalFormatInitialzerMap> dataInitializationMap(
86         BuildInternalFormatInitialzerMap());
87     InternalFormatInitialzerMap::const_iterator dataInitIter =
88         dataInitializationMap->find(internalFormat);
89     info.dataInitializerFunction =
90         (dataInitIter != dataInitializationMap->end()) ? dataInitIter->second : nullptr;
92     info.loadFunction = loadFunction;
94     map->insert(std::make_pair(internalFormat, info));
95 }
BuildD3D9FormatMap()97 static D3D9FormatMap BuildD3D9FormatMap()
98 {
99     using namespace angle;  // For image loading functions
101     D3D9FormatMap map;
103     // clang-format off
104     //                       | Internal format                     | Texture format      | Render format        | Load function                           |
105     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_NONE,                             D3DFMT_NULL,          D3DFMT_NULL,           UnreachableLoad                          );
107     // We choose to downsample the GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_OES format to a 24-bit format because D3DFMT_D32 is not widely
108     // supported.  We're allowed to do this because:
109     //  - The ES spec 2.0.25 sec 3.7.1 states that we're allowed to store texture formats with internal format
110     //    resolutions of our own choosing.
111     //  - OES_depth_texture states that downsampling of the depth formats is allowed.
112     //  - ANGLE_depth_texture does not state minimum required resolutions of the depth texture formats it
113     //    introduces.
114     // In ES3 however, there are minimum resolutions for the texture formats and this would not be allowed.
116     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16,                D3DFMT_INTZ,          D3DFMT_D24S8,          UnreachableLoad                          );
117     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_OES,            D3DFMT_INTZ,          D3DFMT_D24X8,          UnreachableLoad                          );
118     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES,             D3DFMT_INTZ,          D3DFMT_D24S8,          UnreachableLoad                          );
119     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_STENCIL_INDEX8,                   D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,       D3DFMT_D24S8,          UnreachableLoad                          ); // TODO: What's the texture format?
121     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RGBA32F_EXT,                      D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F, D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F,  LoadToNative<GLfloat, 4>                 );
122     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RGB32F_EXT,                       D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F, D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F,  LoadToNative3To4<GLfloat, gl::Float32One>);
123     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RG32F_EXT,                        D3DFMT_G32R32F,       D3DFMT_G32R32F,        LoadToNative<GLfloat, 2>                 );
124     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_R32F_EXT,                         D3DFMT_R32F,          D3DFMT_R32F,           LoadToNative<GLfloat, 1>                 );
125     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_ALPHA32F_EXT,                     D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadA32FToRGBA32F                        );
126     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_LUMINANCE32F_EXT,                 D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadL32FToRGBA32F                        );
127     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32F_EXT,           D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadLA32FToRGBA32F                       );
129     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RGBA16F_EXT,                      D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F,  LoadToNative<GLhalf, 4>                  );
130     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RGB16F_EXT,                       D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F,  LoadToNative3To4<GLhalf, gl::Float16One> );
131     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RG16F_EXT,                        D3DFMT_G16R16F,       D3DFMT_G16R16F,        LoadToNative<GLhalf, 2>                  );
132     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_R16F_EXT,                         D3DFMT_R16F,          D3DFMT_R16F,           LoadToNative<GLhalf, 1>                  );
133     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_ALPHA16F_EXT,                     D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadA16FToRGBA16F                        );
134     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_LUMINANCE16F_EXT,                 D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadL16FToRGBA16F                        );
135     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16F_EXT,           D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadLA16FToRGBA16F                       );
137     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_ALPHA8_EXT,                       D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,       LoadA8ToBGRA8                            );
139     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RGB8_OES,                         D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,       LoadRGB8ToBGRX8                           );
140     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RGB565,                           D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,       LoadR5G6B5ToBGRA8                         );
141     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RGBA8_OES,                        D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,       LoadRGBA8ToBGRA8                          );
142     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RGBA4,                            D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,       LoadRGBA4ToBGRA8                          );
143     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RGB5_A1,                          D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,       LoadRGB5A1ToBGRA8                         );
144     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_R8_EXT,                           D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,       LoadR8ToBGRX8                             );
145     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_RG8_EXT,                          D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,       LoadRG8ToBGRX8                            );
147     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_BGRA8_EXT,                        D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,       LoadToNative<GLubyte, 4>                  );
148     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_BGRA4_ANGLEX,                     D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,       LoadBGRA4ToBGRA8                          );
149     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_BGR5_A1_ANGLEX,                   D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,      D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,       LoadBGR5A1ToBGRA8                         );
151     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT,     D3DFMT_DXT1,          D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadCompressedToNative<4, 4, 1,  8>       );
152     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT,    D3DFMT_DXT1,          D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadCompressedToNative<4, 4, 1,  8>       );
153     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_ANGLE,  D3DFMT_DXT3,          D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadCompressedToNative<4, 4, 1, 16>       );
154     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_ANGLE,  D3DFMT_DXT5,          D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadCompressedToNative<4, 4, 1, 16>       );
156     // These formats require checking if the renderer supports D3DFMT_L8 or D3DFMT_A8L8 and
157     // then changing the format and loading function appropriately.
158     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_LUMINANCE8_EXT,                   D3DFMT_L8,            D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadToNative<GLubyte, 1>                  );
159     InsertD3D9FormatInfo(&map, GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8_EXT,            D3DFMT_A8L8,          D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,        LoadToNative<GLubyte, 2>                  );
160     // clang-format on
162     return map;
163 }
GetTextureFormatInfo(GLenum internalFormat)165 const TextureFormat &GetTextureFormatInfo(GLenum internalFormat)
166 {
167     static const angle::base::NoDestructor<D3D9FormatMap> formatMap(BuildD3D9FormatMap());
168     D3D9FormatMap::const_iterator iter = formatMap->find(internalFormat);
169     if (iter != formatMap->end())
170     {
171         return iter->second;
172     }
173     else
174     {
175         static const TextureFormat defaultInfo;
176         return defaultInfo;
177     }
178 }
GetDeclTypeComponentType(D3DDECLTYPE declType)180 static GLenum GetDeclTypeComponentType(D3DDECLTYPE declType)
181 {
182     switch (declType)
183     {
184         case D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1:
185             return GL_FLOAT;
186         case D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2:
187             return GL_FLOAT;
188         case D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3:
189             return GL_FLOAT;
190         case D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4:
191             return GL_FLOAT;
192         case D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4:
193             return GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
194         case D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2:
195             return GL_INT;
196         case D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4:
197             return GL_INT;
198         case D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4N:
199             return GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED;
200         case D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4N:
201             return GL_SIGNED_NORMALIZED;
202         case D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT4N:
203             return GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED;
204         case D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2N:
205             return GL_SIGNED_NORMALIZED;
206         case D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT2N:
207             return GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED;
208         default:
209             UNREACHABLE();
210             return GL_NONE;
211     }
212 }
214 // Attribute format conversion
215 enum
216 {
218 };
220 struct TranslationDescription
221 {
222     DWORD capsFlag;
223     VertexFormat preferredConversion;
224     VertexFormat fallbackConversion;
225 };
227 // Mapping from OpenGL-ES vertex attrib type to D3D decl type:
228 //
229 // BYTE                 SHORT (Cast)
230 // BYTE-norm            FLOAT (Normalize) (can't be exactly represented as SHORT-norm)
231 // UNSIGNED_BYTE        UBYTE4 (Identity) or SHORT (Cast)
232 // UNSIGNED_BYTE-norm   UBYTE4N (Identity) or FLOAT (Normalize)
233 // SHORT                SHORT (Identity)
234 // SHORT-norm           SHORT-norm (Identity) or FLOAT (Normalize)
235 // UNSIGNED_SHORT       FLOAT (Cast)
236 // UNSIGNED_SHORT-norm  USHORT-norm (Identity) or FLOAT (Normalize)
237 // FIXED (not in WebGL) FLOAT (FixedToFloat)
238 // FLOAT                FLOAT (Identity)
240 // GLToCType maps from GL type (as GLenum) to the C typedef.
241 template <GLenum GLType>
242 struct GLToCType
243 {};
245 template <>
246 struct GLToCType<GL_BYTE>
247 {
248     typedef GLbyte type;
249 };
250 template <>
251 struct GLToCType<GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE>
252 {
253     typedef GLubyte type;
254 };
255 template <>
256 struct GLToCType<GL_SHORT>
257 {
258     typedef GLshort type;
259 };
260 template <>
262 {
263     typedef GLushort type;
264 };
265 template <>
266 struct GLToCType<GL_FIXED>
267 {
268     typedef GLuint type;
269 };
270 template <>
271 struct GLToCType<GL_FLOAT>
272 {
273     typedef GLfloat type;
274 };
276 // This differs from D3DDECLTYPE in that it is unsized. (Size expansion is applied last.)
277 enum D3DVertexType
278 {
279     D3DVT_FLOAT,
280     D3DVT_SHORT,
282     D3DVT_UBYTE,
285 };
287 // D3DToCType maps from D3D vertex type (as enum D3DVertexType) to the corresponding C type.
288 template <unsigned int D3DType>
289 struct D3DToCType
290 {};
292 template <>
293 struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_FLOAT>
294 {
295     typedef float type;
296 };
297 template <>
298 struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_SHORT>
299 {
300     typedef short type;
301 };
302 template <>
303 struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM>
304 {
305     typedef short type;
306 };
307 template <>
308 struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_UBYTE>
309 {
310     typedef unsigned char type;
311 };
312 template <>
313 struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_UBYTE_NORM>
314 {
315     typedef unsigned char type;
316 };
317 template <>
318 struct D3DToCType<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM>
319 {
320     typedef unsigned short type;
321 };
323 // Encode the type/size combinations that D3D permits. For each type/size it expands to a widener
324 // that will provide the appropriate final size.
325 template <unsigned int type, int size>
326 struct WidenRule
327 {};
329 template <int size>
330 struct WidenRule<D3DVT_FLOAT, size> : NoWiden<size>
331 {};
332 template <int size>
333 struct WidenRule<D3DVT_SHORT, size> : WidenToEven<size>
334 {};
335 template <int size>
336 struct WidenRule<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM, size> : WidenToEven<size>
337 {};
338 template <int size>
339 struct WidenRule<D3DVT_UBYTE, size> : WidenToFour<size>
340 {};
341 template <int size>
342 struct WidenRule<D3DVT_UBYTE_NORM, size> : WidenToFour<size>
343 {};
344 template <int size>
345 struct WidenRule<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM, size> : WidenToEven<size>
346 {};
348 // VertexTypeFlags encodes the D3DCAPS9::DeclType flag and vertex declaration flag for each D3D
349 // vertex type & size combination.
350 template <unsigned int d3dtype, int size>
351 struct VertexTypeFlags
352 {};
354 template <unsigned int _capflag, unsigned int _declflag>
355 struct VertexTypeFlagsHelper
356 {
357     enum
358     {
359         capflag = _capflag
360     };
361     enum
362     {
363         declflag = _declflag
364     };
365 };
367 template <>
368 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_FLOAT, 1> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1>
369 {};
370 template <>
371 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_FLOAT, 2> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2>
372 {};
373 template <>
374 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_FLOAT, 3> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3>
375 {};
376 template <>
377 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_FLOAT, 4> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4>
378 {};
379 template <>
380 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_SHORT, 2> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2>
381 {};
382 template <>
383 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_SHORT, 4> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<0, D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4>
384 {};
385 template <>
386 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM, 2>
387     : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_SHORT2N, D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2N>
388 {};
389 template <>
390 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM, 4>
391     : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_SHORT4N, D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4N>
392 {};
393 template <>
394 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_UBYTE, 4> : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_UBYTE4, D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4>
395 {};
396 template <>
397 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_UBYTE_NORM, 4>
398     : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_UBYTE4N, D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4N>
399 {};
400 template <>
401 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM, 2>
402     : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_USHORT2N, D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT2N>
403 {};
404 template <>
405 struct VertexTypeFlags<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM, 4>
406     : VertexTypeFlagsHelper<D3DDTCAPS_USHORT4N, D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT4N>
407 {};
409 // VertexTypeMapping maps GL type & normalized flag to preferred and fallback D3D vertex types (as
410 // D3DVertexType enums).
411 template <GLenum GLtype, bool normalized>
412 struct VertexTypeMapping
413 {};
415 template <D3DVertexType Preferred, D3DVertexType Fallback = Preferred>
416 struct VertexTypeMappingBase
417 {
418     enum
419     {
420         preferred = Preferred
421     };
422     enum
423     {
424         fallback = Fallback
425     };
426 };
428 template <>
429 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_BYTE, false> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_SHORT>
430 {};  // Cast
431 template <>
432 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_BYTE, true> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_FLOAT>
433 {};  // Normalize
434 template <>
435 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, false> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_UBYTE, D3DVT_FLOAT>
436 {};  // Identity, Cast
437 template <>
438 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, true>
439     : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_UBYTE_NORM, D3DVT_FLOAT>
440 {};  // Identity, Normalize
441 template <>
442 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_SHORT, false> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_SHORT>
443 {};  // Identity
444 template <>
445 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_SHORT, true> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_SHORT_NORM, D3DVT_FLOAT>
446 {};  // Cast, Normalize
447 template <>
448 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, false> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_FLOAT>
449 {};  // Cast
450 template <>
451 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, true>
452     : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_USHORT_NORM, D3DVT_FLOAT>
453 {};  // Cast, Normalize
454 template <bool normalized>
455 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_FIXED, normalized> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_FLOAT>
456 {};  // FixedToFloat
457 template <bool normalized>
458 struct VertexTypeMapping<GL_FLOAT, normalized> : VertexTypeMappingBase<D3DVT_FLOAT>
459 {};  // Identity
461 // Given a GL type & norm flag and a D3D type, ConversionRule provides the type conversion rule
462 // (Cast, Normalize, Identity, FixedToFloat). The conversion rules themselves are defined in
463 // vertexconversion.h.
465 // Almost all cases are covered by Cast (including those that are actually Identity since Cast<T,T>
466 // knows it's an identity mapping).
467 template <GLenum fromType, bool normalized, unsigned int toType>
468 struct ConversionRule : Cast<typename GLToCType<fromType>::type, typename D3DToCType<toType>::type>
469 {};
471 // All conversions from normalized types to float use the Normalize operator.
472 template <GLenum fromType>
473 struct ConversionRule<fromType, true, D3DVT_FLOAT> : Normalize<typename GLToCType<fromType>::type>
474 {};
476 // Use a full specialization for this so that it preferentially matches ahead of the generic
477 // normalize-to-float rules.
478 template <>
479 struct ConversionRule<GL_FIXED, true, D3DVT_FLOAT> : FixedToFloat<GLint, 16>
480 {};
481 template <>
482 struct ConversionRule<GL_FIXED, false, D3DVT_FLOAT> : FixedToFloat<GLint, 16>
483 {};
485 // A 2-stage construction is used for DefaultVertexValues because float must use SimpleDefaultValues
486 // (i.e. 0/1) whether it is normalized or not.
487 template <class T, bool normalized>
488 struct DefaultVertexValuesStage2
489 {};
491 template <class T>
492 struct DefaultVertexValuesStage2<T, true> : NormalizedDefaultValues<T>
493 {};
494 template <class T>
495 struct DefaultVertexValuesStage2<T, false> : SimpleDefaultValues<T>
496 {};
498 // Work out the default value rule for a D3D type (expressed as the C type) and
499 template <class T, bool normalized>
500 struct DefaultVertexValues : DefaultVertexValuesStage2<T, normalized>
501 {};
502 template <bool normalized>
503 struct DefaultVertexValues<float, normalized> : SimpleDefaultValues<float>
504 {};
506 // Policy rules for use with Converter, to choose whether to use the preferred or fallback
507 // conversion. The fallback conversion produces an output that all D3D9 devices must support.
508 template <class T>
509 struct UsePreferred
510 {
511     enum
512     {
513         type = T::preferred
514     };
515 };
516 template <class T>
517 struct UseFallback
518 {
519     enum
520     {
521         type = T::fallback
522     };
523 };
525 // Converter ties it all together. Given an OpenGL type/norm/size and choice of preferred/fallback
526 // conversion, it provides all the members of the appropriate VertexDataConverter, the
527 // D3DCAPS9::DeclTypes flag in cap flag and the D3DDECLTYPE member needed for the vertex declaration
528 // in declflag.
529 template <GLenum fromType, bool normalized, int size, template <class T> class PreferenceRule>
530 struct Converter
531     : VertexDataConverter<
532           typename GLToCType<fromType>::type,
533           WidenRule<PreferenceRule<VertexTypeMapping<fromType, normalized>>::type, size>,
534           ConversionRule<fromType,
535                          normalized,
536                          PreferenceRule<VertexTypeMapping<fromType, normalized>>::type>,
537           DefaultVertexValues<typename D3DToCType<PreferenceRule<
538                                   VertexTypeMapping<fromType, normalized>>::type>::type,
539                               normalized>>
540 {
541   private:
542     enum
543     {
544         d3dtype = PreferenceRule<VertexTypeMapping<fromType, normalized>>::type
545     };
546     enum
547     {
548         d3dsize = WidenRule<d3dtype, size>::finalWidth
549     };
551   public:
552     enum
553     {
554         capflag = VertexTypeFlags<d3dtype, d3dsize>::capflag
555     };
556     enum
557     {
558         declflag = VertexTypeFlags<d3dtype, d3dsize>::declflag
559     };
560 };
VertexFormat()562 VertexFormat::VertexFormat()
563     : conversionType(VERTEX_CONVERT_NONE),
564       outputElementSize(0),
565       copyFunction(nullptr),
566       nativeFormat(D3DDECLTYPE_UNUSED),
567       componentType(GL_NONE)
568 {}
570 // Initialize a TranslationInfo
CreateVertexFormatInfo(bool identity,size_t elementSize,VertexCopyFunction copyFunc,D3DDECLTYPE nativeFormat)571 VertexFormat CreateVertexFormatInfo(bool identity,
572                                     size_t elementSize,
573                                     VertexCopyFunction copyFunc,
574                                     D3DDECLTYPE nativeFormat)
575 {
576     VertexFormat formatInfo;
577     formatInfo.conversionType    = identity ? VERTEX_CONVERT_NONE : VERTEX_CONVERT_CPU;
578     formatInfo.outputElementSize = elementSize;
579     formatInfo.copyFunction      = copyFunc;
580     formatInfo.nativeFormat      = nativeFormat;
581     formatInfo.componentType     = GetDeclTypeComponentType(nativeFormat);
582     return formatInfo;
583 }
585 #define TRANSLATION(type, norm, size, preferred)              \
586     CreateVertexFormatInfo(                                   \
587         Converter<type, norm, size, preferred>::identity,     \
588         Converter<type, norm, size, preferred>::finalSize,    \
589         Converter<type, norm, size, preferred>::convertArray, \
590         static_cast<D3DDECLTYPE>(Converter<type, norm, size, preferred>::declflag))
592 #define TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, norm, size)    \
593     {                                                       \
594         Converter<type, norm, size, UsePreferred>::capflag, \
595             TRANSLATION(type, norm, size, UsePreferred),    \
596             TRANSLATION(type, norm, size, UseFallback)      \
597     }
599 #define TRANSLATIONS_FOR_TYPE(type)                          \
600     {                                                        \
601         {TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 1),     \
602          TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 2),     \
603          TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 3),     \
604          TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 4)},    \
605             {TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, true, 1),  \
606              TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, true, 2),  \
607              TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, true, 3),  \
608              TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, true, 4)}, \
609     }
611 #define TRANSLATIONS_FOR_TYPE_NO_NORM(type)                   \
612     {                                                         \
613         {TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 1),      \
614          TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 2),      \
615          TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 3),      \
616          TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 4)},     \
617             {TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 1),  \
618              TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 2),  \
619              TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 3),  \
620              TRANSLATION_FOR_TYPE_NORM_SIZE(type, false, 4)}, \
621     }
ComputeTypeIndex(GLenum type)623 static inline unsigned int ComputeTypeIndex(GLenum type)
624 {
625     switch (type)
626     {
627         case GL_BYTE:
628             return 0;
629         case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE:
630             return 1;
631         case GL_SHORT:
632             return 2;
633         case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
634             return 3;
635         case GL_FIXED:
636             return 4;
637         case GL_FLOAT:
638             return 5;
640         default:
641             UNREACHABLE();
642             return 5;
643     }
644 }
GetVertexFormatInfo(DWORD supportedDeclTypes,angle::FormatID vertexFormatID)646 const VertexFormat &GetVertexFormatInfo(DWORD supportedDeclTypes, angle::FormatID vertexFormatID)
647 {
648     static bool initialized           = false;
649     static DWORD initializedDeclTypes = 0;
650     static VertexFormat formatConverters[NUM_GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_TYPES][2][4];
651     if (initializedDeclTypes != supportedDeclTypes)
652     {
653         const TranslationDescription
654             translations[NUM_GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_TYPES][2]
655                         [4] =  // [GL types as enumerated by typeIndex()][normalized][size-1]
659         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_TYPES; i++)
660         {
661             for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
662             {
663                 for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
664                 {
665                     if (translations[i][j][k].capsFlag == 0 ||
666                         (supportedDeclTypes & translations[i][j][k].capsFlag) != 0)
667                     {
668                         formatConverters[i][j][k] = translations[i][j][k].preferredConversion;
669                     }
670                     else
671                     {
672                         formatConverters[i][j][k] = translations[i][j][k].fallbackConversion;
673                     }
674                 }
675             }
676         }
677         initialized          = true;
678         initializedDeclTypes = supportedDeclTypes;
679     }
681     const gl::VertexFormat &vertexFormat = gl::GetVertexFormatFromID(vertexFormatID);
683     // Pure integer attributes only supported in ES3.0
684     ASSERT(!vertexFormat.pureInteger);
685     return formatConverters[ComputeTypeIndex(vertexFormat.type)][vertexFormat.normalized]
686                            [vertexFormat.components - 1];
687 }
688 }  // namespace d3d9
689 }  // namespace rx