1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
4# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6# This script provides one-line bootstrap support to configure systems to build
7# the tree. It does so by cloning the repo before calling directly into `mach
8# bootstrap`.
10# Note that this script can't assume anything in particular about the host
11# Python environment (except that it's run with a sufficiently recent version of
12# Python 3), so we are restricted to stdlib modules.
14from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
16import sys
18major, minor = sys.version_info[:2]
19if (major < 3) or (major == 3 and minor < 5):
20    print(
21        "Bootstrap currently only runs on Python 3.5+."
22        "Please try re-running with python3.5+."
23    )
24    sys.exit(1)
26import os
27import shutil
28import stat
29import subprocess
30import tempfile
31import zipfile
33from optparse import OptionParser
34from urllib.request import urlopen
37Failed to pull from hg.mozilla.org.
39This is most likely because of unstable network connection.
40Try running `cd %s && hg pull https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified` manually,
41or download a mercurial bundle and use it:
44WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith("win32") or sys.platform.startswith("msys")
46    "hg": "Mercurial",
47    "git": "Git",
51def which(name):
52    """Python implementation of which.
54    It returns the path of an executable or None if it couldn't be found.
55    """
56    # git-cinnabar.exe doesn't exist, but .exe versions of the other executables
57    # do.
58    if WINDOWS and name != "git-cinnabar":
59        name += ".exe"
60    search_dirs = os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
62    for path in search_dirs:
63        test = os.path.join(path, name)
64        if os.path.isfile(test) and os.access(test, os.X_OK):
65            return test
67    return None
70def validate_clone_dest(dest):
71    dest = os.path.abspath(dest)
73    if not os.path.exists(dest):
74        return dest
76    if not os.path.isdir(dest):
77        print("ERROR! Destination %s exists but is not a directory." % dest)
78        return None
80    if not os.listdir(dest):
81        return dest
82    else:
83        print("ERROR! Destination directory %s exists but is nonempty." % dest)
84        return None
87def input_clone_dest(vcs, no_interactive):
88    repo_name = "mozilla-unified"
89    print("Cloning into %s using %s..." % (repo_name, VCS_HUMAN_READABLE[vcs]))
90    while True:
91        dest = None
92        if not no_interactive:
93            dest = input(
94                "Destination directory for clone (leave empty to use "
95                "default destination of %s): " % repo_name
96            ).strip()
97        if not dest:
98            dest = repo_name
99        dest = validate_clone_dest(os.path.expanduser(dest))
100        if dest:
101            return dest
102        if no_interactive:
103            return None
106def hg_clone_firefox(hg, dest):
107    # We create an empty repo then modify the config before adding data.
108    # This is necessary to ensure storage settings are optimally
109    # configured.
110    args = [
111        hg,
112        # The unified repo is generaldelta, so ensure the client is as
113        # well.
114        "--config",
115        "format.generaldelta=true",
116        "init",
117        dest,
118    ]
119    res = subprocess.call(args)
120    if res:
121        print("unable to create destination repo; please try cloning manually")
122        return None
124    # Strictly speaking, this could overwrite a config based on a template
125    # the user has installed. Let's pretend this problem doesn't exist
126    # unless someone complains about it.
127    with open(os.path.join(dest, ".hg", "hgrc"), "a") as fh:
128        fh.write("[paths]\n")
129        fh.write("default = https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified\n")
130        fh.write("\n")
132        # The server uses aggressivemergedeltas which can blow up delta chain
133        # length. This can cause performance to tank due to delta chains being
134        # too long. Limit the delta chain length to something reasonable
135        # to bound revlog read time.
136        fh.write("[format]\n")
137        fh.write("# This is necessary to keep performance in check\n")
138        fh.write("maxchainlen = 10000\n")
140    res = subprocess.call(
141        [hg, "pull", "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified"], cwd=dest
142    )
143    print("")
144    if res:
145        print(CLONE_MERCURIAL_PULL_FAIL % dest)
146        return None
148    print('updating to "central" - the development head of Gecko and Firefox')
149    res = subprocess.call([hg, "update", "-r", "central"], cwd=dest)
150    if res:
151        print(
152            "error updating; you will need to `cd %s && hg update -r central` "
153            "manually" % dest
154        )
155    return dest
158def git_clone_firefox(git, dest, watchman):
159    tempdir = None
160    cinnabar = None
161    env = dict(os.environ)
162    try:
163        cinnabar = which("git-cinnabar")
164        if not cinnabar:
165            cinnabar_url = (
166                "https://github.com/glandium/git-cinnabar/archive/" "master.zip"
167            )
168            # If git-cinnabar isn't installed already, that's fine; we can
169            # download a temporary copy. `mach bootstrap` will clone a full copy
170            # of the repo in the state dir; we don't want to copy all that logic
171            # to this tiny bootstrapping script.
172            tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
173            with open(os.path.join(tempdir, "git-cinnabar.zip"), mode="w+b") as archive:
174                with urlopen(cinnabar_url) as repo:
175                    shutil.copyfileobj(repo, archive)
176                archive.seek(0)
177                with zipfile.ZipFile(archive) as zipf:
178                    zipf.extractall(path=tempdir)
179            cinnabar_dir = os.path.join(tempdir, "git-cinnabar-master")
180            cinnabar = os.path.join(cinnabar_dir, "git-cinnabar")
181            # Make git-cinnabar and git-remote-hg executable.
182            st = os.stat(cinnabar)
183            os.chmod(cinnabar, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
184            st = os.stat(os.path.join(cinnabar_dir, "git-remote-hg"))
185            os.chmod(
186                os.path.join(cinnabar_dir, "git-remote-hg"), st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC
187            )
188            env["PATH"] = cinnabar_dir + os.pathsep + env["PATH"]
189            subprocess.check_call(
190                ["git", "cinnabar", "download"], cwd=cinnabar_dir, env=env
191            )
192            print(
193                "WARNING! git-cinnabar is required for Firefox development  "
194                "with git. After the clone is complete, the bootstrapper "
195                "will ask if you would like to configure git; answer yes, "
196                "and be sure to add git-cinnabar to your PATH according to "
197                "the bootstrapper output."
198            )
200        # We're guaranteed to have `git-cinnabar` installed now.
201        # Configure git per the git-cinnabar requirements.
202        subprocess.check_call(
203            [
204                git,
205                "clone",
206                "-b",
207                "bookmarks/central",
208                "hg::https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified",
209                dest,
210            ],
211            env=env,
212        )
213        subprocess.check_call([git, "config", "fetch.prune", "true"], cwd=dest, env=env)
214        subprocess.check_call([git, "config", "pull.ff", "only"], cwd=dest, env=env)
216        watchman_sample = os.path.join(dest, ".git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample")
217        # Older versions of git didn't include fsmonitor-watchman.sample.
218        if watchman and os.path.exists(watchman_sample):
219            print("Configuring watchman")
220            watchman_config = os.path.join(dest, ".git/hooks/query-watchman")
221            if not os.path.exists(watchman_config):
222                print("Copying %s to %s" % (watchman_sample, watchman_config))
223                copy_args = [
224                    "cp",
225                    ".git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample",
226                    ".git/hooks/query-watchman",
227                ]
228                subprocess.check_call(copy_args, cwd=dest)
230            config_args = [git, "config", "core.fsmonitor", ".git/hooks/query-watchman"]
231            subprocess.check_call(config_args, cwd=dest, env=env)
232        return dest
233    finally:
234        if not cinnabar:
235            print(
236                "Failed to install git-cinnabar. Try performing a manual "
237                "installation: https://github.com/glandium/git-cinnabar/wiki/"
238                "Mozilla:-A-git-workflow-for-Gecko-development"
239            )
240        if tempdir:
241            shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
244def clone(vcs, no_interactive):
245    hg = which("hg")
246    if not hg:
247        print(
248            "Mercurial is not installed. Mercurial is required to clone "
249            "Firefox%s." % (", even when cloning with Git" if vcs == "git" else "")
250        )
251        try:
252            # We're going to recommend people install the Mercurial package with
253            # pip3. That will work if `pip3` installs binaries to a location
254            # that's in the PATH, but it might not be. To help out, if we CAN
255            # import "mercurial" (in which case it's already been installed),
256            # offer that as a solution.
257            import mercurial  # noqa: F401
259            print(
260                "Hint: have you made sure that Mercurial is installed to a "
261                "location in your PATH?"
262            )
263        except ImportError:
264            print("Try installing hg with `pip3 install Mercurial`.")
265        return None
266    if vcs == "hg":
267        binary = hg
268    else:
269        binary = which(vcs)
270        if not binary:
271            print("Git is not installed.")
272            print("Try installing git using your system package manager.")
273            return None
275    dest = input_clone_dest(vcs, no_interactive)
276    if not dest:
277        return None
279    print("Cloning Firefox %s repository to %s" % (VCS_HUMAN_READABLE[vcs], dest))
280    if vcs == "hg":
281        return hg_clone_firefox(binary, dest)
282    else:
283        watchman = which("watchman")
284        return git_clone_firefox(binary, dest, watchman)
287def bootstrap(srcdir, application_choice, no_interactive, no_system_changes):
288    args = [sys.executable, os.path.join(srcdir, "mach")]
290    if no_interactive:
291        # --no-interactive is a global argument, not a command argument,
292        # so it needs to be specified before "bootstrap" is appended.
293        args += ["--no-interactive"]
295    args += ["bootstrap"]
297    if application_choice:
298        args += ["--application-choice", application_choice]
299    if no_system_changes:
300        args += ["--no-system-changes"]
302    print("Running `%s`" % " ".join(args))
303    return subprocess.call(args, cwd=srcdir)
306def main(args):
307    parser = OptionParser()
308    parser.add_option(
309        "--application-choice",
310        dest="application_choice",
311        help='Pass in an application choice (see "APPLICATIONS" in '
312        "python/mozboot/mozboot/bootstrap.py) instead of using the "
313        "default interactive prompt.",
314    )
315    parser.add_option(
316        "--vcs",
317        dest="vcs",
318        default="hg",
319        choices=["git", "hg"],
320        help="VCS (hg or git) to use for downloading the source code, "
321        "instead of using the default interactive prompt.",
322    )
323    parser.add_option(
324        "--no-interactive",
325        dest="no_interactive",
326        action="store_true",
327        help="Answer yes to any (Y/n) interactive prompts.",
328    )
329    parser.add_option(
330        "--no-system-changes",
331        dest="no_system_changes",
332        action="store_true",
333        help="Only executes actions that leave the system " "configuration alone.",
334    )
336    options, leftover = parser.parse_args(args)
338    try:
339        srcdir = clone(options.vcs, options.no_interactive)
340        if not srcdir:
341            return 1
342        print("Clone complete.")
343        return bootstrap(
344            srcdir,
345            options.application_choice,
346            options.no_interactive,
347            options.no_system_changes,
348        )
349    except Exception:
350        print("Could not bootstrap Firefox! Consider filing a bug.")
351        raise
354if __name__ == "__main__":
355    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))