1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
7from collections import defaultdict
8from copy import deepcopy
9import glob
10import json
11import os
12import six
13import subprocess
14import sys
16from mozbuild.backend.base import BuildBackend
17import mozpack.path as mozpath
18from mozbuild.frontend.sandbox import alphabetical_sorted
19from mozbuild.frontend.data import GnProjectData
20from mozbuild.util import expand_variables, mkdir
23license_header = """# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
24# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
25# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
28generated_header = """
29  ### This moz.build was AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED from a GN config,  ###
30  ### DO NOT edit it by hand.                                       ###
34class MozbuildWriter(object):
35    def __init__(self, fh):
36        self._fh = fh
37        self.indent = ""
38        self._indent_increment = 4
40        # We need to correlate a small amount of state here to figure out
41        # which library template to use ("Library()" or "SharedLibrary()")
42        self._library_name = None
43        self._shared_library = None
45    def mb_serialize(self, v):
46        if isinstance(v, (bool, list)):
47            return repr(v)
48        return '"%s"' % v
50    def finalize(self):
51        if self._library_name:
52            self.write("\n")
53            if self._shared_library:
54                self.write_ln(
55                    "SharedLibrary(%s)" % self.mb_serialize(self._library_name)
56                )
57            else:
58                self.write_ln("Library(%s)" % self.mb_serialize(self._library_name))
60    def write(self, content):
61        self._fh.write(content)
63    def write_ln(self, line):
64        self.write(self.indent)
65        self.write(line)
66        self.write("\n")
68    def write_attrs(self, context_attrs):
69        for k in sorted(context_attrs.keys()):
70            v = context_attrs[k]
71            if isinstance(v, (list, set)):
72                self.write_mozbuild_list(k, v)
73            elif isinstance(v, dict):
74                self.write_mozbuild_dict(k, v)
75            else:
76                self.write_mozbuild_value(k, v)
78    def write_mozbuild_list(self, key, value):
79        if value:
80            self.write("\n")
81            self.write(self.indent + key)
82            self.write(" += [\n    " + self.indent)
83            self.write(
84                (",\n    " + self.indent).join(
85                    alphabetical_sorted(self.mb_serialize(v) for v in value)
86                )
87            )
88            self.write("\n")
89            self.write_ln("]")
91    def write_mozbuild_value(self, key, value):
92        if value:
93            if key == "LIBRARY_NAME":
94                self._library_name = value
95            elif key == "FORCE_SHARED_LIB":
96                self._shared_library = True
97            else:
98                self.write("\n")
99                self.write_ln("%s = %s" % (key, self.mb_serialize(value)))
100                self.write("\n")
102    def write_mozbuild_dict(self, key, value):
103        # Templates we need to use instead of certain values.
104        replacements = (
105            (
106                ("COMPILE_FLAGS", '"WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS"', "[]"),
107                "AllowCompilerWarnings()",
108            ),
109        )
110        if value:
111            self.write("\n")
112            for k in sorted(value.keys()):
113                v = value[k]
114                subst_vals = key, self.mb_serialize(k), self.mb_serialize(v)
115                wrote_ln = False
116                for flags, tmpl in replacements:
117                    if subst_vals == flags:
118                        self.write_ln(tmpl)
119                        wrote_ln = True
121                if not wrote_ln:
122                    self.write_ln("%s[%s] = %s" % subst_vals)
124    def write_condition(self, values):
125        def mk_condition(k, v):
126            if not v:
127                return 'not CONFIG["%s"]' % k
128            return 'CONFIG["%s"] == %s' % (k, self.mb_serialize(v))
130        self.write("\n")
131        self.write("if ")
132        self.write(
133            " and ".join(mk_condition(k, values[k]) for k in sorted(values.keys()))
134        )
135        self.write(":\n")
136        self.indent += " " * self._indent_increment
138    def terminate_condition(self):
139        assert len(self.indent) >= self._indent_increment
140        self.indent = self.indent[self._indent_increment :]
143def find_deps(all_targets, target):
144    all_deps = set([target])
145    for dep in all_targets[target]["deps"]:
146        if dep not in all_deps:
147            all_deps |= find_deps(all_targets, dep)
148    return all_deps
151def filter_gn_config(gn_result, config, sandbox_vars, input_vars, gn_target):
152    # Translates the raw output of gn into just what we'll need to generate a
153    # mozbuild configuration.
154    gn_out = {"targets": {}, "sandbox_vars": sandbox_vars, "gn_gen_args": input_vars}
156    gn_mozbuild_vars = ("MOZ_DEBUG", "OS_TARGET", "HOST_CPU_ARCH", "CPU_ARCH")
158    mozbuild_args = {k: config.substs.get(k) for k in gn_mozbuild_vars}
159    gn_out["mozbuild_args"] = mozbuild_args
160    all_deps = find_deps(gn_result["targets"], gn_target)
162    for target_fullname in all_deps:
163        raw_spec = gn_result["targets"][target_fullname]
165        # TODO: 'executable' will need to be handled here at some point as well.
166        if raw_spec["type"] not in ("static_library", "shared_library", "source_set"):
167            continue
169        spec = {}
170        for spec_attr in (
171            "type",
172            "sources",
173            "defines",
174            "include_dirs",
175            "cflags",
176            "deps",
177            "libs",
178        ):
179            spec[spec_attr] = raw_spec.get(spec_attr, [])
180            gn_out["targets"][target_fullname] = spec
182    return gn_out
185def process_gn_config(
186    gn_config, srcdir, config, output, non_unified_sources, sandbox_vars, mozilla_flags
188    # Translates a json gn config into attributes that can be used to write out
189    # moz.build files for this configuration.
191    # Much of this code is based on similar functionality in `gyp_reader.py`.
193    mozbuild_attrs = {"mozbuild_args": gn_config.get("mozbuild_args", None), "dirs": {}}
195    targets = gn_config["targets"]
197    project_relsrcdir = mozpath.relpath(srcdir, config.topsrcdir)
199    non_unified_sources = set([mozpath.normpath(s) for s in non_unified_sources])
201    def target_info(fullname):
202        path, name = target_fullname.split(":")
203        # Stripping '//' gives us a path relative to the project root,
204        # adding a suffix avoids name collisions with libraries already
205        # in the tree (like "webrtc").
206        return path.lstrip("//"), name + "_gn"
208    # Process all targets from the given gn project and its dependencies.
209    for target_fullname, spec in six.iteritems(targets):
211        target_path, target_name = target_info(target_fullname)
212        context_attrs = {}
214        # Remove leading 'lib' from the target_name if any, and use as
215        # library name.
216        name = target_name
217        if spec["type"] in ("static_library", "shared_library", "source_set"):
218            if name.startswith("lib"):
219                name = name[3:]
220            context_attrs["LIBRARY_NAME"] = six.ensure_text(name)
221        else:
222            raise Exception(
223                "The following GN target type is not currently "
224                'consumed by moz.build: "%s". It may need to be '
225                "added, or you may need to re-run the "
226                "`GnConfigGen` step." % spec["type"]
227            )
229        if spec["type"] == "shared_library":
230            context_attrs["FORCE_SHARED_LIB"] = True
232        sources = []
233        unified_sources = []
234        extensions = set()
235        use_defines_in_asflags = False
237        for f in spec.get("sources", []):
238            f = f.lstrip("//")
239            ext = mozpath.splitext(f)[-1]
240            extensions.add(ext)
241            src = "%s/%s" % (project_relsrcdir, f)
242            if ext == ".h":
243                continue
244            elif ext == ".def":
245                context_attrs["SYMBOLS_FILE"] = src
246            elif ext != ".S" and src not in non_unified_sources:
247                unified_sources.append("/%s" % src)
248            else:
249                sources.append("/%s" % src)
250            # The Mozilla build system doesn't use DEFINES for building
251            # ASFILES.
252            if ext == ".s":
253                use_defines_in_asflags = True
255        context_attrs["SOURCES"] = sources
256        context_attrs["UNIFIED_SOURCES"] = unified_sources
258        context_attrs["DEFINES"] = {}
259        for define in spec.get("defines", []):
260            if "=" in define:
261                name, value = define.split("=", 1)
262                context_attrs["DEFINES"][name] = value
263            else:
264                context_attrs["DEFINES"][define] = True
266        context_attrs["LOCAL_INCLUDES"] = []
267        for include in spec.get("include_dirs", []):
268            # GN will have resolved all these paths relative to the root of
269            # the project indicated by "//".
270            if include.startswith("//"):
271                include = include[2:]
272            # moz.build expects all LOCAL_INCLUDES to exist, so ensure they do.
273            if include.startswith("/"):
274                resolved = mozpath.abspath(mozpath.join(config.topsrcdir, include[1:]))
275            else:
276                resolved = mozpath.abspath(mozpath.join(srcdir, include))
277            if not os.path.exists(resolved):
278                # GN files may refer to include dirs that are outside of the
279                # tree or we simply didn't vendor. Print a warning in this case.
280                if not resolved.endswith("gn-output/gen"):
281                    print(
282                        "Included path: '%s' does not exist, dropping include from GN "
283                        "configuration." % resolved,
284                        file=sys.stderr,
285                    )
286                continue
287            if not include.startswith("/"):
288                include = "/%s/%s" % (project_relsrcdir, include)
289            context_attrs["LOCAL_INCLUDES"] += [include]
291        context_attrs["ASFLAGS"] = spec.get("asflags_mozilla", [])
292        if use_defines_in_asflags and context_attrs["DEFINES"]:
293            context_attrs["ASFLAGS"] += ["-D" + d for d in context_attrs["DEFINES"]]
294        flags = [_f for _f in spec.get("cflags", []) if _f in mozilla_flags]
295        if flags:
296            suffix_map = {
297                ".c": "CFLAGS",
298                ".cpp": "CXXFLAGS",
299                ".cc": "CXXFLAGS",
300                ".m": "CMFLAGS",
301                ".mm": "CMMFLAGS",
302            }
303            variables = (suffix_map[e] for e in extensions if e in suffix_map)
304            for var in variables:
305                for f in flags:
306                    # We may be getting make variable references out of the
307                    # gn data, and we don't want those in emitted data, so
308                    # substitute them with their actual value.
309                    f = expand_variables(f, config.substs).split()
310                    if not f:
311                        continue
312                    # the result may be a string or a list.
313                    if isinstance(f, six.string_types):
314                        context_attrs.setdefault(var, []).append(f)
315                    else:
316                        context_attrs.setdefault(var, []).extend(f)
318        context_attrs["OS_LIBS"] = []
319        for lib in spec.get("libs", []):
320            lib_name = os.path.splitext(lib)[0]
321            if lib.endswith(".framework"):
322                context_attrs["OS_LIBS"] += ["-framework " + lib_name]
323            else:
324                context_attrs["OS_LIBS"] += [lib_name]
326        # Add some features to all contexts. Put here in case LOCAL_INCLUDES
327        # order matters.
328        context_attrs["LOCAL_INCLUDES"] += [
329            "!/ipc/ipdl/_ipdlheaders",
330            "/ipc/chromium/src",
331            "/ipc/glue",
332            "/tools/profiler/public",
333        ]
334        # These get set via VC project file settings for normal GYP builds.
335        # TODO: Determine if these defines are needed for GN builds.
336        if gn_config["mozbuild_args"]["OS_TARGET"] == "WINNT":
337            context_attrs["DEFINES"]["UNICODE"] = True
338            context_attrs["DEFINES"]["_UNICODE"] = True
340        context_attrs["COMPILE_FLAGS"] = {"OS_INCLUDES": []}
342        for key, value in sandbox_vars.items():
343            if context_attrs.get(key) and isinstance(context_attrs[key], list):
344                # If we have a key from sandbox_vars that's also been
345                # populated here we use the value from sandbox_vars as our
346                # basis rather than overriding outright.
347                context_attrs[key] = value + context_attrs[key]
348            elif context_attrs.get(key) and isinstance(context_attrs[key], dict):
349                context_attrs[key].update(value)
350            else:
351                context_attrs[key] = value
353        target_relsrcdir = mozpath.join(project_relsrcdir, target_path, target_name)
354        mozbuild_attrs["dirs"][target_relsrcdir] = context_attrs
356    return mozbuild_attrs
359def find_common_attrs(config_attributes):
360    # Returns the intersection of the given configs and prunes the inputs
361    # to no longer contain these common attributes.
363    common_attrs = deepcopy(config_attributes[0])
365    def make_intersection(reference, input_attrs):
366        # Modifies `reference` so that after calling this function it only
367        # contains parts it had in common with in `input_attrs`.
369        for k, input_value in input_attrs.items():
370            # Anything in `input_attrs` must match what's already in
371            # `reference`.
372            common_value = reference.get(k)
373            if common_value:
374                if isinstance(input_value, list):
375                    reference[k] = [
376                        i
377                        for i in common_value
378                        if input_value.count(i) == common_value.count(i)
379                    ]
380                elif isinstance(input_value, dict):
381                    reference[k] = {
382                        key: value
383                        for key, value in common_value.items()
384                        if key in input_value and value == input_value[key]
385                    }
386                elif input_value != common_value:
387                    del reference[k]
388            elif k in reference:
389                del reference[k]
391        # Additionally, any keys in `reference` that aren't in `input_attrs`
392        # must be deleted.
393        for k in set(reference.keys()) - set(input_attrs.keys()):
394            del reference[k]
396    def make_difference(reference, input_attrs):
397        # Modifies `input_attrs` so that after calling this function it contains
398        # no parts it has in common with in `reference`.
399        for k, input_value in list(six.iteritems(input_attrs)):
400            common_value = reference.get(k)
401            if common_value:
402                if isinstance(input_value, list):
403                    input_attrs[k] = [
404                        i
405                        for i in input_value
406                        if common_value.count(i) != input_value.count(i)
407                    ]
408                elif isinstance(input_value, dict):
409                    input_attrs[k] = {
410                        key: value
411                        for key, value in input_value.items()
412                        if key not in common_value
413                    }
414                else:
415                    del input_attrs[k]
417    for config_attr_set in config_attributes[1:]:
418        make_intersection(common_attrs, config_attr_set)
420    for config_attr_set in config_attributes:
421        make_difference(common_attrs, config_attr_set)
423    return common_attrs
426def write_mozbuild(
427    config,
428    srcdir,
429    output,
430    non_unified_sources,
431    gn_config_files,
432    mozilla_flags,
433    write_mozbuild_variables,
436    all_mozbuild_results = []
438    for path in sorted(gn_config_files):
439        with open(path, "r") as fh:
440            gn_config = json.load(fh)
441            mozbuild_attrs = process_gn_config(
442                gn_config,
443                srcdir,
444                config,
445                output,
446                non_unified_sources,
447                gn_config["sandbox_vars"],
448                mozilla_flags,
449            )
450            all_mozbuild_results.append(mozbuild_attrs)
452    # Translate {config -> {dirs -> build info}} into
453    #           {dirs -> [(config, build_info)]}
454    configs_by_dir = defaultdict(list)
455    for config_attrs in all_mozbuild_results:
456        mozbuild_args = config_attrs["mozbuild_args"]
457        dirs = config_attrs["dirs"]
458        for d, build_data in dirs.items():
459            configs_by_dir[d].append((mozbuild_args, build_data))
461    for relsrcdir, configs in sorted(configs_by_dir.items()):
462        target_srcdir = mozpath.join(config.topsrcdir, relsrcdir)
463        mkdir(target_srcdir)
465        target_mozbuild = mozpath.join(target_srcdir, "moz.build")
466        with open(target_mozbuild, "w") as fh:
467            mb = MozbuildWriter(fh)
468            mb.write(license_header)
469            mb.write("\n")
470            mb.write(generated_header)
472            try:
473                if relsrcdir in write_mozbuild_variables["INCLUDE_TK_CFLAGS_DIRS"]:
474                    mb.write('if CONFIG["MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT"] == "gtk":\n')
475                    mb.write('    CXXFLAGS += CONFIG["TK_CFLAGS"]\n')
476            except KeyError:
477                pass
479            all_args = [args for args, _ in configs]
481            # Start with attributes that will be a part of the mozconfig
482            # for every configuration, then factor by other potentially useful
483            # combinations.
484            for attrs in (
485                (),
486                ("MOZ_DEBUG",),
487                ("OS_TARGET",),
488                ("CPU_ARCH",),
489                ("MOZ_DEBUG", "OS_TARGET"),
490                ("OS_TARGET", "CPU_ARCH"),
491                ("OS_TARGET", "CPU_ARCH", "MOZ_DEBUG"),
492                ("MOZ_DEBUG", "OS_TARGET", "CPU_ARCH", "HOST_CPU_ARCH"),
493            ):
494                conditions = set()
495                for args in all_args:
496                    cond = tuple(((k, args.get(k) or "") for k in attrs))
497                    conditions.add(cond)
499                for cond in sorted(conditions):
500                    common_attrs = find_common_attrs(
501                        [
502                            attrs
503                            for args, attrs in configs
504                            if all((args.get(k) or "") == v for k, v in cond)
505                        ]
506                    )
507                    if any(common_attrs.values()):
508                        if cond:
509                            mb.write_condition(dict(cond))
510                        mb.write_attrs(common_attrs)
511                        if cond:
512                            mb.terminate_condition()
514            mb.finalize()
516    dirs_mozbuild = mozpath.join(srcdir, "moz.build")
517    with open(dirs_mozbuild, "w") as fh:
518        mb = MozbuildWriter(fh)
519        mb.write(license_header)
520        mb.write("\n")
521        mb.write(generated_header)
523        # Not every srcdir is present for every config, which needs to be
524        # reflected in the generated root moz.build.
525        dirs_by_config = {
526            tuple(v["mozbuild_args"].items()): set(v["dirs"].keys())
527            for v in all_mozbuild_results
528        }
530        for attrs in ((), ("OS_TARGET",), ("OS_TARGET", "CPU_ARCH")):
532            conditions = set()
533            for args in dirs_by_config.keys():
534                cond = tuple(((k, dict(args).get(k) or "") for k in attrs))
535                conditions.add(cond)
537            for cond in sorted(conditions):
538                common_dirs = None
539                for args, dir_set in dirs_by_config.items():
540                    if all((dict(args).get(k) or "") == v for k, v in cond):
541                        if common_dirs is None:
542                            common_dirs = deepcopy(dir_set)
543                        else:
544                            common_dirs &= dir_set
546                for args, dir_set in dirs_by_config.items():
547                    if all(dict(args).get(k) == v for k, v in cond):
548                        dir_set -= common_dirs
550                if common_dirs:
551                    if cond:
552                        mb.write_condition(dict(cond))
553                    mb.write_mozbuild_list("DIRS", ["/%s" % d for d in common_dirs])
554                    if cond:
555                        mb.terminate_condition()
558def generate_gn_config(
559    config,
560    srcdir,
561    output,
562    non_unified_sources,
563    gn_binary,
564    input_variables,
565    sandbox_variables,
566    gn_target,
568    def str_for_arg(v):
569        if v in (True, False):
570            return str(v).lower()
571        return '"%s"' % v
573    gn_args = "--args=%s" % " ".join(
574        ["%s=%s" % (k, str_for_arg(v)) for k, v in six.iteritems(input_variables)]
575    )
576    gn_arg_string = "_".join(
577        [str(input_variables[k]) for k in sorted(input_variables.keys())]
578    )
579    out_dir = mozpath.join(output, "gn-output")
580    gen_args = [config.substs["GN"], "gen", out_dir, gn_args, "--ide=json"]
581    print('Running "%s"' % " ".join(gen_args), file=sys.stderr)
582    subprocess.check_call(gen_args, cwd=srcdir, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
584    gn_config_file = mozpath.join(out_dir, "project.json")
586    with open(gn_config_file, "r") as fh:
587        gn_out = json.load(fh)
588        gn_out = filter_gn_config(
589            gn_out, config, sandbox_variables, input_variables, gn_target
590        )
592    os.remove(gn_config_file)
594    gn_out_file = mozpath.join(out_dir, gn_arg_string + ".json")
595    with open(gn_out_file, "w") as fh:
596        json.dump(gn_out, fh, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ": "))
597    print("Wrote gn config to %s" % gn_out_file)
600class GnConfigGenBackend(BuildBackend):
601    def consume_object(self, obj):
602        if isinstance(obj, GnProjectData):
603            gn_binary = obj.config.substs.get("GN")
604            if not gn_binary:
605                raise Exception(
606                    "The GN program must be present to generate GN configs."
607                )
609            generate_gn_config(
610                obj.config,
611                mozpath.join(obj.srcdir, obj.target_dir),
612                mozpath.join(obj.objdir, obj.target_dir),
613                obj.non_unified_sources,
614                gn_binary,
615                obj.gn_input_variables,
616                obj.gn_sandbox_variables,
617                obj.gn_target,
618            )
619        return True
621    def consume_finished(self):
622        pass
625class GnMozbuildWriterBackend(BuildBackend):
626    def consume_object(self, obj):
627        if isinstance(obj, GnProjectData):
628            gn_config_files = glob.glob(
629                mozpath.join(obj.srcdir, "gn-configs", "*.json")
630            )
631            if not gn_config_files:
632                # Check the objdir for a gn-config in to aide debugging in cases
633                # someone is running both steps on the same machine and want to
634                # sanity check moz.build generation for a particular config.
635                gn_config_files = glob.glob(
636                    mozpath.join(obj.objdir, obj.target_dir, "gn-output", "*.json")
637                )
638            if gn_config_files:
639                print(
640                    "Writing moz.build files based on the following gn configs: %s"
641                    % gn_config_files
642                )
643                write_mozbuild(
644                    obj.config,
645                    mozpath.join(obj.srcdir, obj.target_dir),
646                    mozpath.join(obj.objdir, obj.target_dir),
647                    obj.non_unified_sources,
648                    gn_config_files,
649                    obj.mozilla_flags,
650                    obj.write_mozbuild_variables,
651                )
652            else:
653                print(
654                    "Ignoring gn project '%s', no config files found in '%s'"
655                    % (obj.srcdir, mozpath.join(obj.srcdir, "gn-configs"))
656                )
657        return True
659    def consume_finished(self):
660        pass