2;+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3;+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4;+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6;+# OK, this file is meant to support SUN, LINUX, AIX and WINDOWS
7;+#   1. For all unix platforms, the string ";-"  means "remove this line"
8;+#   2. For all unix platforms, the string " DATA " will be removed from any
9;+#	line on which it occurs.
10;+#   3. Lines containing ";+" will have ";+" removed on SUN and LINUX.
11;+#      On AIX, lines containing ";+" will be removed.
12;+#   4. For all unix platforms, the string ";;" will thave the ";;" removed.
13;+#   5. For all unix platforms, after the above processing has taken place,
14;+#    all characters after the first ";" on the line will be removed.
15;+#    And for AIX, the first ";" will also be removed.
16;+#  This file is passed directly to windows. Since ';' is a comment, all UNIX
17;+#   directives are hidden behind ";", ";+", and ";-"
19;+NSSprivate_3.11 {               # NSS 3.11 release
20;+    global:
21LIBRARY freebl3 ;-
24;+    local:
25;+       *;