1 use cbor::CborType;
3 /// Sig_structure is a CBOR array:
4 ///
5 /// Sig_structure = [
6 ///   context : "Signature" / "Signature1" / "CounterSignature",
7 ///   body_protected : empty_or_serialized_map,
8 ///   ? sign_protected : empty_or_serialized_map,
9 ///   external_aad : bstr,
10 ///   payload : bstr
11 /// ]
12 ///
13 /// In this case, the context is "Signature". There is no external_aad, so this defaults to a
14 /// zero-length bstr.
get_sig_struct_bytes( protected_body_header_serialized: CborType, protected_signature_header_serialized: CborType, payload: &[u8], ) -> Vec<u8>15 pub fn get_sig_struct_bytes(
16     protected_body_header_serialized: CborType,
17     protected_signature_header_serialized: CborType,
18     payload: &[u8],
19 ) -> Vec<u8> {
20     let sig_structure_array: Vec<CborType> = vec![CborType::String(String::from("Signature")),
21                                                   protected_body_header_serialized,
22                                                   protected_signature_header_serialized,
23                                                   CborType::Null,
24                                                   CborType::Bytes(payload.to_vec())];
26     CborType::Array(sig_structure_array).serialize()
27 }