1 // Any copyright to the test code below is dedicated to the Public Domain.
2 // http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
4 use mapped_hyph::Hyphenator;
6 #[test]
basic_tests()7 fn basic_tests() {
8     let dic_path = "hyph_en_US.hyf";
9     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
10         Some(dic) => dic,
11         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
12     };
13     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
14     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("haha", '-'), "haha");
15     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("hahaha", '-'), "ha-haha");
16     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("photo", '-'), "photo");
17     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("photograph", '-'), "pho-to-graph");
18     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("photographer", '-'), "pho-tog-ra-pher");
19     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("photographic", '-'), "pho-to-graphic");
20     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("photographical", '-'), "pho-to-graph-i-cal");
21     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("photographically", '-'), "pho-to-graph-i-cally");
22     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", '-'), "su-per-cal-ifrag-ilis-tic-ex-pi-ali-do-cious");
23 }
25 // Testcases adapted from tests included with libhyphen.
26 // (Using only the UTF-8 dictionaries/tests, and omitting those that require
27 // the extended hyphenation algorithm.)
29 #[test]
base()30 fn base() {
31     let dic_path = "tests/base.hyf";
32     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
33         Some(dic) => dic,
34         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
35     };
36     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
37     use std::fs::File;
38     use std::io::{BufRead,BufReader};
39     let words: Vec<String> = {
40         let file = File::open("tests/base.word").unwrap();
41         BufReader::new(file).lines().map(|l| l.unwrap()).collect()
42     };
43     let hyphs: Vec<String> = {
44         let file = File::open("tests/base.hyph").unwrap();
45         BufReader::new(file).lines().map(|l| l.unwrap()).collect()
46     };
47     for i in 0 .. words.len() {
48         assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word(&words[i], '='), hyphs[i]);
49     }
50 }
52 #[test]
compound()53 fn compound() {
54     let dic_path = "tests/compound.hyf";
55     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
56         Some(dic) => dic,
57         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
58     };
59     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
60     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("motorcycle", '-'), "mo-tor-cy-cle");
61 }
63 #[test]
compound4()64 fn compound4() {
65     let dic_path = "tests/compound4.hyf";
66     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
67         Some(dic) => dic,
68         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
69     };
70     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
71     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("motorcycle", '-'), "motor-cycle");
72 }
74 #[test]
compound5()75 fn compound5() {
76     let dic_path = "tests/compound5.hyf";
77     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
78         Some(dic) => dic,
79         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
80     };
81     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
82     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("postea", '-'), "post-e-a");
83 }
85 #[test]
compound6()86 fn compound6() {
87     let dic_path = "tests/compound6.hyf";
88     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
89         Some(dic) => dic,
90         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
91     };
92     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
93     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("meaque", '-'), "me-a-que");
94 }
96 #[test]
settings2()97 fn settings2() {
98     let dic_path = "tests/settings2.hyf";
99     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
100         Some(dic) => dic,
101         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
102     };
103     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
104     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("őőőőőőő", '='), "ő=ő=ő=ő=ő=ő=ő");
105 }
107 #[test]
settings3()108 fn settings3() {
109     let dic_path = "tests/settings3.hyf";
110     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
111         Some(dic) => dic,
112         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
113     };
114     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
115     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("őőőőőőő", '='), "őő=ő=ő=ő=őő");
116 }
118 #[test]
hyphen()119 fn hyphen() {
120     let dic_path = "tests/hyphen.hyf";
121     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
122         Some(dic) => dic,
123         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
124     };
125     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
126     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("foobar'foobar-foobar’foobar", '='), "foobar'foobar-foobar’foobar");
127 }
129 #[test]
lhmin()130 fn lhmin() {
131     let dic_path = "tests/lhmin.hyf";
132     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
133         Some(dic) => dic,
134         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
135     };
136     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
137     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("miért", '='), "mi=ért");
138 }
140 #[test]
rhmin()141 fn rhmin() {
142     let dic_path = "tests/rhmin.hyf";
143     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
144         Some(dic) => dic,
145         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
146     };
147     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
148     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("övéit", '='), "övéit");
149     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("అంగడిధర", '='), "అం=గ=డిధర");
150 }
152 #[test]
num()153 fn num() {
154     let dic_path = "tests/num.hyf";
155     let dic = match unsafe { mapped_hyph::load_file(dic_path) } {
156         Some(dic) => dic,
157         _ => panic!("failed to load dictionary {}", dic_path),
158     };
159     let hyph = Hyphenator::new(&*dic);
160     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("foobar", '='), "foobar");
161     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("foobarfoobar", '='), "foobar=foobar");
162     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("barfoobarfoo", '='), "barfoo=barfoo");
163     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("123foobarfoobar", '='), "123foobar=foobar");
164     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("foobarfoobar123", '='), "foobar=foobar123");
165     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("123foobarfoobar123", '='), "123foobar=foobar123");
166     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("123barfoobarfoo", '='), "123barfoo=barfoo");
167     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("barfoobarfoo123", '='), "barfoo=barfoo123");
168     assert_eq!(hyph.hyphenate_word("123barfoobarfoo123", '='), "123barfoo=barfoo123");
169 }