1 /* Copyright (C) 2016 Erik Quaeghebeur <trojita@equaeghe.nospammail.net>
3    This file is part of the Trojita Qt IMAP e-mail client,
4    http://trojita.flaska.net/
6    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
8    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
9    the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
10    accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
11    by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
12    defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
14    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 */
23 #include <QTest>
24 #include "test_prettySize.h"
26 #include "UiUtils/Formatting.h"
28 /** @short Test correctness of pretty sizes generated */
testPrettySize()29 void PrettySizeTest::testPrettySize()
30 {
31     QFETCH(quint64, bytes);
32     QFETCH(QString, formatted);
34     QCOMPARE(UiUtils::Formatting::prettySize(bytes), formatted);
35 }
testPrettySize_data()37 void PrettySizeTest::testPrettySize_data()
38 {
39     QTest::addColumn<quint64>("bytes");
40     QTest::addColumn<QString>("formatted");
42     QTest::newRow("order 0, magnitude 0, zero") << Q_UINT64_C(0)
43                                                 << "0 B";
44     QTest::newRow("order 0, magnitude 0") << Q_UINT64_C(1)
45                                           << "1 B";
46     QTest::newRow("order 0, magnitude 1") << Q_UINT64_C(12)
47                                           << "12 B";
48     QTest::newRow("order 0, magnitude 2") << Q_UINT64_C(123)
49                                           << "123 B";
51     QTest::newRow("order 1, magnitude 0, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(1234)
52                                                       << "1.23 kB";
53     QTest::newRow("order 1, magnitude 0, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(1236)
54                                                     << "1.24 kB";
55     QTest::newRow("order 1, magnitude 1, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(12345)
56                                                       << "12.3 kB";
57     QTest::newRow("order 1, magnitude 1, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(12365)
58                                                     << "12.4 kB";
59     QTest::newRow("order 1, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(123456)
60                                                       << "123 kB";
61     QTest::newRow("order 1, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(123654)
62                                                     << "124 kB";
63     QTest::newRow("order 1/2, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(999456)
64                                                         << "999 kB";
65     QTest::newRow("order 1/2, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(999654)
66                                                       << "1.00 MB";
68     QTest::newRow("order 2, magnitude 0, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(1234000)
69                                                       << "1.23 MB";
70     QTest::newRow("order 2, magnitude 0, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(1236000)
71                                                     << "1.24 MB";
72     QTest::newRow("order 2, magnitude 1, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(12345000)
73                                                       << "12.3 MB";
74     QTest::newRow("order 2, magnitude 1, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(12365000)
75                                                     << "12.4 MB";
76     QTest::newRow("order 2, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(123456000)
77                                                       << "123 MB";
78     QTest::newRow("order 2, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(123654000)
79                                                     << "124 MB";
80     QTest::newRow("order 2/3, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(999456000)
81                                                         << "999 MB";
82     QTest::newRow("order 2/3, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(999654000)
83                                                       << "1.00 GB";
85     QTest::newRow("order 3, magnitude 0, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(1234000000)
86                                                       << "1.23 GB";
87     QTest::newRow("order 3, magnitude 0, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(1236000000)
88                                                     << "1.24 GB";
89     QTest::newRow("order 3, magnitude 1, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(12345000000)
90                                                       << "12.3 GB";
91     QTest::newRow("order 3, magnitude 1, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(12365000000)
92                                                     << "12.4 GB";
93     QTest::newRow("order 3, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(123456000000)
94                                                       << "123 GB";
95     QTest::newRow("order 3, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(123654000000)
96                                                     << "124 GB";
97     QTest::newRow("order 3/4, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(999456000000)
98                                                         << "999 GB";
99     QTest::newRow("order 3/4, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(999654000000)
100                                                       << "1.00 TB";
102     QTest::newRow("order 4, magnitude 0, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(1234000000000)
103                                                       << "1.23 TB";
104     QTest::newRow("order 4, magnitude 0, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(1236000000000)
105                                                     << "1.24 TB";
106     QTest::newRow("order 4, magnitude 1, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(12345000000000)
107                                                       << "12.3 TB";
108     QTest::newRow("order 4, magnitude 1, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(12365000000000)
109                                                     << "12.4 TB";
110     QTest::newRow("order 4, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(123456000000000)
111                                                       << "123 TB";
112     QTest::newRow("order 4, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(123654000000000)
113                                                     << "124 TB";
114     QTest::newRow("order 4/5, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(999456000000000)
115                                                         << "999 TB";
116     QTest::newRow("order 4/5, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(999654000000000)
117                                                       << "1000 TB";
119     QTest::newRow("order 5, magnitude 0, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(1234000000000000)
120                                                       << "1230 TB";
121     QTest::newRow("order 5, magnitude 0, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(1236000000000000)
122                                                     << "1240 TB";
123     QTest::newRow("order 5, magnitude 1, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(12345000000000000)
124                                                       << "12300 TB";
125     QTest::newRow("order 5, magnitude 1, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(12365000000000000)
126                                                     << "12400 TB";
127     QTest::newRow("order 5, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(123456000000000000)
128                                                       << "123000 TB";
129     QTest::newRow("order 5, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(123654000000000000)
130                                                     << "124000 TB";
131     QTest::newRow("order 5/6, magnitude 2, round down") << Q_UINT64_C(999456000000000000)
132                                                         << "999000 TB";
133     QTest::newRow("order 5/6, magnitude 2, round up") << Q_UINT64_C(999654000000000000)
134                                                       << "1000000 TB";
135 }
137 QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(PrettySizeTest)