2#   IGraph R package
3#   Copyright (C) 2006-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
4#   334 Harvard street, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
6#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9#   (at your option) any later version.
11#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14#   GNU General Public License for more details.
16#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18#   Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
19#   02110-1301 USA
23#' @export
25graph.get.isomorphisms.vf2 <- function(graph1, graph2, vertex.color1,
26                                       vertex.color2, edge.color1,
27                                       edge.color2) {
28  # Argument checks
29  if (!is_igraph(graph1)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
30  if (!is_igraph(graph2)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
31  if (missing(vertex.color1)) {
32    if ("color" %in% vertex_attr_names(graph1)) {
33      vertex.color1 <- V(graph1)$color
34    } else {
35      vertex.color1 <- NULL
36    }
37  }
38  if (!is.null(vertex.color1)) {
39    vertex.color1 <- as.integer(vertex.color1)-1L
40  }
41  if (missing(vertex.color2)) {
42    if ("color" %in% vertex_attr_names(graph2)) {
43      vertex.color2 <- V(graph2)$color
44    } else {
45      vertex.color2 <- NULL
46    }
47  }
48  if (!is.null(vertex.color2)) {
49    vertex.color2 <- as.integer(vertex.color2)-1L
50  }
51  if (missing(edge.color1)) {
52    if ("color" %in% edge_attr_names(graph1)) {
53      edge.color1 <- E(graph1)$color
54    } else {
55      edge.color1 <- NULL
56    }
57  }
58  if (!is.null(edge.color1)) {
59    edge.color1 <- as.integer(edge.color1)-1L
60  }
61  if (missing(edge.color2)) {
62    if ("color" %in% edge_attr_names(graph2)) {
63      edge.color2 <- E(graph2)$color
64    } else {
65      edge.color2 <- NULL
66    }
67  }
68  if (!is.null(edge.color2)) {
69    edge.color2 <- as.integer(edge.color2)-1L
70  }
72  on.exit( .Call(C_R_igraph_finalizer) )
73  # Function call
74  res <- .Call(C_R_igraph_get_isomorphisms_vf2, graph1, graph2, vertex.color1,
75               vertex.color2, edge.color1, edge.color2)
77  lapply(res, function(x) V(graph2)[x + 1])
80#' @export
82graph.get.subisomorphisms.vf2 <- function(graph1, graph2, vertex.color1,
83                                          vertex.color2, edge.color1,
84                                          edge.color2) {
85  # Argument checks
86  if (!is_igraph(graph1)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
87  if (!is_igraph(graph2)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
88  if (missing(vertex.color1)) {
89    if ("color" %in% vertex_attr_names(graph1)) {
90      vertex.color1 <- V(graph1)$color
91    } else {
92      vertex.color1 <- NULL
93    }
94  }
95  if (!is.null(vertex.color1)) {
96    vertex.color1 <- as.integer(vertex.color1)-1L
97  }
98  if (missing(vertex.color2)) {
99    if ("color" %in% vertex_attr_names(graph2)) {
100      vertex.color2 <- V(graph2)$color
101    } else {
102      vertex.color2 <- NULL
103    }
104  }
105  if (!is.null(vertex.color2)) {
106    vertex.color2 <- as.integer(vertex.color2)-1L
107  }
108  if (missing(edge.color1)) {
109    if ("color" %in% edge_attr_names(graph1)) {
110      edge.color1 <- E(graph1)$color
111    } else {
112      edge.color1 <- NULL
113    }
114  }
115  if (!is.null(edge.color1)) {
116    edge.color1 <- as.integer(edge.color1)-1L
117  }
118  if (missing(edge.color2)) {
119    if ("color" %in% edge_attr_names(graph2)) {
120      edge.color2 <- E(graph2)$color
121    } else {
122      edge.color2 <- NULL
123    }
124  }
125  if (!is.null(edge.color2)) {
126    edge.color2 <- as.integer(edge.color2)-1L
127  }
129  on.exit( .Call(C_R_igraph_finalizer) )
130  # Function call
131  res <- .Call(C_R_igraph_get_subisomorphisms_vf2, graph1, graph2,
132               vertex.color1, vertex.color2, edge.color1, edge.color2)
134  lapply(res, function(x) V(graph1)[x + 1])
137#' @export
139graph.isoclass.subgraph <- function(graph, vids) {
140  # Argument checks
141  if (!is_igraph(graph)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
142  vids <- as.igraph.vs(graph, vids)-1
144  on.exit( .Call(C_R_igraph_finalizer) )
145  # Function call
146  res <- .Call(C_R_igraph_isoclass_subgraph, graph, vids)
147  res
150#' @export
152graph.subisomorphic.lad <- function(pattern, target, domains=NULL,
153                                    induced=FALSE, map=TRUE, all.maps=FALSE,
154                                    time.limit=Inf) {
155  # Argument checks
156  if (!is_igraph(pattern)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
157  if (!is_igraph(target)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
158  induced <- as.logical(induced)
159  if (time.limit==Inf) {
160    time.limit <- 0L
161  } else {
162    time.limit <- as.integer(time.limit)
163  }
164  map <- as.logical(map)
165  all.maps <- as.logical(all.maps)
166  if (!is.null(domains)) {
167    if (!is.list(domains)) {
168      stop("`domains' must be a list of vertex vectors from `target'")
169    }
170    if (length(domains) != vcount(pattern)) {
171      stop("`domains' length and `pattern' number of vertices must match")
172    }
173    domains <- lapply(domains, function(x) as.igraph.vs(target, x)-1)
174  }
176  on.exit( .Call(C_R_igraph_finalizer) )
177  # Function call
178  res <- .Call(C_R_igraph_subisomorphic_lad, pattern, target, domains,
179               induced, time.limit, map, all.maps)
181  if (map) {
182    res$map <- res$map + 1
183    if (igraph_opt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(target)) {
184      names(res$map) <- V(target)$name[res$map]
185    }
186  }
187  if (all.maps) res$maps <- lapply(res$maps, function(x) V(target)[x+1])
189  res
192## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
193## NEW API
195#' Decide if two graphs are isomorphic
197#' @section \sQuote{auto} method:
198#' It tries to select the appropriate method based on the two graphs.
199#' This is the algorithm it uses:
200#' \enumerate{
201#'   \item If the two graphs do not agree on their order and size
202#'     (i.e. number of vertices and edges), then return \code{FALSE}.
203#'   \item If the graphs have three or four vertices, then the
204#'     \sQuote{direct} method is used.
205#'   \item If the graphs are directed, then the \sQuote{vf2} method is
206#'     used.
207#'   \item Otherwise the \sQuote{bliss} method is used.
208#' }
210#' @section \sQuote{direct} method:
211#' This method only works on graphs with three or four vertices,
212#' and it is based on a pre-calculated and stored table. It does not
213#' have any extra arguments.
215#' @section \sQuote{vf2} method:
216#' This method uses the VF2 algorithm by Cordella, Foggia et al., see
217#' references below. It supports vertex and edge colors and have the
218#' following extra arguments:
219#' \describe{
220#'   \item{vertex.color1, vertex.color2}{Optional integer vectors giving the
221#'     colors of the vertices for colored graph isomorphism. If they
222#'     are not given, but the graph has a \dQuote{color} vertex attribute,
223#'     then it will be used. If you want to ignore these attributes, then
224#'     supply \code{NULL} for both of these arguments. See also examples
225#'     below.}
226#'   \item{edge.color1, edge.color2}{Optional integer vectors giving the
227#'     colors of the edges for edge-colored (sub)graph isomorphism. If they
228#'     are not given, but the graph has a \dQuote{color} edge attribute,
229#'     then it will be used. If you want to ignore these attributes, then
230#'     supply \code{NULL} for both of these arguments.}
231#' }
233#' @section \sQuote{bliss} method:
234#' Uses the BLISS algorithm by Junttila and Kaski, and it works for
235#' undirected graphs. For both graphs the
236#' \code{\link{canonical_permutation}} and then the \code{\link{permute}}
237#' function is called to transfer them into canonical form; finally the
238#' canonical forms are compared.
239#' Extra arguments:
240#' \describe{
241#'   \item{sh1}{Character constant, the heuristics to use in the BLISS
242#'     algorithm, for \code{graph1}. See the \code{sh} argument of
243#'     \code{\link{canonical_permutation}} for possible values.}
244#'   \item{sh2}{Character constant, the heuristics to use in the BLISS
245#'     algorithm, for \code{graph2}. See the \code{sh} argument of
246#'     \code{\link{canonical_permutation}} for possible values.}
247#' }
248#' \code{sh1} and \code{sh2} default to \sQuote{fm}.
250#' @param graph1 The first graph.
251#' @param graph2 The second graph.
252#' @param method The method to use. Possible values: \sQuote{auto},
253#'   \sQuote{direct}, \sQuote{vf2}, \sQuote{bliss}. See their details
254#'   below.
255#' @param ... Additional arguments, passed to the various methods.
256#' @return Logical scalar, \code{TRUE} if the graphs are isomorphic.
258#' @aliases graph.isomorphic graph.isomorphic.34 graph.isomorphic.vf2
259#'   graph.isomorphic.bliss
261#' @references
262#'  Tommi Junttila and Petteri Kaski: Engineering an Efficient Canonical
263#'  Labeling Tool for Large and Sparse Graphs, \emph{Proceedings of the
264#'  Ninth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments and the Fourth
265#'  Workshop on Analytic Algorithms and Combinatorics.} 2007.
267#'  LP Cordella,  P Foggia, C Sansone, and M Vento: An improved algorithm
268#'  for matching large graphs, \emph{Proc. of the 3rd IAPR TC-15 Workshop
269#'  on Graphbased Representations in Pattern Recognition}, 149--159, 2001.
271#' @export
272#' @family graph isomorphism
273#' @examples
274#' # create some non-isomorphic graphs
275#' g1 <- graph_from_isomorphism_class(3, 10)
276#' g2 <- graph_from_isomorphism_class(3, 11)
277#' isomorphic(g1, g2)
279#' # create two isomorphic graphs, by permuting the vertices of the first
280#' g1 <- barabasi.game(30, m=2, directed=FALSE)
281#' g2 <- permute(g1, sample(vcount(g1)))
282#' # should be TRUE
283#' isomorphic(g1, g2)
284#' isomorphic(g1, g2, method = "bliss")
285#' isomorphic(g1, g2, method = "vf2")
287#' # colored graph isomorphism
288#' g1 <- make_ring(10)
289#' g2 <- make_ring(10)
290#' isomorphic(g1, g2)
292#' V(g1)$color <- rep(1:2, length = vcount(g1))
293#' V(g2)$color <- rep(2:1, length = vcount(g2))
294#' # consider colors by default
295#' count_isomorphisms(g1, g2)
296#' # ignore colors
297#' count_isomorphisms(g1, g2, vertex.color1 = NULL,
298#'     vertex.color2 = NULL)
300isomorphic <- function(graph1, graph2, method = c("auto", "direct",
301                 "vf2", "bliss"), ...) {
303  if (!is_igraph(graph1)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
304  if (!is_igraph(graph2)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
305  method <- igraph.match.arg(method)
307  if (method == "auto") {
308    on.exit( .Call(C_R_igraph_finalizer) )
309    .Call(C_R_igraph_isomorphic, graph1, graph2)
311  } else if (method == "direct") {
312    on.exit(.Call(C_R_igraph_finalizer))
313    .Call(C_R_igraph_isomorphic_34, graph1, graph2)
315  } else if (method == "vf2") {
316    graph.isomorphic.vf2(graph1, graph2, ...)$iso
318  } else if (method == "bliss") {
319    graph.isomorphic.bliss(graph1, graph2, ...)$iso
321  }
324#' @export
325#' @rdname isomorphic
327is_isomorphic_to <- isomorphic
330#' Decide if a graph is subgraph isomorphic to another one
332#' @section \sQuote{auto} method:
333#' This method currently selects \sQuote{lad}, always, as it seems
334#' to be superior on most graphs.
336#' @section \sQuote{lad} method:
337#' This is the LAD algorithm by Solnon, see the reference below. It has
338#' the following extra arguments:
339#' \describe{
340#'   \item{domains}{If not \code{NULL}, then it specifies matching
341#'     restrictions. It must be a list of \code{target} vertex sets, given
342#'     as numeric vertex ids or symbolic vertex names. The length of the
343#'     list must be \code{vcount(pattern)} and for each vertex in
344#'     \code{pattern} it gives the allowed matching vertices in
345#'     \code{target}. Defaults to \code{NULL}.}
346#'   \item{induced}{Logical scalar, whether to search for an induced
347#'     subgraph. It is \code{FALSE} by default.}
348#'   \item{time.limit}{The processor time limit for the computation, in
349#'     seconds. It defaults to \code{Inf}, which means no limit.}
350#' }
352#' @section \sQuote{vf2} method:
353#' This method uses the VF2 algorithm by Cordella, Foggia et al., see
354#' references below. It supports vertex and edge colors and have the
355#' following extra arguments:
356#' \describe{
357#'   \item{vertex.color1, vertex.color2}{Optional integer vectors giving the
358#'     colors of the vertices for colored graph isomorphism. If they
359#'     are not given, but the graph has a \dQuote{color} vertex attribute,
360#'     then it will be used. If you want to ignore these attributes, then
361#'     supply \code{NULL} for both of these arguments. See also examples
362#'     below.}
363#'   \item{edge.color1, edge.color2}{Optional integer vectors giving the
364#'     colors of the edges for edge-colored (sub)graph isomorphism. If they
365#'     are not given, but the graph has a \dQuote{color} edge attribute,
366#'     then it will be used. If you want to ignore these attributes, then
367#'     supply \code{NULL} for both of these arguments.}
368#' }
370#' @param pattern The smaller graph, it might be directed or
371#'   undirected. Undirected graphs are treated as directed graphs with
372#'   mutual edges.
373#' @param target The bigger graph, it might be directed or
374#'   undirected. Undirected graphs are treated as directed graphs with
375#'   mutual edges.
376#' @param method The method to use. Possible values: \sQuote{auto},
377#'   \sQuote{lad}, \sQuote{vf2}. See their details below.
378#' @param ... Additional arguments, passed to the various methods.
379#' @return Logical scalar, \code{TRUE} if the \code{pattern} is
380#'   isomorphic to a (possibly induced) subgraph of \code{target}.
382#' @aliases graph.subisomorphic.vf2 graph.subisomorphic.lad
384#' @references
385#'  LP Cordella,  P Foggia, C Sansone, and M Vento: An improved algorithm
386#'  for matching large graphs, \emph{Proc. of the 3rd IAPR TC-15 Workshop
387#'  on Graphbased Representations in Pattern Recognition}, 149--159, 2001.
389#'  C. Solnon: AllDifferent-based Filtering for Subgraph Isomorphism,
390#'  \emph{Artificial Intelligence} 174(12-13):850--864, 2010.
392#' @export
393#' @family graph isomorphism
394#' @examples
395#' # A LAD example
396#' pattern <- make_graph(~ 1:2:3:4:5,
397#'                       1 - 2:5, 2 - 1:5:3, 3 - 2:4, 4 - 3:5, 5 - 4:2:1)
398#' target <- make_graph(~ 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9,
399#'                     1 - 2:5:7, 2 - 1:5:3, 3 - 2:4, 4 - 3:5:6:8:9,
400#'                     5 - 1:2:4:6:7, 6 - 7:5:4:9, 7 - 1:5:6,
401#'                     8 - 4:9, 9 - 6:4:8)
402#' domains <- list(`1` = c(1,3,9), `2` = c(5,6,7,8), `3` = c(2,4,6,7,8,9),
403#'                 `4` = c(1,3,9), `5` = c(2,4,8,9))
404#' subgraph_isomorphisms(pattern, target)
405#' subgraph_isomorphisms(pattern, target, induced = TRUE)
406#' subgraph_isomorphisms(pattern, target, domains = domains)
408#' # Directed LAD example
409#' pattern <- make_graph(~ 1:2:3, 1 -+ 2:3)
410#' dring <- make_ring(10, directed = TRUE)
411#' subgraph_isomorphic(pattern, dring)
413subgraph_isomorphic <- function(pattern, target,
414                                method = c("auto", "lad", "vf2"), ...) {
416  method <- igraph.match.arg(method)
418  if (method == "auto") method <- "lad"
420  if (method == "lad") {
421    graph.subisomorphic.lad(pattern, target, map = FALSE, all.maps = FALSE,
422                            ...)$iso
424  } else if (method == "vf2") {
425    graph.subisomorphic.vf2(target, pattern, ...)$iso
427  }
431#' @export
432#' @rdname subgraph_isomorphic
434is_subgraph_isomorphic_to <- subgraph_isomorphic
437#' Count the number of isomorphic mappings between two graphs
439#' @param graph1 The first graph.
440#' @param graph2 The second graph.
441#' @param method Currently only \sQuote{vf2} is supported, see
442#'   \code{\link{isomorphic}} for details about it and extra arguments.
443#' @param ... Passed to the individual methods.
444#' @return Number of isomorphic mappings between the two graphs.
446#' @include auto.R
447#' @aliases graph.count.isomorphisms.vf2
449#' @references
450#'  LP Cordella,  P Foggia, C Sansone, and M Vento: An improved algorithm
451#'  for matching large graphs, \emph{Proc. of the 3rd IAPR TC-15 Workshop
452#'  on Graphbased Representations in Pattern Recognition}, 149--159, 2001.
454#' @export
455#' @family graph isomorphism
456#' @examples
457#' # colored graph isomorphism
458#' g1 <- make_ring(10)
459#' g2 <- make_ring(10)
460#' isomorphic(g1, g2)
462#' V(g1)$color <- rep(1:2, length = vcount(g1))
463#' V(g2)$color <- rep(2:1, length = vcount(g2))
464#' # consider colors by default
465#' count_isomorphisms(g1, g2)
466#' # ignore colors
467#' count_isomorphisms(g1, g2, vertex.color1 = NULL,
468#'     vertex.color2 = NULL)
470count_isomorphisms <- function(graph1, graph2, method = "vf2", ...) {
472  method <- igraph.match.arg(method)
474  if (method == "vf2") {
475    graph.count.isomorphisms.vf2(graph1, graph2, ...)
476  }
481#' Count the isomorphic mappings between a graph and the subgraphs of
482#' another graph
484#' @section \sQuote{lad} method:
485#' This is the LAD algorithm by Solnon, see the reference below. It has
486#' the following extra arguments:
487#' \describe{
488#'   \item{domains}{If not \code{NULL}, then it specifies matching
489#'     restrictions. It must be a list of \code{target} vertex sets, given
490#'     as numeric vertex ids or symbolic vertex names. The length of the
491#'     list must be \code{vcount(pattern)} and for each vertex in
492#'     \code{pattern} it gives the allowed matching vertices in
493#'     \code{target}. Defaults to \code{NULL}.}
494#'   \item{induced}{Logical scalar, whether to search for an induced
495#'     subgraph. It is \code{FALSE} by default.}
496#'   \item{time.limit}{The processor time limit for the computation, in
497#'     seconds. It defaults to \code{Inf}, which means no limit.}
498#' }
500#' @section \sQuote{vf2} method:
501#' This method uses the VF2 algorithm by Cordella, Foggia et al., see
502#' references below. It supports vertex and edge colors and have the
503#' following extra arguments:
504#' \describe{
505#'   \item{vertex.color1, vertex.color2}{Optional integer vectors giving the
506#'     colors of the vertices for colored graph isomorphism. If they
507#'     are not given, but the graph has a \dQuote{color} vertex attribute,
508#'     then it will be used. If you want to ignore these attributes, then
509#'     supply \code{NULL} for both of these arguments. See also examples
510#'     below.}
511#'   \item{edge.color1, edge.color2}{Optional integer vectors giving the
512#'     colors of the edges for edge-colored (sub)graph isomorphism. If they
513#'     are not given, but the graph has a \dQuote{color} edge attribute,
514#'     then it will be used. If you want to ignore these attributes, then
515#'     supply \code{NULL} for both of these arguments.}
516#' }
518#' @param pattern The smaller graph, it might be directed or
519#'   undirected. Undirected graphs are treated as directed graphs with
520#'   mutual edges.
521#' @param target The bigger graph, it might be directed or
522#'   undirected. Undirected graphs are treated as directed graphs with
523#'   mutual edges.
524#' @param method The method to use. Possible values:
525#'   \sQuote{lad}, \sQuote{vf2}. See their details below.
526#' @param ... Additional arguments, passed to the various methods.
527#' @return Logical scalar, \code{TRUE} if the \code{pattern} is
528#'   isomorphic to a (possibly induced) subgraph of \code{target}.
530#' @aliases graph.count.subisomorphisms.vf2
532#' @references
533#'  LP Cordella,  P Foggia, C Sansone, and M Vento: An improved algorithm
534#'  for matching large graphs, \emph{Proc. of the 3rd IAPR TC-15 Workshop
535#'  on Graphbased Representations in Pattern Recognition}, 149--159, 2001.
537#'  C. Solnon: AllDifferent-based Filtering for Subgraph Isomorphism,
538#'  \emph{Artificial Intelligence} 174(12-13):850--864, 2010.
540#' @export
541#' @family graph isomorphism
543count_subgraph_isomorphisms <- function(pattern, target,
544                                        method = c("lad", "vf2"), ...) {
546  method <- igraph.match.arg(method)
548  if (method == "lad") {
549    length(graph.subisomorphic.lad(pattern, target, all.maps = TRUE, ...)$maps)
551  } else if (method == "vf2") {
552    graph.count.subisomorphisms.vf2(target, pattern, ...)
553  }
558#' Calculate all isomorphic mappings between the vertices of two graphs
560#' @param graph1 The first graph.
561#' @param graph2 The second graph.
562#' @param method Currently only \sQuote{vf2} is supported, see
563#'   \code{\link{isomorphic}} for details about it and extra arguments.
564#' @param ... Extra arguments, passed to the various methods.
565#' @return A list of vertex sequences, corresponding to all
566#'   mappings from the first graph to the second.
568#' @aliases graph.get.isomorphisms.vf2
570#' @export
571#' @family graph isomorphism
573isomorphisms <- function(graph1, graph2, method = "vf2", ...) {
575  method <- igraph.match.arg(method)
577  if (method == "vf2") {
578    graph.get.isomorphisms.vf2(graph1, graph2, ...)
579  }
584#' All isomorphic mappings between a graph and subgraphs of another graph
586#' @section \sQuote{lad} method:
587#' This is the LAD algorithm by Solnon, see the reference below. It has
588#' the following extra arguments:
589#' \describe{
590#'   \item{domains}{If not \code{NULL}, then it specifies matching
591#'     restrictions. It must be a list of \code{target} vertex sets, given
592#'     as numeric vertex ids or symbolic vertex names. The length of the
593#'     list must be \code{vcount(pattern)} and for each vertex in
594#'     \code{pattern} it gives the allowed matching vertices in
595#'     \code{target}. Defaults to \code{NULL}.}
596#'   \item{induced}{Logical scalar, whether to search for an induced
597#'     subgraph. It is \code{FALSE} by default.}
598#'   \item{time.limit}{The processor time limit for the computation, in
599#'     seconds. It defaults to \code{Inf}, which means no limit.}
600#' }
602#' @section \sQuote{vf2} method:
603#' This method uses the VF2 algorithm by Cordella, Foggia et al., see
604#' references below. It supports vertex and edge colors and have the
605#' following extra arguments:
606#' \describe{
607#'   \item{vertex.color1, vertex.color2}{Optional integer vectors giving the
608#'     colors of the vertices for colored graph isomorphism. If they
609#'     are not given, but the graph has a \dQuote{color} vertex attribute,
610#'     then it will be used. If you want to ignore these attributes, then
611#'     supply \code{NULL} for both of these arguments. See also examples
612#'     below.}
613#'   \item{edge.color1, edge.color2}{Optional integer vectors giving the
614#'     colors of the edges for edge-colored (sub)graph isomorphism. If they
615#'     are not given, but the graph has a \dQuote{color} edge attribute,
616#'     then it will be used. If you want to ignore these attributes, then
617#'     supply \code{NULL} for both of these arguments.}
618#' }
620#' @param pattern The smaller graph, it might be directed or
621#'   undirected. Undirected graphs are treated as directed graphs with
622#'   mutual edges.
623#' @param target The bigger graph, it might be directed or
624#'   undirected. Undirected graphs are treated as directed graphs with
625#'   mutual edges.
626#' @param method The method to use. Possible values: \sQuote{auto},
627#'   \sQuote{lad}, \sQuote{vf2}. See their details below.
628#' @param ... Additional arguments, passed to the various methods.
629#' @return A list of vertex sequences, corresponding to all
630#'   mappings from the first graph to the second.
632#' @aliases graph.get.subisomorphisms.vf2
634#' @export
635#' @family graph isomorphism
637subgraph_isomorphisms <- function(pattern, target,
638                                  method = c("lad", "vf2"), ...) {
640  method <- igraph.match.arg(method)
642  if (method == "lad") {
643    graph.subisomorphic.lad(pattern, target, all.maps = TRUE, ...)$maps
645  } else if (method == "vf2") {
646    graph.get.subisomorphisms.vf2(target, pattern, ...)
647  }
652#' Isomorphism class of a graph
654#' The isomorphism class is a non-negative integer number.
655#' Graphs (with the same number of vertices) having the same isomorphism
656#' class are isomorphic and isomorphic graphs always have the same
657#' isomorphism class. Currently it can handle only graphs with 3 or 4
658#' vertices.
660#' @param graph The input graph.
661#' @param v Optionally a vertex sequence. If not missing, then an induced
662#'   subgraph of the input graph, consisting of this vertices, is used.
663#' @return An integer number.
665#' @aliases graph.isoclass graph.isoclass.subgraph
667#' @export
668#' @family graph isomorphism
669#' @examples
670#' # create some non-isomorphic graphs
671#' g1 <- graph_from_isomorphism_class(3, 10)
672#' g2 <- graph_from_isomorphism_class(3, 11)
673#' isomorphism_class(g1)
674#' isomorphism_class(g2)
675#' isomorphic(g1, g2)
677isomorphism_class <- function(graph, v) {
679  if (missing(v)) {
680    graph.isoclass(graph)
682  } else {
683    graph.isoclass.subgraph(graph, v)
684  }
689#' Create a graph from an isomorphism class
691#' The isomorphism class is a non-negative integer number.
692#' Graphs (with the same number of vertices) having the same isomorphism
693#' class are isomorphic and isomorphic graphs always have the same
694#' isomorphism class. Currently it can handle only graphs with 3 or 4
695#' vertices.
697#' @param size The number of vertices in the graph.
698#' @param number The isomorphism class.
699#' @param directed Whether to create a directed graph (the default).
700#' @return An igraph object, the graph of the given size, directedness
701#'   and isomorphism class.
703#' @aliases graph.isocreate
704#' @include auto.R
706#' @family graph isomorphism
708graph_from_isomorphism_class <- graph_from_isomorphism_class
711#' Canonical permutation of a graph
713#' The canonical permutation brings every isomorphic graphs into the same
714#' (labeled) graph.
716#' \code{canonical_permutation} computes a permutation which brings the graph
717#' into canonical form, as defined by the BLISS algorithm.  All isomorphic
718#' graphs have the same canonical form.
720#' See the paper below for the details about BLISS. This and more information
721#' is available at \url{http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/bliss/index.html}.
723#' The possible values for the \code{sh} argument are: \describe{
724#' \item{"f"}{First non-singleton cell.} \item{"fl"}{First largest
725#' non-singleton cell.} \item{"fs"}{First smallest non-singleton cell.}
726#' \item{"fm"}{First maximally non-trivially connectec non-singleton
727#' cell.} \item{"flm"}{Largest maximally non-trivially connected
728#' non-singleton cell.} \item{"fsm"}{Smallest maximally non-trivially
729#' connected non-singleton cell.} } See the paper in references for details
730#' about these.
732#' @aliases canonical.permutation canonical_permutation
733#' @param graph The input graph, treated as undirected.
734#' @param sh Type of the heuristics to use for the BLISS algorithm. See details
735#' for possible values.
736#' @return A list with the following members: \item{labeling}{The canonical
737#' permutation which takes the input graph into canonical form. A numeric
738#' vector, the first element is the new label of vertex 0, the second element
739#' for vertex 1, etc. } \item{info}{Some information about the BLISS
740#' computation. A named list with the following members: \describe{
741#' \item{"nof_nodes"}{The number of nodes in the search tree.}
742#' \item{"nof_leaf_nodes"}{The number of leaf nodes in the search tree.}
743#' \item{"nof_bad_nodes"}{Number of bad nodes.}
744#' \item{"nof_canupdates"}{Number of canrep updates.}
745#' \item{"max_level"}{Maximum level.} \item{"group_size"}{The size
746#' of the automorphism group of the input graph, as a string. This number is
747#' exact if igraph was compiled with the GMP library, and approximate
748#' otherwise.} } }
749#' @author Tommi Junttila for BLISS, Gabor Csardi
750#' \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com} for the igraph and R interfaces.
751#' @seealso \code{\link{permute}} to apply a permutation to a graph,
752#' \code{\link{graph.isomorphic}} for deciding graph isomorphism, possibly
753#' based on canonical labels.
754#' @references Tommi Junttila and Petteri Kaski: Engineering an Efficient
755#' Canonical Labeling Tool for Large and Sparse Graphs, \emph{Proceedings of
756#' the Ninth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments and the Fourth
757#' Workshop on Analytic Algorithms and Combinatorics.} 2007.
758#' @keywords graphs
759#' @examples
761#' ## Calculate the canonical form of a random graph
762#' g1 <- sample_gnm(10, 20)
763#' cp1 <- canonical_permutation(g1)
764#' cf1 <- permute(g1, cp1$labeling)
766#' ## Do the same with a random permutation of it
767#' g2 <- permute(g1, sample(vcount(g1)))
768#' cp2 <- canonical_permutation(g2)
769#' cf2 <- permute(g2, cp2$labeling)
771#' ## Check that they are the same
772#' el1 <- as_edgelist(cf1)
773#' el2 <- as_edgelist(cf2)
774#' el1 <- el1[ order(el1[,1], el1[,2]), ]
775#' el2 <- el2[ order(el2[,1], el2[,2]), ]
776#' all(el1 == el2)
777#' @export
779canonical_permutation <- canonical_permutation
782#' Permute the vertices of a graph
784#' Create a new graph, by permuting vertex ids.
786#' This function creates a new graph from the input graph by permuting its
787#' vertices according to the specified mapping. Call this function with the
788#' output of \code{\link{canonical_permutation}} to create the canonical form
789#' of a graph.
791#' \code{permute} keeps all graph, vertex and edge attributes of the graph.
793#' @aliases permute.vertices permute
794#' @param graph The input graph, it can directed or undirected.
795#' @param permutation A numeric vector giving the permutation to apply. The
796#' first element is the new id of vertex 1, etc. Every number between one and
797#' \code{vcount(graph)} must appear exactly once.
798#' @return A new graph object.
799#' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}
800#' @seealso \code{\link{canonical_permutation}}
801#' @keywords graphs
802#' @examples
804#' # Random permutation of a random graph
805#' g <- sample_gnm(20, 50)
806#' g2 <- permute(g, sample(vcount(g)))
807#' graph.isomorphic(g, g2)
809#' # Permutation keeps all attributes
810#' g$name <- "Random graph, Gnm, 20, 50"
811#' V(g)$name <- letters[1:vcount(g)]
812#' E(g)$weight <- sample(1:5, ecount(g), replace=TRUE)
813#' g2 <- permute(g, sample(vcount(g)))
814#' graph.isomorphic(g, g2)
815#' g2$name
816#' V(g2)$name
817#' E(g2)$weight
818#' all(sort(E(g2)$weight) == sort(E(g)$weight))
819#' @export
821permute <- permute
824#' Number of automorphisms
826#' Calculate the number of automorphisms of a graph, i.e. the number of
827#' isomorphisms to itself.
829#' An automorphism of a graph is a permutation of its vertices which brings the
830#' graph into itself.
832#' This function calculates the number of automorphism of a graph using the
833#' BLISS algorithm. See also the BLISS homepage at
834#' \url{http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/bliss/index.html}.
836#' @aliases graph.automorphisms automorphisms
837#' @param graph The input graph, it is treated as undirected.
838#' @param sh The splitting heuristics for the BLISS algorithm. Possible values
839#' are: \sQuote{\code{f}}: first non-singleton cell, \sQuote{\code{fl}}: first
840#' largest non-singleton cell, \sQuote{\code{fs}}: first smallest non-singleton
841#' cell, \sQuote{\code{fm}}: first maximally non-trivially connected
842#' non-singleton cell, \sQuote{\code{flm}}: first largest maximally
843#' non-trivially connected non-singleton cell, \sQuote{\code{fsm}}: first
844#' smallest maximally non-trivially connected non-singleton cell.
845#' @return A named list with the following members: \item{group_size}{The size
846#' of the automorphism group of the input graph, as a string. This number is
847#' exact if igraph was compiled with the GMP library, and approximate
848#' otherwise.} \item{nof_nodes}{The number of nodes in the search tree.}
849#' \item{nof_leaf_nodes}{The number of leaf nodes in the search tree.}
850#' \item{nof_bad_nodes}{Number of bad nodes.} \item{nof_canupdates}{Number of
851#' canrep updates.} \item{max_level}{Maximum level.}
852#' @author Tommi Junttila (\url{http://users.ics.aalto.fi/tjunttil/}) for BLISS
853#' and Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com} for the igraph glue code
854#' and this manual page.
855#' @seealso \code{\link{canonical_permutation}}, \code{\link{permute}}
856#' @references Tommi Junttila and Petteri Kaski: Engineering an Efficient
857#' Canonical Labeling Tool for Large and Sparse Graphs, \emph{Proceedings of
858#' the Ninth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments and the Fourth
859#' Workshop on Analytic Algorithms and Combinatorics.} 2007.
860#' @keywords graphs
861#' @examples
863#' ## A ring has n*2 automorphisms, you can "turn" it by 0-9 vertices
864#' ## and each of these graphs can be "flipped"
865#' g <- make_ring(10)
866#' automorphisms(g)
867#' @export
869automorphisms <- automorphisms