1 /* -*- mode: C -*-  */
2 /*
3    IGraph library.
4    Copyright (C) 2007-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
5    334 Harvard street, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
7    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10    (at your option) any later version.
12    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15    GNU General Public License for more details.
17    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
20    02110-1301 USA
22 */
24 /* from GNU R's zeroin.c, minor modifications by Gabor Csardi */
26 /* from NETLIB c/brent.shar with max.iter, add'l info and convergence
27    details hacked in by Peter Dalgaard */
29 /*************************************************************************
30  *              C math library
31  * function ZEROIN - obtain a function zero within the given range
32  *
33  * Input
34  *  double zeroin(ax,bx,f,info,Tol,Maxit)
35  *  double ax;          Root will be seeked for within
36  *  double bx;          a range [ax,bx]
37  *  double (*f)(double x, void *info); Name of the function whose zero
38  *                  will be seeked for
39  *  void *info;         Add'l info passed to f
40  *  double *Tol;            Acceptable tolerance for the root
41  *                  value.
42  *                  May be specified as 0.0 to cause
43  *                  the program to find the root as
44  *                  accurate as possible
45  *
46  *  int *Maxit;         Max. iterations
47  *
48  *
49  * Output
50  *  Zeroin returns an estimate for the root with accuracy
51  *  4*EPSILON*abs(x) + tol
52  *  *Tol returns estimated precision
53  *  *Maxit returns actual # of iterations, or -1 if maxit was
54  *      reached without convergence.
55  *
56  * Algorithm
57  *  G.Forsythe, M.Malcolm, C.Moler, Computer methods for mathematical
58  *  computations. M., Mir, 1980, p.180 of the Russian edition
59  *
60  *  The function makes use of the bisection procedure combined with
61  *  the linear or quadric inverse interpolation.
62  *  At every step program operates on three abscissae - a, b, and c.
63  *  b - the last and the best approximation to the root
64  *  a - the last but one approximation
65  *  c - the last but one or even earlier approximation than a that
66  *      1) |f(b)| <= |f(c)|
67  *      2) f(b) and f(c) have opposite signs, i.e. b and c confine
68  *         the root
69  *  At every step Zeroin selects one of the two new approximations, the
70  *  former being obtained by the bisection procedure and the latter
71  *  resulting in the interpolation (if a,b, and c are all different
72  *  the quadric interpolation is utilized, otherwise the linear one).
73  *  If the latter (i.e. obtained by the interpolation) point is
74  *  reasonable (i.e. lies within the current interval [b,c] not being
75  *  too close to the boundaries) it is accepted. The bisection result
76  *  is used in the other case. Therefore, the range of uncertainty is
77  *  ensured to be reduced at least by the factor 1.6
78  *
79  ************************************************************************
80  */
82 #include "igraph_nongraph.h"
83 #include "igraph_types.h"
84 #include "igraph_interrupt_internal.h"
86 #include <float.h>
87 #include <math.h>
igraph_zeroin(igraph_real_t * ax,igraph_real_t * bx,igraph_real_t (* f)(igraph_real_t x,void * info),void * info,igraph_real_t * Tol,int * Maxit,igraph_real_t * res)91 int igraph_zeroin(              /* An estimate of the root */
92     igraph_real_t *ax,          /* Left border | of the range   */
93     igraph_real_t *bx,          /* Right border| the root is seeked*/
94     igraph_real_t (*f)(igraph_real_t x, void *info),    /* Function under investigation */
95     void *info,             /* Add'l info passed on to f    */
96     igraph_real_t *Tol,         /* Acceptable tolerance     */
97     int *Maxit,             /* Max # of iterations */
98     igraph_real_t *res) {               /* Result is stored here */
99     igraph_real_t a, b, c,      /* Abscissae, descr. see above  */
100                   fa, fb, fc;         /* f(a), f(b), f(c) */
101     igraph_real_t tol;
102     int maxit;
104     a = *ax;  b = *bx;  fa = (*f)(a, info);  fb = (*f)(b, info);
105     c = a;   fc = fa;
106     maxit = *Maxit + 1; tol = * Tol;
108     /* First test if we have found a root at an endpoint */
109     if (fa == 0.0) {
110         *Tol = 0.0;
111         *Maxit = 0;
112         *res = a;
113         return 0;
114     }
115     if (fb ==  0.0) {
116         *Tol = 0.0;
117         *Maxit = 0;
118         *res = b;
119         return 0;
120     }
122     while (maxit--) {   /* Main iteration loop  */
123         igraph_real_t prev_step = b - a;  /* Distance from the last but one
124                        to the last approximation    */
125         igraph_real_t tol_act;      /* Actual tolerance     */
126         igraph_real_t p;        /* Interpolation step is calcu- */
127         igraph_real_t q;        /* lated in the form p/q; divi-
128                      * sion operations is delayed
129                      * until the last moment    */
130         igraph_real_t new_step;     /* Step at this iteration   */
134         if ( fabs(fc) < fabs(fb) ) {
135             /* Swap data for b to be the    */
136             a = b;  b = c;  c = a;  /* best approximation       */
137             fa = fb;  fb = fc;  fc = fa;
138         }
139         tol_act = 2 * EPSILON * fabs(b) + tol / 2;
140         new_step = (c - b) / 2;
142         if ( fabs(new_step) <= tol_act || fb == (igraph_real_t)0 ) {
143             *Maxit -= maxit;
144             *Tol = fabs(c - b);
145             *res = b;
146             return 0;           /* Acceptable approx. is found  */
147         }
149         /* Decide if the interpolation can be tried */
150         if ( fabs(prev_step) >= tol_act /* If prev_step was large enough*/
151              && fabs(fa) > fabs(fb) ) {
152             /* and was in true direction,
153                          * Interpolation may be tried   */
154             register igraph_real_t t1, cb, t2;
155             cb = c - b;
156             if ( a == c ) {     /* If we have only two distinct */
157                 /* points linear interpolation  */
158                 t1 = fb / fa;   /* can only be applied      */
159                 p = cb * t1;
160                 q = 1.0 - t1;
161             } else {        /* Quadric inverse interpolation*/
163                 q = fa / fc;  t1 = fb / fc;  t2 = fb / fa;
164                 p = t2 * ( cb * q * (q - t1) - (b - a) * (t1 - 1.0) );
165                 q = (q - 1.0) * (t1 - 1.0) * (t2 - 1.0);
166             }
167             if ( p > (igraph_real_t)0 ) { /* p was calculated with the */
168                 q = -q;    /* opposite sign; make p positive */
169             } else {        /* and assign possible minus to */
170                 p = -p;    /* q              */
171             }
173             if ( p < (0.75 * cb * q - fabs(tol_act * q) / 2) /* If b+p/q falls in [b,c]*/
174                  && p < fabs(prev_step * q / 2) ) { /* and isn't too large  */
175                 new_step = p / q;
176             }         /* it is accepted
177                          * If p/q is too large then the
178                          * bisection procedure can
179                          * reduce [b,c] range to more
180                          * extent */
181         }
183         if ( fabs(new_step) < tol_act) { /* Adjust the step to be not less*/
184             if ( new_step > (igraph_real_t)0 ) { /* than tolerance       */
185                 new_step = tol_act;
186             } else {
187                 new_step = -tol_act;
188             }
189         }
190         a = b;  fa = fb;            /* Save the previous approx. */
191         b += new_step;  fb = (*f)(b, info); /* Do step to a new approxim. */
192         if ( (fb > 0 && fc > 0) || (fb < 0 && fc < 0) ) {
193             /* Adjust c for it to have a sign opposite to that of b */
194             c = a;  fc = fa;
195         }
197     }
198     /* failed! */
199     *Tol = fabs(c - b);
200     *Maxit = -1;
201     *res = b;
202     return IGRAPH_DIVERGED;
203 }