1### translate ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes to country names
2### default result is a character vector of same length, which may contain regular expressions
3iso.expand <- function(a,regex=TRUE){
4  if (!exists("iso3166")) iso3166 <- maps::iso3166
5  AA <- toupper(a)
6  if (all(nchar(a)==2)) codes <- iso3166$a2
7  else if (all(nchar(a)==3)) codes <- iso3166$a3
8  else stop("All codes must be equal length, 2 or 3 characters.")
9  nn <- lapply(AA,function(x) iso3166$mapname[which(codes == x)])
10  if (regex) {
11    nn2 <- lapply(nn,function(x) if (length(x)>1) paste("(^",x,")",sep="",collapse="|") else x)
12    unlist(nn2)
13  } else unlist(nn)
16### list all countries that fall under sovereignty of 'sov'
17sov.expand <- function(sov,regex=TRUE){
18  if (!exists("iso3166")) iso3166 <- maps::iso3166
19  sov <- tolower(sov)
20  sel <- tolower(iso3166$sovereignty)
21  nn <- lapply(sov,function(x) iso3166$mapname[which(sel == x)])
22  if (regex) {
23    nn2 <- lapply(nn,function(x) if (length(x)>1) paste("(^",x,")",sep="",collapse="|") else x)
24    unlist(nn2)
25  } else unlist(nn)
28### the inverse:
29### The subtlety lies in dealing with special cases like "China:Hong Kong" which has "HK", not "CN"
30### But I think it's OK if "China" returns "CN", not "CN"+"HK"+"MC".
31### Similar for Norway/Svalbard, Finland/Aland
32### But of course, "China:Hong Kong" must return "HK" etc.
34### we does this with a reverse grep
35### downsides: the names in x must be complete
36iso.alpha <- function(x,n=2){
37  if (!exists("iso3166")) iso3166 <- maps::iso3166
39## part 1: reverse fit will find all special cases, but names in vector x must be complete
40  nam1 <- lapply(seq_along(iso3166$mapname),
41                    function(nn) {regex <- paste("(^",iso3166$mapname[nn],")",sep="")
42                                  ttt <- grep(regex, x, perl=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE);
43                                  if (length(ttt)>0) cbind(nn,ttt) else NULL})
44  fli <- do.call(rbind,nam1)
45  sel <- fli[match(seq_along(x),fli[,2]),1]
47## part 2:
48## try for partial fit. if it gives a single result, use it.
49  if (any(is.na(sel))) {
50    sel2 <- which(is.na(sel))
51    nam2 <- unlist(lapply(x[sel2],
52              function(nn) {regx <- paste("(^",nn,")",sep="") ;
53                            ttt <- grep(regx, iso3166$mapname, perl=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE);
54                            if (length(ttt)==1) ttt else NA}))
55    sel[sel2] <- nam2
56  }
58  if (n==2) iso3166$a2[sel]
59  else if (n==3) iso3166$a3[sel]
60  else stop("n must be 2 or 3.")