2bandwidth.rq <- function(p, n, hs = TRUE, alpha = 0.05)
4	# Bandwidth selection for sparsity estimation two flavors:
5	#	Hall and Sheather(1988, JRSS(B)) rate = O(n^{-1/3})
6	#	Bofinger (1975, Aus. J. Stat)  -- rate = O(n^{-1/5})
7	# Generally speaking, default method, hs=TRUE is preferred.
9	x0 <- qnorm(p)
10	f0 <- dnorm(x0)
11	if(hs)
12            n^(-1/3) * qnorm(1 - alpha/2)^(2/3) *
13                ((1.5 * f0^2)/(2 * x0^2 + 1))^(1/3)
14	else n^-0.2 * ((4.5 * f0^4)/(2 * x0^2 + 1)^2)^ 0.2
18plot.rq.process <- function(x, nrow = 3, ncol = 2, ...)
20    ## Function to plot estimated quantile regression  process
21	tdim <- dim(x$sol)
22	p <- tdim[1] - 3
23	m <- tdim[2]
24	oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
25	par(mfrow = c(nrow, ncol))
26	ylab <- dimnames(x$sol)[[1]]
27	for(i in 1:p) {
28		plot(x$sol[1,], x$sol[3 + i,  ], xlab = "tau",
29                     ylab = ylab[3 + i], type = "l")
30	}
34print.rqs <- function (x, ...)
36    if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
37        cat("Call:\n")
38        dput(cl)
39    }
40    coef <- coef(x)
41    cat("\nCoefficients:\n")
42    print(coef, ...)
43    rank <- x$rank
44    nobs <- nrow(residuals(x))
45    p <- nrow(coef)
46    rdf <- nobs - p
47    cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", nobs, "total;", rdf, "residual\n")
48    if (!is.null(attr(x, "na.message")))
49        cat(attr(x, "na.message"), "\n")
50    invisible(x)
53"print.rq" <-
54function(x, ...)
56	if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
57		cat("Call:\n")
58		dput(cl)
59	}
60	coef <- coef(x)
61	cat("\nCoefficients:\n")
62	print(coef, ...)
63	rank <- x$rank
64	nobs <- length(residuals(x))
65	if(is.matrix(coef))
66		p <- dim(coef)[1]
67	else p <- length(coef)
68	rdf <- nobs - p
69	cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", nobs, "total;", rdf, "residual\n")
70	if(!is.null(attr(x, "na.message")))
71		cat(attr(x, "na.message"), "\n")
72	invisible(x)
75print.summary.rqs <- function(x, ...) {
76    lapply(x, print.summary.rq)
77    invisible(x)
80"print.summary.rq" <-
81function(x, digits = max(5, .Options$digits - 2), ...)
83	cat("\nCall: ")
84	dput(x$call)
85	coef <- x$coef
86	## df <- x$df
87	## rdf <- x$rdf
88	tau <- x$tau
89	cat("\ntau: ")
90	print(format(round(tau,digits = digits)), quote = FALSE, ...)
91	cat("\nCoefficients:\n")
92	print(format(round(coef, digits = digits)), quote = FALSE, ...)
93	invisible(x)
96"rq" <-
97function (formula, tau = 0.5, data, subset, weights, na.action, method = "br",
98    model = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, ...)
100    call <- match.call()
101    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
102    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0)
103    mf <- mf[c(1,m)]
104    mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
105    mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
106    mf <- eval.parent(mf)
107    if(method == "model.frame")return(mf)
108    mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
109    weights <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
110    tau <- sort(unique(tau))
111    eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)
112    if (any(tau == 0)) tau[tau == 0] <- eps
113    if (any(tau == 1)) tau[tau == 1] <- 1 - eps
114    Y <- model.response(mf)
115    if(method == "sfn"){
116	if(requireNamespace("MatrixModels") && requireNamespace("Matrix")){
117	    X <- MatrixModels::model.Matrix(mt, data, sparse = TRUE)
118	    vnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
119	    X <- as(X ,"matrix.csr")
120	    mf$x <- X
121	    }
122    }
123    else{
124	X <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
125	vnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
126    }
127    Rho <- function(u,tau) u * (tau - (u < 0))
128    if (length(tau) > 1) {
129      if (any(tau < 0) || any(tau > 1))
130        stop("invalid tau:  taus should be >= 0 and <= 1")
131      coef <- matrix(0, ncol(X), length(tau))
132      rho <- rep(0, length(tau))
133      if(!(method %in% c("ppro","qfnb","pfnb"))){
134        fitted <- resid <- matrix(0, nrow(X), length(tau))
135	for(i in 1:length(tau)){
136	    z <- {if (length(weights))
137                 	rq.wfit(X, Y, tau = tau[i], weights, method, ...)
138                  else rq.fit(X, Y, tau = tau[i], method, ...)
139    		 }
140	    coef[,i] <- z$coefficients
141	    resid[,i] <- z$residuals
142            rho[i] <- sum(Rho(z$residuals,tau[i]))
143	    fitted[,i] <- Y - z$residuals
144	   }
145	taulabs <- paste("tau=",format(round(tau,3)))
146	dimnames(coef) <- list(vnames, taulabs)
147	dimnames(resid)[[2]] <- taulabs
148	fit <- z
149        fit$coefficients <-  coef
150        fit$residuals <- resid
151        fit$fitted.values <- fitted
152	if(method == "lasso") class(fit) <- c("lassorqs","rqs")
153	else if(method == "scad") class(fit) <- c("scadrqs","rqs")
154	else class(fit) <- "rqs"
155	}
156      else if(method == "pfnb"){ # Preprocessing in fortran loop
157	  fit <- rq.fit.pfnb(X, Y, tau)
158          class(fit) = "rqs"
159          }
160      else if(method == "qfnb"){ # simple fortran loop method
161	  fit <- rq.fit.qfnb(X, Y, tau)
162          class(fit) = ifelse(length(tau) == 1,"rq","rqs")
163          }
164      else if(method == "ppro"){ # Preprocessing method in R
165	  fit <- rq.fit.ppro(X, Y, tau, ...)
166          class(fit) = ifelse(length(tau) == 1,"rq","rqs")
167          }
168    }
169    else{
170      process <- (tau < 0 || tau > 1)
171      if(process && method != "br")
172        stop("when tau not in [0,1] method br must be used")
173      fit <- {
174        if(length(weights))
175          rq.wfit(X, Y, tau = tau, weights, method, ...)
176        else rq.fit(X, Y, tau = tau, method, ...)
177        }
178      if(process)
179	rho <- list(tau = fit$sol[1,], rho = fit$sol[3,])
180      else {
181	if(length(dim(fit$residuals)))
182          dimnames(fit$residuals) <- list(dimnames(X)[[1]],NULL)
183          rho <-  sum(Rho(fit$residuals,tau))
184          }
185	if(method == "lasso") class(fit) <- c("lassorq","rq")
186	else if(method == "scad") class(fit) <- c("scadrq","rq")
187        else class(fit) <- ifelse(process, "rq.process", "rq")
188	}
189    fit$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
190    fit$formula <- formula
191    fit$terms <- mt
192    fit$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt,mf)
193    fit$call <- call
194    fit$tau <- tau
195    fit$weights <- weights
196    fit$residuals <- drop(fit$residuals)
197    fit$rho <- rho
198    fit$method <- method
199    fit$fitted.values <- drop(fit$fitted.values)
201    attr(fit, "na.message") <- attr(m, "na.message")
202    if(model) fit$model <- mf
203    fit
205"rq.fit" <-
206function(x, y, tau = 0.5, method = "br", ...)
208    if(length(tau) > 1 && method != "ppro") {
209	tau <- tau[1]
210        warning("Multiple taus not allowed in rq.fit: solution restricted to first element")
211        }
213    fit <- switch(method,
214		fn = rq.fit.fnb(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
215		fnb = rq.fit.fnb(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
216		fnc = rq.fit.fnc(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
217		sfn = rq.fit.sfn(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
218		conquer = rq.fit.conquer(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
219		pfn = rq.fit.pfn(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
220		pfnb = rq.fit.pfnb(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
221		ppro= rq.fit.ppro(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
222		br = rq.fit.br(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
223		lasso = rq.fit.lasso(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
224		scad = rq.fit.scad(x, y, tau = tau, ...),
225		{
226			what <- paste("rq.fit.", method, sep = "")
227			if(exists(what, mode = "function"))
228				(get(what, mode = "function"))(x, y, ...)
229			else stop(paste("unimplemented method:", method))
230		}
231		)
232	fit$fitted.values <- y - fit$residuals
233	fit$contrasts <- attr(x, "contrasts")
234	fit
237function(x, y, tau = 0.5, tol = 0.0001)
239# function to compute rq fits for multiple y's
240        x <- as.matrix(x)
241        p <- ncol(x)
242        n <- nrow(x)
243        m <- ncol(y)
244        z <- .Fortran("rqs",
245                as.integer(n),
246                as.integer(p),
247                as.integer(m),
248                as.integer(n + 5),
249                as.integer(p + 2),
250                as.double(x),
251                as.double(y),
252                as.double(tau),
253                as.double(tol),
254                flag = integer(m),
255                coef = double(p * m),
256                resid = double(n),
257                integer(n),
258                double((n + 5) * (p + 2)),
259                double(n))
260        if(sum(z$flag)>0){
261                if(any(z$flag)==2)
262                        warning(paste(sum(z$flag==2),"out of",m,
263                                "BS replications have near singular design"))
264                if(any(z$flag)==1)
265                        warning(paste(sum(z$flag==1),"out of",m,"may be nonunique"))
266                }
267        return(t(matrix(z$coef, p, m)))
269"formula.rq" <-
270function (x, ...)
272    form <- x$formula
273    if (!is.null(form)) {
274        form <- formula(x$terms)
275        environment(form) <- environment(x$formula)
276        form
277    }
278    else formula(x$terms)
281"predict.rq" <-
282function (object, newdata, type = "none", interval = c("none",
283    "confidence"), level = 0.95, na.action = na.pass, ...)
285    if (missing(newdata))
286        return(object$fitted)
287    else {
288        tt <- terms(object)
289        Terms <- delete.response(tt)
290        m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action,
291            xlev = object$xlevels)
292        if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
293            .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
294        X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)
295    }
296    pred <- drop(X %*% object$coefficients)
297    dots <- list(...)
298    if (length(dots$se))
299        boot <- (dots$se == "boot")
300    else boot <- FALSE
301    if (length(dots$mofn))
302         mofn <- dots$mofn
303    interval <- match.arg(interval)
304    if (!interval == "none") {
305        if (interval == "confidence") {
306            if (type == "percentile") {
307                if (boot) {
308		    if(exists("mofn")) {# Rescale and recenter!!
309		      n <- length(object$fitted)
310                      factor <- ifelse(mofn < n, sqrt(mofn/n), 1)
311                      XB <- X %*% t(summary(object, cov = TRUE, ...)$B)/factor
312                      pl <- apply(XB, 1, function(x) quantile(x, (1 - level)/2))
313                      pu <- apply(XB, 1, function(x) quantile(x, 1 - (1 - level)/2))
314                      pl <- pred + factor * (pl - pred)
315                      pu <- pred + factor * (pu - pred)
316                  }
317                  else {
318                      XB <- X %*% t(summary(object, cov = TRUE, ...)$B)
319                      pl <- apply(XB, 1, function(x) quantile(x, (1 - level)/2))
320                      pu <- apply(XB, 1, function(x) quantile(x, 1 - (1 - level)/2))
321                  }
322                  pred <- cbind(pred, pl, pu)
323                  colnames(pred) <- c("fit", "lower", "higher")
324                }
325                else stop("Percentile method requires se = \"boot\".")
326            }
327            else if (type == "direct") {
328                if (boot)
329                  stop("Direct method incompatible with bootstrap covariance matrix estimation")
330                Z <- rq.fit(object$x, object$y, tau = -1)$sol
331                V <- summary(object, cov = TRUE, ...)
332                df <- V$rdf
333                tfrac <- qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, df)
334                Vun <- V$cov * V$scale^2
335                tau <- object$tau
336                bn <- tfrac * sqrt(diag(X %*% Vun %*% t(X)))
337                tauU <- pmin(tau + bn, 1 - 1/df)
338                tauL <- pmax(tau - bn, 1/df)
339                tauhat <- Z[1, ]
340                yhat <- X %*% Z[-(1:3), ]
341                n <- nrow(X)
342                pl <- yhat[cbind(1:n, cut(tauL, tauhat, label = FALSE))]
343                pu <- yhat[cbind(1:n, cut(tauU, tauhat, label = FALSE))]
344                pred <- cbind(pred, pl, pu)
345                colnames(pred) <- c("fit", "lower", "higher")
346            }
347            else {
348                V <- summary(object, cov = TRUE, ...)
349                df <- V$rdf
350                tfrac <- qt((1 - level)/2, df)
351                sdpred <- sqrt(diag(X %*% V$cov %*% t(X)))
352                pred <- cbind(pred, pred + tfrac * sdpred %o%
353                  c(1, -1))
354                colnames(pred) <- c("fit", "lower", "higher")
355            }
356        }
357        else stop(paste("No interval method for", interval))
358    }
359    pred
362"predict.rqs" <-
363function (object, newdata, type = "Qhat", stepfun = FALSE, na.action = na.pass, ...)
365   ## with all defaults
366   if(missing(newdata) && !stepfun && (type == "Qhat")) return(object$fitted)
368   ## otherwise
369   tt <- delete.response(terms(object))
370   m <- if(missing(newdata)) model.frame(object) else model.frame(tt, newdata,
371       na.action = na.action, xlev = object$xlevels)
372   if(!is.null(cl <- attr(tt, "dataClasses"))) .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
373   X <- model.matrix(tt, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
374   pred <- t(X %*% object$coefficients)
375   taus <- object$tau
376   M <- NCOL(pred)
378   ## return stepfun or matrix
379   if(stepfun) {
380       if(type == "Qhat"){
381	   pred <- rbind(pred[1,],pred)
382          if(M > 1)
383	      f <- apply(pred, 2, function(y) stepfun(taus, y))
384          else
385              f <- stepfun(taus, c(pred[1,1], pred[,1]))
386          }
387       else if(type == "Fhat"){
388	   taus <- c(taus[1], taus)
389           if(M > 1)
390	       f <- apply(pred, 2, function(y) {
391                        o <- order(y)
392                        stepfun(y[o], taus[c(1,o)])})
393          else
394              f <- stepfun(pred[,1],taus)
395       }
396       else stop("Stepfuns must be either 'Qhat' or 'Fhat'\n")
397       return(f)
398   }
399   else if(type == "fhat"){
400	akjfun <- function(z, p, d = 10, g = 300, ...) {
401            mz <- sum(z * p)
402            sz <- sqrt(sum((z - mz)^2 * p))
403            hz <- seq(mz - d * sz, mz + d * sz, length = g)
404            fz <- akj(z, hz, p = p, ...)$dens
405            approxfun(hz, fz)
406        }
407        p <- diff(taus)
408        if (M > 1)
409            f <- apply(pred[-1, ], 2, function(z) akjfun(z, p, ...))
410        else akjfun(pred[, 1], p, ...)
411        return(f)
412    }
413  else return(t(pred))
417"predict.rq.process" <-
418function (object, newdata, type = "Qhat", stepfun = FALSE, na.action = na.pass, ...)
420    if(missing(newdata) && !stepfun && (type == "Qhat")) return(object$fitted)
421    tt <- terms(object)
422    Terms <- delete.response(tt)
423    m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action,
424        xlev = object$xlevels)
425    if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses"))) .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
426    X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
427    if(!length(X)) X <- rep(1, NROW(object$dsol)) # intercept only hack
428    pred <- t(X %*% object$sol[-(1:3),, drop = FALSE])
429    taus <- object$sol[1,]
430    M <- NCOL(pred)
431    if(stepfun){
432       if(type == "Qhat"){
433	  pred <- rbind(pred[1,], pred)
434          if(M > 1)
435	      f <- apply(pred,2,function(y) stepfun(taus, y))
436          else
437              f <- stepfun(taus, pred[,1])
438          }
439       else if(type == "Fhat"){
440	  taus <- c(taus[1],taus)
441          if(M > 1)
442	      f <- apply(pred,2,function(y) stepfun(y,taus))
443          else
444              f <- stepfun(pred[,1],taus)
445          }
446       else stop("Stepfuns must be either 'Qhat' or 'Fhat'")
447       return(f)
448    }
449    else if(type == "fhat"){
450	akjfun <- function(z, p, d = 10, g = 300, ...){
451	   mz <- sum(z * p)
452	   sz <- sqrt(sum((z - mz)^2 * p))
453           hz <- seq(mz -  d * sz, mz+ d * sz, length = g)
454           fz <- akj(z, hz, p = p, ...)$dens
455           approxfun(hz,fz)
456	}
457	p <- diff(taus)
458        if(M > 1)
459	    f <- apply(pred[-1,], 2, function(z) akjfun(z, p, ...))
460        else
461	   f = akjfun(pred[,1], p, ...)
462       return(f)
463       }
464    else return(t(pred))
466"rearrange"  <- function (f, xmin, xmax)
467# Revised Version September 11 2007.
469    if (is.list(f))
470        lapply(f, rearrange)
471    else {
472        if (!is.stepfun(f))
473            stop("Only stepfuns can be rearranged.\n")
474    	call	<- attributes(f)$call;
475    	right <- call[match("right",names(call))]=="TRUE()"
476        x 	<- knots(f)
477	n	<- length(x)
478	if(missing(xmin)) xmin = x[1]
479	if(missing(xmax)) xmax = x[n]
480	x	<- x[(x >= xmin) & (x <= xmax)]
481	x	<- c(xmin, x, xmax)
482	n	<- length(x)
483	y	<- f(x)
484        o 	<- ifelse(rep(right,n-1), order(y[-1])+1, order(y[-n]))
485        x 	<- cumsum(c(x[1], diff(x)[o - right]))
486        y 	<- y[o]
487        y 	<- c(y[1], y, max(y))
488        stepfun(x, y, right = right)
489    }
495# Function to compute regression quantiles using original simplex approach
496# of Barrodale-Roberts/Koenker-d'Orey.  There are several options.
497# The options are somewhat different than those available for the Frisch-
498# Newton version of the algorithm, reflecting the different natures of the
499# problems typically solved.  Succintly BR for "small" problems, FN for
500# "large" ones.  Obviously, these terms are conditioned by available hardware.
502# Basically there are two modes of use:
503# 1.  For Single Quantiles:
505#       if tau is between 0 and 1 then only one quantile solution is computed.
507#       if ci = FALSE  then just the point estimate and residuals are returned
508#		If the column dimension of x is 1 then ci is set to FALSE since
509#		since the rank inversion method has no proper null model.
510#       if ci = TRUE  then there are two options for confidence intervals:
512#               1.  if iid = TRUE we get the original version of the rank
513#                       inversion intervals as in Koenker (1994)
514#               2.  if iid = FALSE we get the new version of the rank inversion
515#                       intervals which accounts for heterogeneity across
516#                       observations in the conditional density of the response.
517#                       The theory of this is described in Koenker-Machado(1999)
518#               Both approaches involve solving a parametric linear programming
519#               problem, the difference is only in the factor qn which
520#               determines how far the PP goes.  In either case one can
521#               specify two other options:
522#                       1. interp = FALSE returns two intervals an upper and a
523#                               lower corresponding to a level slightly
524#                               above and slightly below the one specified
525#                               by the parameter alpha and dictated by the
526#                               essential discreteness in the test statistic.
527#				interp = TRUE  returns a single interval based on
528#                               linear interpolation of the two intervals
529#                               returned:  c.values and p.values which give
530#                               the critical values and p.values of the
531#                               upper and lower intervals. Default: interp = TRUE.
532#                       2.  tcrit = TRUE uses Student t critical values while
533#                               tcrit = FALSE uses normal theory ones.
534# 2. For Multiple Quantiles:
536#       if tau < 0 or tau >1 then it is presumed that the user wants to find
537#       all of the rq solutions in tau, and the program computes the whole
538#	quantile regression solution as a process in tau, the resulting arrays
539#	containing the primal and dual solutions, betahat(tau), ahat(tau)
540#       are called sol and dsol.  These arrays aren't printed by the default
541#       print function but they are available as attributes.
542#       It should be emphasized that this form of the solution can be
543#	both memory and cpu quite intensive.  On typical machines it is
544#	not recommended for problems with n > 10,000.
545#	In large problems a grid of solutions is probably sufficient.
547rq.fit.br <-
548function (x, y, tau = 0.5, alpha = 0.1, ci = FALSE, iid = TRUE,
549	interp = TRUE, tcrit = TRUE)
551    tol <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)
552    eps <- tol
553    big <- .Machine$double.xmax
554    x <- as.matrix(x)
555    p <- ncol(x)
556    n <- nrow(x)
557    ny <- NCOL(y)
558    nsol <- 2
559    ndsol <- 2
560    # Check for Singularity of X since br fortran isn't very reliable about this
561    if (qr(x)$rank < p)
562        stop("Singular design matrix")
563    if (tau < 0 || tau > 1) {
564        nsol <- 3 * n
565        ndsol <- 3 * n
566        lci1 <- FALSE
567        qn <- rep(0, p)
568        cutoff <- 0
569        tau <- -1
570    }
571    else {
572        if (p == 1)
573            ci <- FALSE
574        if (ci) {
575            lci1 <- TRUE
576            if (tcrit)
577                cutoff <- qt(1 - alpha/2, n - p)
578            else cutoff <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
579            if (!iid) {
580                h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = TRUE)
581                bhi <- rq.fit.br(x, y, tau + h, ci = FALSE)
582                bhi <- coefficients(bhi)
583                blo <- rq.fit.br(x, y, tau - h, ci = FALSE)
584                blo <- coefficients(blo)
585                dyhat <- x %*% (bhi - blo)
586                if (any(dyhat <= 0)) {
587                  pfis <- (100 * sum(dyhat <= 0))/n
588                  warning(paste(pfis, "percent fis <=0"))
589                }
590                f <- pmax(eps, (2 * h)/(dyhat - eps))
591                qn <- rep(0, p)
592                for (j in 1:p) {
593                  qnj <- lm(x[, j] ~ x[, -j] - 1, weights = f)$resid
594                  qn[j] <- sum(qnj * qnj)
595                }
596            }
597            else qn <- 1/diag(solve(crossprod(x)))
598        }
599        else {
600            lci1 <- FALSE
601            qn <- rep(0, p)
602            cutoff <- 0
603        }
604    }
605    z <- .Fortran("rqbr", as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.integer(n +
606        5), as.integer(p + 3), as.integer(p + 4), as.double(x),
607        as.double(y), as.double(tau), as.double(tol), flag = as.integer(1),
608        coef = double(p), resid = double(n), integer(n), double((n +
609            5) * (p + 4)), double(n), as.integer(nsol), as.integer(ndsol),
610        sol = double((p + 3) * nsol), dsol = double(n * ndsol),
611        lsol = as.integer(0), h = integer(p * nsol), qn = as.double(qn),
612        cutoff = as.double(cutoff), ci = double(4 * p), tnmat = double(4 *
613            p), as.double(big), as.logical(lci1))
614    if (z$flag != 0)
615        warning(switch(z$flag, "Solution may be nonunique", "Premature end - possible conditioning problem in x"))
616    if (tau < 0 || tau > 1) {
617        sol <- matrix(z$sol[1:((p + 3) * z$lsol)], p + 3)
618        dsol <- matrix(z$dsol[1:(n * z$lsol)], n)
619        vnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
620        dimnames(sol) <- list(c("tau", "Qbar", "Obj.Fun", vnames),
621            NULL)
622        return(list(sol = sol, dsol = dsol))
623    }
624    if (!ci) {
625        coef <- z$coef
626        dual <- z$dsol[1:n]
627        names(coef) <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
628        return(list(coefficients = coef, x = x, y = y, residuals = y - x %*% z$coef,
629		dual = dual))
630    }
631    if (interp) {
632        Tn <- matrix(z$tnmat, nrow = 4)
633        Tci <- matrix(z$ci, nrow = 4)
634        Tci[3, ] <- Tci[3, ] + (abs(Tci[4, ] - Tci[3, ]) * (cutoff -
635            abs(Tn[3, ])))/abs(Tn[4, ] - Tn[3, ])
636        Tci[2, ] <- Tci[2, ] - (abs(Tci[1, ] - Tci[2, ]) * (cutoff -
637            abs(Tn[2, ])))/abs(Tn[1, ] - Tn[2, ])
638        Tci[2, ][is.na(Tci[2, ])] <- -big
639        Tci[3, ][is.na(Tci[3, ])] <- big
640        coefficients <- cbind(z$coef, t(Tci[2:3, ]))
641        vnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
642        cnames <- c("coefficients", "lower bd", "upper bd")
643        dimnames(coefficients) <- list(vnames, cnames)
644        residuals <- y - drop(x %*% z$coef)
645        return(list(coefficients = coefficients, residuals = residuals))
646    }
647    else {
648        Tci <- matrix(z$ci, nrow = 4)
649        coefficients <- cbind(z$coef, t(Tci))
650        residuals <- y - drop(x %*% z$coef)
651        vnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
652        cnames <- c("coefficients", "lower bound", "Lower Bound",
653            "upper bd", "Upper Bound")
654        dimnames(coefficients) <- list(vnames, cnames)
655        c.values <- t(matrix(z$tnmat, nrow = 4))
656        c.values <- c.values[, 4:1]
657        dimnames(c.values) <- list(vnames, cnames[-1])
658        p.values <- if (tcrit)
659            matrix(pt(c.values, n - p), ncol = 4)
660        else matrix(pnorm(c.values), ncol = 4)
661        dimnames(p.values) <- list(vnames, cnames[-1])
662        list(coefficients = coefficients, residuals = residuals,
663            c.values = c.values, p.values = p.values)
664    }
667"rq.fit.conquer" <- function(x, y, tau = 0.5, kernel = c("Gaussian", "uniform",
668    "parabolic", "triangular"), h = 0,  tol = 1e-04,
669    iteMax = 5000, ci = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, B = 200)
671    if(!requireNamespace("conquer", quietly = TRUE))
672            stop("method conquer requires package conquer")
673    fit = conquer::conquer(x[,-1], y, tau = tau, kernel = kernel, h = h,
674	tol = tol, iteMax = iteMax, ci = FALSE, alpha = alpha, B = 1000)
675    coefficients = fit$coeff
676    names(coefficients) = dimnames(x)[[2]]
677    residuals = fit$residual
678    list(coefficients = coefficients, tau = tau, residuals = residuals)
680"rq.fit.fnb" <-
681function (x, y, tau = 0.5, rhs = (1-tau)*apply(x,2,sum), beta = 0.99995, eps = 1e-06)
683    n <- length(y)
684    p <- ncol(x)
685    if (n != nrow(x))
686        stop("x and y don't match n")
687    if (tau < eps || tau > 1 - eps)
688        stop("No parametric Frisch-Newton method.  Set tau in (0,1)")
689    d   <- rep(1,n)
690    u   <- rep(1,n)
691    wn <- rep(0,10*n)
692    wn[1:n] <- (1-tau) #initial value of dual solution
693    z <- .Fortran("rqfnb", as.integer(n), as.integer(p), a = as.double(t(as.matrix(x))),
694        c = as.double(-y), rhs = as.double(rhs), d = as.double(d),as.double(u),
695        beta = as.double(beta), eps = as.double(eps),
696        wn = as.double(wn), wp = double((p + 3) * p),
697        nit = integer(3), info = integer(1))
698    if (z$info != 0)
699        warning(paste("Error info = ", z$info, "in stepy: possibly singular design"))
700    coefficients <- -z$wp[1:p]
701    names(coefficients) <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
702    residuals <- y - x %*% coefficients
703    list(coefficients=coefficients, tau=tau, residuals=residuals, nit = z$nit)
706"rq.fit.fnc" <-
707function (x, y, R, r, tau = 0.5, beta = 0.9995, eps = 1e-06)
709    n1 <- length(y)
710    n2 <- length(r)
711    p <- ncol(x)
712    if (n1 != nrow(x))
713        stop("x and y don't match n1")
714    if (n2 != nrow(R))
715        stop("R and r don't match n2")
716    if (p != ncol(R))
717        stop("R and x don't match p")
718    if (tau < eps || tau > 1 - eps)
719        stop("No parametric Frisch-Newton method.  Set tau in (0,1)")
720    rhs <- (1 - tau) * apply(x, 2, sum)
721    u <- rep(1, max(n1,n2)) #upper bound vector and scratch vector
722    wn1 <- rep(0, 9 * n1)
723    wn1[1:n1] <- (1 - tau) #store the values of x1
724    wn2 <- rep(0, 6 * n2)
725    wn2[1:n2] <- 1 #store the values of x2
726    z <- .Fortran("rqfnc", as.integer(n1), as.integer(n2), as.integer(p),
727	a1 = as.double(t(as.matrix(x))), c1 = as.double(-y),
728	a2 = as.double(t(as.matrix(R))), c2 = as.double(-r),
729	rhs = as.double(rhs), d1 = double(n1), d2 = double(n2),
730	as.double(u), beta = as.double(beta), eps = as.double(eps),
731        wn1 = as.double(wn1), wn2 = as.double(wn2), wp = double((p + 3) * p),
732        it.count = integer(3), info = integer(1))
733    if (z$info != 0)
734        stop(paste("Error info = ", z$info, "in stepy2: singular design"))
735    coefficients <- -z$wp[1:p]
736    names(coefficients) <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
737    residuals <- y - x %*% coefficients
738    it.count <- z$it.count
739    list(coefficients=coefficients, tau=tau, residuals=residuals, it = it.count)
741"rq.fit.scad" <-
742function (x, y, tau = 0.5, alpha = 3.2, lambda = 1, start = "rq", beta = 0.9995, eps = 1e-06)
744    n <- length(y)
745    p <- ncol(x)
746    if (n != nrow(x))
747        stop("x and y don't match n")
748    if (tau < eps || tau > 1 - eps)
749        stop("No parametric Frisch-Newton method.  Set tau in (0,1)")
750    if(length(lambda) == 1)
751         lambda <- c(0,rep(lambda,p-1))
752    if(length(lambda) != p)
753          stop(paste("lambda must be either of length ",p," or length one"))
754    if(any(lambda < 0))
755          stop("negative lambdas disallowed")
756    R <- diag(lambda,nrow = length(lambda))
757    R <- R[which(lambda != 0),, drop = FALSE]
758    r <- rep(0,nrow(R))
759    X <- rbind(x,  R)
760    Y <- c(y, r)
761    N <- length(Y)
762    rhs <- (1 - tau) * apply(x, 2, sum) + apply(R,2,sum)
763    dscad <- function(x, a = 3.7, lambda = 2){
764        lambda *  sign(x) *  (abs(x) <= lambda) +
765        sign(x) * (a * lambda -  abs(x)) / (a - 1) *
766                (abs(x) <= a * lambda) * (abs(x) > lambda)
767        }
768    binit <- switch(start,
769    	rq =   rq.fit.fnb(x, y, tau = tau)$coef[-1],
770    	lasso = rq.fit.lasso(x, y, tau = tau, lambda = lambda)$coef[-1]
771	)
772    coef <- rep(.Machine$double.xmax,p)
773    vscad <- rhs - c(0,dscad(binit) * sign(binit))
774    it <- 0
775    while(sum(abs(binit - coef[-1])) > eps){
776	it <- it + 1
777    	d <- rep(1, N)
778    	u <- rep(1, N)
779    	wn <- rep(0, 10 * N)
780    	wn[1:N] <- c(rep((1 - tau),n),rep(.5,nrow(R)))
781	vrhs <- rhs - vscad
782	binit <- coef[-1]
783    	z <- .Fortran("rqfnb", as.integer(N), as.integer(p), a = as.double(t(as.matrix(X))),
784        	c = as.double(-Y), vrhs = as.double(vrhs), d = as.double(d),
785        	as.double(u), beta = as.double(beta), eps = as.double(eps),
786        	wn = as.double(wn), wp = double((p + 3) * p),
787            	it.count = integer(3), info = integer(1))
788	coef <- -z$wp[1:p]
789	vscad <- c(0,dscad(coef[2:p]) * sign(coef[2:p]))
790	}
791    if (z$info != 0)
792        stop(paste("Error info = ", z$info, "in stepy2: singular design"))
793    coefficients <- -z$wp[1:p]
794    names(coefficients) <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
795    residuals <- y - x %*% coefficients
796    it.count <- z$it.count
797    list(coefficients=coefficients, residuals=residuals, tau = tau,
798		lambda = lambda, it = it.count)
802"rq.fit.lasso" <-
803function (x, y, tau = 0.5, lambda = NULL, beta = 0.99995, eps = 1e-06)
805    n <- length(y)
806    p <- ncol(x)
807    if (n != nrow(x))
808        stop("x and y don't match n")
809    if(!length(lambda))
810	lambda <- LassoLambdaHat(x, tau = tau)
811    else if(length(lambda) == 1)
812         lambda <- c(0,rep(lambda,p-1))
813    else if(length(lambda) != p)
814          stop(paste("lambda must be either of length ",p," or length one"))
815    if(any(lambda < 0))
816          stop("negative lambdas disallowed")
817    R <- diag(lambda,nrow = length(lambda))
818    R <- R[which(lambda != 0),, drop = FALSE]
819    r <- rep(0,nrow(R))
820    if (tau < eps || tau > 1 - eps)
821        stop("No parametric Frisch-Newton method.  Set tau in (0,1)")
822    X <- rbind(x, R)
823    Y <- c(y, r)
824    N <- length(Y)
825    rhs <- (1 - tau) * apply(x, 2, sum) + 0.5 * apply(R,2,sum)
826    d <- rep(1, N)
827    u <- rep(1, N)
828    wn <- rep(0, 10 * N)
829    wn[1:N] <- 0.5
830    z <- .Fortran("rqfnb", as.integer(N), as.integer(p), a = as.double(t(as.matrix(X))),
831        c = as.double(-Y), rhs = as.double(rhs), d = as.double(d),
832        as.double(u), beta = as.double(beta), eps = as.double(eps),
833        wn = as.double(wn), wp = double((p + 3) * p),
834            it.count = integer(3), info = integer(1))
835    if (z$info != 0)
836        stop(paste("Error info = ", z$info, "in stepy2: singular design"))
837    coefficients <- -z$wp[1:p]
838    names(coefficients) <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
839    residuals <- y - x %*% coefficients
840    it.count <- z$it.count
841    list(coefficients=coefficients, residuals=residuals, tau = tau,
842	lambda = lambda, it = it.count)
845"rq.fit.pfn" <-
846# This is an implementation (purely in R) of the preprocessing phase
847# of the rq algorithm described in Portnoy and Koenker, Statistical
848# Science, (1997) 279-300.  In this implementation it can be used
849# as an alternative method for rq() by specifying method="pfn"
850# It should probably be used only on very large problems and then
851# only with some caution.  Very large in this context means roughly
852# n > 100,000.  The options are described in the paper, and more
853# explicitly in the code.  Again, it would be nice perhaps to have
854# this recoded in a lower level language, but in fact this doesn't
855# seem to make a huge difference in this case since most of the work
856# is already done in the rq.fit.fnb calls.
858function(x, y, tau = 0.5,  Mm.factor = 0.8,
859	max.bad.fixups = 3, eps = 1e-6)
861	#rq function for n large --
862	n <- length(y)
863	if(nrow(x) != n)
864		stop("x and y don't match n")
865	if(tau < 0 | tau > 1)
866		stop("tau outside (0,1)")
867	p <- ncol(x)
868	m <- round(sqrt(p) * n^(2/3))
869	not.optimal <- TRUE
870	ifix = 0
871	ibad = 0
872	while(not.optimal) {
873		ibad = ibad + 1
874		if(m < n)
875			s <- sample(n, m)
876		else {
877			z <- rq.fit.fnb(x, y, tau = tau,  eps = eps)
878			break
879		}
880		xx <- x[s,  ]
881		yy <- y[s]
882		z <- rq.fit.fnb(xx, yy, tau = tau,  eps = eps)
883		xxinv <- solve(chol(crossprod(xx)))
884		band <- sqrt(((x %*% xxinv)^2) %*% rep(1, p))
885		#sqrt(h<-ii)
886		r <- y - x %*% z$coef
887		M <- Mm.factor * m
888		lo.q <- max(1/n, tau - M/(2 * n))
889		hi.q <- min(tau + M/(2 * n), (n - 1)/n)
890		kappa <- quantile(r/pmax(eps, band), c(lo.q, hi.q))
891		sl <- r < band * kappa[1]
892		su <- r > band * kappa[2]
893		bad.fixups <- 0
894		while(not.optimal & (bad.fixups < max.bad.fixups)) {
895			ifix = ifix + 1
896			xx <- x[!su & !sl,  ]
897			yy <- y[!su & !sl]
898			if(any(sl)) {
899				glob.x <- c(t(x[sl,  , drop = FALSE]) %*% rep(
900					1, sum(sl)))
901				glob.y <- sum(y[sl])
902				xx <- rbind(xx, glob.x)
903				yy <- c(yy, glob.y)
904			}
905			if(any(su)) {
906				ghib.x <- c(t(x[su,  , drop = FALSE]) %*% rep(
907					1, sum(su)))
908				ghib.y <- sum(y[su])
909				xx <- rbind(xx, ghib.x)
910				yy <- c(yy, ghib.y)
911			}
912			z <- rq.fit.fnb(xx, yy, tau = tau,  eps = eps)
913			b <- z$coef
914			r <- y - x %*% b
915			su.bad <- (r < 0) & su
916			sl.bad <- (r > 0) & sl
917			if(any(c(su.bad, sl.bad))) {
918				if(sum(su.bad | sl.bad) > 0.1 * M) {
919				    # This warning may get annoying?
920				    warning("Too many fixups:  doubling m")
921				    bad.fixups <- bad.fixups + 1
922				    m <- 2 * m
923				    break
924				}
925				su <- su & !su.bad
926				sl <- sl & !sl.bad
927			}
928			else not.optimal <- FALSE
929		}
930	}
931	nit <- c(z$nit,ifix,ibad)
932	coefficients <- z$coef
933	names(coefficients) <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
934	list(coefficients=coefficients, tau=tau, nit = nit)
937"rq.wfit" <-
938function(x, y, tau = 0.5, weights, method = "br",  ...)
940	if(any(weights < 0))
941		stop("negative weights not allowed")
942	if(length(tau) > 1) {
943	    tau <- tau[1]
944	    warning("Multiple taus not allowed in rq.wfit: solution restricted to first element")
945	}
946	contr <- attr(x, "contrasts")
947	wx <- x * weights
948	wy <- y * weights
949	fit <- switch(method,
950		fn = rq.fit.fnb(wx, wy, tau = tau, ...),
951		fnb = rq.fit.fnb(wx, wy, tau = tau, ...),
952		br = rq.fit.br(wx, wy, tau = tau, ...),
953		fnc = rq.fit.fnc(wx, wy, tau = tau, ...),
954		sfn = rq.fit.sfn(wx, wy, tau = tau, ...),
955		conquer = rq.fit.conquer(wx, wy, tau = tau, ...),
956		ppro = rq.fit.ppro(wx, wy, tau = tau, ...),
957                pfn = rq.fit.pfn(wx, wy, tau = tau, ...),
958                pfnb = rq.fit.pfnb(wx, wy, tau = tau, ...), {
959			what <- paste("rq.fit.", method, sep = "")
960			if(exists(what, mode = "function"))
961				(get(what, mode = "function"))(x, y, ...)
962			else stop(paste("unimplemented method:", method))
963		}
964		)
965        if(length(fit$sol))
966            fit$fitted.values <- x %*% fit$sol[-(1:3),]
967        else
968            fit$fitted.values <- x %*% fit$coef
969	fit$residuals <- y - fit$fitted.values
970	fit$contrasts <- attr(x, "contrasts")
971	fit$weights <- weights
972	fit
975"summary.rqs" <-
976function (object, ...) {
977        taus <- object$tau
978        xsum <- as.list(taus)
979	dots <- list(...)
980	U <- NULL # Reuse bootstrap randomization
981        for(i in 1:length(taus)){
982                xi <- object
983                xi$coefficients <- xi$coefficients[,i]
984                xi$residuals <- xi$residuals[,i]
985                xi$tau <- xi$tau[i]
986                class(xi) <- "rq"
987                xsum[[i]] <- summary(xi, U = U, ...)
988                if(i == 1 && length(xsum[[i]]$U)) U <- xsum[[i]]$U
989		if(class(object)[1] == "dynrqs"){
990		    class(xsum[[1]]) <- c("summary.dynrq", "summary.rq")
991	            if(i == 1) xsum[[1]]$model <- object$model
992		    }
993                }
994        class(xsum) <- "summary.rqs"
995	if(class(object)[1] == "dynrqs")
996	    class(xsum) <- c("summary.dynrqs", "summary.rqs")
997        xsum
998        }
999"logLik.rq" <- function(object,  ...){
1000        n <- length(object$residuals)
1001        p <- length(object$coefficients)
1002	pen <- (length(object$lambda) > 0)
1003	tau <- object$tau
1004        fid <- object$rho
1005        val <- n * (log(tau * (1-tau)) - 1 - log(fid/n))
1006        attr(val,"n") <- n
1007	if(pen){
1008	   if(!hasArg(edfThresh)) edfThresh <- 0.0001
1009           attr(val,"df") <- sum(abs(object$coefficients) > edfThresh)
1010	  }
1011	else  attr(val,"df") <- p
1012        class(val) <- "logLik"
1013        val
1014        }
1015"logLik.rqs" <- function(object, ...){
1016        n <- nrow(object$residuals)
1017        p <- nrow(object$coefficients)
1018	pen <- (length(object$lambda) > 0)
1019	tau <- object$tau
1020        fid <- object$rho
1021        val <- n * (log(tau * (1-tau)) - 1 - log(fid/n))
1022        attr(val,"n") <- n
1023	if(pen){
1024	   if(!hasArg(edfThresh)) edfThresh <- 0.0001
1025           attr(val,"df") <- apply(abs(object$coefficients) > edfThresh,2,sum)
1026	  }
1027	else  attr(val,"df") <- p
1028        class(val) <- "logLik"
1029        val
1030        }
1031"AIC.rq" <- function(object, ... , k = 2){
1032        v <- logLik(object)
1033        if(k <= 0)
1034                k <- log(attr(v,"n"))
1035        val <- AIC(v, k = k)
1036        attr(val,"edf") <- attr(v,"df")
1037        val
1038        }
1039"extractAIC.rq"  <- function(fit, scale, k=2, ...){
1040aic <- AIC(fit,k)
1041edf <- attr(aic, "edf")
1042c(edf, aic)
1045"AIC.rqs" <- function(object, ... , k = 2){
1046        v <- logLik(object)
1047        if(k <= 0)
1048                k <- log(attr(v,"n"))
1049        val <- AIC(v, k = k)
1050        attr(val,"edf") <- attr(v,"df")
1051        val
1052        }
1055"summary.rq" <-
1056# This function provides  methods for summarizing the output of the
1057# rq command. In this instance, "summarizing" means essentially provision
1058# of either standard errors, or confidence intervals for the rq coefficents.
1059# Since the preferred method for confidence intervals is currently the
1060# rank inversion method available directly from rq() by setting ci=TRUE, with br=TRUE.
1061# these summary methods are intended primarily for comparison purposes
1062# and for use on large problems where the parametric programming methods
1063# of rank inversion are prohibitively memory/time consuming.  Eventually
1064# iterative versions of rank inversion should be developed that would
1065# employ the Frisch-Newton approach.
1067# Object is the result of a call to rq(), and the function returns a
1068# table of coefficients, standard errors, "t-statistics", and p-values, and, if
1069# covariance=TRUE a structure describing the covariance matrix of the coefficients,
1070# i.e. the components of the Huber sandwich.
1072# There are five options for "se":
1074#	1.  "rank" strictly speaking this doesn't produce a "standard error"
1075#		at all instead it produces a coefficient table with confidence
1076#		intervals for the coefficients based on inversion of the
1077#		rank test described in GJKP and Koenker (1994).
1078#	2.  "iid" which presumes that the errors are iid and computes
1079#		an estimate of the asymptotic covariance matrix as in KB(1978).
1080#	3.  "nid" which presumes local (in tau) linearity (in x) of the
1081#		the conditional quantile functions and computes a Huber
1082#		sandwich estimate using a local estimate of the sparsity.
1083#	4.  "ker" which uses a kernel estimate of the sandwich as proposed
1084#		by Powell.
1085#	5.  "boot" which uses one of several flavors of  bootstrap methods:
1086#		"xy"	uses xy-pair method
1087#		"wxy"	uses weighted (generalized) method
1088#		"pwy"	uses the parzen-wei-ying method
1089#		"pxy"	uses the preprocessing method
1090#		"mcmb"	uses the Markov chain marginal bootstrap method
1091#		"cluster"  uses the Hagemann clustered wild gradient method
1092#		"conquer"  uses the He et al multiplier bootstrap
1093#		"BLB"	uses the Bag of Little Bootstraps method
1096function (object, se = NULL, covariance = FALSE, hs = TRUE, U = NULL, gamma = 0.7, ...)
1098    if(object$method == "lasso")
1099         stop("no inference for lasso'd rq fitting: try rqss (if brave, or credulous)")
1100    if(object$method == "conquer") se = "conquer"
1101    mt <- terms(object)
1102    m <- model.frame(object)
1103    y <- model.response(m)
1104    dots <- list(...)
1105    method <- object$method
1106    if(object$method == "sfn"){
1107	x <- object$model$x
1108	vnames <- names(object$coef)
1109	ctrl <- object$control
1110    }
1111    else{
1112	x <- model.matrix(mt, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
1113	vnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
1114    }
1115    wt <- as.vector(model.weights(object$model))
1116    tau <- object$tau
1117    eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(1/2)
1118    coef <- coefficients(object)
1119    if (is.matrix(coef))
1120        coef <- coef[, 1]
1121    resid <- object$residuals
1122    n <- length(y)
1123    p <- length(coef)
1124    rdf <- n - p
1125    if (!is.null(wt)) {
1126        resid <- resid * wt
1127        x <- x * wt
1128        y <- y * wt
1129    }
1130    if (is.null(se)) {
1131        if (n < 1001 & covariance == FALSE)
1132            se <- "rank"
1133        else se <- "nid"
1134    }
1135    if (se == "rank") {
1136        f <- rq.fit.br(x, y, tau = tau, ci = TRUE, ...)
1137    }
1138    if (se == "iid") {
1139        xxinv <- diag(p)
1140        xxinv <- backsolve(qr(x)$qr[1:p, 1:p,drop=FALSE], xxinv)
1141        xxinv <- xxinv %*% t(xxinv)
1142        pz <- sum(abs(resid) < eps)
1143        h <- max(p + 1, ceiling(n * bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)))
1144        ir <- (pz + 1):(h + pz + 1)
1145        ord.resid <- sort(resid[order(abs(resid))][ir])
1146        xt <- ir/(n - p)
1147        sparsity <- rq(ord.resid ~ xt)$coef[2]
1148        cov <- sparsity^2 * xxinv * tau * (1 - tau)
1149        scale <- 1/sparsity
1150        serr <- sqrt(diag(cov))
1151    }
1152    else if (se == "nid") {
1153        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
1154	while((tau - h < 0) || (tau + h > 1)) h <- h/2
1155        bhi <- rq.fit(x, y, tau = tau + h, method = method)$coef
1156        blo <- rq.fit(x, y, tau = tau - h, method = method)$coef
1157        dyhat <- x %*% (bhi - blo)
1158        if (any(dyhat <= 0))
1159            warning(paste(sum(dyhat <= 0), "non-positive fis"))
1160        f <- pmax(0, (2 * h)/(dyhat - eps))
1161        fxxinv <- diag(p)
1162	if(method == "sfn"){
1163	    D <- t(x) %*% (f * x)
1164            D <- chol(0.5 * (D + t(D)), nsubmax = ctrl$nsubmax,
1165                      nnzlmax = ctrl$nnzlmax, tmpmax = ctrl$tmpmax)
1166            fxxinv <- backsolve(D, fxxinv)
1167        }
1168	else{
1169	    fxxinv <- backsolve(qr(sqrt(f) * x)$qr[1:p, 1:p,drop=FALSE], fxxinv)
1170	    fxxinv <- fxxinv %*% t(fxxinv)
1171	}
1172	xx <- t(x) %*% x
1173        cov <- tau * (1 - tau) * fxxinv %*% xx %*% fxxinv
1174        scale <- mean(f)
1175        serr <- sqrt(diag(cov))
1176    }
1177    else if (se == "ker") {
1178        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
1179	while((tau - h < 0) || (tau + h > 1)) h <- h/2
1180        uhat <- c(y - x %*% coef)
1181        h <- (qnorm(tau + h) - qnorm(tau - h))*
1182		min(sqrt(var(uhat)), ( quantile(uhat,.75)- quantile(uhat, .25))/1.34 )
1183        f <- dnorm(uhat/h)/h
1184        fxxinv <- diag(p)
1185        fxxinv <- backsolve(qr(sqrt(f) * x)$qr[1:p, 1:p,drop=FALSE], fxxinv)
1186        fxxinv <- fxxinv %*% t(fxxinv)
1187        cov <- tau * (1 - tau) * fxxinv %*% crossprod(x) %*%
1188            fxxinv
1189        scale <- mean(f)
1190        serr <- sqrt(diag(cov))
1191    }
1192    else if (se == "boot") {
1193	if("cluster" %in% names(dots)) {
1194	    bargs <- modifyList(list(x = x, y = y, tau = tau), dots)
1195	    if(length(object$na.action)) {
1196	         cluster <- dots$cluster[-object$na.action]
1197	         bargs <- modifyList(bargs, list(cluster = cluster))
1198	    }
1199	    if(class(bargs$x)[1] == "matrix.csr")
1200	         bargs <- modifyList(bargs, list(control = ctrl))
1201	B <- do.call(boot.rq, bargs)
1202	}
1203	else
1204	    B <- boot.rq(x, y, tau, coef = coef, ...)
1205        cov <- cov(B$B)
1206        serr <- sqrt(diag(cov))
1207        }
1208   else if (se == "BLB"){ # Bag of Little Bootstraps
1209        n <- length(y)
1210        b <- ceiling(n^gamma)
1211        S <- n %/% b
1212        V <- matrix(sample(1:n, b * S), b, S)
1213        Z <- matrix(0, NCOL(x), S)
1214        for(i in 1:S){
1215            v <- V[,i]
1216	    B <- boot.rq(x[v,], y[v], tau, bsmethod = "BLB", blbn = n, ...)
1217            Z[,i] <- sqrt(diag(cov(B$B)))
1218        }
1219	cov <- cov(B$B)
1220        serr <- apply(Z, 1, mean)
1221    }
1222   else if(se == "extreme"){
1223    tau0 <- tau
1224    if(tau > 0.5) {
1225	y <- -y
1226	tau <- 1 - tau
1227    }
1228    if(length(dots$mofn)) mofn = dots$mofn
1229    else mofn = floor(n/5)
1230    if(length(dots$mofn)) kex = dots$kex
1231    else kex = 20
1232    if(length(dots$alpha)) alpha = dots$alpha
1233    else alpha = 0.1
1234    if(length(dots$R)) R = dots$R
1235    else R = 200
1236    m <- (tau * n + kex)/(tau * n)
1237    taub <- min(tau * n/mofn, tau + (.5 - tau)/3)
1238    # This warning is a bit different than Section 1.3.4 of the Handbook chapter
1239    #if (tau.b.e == tau.e + (.5 - tau.e) / 3 && b >= min(n / 3, 1000))
1240    #	    warning("tau may be non-extremal results are not likely to differ from central inference");
1241    xbar <- apply(x,2, mean)
1242    b0 <- rq.fit(x, y, tau, method = method)$coef
1243    bm <- rq.fit(x, y, tau = m*tau, method = method)$coef
1244    An <- (m-1)*tau * sqrt(n/(tau*(1-tau)))/c(crossprod(xbar,bm - b0))
1245    bt <- rq.fit(x, y, tau=taub, method = method)$coef
1246    s <- matrix(sample(1:n, mofn * R, replace = T), mofn, R)
1247    mbe <- (taub * mofn + kex)/(taub * mofn)
1248    bmbeb <- rq.fit(x, y, tau = mbe*taub, method = method)$coef
1249    # Accelerated xy bootstrap
1250    B0 <- boot.rq.pxy(x, y, s, taub, bt, method = method)
1251    Bm <- boot.rq.pxy(x, y, s, tau = mbe * taub, bmbeb, method = method)
1252    B <- (mbe - 1) * taub * sqrt(mofn/(taub * (1-taub))) *
1253	(B0 - b0)/c((Bm - B0) %*% xbar)
1254    if (tau0 <= 0.5) {
1255        bbc <- b0 - apply(B, 2, quantile, .5, na.rm = TRUE)/An
1256        ciL <- b0 - apply(B, 2, quantile, 1 - alpha/2, na.rm = TRUE)/An
1257        ciU <- b0 - apply(B, 2, quantile, alpha/2, na.rm = TRUE)/An
1258    } else {
1259        bbc <- -(b0 - apply(B, 2, quantile, .5, na.rm = TRUE)/An)
1260        ciL <- -(b0 - apply(B, 2, quantile, alpha/2, na.rm = TRUE)/An)
1261        ciU <- -(b0 - apply(B, 2, quantile, 1 - alpha/2, na.rm = TRUE)/An)
1262    }
1263    B <- R-sum(is.na(B[,1]))
1264    coef <- cbind(b0, bbc, ciL, ciU)
1265    if(tau0 > 0.5) {coef <-  -coef; tau <- tau0}
1266    dimnames(coef) = list(dimnames(x)[[2]], c("coef", "BCcoef","ciL", "ciU"))
1268   else if(se == "conquer"){
1269       if(length(dots$R)) R = dots$R
1270       else R = 200
1271       Z <- conquer(x[,-1], y, tau, ci = TRUE, B = R)
1272       #Fixme:  should have option to choose another bsmethod
1273       coef <- cbind(Z$coef, Z$perCI)
1274       cnames <- c("coefficients", "lower bd", "upper bd")
1275       dimnames(coef) <- list(vnames, cnames)
1276       resid <- y - x %*% Z$coef
1277   }
1279    if( se == "rank"){
1280	coef <- f$coef
1281	}
1282    else if(!(se %in% c("conquer", "extreme"))){
1283    	coef <- array(coef, c(p, 4))
1284    	dimnames(coef) <- list(vnames, c("Value", "Std. Error", "t value",
1285             "Pr(>|t|)"))
1286    	coef[, 2] <- serr
1287    	coef[, 3] <- coef[, 1]/coef[, 2]
1288    	coef[, 4] <- if (rdf > 0)
1289			2 * (1 - pt(abs(coef[, 3]), rdf))
1290    		     else NA
1291	}
1292    object <- object[c("call", "terms")]
1293    if (covariance == TRUE) {
1294        if(se != "rank") object$cov <- cov
1295        if(se == "iid") object$scale <- scale
1296        if(se %in% c("nid", "ker")) {
1297            object$Hinv <- fxxinv
1298            object$J <- crossprod(x)
1299            object$scale <- scale
1300        }
1301        else if (se == "boot") {
1302            object$B <- B$B
1303	    object$U <- B$U
1304        }
1305    }
1306    object$coefficients <- coef
1307    object$residuals <- resid
1308    object$rdf <- rdf
1309    object$tau <- tau
1310    class(object) <- "summary.rq"
1311    object
1314akj <- function(x,
1315                z = seq(min(x), max(x), length = 2 * length(x)),
1316                p = rep(1/length(x), length(x)),
1317                h = -1, alpha = 0.5, kappa = 0.9, iker1 = 0)
1319    nx <- length(x)
1320    stopifnot(is.numeric(x),
1321              length(p) == nx,
1322	      any((iker1 <- as.integer(iker1)) == 0:1))
1323    nz <- length(z)
1324    if(is.unsorted(x))
1325	x <- sort(x)
1326    .Fortran("sakj",
1327	     as.double(x),
1328	     as.double(z),
1329	     as.double(p),
1330	     iker1,
1331	     dens  = double(nz),
1332	     psi   = double(nz),
1333	     score = double(nz),
1334	     as.integer(nx),
1335	     as.integer(nz),
1336	     h = as.double(h),
1337	     as.double(alpha),
1338	     as.double(kappa),
1339	     double(nx))[c("dens", "psi", "score", "h")]
1342"lm.fit.recursive" <-
1343function(X, y, int = TRUE)
1345	if(int)
1346		X <- cbind(1, X)
1347	p <- ncol(X)
1348	n <- nrow(X)
1349	D <- qr(X[1:p,  ])
1350	A <- qr.coef(D, diag(p))
1351	A[is.na(A)] <- 0
1352	A <- crossprod(t(A))
1353	Ax <- rep(0, p)
1354	b <- matrix(0, p, n)
1355	b[, p] <- qr.coef(D, y[1:p])
1356	b[is.na(b)] <- 0
1357	z <- .Fortran( "rls",
1358		as.integer(n),
1359		as.integer(p),
1360		as.double(t(X)),
1361		as.double(y),
1362		b = as.double(b),
1363		as.double(A),
1364		as.double(Ax))
1365	bhat <- matrix(z$b, p, n)
1366	return(bhat)
1369"rq.fit.hogg" <-
1370function (x, y, taus = c(.1,.3,.5), weights = c(.7,.2,.1),
1371	R= NULL, r = NULL, beta = 0.99995, eps = 1e-06)
1373    n <- length(y)
1374    n2 <- NROW(R)
1375    m <- length(taus)
1376    p <- ncol(x)+m
1377    if (n != nrow(x))
1378        stop("x and y don't match n")
1379    if (m != length(weights))
1380        stop("taus and weights differ in length")
1381    if (any(taus < eps) || any(taus > 1 - eps))
1382        stop("taus outside (0,1)")
1383    W <- diag(weights)
1384    if(m == 1) W <- weights
1385    x <- as.matrix(x)
1386    X <- cbind(kronecker(W,rep(1,n)),kronecker(weights,x))
1387    y <- kronecker(weights,y)
1388    rhs <- c(weights*(1 - taus)*n, sum(weights*(1-taus)) * apply(x, 2, sum))
1389    if(n2!=length(r))
1390	stop("R and r of incompatible dimension")
1391    if(!is.null(R))
1392	if(ncol(R)!=p)
1393	    stop("R and X of incompatible dimension")
1394    d <- rep(1, m*n)
1395    u <- rep(1, m*n)
1396    if(length(r)){
1397       wn1 <- rep(0, 10 * m*n)
1398       wn1[1:(m*n)] <- .5
1399       wn2 <- rep(0,6*n2)
1400       wn2[1:n2] <- 1
1401       z <- .Fortran("rqfnc", as.integer(m*n), as.integer(n2), as.integer(p),
1402           a1 = as.double(t(as.matrix(X))), c1 = as.double(-y),
1403           a2 = as.double(t(as.matrix(R))), c2 = as.double(-r),
1404           rhs = as.double(rhs), d1 = double(m*n), d2 = double(n2),
1405           as.double(u), beta = as.double(beta), eps = as.double(eps),
1406           wn1 = as.double(wn1), wn2 = as.double(wn2), wp = double((p + 3) * p),
1407	   it.count = integer(3), info = integer(1))
1408	}
1409    else{
1410	wn <- rep(0, 10 * m*n)
1411    	wn[1:(m*n)] <- .5
1412    	z <- .Fortran("rqfnb", as.integer(m*n), as.integer(p), a = as.double(t(as.matrix(X))),
1413		c = as.double(-y), rhs = as.double(rhs), d = as.double(d), as.double(u),
1414		beta = as.double(beta), eps = as.double(eps), wn = as.double(wn),
1415		wp = double((p + 3) * p), it.count = integer(2), info = integer(1))
1416	}
1417    if (z$info != 0)
1418        warning(paste("Info = ", z$info, "in stepy: singular design: iterations ", z$it.count[1]))
1419    coefficients <- -z$wp[1:p]
1420    if(any(is.na(coefficients)))stop("NA coefs:  infeasible problem?")
1421    list(coefficients = coefficients, nit = z$it.count, flag = z$info)
1423#preprocessing for the QR process
1424"rq.fit.ppro" <- function (x, y, tau, weights=NULL, Mm.factor = 0.8, eps = 1e-06, ...)
1426  ntau <- length(tau)
1427  n <- length(y)
1428  if (nrow(x) != n) stop("x and y don't match n")
1429  p <- ncol(x)
1430  m <- n * sqrt(p) * max(diff(tau)) # check this length(tau) == 1 case?
1431  dots <- list(...)
1432  method <- ifelse(length(dots$pmethod), dots$pmethod, "fn")
1433  if(length(weights)){
1434      if(any(weights < 0))
1435	 stop("negative weights not allowed")
1436      if(length(weights) != n)
1437	 stop("weights not of length(y)")
1438      else {
1439         x <- x * weights
1440         y <- y * weights
1441      }
1442  }
1443  coef <- matrix(NA, p, ntau)
1444  resid <- matrix(NA, n, ntau)
1445  rho <- rep(0, ntau)
1446  Rho <- function(u, tau) u * (tau - (u < 0))
1447  z <- rq.fit(x, y, tau=tau[1], method = method)
1448  r <- z$resid
1449  coef[,1] <- z$coef
1450  rho[1] <- sum(Rho(z$residuals, tau[1]))
1451  xxinv <- solve(chol(crossprod(x)))
1452  # Is pmax really necessary here?
1453  band <- pmax(eps, sqrt(((x %*% xxinv)^2) %*% rep(1, p)))
1454  for(i in 2:ntau){
1455    not.optimal <- TRUE
1456    mm <- m
1457    while (not.optimal) {
1458      M <- Mm.factor * mm
1459      lo.q <- max(1/n, tau[i] - M/(2 * n))
1460      hi.q <- min(tau[i] + M/(2 * n), (n - 1)/n)
1461      kappa <- quantile(r/band, c(lo.q, hi.q))
1462      sl <- r < band * kappa[1]
1463      su <- r > band * kappa[2]
1464      while (not.optimal) {
1465        xx <- x[!su & !sl, ]
1466        yy <- y[!su & !sl]
1467        if (any(sl)) {
1468          glob.x <- c(t(x[sl, , drop = FALSE]) %*% rep(1, sum(sl)))
1469          glob.y <- sum(y[sl])
1470          xx <- rbind(xx, glob.x)
1471          yy <- c(yy, glob.y)
1472        }
1473        if (any(su)) {
1474          ghib.x <- c(t(x[su, , drop = FALSE]) %*% rep(1, sum(su)))
1475          ghib.y <- sum(y[su])
1476          xx <- rbind(xx, ghib.x)
1477          yy <- c(yy, ghib.y)
1478        }
1479        z <- rq.fit(xx, yy, tau = tau[i], method = method)
1480        b <- z$coef
1481        r <- y - x %*% b
1482        su.bad <- (r < 0) & su
1483        sl.bad <- (r > 0) & sl
1484        bad.signs <- sum(su.bad | sl.bad)
1485        if (bad.signs > 0) {
1486          if (bad.signs > 0.1 * M) {
1487            mm <- 2*mm
1488            warning("Too many fixups:  doubling m")
1489            break
1490          }
1491          su <- su & !su.bad
1492          sl <- sl & !sl.bad
1493        }
1494        else not.optimal <- FALSE
1495      }
1496    }
1497    coef[,i] <- b
1498    resid[,i] <- y - x %*% b
1499    rho[i] <- sum(Rho(resid, tau[i]))
1500  }
1501  dimnames(coef) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], tau)
1502  list(coefficients=coef, residuals = resid, rho=rho, weights = weights)
1505# R function for fnb call for multiple taus
1506rq.fit.qfnb <- function(x,y,tau){
1507    n <- nrow(x)
1508    p <- ncol(x)
1509    m <- length(tau)
1510    d <- rep(1, n)
1511    u <- rep(1, n)
1512    z <- .Fortran("qfnb",
1513		  n = as.integer(n),
1514		  p = as.integer(p),
1515		  m = as.integer(m),
1516		  a = as.double(t(x)),
1517		  y = as.double(-y),
1518		  t = as.double(tau),
1519		  r = double(p),
1520		  d = as.double(d),
1521		  u = as.double(u),
1522		  wn = double(n*9),
1523		  wp = double(p*(p+3)),
1524		  B = double(p*m),
1525		  nit = integer(3),
1526		  info = integer(1))
1527    if(z$info != 0)
1528	warning(paste("Info = ", z$info, "in stepy: singular design: nit = ", z$nit[1]))
1529    coefficients <- matrix(-z$B, p, m)
1530    dimnames(coefficients) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]],paste("tau = ",tau))
1531    list(coefficients = coefficients, nit = z$nit, flag = z$info)
1533rq.fit.pfnb <- function (x, y, tau, m0 = NULL, eps = 1e-06) {
1534    m <- length(tau)
1535    n <- length(y)
1536    if(!is.matrix(x)) dim(x) <- c(n,1)
1537    if (nrow(x) != n)
1538        stop("x and y don't match n")
1539    p <- ncol(x)
1540    if(!length(m0))
1541	m0 <- floor(n^(2/3) * sqrt(p)) # Needs testing!
1542    s <- sample(n,m0)
1543    xs <- x[s,,drop = FALSE]
1544    ys <- y[s]
1545    z <- rq.fit(xs, ys, tau = tau[1], method = "fn")
1546    r <- y - x %*% z$coef
1547    b <- matrix(0,p,m)
1548    nit <- matrix(0,5,m)
1549    xxinv <- solve(chol(crossprod(xs)))
1550    band <- pmax(eps, sqrt(((x %*% xxinv)^2) %*% rep(1, p)))
1551    z <- .Fortran("pfnb",
1552		  as.integer(n),
1553		  as.integer(p),
1554		  as.integer(m),
1555		  as.double(t(x)),
1556		  as.double(y),
1557		  as.double(tau),
1558		  as.double(r),
1559		  b = as.double(-b),
1560		  as.double(band),
1561		  as.integer(m0),
1562		  double(n),
1563		  double(n),
1564		  double(n*9),
1565		  double(p*(p+3)),
1566		  double(p*n),
1567		  double(n),
1568		  integer(n),
1569		  integer(n),
1570		  double(p),
1571		  double(p),
1572		  double(p),
1573		  nit = as.integer(nit),
1574		  info = integer(m))
1575    coefficients <- matrix(-z$b,p,m)
1576    nit <- matrix(z$nit,5,m)
1577    dimnames(coefficients) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]],paste("tau = ",tau))
1578    list(coefficients = coefficients, nit = nit, flag = z$info)
1580LassoLambdaHat <- function(X, R = 1000, tau = 0.5, C = 1, alpha = 0.95){
1581   # Chernozhukov and Belloni default lasso lambda proposal:
1582        n <- nrow(X)
1583        sigs <- apply(X^2,2,mean)
1584        U <- matrix(runif(n * R),n)
1585        R <- (t(X) %*% (tau - (U < tau)))/sigs
1586        r <- apply(abs(R),2,max)
1587        C * quantile(r, 1 - alpha) * sigs
1588        }