1\name{trimWeights} 2\Rdversion{1.1} 3\alias{trimWeights} 4\alias{trimWeights.svyrep.design} 5\alias{trimWeights.survey.design2} 6%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. 7\title{ 8Trim sampling weights 9} 10\description{ 11Trims very high or very low sampling weights to reduce the influence of outlying observations. In a replicate-weight design object, the replicate weights are also trimmed. The total amount trimmed is divided among the observations that were not trimmed, so that the total weight remains the same. 12} 13\usage{ 14trimWeights(design, upper = Inf, lower = -Inf, ...) 15\method{trimWeights}{survey.design2}(design, upper = Inf, lower = -Inf, strict=FALSE,...) 16\method{trimWeights}{svyrep.design}(design, upper = Inf, lower = -Inf,compress=FALSE,...) 17} 18%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. 19\arguments{ 20 \item{design}{ 21 A survey design object 22} 23 \item{upper}{ 24 Upper bound for weights 25} 26 \item{lower}{ 27 Lower bound for weights 28 } 29 \item{strict}{ 30 The reapportionment of the `trimmings' from the weights can push 31 other weights over the limits. If \code{trim=TRUE} the function 32 calls itself recursively to prevent this. 33 } 34 \item{compress}{ 35 Compress the replicate weights after trimming. 36 } 37 \item{\dots}{ 38 Other arguments for future expansion 39} 40} 41 42\value{ 43A new survey design object with trimmed weights. 44} 45 46 47%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ 48 49\seealso{ 50\code{\link{calibrate}} has a \code{trim} option for trimming the 51calibration adjustments. 52} 53\examples{ 54data(api) 55dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc) 56 57pop.totals<-c(`(Intercept)`=6194, stypeH=755, stypeM=1018, 58api99=3914069) 59dclus1g<-calibrate(dclus1, ~stype+api99, pop.totals) 60 61summary(weights(dclus1g)) 62dclus1t<-trimWeights(dclus1g,lower=20, upper=45) 63summary(weights(dclus1t)) 64dclus1tt<-trimWeights(dclus1g, lower=20, upper=45,strict=TRUE) 65summary(weights(dclus1tt)) 66 67 68svymean(~api99+api00+stype, dclus1g) 69svymean(~api99+api00+stype, dclus1t) 70svymean(~api99+api00+stype, dclus1tt) 71} 72% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the 73% R documentation directory. 74\keyword{survey} 75 76