1#  File src/library/utils/R/packages2.R
2#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
4#  Copyright (C) 1995-2020 The R Core Team
6#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9#  (at your option) any later version.
11#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14#  GNU General Public License for more details.
16#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
17#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
19if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
20    .install.macbinary <- function(...) NULL	# globalVariables isn't available, so use this to suppress the warning
22isBasePkg <- function(pkg) {
23  priority <- tryCatch(packageDescription(pkg, fields = "Priority"),
24                       error = function(e) e, warning = function(e) e)
25  identical(priority, "base")
28getDependencies <-
29    function(pkgs, dependencies = NA, available = NULL, lib = .libPaths()[1L],
30             binary = FALSE, ..., av2 = NULL) ## ... is passed to installed.packages().
32    if (is.null(dependencies)) return(unique(pkgs))
33    oneLib <- length(lib) == 1L
34    dep2 <- NULL
35    if(is.logical(dependencies) && is.na(dependencies))
36        dependencies <- c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")
37    depends <-
38        is.character(dependencies) || (is.logical(dependencies) && dependencies)
39    if(depends && is.logical(dependencies)) {
40        if(binary) {
41            dependencies <-  c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests")
42            dep2 <- c("Depends", "Imports")
43        } else {
44            dependencies <-  c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests")
45            dep2 <- c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")
46        }
47    }
48    if(depends && !oneLib) {
49        warning("Do not know which element of 'lib' to install dependencies into\nskipping dependencies")
50        depends <- FALSE
51    }
52    p0 <- unique(pkgs)
53    miss <-  !p0 %in% row.names(available)
54    base <- vapply(p0, isBasePkg, FALSE)
55    if (sum(base))
56        warning(sprintf(ngettext(sum(base),
57                                 "package %s is a base package, and should not be updated",
58                                 "packages %s are base packages, and should not be updated"),
59                        paste(sQuote(p0[base]), collapse = ", ")),
60                domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
61    m0 <- miss & !base
62    msg2 <- NULL
63    if(sum(m0) && !is.null(av2)) {
64        keep <- rownames(av2) %in% p0[m0] ## there might be duplicate matches
65        av2 <- av2[keep, , drop = FALSE]
66        if(nrow(av2)) {
67            ds <- av2[, "Depends"]
68            ds[is.na(ds)] <- ""
69            x <- lapply(strsplit(sub("^[[:space:]]*", "", ds),
70                                 "[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*"),
71                        function(s) s[grepl("^R[[:space:]]*\\(", s)])
72            lens <- lengths(x)
73            pos <- which(lens > 0L)
74            av2 <- av2[pos,, drop = FALSE]; x <- x[pos]
75            msg2 <- paste(sQuote(av2[, "Package"]), "version", av2[, "Version"],
76                          "is in the repositories but depends on", unlist(x))
77        }
78    }
79    if(sum(m0)) {
80        msg <- paste0(if(binary) "as a binary package ",
81                      "for this version of R")
82        msg3 <- c(paste0(ngettext(sum(m0),
83                                  "A version of this package for your version of R might be available elsewhere,\nsee the ideas at\n",
84                                  "Versions of these packages for your version of R might be available elsewhere,\nsee the ideas at\n"),
85                         ## refer to r-patched for released/patched versions
86                         if (grepl("Under development", R.version.string)) {
87                             "https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-devel/R-admin.html#Installing-packages"
88                         } else {
89                             "https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-patched/R-admin.html#Installing-packages"
90                         })
91                 )
92	warning(sprintf(ngettext(sum(m0),
93				 "package %s is not available %s",
94				 "packages %s are not available %s"),
95			paste(sQuote(p0[m0]), collapse = ", "),
96                        paste(c(msg, msg2, "", msg3), collapse = "\n")),
97               domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
98        if (sum(m0) == 1L &&
99            !is.na(w <- match(tolower(p0[m0]),
100                              tolower(row.names(available))))) {
101            warning(sprintf("Perhaps you meant %s ?",
102                            sQuote(row.names(available)[w])),
103                    call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
104        }
105        flush.console()
106    }
107    p0 <- p0[!miss]
109    if(depends && length(p0)) { # check for dependencies, recursively
110        p1 <- p0 # this is ok, as 1 lib only
111        ## INSTALL prepends 'lib' to the libpath
112        ## Here we are slightly more conservative
113        libpath <- .libPaths()
114        if(!lib %in% libpath) libpath <- c(lib, libpath)
115        installed <- installed.packages(lib.loc = libpath,
116                                        fields = c("Package", "Version"),
117                                        ...)
118        not_avail <- character()
119	repeat {
120	    deps <- apply(available[p1, dependencies, drop = FALSE],
121                          1L, function(x) paste(x[!is.na(x)], collapse=", "))
122	    res <- .clean_up_dependencies2(deps, installed, available)
123            not_avail <- c(not_avail, res[[2L]])
124            deps <- unique(res[[1L]])
125            ## R should not get to here, but be safe
126            deps <- deps[!deps %in% c("R", pkgs)]
127	    if(!length(deps)) break
128	    pkgs <- c(deps, pkgs)
129	    p1 <- deps
130            if(!is.null(dep2)) { dependencies <- dep2; dep2 <- NULL }
131	}
132        if(length(not_avail)) {
133            not_avail <- unique(not_avail)
134            warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(not_avail),
135                                     "dependency %s is not available",
136                                     "dependencies %s are not available"),
137                            paste(sQuote(not_avail), collapse=", ")),
138                    domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
139            flush.console()
140        }
142        pkgs <- unique(pkgs)
143        pkgs <- pkgs[pkgs %in% row.names(available)]
144        if(length(pkgs) > length(p0)) {
145            added <- setdiff(pkgs, p0)
146            message(sprintf(ngettext(length(added),
147                                     "also installing the dependency %s",
148                                     "also installing the dependencies %s"),
149                            paste(sQuote(added), collapse=", ")),
150                    "\n", domain = NA)
151            flush.console()
152        }
153        p0 <- pkgs
154    }
155    p0
158install.packages <-
159    function(pkgs, lib, repos = getOption("repos"),
160             contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type),
161             method, available = NULL, destdir = NULL, dependencies = NA,
162             type = getOption("pkgType"),
163             configure.args = getOption("configure.args"),
164             configure.vars = getOption("configure.vars"),
165             clean = FALSE, Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1L),
166	     verbose = getOption("verbose"),
167             libs_only = FALSE, INSTALL_opts, quiet = FALSE,
168             keep_outputs = FALSE,
169             ...)
171    if (!is.character(type))
172        stop("invalid 'type'; must be a character string")
173    type2 <- .Platform$pkgType
174    if (type == "binary") {
175        if (type2 == "source")
176            stop("type 'binary' is not supported on this platform")
177        else type <- type2
178        if(type == "both" && (!missing(contriburl) || !is.null(available)))
179           stop("specifying 'contriburl' or 'available' requires a single type, not type = \"both\"")
180    }
181    if (is.logical(clean) && clean)
182        clean <- "--clean"
183    if(is.logical(dependencies) && is.na(dependencies))
184        dependencies <- if(!missing(lib) && length(lib) > 1L) FALSE
185        else c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")
187    ## Compute the configuration arguments for a given package.
188    ## If configure.args is an unnamed character vector, use that.
189    ## If it is named, match the pkg name to the names of the character
190    ## vector and if we get a match, use that element.
191    ## Similarly, configure.args is a list(), match pkg to the names pkg
192    ## and use that element, collapsing it into a single string.
194    get_package_name <- function(pkg) {
195        ## Since the pkg argument can be the name of a file rather than
196        ## a regular package name, we have to clean that up.
197        gsub("_[.](zip|tar[.]gz|tar[.]bzip2|tar[.]xz)", "",
198             gsub(.standard_regexps()$valid_package_version, "",
199                  basename(pkg)))
200    }
202    getConfigureArgs <- function(pkg)
203    {
204        if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") return(character())
206        if(length(pkgs) == 1L && length(configure.args) &&
207           length(names(configure.args)) == 0L)
208            return(paste0("--configure-args=",
209                          shQuote(paste(configure.args, collapse = " "))))
211        pkg <- get_package_name(pkg)
212        if (length(configure.args) && length(names(configure.args))
213              && pkg %in% names(configure.args))
214            config <- paste0("--configure-args=",
215                             shQuote(paste(configure.args[[ pkg ]], collapse = " ")))
216        else
217            config <- character()
219        config
220    }
222    getConfigureVars <- function(pkg)
223    {
224        if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") return(character())
226        if(length(pkgs) == 1L && length(configure.vars) &&
227           length(names(configure.vars)) == 0L)
228            return(paste0("--configure-vars=",
229                          shQuote(paste(configure.vars, collapse = " "))))
231        pkg <- get_package_name(pkg)
232        if (length(configure.vars) && length(names(configure.vars))
233              && pkg %in% names(configure.vars))
234            config <- paste0("--configure-vars=",
235                             shQuote(paste(configure.vars[[ pkg ]], collapse = " ")))
236        else
237            config <- character()
239        config
240    }
242    get_install_opts <- function(pkg) {
243        if(!length(INSTALL_opts))
244            character()
245        else
246            paste(INSTALL_opts[[get_package_name(pkg)]], collapse = " ")
247    }
249    if(missing(pkgs)) {
250        if(!interactive()) stop("no packages were specified")
251        ## if no packages were specified, use a menu
252	if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows" || .Platform$GUI == "AQUA"
253           || (capabilities("tcltk")
254               && capabilities("X11") && suppressWarnings(tcltk::.TkUp)) ) {
255            ## this is the condition for a graphical select.list()
256	} else
257	    stop("no packages were specified")
259        ## This will only offer the specified type.  If type = "both"
260        ## do not want 'available' set for "source".
261	if(is.null(available)) {
262	    av <- available.packages(contriburl = contriburl, method = method,
263                                     ...)
264	    if (missing(repos)) ## Evaluating contriburl may have changed repos, which may be used below
265	      repos <- getOption("repos")
266            if(type != "both") available <- av
267        } else av <- available
268	if(NROW(av)) {
269            ## avoid duplicate entries in menus, since the latest available
270            ## will be picked up
271            ## sort in the locale, as R <= 2.10.1 did so
272	    pkgs <- select.list(sort(unique(rownames(av))),
273                                multiple = TRUE,
274                                title = "Packages", graphics = TRUE)
275	}
276    }
278    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && length(pkgs)) {
279        ## look for package in use.
280        pkgnames <- get_package_name(pkgs)
281        ## there is no guarantee we have got the package name right:
282        ## foo.zip might contain package bar or Foo or FOO or ....
283        ## but we can't tell without trying to unpack it.
284        inuse <- search()
285        inuse <- sub("^package:", "", inuse[grep("^package:", inuse)])
286        inuse <- pkgnames %in% inuse
287        if(any(inuse)) {
288            warning(sprintf(ngettext(sum(inuse),
289                    "package %s is in use and will not be installed",
290                    "packages %s are in use and will not be installed"),
291                            paste(sQuote(pkgnames[inuse]), collapse=", ")),
292                    call. = FALSE, domain = NA, immediate. = TRUE)
293            pkgs <- pkgs[!inuse]
294        }
295    }
297    if(!length(pkgs)) return(invisible())
299    if(missing(lib) || is.null(lib)) {
300        lib <- .libPaths()[1L]
301	if(!quiet && length(.libPaths()) > 1L)
302	    message(sprintf(ngettext(length(pkgs),
303                                     "Installing package into %s\n(as %s is unspecified)",
304                                     "Installing packages into %s\n(as %s is unspecified)"),
305                            sQuote(lib), sQuote("lib")), domain = NA)
306    }
308    ## check for writability by user
309    ok <- dir.exists(lib) & (file.access(lib, 2) == 0L)
310    if(length(lib) > 1 && any(!ok))
311        stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(!ok),
312                              "'lib' element %s is not a writable directory",
313                              "'lib' elements %s are not writable directories"),
314                     paste(sQuote(lib[!ok]), collapse=", ")), domain = NA)
315    if(length(lib) == 1L && .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
316        ## file.access is unreliable on Windows, especially >= Vista.
317        ## the only known reliable way is to try it
318        ok <- dir.exists(lib) # dir might not exist, PR#14311
319        if(ok) {
320            fn <- file.path(lib, paste0("_test_dir_", Sys.getpid()))
321            unlink(fn, recursive = TRUE) # precaution
322            res <- try(dir.create(fn, showWarnings = FALSE))
323            if(inherits(res, "try-error") || !res) ok <- FALSE
324            else unlink(fn, recursive = TRUE)
325        }
326    }
327    if(length(lib) == 1L && !ok) {
328        warning(gettextf("'lib = \"%s\"' is not writable", lib),
329                domain = NA, immediate. = TRUE)
330        userdir <- unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"),
331                                   .Platform$path.sep))[1L]
332	if(interactive()) {
333	    ans <- askYesNo(gettext("Would you like to use a personal library instead?"), default = FALSE)
334	    if(!isTRUE(ans)) stop("unable to install packages")
336	    lib <- userdir
337	    if(!file.exists(userdir)) {
338		ans <- askYesNo(gettextf("Would you like to create a personal library\n%s\nto install packages into?",
339		                        sQuote(userdir)), default = FALSE)
340		if(!isTRUE(ans)) stop("unable to install packages")
341		if(!dir.create(userdir, recursive = TRUE))
342                    stop(gettextf("unable to create %s", sQuote(userdir)),
343                         domain = NA)
344		.libPaths(c(userdir, .libPaths()))
345	    }
346	} else stop("unable to install packages")
347    }
349    lib <- normalizePath(lib)
351    ## check if we should infer repos = NULL
352    if(length(pkgs) == 1L && missing(repos) && missing(contriburl)) {
353        if((type == "source" && any(grepl("[.]tar[.](gz|bz2|xz)$", pkgs))) ||
354           (type %in% "win.binary" && endsWith(pkgs, ".zip")) ||
355           (startsWith(type, "mac.binary") && endsWith(pkgs, ".tgz"))) {
356            repos <- NULL
357            message("inferring 'repos = NULL' from 'pkgs'")
358        }
359        if (type == "both") {
360            if (type2 %in% "win.binary" && endsWith(pkgs, ".zip")) {
361                repos <- NULL
362                type <- type2
363                message("inferring 'repos = NULL' from 'pkgs'")
364            } else if (startsWith(type2, "mac.binary")
365                       && endsWith(pkgs, ".tgz")) {
366                repos <- NULL
367                type <- type2
368                message("inferring 'repos = NULL' from 'pkgs'")
369            } else if (grepl("[.]tar[.](gz|bz2|xz)$", pkgs)) {
370                repos <- NULL
371                type <- "source"
372                message("inferring 'repos = NULL' from 'pkgs'")
373           }
374        }
375    }
377    ## check if we should infer the type
378    if (length(pkgs) == 1L && is.null(repos) && type == "both") {
379    	if (  (type2 %in% "win.binary" && endsWith(pkgs, ".zip"))
380	    ||(startsWith(type2, "mac.binary")
381		   && endsWith(pkgs, ".tgz"))) {
382	    type <- type2
383	} else if (grepl("[.]tar[.](gz|bz2|xz)$", pkgs)) {
384	    type <- "source"
385       }
386    }
388    if(is.null(repos) && missing(contriburl)) {
389        tmpd <- destdir
390        nonlocalrepos <- any(web <- grepl("^(http|https|ftp)://", pkgs))
391        if(is.null(destdir) && nonlocalrepos) {
392            tmpd <- file.path(tempdir(), "downloaded_packages")
393            if (!file.exists(tmpd) && !dir.create(tmpd))
394                stop(gettextf("unable to create temporary directory %s",
395                              sQuote(tmpd)),
396                     domain = NA)
397        }
398        if(nonlocalrepos) {
399            df <- function(p, destfile, method, ...)
400                download.file(p, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...)
401            urls <- pkgs[web]
402            for (p in unique(urls)) {
403                this <- pkgs == p
404                destfile <- file.path(tmpd, basename(p))
405                res <- try(df(p, destfile, method, ...))
406                if(!inherits(res, "try-error") && res == 0L)
407                    pkgs[this] <- destfile
408                else {
409                    ## There will be enough notification from the try()
410                    pkgs[this] <- NA
411                }
412           }
413        }
414    }
417    ## Look at type == "both"
418    ## NB it is only safe to use binary packages with a macOS
419    ## build that uses the same R foundation layout as CRAN since
420    ## paths in DSOs are hard-coded.
421    if (type == "both") {
422        if (type2 == "source")
423            stop("type == \"both\" can only be used on Windows or a CRAN build for macOS")
424        if (!missing(contriburl) || !is.null(available)) type <- type2
425    }
427    getDeps <- TRUE
428    if (type == "both") {
429        if(is.null(repos))
430            stop("type == \"both\" cannot be used with 'repos = NULL'")
431        type <- "source"
432        contriburl <- contrib.url(repos, "source")
433        ## The line above may have changed the repos option, so ...
434        if (missing(repos)) repos <- getOption("repos")
435        available <-
436            available.packages(contriburl = contriburl, method = method,
437                               fields = "NeedsCompilation", ...)
438        pkgs <- getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib, ...)
439        getDeps <- FALSE
440        ## Now see what we can get as binary packages.
441        av2 <- available.packages(contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type2),
442                                  method = method, ...)
443        bins <- row.names(av2)
444        bins <- pkgs[pkgs %in% bins]
445        srcOnly <- pkgs[! pkgs %in% bins]
446        binvers <- av2[bins, "Version"]
448        ## In most cases, packages that need compilation have non-NA "Archs"
449        ## in their binary version and "NeedsCompilation" with value "yes"
450        ## in their source version.  However, the fields are not always
451        ## filled in correctly and some binary packages have executable code
452        ## outside "libs" (so "Archs" is NA), also a later version of a
453        ## package may need compilation but an older one not.  To reduce the
454        ## risk that the user will attempt to install a package from source
455        ## but without having the necessary tools to build it, packages are
456        ## treated as needing compilation whenever they have non-NA "Archs"
457        ## in binary version or/and "NeedsCompilation"="yes" in source
458        ## version.
460        hasArchs <-  !is.na(av2[bins, "Archs"])
461        needsCmp <- !(available[bins, "NeedsCompilation"] %in% "no")
462        hasSrc <- hasArchs | needsCmp
464        srcvers <- available[bins, "Version"]
465        later <- as.numeric_version(binvers) < srcvers
467        action <- getOption("install.packages.compile.from.source",
468                            "interactive")
469        if(!nzchar(Sys.which(Sys.getenv("MAKE", "make")))) action <- "never"
470        if(any(later)) {
471            msg <- ngettext(sum(later),
472                            "There is a binary version available but the source version is later",
473                            "There are binary versions available but the source versions are later")
474            cat("\n",
475                paste(strwrap(msg, indent = 2, exdent = 2), collapse = "\n"),
476                ":\n", sep = "")
477            out <- data.frame(`binary` = binvers, `source` = srcvers,
478                              `needs_compilation` =  hasSrc,
479                              row.names = bins,
480                              check.names = FALSE)[later, ]
481            print(out)
482            cat("\n")
483            if(any(later & hasSrc)) {
484                if(action == "interactive" && interactive()) {
485                    msg <-
486                        ngettext(sum(later & hasSrc),
487                                 "Do you want to install from sources the package which needs compilation?",
488                                 "Do you want to install from sources the packages which need compilation?")
489                    res <- askYesNo(msg)
490                    if (is.na(res)) stop("Cancelled by user")
491                    if(!isTRUE(res)) later <- later & !hasSrc
492                } else if (action == "never") {
493                    cat("  Binaries will be installed\n")
494                    later <- later & !hasSrc
495                }
496            }
497        }
498        bins <- bins[!later]
500        if(length(srcOnly)) {
501            s2 <- srcOnly[!( available[srcOnly, "NeedsCompilation"] %in% "no" )]
502            if(length(s2)) {
503                msg <-
504                    ngettext(length(s2),
505                             "Package which is only available in source form, and may need compilation of C/C++/Fortran",
506                             "Packages which are only available in source form, and may need compilation of C/C++/Fortran")
507                msg <- c(paste0(msg, ": "), sQuote(s2))
508                msg <- strwrap(paste(msg, collapse = " "), exdent = 2)
509                message(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), domain = NA)
510                if(action == "interactive" && interactive()) {
511                    res <- askYesNo("Do you want to attempt to install these from sources?")
512                    if (is.na(res)) stop("Cancelled by user")
513                    if(!isTRUE(res)) pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, s2)
514                } else if(action == "never") {
515                    cat("  These will not be installed\n")
516                    pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, s2)
517                }
518            }
519        }
521        if(length(bins)) {
522            if(type2 == "win.binary")
523                .install.winbinary(pkgs = bins, lib = lib,
524                                   contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type2),
525                                   method = method, available = av2,
526                                   destdir = destdir,
527                                   dependencies = NULL,
528                                   libs_only = libs_only,
529                                   quiet = quiet, ...)
530            else
531                .install.macbinary(pkgs = bins, lib = lib,
532                                   contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type2),
533                                   method = method, available = av2,
534                                   destdir = destdir,
535                                   dependencies = NULL,
536                                   quiet = quiet, ...)
537        }
538        pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, bins)
539        if(!length(pkgs)) return(invisible())
540        message(sprintf(ngettext(length(pkgs),
541                                     "installing the source package %s",
542                                     "installing the source packages %s"),
543                        paste(sQuote(pkgs), collapse=", ")),
544                "\n", domain = NA)
545	flush.console()
546        ## end of "both"
547    } else if (getOption("install.packages.check.source", "yes") %in% "yes"
548               && (type %in% "win.binary" || startsWith(type, "mac.binary"))) {
549        if (missing(contriburl) && is.null(available) && !is.null(repos)) {
550            contriburl2 <- contrib.url(repos, "source")
551	    # The line above may have changed the repos option, so..
552            if (missing(repos)) repos <- getOption("repos")
553	    av1 <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(
554			available.packages(contriburl = contriburl2, method = method, ...)),
555			    error = function(e)e)
556	    if(inherits(av1, "error")) {
557                message("source repository is unavailable to check versions")
558                available <-
559                    available.packages(contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type),
560                                       method = method, ...)
561            } else {
562                srcpkgs <- pkgs[pkgs %in% row.names(av1)]
563                ## Now see what we can get as binary packages.
564                available <-
565                    available.packages(contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type),
566                                       method = method, ...)
567                bins <- pkgs[pkgs %in% row.names(available)]
568                ## so a package might only be available as source,
569                ## or it might be later in source.
570                ## FIXME: might only want to check on the same repository,
571                na <- srcpkgs[!srcpkgs %in% bins]
572                if (length(na)) {
573                    msg <-
574                        sprintf(ngettext(length(na),
575                                         "package %s is available as a source package but not as a binary",
576                                         "packages %s are available as source packages but not as binaries"),
577                                paste(sQuote(na), collapse = ", "))
578                    cat("\n   ", msg, "\n\n", sep = "")
579                }
580                binvers <- available[bins, "Version"]
581                srcvers <- binvers
582                OK <- bins %in% srcpkgs
583                srcvers[OK] <- av1[bins[OK], "Version"]
584                later <- as.numeric_version(binvers) < srcvers
585                if(any(later)) {
586                    msg <- ngettext(sum(later),
587                                    "There is a binary version available (and will be installed) but the source version is later",
588                                    "There are binary versions available (and will be installed) but the source versions are later")
589                    cat("\n",
590                        paste(strwrap(msg, indent = 2, exdent = 2), collapse = "\n"),
591                        ":\n", sep = "")
592                    print(data.frame(`binary` = binvers, `source` = srcvers,
593                                     row.names = bins,
594                                     check.names = FALSE)[later, ])
595                    cat("\n")
596                }
597            }
598        }
599    }
601    if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
602        if(startsWith(type, "mac.binary"))
603            stop("cannot install macOS binary packages on Windows")
605        if(type %in% "win.binary") {
606            ## include local .zip files
607            .install.winbinary(pkgs = pkgs, lib = lib, contriburl = contriburl,
608                               method = method, available = available,
609                               destdir = destdir,
610                               dependencies = dependencies,
611                               libs_only = libs_only, quiet = quiet,  ...)
612            return(invisible())
613        }
614        ## Avoid problems with spaces in pathnames.
615        have_spaces <- grep(" ", pkgs)
616        if(length(have_spaces)) {
617            ## we want the short name for the directory,
618            ## but not for a .tar.gz, and package names never contain spaces.
619            p <- pkgs[have_spaces]
620            dirs <- shortPathName(dirname(p))
621            pkgs[have_spaces] <- file.path(dirs, basename(p))
622        }
623        ## Avoid problems with backslashes
624        ## -- will mess up UNC names, but they don't work
625        pkgs <- gsub("\\", "/", pkgs, fixed=TRUE)
626    } else {
627        if(startsWith(type, "mac.binary")) {
628            if(!grepl("darwin", R.version$platform))
629                stop("cannot install macOS binary packages on this platform")
630            .install.macbinary(pkgs = pkgs, lib = lib, contriburl = contriburl,
631                               method = method, available = available,
632                               destdir = destdir,
633                               dependencies = dependencies, quiet = quiet, ...)
634            return(invisible())
635        }
637        if(type %in% "win.binary")
638            stop("cannot install Windows binary packages on this platform")
640        if(!file.exists(file.path(R.home("bin"), "INSTALL")))
641            stop("This version of R is not set up to install source packages\nIf it was installed from an RPM, you may need the R-devel RPM")
642    }
644    cmd0 <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")
645    args0 <- c("CMD", "INSTALL")
647    output <- if(quiet) FALSE else ""
648    env <- character()
650    tlim <- Sys.getenv("_R_INSTALL_PACKAGES_ELAPSED_TIMEOUT_")
651    tlim <- if(is.na(tlim)) 0 else tools:::get_timeout(tlim)
653    outdir <- getwd()
654    if(is.logical(keep_outputs)) {
655        if(is.na(keep_outputs))
656            keep_outputs <- FALSE
657    } else if(is.character(keep_outputs) &&
658              (length(keep_outputs) == 1L)) {
659        if(!dir.exists(keep_outputs) &&
660           !dir.create(keep_outputs, recursive = TRUE))
661            stop(gettextf("unable to create %s", sQuote(keep_outputs)),
662                 domain = NA)
663        outdir <- normalizePath(keep_outputs)
664        keep_outputs <- TRUE
665    } else
666        stop(gettextf("invalid %s argument", sQuote("keep_outputs")),
667             domain = NA)
669    ## we need to ensure that R CMD INSTALL runs with the same
670    ## library trees, i.e., .R_LIBS() as this session.
671    ## FIXME: At least on Windows, either run sub-R directly (to avoid sh)
672    ## or run the install in the current process.
673    if(length(libpath <- .R_LIBS())) {
674        ## <NOTE>
675        ## For the foreseeable future, the 'env' argument to system2()
676        ## on Windows is limited to calls to make and rterm (but not R
677        ## CMD): hence need to set the R_LIBS env var here.
678        if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
679            ## We don't have a way to set an environment variable for
680            ## a single command, as we do not spawn a shell.
681            oldrlibs <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS")
682            Sys.setenv(R_LIBS = libpath)
683            on.exit(Sys.setenv(R_LIBS = oldrlibs))
684        } else
685            env <- paste0("R_LIBS=", shQuote(libpath))
686        ## </NOTE>
687    }
689    if (is.character(clean))
690        args0 <- c(args0, clean)
691    if (libs_only)
692        args0 <- c(args0, "--libs-only")
693    if (!missing(INSTALL_opts)) {
694        if(!is.list(INSTALL_opts)) {
695            args0 <- c(args0, paste(INSTALL_opts, collapse = " "))
696            INSTALL_opts <- list()
697        }
698    } else {
699        INSTALL_opts <- list()
700    }
702    if(verbose)
703        message(gettextf("system (cmd0): %s",
704                         paste(c(cmd0, args0), collapse = " ")),
705                domain = NA)
707    if(is.null(repos) && missing(contriburl)) {
708        ## install from local source tarball(s)
709        update <- cbind(path.expand(pkgs), lib) # for side-effect of recycling to same length
711       for(i in seq_len(nrow(update))) {
712           if (is.na(update[i, 1L])) next
713           args <- c(args0,
714                     get_install_opts(update[i, 1L]),
715                     "-l",    shQuote(update[i, 2L]),
716                     getConfigureArgs(update[i, 1L]),
717                     getConfigureVars(update[i, 1L]),
718                     shQuote(update[i, 1L]))
719           status <- system2(cmd0, args, env = env,
720                             stdout = output, stderr = output,
721                             timeout = tlim)
722           ## if this times out it will leave locks behind
723           if(status > 0L)
724               warning(gettextf("installation of package %s had non-zero exit status",
725                                sQuote(update[i, 1L])),
726                       domain = NA)
727           else if(verbose) {
728               cmd <- paste(c(cmd0, args), collapse = " ")
729               message(sprintf("%d): succeeded '%s'", i, cmd), domain = NA)
730           }
731       }
732        return(invisible())
733    }
735    tmpd <- destdir
736    nonlocalrepos <- !all(startsWith(contriburl, "file:"))
737    if(is.null(destdir) && nonlocalrepos) {
738        tmpd <- file.path(tempdir(), "downloaded_packages")
739        if (!file.exists(tmpd) && !dir.create(tmpd))
740            stop(gettextf("unable to create temporary directory %s",
741                          sQuote(tmpd)),
742                 domain = NA)
743    }
745    ## from here on we deal with source packages in repos
746    av2 <- NULL
747    if(is.null(available)) {
748        filters <- getOption("available_packages_filters")
749        if(!is.null(filters)) {
750            available <- available.packages(contriburl = contriburl,
751                                            method = method, ...)
752        } else {
753            f <- setdiff(available_packages_filters_default,
754                         c("R_version", "duplicates"))
755            av2 <- available.packages(contriburl = contriburl, filters = f,
756                                      method = method, ...)
757            f <- available_packages_filters_db[["R_version"]]
758            f2 <- available_packages_filters_db[["duplicates"]]
759            available <- f2(f(av2))
760        }
761    }
762    if(getDeps) ## true except for type = "both" above.
763        pkgs <- getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib, ...,
764                                av2 = av2)
766    foundpkgs <- download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available,
767                                   contriburl = contriburl, method = method,
768                                   type = "source", quiet = quiet, ...)
770    ## at this point 'pkgs' may contain duplicates,
771    ## the same pkg in different libs
772    if(length(foundpkgs)) {
773	if(verbose) message(gettextf("foundpkgs: %s",
774                                     paste(foundpkgs, collapse=", ")),
775                            domain = NA)
776        update <- unique(cbind(pkgs, lib))
777        colnames(update) <- c("Package", "LibPath")
778        found <- pkgs %in% foundpkgs[, 1L]
779        files <- foundpkgs[match(pkgs[found], foundpkgs[, 1L]), 2L]
780	if(verbose) message(gettextf("files: %s",
781                                     paste(files, collapse=", \n\t")),
782                            domain = NA)
783        update <- cbind(update[found, , drop=FALSE], file = files)
784        if(nrow(update) > 1L) {
785            upkgs <- unique(pkgs <- update[, 1L])
786            DL <- .make_dependency_list(upkgs, available)
787            p0 <- .find_install_order(upkgs, DL)
788            ## can't use update[p0, ] due to possible multiple matches
789            update <- update[sort.list(match(pkgs, p0)), ]
790        }
792        if (Ncpus > 1L && nrow(update) > 1L) {
793            tlim_cmd <- character()
794            if(tlim > 0) {
795                if(nzchar(timeout <- Sys.which("timeout"))) {
796                    ## SIGINT works better and is used for system.
797                    tlim_cmd <- c(shQuote(timeout), "--signal=INT", tlim)
798                } else
799                    warning("timeouts for parallel installs require the 'timeout' command")
800            }
801            ## if --no-lock or --lock was specified in INSTALL_opts
802            ## that will override this.
803            args0 <- c(args0, "--pkglock")
804            tmpd2 <- file.path(tempdir(), "make_packages")
805            if (!file.exists(tmpd2) && !dir.create(tmpd2))
806                stop(gettextf("unable to create temporary directory %s",
807                              sQuote(tmpd2)),
808                     domain = NA)
809            mfile <- file.path(tmpd2, "Makefile")
810            conn <- file(mfile, "wt")
811            deps <- paste(paste0(update[, 1L], ".ts"), collapse=" ")
812            deps <- strwrap(deps, width = 75, exdent = 2)
813            deps <- paste(deps, collapse=" \\\n")
814            cat("all: ", deps, "\n", sep = "", file = conn)
815            aDL <- .make_dependency_list(upkgs, available, recursive = TRUE)
816            for(i in seq_len(nrow(update))) {
817                pkg <- update[i, 1L]
818                fil <- update[i, 3L]
819                args <- c(args0,
820                          get_install_opts(fil),
821                          "-l", shQuote(update[i, 2L]),
822                          getConfigureArgs(fil),
823                          getConfigureVars(fil),
824                          shQuote(fil),
825                          ">", paste0(pkg, ".out"),
826                          "2>&1")
827                ## <NOTE>
828                ## We currently only use env on Unix for R_LIBS.
829                ## Windows we do Sys.setenv(R_LIBS = libpath),
830                ## since system2() has limited support for 'env'
831                ## Should we use env on Windows as well?
832                ## If so, would we need
833                ##   cmd <- paste(c(shQuote(command), env, args),
834                ##                collapse = " ")
835                ## on Windows?
836                cmd <- paste(c("MAKEFLAGS=",
837                               tlim_cmd,
838                               shQuote(cmd0),
839                               args),
840                             collapse = " ")
841                ## </NOTE>
842                deps <- aDL[[pkg]]
843                deps <- deps[deps %in% upkgs]
844                ## very unlikely to be too long
845                deps <- if(length(deps))
846                    paste(paste0(deps, ".ts"), collapse = " ") else ""
847                cat(paste0(pkg, ".ts: ", deps),
848                    paste("\t@echo begin installing package", sQuote(pkg)),
849                    paste0("\t@", cmd, " && touch ", pkg, ".ts"),
850                    paste0("\t@cat ", pkg, ".out"),
851                    "", sep = "\n", file = conn)
852            }
853            close(conn)
854            cwd <- setwd(tmpd2)
855            on.exit(setwd(cwd))
856            ## MAKE will be set by sourcing Renviron
857            status <- system2(Sys.getenv("MAKE", "make"),
858                              c("-k -j", Ncpus),
859                              stdout = output, stderr = output,
860                              env = env)
861            if(status > 0L) {
862                ## Try to figure out which
863                pkgs <- update[, 1L]
864                tss <- sub("[.]ts$", "", dir(".", pattern = "[.]ts$"))
865                failed <- pkgs[!pkgs %in% tss]
866		for (pkg in failed) system(paste0("cat ", pkg, ".out"))
867                warning(gettextf("installation of one or more packages failed,\n  probably %s",
868                                 paste(sQuote(failed), collapse = ", ")),
869                        domain = NA)
870            }
871            if(keep_outputs)
872                file.copy(paste0(update[, 1L], ".out"), outdir)
873            ## Keep binary packages possibly created via --build
874            file.copy(Sys.glob(paste0(update[, 1L], "*.zip")), cwd)
875            file.copy(Sys.glob(paste0(update[, 1L], "*.tgz")), cwd)
876            file.copy(Sys.glob(paste0(update[, 1L], "*.tar.gz")), cwd)
877            setwd(cwd); on.exit()
878            unlink(tmpd2, recursive = TRUE)
879        } else {
880            tmpd2 <- tempfile()
881            if(!dir.create(tmpd2))
882                stop(gettextf("unable to create temporary directory %s",
883                              sQuote(tmpd2)),
884                     domain = NA)
885            outfiles <- file.path(tmpd2, paste0(update[, 1L], ".out"))
886            for(i in seq_len(nrow(update))) {
887                outfile <- if(keep_outputs) outfiles[i] else output
888                fil <- update[i, 3L]
889                args <- c(args0,
890                          get_install_opts(fil),
891                          "-l", shQuote(update[i, 2L]),
892                          getConfigureArgs(fil),
893                          getConfigureVars(fil),
894                          shQuote(fil))
895                status <- system2(cmd0, args, env = env,
896                                  stdout = outfile, stderr = outfile,
897                                  timeout = tlim)
898                ## if this times out it will leave locks behind
899                if(!quiet && keep_outputs)
900                    writeLines(readLines(outfile))
901                if(status > 0L)
902                    warning(gettextf("installation of package %s had non-zero exit status",
903                                     sQuote(update[i, 1L])),
904                            domain = NA)
905		else if(verbose) {
906                    cmd <- paste(c(cmd0, args), collapse = " ")
907                    message(sprintf("%d): succeeded '%s'", i, cmd),
908                            domain = NA)
909                }
910            }
911            if(keep_outputs)
912                file.copy(outfiles, outdir)
913            unlink(tmpd2, recursive = TRUE)
914        }
915        ## Using stderr is the wish of PR#16420
916        if(!quiet && nonlocalrepos && !is.null(tmpd) && is.null(destdir))
917            cat("\n", gettextf("The downloaded source packages are in\n\t%s",
918                               sQuote(normalizePath(tmpd, mustWork = FALSE))),
919                "\n", sep = "", file = stderr())
920        ## update packages.html on Unix only if .Library was installed into
921        libs_used <- unique(update[, 2L])
922        if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix" && .Library %in% libs_used) {
923            message("Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library'")
924            make.packages.html(.Library)
925        }
926    } else if(!is.null(tmpd) && is.null(destdir)) unlink(tmpd, TRUE)
928    invisible()
929}##end install.packages
931## treat variables as global in a package, for codetools & check
932globalVariables <- function(names, package, add = TRUE)
933    registerNames(names, package, ".__global__", add)
935## suppress foreign function checks, for check
936suppressForeignCheck <- function(names, package, add = TRUE)
937    registerNames(names, package, ".__suppressForeign__", add)
939registerNames <- function(names, package, .listFile, add = TRUE) {
940    .simplePackageName <- function(env) {
941        if(exists(".packageName", envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
942           get(".packageName", envir = env)
943        else
944            "(unknown package)"
945    }
946    if(missing(package)) {
947        env <- topenv(parent.frame(2L)) # We cannot be called directly!
948        package <- .simplePackageName(env)
949    }
950    else if(is.environment(package)) {
951        env <- package
952        package <- .simplePackageName(env)
953    }
954    else
955        env <- asNamespace(package)
956    if(exists(.listFile, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
957        current <- get(.listFile, envir = env)
958    else
959        current <- character()
960    if(! missing(names)) {
961        if(environmentIsLocked(env))
962            stop(gettextf("The namespace for package \"%s\" is locked; no changes in the global variables list may be made.",
963                          package))
964        if(add)
965            current <- unique(c(current, names))
966        else
967            current <- names
968        assign(.listFile, current, envir = env)
969    }
970    current
973packageName <- function(env = parent.frame()) {
974    if (!is.environment(env)) stop("'env' must be an environment")
975    env <- topenv(env)
976    if (!is.null(pn <- get0(".packageName", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)))
977	pn
978    else if (identical(env, .BaseNamespaceEnv))
979	"base"
980    ## else NULL
983##' R's .libPaths() to be used in 'R CMD ...' or similar,
984##' most easily by a previous  Sys.setenv(R_LIBS = .R_LIBS())
985## not yet exported
986.R_LIBS <- function(libp = .libPaths()) {
987    libp <- libp[! libp %in% .Library]
988    if(length(libp))
989        paste(libp, collapse = .Platform$path.sep)
990    else "" # character(0) would fail in Sys.setenv()