1 /*
2  *  R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
3  *  Copyright (C) 1998-2020   The R Core Team
4  *  Copyright (C) 1995, 1996  Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
5  *  Copyright (C) 2004        The R Foundation
6  *
7  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  *  along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
19  *  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
20  */
22 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
23 #include <config.h>
24 #endif
26 #include <Defn.h> /* => Utils.h with the protos from here; Rinternals.h */
27 #include <Internal.h>
28 #include <Rmath.h>
29 #include <R_ext/RS.h>  /* for Calloc/Free */
30 #include <float.h> /* for DBL_MAX */
31 #include <R_ext/Itermacros.h> /* for ITERATE_BY_REGION */
33 			/*--- Part I: Comparison Utilities ---*/
icmp(int x,int y,Rboolean nalast)35 static int icmp(int x, int y, Rboolean nalast)
36 {
37     if (x == NA_INTEGER && y == NA_INTEGER) return 0;
38     if (x == NA_INTEGER)return nalast ? 1 : -1;
39     if (y == NA_INTEGER)return nalast ? -1 : 1;
40     if (x < y)		return -1;
41     if (x > y)		return 1;
42     return 0;
43 }
rcmp(double x,double y,Rboolean nalast)45 static int rcmp(double x, double y, Rboolean nalast)
46 {
47     int nax = ISNAN(x), nay = ISNAN(y);
48     if (nax && nay)	return 0;
49     if (nax)		return nalast ? 1 : -1;
50     if (nay)		return nalast ? -1 : 1;
51     if (x < y)		return -1;
52     if (x > y)		return 1;
53     return 0;
54 }
ccmp(Rcomplex x,Rcomplex y,Rboolean nalast)56 static int ccmp(Rcomplex x, Rcomplex y, Rboolean nalast)
57 {
58     int nax = ISNAN(x.r), nay = ISNAN(y.r);
59 				/* compare real parts */
60     if (nax && nay)	return 0;
61     if (nax)		return nalast ? 1 : -1;
62     if (nay)		return nalast ? -1 : 1;
63     if (x.r < y.r)	return -1;
64     if (x.r > y.r)	return 1;
65 				/* compare complex parts */
66     nax = ISNAN(x.i); nay = ISNAN(y.i);
67     if (nax && nay)	return 0;
68     if (nax)		return nalast ? 1 : -1;
69     if (nay)		return nalast ? -1 : 1;
70     if (x.i < y.i)	return -1;
71     if (x.i > y.i)	return 1;
73     return 0;		/* equal */
74 }
scmp(SEXP x,SEXP y,Rboolean nalast)76 static int scmp(SEXP x, SEXP y, Rboolean nalast)
77 {
78     if (x == NA_STRING && y == NA_STRING) return 0;
79     if (x == NA_STRING) return nalast ? 1 : -1;
80     if (y == NA_STRING) return nalast ? -1 : 1;
81     if (x == y) return 0;  /* same string in cache */
82     return Scollate(x, y);
83 }
85 #define R_INT_MIN 1 + INT_MIN //INT_MIN is NA_INTEGER
isUnsorted(SEXP x,Rboolean strictly)86 Rboolean isUnsorted(SEXP x, Rboolean strictly)
87 {
88     R_xlen_t n, i;
89     int itmp = INT_MIN; /* this is NA_INTEGER, < all valid nonNA R integer
90 			   values */
91     double dtmp = R_NegInf; /*  R_NegInf is min possible double	"value",
92 			        ***this is <= all nonNA R numeric values but
93 				NOT < all nonNA	values*** */
94     if (!isVectorAtomic(x))
95 	error(_("only atomic vectors can be tested to be sorted"));
96     n = XLENGTH(x);
97     if(n >= 2)
98 	switch (TYPEOF(x)) {
100 	    /* NOTE: x must have no NAs {is.na(.) in R};
101 	       hence be faster than `rcmp()', `icmp()' for these two cases */
103 	    /* The only difference between strictly and not is '>' vs '>='
104 	       but we want the if() outside the loop */
106 	    /* x can be an ALTREP here provided that its sortedness is unknown,
107 	       so we use ITERATE_BY_REGION to get the multiple INTEGER calls
108 	       outside of the tight loop and be ALTREP safe. */
109 	case LGLSXP:
110 	case INTSXP:
111 	    if(strictly) {
112 		ITERATE_BY_REGION(x, xptr, i, nbatch, int, INTEGER, {
113 			/* itmp initialized to INT_MIN which is < all
114 			   valid nonNA R int values so no need to
115 			   exclude first iteration
117 			   After first iteration itmp is value at end
118 			   of last batch */
119 			if(itmp >= xptr[0])
120 			    return TRUE;
121 			for(R_xlen_t k = 0; k < nbatch - 1; k++) {
122 			    if(xptr[k] >= xptr[k+1])
123 				return TRUE;
124 			}
125 			itmp = xptr[nbatch - 1];
126 		    });
127 	    } else {
128 		ITERATE_BY_REGION(x, xptr, i, nbatch, int, INTEGER, {
129 			if(itmp > xptr[0]) //deal with batch barriers
130 			    return TRUE;
131 			for(R_xlen_t k = 0; k < nbatch - 1; k++) {
132 			    if(xptr[k] > xptr[k+1])
133 				return TRUE;
134 			}
135 			itmp = xptr[nbatch - 1];
136 		    });
137 	    }
138 	    break;
139 	case REALSXP:
140 	    if(strictly) {
141 		ITERATE_BY_REGION(x, xptr, i, nbatch, double, REAL, {
142 			/* first element could be R_NegInf which is
143 			   initialization value of dtmp so don't do
144 			   the barrier check at i == 0 since its >=
145 			   here
147 			   After first iteration dtmp is value at end
148 			   of last batch */
149 			if(i > 0 && dtmp >= xptr[0]) //deal with batch barriers
150 			    return TRUE;
151 			for(R_xlen_t k = 0; k < nbatch - 1; k++) {
152 			    if(xptr[k] >= xptr[k+1])
153 				return TRUE;
154 			}
155 			dtmp = xptr[nbatch - 1];
156 		    });
157 	    } else {
158 		/* nonstrict, first element can never be < dtmp (== R_NegInf),
159 		   so no need to exclude first iteration in barrier check */
160 		ITERATE_BY_REGION(x, xptr, i, nbatch, double, REAL, {
161 			if(dtmp > xptr[0]) /* deal with batch barriers, dtmp
162 					      is end of last batch */
163 			    return TRUE;
164 			for(R_xlen_t k = 0; k < nbatch - 1; k++) {
165 			    if(xptr[k] > xptr[k+1])
166 				return TRUE;
167 			}
168 			dtmp = xptr[nbatch - 1];
169 		    });
170 	    }
171 	    break;
172 	case CPLXSXP:
173 	    if(strictly) {
174 		for(i = 0; i+1 < n ; i++)
175 		    if(ccmp(COMPLEX(x)[i], COMPLEX(x)[i+1], TRUE) >= 0)
176 			return TRUE;
177 	    } else {
178 		for(i = 0; i+1 < n ; i++)
179 		    if(ccmp(COMPLEX(x)[i], COMPLEX(x)[i+1], TRUE) > 0)
180 			return TRUE;
181 	    }
182 	    break;
183 	case STRSXP:
184 	    if(strictly) {
185 		for(i = 0; i+1 < n ; i++)
186 		    if(scmp(STRING_ELT(x, i ),
187 			    STRING_ELT(x,i+1), TRUE) >= 0)
188 			return TRUE;
189 	    } else {
190 		for(i = 0; i+1 < n ; i++)
191 		    if(scmp(STRING_ELT(x, i ),
192 			    STRING_ELT(x,i+1), TRUE) > 0)
193 			return TRUE;
194 	    }
195 	    break;
196 	case RAWSXP: // being compatible with raw_relop() in ./relop.c
197 	    if(strictly) {
198 		for(i = 0; i+1 < n ; i++)
199 		    if(RAW(x)[i] >= RAW(x)[i+1])
200 			return TRUE;
202 	    } else {
203 		for(i = 0; i+1 < n ; i++)
204 		    if(RAW(x)[i] > RAW(x)[i+1])
205 			return TRUE;
206 	    }
207 	    break;
208 	default:
209 	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("isUnsorted", x);
210 	}
211     return FALSE;/* sorted */
212 } // isUnsorted()
214 #define FIRST_LAST_DIFF(x, type) type##_ELT(x, 0) != type##_ELT(x, XLENGTH(x) - 1)
215 /* assumes no NAs, which is the case for do_isunsorted, they're removed in R code */
216 #define SORTED_VEC_NONCONST(x)	(XLENGTH(x) > 1 &&			\
217      ((TYPEOF(x) == INTSXP && FIRST_LAST_DIFF(x, INTEGER)) ||		\
218       (TYPEOF(x) == REALSXP && FIRST_LAST_DIFF(x, REAL))))
do_isunsorted(SEXP call,SEXP op,SEXP args,SEXP rho)220 SEXP attribute_hidden do_isunsorted(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
221 {
222     if (length(args) == 2) {
223 	/* This allows for old calls of the form
224 	   .Internal(is.unsorted(x, strictly)) prior to adding the
225 	   na.rm argument in order to match the closure signature to
226 	   the signature expected by methods called in
227 	   DispatchOrEval. These old calls might have been captured in
228 	   closures or S4 generic definitions. This code inserts a
229 	   value for the na.rm argument in the list of evaluated
230 	   arguments. The first cell of args is protected when
231 	   do_isunsorted is called. */
232 	SEXP tmp = CONS_NR(R_FalseValue, CDR(args));
233 	SETCDR(args, tmp);
234     }
235     checkArity(op, args);
237     SEXP ans, x = CAR(args);
238     /* DispatchOrEval internal generic: is.unsorted */
239     if(DispatchOrEval(call, op, "is.unsorted", args, rho, &ans, 0, 1))
240 	return ans;
241     PROTECT(args = ans); // args evaluated now
243     int sorted = UNKNOWN_SORTEDNESS;
244     switch(TYPEOF(x)) {
245     case INTSXP:
246 	sorted = INTEGER_IS_SORTED(x);
247 	break;
248     case REALSXP:
249 	sorted = REAL_IS_SORTED(x);
250 	break;
251     default:
252 	break;
253     }
255     SEXP strictlyArg = CADDR(args);
256     /* right now is.unsorted only tells you if something is sorted ascending
257       hopefully someday it will work for descending too */
258     if(!asLogical(strictlyArg)) { /*not strict since we don't memoize that */
259 	if(KNOWN_INCR(sorted)) {
260 	    UNPROTECT(1);
261 	    return ScalarLogical(FALSE);
262 	}
263 	/* is.unsorted returns TRUE for vectors sorted in descending order
264 	   iff the vector has more than 1 unique value */
265 	else if(KNOWN_DECR(sorted)) {
266 	    UNPROTECT(1);
267 	    return ScalarLogical(SORTED_VEC_NONCONST(x));
268 	} else if (sorted == KNOWN_UNSORTED) {
269 	    UNPROTECT(1);
270 	    return ScalarLogical(TRUE);
271 	}
272     }
274     int strictly = asLogical(strictlyArg);
275     if(strictly == NA_LOGICAL)
276 	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "strictly");
277     if(isVectorAtomic(x)) {
278 	UNPROTECT(1);
279 	return (xlength(x) < 2) ? ScalarLogical(FALSE) :
280 	    ScalarLogical(isUnsorted(x, strictly));
281     }
282     if(isObject(x)) {
283 	SEXP call;
284 	PROTECT(call = 	// R>  .gtn(x, strictly) :
285 		lang3(install(".gtn"), x, strictlyArg));
286 	ans = eval(call, rho);
287 	UNPROTECT(2);
288 	return ans;
289     }
290     else {
291 	UNPROTECT(1);
292 	return ScalarLogical(NA_LOGICAL);
293     }
294 }
297 			/*--- Part II: Complete (non-partial) Sorting ---*/
300 /* SHELLsort -- corrected from R. Sedgewick `Algorithms in C'
301  *		(version of BDR's lqs():*/
302 #define sort_body(TYPE_CMP, TYPE_PROT, TYPE_UNPROT)	\
303     Rboolean nalast=TRUE;				\
304     int i, j, h;					\
305 							\
306     for (h = 1; h <= n / 9; h = 3 * h + 1);		\
307     for (; h > 0; h /= 3)				\
308 	for (i = h; i < n; i++) {			\
309 	    v = TYPE_PROT(x[i]);			\
310 	    j = i;					\
311 	    while (j >= h && TYPE_CMP(x[j - h], v, nalast) > 0)	\
312 		 { x[j] = x[j - h]; j -= h; }		\
313 	    x[j] = v;					\
314 	    TYPE_UNPROT;				\
315 	}
R_isort(int * x,int n)317 void R_isort(int *x, int n)
318 {
319     int v;
320     sort_body(icmp,,)
321 }
R_rsort(double * x,int n)323 void R_rsort(double *x, int n)
324 {
325     double v;
326     sort_body(rcmp,,)
327 }
R_csort(Rcomplex * x,int n)329 void R_csort(Rcomplex *x, int n)
330 {
331     Rcomplex v;
332     sort_body(ccmp,,)
333 }
335 /* used in platform.c */
ssort(SEXP * x,int n)336 void attribute_hidden ssort(SEXP *x, int n)
337 {
338     SEXP v;
339     sort_body(scmp,PROTECT,UNPROTECT(1))
340 }
rsort_with_index(double * x,int * indx,int n)342 void rsort_with_index(double *x, int *indx, int n)
343 {
344     double v;
345     int i, j, h, iv;
347     for (h = 1; h <= n / 9; h = 3 * h + 1);
348     for (; h > 0; h /= 3)
349 	for (i = h; i < n; i++) {
350 	    v = x[i]; iv = indx[i];
351 	    j = i;
352 	    while (j >= h && rcmp(x[j - h], v, TRUE) > 0)
353 		 { x[j] = x[j - h]; indx[j] = indx[j-h]; j -= h; }
354 	    x[j] = v; indx[j] = iv;
355 	}
356 }
revsort(double * a,int * ib,int n)358 void revsort(double *a, int *ib, int n)
359 {
360 /* Sort a[] into descending order by "heapsort";
361  * sort ib[] alongside;
362  * if initially, ib[] = 1...n, it will contain the permutation finally
363  */
365     int l, j, ir, i;
366     double ra;
367     int ii;
369     if (n <= 1) return;
371     a--; ib--;
373     l = (n >> 1) + 1;
374     ir = n;
376     for (;;) {
377 	if (l > 1) {
378 	    l = l - 1;
379 	    ra = a[l];
380 	    ii = ib[l];
381 	}
382 	else {
383 	    ra = a[ir];
384 	    ii = ib[ir];
385 	    a[ir] = a[1];
386 	    ib[ir] = ib[1];
387 	    if (--ir == 1) {
388 		a[1] = ra;
389 		ib[1] = ii;
390 		return;
391 	    }
392 	}
393 	i = l;
394 	j = l << 1;
395 	while (j <= ir) {
396 	    if (j < ir && a[j] > a[j + 1]) ++j;
397 	    if (ra > a[j]) {
398 		a[i] = a[j];
399 		ib[i] = ib[j];
400 		j += (i = j);
401 	    }
402 	    else
403 		j = ir + 1;
404 	}
405 	a[i] = ra;
406 	ib[i] = ii;
407     }
408 }
do_sort(SEXP call,SEXP op,SEXP args,SEXP rho)411 SEXP attribute_hidden do_sort(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
412 {
413     SEXP ans;
414     Rboolean decreasing;
416     checkArity(op, args);
418     decreasing = asLogical(CADR(args));
419     if(decreasing == NA_LOGICAL)
420 	error(_("'decreasing' must be TRUE or FALSE"));
421     if(CAR(args) == R_NilValue) return R_NilValue;
422     if(!isVectorAtomic(CAR(args)))
423 	error(_("only atomic vectors can be sorted"));
424     if(TYPEOF(CAR(args)) == RAWSXP)
425 	error(_("raw vectors cannot be sorted"));
427     /* we need consistent behaviour here, including dropping attibutes,
428        so as from 2.3.0 we always duplicate. */
429     PROTECT(ans = duplicate(CAR(args)));
430     SET_ATTRIB(ans, R_NilValue);  /* this is never called with names */
431     SET_OBJECT(ans, 0);		  /* we may have just stripped off the class */
432     sortVector(ans, decreasing);
433     UNPROTECT(1);
434     return(ans); /* wrapping with metadata happens at end of sort.int */
435 }
fastpass_sortcheck(SEXP x,int wanted)437 Rboolean fastpass_sortcheck(SEXP x, int wanted) {
438     if(!KNOWN_SORTED(wanted))
439 	return FALSE;
441     int sorted = UNKNOWN_SORTEDNESS;
442     Rboolean noNA = FALSE, done = FALSE;
444     switch(TYPEOF(x)) {
445     case INTSXP:
446 	sorted = INTEGER_IS_SORTED(x);
447 	noNA = INTEGER_NO_NA(x);
448 	break;
449     case REALSXP:
450 	sorted = REAL_IS_SORTED(x);
451 	noNA = REAL_NO_NA(x);
452 	break;
453     default:
454 	/* keep sorted == UNKNOWN_SORTEDNESS */
455 	break;
456     }
458     /* we know wanted is not NA_INTEGER or 0 at this point because
459        of the immediate return at the beginning for that case */
460     if(!KNOWN_SORTED(sorted)) {
461 	done = FALSE;
462     } else if(sorted == wanted) {
463 	done = TRUE;
464 	/* if there are no NAs, na.last can be ignored */
465     } else if(noNA && sorted * wanted > 0) {
466 	/* same sign, thus same direction of sort */
467 	done = TRUE;
468     }
470     /* Increasing, usually fairly short, sequences of integers often
471        arise as levels in as.factor.  A quick check here allows a fast
472        return in sort.int. */
473     if (! done && TYPEOF(x) == INTSXP && wanted > 0 && ! ALTREP(x)) {
474 	R_xlen_t len = XLENGTH(x);
475 	if (len > 0) {
476 	    int *px = INTEGER(x);
477 	    int last = px[0];
478 	    if (last != NA_INTEGER) {
479 		for (R_xlen_t i = 1; i < len; i++) {
480 		    int next = px[i];
481 		    if (next < last || next == NA_INTEGER)
482 			return FALSE;
483 		    else last = next;
484 		}
485 		return TRUE;
486 	    }
487 	}
488     }
490     return done;
491 }
makeSortEnum(int decr,int nalast)493 static int makeSortEnum(int decr, int nalast) {
495     /* passing decr = NA_INTEGER indicates UNKNOWN_SORTEDNESS. */
496     if (decr == NA_INTEGER)
499     if (nalast == NA_INTEGER)
500 	nalast = 1; //  they were/will be removed so we say they are "last"
502     if (decr)
503 	return nalast ? SORTED_DECR : SORTED_DECR_NA_1ST;
504     else /* increasing */
505 	return nalast ? SORTED_INCR : SORTED_INCR_NA_1ST;
506 }
508 /* .Internal(sorted_fpass(x, decr, nalast)) */
do_sorted_fpass(SEXP call,SEXP op,SEXP args,SEXP rho)509 SEXP attribute_hidden do_sorted_fpass(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
510 {
511     checkArity(op, args);
513     int decr = asInteger(CADR(args));
514     int nalast = asInteger(CADDR(args));
515     int wanted = makeSortEnum(decr, nalast);
516     SEXP x = PROTECT(CAR(args));
517     Rboolean wassorted = fastpass_sortcheck(x, wanted);
518     UNPROTECT(1);
519     return ScalarLogical(wassorted);
520 }
523 /* faster versions of shellsort, following Sedgewick (1986) */
525 /* c(1, 4^k +3*2^(k-1)+1) */
527 // This goes up to 2^38: extend eventually.
528 #define NI 20
529 static const R_xlen_t incs[NI + 1] = {
530     274878693377L, 68719869953L, 17180065793L, 4295065601L,
531     1073790977L, 268460033L, 67121153L, 16783361L, 4197377L, 1050113L,
532     262913L, 65921L, 16577L, 4193L, 1073L, 281L, 77L, 23L, 8L, 1L, 0L
533 };
534 #else
535 #define NI 16
536 static const int incs[NI + 1] = {
537     1073790977, 268460033, 67121153, 16783361, 4197377, 1050113,
538     262913, 65921, 16577, 4193, 1073, 281, 77, 23, 8, 1, 0
539 };
540 #endif
542 #define sort2_body \
543     for (h = incs[t]; t < NI; h = incs[++t]) \
544 	for (i = h; i < n; i++) { \
545 	    v = x[i]; \
546 	    j = i; \
547 	    while (j >= h && x[j - h] less v) { x[j] = x[j - h]; j -= h; } \
548 	    x[j] = v; \
549 	}
551 /* These are only called with n >= 2 */
R_isort2(int * x,R_xlen_t n,Rboolean decreasing)552 static void R_isort2(int *x, R_xlen_t n, Rboolean decreasing)
553 {
554     int v;
555     R_xlen_t i, j, h, t;
557     if (n < 2) error("'n >= 2' is required");
558     for (t = 0; incs[t] > n; t++);
559     if(decreasing)
560 #define less <
561 	sort2_body
562 #undef less
563     else
564 #define less >
565 	sort2_body
566 #undef less
567 }
R_rsort2(double * x,R_xlen_t n,Rboolean decreasing)569 static void R_rsort2(double *x, R_xlen_t n, Rboolean decreasing)
570 {
571     double v;
572     R_xlen_t i, j, h, t;
574     if (n < 2) error("'n >= 2' is required");
575     for (t = 0; incs[t] > n; t++);
576     if(decreasing)
577 #define less <
578 	sort2_body
579 #undef less
580     else
581 #define less >
582 	sort2_body
583 #undef less
584 }
R_csort2(Rcomplex * x,R_xlen_t n,Rboolean decreasing)586 static void R_csort2(Rcomplex *x, R_xlen_t n, Rboolean decreasing)
587 {
588     Rcomplex v;
589     R_xlen_t i, j, h, t;
591     if (n < 2) error("'n >= 2' is required");
592     for (t = 0; incs[t] > n; t++);
593     for (h = incs[t]; t < NI; h = incs[++t])
594 	for (i = h; i < n; i++) {
595 	    v = x[i];
596 	    j = i;
597 	    if(decreasing)
598 		while (j >= h && (x[j - h].r < v.r ||
599 				  (x[j - h].r == v.r && x[j - h].i < v.i)))
600 		{ x[j] = x[j - h]; j -= h; }
601 	    else
602 		while (j >= h && (x[j - h].r > v.r ||
603 				  (x[j - h].r == v.r && x[j - h].i > v.i)))
604 		{ x[j] = x[j - h]; j -= h; }
605 	    x[j] = v;
606 	}
607 }
ssort2(SEXP * x,R_xlen_t n,Rboolean decreasing)609 static void ssort2(SEXP *x, R_xlen_t n, Rboolean decreasing)
610 {
611     SEXP v;
612     R_xlen_t i, j, h, t;
614     if (n < 2) error("'n >= 2' is required");
615     for (t = 0; incs[t] > n; t++);
616     for (h = incs[t]; t < NI; h = incs[++t])
617 	for (i = h; i < n; i++) {
618 	    v = x[i];
619 	    j = i;
620 	    PROTECT(v);
621 	    if(decreasing)
622 		while (j >= h && scmp(x[j - h], v, TRUE) < 0)
623 		{ x[j] = x[j - h]; j -= h; }
624 	    else
625 		while (j >= h && scmp(x[j - h], v, TRUE) > 0)
626 		{ x[j] = x[j - h]; j -= h; }
627 	    x[j] = v;
628 	    UNPROTECT(1); /* v */
629 	}
630 }
632 /* The meat of sort.int() */
sortVector(SEXP s,Rboolean decreasing)633 void sortVector(SEXP s, Rboolean decreasing)
634 {
635     R_xlen_t n = XLENGTH(s);
636     if (n >= 2 && (decreasing || isUnsorted(s, FALSE)))
637 	switch (TYPEOF(s)) {
638 	case LGLSXP:
639 	case INTSXP:
640 	    R_isort2(INTEGER(s), n, decreasing);
641 	    break;
642 	case REALSXP:
643 	    R_rsort2(REAL(s), n, decreasing);
644 	    break;
645 	case CPLXSXP:
646 	    R_csort2(COMPLEX(s), n, decreasing);
647 	    break;
648 	case STRSXP:
649 	    ssort2(STRING_PTR(s), n, decreasing);
650 	    break;
651 	default:
652 	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("sortVector", s);
653 	}
654 }
657 			/*--- Part III: Partial Sorting ---*/
659 /*
660    Partial sort so that x[k] is in the correct place, smaller to left,
661    larger to right
663    NOTA BENE:  k < n  required, and *not* checked here but in do_psort();
664 	       -----  infinite loop possible otherwise!
665  */
666 #define psort_body						\
667     Rboolean nalast=TRUE;					\
668     R_xlen_t L, R, i, j;					\
669 								\
670     for (L = lo, R = hi; L < R; ) {				\
671 	v = x[k];						\
672 	for(i = L, j = R; i <= j;) {				\
673 	    while (TYPE_CMP(x[i], v, nalast) < 0) i++;		\
674 	    while (TYPE_CMP(v, x[j], nalast) < 0) j--;		\
675 	    if (i <= j) { w = x[i]; x[i++] = x[j]; x[j--] = w; }\
676 	}							\
677 	if (j < k) L = i;					\
678 	if (k < i) R = j;					\
679     }
iPsort2(int * x,R_xlen_t lo,R_xlen_t hi,R_xlen_t k)682 static void iPsort2(int *x, R_xlen_t lo, R_xlen_t hi, R_xlen_t k)
683 {
684     int v, w;
685 #define TYPE_CMP icmp
686     psort_body
687 #undef TYPE_CMP
688 }
rPsort2(double * x,R_xlen_t lo,R_xlen_t hi,R_xlen_t k)690 static void rPsort2(double *x, R_xlen_t lo, R_xlen_t hi, R_xlen_t k)
691 {
692     double v, w;
693 #define TYPE_CMP rcmp
694     psort_body
695 #undef TYPE_CMP
696 }
cPsort2(Rcomplex * x,R_xlen_t lo,R_xlen_t hi,R_xlen_t k)698 static void cPsort2(Rcomplex *x, R_xlen_t lo, R_xlen_t hi, R_xlen_t k)
699 {
700     Rcomplex v, w;
701 #define TYPE_CMP ccmp
702     psort_body
703 #undef TYPE_CMP
704 }
sPsort2(SEXP * x,R_xlen_t lo,R_xlen_t hi,R_xlen_t k)707 static void sPsort2(SEXP *x, R_xlen_t lo, R_xlen_t hi, R_xlen_t k)
708 {
709     SEXP v, w;
710 #define TYPE_CMP scmp
711     psort_body
712 #undef TYPE_CMP
713 }
716 /* Needed for mistaken decision to put these in the API */
iPsort(int * x,int n,int k)717 void iPsort(int *x, int n, int k)
718 {
719     iPsort2(x, 0, n-1, k);
720 }
rPsort(double * x,int n,int k)722 void rPsort(double *x, int n, int k)
723 {
724     rPsort2(x, 0, n-1, k);
725 }
cPsort(Rcomplex * x,int n,int k)727 void cPsort(Rcomplex *x, int n, int k)
728 {
729     cPsort2(x, 0, n-1, k);
730 }
732 /* lo, hi, k are 0-based */
Psort(SEXP x,R_xlen_t lo,R_xlen_t hi,R_xlen_t k)733 static void Psort(SEXP x, R_xlen_t lo, R_xlen_t hi, R_xlen_t k)
734 {
735     /* Rprintf("looking for index %d in (%d, %d)\n", k, lo, hi);*/
736     switch (TYPEOF(x)) {
737     case LGLSXP:
738     case INTSXP:
739 	iPsort2(INTEGER(x), lo, hi, k);
740 	break;
741     case REALSXP:
742 	rPsort2(REAL(x), lo, hi, k);
743 	break;
744     case CPLXSXP:
745 	cPsort2(COMPLEX(x), lo, hi, k);
746 	break;
747     case STRSXP:
748 	sPsort2(STRING_PTR(x), lo, hi, k);
749 	break;
750     default:
751 	UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("Psort", x);
752     }
753 }
756 /* Here ind are 1-based indices passed from R */
757 static void
Psort0(SEXP x,R_xlen_t lo,R_xlen_t hi,R_xlen_t * ind,int nind)758 Psort0(SEXP x, R_xlen_t lo, R_xlen_t hi, R_xlen_t *ind, int nind)
759 {
760     if(nind < 1 || hi - lo < 1) return;
761     if(nind <= 1)
762 	Psort(x, lo, hi, ind[0] - 1);
763     else {
764     /* Look for index nearest the centre of the range */
765 	int This = 0;
766 	R_xlen_t mid = (lo+hi)/2, z;
767 	for(int i = 0; i < nind; i++) if(ind[i] - 1 <= mid) This = i;
768 	z = ind[This] - 1;
769 	Psort(x, lo, hi, z);
770 	Psort0(x, lo, z-1, ind, This);
771 	Psort0(x, z+1, hi, ind + This + 1, nind - This -1);
772     }
773 }
776 /* FUNCTION psort(x, indices) */
do_psort(SEXP call,SEXP op,SEXP args,SEXP rho)777 SEXP attribute_hidden do_psort(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
778 {
779     checkArity(op, args);
780     SEXP x = CAR(args), p = CADR(args);
782     if (!isVectorAtomic(x))
783 	error(_("only atomic vectors can be sorted"));
784     if(TYPEOF(x) == RAWSXP)
785 	error(_("raw vectors cannot be sorted"));
786     R_xlen_t n = XLENGTH(x);
788     if(!IS_LONG_VEC(x) || TYPEOF(p) != REALSXP)
789 	SETCADR(args, coerceVector(p, INTSXP));
790     p = CADR(args);
791     int nind = LENGTH(p);
792     R_xlen_t *l = (R_xlen_t *) R_alloc(nind, sizeof(R_xlen_t));
793     if (TYPEOF(p) == REALSXP) {
794 	double *rl = REAL(p);
795 	for (int i = 0; i < nind; i++) {
796 	    if (!R_FINITE(rl[i])) error(_("NA or infinite index"));
797 	    l[i] = (R_xlen_t) rl[i];
798 	    if (l[i] < 1 || l[i] > n)
799 		error(_("index %ld outside bounds"), l[i]);
800 	}
801     } else {
802 	int *il = INTEGER(p);
803 	for (int i = 0; i < nind; i++) {
804 	    if (il[i] == NA_INTEGER) error(_("NA index"));
805 	    if (il[i] < 1 || il[i] > n)
806 		error(_("index %d outside bounds"), il[i]);
807 	    l[i] = il[i];
808 	}
809     }
810 #else
811     SETCADR(args, coerceVector(p, INTSXP));
812     p = CADR(args);
813     int nind = LENGTH(p);
814     int *l = INTEGER(p);
815     for (int i = 0; i < nind; i++) {
816 	if (l[i] == NA_INTEGER)
817 	    error(_("NA index"));
818 	if (l[i] < 1 || l[i] > n)
819 	    error(_("index %d outside bounds"), l[i]);
820     }
821 #endif
822     SETCAR(args, duplicate(x));
823     SET_ATTRIB(CAR(args), R_NilValue);  /* remove all attributes */
824     SET_OBJECT(CAR(args), 0);           /* and the object bit    */
825     Psort0(CAR(args), 0, n - 1, l, nind);
826     return CAR(args);
827 }
830 			/*--- Part IV : Rank & Order ---*/
equal(R_xlen_t i,R_xlen_t j,SEXP x,Rboolean nalast,SEXP rho)832 static int equal(R_xlen_t i, R_xlen_t j, SEXP x, Rboolean nalast, SEXP rho)
833 {
834     int c = -1;
836     if (isObject(x) && !isNull(rho)) { /* so never any NAs */
837 	/* evaluate .gt(x, i, j) */
838 	SEXP si, sj, call;
839 	PROTECT(si = ScalarInteger((int)i+1));
840 	PROTECT(sj = ScalarInteger((int)j+1));
841 	PROTECT(call = lang4(install(".gt"), x, si, sj));
842 	c = asInteger(eval(call, rho));
843 	UNPROTECT(3);
844     } else {
845 	switch (TYPEOF(x)) {
846 	case LGLSXP:
847 	case INTSXP:
848 	    c = icmp(INTEGER(x)[i], INTEGER(x)[j], nalast);
849 	    break;
850 	case REALSXP:
851 	    c = rcmp(REAL(x)[i], REAL(x)[j], nalast);
852 	    break;
853 	case CPLXSXP:
854 	    c = ccmp(COMPLEX(x)[i], COMPLEX(x)[j], nalast);
855 	    break;
856 	case STRSXP:
857 	    c = scmp(STRING_ELT(x, i), STRING_ELT(x, j), nalast);
858 	    break;
859 	default:
860 	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("equal", x);
861 	    break;
862 	}
863     }
864     if (c == 0)
865 	return 1;
866     return 0;
867 }
greater(R_xlen_t i,R_xlen_t j,SEXP x,Rboolean nalast,Rboolean decreasing,SEXP rho)869 static int greater(R_xlen_t i, R_xlen_t j, SEXP x, Rboolean nalast,
870 		   Rboolean decreasing, SEXP rho)
871 {
872     int c = -1;
874     if (isObject(x) && !isNull(rho)) { /* so never any NAs */
875 	/* evaluate .gt(x, i, j) */
876 	SEXP si, sj, call;
877 	PROTECT(si = ScalarInteger((int)i+1));
878 	PROTECT(sj = ScalarInteger((int)j+1));
879 	PROTECT(call = lang4(install(".gt"), x, si, sj));
880 	c = asInteger(eval(call, rho));
881 	UNPROTECT(3);
882     } else {
883 	switch (TYPEOF(x)) {
884 	case LGLSXP:
885 	case INTSXP:
886 	    c = icmp(INTEGER(x)[i], INTEGER(x)[j], nalast);
887 	    break;
888 	case REALSXP:
889 	    c = rcmp(REAL(x)[i], REAL(x)[j], nalast);
890 	    break;
891 	case CPLXSXP:
892 	    c = ccmp(COMPLEX(x)[i], COMPLEX(x)[j], nalast);
893 	    break;
894 	case STRSXP:
895 	    c = scmp(STRING_ELT(x, i), STRING_ELT(x, j), nalast);
896 	    break;
897 	default:
898 	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("greater", x);
899 	    break;
900 	}
901     }
902     if (decreasing) c = -c;
903     if (c > 0 || (c == 0 && j < i)) return 1; else return 0;
904 }
906 /* listgreater(): used as greater_sub in orderVector() in do_order(...) */
listgreater(int i,int j,SEXP key,Rboolean nalast,Rboolean decreasing)907 static int listgreater(int i, int j, SEXP key, Rboolean nalast,
908 		       Rboolean decreasing)
909 {
910     SEXP x;
911     int c = -1;
913     while (key != R_NilValue) {
914 	x = CAR(key);
915 	switch (TYPEOF(x)) {
916 	case LGLSXP:
917 	case INTSXP:
918 	    c = icmp(INTEGER(x)[i], INTEGER(x)[j], nalast);
919 	    break;
920 	case REALSXP:
921 	    c = rcmp(REAL(x)[i], REAL(x)[j], nalast);
922 	    break;
923 	case CPLXSXP:
924 	    c = ccmp(COMPLEX(x)[i], COMPLEX(x)[j], nalast);
925 	    break;
926 	case STRSXP:
927 	    c = scmp(STRING_ELT(x, i), STRING_ELT(x, j), nalast);
928 	    break;
929 	default:
930 	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("listgreater", x);
931 	}
932 	if (decreasing) c = -c;
933 	if (c > 0)
934 	    return 1;
935 	if (c < 0)
936 	    return 0;
937 	key = CDR(key);
938     }
939     if (c == 0 && i < j) return 0; else return 1;
940 }
943 #define GREATER_2_SUB_DEF(FNAME, TYPE_1, TYPE_2, CMP_FN_1, CMP_FN_2)	\
944 static int FNAME(int i, int j,						\
945 		 TYPE_1 *x, TYPE_2 *y,					\
946 		 Rboolean nalast, Rboolean decreasing)			\
947 {									\
948     int CMP_FN_1(TYPE_1, TYPE_1, Rboolean);				\
949     int CMP_FN_2(TYPE_2, TYPE_2, Rboolean);				\
950 									\
951     int c = CMP_FN_1(x[i], x[j], nalast);				\
952     if(c) {								\
953 	if (decreasing) c = -c;						\
954 	if (c > 0) return 1;						\
955 	/* else: (c < 0) */ return 0;					\
956     }									\
957     else {/* have a tie in x -- use  y[]: */				\
958 	c = CMP_FN_2(y[i], y[j], nalast);				\
959 	if(c) {								\
960 	    if (decreasing) c = -c;					\
961 	    if (c > 0) return 1;					\
962 	    /* else: (c < 0) */ return 0;				\
963 	}								\
964 	else { /* tie in both x[] and y[] : */				\
965 	    if (i < j) return 0;					\
966 	    /* else */ return 1;					\
967 	}								\
968     }									\
969 }
971 static const int sincs[17] = {
972     1073790977, 268460033, 67121153, 16783361, 4197377, 1050113,
973     262913, 65921, 16577, 4193, 1073, 281, 77, 23, 8, 1, 0
974 };
976 // Needs indx set to  0:(n-1)  initially :
977 static void
orderVector(int * indx,int n,SEXP key,Rboolean nalast,Rboolean decreasing,int greater_sub (int,int,SEXP,Rboolean,Rboolean))978 orderVector(int *indx, int n, SEXP key, Rboolean nalast,
979 	    Rboolean decreasing,
980 	    int greater_sub(int, int, SEXP, Rboolean, Rboolean))
981 {
982     int i, j, h, t;
983     int itmp;
985     if (n < 2) return;
986     for (t = 0; sincs[t] > n; t++);
987     for (h = sincs[t]; t < 16; h = sincs[++t]) {
988 	R_CheckUserInterrupt();
989 	for (i = h; i < n; i++) {
990 	    itmp = indx[i];
991 	    j = i;
992 	    while (j >= h &&
993 		   greater_sub(indx[j - h], itmp, key, nalast^decreasing,
994 			       decreasing)) {
995 		indx[j] = indx[j - h];
996 		j -= h;
997 	    }
998 	    indx[j] = itmp;
999 	}
1000     }
1001 }
listgreaterl(R_xlen_t i,R_xlen_t j,SEXP key,Rboolean nalast,Rboolean decreasing)1004 static int listgreaterl(R_xlen_t i, R_xlen_t j, SEXP key, Rboolean nalast,
1005 		       Rboolean decreasing)
1006 {
1007     SEXP x;
1008     int c = -1;
1010     while (key != R_NilValue) {
1011 	x = CAR(key);
1012 	switch (TYPEOF(x)) {
1013 	case LGLSXP:
1014 	case INTSXP:
1015 	    c = icmp(INTEGER(x)[i], INTEGER(x)[j], nalast);
1016 	    break;
1017 	case REALSXP:
1018 	    c = rcmp(REAL(x)[i], REAL(x)[j], nalast);
1019 	    break;
1020 	case CPLXSXP:
1021 	    c = ccmp(COMPLEX(x)[i], COMPLEX(x)[j], nalast);
1022 	    break;
1023 	case STRSXP:
1024 	    c = scmp(STRING_ELT(x, i), STRING_ELT(x, j), nalast);
1025 	    break;
1026 	default:
1027 	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("listgreater", x);
1028 	}
1029 	if (decreasing) c = -c;
1030 	if (c > 0)
1031 	    return 1;
1032 	if (c < 0)
1033 	    return 0;
1034 	key = CDR(key);
1035     }
1036     if (c == 0 && i < j) return 0; else return 1;
1037 }
1039 static void
orderVectorl(R_xlen_t * indx,R_xlen_t n,SEXP key,Rboolean nalast,Rboolean decreasing,int greater_sub (R_xlen_t,R_xlen_t,SEXP,Rboolean,Rboolean))1040 orderVectorl(R_xlen_t *indx, R_xlen_t n, SEXP key, Rboolean nalast,
1041 	     Rboolean decreasing,
1042 	     int greater_sub(R_xlen_t, R_xlen_t, SEXP, Rboolean, Rboolean))
1043 {
1044     int t;
1045     R_xlen_t i, j, h;
1046     R_xlen_t itmp;
1048     if (n < 2) return;
1049     for (t = 0; incs[t] > n; t++);
1050     for (h = incs[t]; t < NI; h = incs[++t]) {
1051 	R_CheckUserInterrupt();
1052 	for (i = h; i < n; i++) {
1053 	    itmp = indx[i];
1054 	    j = i;
1055 	    while (j >= h &&
1056 		   greater_sub(indx[j - h], itmp, key, nalast^decreasing,
1057 			       decreasing)) {
1058 		indx[j] = indx[j - h];
1059 		j -= h;
1060 	    }
1061 	    indx[j] = itmp;
1062 	}
1063     }
1064 }
1065 #endif
1067 #ifdef UNUSED
1068 #define ORD_2_BODY(FNAME, TYPE_1, TYPE_2, GREATER_2_SUB)		\
1069     void FNAME(int *indx, int n, TYPE_1 *x, TYPE_2 *y,			\
1070 	   Rboolean nalast, Rboolean decreasing)			\
1071 {									\
1072     int t;								\
1073     for(t = 0; t < n; t++) indx[t] = t; /* indx[] <- 0:(n-1) */		\
1074     if (n < 2) return;							\
1075     for(t = 0; sincs[t] > n; t++);					\
1076     for (int h = sincs[t]; t < 16; h = sincs[++t])			\
1077 	for (int i = h; i < n; i++) {					\
1078 	    int itmp = indx[i], j = i;					\
1079 	    while (j >= h &&						\
1080 		   GREATER_2_SUB(indx[j - h], itmp, x, y,		\
1081 				 nalast^decreasing, decreasing)) {	\
1082 		indx[j] = indx[j - h];					\
1083 		j -= h;							\
1084 	    }								\
1085 	    indx[j] = itmp;						\
1086 	}								\
1087 }
ORD_2_BODY(R_order2double,double,double,double2greater)1089 ORD_2_BODY(R_order2double , double, double, double2greater)
1090 ORD_2_BODY(R_order2int    ,    int,    int,    int2greater)
1091 ORD_2_BODY(R_order2dbl_int, double,    int, dblint2greater)
1092 ORD_2_BODY(R_order2int_dbl,    int, double, intdbl2greater)
1095 GREATER_2_SUB_DEF(double2greater, double, double, rcmp, rcmp)
1096 GREATER_2_SUB_DEF(int2greater,       int,    int, icmp, icmp)
1097 GREATER_2_SUB_DEF(dblint2greater, double,    int, rcmp, icmp)
1098 GREATER_2_SUB_DEF(intdbl2greater,    int, double, icmp, rcmp)
1099 #endif
1101 #define sort2_with_index \
1102     for (h = sincs[t]; t < 16; h = sincs[++t]) { \
1103 	R_CheckUserInterrupt();	 \
1104 	for (i = lo + h; i <= hi; i++) {	 \
1105 	    itmp = indx[i];			 \
1106 	    j = i;						     \
1107 	    while (j >= lo + h && less(indx[j - h], itmp)) {	     \
1108 		indx[j] = indx[j - h]; j -= h; }		     \
1109 	    indx[j] = itmp;					     \
1110 	}							     \
1111     }
1114 /* TODO: once LONG_VECTOR_SUPPORT and  R_xlen_t  belong to the R API,
1115  * ----  also add "long" versions, say,
1116  *    R_orderVectorl (R_xlen_t *indx, R_xlen_t n, SEXP arglist, ...)
1117  *    R_orderVector1l(R_xlen_t *indx, R_xlen_t n, SEXP arg,  ...)
1118  * to the API */
1120 // Usage:  R_orderVector(indx, n,  Rf_lang2(x,y),  nalast, decreasing)
1121 void R_orderVector(int *indx, // must be pre-allocated to length >= n
1122 		   int n,
1123 		   SEXP arglist, // <- e.g.  Rf_lang2(x,y)
1124 		   Rboolean nalast, Rboolean decreasing)
1125 {
1126     // idx[] <- 0:(n-1) :
1127     for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) indx[i] = i;
1128     orderVector(indx, n, arglist, nalast, decreasing, listgreater);
1129     return;
1130 }
1132 // Fast version of 1-argument case of R_orderVector()
R_orderVector1(int * indx,int n,SEXP x,Rboolean nalast,Rboolean decreasing)1133 void R_orderVector1(int *indx, int n, SEXP x,
1134 		    Rboolean nalast, Rboolean decreasing)
1135 {
1136     for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) indx[i] = i;
1137     orderVector1(indx, n, x, nalast, decreasing, R_NilValue);
1138 }
1142 /* Needs indx set to  0:(n-1)  initially.
1143    Also used by do_options and  ../gnuwin32/extra.c
1144    Called with rho != R_NilValue only from do_rank, when NAs are not involved.
1145  */
1146 void attribute_hidden
orderVector1(int * indx,int n,SEXP key,Rboolean nalast,Rboolean decreasing,SEXP rho)1147 orderVector1(int *indx, int n, SEXP key, Rboolean nalast, Rboolean decreasing,
1148 	     SEXP rho)
1149 {
1150     int c, i, j, h, t, lo = 0, hi = n-1;
1151     int itmp, *isna = NULL, numna = 0;
1152     int *ix = NULL /* -Wall */;
1153     double *x = NULL /* -Wall */;
1154     Rcomplex *cx = NULL /* -Wall */;
1155     SEXP *sx = NULL /* -Wall */;
1157     if (n < 2) return;
1158     switch (TYPEOF(key)) {
1159     case LGLSXP:
1160     case INTSXP:
1161 	ix = INTEGER(key);
1162 	break;
1163     case REALSXP:
1164 	x = REAL(key);
1165 	break;
1166     case STRSXP:
1167 	sx = STRING_PTR(key);
1168 	break;
1169     case CPLXSXP:
1170 	cx = COMPLEX(key);
1171 	break;
1172     }
1174     if(isNull(rho)) {
1175 	/* First sort NAs to one end */
1176 	isna = Calloc(n, int);
1177 	switch (TYPEOF(key)) {
1178 	case LGLSXP:
1179 	case INTSXP:
1180 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = (ix[i] == NA_INTEGER);
1181 	    break;
1182 	case REALSXP:
1183 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = ISNAN(x[i]);
1184 	    break;
1185 	case STRSXP:
1186 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = (sx[i] == NA_STRING);
1187 	    break;
1188 	case CPLXSXP:
1189 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = ISNAN(cx[i].r) || ISNAN(cx[i].i);
1190 	    break;
1191 	default:
1192 	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("orderVector1", key);
1193 	}
1194 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) numna += isna[i];
1196 	if(numna)
1197 	    switch (TYPEOF(key)) {
1198 	    case LGLSXP:
1199 	    case INTSXP:
1200 	    case REALSXP:
1201 	    case STRSXP:
1202 	    case CPLXSXP:
1203 		if (!nalast) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = !isna[i];
1204 		for (t = 0; sincs[t] > n; t++);
1205 #define less(a, b) (isna[a] > isna[b] || (isna[a] == isna[b] && a > b))
1206 		sort2_with_index
1207 #undef less
1208 		if (n - numna < 2) {
1209 		    Free(isna);
1210 		    return;
1211 		}
1212 		if (nalast) hi -= numna; else lo += numna;
1213 	    }
1214     }
1216     /* Shell sort isn't stable, so add test on index */
1218     for (t = 0; sincs[t] > hi-lo+1; t++);
1220     if (isObject(key) && !isNull(rho)) {
1221 /* only reached from do_rank */
1222 #define less(a, b) greater(a, b, key, nalast^decreasing, decreasing, rho)
1223 	    sort2_with_index
1224 #undef less
1225     } else {
1226 	switch (TYPEOF(key)) {
1227 	case LGLSXP:
1228 	case INTSXP:
1229 	    if (decreasing) {
1230 #define less(a, b) (ix[a] < ix[b] || (ix[a] == ix[b] && a > b))
1231 		sort2_with_index
1232 #undef less
1233 	    } else {
1234 #define less(a, b) (ix[a] > ix[b] || (ix[a] == ix[b] && a > b))
1235 		sort2_with_index
1236 #undef less
1237 	    }
1238 	    break;
1239 	case REALSXP:
1240 	    if (decreasing) {
1241 #define less(a, b) (x[a] < x[b] || (x[a] == x[b] && a > b))
1242 		sort2_with_index
1243 #undef less
1244 	    } else {
1245 #define less(a, b) (x[a] > x[b] || (x[a] == x[b] && a > b))
1246 		sort2_with_index
1247 #undef less
1248 	    }
1249 	    break;
1250 	case CPLXSXP:
1251 	    if (decreasing) {
1252 #define less(a, b) (ccmp(cx[a], cx[b], 0) < 0 || (cx[a].r == cx[b].r && cx[a].i == cx[b].i && a > b))
1253 		sort2_with_index
1254 #undef less
1255 	    } else {
1256 #define less(a, b) (ccmp(cx[a], cx[b], 0) > 0 || (cx[a].r == cx[b].r && cx[a].i == cx[b].i && a > b))
1257 		sort2_with_index
1258 #undef less
1259 	    }
1260 	    break;
1261 	case STRSXP:
1262 	    if (decreasing)
1263 #define less(a, b) (c = Scollate(sx[a], sx[b]), c < 0 || (c == 0 && a > b))
1264 		sort2_with_index
1265 #undef less
1266 	    else
1267 #define less(a, b) (c = Scollate(sx[a], sx[b]), c > 0 || (c == 0 && a > b))
1268 		sort2_with_index
1269 #undef less
1270 	    break;
1271 	default:  /* only reached from do_rank */
1272 #define less(a, b) greater(a, b, key, nalast^decreasing, decreasing, rho)
1273 	    sort2_with_index
1274 #undef less
1275 	}
1276     }
1277     if(isna) Free(isna);
1278 }
1280 /* version for long vectors */
1282 static void
orderVector1l(R_xlen_t * indx,R_xlen_t n,SEXP key,Rboolean nalast,Rboolean decreasing,SEXP rho)1283 orderVector1l(R_xlen_t *indx, R_xlen_t n, SEXP key, Rboolean nalast,
1284 	      Rboolean decreasing, SEXP rho)
1285 {
1286     R_xlen_t c, i, j, h, t, lo = 0, hi = n-1;
1287     int *isna = NULL, numna = 0;
1288     int *ix = NULL /* -Wall */;
1289     double *x = NULL /* -Wall */;
1290     Rcomplex *cx = NULL /* -Wall */;
1291     SEXP *sx = NULL /* -Wall */;
1292     R_xlen_t itmp;
1294     if (n < 2) return;
1295     switch (TYPEOF(key)) {
1296     case LGLSXP:
1297     case INTSXP:
1298 	ix = INTEGER(key);
1299 	break;
1300     case REALSXP:
1301 	x = REAL(key);
1302 	break;
1303     case STRSXP:
1304 	sx = STRING_PTR(key);
1305 	break;
1306     case CPLXSXP:
1307 	cx = COMPLEX(key);
1308 	break;
1309     }
1311     if(isNull(rho)) {
1312 	/* First sort NAs to one end */
1313 	isna = Calloc(n, int);
1314 	switch (TYPEOF(key)) {
1315 	case LGLSXP:
1316 	case INTSXP:
1317 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = (ix[i] == NA_INTEGER);
1318 	    break;
1319 	case REALSXP:
1320 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = ISNAN(x[i]);
1321 	    break;
1322 	case STRSXP:
1323 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = (sx[i] == NA_STRING);
1324 	    break;
1325 	case CPLXSXP:
1326 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = ISNAN(cx[i].r) || ISNAN(cx[i].i);
1327 	    break;
1328 	default:
1329 	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("orderVector1", key);
1330 	}
1331 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) numna += isna[i];
1333 	if(numna)
1334 	    switch (TYPEOF(key)) {
1335 	    case LGLSXP:
1336 	    case INTSXP:
1337 	    case REALSXP:
1338 	    case STRSXP:
1339 	    case CPLXSXP:
1340 		if (!nalast) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) isna[i] = !isna[i];
1341 		for (t = 0; sincs[t] > n; t++);
1342 #define less(a, b) (isna[a] > isna[b] || (isna[a] == isna[b] && a > b))
1343 		sort2_with_index
1344 #undef less
1345 		if (n - numna < 2) {
1346 		    Free(isna);
1347 		    return;
1348 		}
1349 		if (nalast) hi -= numna; else lo += numna;
1350 	    }
1351     }
1353     /* Shell sort isn't stable, so add test on index */
1355     for (t = 0; sincs[t] > hi-lo+1; t++);
1357     if (isObject(key) && !isNull(rho)) {
1358 /* only reached from do_rank */
1359 #define less(a, b) greater(a, b, key, nalast^decreasing, decreasing, rho)
1360 	    sort2_with_index
1361 #undef less
1362     } else {
1363 	switch (TYPEOF(key)) {
1364 	case LGLSXP:
1365 	case INTSXP:
1366 	    if (decreasing) {
1367 #define less(a, b) (ix[a] < ix[b] || (ix[a] == ix[b] && a > b))
1368 		sort2_with_index
1369 #undef less
1370 	    } else {
1371 #define less(a, b) (ix[a] > ix[b] || (ix[a] == ix[b] && a > b))
1372 		sort2_with_index
1373 #undef less
1374 	    }
1375 	    break;
1376 	case REALSXP:
1377 	    if (decreasing) {
1378 #define less(a, b) (x[a] < x[b] || (x[a] == x[b] && a > b))
1379 		sort2_with_index
1380 #undef less
1381 	    } else {
1382 #define less(a, b) (x[a] > x[b] || (x[a] == x[b] && a > b))
1383 		sort2_with_index
1384 #undef less
1385 	    }
1386 	    break;
1387 	case CPLXSXP:
1388 	    if (decreasing) {
1389 #define less(a, b) (ccmp(cx[a], cx[b], 0) < 0 || (cx[a].r == cx[b].r && cx[a].i == cx[b].i && a > b))
1390 		sort2_with_index
1391 #undef less
1392 	    } else {
1393 #define less(a, b) (ccmp(cx[a], cx[b], 0) > 0 || (cx[a].r == cx[b].r && cx[a].i == cx[b].i && a > b))
1394 		sort2_with_index
1395 #undef less
1396 	    }
1397 	    break;
1398 	case STRSXP:
1399 	    if (decreasing)
1400 #define less(a, b) (c=Scollate(sx[a], sx[b]), c < 0 || (c == 0 && a > b))
1401 		sort2_with_index
1402 #undef less
1403 	    else
1404 #define less(a, b) (c=Scollate(sx[a], sx[b]), c > 0 || (c == 0 && a > b))
1405 		sort2_with_index
1406 #undef less
1407 	    break;
1408 	default:  /* only reached from do_rank */
1409 #define less(a, b) greater(a, b, key, nalast^decreasing, decreasing, rho)
1410 	    sort2_with_index
1411 #undef less
1412 	}
1413     }
1414     if(isna) Free(isna);
1415 }
1416 #endif
1418 /* FUNCTION order(...) */
do_order(SEXP call,SEXP op,SEXP args,SEXP rho)1419 SEXP attribute_hidden do_order(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
1420 {
1421     SEXP ap, ans = R_NilValue /* -Wall */;
1422     int narg = 0;
1423     R_xlen_t n = -1;
1424     Rboolean nalast, decreasing;
1426     nalast = asLogical(CAR(args));
1427     if(nalast == NA_LOGICAL)
1428 	error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "na.last");
1429     args = CDR(args);
1430     decreasing = asLogical(CAR(args));
1431     if(decreasing == NA_LOGICAL)
1432 	error(_("'decreasing' must be TRUE or FALSE"));
1433     args = CDR(args);
1434     if (args == R_NilValue)
1435 	return R_NilValue;
1437     if (isVector(CAR(args)))
1438 	n = XLENGTH(CAR(args));
1439     for (ap = args; ap != R_NilValue; ap = CDR(ap), narg++) {
1440 	if (!isVector(CAR(ap)))
1441 	    error(_("argument %d is not a vector"), narg + 1);
1442 	if (XLENGTH(CAR(ap)) != n)
1443 	    error(_("argument lengths differ"));
1444     }
1445     /* NB: collation functions such as Scollate might allocate */
1446     if (n != 0) {
1447 	if(narg == 1) {
1449 	    if (n > INT_MAX)  {
1450 		PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
1451 		R_xlen_t *in = (R_xlen_t *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(R_xlen_t));
1452 		for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) in[i] = i;
1453 		orderVector1l(in, n, CAR(args), nalast, decreasing,
1454 			      R_NilValue);
1455 		for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) REAL(ans)[i] = in[i] + 1;
1456 	    } else
1457 #endif
1458 	    {
1459 		PROTECT(ans = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
1460 		for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) INTEGER(ans)[i] = (int) i;
1461 		orderVector1(INTEGER(ans), (int)n, CAR(args), nalast,
1462 			     decreasing, R_NilValue);
1463 		for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) INTEGER(ans)[i]++;
1464 	    }
1465 	} else {
1467 	    if (n > INT_MAX)  {
1468 		PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
1469 		R_xlen_t *in = (R_xlen_t *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(R_xlen_t));
1470 		for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) in[i] = i;
1471 		orderVectorl(in, n, CAR(args), nalast, decreasing,
1472 			     listgreaterl);
1473 		for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) REAL(ans)[i] = in[i] + 1;
1474 	    } else
1475 #endif
1476 	    {
1477 		PROTECT(ans = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
1478 		for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) INTEGER(ans)[i] = (int) i;
1479 		orderVector(INTEGER(ans), (int) n, args, nalast,
1480 			    decreasing, listgreater);
1481 		for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) INTEGER(ans)[i]++;
1482 	    }
1483 	}
1484 	UNPROTECT(1);
1485 	return ans;
1486     } else return allocVector(INTSXP, 0);
1487 }
1489 /* FUNCTION: rank(x, length, ties.method) */
do_rank(SEXP call,SEXP op,SEXP args,SEXP rho)1490 SEXP attribute_hidden do_rank(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
1491 {
1492     SEXP rank, x;
1493     int *ik = NULL /* -Wall */;
1494     double *rk = NULL /* -Wall */;
1495     enum {AVERAGE, MAX, MIN} ties_kind = AVERAGE;
1496     Rboolean isLong = FALSE;
1498     checkArity(op, args);
1499     x = CAR(args);
1500     if(TYPEOF(x) == RAWSXP && !isObject(x))
1501 	error(_("raw vectors cannot be sorted"));
1502     // n := sn := length(x) :
1504     SEXP sn = CADR(args);
1505     R_xlen_t n;
1506     if (TYPEOF(sn) == REALSXP)  {
1507 	double d = REAL(x)[0];
1508 	if(ISNAN(d)) error(_("vector size cannot be NA/NaN"));
1509 	if(!R_FINITE(d)) error(_("vector size cannot be infinite"));
1510 	if(d > R_XLEN_T_MAX) error(_("vector size specified is too large"));
1511 	n = (R_xlen_t) d;
1512 	if (n < 0) error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "length(xx)");
1513     } else {
1514 	int nn = asInteger(sn);
1515 	if (nn == NA_INTEGER || nn < 0)
1516 	    error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "length(xx)");
1517 	n = nn;
1518     }
1519     isLong = n > INT_MAX;
1520 #else
1521     int n = asInteger(CADR(args));
1522     if (n == NA_INTEGER || n < 0)
1523 	error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "length(xx)");
1524 #endif
1525     const char *ties_str = CHAR(asChar(CADDR(args)));
1526     if(!strcmp(ties_str, "average"))	ties_kind = AVERAGE;
1527     else if(!strcmp(ties_str, "max"))	ties_kind = MAX;
1528     else if(!strcmp(ties_str, "min"))	ties_kind = MIN;
1529     else error(_("invalid ties.method for rank() [should never happen]"));
1530     if (ties_kind == AVERAGE || isLong) {
1531 	PROTECT(rank = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
1532 	rk = REAL(rank);
1533     } else {
1534 	PROTECT(rank = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
1535 	ik = INTEGER(rank);
1536     }
1537     if (n > 0) {
1539 	if(isLong) {
1540 	    R_xlen_t i, j, k;
1541 	    R_xlen_t *in = (R_xlen_t *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(R_xlen_t));
1542 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) in[i] = i;
1543 	    orderVector1l(in, n, x, TRUE, FALSE, rho);
1544 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i = j+1) {
1545 		j = i;
1546 		while ((j < n - 1) && equal(in[j], in[j + 1], x, TRUE, rho)) j++;
1547 		switch(ties_kind) {
1548 		case AVERAGE:
1549 		    for (k = i; k <= j; k++)
1550 			rk[in[k]] = (i + j + 2) / 2.;
1551 		    break;
1552 		case MAX:
1553 		    for (k = i; k <= j; k++) rk[in[k]] = j+1;
1554 		    break;
1555 		case MIN:
1556 		    for (k = i; k <= j; k++) rk[in[k]] = i+1;
1557 		    break;
1558 		}
1559 	    }
1560 	} else
1561 #endif
1562 	{
1563 	    int i, j, k;
1564 	    int *in = (int *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(int));
1565 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) in[i] = i;
1566 	    orderVector1(in, (int) n, x, TRUE, FALSE, rho);
1567 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i = j+1) {
1568 		j = i;
1569 		while ((j < n - 1) && equal(in[j], in[j + 1], x, TRUE, rho)) j++;
1570 		switch(ties_kind) {
1571 		case AVERAGE:
1572 		    for (k = i; k <= j; k++)
1573 			rk[in[k]] = (i + j + 2) / 2.;
1574 		    break;
1575 		case MAX:
1576 		    for (k = i; k <= j; k++) ik[in[k]] = j+1;
1577 		    break;
1578 		case MIN:
1579 		    for (k = i; k <= j; k++) ik[in[k]] = i+1;
1580 		    break;
1581 		}
1582 	    }
1583 	}
1584     }
1585     UNPROTECT(1);
1586     return rank;
1587 }
do_xtfrm(SEXP call,SEXP op,SEXP args,SEXP rho)1589 SEXP attribute_hidden do_xtfrm(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
1590 {
1591     SEXP fn, prargs, ans;
1593     checkArity(op, args);
1594     check1arg(args, call, "x");
1596     /* DispatchOrEval internal generic: xtfrm */
1597     if(DispatchOrEval(call, op, "xtfrm", args, rho, &ans, 0, 1)) return ans;
1598     /* otherwise dispatch the default method */
1599     PROTECT(fn = findFun(install("xtfrm.default"), rho));
1600     PROTECT(prargs = promiseArgs(args, R_GlobalEnv));
1601     SET_PRVALUE(CAR(prargs), CAR(args));
1602     ans = applyClosure(call, fn, prargs, rho, R_NilValue);
1603     UNPROTECT(2);
1604     return ans;
1606 }