1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /*                  This file is part of the program and library             */
4 /*         SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs                      */
5 /*                                                                           */
6 /*    Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            */
7 /*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                */
8 /*                                                                           */
9 /*  SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.         */
10 /*                                                                           */
11 /*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              */
12 /*  along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org.         */
13 /*                                                                           */
14 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
16 /**@file   benderscut_feas.c
17  * @ingroup OTHER_CFILES
18  * @brief  Standard feasibility cuts for Benders' decomposition
19  * @author Stephen J. Maher
20  */
22 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
24 #include "nlpi/exprinterpret.h"
25 #include "nlpi/pub_expr.h"
26 #include "scip/benderscut_feas.h"
27 #include "scip/benderscut_opt.h"
28 #include "scip/cons_linear.h"
29 #include "scip/pub_benderscut.h"
30 #include "scip/pub_benders.h"
31 #include "scip/pub_lp.h"
32 #include "scip/pub_message.h"
33 #include "scip/pub_misc.h"
34 #include "scip/pub_misc_linear.h"
35 #include "scip/pub_nlp.h"
36 #include "scip/pub_var.h"
37 #include "scip/scip_benders.h"
38 #include "scip/scip_cons.h"
39 #include "scip/scip_general.h"
40 #include "scip/scip_lp.h"
41 #include "scip/scip_mem.h"
42 #include "scip/scip_message.h"
43 #include "scip/scip_nlp.h"
44 #include "scip/scip_numerics.h"
45 #include "scip/scip_prob.h"
46 #include "scip/scip_solvingstats.h"
47 #include "scip/scip_var.h"
49 #define BENDERSCUT_NAME             "feas"
50 #define BENDERSCUT_DESC             "Standard feasibility cuts for Benders' decomposition"
51 #define BENDERSCUT_PRIORITY     10000
52 #define BENDERSCUT_LPCUT         TRUE
54 /*
55  * Local methods
56  */
58 /** adds a variable and value to the constraint/row arrays */
59 static
addVariableToArray(SCIP * masterprob,SCIP_VAR *** vars,SCIP_Real ** vals,SCIP_VAR * addvar,SCIP_Real addval,int * nvars,int * varssize)60 SCIP_RETCODE addVariableToArray(
61    SCIP*                 masterprob,         /**< the SCIP instance of the master problem */
62    SCIP_VAR***           vars,               /**< pointer to array of variables in the generated cut with non-zero coefficient */
63    SCIP_Real**           vals,               /**< pointer to array of coefficients of the variables in the generated cut */
64    SCIP_VAR*             addvar,             /**< the variable that will be added to the array */
65    SCIP_Real             addval,             /**< the value that will be added to the array */
66    int*                  nvars,              /**< the number of variables in the variable array */
67    int*                  varssize            /**< the length of the variable size */
68    )
69 {
70    assert(masterprob != NULL);
71    assert(vars != NULL);
72    assert(*vars != NULL);
73    assert(vals != NULL);
74    assert(*vals != NULL);
75    assert(addvar != NULL);
76    assert(nvars != NULL);
77    assert(varssize != NULL);
79    if( *nvars >= *varssize )
80    {
81       *varssize = SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(masterprob, *varssize + 1);
82       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBufferArray(masterprob, vars, *varssize) );
83       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBufferArray(masterprob, vals, *varssize) );
84    }
85    assert(*nvars < *varssize);
87    (*vars)[*nvars] = addvar;
88    (*vals)[*nvars] = addval;
89    (*nvars)++;
91    return SCIP_OKAY;
92 }
94 /** computing as standard Benders' feasibility cut from the dual solutions of the LP */
95 static
computeStandardLPFeasibilityCut(SCIP * masterprob,SCIP * subproblem,SCIP_BENDERS * benders,SCIP_VAR *** vars,SCIP_Real ** vals,SCIP_Real * lhs,int * nvars,int * varssize,SCIP_Bool * success)96 SCIP_RETCODE computeStandardLPFeasibilityCut(
97    SCIP*                 masterprob,         /**< the SCIP instance of the master problem */
98    SCIP*                 subproblem,         /**< the SCIP instance of the pricing problem */
99    SCIP_BENDERS*         benders,            /**< the benders' decomposition structure */
100    SCIP_VAR***           vars,               /**< pointer to array of variables in the generated cut with non-zero coefficient */
101    SCIP_Real**           vals,               /**< pointer to array of coefficients of the variables in the generated cut */
102    SCIP_Real*            lhs,                /**< the left hand side of the cut */
103    int*                  nvars,              /**< the number of variables in the cut */
104    int*                  varssize,           /**< the number of variables in the array */
105    SCIP_Bool*            success             /**< was the cut generation successful? */
106    )
107 {
108    SCIP_VAR** subvars;
109    int nsubvars;
110    int nrows;
111    SCIP_Real dualsol;
112    SCIP_Real addval;    /* the value that must be added to the lhs */
113    int i;
115    assert(masterprob != NULL);
116    assert(subproblem != NULL);
117    assert(benders != NULL);
118    assert(SCIPgetLPSolstat(subproblem) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE);
120    (*success) = FALSE;
122    /* looping over all LP rows and setting the coefficients of the cut */
123    nrows = SCIPgetNLPRows(subproblem);
124    for( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ )
125    {
126       SCIP_ROW* lprow;
128       lprow = SCIPgetLPRows(subproblem)[i];
129       assert(lprow != NULL);
131       dualsol = SCIProwGetDualfarkas(lprow);
132       assert( !SCIPisInfinity(subproblem, dualsol) && !SCIPisInfinity(subproblem, -dualsol) );
134       if( SCIPisDualfeasZero(subproblem, dualsol) )
135          continue;
137       if( dualsol > 0.0 )
138          addval = dualsol*SCIProwGetLhs(lprow);
139       else
140          addval = dualsol*SCIProwGetRhs(lprow);
142       *lhs += addval;
144       /* if the bound becomes infinite, then the cut generation terminates. */
145       if( SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, *lhs) || SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, -*lhs)
146          || SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, addval) || SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, -addval))
147       {
148          (*success) = FALSE;
149          SCIPdebugMsg(masterprob, "Infinite bound when generating feasibility cut.\n");
150          return SCIP_OKAY;
151       }
152    }
154    nsubvars = SCIPgetNVars(subproblem);
155    subvars = SCIPgetVars(subproblem);
157    /* looping over all variables to update the coefficients in the computed cut. */
158    for( i = 0; i < nsubvars; i++ )
159    {
160       SCIP_VAR* var;
161       SCIP_VAR* mastervar;
163       var = subvars[i];
165       /* retrieving the master problem variable for the given subproblem variable. */
166       SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetBendersMasterVar(masterprob, benders, var, &mastervar) );
168       dualsol = SCIPgetVarFarkasCoef(subproblem, var);
170       if( SCIPisZero(subproblem, dualsol) )
171          continue;
173       /* checking whether the original variable is a linking variable.
174        * If this is the case, then the corresponding master variable is added to the generated cut.
175        * If the pricing variable is not a linking variable, then the farkas dual value is added to the lhs
176        */
177       if( mastervar != NULL )
178       {
179          SCIPdebugMsg(masterprob ,"Adding coeffs to feasibility cut: <%s> dualsol %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(mastervar), dualsol);
181          /* adding the variable to the storage */
182          SCIP_CALL( addVariableToArray(masterprob, vars, vals, mastervar, dualsol, nvars, varssize) );
183       }
184       else
185       {
186          addval = 0;
188          if( SCIPisPositive(subproblem, dualsol) )
189             addval = dualsol*SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var);
190          else if( SCIPisNegative(subproblem, dualsol) )
191             addval = dualsol*SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var);
193          *lhs -= addval;
195          /* if the bound becomes infinite, then the cut generation terminates. */
196          if( SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, *lhs) || SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, -*lhs)
197             || SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, addval) || SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, -addval))
198          {
199             (*success) = FALSE;
200             SCIPdebugMsg(masterprob, "Infinite bound when generating feasibility cut.\n");
201             return SCIP_OKAY;
202          }
203       }
204    }
206    (*success) = TRUE;
208    return SCIP_OKAY;
209 }
212 /** computing as standard Benders' feasibility cut from the dual solutions of the NLP
213  *
214  *  NOTE: The cut must be created before being passed to this function
215  */
216 static
computeStandardNLPFeasibilityCut(SCIP * masterprob,SCIP * subproblem,SCIP_BENDERS * benders,SCIP_VAR *** vars,SCIP_Real ** vals,SCIP_Real * lhs,int * nvars,int * varssize,SCIP_Bool * success)217 SCIP_RETCODE computeStandardNLPFeasibilityCut(
218    SCIP*                 masterprob,         /**< the SCIP instance of the master problem */
219    SCIP*                 subproblem,         /**< the SCIP instance of the pricing problem */
220    SCIP_BENDERS*         benders,            /**< the benders' decomposition structure */
221    SCIP_VAR***           vars,               /**< pointer to array of variables in the generated cut with non-zero coefficient */
222    SCIP_Real**           vals,               /**< pointer to array of coefficients of the variables in the generated cut */
223    SCIP_Real*            lhs,                /**< the left hand side of the cut */
224    int*                  nvars,              /**< the number of variables in the cut */
225    int*                  varssize,           /**< the number of variables in the array */
226    SCIP_Bool*            success             /**< was the cut generation successful? */
227    )
228 {
229    SCIP_EXPRINT* exprinterpreter;
230    SCIP_VAR** subvars;
231    int nrows;
232    int nsubvars;
233    SCIP_Real activity;
234    SCIP_Real dirderiv;
235    SCIP_Real dualsol;
236    int i;
238    assert(masterprob != NULL);
239    assert(subproblem != NULL);
240    assert(benders != NULL);
241    assert(SCIPisNLPConstructed(subproblem));
242    assert(SCIPgetNLPSolstat(subproblem) == SCIP_NLPSOLSTAT_LOCINFEASIBLE || SCIPgetNLPSolstat(subproblem) == SCIP_NLPSOLSTAT_GLOBINFEASIBLE);
244    (*success) = FALSE;
246    nsubvars = SCIPgetNNLPVars(subproblem);
247    subvars = SCIPgetNLPVars(subproblem);
249    *lhs = 0.0;
250    dirderiv = 0.0;
252    SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprintCreate(SCIPblkmem(subproblem), &exprinterpreter) );
254    /* looping over all NLP rows and setting the corresponding coefficients of the cut */
255    nrows = SCIPgetNNLPNlRows(subproblem);
256    for( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ )
257    {
258       SCIP_NLROW* nlrow;
260       nlrow = SCIPgetNLPNlRows(subproblem)[i];
261       assert(nlrow != NULL);
263       dualsol = SCIPnlrowGetDualsol(nlrow);
264       assert( !SCIPisInfinity(subproblem, dualsol) && !SCIPisInfinity(subproblem, -dualsol) );
266       if( SCIPisZero(subproblem, dualsol) )
267          continue;
269       SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddNlRowGradientBenderscutOpt(masterprob, subproblem, benders, nlrow, exprinterpreter, -dualsol,
270             NULL, NULL, &dirderiv, vars, vals, nvars, varssize) );
272       SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetNlRowActivity(subproblem, nlrow, &activity) );
274       if( dualsol > 0.0 )
275       {
276          assert(!SCIPisInfinity(subproblem, SCIPnlrowGetRhs(nlrow)));
277          *lhs += dualsol * (activity - SCIPnlrowGetRhs(nlrow));
278       }
279       else
280       {
281          assert(!SCIPisInfinity(subproblem, -SCIPnlrowGetLhs(nlrow)));
282          *lhs += dualsol * (activity - SCIPnlrowGetLhs(nlrow));
283       }
284    }
286    SCIP_CALL( SCIPexprintFree(&exprinterpreter) );
288    /* looping over all variable bounds and updating the corresponding coefficients of the cut; compute checkobj */
289    for( i = 0; i < nsubvars; i++ )
290    {
291       SCIP_VAR* var;
292       SCIP_VAR* mastervar;
293       SCIP_Real coef;
295       var = subvars[i];
297       /* retrieving the master problem variable for the given subproblem variable. */
298       SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetBendersMasterVar(masterprob, benders, var, &mastervar) );
300       dualsol = SCIPgetNLPVarsUbDualsol(subproblem)[i] - SCIPgetNLPVarsLbDualsol(subproblem)[i];
302       /* checking whether the subproblem variable has a corresponding master variable. */
303       if( mastervar == NULL || dualsol == 0.0 )
304          continue;
306       coef = -dualsol;
308       /* adding the variable to the storage */
309       SCIP_CALL( addVariableToArray(masterprob, vars, vals, mastervar, coef, nvars, varssize) );
311       dirderiv += coef * SCIPvarGetNLPSol(var);
312    }
314    *lhs += dirderiv;
316    /* if the side became infinite or dirderiv was infinite, then the cut generation terminates. */
317    if( SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, *lhs) || SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, -*lhs)
318       || SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, dirderiv) || SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, -dirderiv))
319    {
320       (*success) = FALSE;
321       SCIPdebugMsg(masterprob, "Infinite bound when generating feasibility cut. lhs = %g dirderiv = %g.\n", *lhs, dirderiv);
322       return SCIP_OKAY;
323    }
325    (*success) = TRUE;
327    return SCIP_OKAY;
328 }
330 /** generates and applies Benders' cuts */
331 static
generateAndApplyBendersCuts(SCIP * masterprob,SCIP * subproblem,SCIP_BENDERS * benders,SCIP_BENDERSCUT * benderscut,SCIP_SOL * sol,int probnumber,SCIP_RESULT * result)332 SCIP_RETCODE generateAndApplyBendersCuts(
333    SCIP*                 masterprob,         /**< the SCIP instance of the master problem */
334    SCIP*                 subproblem,         /**< the SCIP instance of the pricing problem */
335    SCIP_BENDERS*         benders,            /**< the benders' decomposition */
336    SCIP_BENDERSCUT*      benderscut,         /**< the benders' decomposition cut method */
337    SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< primal CIP solution */
338    int                   probnumber,         /**< the number of the pricing problem */
339    SCIP_RESULT*          result              /**< the result from solving the subproblems */
340    )
341 {
342    SCIP_CONS* cut;
343    SCIP_VAR** vars;
344    SCIP_Real* vals;
345    SCIP_Real lhs;
346    SCIP_Real activity;
347    int nvars;
348    int varssize;
349    int nmastervars;
350    char cutname[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
351    SCIP_Bool success;
353    assert(masterprob != NULL);
354    assert(subproblem != NULL);
355    assert(benders != NULL);
356    assert(result != NULL);
358    /* allocating memory for the variable and values arrays */
359    nmastervars = SCIPgetNVars(masterprob) + SCIPgetNFixedVars(masterprob);
360    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocClearBufferArray(masterprob, &vars, nmastervars) );
361    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocClearBufferArray(masterprob, &vals, nmastervars) );
362    lhs = 0.0;
363    nvars = 0;
364    varssize = nmastervars;
366    /* setting the name of the generated cut */
367    (void) SCIPsnprintf(cutname, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "feasibilitycut_%d_%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT, probnumber,
368       SCIPbenderscutGetNFound(benderscut) );
370    if( SCIPisNLPConstructed(subproblem) && SCIPgetNNlpis(subproblem) )
371    {
372       /* computing the coefficients of the feasibility cut from the NLP */
373       SCIP_CALL( computeStandardNLPFeasibilityCut(masterprob, subproblem, benders, &vars, &vals, &lhs, &nvars, &varssize,
374             &success) );
375    }
376    else
377    {
378       if( SCIPgetNLPIterations(subproblem) == 0 )
379       {
380          SCIPverbMessage(masterprob, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, NULL, "There were no iterations in pricing problem %d. "
381            "A Benders' decomposition feasibility cut will be generated from the presolved LP data.\n", probnumber);
382       }
384       /* computing the coefficients of the feasibility cut from the LP */
385       SCIP_CALL( computeStandardLPFeasibilityCut(masterprob, subproblem, benders, &vars, &vals, &lhs, &nvars, &varssize,
386             &success) );
387    }
389    /* if success is FALSE, then there was an error in generating the feasibility cut. No cut will be added to the master
390     * problem. Otherwise, the constraint is added to the master problem.
391     */
392    if( !success )
393    {
394       (*result) = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;
395       SCIPdebugMsg(masterprob, "Error in generating Benders' feasibility cut for problem %d.\n", probnumber);
396    }
397    else
398    {
399       /* creating a constraint with the variables and coefficients previously stored */
400       SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsBasicLinear(masterprob, &cut, cutname, nvars, vars, vals, lhs, SCIPinfinity(masterprob)) );
401       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetConsDynamic(masterprob, cut, TRUE) );
402       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetConsRemovable(masterprob, cut, TRUE) );
404       assert(SCIPisInfinity(masterprob, SCIPgetRhsLinear(masterprob, cut)));
406       /* the activity of the cut should be less than the lhs. This will ensure that the evaluated solution will be cut off.
407        * It is possible that the activity is greater than the lhs. This could be caused by numerical difficulties. In this
408        * case, no cut will be generated.
409        */
410       lhs = SCIPgetLhsLinear(masterprob, cut);
411       activity = SCIPgetActivityLinear(masterprob, cut, sol);
412       if( SCIPisGE(masterprob, activity, lhs) )
413       {
414          success = FALSE;
415          SCIPdebugMsg(masterprob ,"Invalid feasibility cut - activity is greater than lhs %g >= %g.\n", activity, lhs);
416 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
417          SCIPABORT();
418 #endif
419       }
421       assert(cut != NULL);
423       if( success )
424       {
425          /* adding the constraint to the master problem */
426          SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCons(masterprob, cut) );
428          SCIPdebugPrintCons(masterprob, cut, NULL);
430          (*result) = SCIP_CONSADDED;
431       }
433       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(masterprob, &cut) );
434    }
436    SCIPfreeBufferArray(masterprob, &vals);
437    SCIPfreeBufferArray(masterprob, &vars);
439    return SCIP_OKAY;
440 }
442 /*
443  * Callback methods of Benders' decomposition cuts
444  */
446 /** execution method of Benders' decomposition cuts */
447 static
449 {  /*lint --e{715}*/
450    SCIP* subproblem;
451    SCIP_Bool nlprelaxation;
453    assert(scip != NULL);
454    assert(benders != NULL);
455    assert(benderscut != NULL);
456    assert(result != NULL);
457    assert(probnumber >= 0 && probnumber < SCIPbendersGetNSubproblems(benders));
459    subproblem = SCIPbendersSubproblem(benders, probnumber);
461    if( subproblem == NULL )
462    {
463       SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "The subproblem %d is set to NULL. The <%s> Benders' decomposition cut can not be executed.\n",
464          probnumber, BENDERSCUT_NAME);
466       (*result) = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;
467       return SCIP_OKAY;
468    }
470    /* setting a flag to indicate whether the NLP relaxation should be used to generate cuts */
471    nlprelaxation = SCIPisNLPConstructed(subproblem) && SCIPgetNNlpis(subproblem);
473    /* only generate feasibility cuts if the subproblem LP or NLP is infeasible,
474     * since we use the farkas proof from the LP or the dual solution of the NLP to construct the feasibility cut
475     */
476    if( SCIPgetStage(subproblem) == SCIP_STAGE_SOLVING &&
477       ((!nlprelaxation && SCIPgetLPSolstat(subproblem) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE) ||
478        (nlprelaxation && (SCIPgetNLPSolstat(subproblem) == SCIP_NLPSOLSTAT_LOCINFEASIBLE || SCIPgetNLPSolstat(subproblem) == SCIP_NLPSOLSTAT_GLOBINFEASIBLE))) )
479    {
480       /* generating a cut for a given subproblem */
481       SCIP_CALL( generateAndApplyBendersCuts(scip, subproblem, benders, benderscut,
482             sol, probnumber, result) );
483    }
485    return SCIP_OKAY;
486 }
489 /*
490  * Benders' decomposition cuts specific interface methods
491  */
493 /** creates the Standard Feasibility Benders' decomposition cuts and includes it in SCIP */
SCIPincludeBenderscutFeas(SCIP * scip,SCIP_BENDERS * benders)494 SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeBenderscutFeas(
495    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
496    SCIP_BENDERS*         benders             /**< Benders' decomposition */
497    )
498 {
499    SCIP_BENDERSCUT* benderscut;
501    assert(benders != NULL);
503    benderscut = NULL;
505    /* include Benders' decomposition cuts */
506    SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeBenderscutBasic(scip, benders, &benderscut, BENDERSCUT_NAME, BENDERSCUT_DESC,
507          BENDERSCUT_PRIORITY, BENDERSCUT_LPCUT, benderscutExecFeas, NULL) );
509    assert(benderscut != NULL);
511    return SCIP_OKAY;
512 }