1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /*                  This file is part of the program and library             */
4 /*         SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs                      */
5 /*                                                                           */
6 /*    Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            */
7 /*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                */
8 /*                                                                           */
9 /*  SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.         */
10 /*                                                                           */
11 /*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              */
12 /*  along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org.         */
13 /*                                                                           */
14 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
16 /**@file   branch_lookahead.c
17  * @ingroup DEFPLUGINS_BRANCH
18  * @ingroup BRANCHINGRULES
19  * @brief  lookahead LP branching rule
20  * @author Christoph Schubert
21  * @author Gerald Gamrath
22  *
23  * The (multi-level) lookahead branching rule applies strong branching to every fractional value of the LP solution
24  * at the current node of the branch-and-bound tree, as well as recursivly to every temporary child problem created by this
25  * strong branching. The rule selects the candidate with the best proven dual bound.
26  *
27  * The branching rule was motivated by the following technical report:
28  *
29  * @par
30  * Wasu Glankwamdee and Jeff Linderoth@n
31  * Lookahead Branching for Mixed Integer Programming@n
32  * Technical Report 06T-004, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University.
33  *
34  * For a more mathematical description and a comparison between lookahead branching and other branching rules
35  * in SCIP, we refer to
36  *
37  * @par
38  * Christoph Schubert@n
39  * Multi-Level Lookahead Branching@n
40  * Master Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, 2017@n
41  */
43 /* Supported defines:
44  * PRINTNODECONS: prints the binary constraints added
45  * SCIP_DEBUG: prints detailed execution information
46  * SCIP_STATISTIC: prints some statistics after the branching rule is freed */
48 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
50 #include "blockmemshell/memory.h"
51 #include "lpi/lpi.h"
52 #include "scip/branch_lookahead.h"
53 #include "scip/cons_logicor.h"
54 #include "scip/pub_branch.h"
55 #include "scip/pub_message.h"
56 #include "scip/pub_misc.h"
57 #include "scip/pub_tree.h"
58 #include "scip/pub_var.h"
59 #include "scip/scip_branch.h"
60 #include "scip/scip_cons.h"
61 #include "scip/scip_general.h"
62 #include "scip/scip_lp.h"
63 #include "scip/scip_mem.h"
64 #include "scip/scip_message.h"
65 #include "scip/scip_numerics.h"
66 #include "scip/scip_param.h"
67 #include "scip/scip_prob.h"
68 #include "scip/scip_probing.h"
69 #include "scip/scip_sol.h"
70 #include "scip/scip_solvingstats.h"
71 #include "scip/scip_tree.h"
72 #include "scip/scip_var.h"
73 #include <string.h>
75 #define BRANCHRULE_NAME            "lookahead"
76 #define BRANCHRULE_DESC            "full strong branching over multiple levels"
77 #define BRANCHRULE_PRIORITY        0
78 #define BRANCHRULE_MAXDEPTH        -1
81 #define DEFAULT_USEBINARYCONSTRAINTS   FALSE /**< should binary constraints be collected and applied? */
82 #define DEFAULT_ADDCLIQUE              FALSE /**< add binary constraints with two variables found at the root node also as a clique? */
83 #define DEFAULT_ADDBINCONSROW          0     /**< should binary constraints be added as rows to the base LP?
84                                               *   (0: no, 1: separate, 2: as initial rows) */
85 #define DEFAULT_USEDOMAINREDUCTION     TRUE  /**< Should domain reductions be collected and applied? */
86 #define DEFAULT_MERGEDOMAINREDUCTIONS  FALSE /**< should domain reductions of feasible siblings should be merged? */
87 #define DEFAULT_PREFERSIMPLEBOUNDS     FALSE /**< should domain reductions only be applied if there are simple bound changes? */
88 #define DEFAULT_ONLYVIOLDOMREDS        FALSE /**< Should only domain reductions that violate the LP solution be applied? */
89 #define DEFAULT_MAXNVIOLATEDCONS       1     /**< How many constraints that are violated by the base lp solution
90                                               *   should be gathered until the rule is stopped and they are added? */
91 #define DEFAULT_MAXNVIOLATEDBINCONS    0     /**< How many binary constraints that are violated by the base lp
92                                               *   solution should be gathered until the rule is stopped and they are
93                                               *   added? */
94 #define DEFAULT_MAXNVIOLATEDDOMREDS    1     /**< How many domain reductions that are violated by the base lp solution
95                                               *   should be gathered until the rule is stopped and they are added? */
96 #define DEFAULT_STOREUNVIOLATEDSOL     TRUE  /**< If only non violating constraints are added, should the branching
97                                               *   decision be stored till the next call? */
98 #define DEFAULT_REEVALAGE              10LL  /**< Max number of LPs solved after which a previous prob branching
99                                               *   result is recalculated. */
100 #define DEFAULT_REEVALAGEFSB           10LL  /**< Max number of LPs solved after which a previous FSB scoring
101                                               *   result is recalculated. */
102 #define DEFAULT_RECURSIONDEPTH         2     /**< The max depth of LAB. */
103 #define DEFAULT_ADDNONVIOCONS          FALSE /**< Should binary constraints, that are not violated by the base LP, be
104                                               *   collected and added? */
105 #define DEFAULT_PROPAGATE              TRUE  /**< Should domain propagation be executed before each temporary node is
106                                               *   solved? */
107 #define DEFAULT_USELEVEL2DATA          TRUE  /**< should branching data generated at depth level 2 be stored for re-using it? */
108 #define DEFAULT_APPLYCHILDBOUNDS       FALSE /**< should bounds known for child nodes be applied? */
109 #define DEFAULT_ENFORCEMAXDOMREDS      FALSE /**< should the maximum number of domain reductions maxnviolateddomreds be enforced? */
110 #define DEFAULT_UPDATEBRANCHINGRESULTS FALSE /**< should branching results (and scores) be updated w.r.t. proven dual bounds? */
111 #define DEFAULT_MAXPROPROUNDS          0     /**< maximum number of propagation rounds to perform at temporary
112                                               *   nodes (-1: unlimited, 0: SCIP default) */
113 #define DEFAULT_ABBREVIATED            TRUE  /**< Toggles the abbreviated LAB. */
114 #define DEFAULT_MAXNCANDS              4     /**< If abbreviated: The max number of candidates to consider at the base node */
115 #define DEFAULT_MAXNDEEPERCANDS        2     /**< If abbreviated: The max number of candidates to consider per deeper node
116                                               *   (0: same as base node) */
117 #define DEFAULT_REUSEBASIS             TRUE  /**< If abbreviated: Should the information gathered to obtain the best
118                                               *   candidates be reused? */
119 #define DEFAULT_ABBREVPSEUDO           FALSE /**< If abbreviated: Use pseudo costs to estimate the score of a
120                                               *   candidate. */
121 #define DEFAULT_LEVEL2AVGSCORE         FALSE /**< should the average score be used for uninitialized scores in level 2? */
122 #define DEFAULT_LEVEL2ZEROSCORE        FALSE /**< should uninitialized scores be set to 0? */
123 #define DEFAULT_SCORINGFUNCTION        'a'   /**< scoring function to be used at the base level */
124 #define DEFAULT_DEEPERSCORINGFUNCTION  'x'   /**< scoring function to be used at deeper levels */
125 #define DEFAULT_SCORINGSCORINGFUNCTION 'd'   /**< scoring function to be used for FSB scoring */
126 #define DEFAULT_MINWEIGHT              0.8   /**< default value for the weight of the minimum in the convex combination of two
127                                               *   child gains (taken from the paper) */
128 #define DEFAULT_WORSEFACTOR           -1.0   /**< if the FSB score is of a candidate is worse than the best by this factor, skip this candidate (-1: disable) */
129 #define DEFAULT_FILTERBYMAXGAIN       FALSE  /**< should lookahead branching only be applied if the max gain in level 1 is not uniquely that of the best candidate? */
131 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
132 /* Adjusted debug message that also prints the current probing depth. */
133 #define LABdebugMessage(scip,lvl,...)        do                                                                            \
134                                              {                                                                             \
135                                                 SCIP_STAGE stage;                                                          \
136                                                 SCIPverbMessage(scip, lvl, NULL, "[%s:%-4d] ", __FILE__, __LINE__);        \
137                                                 stage = SCIPgetStage(scip);                                                \
138                                                 if( stage == SCIP_STAGE_INIT )                                             \
139                                                 {                                                                          \
140                                                    SCIPverbMessage(scip, lvl, NULL, "Init   : ");                          \
141                                                 }                                                                          \
142                                                 else if( stage == SCIP_STAGE_FREE )                                        \
143                                                 {                                                                          \
144                                                    SCIPverbMessage(scip, lvl, NULL, "Free   : ");                          \
145                                                 }                                                                          \
146                                                 else if( SCIPinProbing(scip) )                                             \
147                                                 {                                                                          \
148                                                    SCIPverbMessage(scip, lvl, NULL, "%*sDepth %i: ",                       \
149                                                       2 * SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip), "", SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip));       \
150                                                 }                                                                          \
151                                                 else                                                                       \
152                                                 {                                                                          \
153                                                    SCIPverbMessage(scip, lvl, NULL, "Base   : ");                          \
154                                                 }                                                                          \
155                                                 SCIPverbMessage(scip, lvl, NULL, __VA_ARGS__);                             \
156                                              }                                                                             \
157                                              while( FALSE )
159 /* Writes a debug message without the leading information. Can be used to append something to an output of LABdebugMessage*/
160 #define LABdebugMessagePrint(scip,lvl,...)   do                                                                            \
161                                              {                                                                             \
162                                                 SCIPverbMessage(scip, lvl, NULL, __VA_ARGS__);                             \
163                                              }                                                                             \
164                                              while( FALSE )
165 #else
166 #define LABdebugMessage(scip,lvl,...)        /**/
167 /*#define LABdebugMessagePrint(scip,lvl,...)   only used with SCIP_DEBUG defined */
168 #endif
170 /*
171  * Data structures
172  */
174 /** A struct holding information to speed up the solving time for solving a problem again. This is filled by the FSB
175  *  scoring routine that is run to get the best candidates. It is then read by the actual ALAB routine. */
176 typedef struct
177 {
178    SCIP_LPISTATE*        lpistate;           /**< the basis information that may be set before another solve lp call */
179    SCIP_LPINORMS*        lpinorms;           /**< the norms that may be set before another solve lp call */
180    SCIP_Bool             primalfeas;         /**< indicates whether the solution was primal feasible */
181    SCIP_Bool             dualfeas;           /**< indicates whether the solution was dual feasible */
184 /** Allocates the warm start information on the buffer and initializes it with default values. */
185 static
warmStartInfoCreate(SCIP * scip,WARMSTARTINFO ** warmstartinfo)186 SCIP_RETCODE warmStartInfoCreate(
187    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
188    WARMSTARTINFO**       warmstartinfo       /**< the warmstartinfo to allocate and initialize */
189    )
190 {
191    assert(scip != NULL);
192    assert(warmstartinfo != NULL);
194    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, warmstartinfo) );
196    (*warmstartinfo)->lpistate = NULL;
197    (*warmstartinfo)->lpinorms = NULL;
198    (*warmstartinfo)->primalfeas = FALSE;
199    (*warmstartinfo)->dualfeas = FALSE;
201    return SCIP_OKAY;
202 }
204 /** checks that the warm start info can be read into the lp solver. */
205 static
warmStartInfoIsAvailable(WARMSTARTINFO * warmstartinfo)206 SCIP_Bool warmStartInfoIsAvailable(
207    WARMSTARTINFO*        warmstartinfo       /**< the warm start info to check (may be NULL) */
208    )
209 {
210    return warmstartinfo != NULL && warmstartinfo->lpistate != NULL;
211 }
213 /** Frees the allocated buffer memory of the warm start info. */
214 static
warmStartInfoFree(SCIP * scip,WARMSTARTINFO ** warmstartinfo)215 SCIP_RETCODE warmStartInfoFree(
216    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
217    WARMSTARTINFO**       warmstartinfo       /**< the warm start info to free */
218    )
219 {
220    SCIP_LPI* lpi;
221    BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem;
223    assert(scip != NULL);
224    assert(warmstartinfo != NULL);
226    SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPI(scip, &lpi) );
227    blkmem = SCIPblkmem(scip);
229    if( (*warmstartinfo)->lpistate != NULL )
230    {
231       SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiFreeState(lpi, blkmem, &(*warmstartinfo)->lpistate) );
232    }
234    if( (*warmstartinfo)->lpinorms != NULL )
235    {
236       SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiFreeNorms(lpi, blkmem, &(*warmstartinfo)->lpinorms) );
237    }
239    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, warmstartinfo);
241    return SCIP_OKAY;
242 }
244 /** A struct containing all information needed to branch on a variable. */
245 typedef struct
246 {
247    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar;          /**< the variable to branch on */
248    SCIP_Real             branchval;          /**< the fractional value to branch on */
249    SCIP_Real             fracval;            /**< the fractional part of the value to branch on (val - floor(val)) */
250    WARMSTARTINFO*        downwarmstartinfo;  /**< the warm start info containing the lp data from a previous down branch */
251    WARMSTARTINFO*        upwarmstartinfo;    /**< the warm start info containing the lp data from a previous up branch */
254 /** Allocates the candidate on the buffer and initializes it with default values. */
255 static
candidateCreate(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATE ** candidate)256 SCIP_RETCODE candidateCreate(
257    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
258    CANDIDATE**           candidate           /**< the candidate to allocate and initialize */
259    )
260 {
261    assert(scip != NULL);
262    assert(candidate != NULL);
264    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, candidate) );
266    (*candidate)->downwarmstartinfo = NULL;
267    (*candidate)->upwarmstartinfo = NULL;
268    (*candidate)->branchvar = NULL;
270    return SCIP_OKAY;
271 }
273 /** free the warm starting information for the given candidate */
274 static
candidateFreeWarmStartInfo(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATE * candidate)275 SCIP_RETCODE candidateFreeWarmStartInfo(
276    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
277    CANDIDATE*            candidate           /**< the candidate to free the warm starting information for */
278    )
279 {
280    assert(scip != NULL);
281    assert(candidate != NULL);
283    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "freeing warmstart info of candidate <%s>(%u/%u)...\n",
284       SCIPvarGetName(candidate->branchvar),
285       candidate->upwarmstartinfo != NULL, candidate->downwarmstartinfo != NULL);
287    if( candidate->upwarmstartinfo != NULL )
288    {
289       SCIP_CALL( warmStartInfoFree(scip, &candidate->upwarmstartinfo) );
290    }
291    if( candidate->downwarmstartinfo != NULL )
292    {
293       SCIP_CALL( warmStartInfoFree(scip, &candidate->downwarmstartinfo) );
294    }
296    return SCIP_OKAY;
297 }
300 /** Frees the allocated buffer memory of the candidate and clears the contained lpi memories. */
301 static
candidateFree(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATE ** candidate)302 SCIP_RETCODE candidateFree(
303    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
304    CANDIDATE**           candidate           /**< the candidate to free */
305    )
306 {
307    assert(scip != NULL);
308    assert(candidate != NULL);
310    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "freeing candidate <%s>(%u/%u)...\n",
311       (*candidate) != NULL ? SCIPvarGetName((*candidate)->branchvar) : "none",
312       (*candidate)->upwarmstartinfo != NULL, (*candidate)->downwarmstartinfo != NULL);
314    /* if a candidate is freed, we no longer need the content of the warm start info */
315    SCIP_CALL( candidateFreeWarmStartInfo(scip, *candidate) );
317    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, candidate);
318    return SCIP_OKAY;
319 }
321 /** Store the current lp solution in the warm start info for further usage. */
322 static
candidateStoreWarmStartInfo(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATE * candidate,SCIP_Bool down)323 SCIP_RETCODE candidateStoreWarmStartInfo(
324    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
325    CANDIDATE*            candidate,          /**< the branching candidate */
326    SCIP_Bool             down                /**< is the info for down branching? */
327    )
328 {
329    SCIP_LPI* lpi;
330    BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem;
331    WARMSTARTINFO* warmstartinfo;
333    assert(scip != NULL);
334    assert(candidate != NULL);
336    SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPI(scip, &lpi) );
337    blkmem = SCIPblkmem(scip);
339    if( down )
340    {
341       if( candidate->downwarmstartinfo == NULL )
342       {
343          SCIP_CALL( warmStartInfoCreate(scip, &candidate->downwarmstartinfo) );
344       }
345       warmstartinfo = candidate->downwarmstartinfo;
346    }
347    else
348    {
349       if( candidate->upwarmstartinfo == NULL )
350       {
351          SCIP_CALL( warmStartInfoCreate(scip, &candidate->upwarmstartinfo) );
352       }
353       warmstartinfo = candidate->upwarmstartinfo;
354    }
356    SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiGetState(lpi, blkmem, &warmstartinfo->lpistate) );
358    SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiGetNorms(lpi, blkmem, &warmstartinfo->lpinorms) );
360    warmstartinfo->primalfeas = SCIPlpiIsPrimalFeasible(lpi);
361    warmstartinfo->dualfeas = SCIPlpiIsDualFeasible(lpi);
363    assert(warmstartinfo->lpistate != NULL);
364    /* warmstartinfo->lpinorms may be NULL */
366    return SCIP_OKAY;
367 }
369 /** returns whether the candidate has stored warm starting information for the given direction */
370 static
candidateHasWarmStartInfo(CANDIDATE * candidate,SCIP_Bool down)371 SCIP_Bool candidateHasWarmStartInfo(
372    CANDIDATE*            candidate,          /**< the branching candidate */
373    SCIP_Bool             down                /**< is the info for down branching? */
374    )
375 {
376    assert(candidate != NULL);
378    return warmStartInfoIsAvailable(down ? candidate->downwarmstartinfo : candidate->upwarmstartinfo);
379 }
382 /** loads the warm starting information of the candidate for the given direction */
383 static
candidateLoadWarmStartInfo(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATE * candidate,SCIP_Bool down)384 SCIP_RETCODE candidateLoadWarmStartInfo(
385    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
386    CANDIDATE*            candidate,          /**< the branching candidate */
387    SCIP_Bool             down                /**< is the info for down branching? */
388    )
389 {
390    WARMSTARTINFO* warmstartinfo;
392    assert(scip != NULL);
393    assert(candidate != NULL);
395    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "loading basis...\n");
397    if( down )
398       warmstartinfo = candidate->downwarmstartinfo;
399    else
400       warmstartinfo = candidate->upwarmstartinfo;
402    /* As we solved the very same LP some time earlier and stored the state (the basis) and the norms, we can now set those in
403     * the LP solver, such that the solution does not (in best case) need any further calculation.
404     * Some iterations may occur, as the conflict analysis may have added some constraints in the meantime. */
405    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetProbingLPState(scip, &(warmstartinfo->lpistate), &(warmstartinfo->lpinorms), warmstartinfo->primalfeas,
406          warmstartinfo->dualfeas) );
408    /* The state and norms will be freed later by the SCIP framework. Therefore they are set to NULL to enforce that we won't
409     * free them on our own. */
410    assert(warmstartinfo->lpistate == NULL);
411    assert(warmstartinfo->lpinorms == NULL);
413    return SCIP_OKAY;
414 }
417 /** Holds the information needed for branching on a variable. */
418 typedef struct
419 {
420    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar;          /**< the variable to branch on, may be NULL */
421    SCIP_Real             branchval;          /**< the fractional value to branch on */
422    SCIP_Real*            downlowerbounds;    /**< variable lower bounds for down child */
423    SCIP_Real*            downupperbounds;    /**< variable upper bounds for down child */
424    SCIP_Real*            uplowerbounds;      /**< variable lower bounds for up child */
425    SCIP_Real*            upupperbounds;      /**< variable upper bounds for up child */
426    SCIP_Real             downdb;             /**< dual bound for down branch */
427    SCIP_Real             updb;               /**< dual bound for the up branch */
428    SCIP_Real             proveddb;           /**< proven dual bound for the current node */
429    SCIP_Real             score;              /**< score of the branching decision */
430    SCIP_Bool             downdbvalid;        /**< Indicator for the validity of the downdb value. Is FALSE, if no actual
431                                               *   branching occurred or the value was determined by an LP not solved to
432                                               *   optimality. */
433    SCIP_Bool             updbvalid;          /**< Indicator for the validity of the updb value. Is FALSE, if no actual
434                                               *   branching occurred or the value was determined by an LP not solved to
435                                               *   optimality. */
436    SCIP_Bool             boundsvalid;        /**< are variable bounds for down and up child valid? */
437    int                   boundssize;         /**< size of bounds arrays */
440 /** initialize a branching decsion with default values */
441 static
branchingDecisionInit(SCIP * scip,BRANCHINGDECISION * decision)442 void branchingDecisionInit(
443    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
444    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision            /**< the decision to initialize */
445    )
446 {
447    assert(scip != NULL);
448    assert(decision != NULL);
450    decision->branchvar = NULL;
451    decision->branchval = SCIP_INVALID;
452    decision->downlowerbounds = NULL;
453    decision->downupperbounds = NULL;
454    decision->uplowerbounds = NULL;
455    decision->upupperbounds = NULL;
456    decision->downdb = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
457    decision->downdbvalid = FALSE;
458    decision->updb = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
459    decision->updbvalid = FALSE;
460    decision->boundsvalid = FALSE;
461    decision->proveddb = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
462    decision->score = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
463    decision->boundssize = 0;
464 }
467 /** allocates a branching decision in the buffer and initializes it with default values. */
468 static
branchingDecisionCreate(SCIP * scip,BRANCHINGDECISION ** decision)469 SCIP_RETCODE branchingDecisionCreate(
470    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
471    BRANCHINGDECISION**   decision            /**< pointer to the decision to allocate and initialize */
472    )
473 {
474    assert(scip != NULL);
475    assert(decision != NULL);
477    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, decision) );
479    branchingDecisionInit(scip, *decision);
481    return SCIP_OKAY;
482 }
484 /** copies the data from the source branching decision storage to the target storage;
485  *  this is used to store the most important information (i.e., the dual bounds obtained) so that it can be used in a
486  *  subsequent call in case the LP solution did not change because we only added bound changes that did not forbid the
487  *  current LP solution;
488  *  however, we do not want to store all the domain changes for the two potential child nodes for this rare case, they
489  *  will be identified when processing the child nodes anyway
490  */
491 static
branchingDecisionCopy(BRANCHINGDECISION * sourcedecision,BRANCHINGDECISION * targetdecision)492 void branchingDecisionCopy(
493    BRANCHINGDECISION*    sourcedecision,     /**< the source branching decision */
494    BRANCHINGDECISION*    targetdecision      /**< the target branching decision */
495    )
496 {
497    assert(sourcedecision != NULL);
498    assert(targetdecision != NULL);
500    targetdecision->branchvar = sourcedecision->branchvar;
501    targetdecision->branchval = sourcedecision->branchval;
502    targetdecision->downdb = sourcedecision->downdb;
503    targetdecision->downdbvalid = sourcedecision->downdbvalid;
504    targetdecision->updb = sourcedecision->updb;
505    targetdecision->updbvalid = sourcedecision->updbvalid;
506    targetdecision->proveddb = sourcedecision->proveddb;
507    targetdecision->score = sourcedecision->score;
509    assert(targetdecision->downlowerbounds == NULL);
510    assert(targetdecision->downupperbounds == NULL);
511    assert(targetdecision->uplowerbounds == NULL);
512    assert(targetdecision->upupperbounds == NULL);
513    assert(targetdecision->boundsvalid == FALSE);
514    assert(targetdecision->boundssize == 0);
515 }
517 /** Checks whether the given branching decision can be used to branch on. */
518 static
branchingDecisionIsValid(BRANCHINGDECISION * decision)519 SCIP_Bool branchingDecisionIsValid(
520    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision            /**< the branching decision to check */
521    )
522 {
523    assert(decision != NULL);
525    /* a branching decision is deemed valid, if the var pointer is not on the default NULL value (see the allocate method) */
526    return decision->branchvar != NULL;
527 }
529 /* ensure that the array that stores the bounds for both child nodes is large enough */
530 static
branchingDecisionEnsureBoundArraysSize(SCIP * scip,BRANCHINGDECISION * decision,int nvars)531 SCIP_RETCODE branchingDecisionEnsureBoundArraysSize(
532    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
533    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision,           /**< branching decision */
534    int                   nvars               /**< number of problem variables */
535    )
536 {
537    assert(decision != NULL);
539    if( decision->boundssize == 0 )
540    {
541       decision->boundssize = nvars;
542       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &decision->downlowerbounds, decision->boundssize) );
543       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &decision->downupperbounds, decision->boundssize) );
544       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &decision->uplowerbounds, decision->boundssize) );
545       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &decision->upupperbounds, decision->boundssize) );
546    }
547    assert(decision->boundssize == nvars);
549    return SCIP_OKAY;
550 }
552 /** Frees the allocated memory of the branching decision. */
553 static
branchingDecisionFree(SCIP * scip,BRANCHINGDECISION ** decision)554 void branchingDecisionFree(
555    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
556    BRANCHINGDECISION**   decision            /**< pointer to the decision to be freed */
557    )
558 {
559    assert(scip != NULL);
560    assert(decision != NULL);
562    if( (*decision)->boundssize != 0 )
563    {
564       assert((*decision)->downlowerbounds != NULL);
565       assert((*decision)->downupperbounds != NULL);
566       assert((*decision)->uplowerbounds != NULL);
567       assert((*decision)->upupperbounds != NULL);
569       SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*decision)->downlowerbounds, (*decision)->boundssize);
570       SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*decision)->downupperbounds, (*decision)->boundssize);
571       SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*decision)->uplowerbounds, (*decision)->boundssize);
572       SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*decision)->upupperbounds, (*decision)->boundssize);
573    }
575    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, decision);
576 }
578 /** A container to hold the result of a branching. */
579 typedef struct
580 {
581    SCIP_Real             objval;             /**< The objective value of the solved lp. Only contains meaningful data, if
582                                               *   cutoff == FALSE. */
583    SCIP_Real             dualbound;          /**< The best dual bound for this branching, may be changed by deeper level
584                                               *   branchings. */
585    SCIP_Longint          niterations;        /**< The number of probing iterations needed in sub branch. */
586    SCIP_Bool             cutoff;             /**< Indicates whether the node was infeasible and was cutoff. */
587    SCIP_Bool             dualboundvalid;     /**< Is the value of the dual bound valid? That means, was the according LP
588                                               *   or the sub problems solved to optimality? */
589    int                   ndeepestcutoffs;    /**< number of cutoffs on the lowest level below this child */
590    SCIP_Real             deeperscore;        /**< best score computed for the deeper lookahead level */
591    SCIP_Real             bestgain;           /**< best gain (w.r.t. to the base lp) on the lowest level below this child */
592    SCIP_Real             totalgains;         /**< sum over all gains that are valid in both children */
593    int                   ntotalgains;        /**< number of gains summed in totalgains */
594    int                   ndeepestnodes;      /**< number of nodes processed in the deepest level */
597 /** Allocates a branching result in the buffer. */
598 static
branchingResultDataCreate(SCIP * scip,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA ** resultdata)599 SCIP_RETCODE branchingResultDataCreate(
600    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
601    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA** resultdata          /**< pointer to the result to be allocated */
602    )
603 {
604    assert(scip != NULL);
605    assert(resultdata != NULL);
607    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, resultdata) );
609    return SCIP_OKAY;
610 }
612 /** Initiates the branching result with default values. */
613 static
branchingResultDataInit(SCIP * scip,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * resultdata)614 void branchingResultDataInit(
615    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
616    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  resultdata          /**< pointer to the result to be initialized */
617    )
618 {
619    assert(scip != NULL);
620    assert(resultdata != NULL);
622    resultdata->objval = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
623    resultdata->dualbound = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
624    resultdata->cutoff = FALSE;
625    resultdata->dualboundvalid = FALSE;
626    resultdata->niterations = 0;
627    resultdata->ndeepestcutoffs = 0;
628    resultdata->deeperscore = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
629    resultdata->bestgain = 0.;
630    resultdata->totalgains = 0.;
631    resultdata->ntotalgains = 0;
632    resultdata->ndeepestnodes = 0;
633 }
635 /** Copies the data from the source to the target. */
636 static
branchingResultDataCopy(BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * sourcedata,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * targetdata)637 void branchingResultDataCopy(
638    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  sourcedata,         /**< the source branching result */
639    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  targetdata          /**< the target branching result */
640    )
641 {
642    assert(sourcedata != NULL);
643    assert(targetdata != NULL);
645    targetdata->cutoff = sourcedata->cutoff;
646    targetdata->objval = sourcedata->objval;
647    targetdata->dualbound = sourcedata->dualbound;
648    targetdata->dualboundvalid = sourcedata->dualboundvalid;
649    targetdata->niterations = sourcedata->niterations;
650    targetdata->ndeepestcutoffs = sourcedata->ndeepestcutoffs;
651    targetdata->deeperscore = sourcedata->deeperscore;
652    targetdata->bestgain = sourcedata->bestgain;
653    targetdata->totalgains = sourcedata->totalgains;
654    targetdata->ntotalgains = sourcedata->ntotalgains;
655    targetdata->ndeepestnodes = sourcedata->ndeepestnodes;
656 }
658 /** Frees the allocated buffer memory of the branching result. */
659 static
branchingResultDataFree(SCIP * scip,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA ** resultdata)660 void branchingResultDataFree(
661    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
662    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA** resultdata          /**< pointer to the result to be freed */
663    )
664 {
665    assert(scip != NULL);
666    assert(resultdata != NULL);
668    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, resultdata);
669 }
671 /** a container to hold the result of a second-level LP */
672 typedef struct
673 {
674    SCIP_Real             lpobjval;           /**< the objective value of the solved lp; only contains meaningful data, if
675                                               *   cutoff == FALSE. */
676    SCIP_Real             branchval1;         /**< new bound for first branching variable */
677    SCIP_Real             branchval2;         /**< new bound for second branching variable */
678    unsigned int          branchvar1:30;      /**< problem index of first branching variable */
679    unsigned int          branchvar2:30;      /**< problem index of second branching variable */
680    unsigned int          branchdir1:1;       /**< branching direction for first branching variable (0:down, 1:up) */
681    unsigned int          branchdir2:1;       /**< branching direction for second branching variable (0:down, 1:up) */
682    unsigned int          cutoff:1;           /**< indicates whether the node was infeasible and was cut off. */
683    unsigned int          valid:1;            /**< is the lpobjval a valid dual bound? */
686 /** a container to hold the results of all second-level LPs */
687 typedef struct
688 {
689    LEVEL2RESULT**        level2results;      /**< array with all level2 results */
690    SCIP_Real             branchval1;         /**< new bound for first branching variable */
691    SCIP_Real             branchval2;         /**< new bound for second branching variable */
692    int                   nlevel2results;     /**< number of level2 results stored */
693    int                   level2resultssize;  /**< size of level2results array */
694    unsigned int          branchvar1:30;      /**< problem index of first branching variable */
695    unsigned int          branchvar2:30;      /**< problem index of second branching variable */
696    unsigned int          branchdir1:1;       /**< branching direction for first branching variable (0:down, 1:up) */
697    unsigned int          branchdir2:1;       /**< branching direction for second branching variable (0:down, 1:up) */
700 /** allocates a double branching result in the memory and fills it with the information stored in the level 2 data */
701 static
level2resultCreateFromData(SCIP * scip,LEVEL2DATA * data,LEVEL2RESULT ** result)702 SCIP_RETCODE level2resultCreateFromData(
703    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
704    LEVEL2DATA*           data,               /**< level2 data */
705    LEVEL2RESULT**        result              /**< pointer to the result to be allocated */
706    )
707 {
708    assert(scip != NULL);
709    assert(data != NULL);
710    assert(result != NULL);
712    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, result) );
714    if( data->branchvar1 < data->branchvar2 )
715    {
716       (*result)->branchval1 = data->branchval1;
717       (*result)->branchval2 = data->branchval2;
718       (*result)->branchvar1 = data->branchvar1; /*lint !e732*/
719       (*result)->branchvar2 = data->branchvar2; /*lint !e732*/
720       (*result)->branchdir1 = data->branchdir1;
721       (*result)->branchdir2 = data->branchdir2;
722    }
723    else
724    {
725       (*result)->branchval1 = data->branchval2;
726       (*result)->branchval2 = data->branchval1;
727       (*result)->branchvar1 = data->branchvar2; /*lint !e732*/
728       (*result)->branchvar2 = data->branchvar1; /*lint !e732*/
729       (*result)->branchdir1 = data->branchdir2;
730       (*result)->branchdir2 = data->branchdir1;
731    }
733    return SCIP_OKAY;
734 }
737 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
738 /** prints the double branching result */
739 static
level2resultPrint(SCIP * scip,LEVEL2RESULT * result)740 void level2resultPrint(
741    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
742    LEVEL2RESULT*         result              /**< pointer to the result to be initialized */
743    )
744 {
745    SCIP_VAR** vars;
747    assert(result != NULL);
749    vars = SCIPgetVars(scip);
751    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH,
752       "level 2 result: <%s> %s %g + <%s> %s %g: lpval: %.9g, inf: %d, valid: %d\n",
753       SCIPvarGetName(vars[result->branchvar1]), result->branchdir1 ? ">=" : "<=", result->branchval1,
754       SCIPvarGetName(vars[result->branchvar2]), result->branchdir2 ? ">=" : "<=", result->branchval2,
755       result->lpobjval, result->cutoff, result->valid);
756 }
757 #else
758 #define level2resultPrint(scip,result) /**/
759 #endif
761 /** frees the allocated memory of the double branching result */
762 static
level2resultFree(SCIP * scip,LEVEL2RESULT ** result)763 void level2resultFree(
764    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
765    LEVEL2RESULT**        result              /**< pointer to the result to be freed */
766    )
767 {
768    assert(scip != NULL);
769    assert(result != NULL);
771    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, result);
772 }
774 /** returns TRUE iff both level 2 results are equal; two branchings are equal if they branched on the same variables
775  *  with the same values
776  */
777 static
level2resultEqual(LEVEL2RESULT * result1,LEVEL2RESULT * result2)778 SCIP_Bool level2resultEqual(
779    LEVEL2RESULT*         result1,            /**< first level 2 result */
780    LEVEL2RESULT*         result2             /**< second level 2 result */
781    )
782 {
783    assert(result1->branchvar1 < result1->branchvar2);
784    assert(result2->branchvar1 < result2->branchvar2);
786    /* check all cases */
787    if( result1->branchvar1 != result2->branchvar1
788       || result1->branchvar2 != result2->branchvar2
789       || result1->branchdir1 != result2->branchdir1
790       || result1->branchdir2 != result2->branchdir2
791       || result1->branchval1 > result2->branchval1 + 0.5
792       || result1->branchval1 < result2->branchval1 - 0.5
793       || result1->branchval2 > result2->branchval2 + 0.5
794       || result1->branchval2 < result2->branchval2 - 0.5)
795       return FALSE;
797    return TRUE;
798 }
800 /** allocates the level2 data */
801 static
level2dataCreate(SCIP * scip,LEVEL2DATA ** data)802 SCIP_RETCODE level2dataCreate(
803    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
804    LEVEL2DATA**          data                /**< pointer to the data to be allocated */
805    )
806 {
807    assert(scip != NULL);
808    assert(data != NULL);
810    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, data) );
812    (*data)->level2results = NULL;
813    (*data)->branchval1 = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
814    (*data)->branchval2 = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
815    (*data)->nlevel2results = 0;
816    (*data)->level2resultssize = 0;
817    (*data)->branchvar1 = 0;
818    (*data)->branchvar2 = 0;
819    (*data)->branchdir1 = 0;
820    (*data)->branchdir2 = 0;
822    return SCIP_OKAY;
823 }
825 /** frees the allocated memory of the level2 data */
826 static
level2dataFree(SCIP * scip,LEVEL2DATA ** data)827 void level2dataFree(
828    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
829    LEVEL2DATA**          data                /**< pointer to the data to be freed */
830    )
831 {
832    assert(scip != NULL);
833    assert(data != NULL);
835    while( (*data)->nlevel2results > 0 )
836    {
837       --(*data)->nlevel2results;
838       level2resultFree(scip, &((*data)->level2results[(*data)->nlevel2results]));
839    }
840    assert((*data)->nlevel2results == 0);
842    if( (*data)->level2results != NULL )
843    {
844       SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*data)->level2results, (*data)->level2resultssize);
845    }
847    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, data);
848 }
850 /** ensures that level2results can store at least one more element */
851 static
level2dataEnsureSize(SCIP * scip,LEVEL2DATA * data)852 SCIP_RETCODE level2dataEnsureSize(
853    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
854    LEVEL2DATA*           data                /**< level2 data */
855    )
856 {
857    assert(scip != NULL);
858    assert(data != NULL);
860    if( data->nlevel2results >= data->level2resultssize )
861    {
862       int newsize = SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(scip, data->level2resultssize + 1);
864       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &data->level2results, data->level2resultssize, newsize) );
865       data->level2resultssize = newsize;
866    }
868    return SCIP_OKAY;
869 }
871 /** get a result from the level 2 data */
872 static
level2dataGetResult(SCIP * scip,LEVEL2DATA * data,LEVEL2RESULT ** result)873 SCIP_RETCODE level2dataGetResult(
874    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
875    LEVEL2DATA*           data,               /**< level2 data */
876    LEVEL2RESULT**        result              /**< pointer to store result */
877    )
878 {
879    LEVEL2RESULT* tmpresult;
880    int i;
882    assert(data != NULL);
883    assert(result != NULL);
885    *result = NULL;
887    /* we branched twice on the same variable; the result cannot be stored already */
888    if( data->branchvar1 == data->branchvar2 )
889    {
890       assert(SCIPvarGetType(SCIPgetVars(scip)[data->branchvar1]) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY);
891       return SCIP_OKAY;
892    }
894    SCIP_CALL( level2resultCreateFromData(scip, data, &tmpresult) );
896    /* search for a level 2 result with the same branching decisions */
897    for( i = 0; i < data->nlevel2results; ++i )
898    {
899       if( level2resultEqual(data->level2results[i], tmpresult) )
900       {
901          *result = data->level2results[i];
902       }
903    }
905    level2resultFree(scip, &tmpresult);
907    return SCIP_OKAY;
908 }
911 /** store a new result in the level 2 data */
912 static
level2dataStoreResult(SCIP * scip,LEVEL2DATA * data,SCIP_Real lpobjval,SCIP_Bool cutoff,SCIP_Bool valid,SCIP_Bool * duplicate)913 SCIP_RETCODE level2dataStoreResult(
914    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
915    LEVEL2DATA*           data,               /**< level2 data */
916    SCIP_Real             lpobjval,           /**< LP objective value */
917    SCIP_Bool             cutoff,             /**< was the LP infeasible? */
918    SCIP_Bool             valid,              /**< is the LP value a valid dual bound? */
919    SCIP_Bool*            duplicate           /**< pointer to store whether information for the same branching decisions was already stored */
920    )
921 {
922    LEVEL2RESULT* result;
923    int i;
925    assert(scip != NULL);
926    assert(data != NULL);
927    assert(duplicate != NULL);
929    *duplicate = FALSE;
931    /* we branched twice on the same variable; the result cannot be re-used lated */
932    if( data->branchvar1 == data->branchvar2 )
933    {
934       assert(SCIPvarGetType(SCIPgetVars(scip)[data->branchvar1]) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY);
935       return SCIP_OKAY;
936    }
938    SCIP_CALL( level2dataEnsureSize(scip, data) );
940    SCIP_CALL( level2resultCreateFromData(scip, data, &result) );
942    result->lpobjval = lpobjval;
943    result->cutoff = cutoff;
944    result->valid = valid;
946    /* search for a level 2 result with the same branching decisions*/
947    for( i = 0; i < data->nlevel2results; ++i )
948    {
949       if( level2resultEqual( data->level2results[i], result) )
950       {
951          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "same level2 node already processed:\n");
952          level2resultPrint(scip, data->level2results[i]);
953          level2resultPrint(scip, result);
954          *duplicate = TRUE;
955       }
956    }
958    data->level2results[data->nlevel2results] = result;
959    ++data->nlevel2results;
960    assert(data->nlevel2results <= data->level2resultssize);
962    return SCIP_OKAY;
963 }
966 /** The data that is preserved over multiple runs of the branching rule. */
967 typedef struct
968 {
969    BRANCHINGDECISION*    olddecision;        /**< The previous decision that gets used for the case that in the previous run
970                                               *   only non-violating implied binary constraints were added.*/
971    SCIP_Longint          oldnnodelpiterations; /**< node LP iterations when previous branching decision was stored */
972    SCIP_Longint          oldnnodelps;        /**< node LPs when previous branching decision was stored */
973    SCIP_Longint          oldntotalnodes;     /**< node at which previous branching decision was stored */
974    SCIP_Longint*         lastbranchid;       /**< The node id at which the var was last branched on (for a given branching
975                                               *   var). */
976    SCIP_Longint*         lastbranchnlps;     /**< The number of (non-probing) LPs that where solved when the var was last
977                                               *   branched on. */
978    SCIP_Real*            lastbranchlpobjval; /**< The lp objval at which var was last branched on. */
979    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA** lastbranchupres;    /**< The result of the last up branching for a given var. */
980    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA** lastbranchdownres;  /**< The result of the last down branching for a given var. */
981    int                   restartindex;       /**< The index at which the iteration over the number of candidates starts. */
982    int                   nvars;              /**< The number of variables that can be stored in the arrays. */
985 /** The parameter that can be changed by the user/caller and alter the behaviour of the lookahead branching. */
986 typedef struct
987 {
988    SCIP_Longint          reevalage;          /**< The number of "normal" (not probing) lps that may have been solved before
989                                               *   we stop using old data and start recalculating new first level data. */
990    SCIP_Longint          reevalagefsb;       /**< The number of "normal" (not probing) lps that may have been solved before
991                                               *   we stop using old FSB data and start recalculating new first level data. */
992    int                   maxnviolatedcons;   /**< The number of constraints (domain reductions and binary constraints) we
993                                               *   want to gather before restarting the run. Set to -1 for an unbounded
994                                               *   number of constraints. */
995    int                   maxnviolatedbincons;/**< The number of binary constraints we want to gather before restarting the
996                                               *   run. Set to -1 for an undbounded number of binary constraints. */
997    int                   maxnviolateddomreds;/**< The number of domain reductions we want to gather before restarting the
998                                               *   run. Set to -1 for an undbounded number of domain reductions. */
999    int                   recursiondepth;     /**< How deep should the recursion go? Default for Lookahead: 2 */
1000    int                   maxncands;          /**< If abbreviated == TRUE, at most how many candidates should be handled at the base node? */
1001    int                   maxndeepercands;    /**< If abbreviated == TRUE, at most how many candidates should be handled in deeper nodes? */
1002    SCIP_Bool             usedomainreduction; /**< indicates whether the data for domain reductions should be gathered and
1003                                               *   used. */
1004    SCIP_Bool             mergedomainreductions; /**< should domain reductions of feasible siblings should be merged? */
1005    SCIP_Bool             prefersimplebounds; /**<    should domain reductions only be applied if there are simple bound changes? */
1006    SCIP_Bool             onlyvioldomreds;    /**< Should only domain reductions that violate the LP solution be applied? */
1007    SCIP_Bool             usebincons;         /**< indicates whether the data for the implied binary constraints should
1008                                               *   be gathered and used */
1009    int                   addbinconsrow;      /**< should binary constraints be added as rows to the base LP?
1010                                               *   (0: no, 1: separate, 2: as initial rows) */
1011    SCIP_Bool             addnonviocons;      /**< Should constraints be added, that are not violated by the base LP? */
1012    SCIP_Bool             abbreviated;        /**< Should the abbreviated version be used? */
1013    SCIP_Bool             reusebasis;         /**< If abbreviated == TRUE, should the solution lp-basis of the FSB run be
1014                                               *   used in the first abbreviated level?  */
1015    SCIP_Bool             storeunviolatedsol; /**< Should a solution/decision be stored, to speed up the next iteration
1016                                               *   after adding the constraints/domreds? */
1017    SCIP_Bool             abbrevpseudo;       /**< If abbreviated == TRUE, should pseudocost values be used, to approximate
1018                                               *   the scoring? */
1019    SCIP_Bool             level2avgscore;     /**< should the average score be used for uninitialized scores in level 2? */
1020    SCIP_Bool             level2zeroscore;    /**< should uninitialized scores in level 2 be set to zero? */
1021    SCIP_Bool             addclique;          /**< add binary constraints with two variables found at the root node also as a clique? */
1022    SCIP_Bool             propagate;          /**< Should the problem be propagated before solving each inner node? */
1023    SCIP_Bool             uselevel2data;      /**< should branching data generated at depth level 2 be stored for re-using it? */
1024    SCIP_Bool             applychildbounds;   /**< should bounds known for child nodes be applied? */
1025    SCIP_Bool             enforcemaxdomreds;  /**< should the maximum number of domain reductions maxnviolateddomreds be enforced? */
1026    SCIP_Bool             updatebranchingresults; /**< should branching results (and scores) be updated w.r.t. proven dual bounds? */
1027    SCIP_Bool             inscoring;          /**< are we currently in FSB-scoring (only used internally) */
1028    int                   maxproprounds;      /**< maximum number of propagation rounds to perform at temporary nodes
1029                                               *   (-1: unlimited, 0: SCIP default) */
1030    char                  scoringfunction;    /**< scoring function at base level */
1031    char                  deeperscoringfunction; /**< scoring function at deeper levels */
1032    char                  scoringscoringfunction;/**< scoring function for FSB scoring */
1033    SCIP_Real             minweight;          /**< weight of the min gain of two child problems */
1034    SCIP_Real             worsefactor;        /**< if the FSB score is of a candidate is worse than the best by this factor, skip this candidate (-1: disable) */
1035    SCIP_Bool             filterbymaxgain;    /**< should lookahead branching only be applied if the max gain in level 1 is not uniquely that of the best candidate? */
1039 #if defined(SCIP_DEBUG) || defined(SCIP_STATISTIC)
1042 /** returns a human readable name for the given result enum value */
1043 static
getStatusString(SCIP_RESULT result)1044 const char* getStatusString(
1045    SCIP_RESULT           result              /**< enum value to get the string representation for */
1046    )
1047 {
1048    assert(result >= 1);
1049    assert(result <= 18);
1051    switch( result )
1052    {
1053    case SCIP_DIDNOTRUN:
1054       return "SCIP_DIDNOTRUN";
1055    case SCIP_DELAYED:
1056       return "SCIP_DELAYED";
1057    case SCIP_DIDNOTFIND:
1058       return "SCIP_DIDNOTFIND";
1059    case SCIP_FEASIBLE:
1060       return "SCIP_FEASIBLE";
1061    case SCIP_INFEASIBLE:
1062       return "SCIP_INFEASIBLE";
1063    case SCIP_UNBOUNDED:
1064       return "SCIP_UNBOUNDED";
1065    case SCIP_CUTOFF:
1066       return "SCIP_CUTOFF";
1067    case SCIP_SEPARATED:
1068       return "SCIP_SEPARATED";
1069    case SCIP_NEWROUND:
1070       return "SCIP_NEWROUND";
1071    case SCIP_REDUCEDDOM:
1072       return "SCIP_REDUCEDDOM";
1073    case SCIP_CONSADDED:
1074       return "SCIP_CONSADDED";
1075    case SCIP_CONSCHANGED:
1076       return "SCIP_CONSCHANGED";
1077    case SCIP_BRANCHED:
1078       return "SCIP_BRANCHED";
1079    case SCIP_SOLVELP:
1080       return "SCIP_SOLVELP";
1081    case SCIP_FOUNDSOL:
1082       return "SCIP_FOUNDSOL";
1083    case SCIP_SUSPENDED:
1084       return "SCIP_SUSPENDED";
1085    case SCIP_SUCCESS:
1086       return "SCIP_SUCCESS";
1087    case SCIP_DELAYNODE:
1088       return "SCIP_DELAYNODE";
1089    default:
1090       SCIPerrorMessage("result code %d not treated in lookahead branching rule\n", result);
1091       SCIPABORT();
1092       return "UNKNOWN";
1093    }
1094 }
1095 #endif
1097 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
1098 /** The data used for some statistical analysis. */
1099 typedef struct
1100 {
1101    int*                  nresults;           /**< Array of counters for each result state the lookahead branching finished.
1102                                               *   The first (0) entry is unused, as the result states are indexed 1-based
1103                                               *   and we use this index as our array index. */
1104    int*                  nsinglecutoffs;     /**< The number of single cutoffs on a (probing) node per probingdepth. */
1105    int*                  nfullcutoffs;       /**< The number of double cutoffs on a (probing) node per probingdepth. */
1106    int*                  nlpssolved;         /**< The number of all lps solved for a given probingdepth (incl. FSB). */
1107    int*                  nlpssolvedfsb;      /**< The number of lps solved by the initial FSB to get the FSB scores. */
1108    int*                  nduplicatelps;      /**< The number of lps solved for duplicate grand-child nodes. */
1109    SCIP_Longint*         nlpiterations;      /**< The number of all lp iterations needed for a given probingdepth
1110                                               *   (incl. FSB). */
1111    SCIP_Longint*         nlpiterationsfsb;   /**< The number of lp iterations needed to get the FSB scores. */
1112    int*                  npropdomred;        /**< The number of domain reductions based on domain propagation per
1113                                               *   progingdepth. */
1114    int*                  noldbranchused;     /**< The number of times old branching data is used (see the reevalage
1115                                               *   parameter in the CONFIGURATION struct) */
1116    int*                  noldbranchusedfsb;  /**< The number of times old FSB scoring data is used (see the reevalagefsb
1117                                               *   parameter in the CONFIGURATION struct) */
1118    int*                  chosenfsbcand;      /**< If abbreviated, this is the number of times each candidate was finally
1119                                               *   chosen by the following LAB */
1120    int*                  stopafterfsb;       /**< If abbreviated, this is the number of times the rule was stopped after
1121                                               *   scoring candidates by FSB, e.g., by adding constraints or domreds. */
1122    int*                  cutoffafterfsb;     /**< If abbreviated, this is the number of times the rule was stopped after
1123                                               *   scoring candidates by FSB because of a found cutoff. */
1124    int*                  domredafterfsb;     /**< If abbreviated, this is the number of times the rule was stopped after
1125                                               *   scoring candidates by FSB because of a found domain reduction. */
1126    int                   nsinglecandidate;   /**< number of times a single candidate was given to the recursion routine */
1127    int                   nsingleafterfilter; /**< number of times a single candidate remained after filtering */
1128    int                   noldcandidate;      /**< number of times the old candidate from last call with nonviolating
1129                                               *   reductions was branched on */
1130    int                   nlperrorcalls;      /**< number of times an LP error occured and LAB branched without completely
1131                                               *   evaluating all candidates */
1132    int                   nlimitcalls;        /**< number of times a time limit was reached and LAB branched without
1133                                               *   completely evaluating all candidates */
1134    int                   ntotalresults;      /**< The total sum of the entries in nresults. */
1135    int                   nbinconst;          /**< The number of binary constraints added to the base node. */
1136    int                   nbinconstvio;       /**< The number of binary constraints added to the base node, that are violated
1137                                               *   by the LP at that node. */
1138    int                   ndomred;            /**< The number of domain reductions added to the base node. */
1139    int                   ndomredvio;         /**< The number of domain reductions added to the base node, that are violated
1140                                               *   by the LP at that node. */
1141    int                   ndepthreached;      /**< The number of times the branching was aborted due to a too small depth. */
1142    int                   ndomredcons;        /**< The number of binary constraints ignored, as they would be dom reds. */
1143    int                   ncutoffproofnodes;  /**< The number of nodes needed to prove all found cutoffs. */
1144    int                   ndomredproofnodes;  /**< The number of nodes needed to prove all found domreds. */
1145    int                   ncliquesadded;      /**< The number of cliques added in the root node. */
1146    int                   maxnbestcands;      /**< if abbreviated, this is the maximum number of candidates to investigate */
1147    int                   recursiondepth;     /**< The recursiondepth of the LAB. Can be used to access the depth-dependent
1148                                               *   arrays contained in the statistics. */
1151 /** Initializes the statistics with the start values. */
1152 static
statisticsInit(STATISTICS * statistics)1153 void statisticsInit(
1154    STATISTICS*           statistics          /**< the statistics to be initialized */
1155    )
1156 {
1157    int i;
1159    assert(statistics != NULL);
1160    assert(statistics->recursiondepth > 0);
1162    statistics->nsinglecandidate = 0;
1163    statistics->nsingleafterfilter = 0;
1164    statistics->noldcandidate = 0;
1165    statistics->nlperrorcalls = 0;
1166    statistics->nlimitcalls = 0;
1167    statistics->ntotalresults = 0;
1168    statistics->nbinconst = 0;
1169    statistics->nbinconstvio = 0;
1170    statistics->ndomredvio = 0;
1171    statistics->ndepthreached = 0;
1172    statistics->ndomred = 0;
1173    statistics->ndomredcons = 0;
1174    statistics->ncutoffproofnodes = 0;
1175    statistics->ndomredproofnodes = 0;
1176    statistics->ncliquesadded = 0;
1178    for( i = 0; i <= MAXRESULT; i++)
1179    {
1180       statistics->nresults[i] = 0;
1181    }
1183    for( i = 0; i < statistics->recursiondepth; i++ )
1184    {
1185       statistics->noldbranchused[i] = 0;
1186       statistics->noldbranchusedfsb[i] = 0;
1187       statistics->npropdomred[i] = 0;
1188       statistics->nfullcutoffs[i] = 0;
1189       statistics->nlpssolved[i] = 0;
1190       statistics->nlpssolvedfsb[i] = 0;
1191       statistics->nduplicatelps[i] = 0;
1192       statistics->nlpiterations[i] = 0;
1193       statistics->nlpiterationsfsb[i] = 0;
1194       statistics->nsinglecutoffs[i] = 0;
1195       statistics->stopafterfsb[i] = 0;
1196       statistics->cutoffafterfsb[i] = 0;
1197       statistics->domredafterfsb[i] = 0;
1198    }
1200    for( i = 0; i < statistics->maxnbestcands; i++ )
1201    {
1202       statistics->chosenfsbcand[i] = 0;
1203    }
1204 }
1206 /** Prints the content of the statistics to stdout. */
1207 static
statisticsPrint(SCIP * scip,STATISTICS * statistics)1208 void statisticsPrint(
1209    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1210    STATISTICS*           statistics          /**< the statistics to print */
1211    )
1212 {
1213    assert(scip != NULL);
1214    assert(statistics != NULL);
1215    assert(statistics->recursiondepth > 0);
1217    /* only print something, if we have any statistics */
1218    if( statistics->ntotalresults > 0 )
1219    {
1220       int i;
1222       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Lookahead Branching was called <%i> times.\n", statistics->ntotalresults);
1224       for( i = 1; i <= MAXRESULT; i++ )
1225       {
1226          SCIP_RESULT currentresult = (SCIP_RESULT)i;
1227          /* see type_result.h for the id <-> enum mapping */
1228          SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Result <%s> was chosen <%i> times\n", getStatusString(currentresult),
1229             statistics->nresults[i]);
1230       }
1232       for( i = 0; i < statistics->maxnbestcands; i++ )
1233       {
1234          if( statistics->chosenfsbcand[i] > 0 )
1235          {
1236             SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "The %i. variable (w.r.t. the FSB score) was chosen as the final result %i times.\n",
1237                i+1, statistics->chosenfsbcand[i]);
1238          }
1239       }
1241       for( i = 0; i < statistics->recursiondepth; i++ )
1242       {
1243          SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "In depth <%i>, branching was stopped after the scoring FSB %i times, %i times because of a cutoff and %i times because of a domain reduction\n",
1244             i, statistics->stopafterfsb[i], statistics->cutoffafterfsb[i], statistics->domredafterfsb[i]);
1245          SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "In depth <%i>, <%i> fullcutoffs and <%i> single cutoffs were found.\n",
1246             i, statistics->nfullcutoffs[i], statistics->nsinglecutoffs[i]);
1247          SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "In depth <%i>, <%i> LPs were solved, <%i> of them to calculate the FSB score, <%i> were saved for duplicate grandchildren.\n",
1248             i, statistics->nlpssolved[i], statistics->nlpssolvedfsb[i], statistics->nduplicatelps[i]);
1249          SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "In depth <%i>, <%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "> iterations were needed to solve the LPs, <%"
1250             SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "> of them to calculate the FSB score.\n", i, statistics->nlpiterations[i],
1251             statistics->nlpiterationsfsb[i]);
1252          SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "In depth <%i>, a decision was discarded <%i> times due to domain reduction because of"
1253             " propagation.\n", i, statistics->npropdomred[i]);
1254          SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "In depth <%i>, old LAB branching results were used in <%i> cases, old FSB scores in <%d> cases.\n",
1255             i, statistics->noldbranchused[i], statistics->noldbranchusedfsb[i]);
1256       }
1258       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "One single branching candidate was given <%i> times, after filtering, a single candidate remained <%i> times.\n",
1259          statistics->nsinglecandidate, statistics->nsingleafterfilter);
1260       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "The old branching candidate was used <%i> times.\n",
1261          statistics->noldcandidate);
1262       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "An LP error led to branching before all candidates were evaluated <%i> times.\n",
1263          statistics->nlperrorcalls);
1264       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "A reached (time) limit led to branching before all candidates were evaluated <%i> times.\n",
1265          statistics->nlimitcalls);
1266       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Depth limit was reached <%i> times.\n", statistics->ndepthreached);
1267       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Ignored <%i> binary constraints, that would be domain reductions.\n",
1268          statistics->ndomredcons);
1269       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Added <%i> binary constraints, of which <%i> where violated by the base LP.\n",
1270          statistics->nbinconst, statistics->nbinconstvio);
1271       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Reduced the domain of <%i> vars, <%i> of them where violated by the base LP.\n",
1272          statistics->ndomred, statistics->ndomredvio);
1273       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Added <%i> cliques found as binary constraint in the root node\n",
1274          statistics->ncliquesadded);
1275       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Needed <%i> additional nodes to prove the cutoffs of base nodes\n",
1276          statistics->ncutoffproofnodes);
1277       SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Needed <%i> additional nodes to prove the domain reductions\n",
1278          statistics->ndomredproofnodes);
1279    }
1280 }
1282 /** Helper struct to store the statistical data needed in a single run. */
1283 typedef struct
1284 {
1285    int                   ncutoffproofnodes;  /**< The number of nodes needed to prove the current cutoff. */
1288 /** Allocates the local statistics in buffer memory and initializes it with default values. */
1289 static
localStatisticsAllocate(SCIP * scip,LOCALSTATISTICS ** localstats)1290 SCIP_RETCODE localStatisticsAllocate(
1291    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1292    LOCALSTATISTICS**     localstats          /**< pointer to the local statistics to allocate and initialize */
1293    )
1294 {
1295    assert(scip != NULL);
1296    assert(localstats != NULL);
1298    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, localstats) );
1300    (*localstats)->ncutoffproofnodes = 0;
1302    return SCIP_OKAY;
1303 }
1305 /** Frees the allocated buffer memory of the local statistics. */
1306 static
localStatisticsFree(SCIP * scip,LOCALSTATISTICS ** localstats)1307 void localStatisticsFree(
1308    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1309    LOCALSTATISTICS**     localstats          /**< pointer to the local statistics to be freed */
1310    )
1311 {
1312    assert(scip != NULL);
1313    assert(localstats != NULL);
1315    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, localstats);
1316 }
1317 #endif
1319 /** branching rule data */
1320 struct SCIP_BranchruleData
1321 {
1322    CONFIGURATION*        config;             /**< the parameter that influence the behaviour of the lookahead branching */
1323    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent;         /**< the data that persists over multiple branching decisions */
1324    SCIP_Bool             isinitialized;      /**< indicates whether the fields in this struct are initialized */
1325 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
1326    STATISTICS*           statistics;         /**< statistical data container */
1327 #endif
1328 };
1330 /** all constraints that were created and may be added to the base node */
1331 typedef struct
1332 {
1333    SCIP_VAR***           consvars;           /**< array containing the variables for each constraint to be created */
1334    int*                  nconsvars;          /**< number of vars in each element of 'consvars' */
1335    SCIP_Bool*            violated;           /**< indicating whether a constraint is violated by the base solution */
1336    int                   nelements;          /**< number of elements in 'consvars' and 'nconsvars' */
1337    int                   memorysize;         /**< number of entries that the array 'consvars' may hold before the
1338                                               *   array is reallocated. */
1339    int                   nviolatedcons;      /**< number of constraints that are violated by the base LP solution. */
1342 /** Allocate and initialize the list holding the constraints. */
1343 static
constraintListCreate(SCIP * scip,CONSTRAINTLIST ** conslist,int startsize)1344 SCIP_RETCODE constraintListCreate(
1345    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1346    CONSTRAINTLIST**      conslist,           /**< Pointer to the list to be allocated and initialized. */
1347    int                   startsize           /**< The number of entries the list initially can hold. */
1348    )
1349 {
1350    assert(scip != NULL);
1351    assert(conslist != NULL);
1352    assert(startsize > 0);
1354    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, conslist) );
1355    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*conslist)->consvars, startsize) );
1356    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*conslist)->nconsvars, startsize) );
1357    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*conslist)->violated, startsize) );
1359    /* We start without any constraints */
1360    (*conslist)->nelements = 0;
1361    (*conslist)->memorysize = startsize;
1362    (*conslist)->nviolatedcons = 0;
1364    return SCIP_OKAY;
1365 }
1367 /** Append an element to the end of the list of constraints. */
1368 static
constraintListAppend(SCIP * scip,CONSTRAINTLIST * list,SCIP_VAR ** consvars,int nconsvars,SCIP_Bool violated)1369 SCIP_RETCODE constraintListAppend(
1370    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1371    CONSTRAINTLIST*       list,               /**< list to add the consvars to */
1372    SCIP_VAR**            consvars,           /**< array of variables for the constraint to be created later */
1373    int                   nconsvars,          /**< number of elements in 'consvars' */
1374    SCIP_Bool             violated            /**< indicates whether the constraint is violated by the base lp */
1375    )
1376 {
1377    assert(scip != NULL);
1378    assert(list != NULL);
1379    assert(consvars != NULL);
1380    assert(nconsvars > 0);
1382    /* In case the list tries to hold more elements than it has space, reallocate  */
1383    if( list->memorysize == list->nelements )
1384    {
1385       /* resize the array, such that it can hold the new element */
1386       int newmemsize = SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(scip, list->memorysize + 1);
1387       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &list->consvars, list->memorysize, newmemsize) );
1388       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &list->nconsvars, list->memorysize, newmemsize) );
1389       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &list->violated, list->memorysize, newmemsize) );
1390       list->memorysize = newmemsize;
1391    }
1393    /* Set the new vars at the first unused place, which is the length used as index */
1394    SCIP_CALL( SCIPduplicateBlockMemoryArray(scip, &list->consvars[list->nelements], consvars, nconsvars) ); /*lint !e866*/
1395    list->nconsvars[list->nelements] = nconsvars;
1396    list->violated[list->nelements] = violated;
1397    list->nelements++;
1399    return SCIP_OKAY;
1400 }
1402 /** Free all resources of a constraint list in opposite order to the allocation. */
1403 static
constraintListFree(SCIP * scip,CONSTRAINTLIST ** conslist)1404 void constraintListFree(
1405    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1406    CONSTRAINTLIST**      conslist            /**< Pointer to the list to be freed. */
1407    )
1408 {
1409    int i;
1411    assert(scip != NULL);
1412    assert(conslist != NULL);
1414    for( i = 0; i < (*conslist)->nelements; i++ )
1415    {
1416       SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*conslist)->consvars[i], (*conslist)->nconsvars[i]);
1417    }
1419    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*conslist)->violated, (*conslist)->memorysize);
1420    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*conslist)->nconsvars, (*conslist)->memorysize);
1421    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*conslist)->consvars, (*conslist)->memorysize);
1422    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, conslist);
1423 }
1425 /**
1426  * list of binary variables currently branched on
1427  * a down branching (x <= 0) is saved as the negated variable (1-x)
1428  * an up branching (x >= 1) is saved as the original variable (x)
1429  * these variables are used to build the binary constraint in case that a ('binary') branch is cut off
1430  */
1431 typedef struct
1432 {
1433    SCIP_VAR**            binaryvars;         /**< The binary variables currently branched on. */
1434    int                   nbinaryvars;        /**< The number of entries in 'nbinaryvars'. */
1435    int                   memorysize;         /**< The number of entries that the array 'binaryvars' may hold before the
1436                                               *   array is reallocated. */
1439 /** Allocates and initializes the BINARYVARLIST struct. */
1440 static
binaryVarListCreate(SCIP * scip,BINARYVARLIST ** list,int startsize)1441 SCIP_RETCODE binaryVarListCreate(
1442    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1443    BINARYVARLIST**       list,               /**< Pointer to the list to be allocated and initialized. */
1444    int                   startsize           /**< The number of entries the list initially can hold. */
1445    )
1446 {
1447    assert(scip != NULL);
1448    assert(list != NULL);
1449    assert(startsize > 0);
1451    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, list) );
1452    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &(*list)->binaryvars, startsize) );
1454    /* We start with no entries and the (current) max length */
1455    (*list)->nbinaryvars = 0;
1456    (*list)->memorysize = startsize;
1458    return SCIP_OKAY;
1459 }
1461 /** Appends a binary variable to the list, reallocating the list if necessary. */
1462 static
binaryVarListAppend(SCIP * scip,BINARYVARLIST * list,SCIP_VAR * vartoadd)1463 void binaryVarListAppend(
1464    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1465    BINARYVARLIST*        list,               /**< The list to add the var to. */
1466    SCIP_VAR*             vartoadd            /**< The binary var to add to the list. */
1467    )
1468 {
1469    assert(scip != NULL);
1470    assert(list != NULL);
1471    assert(vartoadd != NULL);
1472    assert(SCIPvarIsBinary(vartoadd));
1473    assert(list->nbinaryvars < list->memorysize);
1475    /* Set the new var at the first unused place, which is the length used as index */
1476    list->binaryvars[list->nbinaryvars] = vartoadd;
1477    list->nbinaryvars++;
1478 }
1480 /** Remove the last element from the list. */
1481 static
binaryVarListDrop(BINARYVARLIST * list)1482 void binaryVarListDrop(
1483    BINARYVARLIST*        list                /**< The list to remove the last element from. */
1484    )
1485 {
1486    assert(list != NULL);
1487    assert(list->nbinaryvars > 0);
1488    assert(list->binaryvars[list->nbinaryvars-1] != NULL);
1490    /* decrement the number of entries in the actual list */
1491    list->nbinaryvars--;
1492 }
1494 /** Frees all resources allocated by a BINARYVARLIST in opposite order of allocation. */
1495 static
binaryVarListFree(SCIP * scip,BINARYVARLIST ** list)1496 void binaryVarListFree(
1497    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1498    BINARYVARLIST**       list                /**< Pointer to the list to free */
1499    )
1500 {
1501    assert(scip != NULL);
1502    assert(list != NULL);
1504    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*list)->binaryvars);
1505    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, list);
1506 }
1508 /** struct holding the relevant data for handling binary constraints */
1509 typedef struct
1510 {
1511    BINARYVARLIST*        binaryvars;         /**< current binary vars, used to fill the conslist */
1512    CONSTRAINTLIST*       conslist;           /**< list of constraints to be created */
1515 /** Allocate and initialize the BINCONSDATA struct. */
1516 static
binConsDataCreate(SCIP * scip,BINCONSDATA ** consdata,int maxdepth,int nstartcons)1517 SCIP_RETCODE binConsDataCreate(
1518    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1519    BINCONSDATA**         consdata,           /**< Pointer to the struct to be allocated and initialized. */
1520    int                   maxdepth,           /**< The depth of the recursion as an upper bound of branch vars to hold. */
1521    int                   nstartcons          /**< The start size of the array containing the constraints. */
1522    )
1523 {
1524    assert(scip != NULL);
1525    assert(consdata != NULL);
1526    assert(maxdepth > 0);
1527    assert(nstartcons > 0);
1529    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, consdata) );
1530    SCIP_CALL( binaryVarListCreate(scip, &(*consdata)->binaryvars, maxdepth) );
1531    SCIP_CALL( constraintListCreate(scip, &(*consdata)->conslist, nstartcons) );
1533    return SCIP_OKAY;
1534 }
1536 /** Free all resources in a BINCONSDATA in opposite order of allocation. */
1537 static
binConsDataFree(SCIP * scip,BINCONSDATA ** consdata)1538 void binConsDataFree(
1539    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1540    BINCONSDATA**         consdata            /**< Pointer to the struct to be freed. */
1541    )
1542 {
1543    assert(scip != NULL);
1544    assert(consdata != NULL);
1546    constraintListFree(scip, &(*consdata)->conslist);
1547    binaryVarListFree(scip, &(*consdata)->binaryvars);
1548    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, consdata);
1549 }
1551 /** A struct acting as a fixed list of candidates */
1552 typedef struct
1553 {
1554    CANDIDATE**           candidates;         /**< the array of candidates */
1555    int                   ncandidates;        /**< the number of actual entries in candidates (without trailing NULLs); this
1556                                               *   is NOT the length of the candidates array, but the number of candidates in
1557                                               *   it */
1560 /** allocates the candidate list on the buffer WITHOUT initializing the contained array of candidates. */
1561 static
candidateListCreate(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATELIST ** candidatelist,int ncandidates)1562 SCIP_RETCODE candidateListCreate(
1563    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1564    CANDIDATELIST**       candidatelist,      /**< the candidate list to allocate */
1565    int                   ncandidates         /**< the number of candidates the list must hold */
1566    )
1567 {
1568    assert(scip != NULL);
1569    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
1570    assert(ncandidates >= 0);
1572    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, candidatelist) );
1574    if( ncandidates > 0 )
1575    {
1576       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &(*candidatelist)->candidates, ncandidates) );
1577    }
1578    else
1579       (*candidatelist)->candidates = NULL;
1581    (*candidatelist)->ncandidates = ncandidates;
1583    return SCIP_OKAY;
1584 }
1586 /** allocates the given list and fills it with all fractional candidates of the current LP solution. */
1587 static
candidateListGetAllFractionalCandidates(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATELIST ** candidatelist)1588 SCIP_RETCODE candidateListGetAllFractionalCandidates(
1589    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1590    CANDIDATELIST**       candidatelist       /**< the list to allocate and fill */
1591    )
1592 {
1593    SCIP_VAR** lpcands;
1594    SCIP_Real* lpcandssol;
1595    SCIP_Real* lpcandsfrac;
1596    int nlpcands;
1597    int i;
1599    assert(scip != NULL);
1600    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
1602    /* get all fractional candidates */
1603    SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBranchCands(scip, &lpcands, &lpcandssol, &lpcandsfrac, &nlpcands, NULL, NULL) );
1605    assert(lpcands != NULL);
1606    assert(lpcandssol != NULL);
1607    assert(lpcandsfrac != NULL);
1609    SCIP_CALL( candidateListCreate(scip, candidatelist, nlpcands) );
1611    for( i = 0; i < nlpcands; i++ )
1612    {
1613       CANDIDATE* candidate;
1615       SCIP_CALL( candidateCreate(scip, &candidate) );
1616       assert(candidate != NULL);
1618       candidate->branchvar = lpcands[i];
1619       candidate->branchval = lpcandssol[i];
1620       candidate->fracval = lpcandsfrac[i];
1622       (*candidatelist)->candidates[i] = candidate;
1624       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "created candidate <%s>...\n",
1625          (candidate) != NULL ? SCIPvarGetName((candidate)->branchvar) : "none");
1626    }
1628    return SCIP_OKAY;
1629 }
1631 /** frees the allocated buffer memory of the candidate list and frees the contained candidates. */
1632 static
candidateListFree(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATELIST ** candidatelist)1633 SCIP_RETCODE candidateListFree(
1634    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1635    CANDIDATELIST**       candidatelist       /**< the list to be freed */
1636    )
1637 {
1638    int i;
1640    assert(scip != NULL);
1641    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
1642    assert((*candidatelist)->ncandidates > 0 || (*candidatelist)->candidates == NULL);
1644    if( (*candidatelist)->candidates != NULL )
1645    {
1646       for( i = (*candidatelist)->ncandidates - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
1647       {
1648          CANDIDATE* cand = (*candidatelist)->candidates[i];
1649          if( cand != NULL )
1650          {
1651             SCIP_CALL( candidateFree(scip, &cand) );
1652          }
1653       }
1655       SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*candidatelist)->candidates);
1656    }
1657    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, candidatelist);
1659    return SCIP_OKAY;
1660 }
1662 /** keeps only the first candidates and frees the remaining ones */
1663 static
candidateListKeep(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATELIST * candidatelist,int nindices)1664 SCIP_RETCODE candidateListKeep(
1665    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1666    CANDIDATELIST*        candidatelist,      /**< the list to allocate and fill */
1667    int                   nindices            /**< the number of candidates to keep (starting from 0) */
1668    )
1669 {
1670    int i;
1672    assert(scip != NULL);
1673    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
1674    assert(0 < nindices);
1675    assert(nindices <= candidatelist->ncandidates);
1677    /* only keep the first nindices candidates and free the remaining ones */
1678    for( i = nindices; i < candidatelist->ncandidates; i++ )
1679    {
1680       CANDIDATE* cand = candidatelist->candidates[i];
1681       if( cand != NULL )
1682       {
1683          SCIP_CALL( candidateFree(scip, &cand) );
1684          candidatelist->candidates[i] = NULL;
1685       }
1686    }
1687    candidatelist->ncandidates = nindices;
1689    return SCIP_OKAY;
1690 }
1692 /** all domain reductions found through cutoff of branches */
1693 typedef struct
1694 {
1695    SCIP_Real*            lowerbounds;        /**< The new lower bounds found for each variable in the problem. */
1696    SCIP_Real*            upperbounds;        /**< The new upper bounds found for each variable in the problem. */
1697    SCIP_Shortbool*       baselpviolated;     /**< Indicates whether the base lp solution violates the new bounds of a var.*/
1698    int                   nviolatedvars;      /**< Tracks the number of vars that have a violated (by the base lp) new lower
1699                                               *   or upper bound. */
1700    int                   nchangedvars;       /**< Tracks the number of vars, that have a changed domain. (a change on both,
1701                                               *   upper and lower bound, counts as one.) */
1702    int                   nsimplebounds;      /**< number of changed bounds resulting from infeasible child nodes */
1703 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
1704    int*                  lowerboundnproofs;  /**< The number of nodes needed to prove the lower bound for each variable. */
1705    int*                  upperboundnproofs;  /**< The number of nodes needed to prove the upper bound for each variable. */
1706 #endif
1709 /** allocate the struct on the buffer and initialize it with the default values */
1710 static
domainReductionsCreate(SCIP * scip,DOMAINREDUCTIONS ** domreds)1711 SCIP_RETCODE domainReductionsCreate(
1712    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1713    DOMAINREDUCTIONS**    domreds             /**< The struct that has to be allocated and initialized. */
1714    )
1715 {
1716    SCIP_VAR** vars;
1717    int ntotalvars;
1718    int v;
1720    assert(scip != NULL);
1721    assert(domreds != NULL);
1723    /* The arrays saves the data for all variables in the problem via the ProbIndex. See SCIPvarGetProbindex() */
1724    vars = SCIPgetVars(scip);
1725    ntotalvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
1727    /* Allocate the struct and the contained arrays; initialize flags to FALSE */
1728    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, domreds) );
1729    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->lowerbounds, ntotalvars) );
1730    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->upperbounds, ntotalvars) );
1731    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocClearBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->baselpviolated, ntotalvars) );
1732 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
1733    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocClearBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->lowerboundnproofs, ntotalvars) );
1734    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocClearBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->upperboundnproofs, ntotalvars) );
1735 #endif
1737    for( v = 0; v < ntotalvars; ++v )
1738    {
1739       (*domreds)->lowerbounds[v] = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(vars[v]);
1740       (*domreds)->upperbounds[v] = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(vars[v]);
1741    }
1743    /* At the start we have no domain reductions for any variable. */
1744    (*domreds)->nviolatedvars = 0;
1745    (*domreds)->nchangedvars = 0;
1746    (*domreds)->nsimplebounds = 0;
1748    return SCIP_OKAY;
1749 }
1751 /** frees the given DOMAINREDUCTIONS and all contained Arrays in the opposite order of allocation */
1752 static
domainReductionsFree(SCIP * scip,DOMAINREDUCTIONS ** domreds)1753 void domainReductionsFree(
1754    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1755    DOMAINREDUCTIONS**    domreds             /**< Pointer to the struct to be freed. */
1756    )
1757 {
1758    assert(scip != NULL);
1759    assert(domreds != NULL);
1761 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
1762    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->upperboundnproofs);
1763    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->lowerboundnproofs);
1764 #endif
1765    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->baselpviolated);
1766    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->upperbounds);
1767    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*domreds)->lowerbounds);
1768    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, domreds);
1769 }
1771 /** information about the current status of the branching */
1772 typedef struct
1773 {
1774    SCIP_Bool             addedbinconss;      /**< were binary constraints added? */
1775    SCIP_Bool             depthtoosmall;      /**< was the remaining depth too small to branch on? */
1776    SCIP_Bool             lperror;            /**< did an error occur while solving an LP */
1777    SCIP_Bool             cutoff;             /**< was the current node cut off? */
1778    SCIP_Bool             domredcutoff;       /**< was the current node cut off due to domain reductions? */
1779    SCIP_Bool             domred;             /**< were domain reductions added due to information obtained through
1780                                               *   branching? */
1781    SCIP_Bool             limitreached;       /**< was a limit (time, node, user, ...) reached? */
1782    SCIP_Bool             maxnconsreached;    /**< was the max number of constraints (bin conss and dom red) reached? */
1783 } STATUS;
1785 /** Allocates the status on the buffer memory and initializes it with default values. */
1786 static
statusCreate(SCIP * scip,STATUS ** status)1787 SCIP_RETCODE statusCreate(
1788    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1789    STATUS**              status              /**< the status to be allocated */
1790    )
1791 {
1792    assert(scip != NULL);
1793    assert(status != NULL);
1795    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, status) );
1797    (*status)->addedbinconss = FALSE;
1798    (*status)->depthtoosmall = FALSE;
1799    (*status)->lperror = FALSE;
1800    (*status)->cutoff = FALSE;
1801    (*status)->domred = FALSE;
1802    (*status)->domredcutoff = FALSE;
1803    (*status)->limitreached = FALSE;
1804    (*status)->maxnconsreached = FALSE;
1806    return SCIP_OKAY;
1807 }
1809 /** frees the allocated buffer memory of the status */
1810 static
statusFree(SCIP * scip,STATUS ** status)1811 void statusFree(
1812    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1813    STATUS**              status              /**< the status to be freed */
1814    )
1815 {
1816    assert(scip != NULL);
1817    assert(status != NULL);
1818    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, status);
1819 }
1821 /** container struct to keep the calculated score for each variable */
1822 typedef struct
1823 {
1824    SCIP_Real*            scores;             /**< the scores for each problem variable */
1825    SCIP_Real*            downgains;          /**< the downgains for each problem variable */
1826    SCIP_Real*            upgains;            /**< the upgains for each problem variable */
1827    CANDIDATE**           bestsortedcands;    /**< array containing the best sorted variable indices w.r.t. their score */
1828    int                   nbestsortedcands;   /**< number of elements in bestsortedcands */
1829    SCIP_Real             scoresum;           /**< sum of set scores */
1830    int                   nsetscores;         /**< number of set scores */
1833 /** resets the array containing the sorted indices w.r.t. their score. */
1834 static
scoreContainterResetBestSortedCands(SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer)1835 void scoreContainterResetBestSortedCands(
1836    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer      /**< the score container to reset */
1837    )
1838 {
1839    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
1841    BMSclearMemoryArray(scorecontainer->bestsortedcands, scorecontainer->nbestsortedcands);
1842 }
1844 /** allocates the score container and inits it with default values */
1845 static
scoreContainerCreate(SCIP * scip,SCORECONTAINER ** scorecontainer,CONFIGURATION * config)1846 SCIP_RETCODE scoreContainerCreate(
1847    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1848    SCORECONTAINER**      scorecontainer,     /**< pointer to the score container to init */
1849    CONFIGURATION*        config              /**< config struct with the user configuration */
1850    )
1851 {
1852    int ntotalvars;
1853    int ncands = config->maxncands;
1854    int i;
1856    assert(scip != NULL);
1857    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
1858    assert(config != NULL);
1860    /* the container saves the score for all variables in the problem via the ProbIndex, see SCIPvarGetProbindex() */
1861    ntotalvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
1863    if( SCIPgetNBinVars(scip) + SCIPgetNIntVars(scip) < ncands )
1864       ncands = SCIPgetNBinVars(scip) + SCIPgetNIntVars(scip);
1866    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, scorecontainer) );
1867    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &(*scorecontainer)->scores, ntotalvars) );
1868    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &(*scorecontainer)->downgains, ntotalvars) );
1869    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &(*scorecontainer)->upgains, ntotalvars) );
1870    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &(*scorecontainer)->bestsortedcands, ncands) );
1872    (*scorecontainer)->nbestsortedcands = ncands;
1873    (*scorecontainer)->scoresum = 0.0;
1874    (*scorecontainer)->nsetscores = 0;
1876    scoreContainterResetBestSortedCands(*scorecontainer);
1878    /* init the scores to something negative, as scores are always non negative */
1879    for( i = 0; i < ntotalvars; i++ )
1880    {
1881       (*scorecontainer)->scores[i] = -1.0;
1882       (*scorecontainer)->downgains[i] = -1.0;
1883       (*scorecontainer)->upgains[i] = -1.0;
1884    }
1886    return SCIP_OKAY;
1887 }
1889 /** Finds the insertion index for the given score in the candidate list. The score of each candidate is taken from the
1890  *  scorecontainer. The first elements of the candidate list have to be sorted, as this method uses binary search to find
1891  *  the correct insertion point
1892  */
1893 static
findInsertionPoint(SCIP * scip,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,SCIP_Real scoretoinsert,CANDIDATE ** candidates,int ncandidates)1894 int findInsertionPoint(
1895    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1896    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container with all the scores for each candidate */
1897    SCIP_Real             scoretoinsert,      /**< score to find the insertion index for */
1898    CANDIDATE**           candidates,         /**< candidate list where the first nsorted elements are sorted (w.r.t. their
1899                                               *   score) */
1900    int                   ncandidates         /**< number of elements in candidates to consider, starting from 0 */
1901    )
1902 {
1903    int left = 0;
1904    int right = ncandidates - 1;
1906    assert(scip != NULL);
1907    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
1908    assert(candidates != NULL);
1909    assert(ncandidates >= 0);
1911    while( left <= right )
1912    {
1913       int mid = left + ((right - left) / 2);
1914       SCIP_Real midscore = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
1915       CANDIDATE *midcand = candidates[mid];
1917       if( midcand != NULL)
1918       {
1919          SCIP_VAR* midvar;
1920          int midindex;
1922          midvar = midcand->branchvar;
1923          midindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(midvar);
1924          midscore = scorecontainer->scores[midindex];
1925       }
1927       if( SCIPisGT(scip, scoretoinsert, midscore) )
1928          right = mid - 1;
1929       else
1930          left = mid + 1;
1931    }
1933    return right + 1;
1934 }
1936 /** Inserts the given probindex into the sorted array in the container, moving all indices after it to the right. Then
1937  *  returns the element that does not fit into the array any longer. */
1938 static
scoreContainerUpdateSortOrder(SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,CANDIDATE * candidate,int insertpoint)1939 CANDIDATE* scoreContainerUpdateSortOrder(
1940    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container to insert the index into */
1941    CANDIDATE*            candidate,          /**< the probindex of a variable to store */
1942    int                   insertpoint         /**< point to store the index at */
1943    )
1944 {
1945    int i;
1946    CANDIDATE* movecand = candidate;
1948    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
1949    assert(candidate != NULL);
1950    assert(insertpoint >= 0);
1952    for( i = insertpoint; i < scorecontainer->nbestsortedcands; i++ )
1953    {
1954       CANDIDATE* oldcand = scorecontainer->bestsortedcands[i];
1955       scorecontainer->bestsortedcands[i] = movecand;
1956       movecand = oldcand;
1957    }
1959    return movecand;
1960 }
1962 /** sets the score for the variable in the score container */
1963 static
scoreContainerSetScore(SCIP * scip,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,CANDIDATE * cand,SCIP_Real score,SCIP_Real downgain,SCIP_Real upgain)1964 SCIP_RETCODE scoreContainerSetScore(
1965    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1966    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< the container to write into */
1967    CANDIDATE*            cand,               /**< candidate to add the score for */
1968    SCIP_Real             score,              /**< score to add */
1969    SCIP_Real             downgain,           /**< LP gain in down child */
1970    SCIP_Real             upgain              /**< LP gain in up child */
1971    )
1972 {
1973    CANDIDATE* droppedcandidate;
1974    int probindex;
1975    int insertpoint;
1977    assert(scip != NULL);
1978    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
1979    assert(cand != NULL);
1980    assert(SCIPisGE(scip, score, -0.2));
1982    probindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(cand->branchvar);
1983    assert(probindex >= 0);
1985    if( scorecontainer->scores[probindex] < -0.5 )
1986    {
1987       ++scorecontainer->nsetscores;
1988       scorecontainer->scoresum += score;
1989    }
1990    else
1991    {
1992       scorecontainer->scoresum += (score -  scorecontainer->scores[probindex]);
1993    }
1995    scorecontainer->scores[probindex] = score;
1996    scorecontainer->downgains[probindex] = downgain;
1997    scorecontainer->upgains[probindex] = upgain;
1999    /* find the point in the sorted array where the new score should be inserted */
2000    insertpoint =  findInsertionPoint(scip, scorecontainer, score, scorecontainer->bestsortedcands,
2001       scorecontainer->nbestsortedcands);
2003    /* insert the current variable (cand) at the position calculated above, returning the candidate that
2004     * was removed at the end of the list; this candidate can be the given candidate for the case that the score does not
2005     * belong to the best ones */
2006    droppedcandidate = scoreContainerUpdateSortOrder(scorecontainer, cand, insertpoint);
2008    /* remove the warm start info from the dropped candidate */
2009    if( droppedcandidate != NULL )
2010    {
2011       SCIP_CALL( candidateFreeWarmStartInfo(scip, droppedcandidate) );
2012    }
2014    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Stored score <%.9g> for var <%s>.\n", score, SCIPvarGetName(cand->branchvar));
2016    return SCIP_OKAY;
2017 }
2019 /** Frees the score container and all of its contained arrays. */
2020 static
scoreContainerFree(SCIP * scip,SCORECONTAINER ** scorecontainer)2021 SCIP_RETCODE scoreContainerFree(
2022    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2023    SCORECONTAINER**      scorecontainer      /**< score container to free */
2024    )
2025 {
2026    assert(scip != NULL);
2027    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
2029    /* don't free the candidates inside the cands array, as those are handled by the candidate list */
2030    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*scorecontainer)->bestsortedcands);
2031    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*scorecontainer)->upgains);
2032    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*scorecontainer)->downgains);
2033    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &(*scorecontainer)->scores);
2034    SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, scorecontainer);
2036    return SCIP_OKAY;
2037 }
2039 /*
2040  * Local methods for the logic
2041  */
2043 /** branches recursively on all given candidates */
2044 static
2045 SCIP_RETCODE selectVarRecursive(
2046    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2047    STATUS*               status,             /**< current status */
2048    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent,         /**< container to store data over multiple calls to the branching rule; or NULL */
2049    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
2050    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< base lp solution */
2051    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domainreductions,   /**< container collecting all domain reductions found */
2052    BINCONSDATA*          binconsdata,        /**< container collecting all binary constraints */
2053    CANDIDATELIST*        candidatelist,      /**< list of candidates to branch on */
2054    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision,           /**< struct to store the final decision */
2055    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container to retrieve already calculated scores */
2056    LEVEL2DATA*           level2data,         /**< level 2 LP results data */
2057    int                   recursiondepth,     /**< remaining recursion depth */
2058    SCIP_Real             lpobjval,           /**< LP objective value of current probing node*/
2059    SCIP_Real             baselpobjval,       /**< LP objective value of focus node (not probing) */
2060    SCIP_Longint*         niterations,        /**< pointer to store the total number of iterations for this variable */
2061    int*                  ndeepestcutoffs,    /**< pointer to store the total number of cutoffs on the deepest level */
2062    SCIP_Real*            bestgain,           /**< pointer to store the best gain found with these candidates */
2063    SCIP_Real*            totalgains,         /**< pointer to store the sum over all gains that are valid in both children */
2064    int*                  ntotalgains,        /**< pointer to store the number of gains summed in totalgains */
2065    int*                  ndeepestnodes       /**< pointer to store the number of nodes processed in the deepest level */
2066 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2067    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< general statistical data */
2068    ,LOCALSTATISTICS*     localstats          /**< local statistics, may be disregarded */
2069    ,SCIP_Real*           firstscoreptr       /**< pointer to store score of first candidate, or NULL */
2070    ,SCIP_Real*           bestscoreptr        /**< pointer to store best score, or NULL */
2071 #endif
2072    );
2074 /** Adds the given lower bound to the DOMAINREDUCTIONS struct. */
2075 static
addLowerBound(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * var,SCIP_Real lowerbound,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,SCIP_Bool simplechange,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domainreductions,int nproofnodes,int force)2076 void addLowerBound(
2077    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2078    SCIP_VAR*             var,                /**< The variable the bound should be added for. */
2079    SCIP_Real             lowerbound,         /**< The new lower bound for the variable. */
2080    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< The LP solution of the base problem. Used to check whether the domain
2081                                               *   reduction is violated by it. */
2082    SCIP_Bool             simplechange,       /**< does the change result from an infeasible child node? */
2083    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domainreductions    /**< The struct the domain reduction should be added to. */
2084 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2085    ,int                  nproofnodes         /**< The number of nodes needed to prove the new lower bound. */
2086    ,int                  force               /**< should the number of proof nodes be added even if the bound is known already? */
2087 #endif
2088    )
2089 {
2090    int varindex;
2091    SCIP_Real basesolutionval;
2093    assert(scip != NULL);
2094    assert(var != NULL);
2095    assert(baselpsol != NULL);
2096    assert(domainreductions != NULL);
2097 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2098    assert(nproofnodes >= 0);
2099 #endif
2101    /* The arrays inside DOMAINREDUCTIONS are indexed via the problem index. */
2102    varindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(var);
2104    lowerbound = SCIPadjustedVarLb(scip, var, lowerbound);
2106    if( SCIPisLT(scip, domainreductions->lowerbounds[varindex], lowerbound) )
2107    {
2108       /* the new lower bound is stronger (greater) than the old one,
2109        * so we update the bound and number of proof nodes */
2110       domainreductions->lowerbounds[varindex] = lowerbound;
2111       domainreductions->nchangedvars++;
2112       if( simplechange )
2113          domainreductions->nsimplebounds++;
2114 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2115       domainreductions->lowerboundnproofs[varindex] = nproofnodes;
2116    }
2117    else
2118    {
2119       /* if the given lower bound is equal to the old one we take the smaller number of proof nodes */
2120       if( SCIPisEQ(scip, domainreductions->lowerbounds[varindex], lowerbound) &&
2121          (force || domainreductions->lowerboundnproofs[varindex] > nproofnodes) )
2122          domainreductions->lowerboundnproofs[varindex] = nproofnodes;
2123 #endif
2124    }
2126    /* we get the solution value to check whether the domain reduction is violated in the base LP */
2127    basesolutionval = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, baselpsol, var);
2129    /* in case the new lower bound is greater than the base solution val and the base solution val is not violated by a
2130     * previously found bound, we increment the nviolatedvars counter and set the baselpviolated flag */
2131    if( SCIPisFeasGT(scip, domainreductions->lowerbounds[varindex], basesolutionval)
2132        && !domainreductions->baselpviolated[varindex] )
2133    {
2134       domainreductions->baselpviolated[varindex] = TRUE;
2135       domainreductions->nviolatedvars++;
2136    }
2137 }
2139 /** Adds the given upper bound to the DOMAINREDUCTIONS struct. */
2140 static
addUpperBound(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * var,SCIP_Real upperbound,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,SCIP_Bool simplechange,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domainreductions,int nproofnodes,int force)2141 void addUpperBound(
2142    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2143    SCIP_VAR*             var,                /**< The variable the bound should be added for. */
2144    SCIP_Real             upperbound,         /**< The new upper bound for the variable. */
2145    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< The LP solution of the base problem. Used to check whether the domain
2146                                               *   reduction is violated by it. */
2147    SCIP_Bool             simplechange,       /**< does the change result from an infeasible child node? */
2148    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domainreductions    /**< The struct the domain reduction should be added to. */
2149 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2150    ,int                  nproofnodes         /**< The number of nodes needed to prove the new lower bound. */
2151    ,int                  force               /**< should the number of proof nodes be added even if the bound is known already? */
2152 #endif
2153    )
2154 {
2155    int varindex;
2156    SCIP_Real basesolutionval;
2158    assert(scip != NULL);
2159    assert(var != NULL);
2160    assert(baselpsol != NULL);
2161    assert(domainreductions != NULL);
2162 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2163    assert(nproofnodes >= 0);
2164 #endif
2166    /* The arrays inside DOMAINREDUCTIONS are indexed via the problem index. */
2167    varindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(var);
2169    upperbound = SCIPadjustedVarUb(scip, var, upperbound);
2171    if( SCIPisLE(scip, domainreductions->upperbounds[varindex], upperbound) )
2172    {
2173 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2174       /* if the given upper bound is equal to the old one we take the smaller number of proof nodes */
2175       if( SCIPisEQ(scip, domainreductions->upperbounds[varindex], upperbound) &&
2176          (force || domainreductions->upperboundnproofs[varindex] > nproofnodes) )
2177          domainreductions->upperboundnproofs[varindex] = nproofnodes;
2178 #endif
2179    }
2180    else
2181    {
2182       /* the new upper bound is stronger (smaller) than the old one,
2183        * so we update the bound and number of proof nodes */
2184       domainreductions->upperbounds[varindex] = upperbound;
2185       domainreductions->nchangedvars++;
2186       if( simplechange )
2187          domainreductions->nsimplebounds++;
2188 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2189       domainreductions->upperboundnproofs[varindex] = nproofnodes;
2190 #endif
2191    }
2193    /* We get the solution value to check whether the domain reduction is violated in the base LP */
2194    basesolutionval = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, baselpsol, var);
2196    /* In case the new upper bound is smaller than the base solution val and the base solution val is not violated by a
2197     * previously found bound, we increment the nviolatedvars counter and set the baselpviolated flag.  */
2198    if( SCIPisFeasLT(scip, domainreductions->upperbounds[varindex], basesolutionval)
2199        && !domainreductions->baselpviolated[varindex] )
2200    {
2201       domainreductions->baselpviolated[varindex] = TRUE;
2202       domainreductions->nviolatedvars++;
2203    }
2204 }
2206 /** apply the domain reductions from a single struct to another one; this may be used in case one of the two child
2207  *  problems of a variable is infeasible
2208  */
2209 static
applySingleDeeperDomainReductions(SCIP * scip,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,int maxstoredomreds,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * targetdomreds,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domreds)2210 void applySingleDeeperDomainReductions(
2211    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2212    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< The LP solution of the base problem. Used to check whether the domain
2213                                               *   reduction is violated by it. */
2214    int                   maxstoredomreds,    /**< maximum number of domain reductions to store */
2215    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     targetdomreds,      /**< The target that should be filled with the merged data. */
2216    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domreds             /**< source domain reductions */
2217    )
2218 {
2219    SCIP_VAR** vars;
2220    int nvars;
2221    int i;
2223    assert(scip != NULL);
2224    assert(baselpsol != NULL);
2225    assert(targetdomreds != NULL);
2226    assert(domreds != NULL);
2228    /* as the bounds are tracked for all vars we have to iterate over all vars */
2229    vars = SCIPgetVars(scip);
2230    nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
2232    assert(vars != NULL);
2233    assert(nvars > 0);
2235    for( i = 0; i < nvars; i++ )
2236    {
2237       if( targetdomreds->nviolatedvars >= maxstoredomreds )
2238          return;
2240 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2241       /* adjust the proof nodes */
2242       addLowerBound(scip, vars[i], domreds->lowerbounds[i], baselpsol, TRUE, targetdomreds,
2243          domreds->lowerboundnproofs[i], FALSE);
2244 #else
2245       addLowerBound(scip, vars[i], domreds->lowerbounds[i], baselpsol, TRUE, targetdomreds);
2246 #endif
2248       if( targetdomreds->nviolatedvars >= maxstoredomreds )
2249          return;
2251 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2252       addUpperBound(scip, vars[i], domreds->upperbounds[i], baselpsol, TRUE, targetdomreds,
2253          domreds->upperboundnproofs[i], FALSE);
2254 #else
2255       addUpperBound(scip, vars[i], domreds->upperbounds[i], baselpsol, TRUE, targetdomreds);
2256 #endif
2257    }
2258 }
2260 /**
2261  * merges the domain reduction data from the two given branching children data into the target parent data
2262  */
2263 static
applyDeeperDomainReductions(SCIP * scip,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,int maxstoredomreds,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * targetdomreds,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * downdomreds,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * updomreds)2264 void applyDeeperDomainReductions(
2265    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2266    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< The LP solution of the base problem. Used to check whether the domain
2267                                               *   reduction is violated by it. */
2268    int                   maxstoredomreds,    /**< maximum number of domain reductions to store */
2269    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     targetdomreds,      /**< The target that should be filled with the merged data. */
2270    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     downdomreds,        /**< One of the source DOMAINREDUCTIONS. */
2271    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     updomreds           /**< The other source DOMAINREDUCTIONS. */
2272    )
2273 {
2274    SCIP_VAR** vars;
2275    int nvars;
2276    int i;
2278    assert(scip != NULL);
2279    assert(baselpsol != NULL);
2280    assert(targetdomreds != NULL);
2281    assert(downdomreds != NULL);
2282    assert(updomreds != NULL);
2284    /* as the bounds are tracked for all vars we have to iterate over all vars */
2285    vars = SCIPgetVars(scip);
2286    nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
2288    assert(vars != NULL);
2289    assert(nvars > 0);
2291    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Combining domain reductions from up and down child.\n");
2292    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Previous number of changed variable domains: %d\n",
2293       targetdomreds->nchangedvars);
2295    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Number of changed variable domains in up child: %d\n",
2296       updomreds->nchangedvars);
2297    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Number of changed variable domains in down child: %d\n",
2298       downdomreds->nchangedvars);
2300    for( i = 0; i < nvars; i++ )
2301    {
2302       SCIP_Real newlowerbound;
2303       SCIP_Real newupperbound;
2305       assert(vars[i] != NULL);
2307       if( targetdomreds->nviolatedvars >= maxstoredomreds )
2308          return;
2310       /* the MIN of both lower bounds represents a valid lower bound at the parent node */
2311       newlowerbound = MIN(downdomreds->lowerbounds[i], updomreds->lowerbounds[i]);
2313       /* This MIN can now be added via the default add method */
2314 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2315       addLowerBound(scip, vars[i], newlowerbound, baselpsol, FALSE, targetdomreds,
2316          MIN(4, downdomreds->lowerboundnproofs[i] + updomreds->lowerboundnproofs[i] + 2), FALSE);
2317 #else
2318       addLowerBound(scip, vars[i], newlowerbound, baselpsol, FALSE, targetdomreds);
2319 #endif
2321       if( targetdomreds->nviolatedvars >= maxstoredomreds )
2322          return;
2324       /* the MAX of both upper bounds represents a valid upper bound at the parent node */
2325       newupperbound = MAX(downdomreds->upperbounds[i], updomreds->upperbounds[i]);
2327       /* This MAX can now be added via the default add method */
2328 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2329       addUpperBound(scip, vars[i], newupperbound, baselpsol, FALSE, targetdomreds,
2330          MIN(4, downdomreds->upperboundnproofs[i] + updomreds->upperboundnproofs[i] + 2), FALSE);
2331 #else
2332       addUpperBound(scip, vars[i], newupperbound, baselpsol, FALSE, targetdomreds);
2333 #endif
2334    }
2336    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Subsequent number of changed variable domains: %d\n",
2337       targetdomreds->nchangedvars);
2338 }
2340 /** Applies the domain reductions to the current node. */
2341 static
applyDomainReductions(SCIP * scip,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domreds,SCIP_Bool * domredcutoff,SCIP_Bool * domred,STATISTICS * statistics)2342 SCIP_RETCODE applyDomainReductions(
2343    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2344    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
2345    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< The LP solution of the base problem. Used to check whether the domain
2346                                               *   reduction is violated by it. */
2347    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domreds,            /**< The domain reductions that should be applied to the current node. */
2348    SCIP_Bool*            domredcutoff,       /**< pointer to store whether a cutoff was found due to domain reductions */
2349    SCIP_Bool*            domred              /**< pointer to store whether a domain change was added */
2350 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2351    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< The statistics container. */
2352 #endif
2353    )
2354 {
2355    int i;
2356    SCIP_VAR** probvars;
2357    int nprobvars;
2358 #if defined(SCIP_DEBUG) || defined(SCIP_STATISTIC)
2359    int nboundsadded = 0;
2360    int nboundsaddedvio = 0;
2361 #endif
2363    assert(scip != NULL);
2364    assert(baselpsol != NULL);
2365    assert(domreds != NULL);
2366    assert(domredcutoff != NULL);
2367    assert(domred != NULL);
2368 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2369    assert(statistics != NULL);
2370 #endif
2372    /* initially we have no cutoff */
2373    *domredcutoff = FALSE;
2375    /* as the bounds are tracked for all vars we have to iterate over all vars */
2376    probvars = SCIPgetVars(scip);
2377    nprobvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
2379    assert(probvars != NULL);
2380    assert(nprobvars > 0);
2382    if( config->prefersimplebounds && domreds->nsimplebounds == 0 )
2383       return SCIP_OKAY;
2385    for( i = 0; i < nprobvars && !(*domredcutoff); i++ )
2386    {
2387       SCIP_VAR* var;
2388       SCIP_Real proposedbound;
2389       SCIP_Real baselpval;
2390 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
2391       SCIP_Real oldbound;
2392 #endif
2393       SCIP_Bool infeasible;
2394       SCIP_Bool tightened;
2396       var = probvars[i];
2398       assert(var != NULL);
2400       baselpval = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, baselpsol, var);
2402       if( SCIPisGT(scip, domreds->lowerbounds[i], SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)) )
2403       {
2404          /* apply lower bound */
2405 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
2406          oldbound = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var);
2407 #endif
2408          proposedbound = domreds->lowerbounds[i];
2410          if( config->onlyvioldomreds && SCIPisGE(scip, baselpval, proposedbound) )
2411             continue;
2413          /* add the new bound */
2414          SCIP_CALL( SCIPtightenVarLb(scip, var, proposedbound, TRUE, &infeasible, &tightened) );
2416 #if defined(SCIP_DEBUG) || defined(SCIP_STATISTIC)
2417          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Variable <%s>, old lower bound <%g>, proposed lower bound <%g>, new "
2418             "lower bound <%g>\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), oldbound, proposedbound, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var));
2419 #endif
2421          if( infeasible )
2422          {
2423             /* the domain reduction may result in an empty model (ub < lb) */
2424             *domredcutoff = TRUE;
2425             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The domain reduction of variable <%s> resulted in an empty "
2426                "model.\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
2427          }
2428          else if( tightened )
2429          {
2430             /* the lb is now strictly greater than before */
2431             *domred = TRUE;
2432 #if defined(SCIP_DEBUG) || defined(SCIP_STATISTIC)
2433             nboundsadded++;
2434 #endif
2435 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2436             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The lower bound of variable <%s> was successfully tightened (%d).\n",
2437                SCIPvarGetName(var), domreds->lowerboundnproofs[i]);
2438             statistics->ndomredproofnodes += domreds->lowerboundnproofs[i];
2439 #endif
2441 #if defined(SCIP_DEBUG) || defined(SCIP_STATISTIC)
2442             if( SCIPisLT(scip, baselpval, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)) )
2443             {
2444                LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The lower bound of variable <%s> is violated by the base lp "
2445                   "value <%g>.\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), baselpval);
2447                nboundsaddedvio++;
2448             }
2449 #endif
2450          }
2451       }
2453       if( SCIPisLT(scip, domreds->upperbounds[i], SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var)) )
2454       {
2455          /* apply upper bound */
2456 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
2457          oldbound = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var);
2458 #endif
2459          proposedbound = domreds->upperbounds[i];
2461          if( config->onlyvioldomreds && SCIPisLE(scip, baselpval, proposedbound) )
2462             continue;
2464          /* add the new bound */
2465          SCIP_CALL( SCIPtightenVarUb(scip, var, proposedbound, TRUE, &infeasible, &tightened) );
2467 #if defined(SCIP_DEBUG) || defined(SCIP_STATISTIC)
2468          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Variable <%s>, old upper bound <%g>, proposed upper bound <%g>, new "
2469             "upper bound <%g>\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), oldbound, proposedbound, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var));
2470 #endif
2472          if( infeasible )
2473          {
2474             /* the domain reduction may result in an empty model (ub < lb) */
2475             *domredcutoff = TRUE;
2476             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The domain reduction of variable <%s> resulted in an empty "
2477                "model.\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
2478          }
2479          else if( tightened )
2480          {
2481             /* the ub is now strictly smaller than before */
2482             *domred = TRUE;
2483 #if defined(SCIP_DEBUG) || defined(SCIP_STATISTIC)
2484             nboundsadded++;
2485 #endif
2486 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2487             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The upper bound of variable <%s> was successfully tightened (%d).\n",
2488                SCIPvarGetName(var), domreds->upperboundnproofs[i]);
2489             statistics->ndomredproofnodes += domreds->upperboundnproofs[i];
2490 #endif
2492 #if defined(SCIP_DEBUG) || defined(SCIP_STATISTIC)
2493             if( SCIPisGT(scip, baselpval, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var)) )
2494             {
2495                LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The upper bound of variable <%s> is violated by the base lp "
2496                   "value <%g>.\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), baselpval);
2498                nboundsaddedvio++;
2499             }
2500 #endif
2501          }
2502       }
2503    }
2505 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2506    statistics->ndomred += nboundsadded;
2507    statistics->ndomredvio += nboundsaddedvio;
2508 #endif
2510    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Truly changed <%d> domains of the problem, <%d> of them are violated by the "
2511       "base lp.\n", nboundsadded, nboundsaddedvio);
2512    return SCIP_OKAY;
2513 }
2515 /** Copies the current LP solution into the given pointer. Needs to be freed after usage! */
2516 static
copyCurrentSolution(SCIP * scip,SCIP_SOL ** lpsol)2517 SCIP_RETCODE copyCurrentSolution(
2518    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2519    SCIP_SOL**            lpsol               /**< pointer to store the solution into */
2520    )
2521 {
2522    assert(scip != NULL);
2523    assert(lpsol != NULL);
2525    /* create temporary solution */
2526    SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateLPSol(scip, lpsol, NULL) );
2528    /* unlink the solution, so that newly solved lps don't have any influence on our copy */
2529    SCIP_CALL( SCIPunlinkSol(scip, *lpsol) );
2531    return SCIP_OKAY;
2532 }
2534 /** Executes the branching on a given variable with a given value. */
2535 static
branchOnVar(SCIP * scip,CONFIGURATION * config,BRANCHINGDECISION * decision)2536 SCIP_RETCODE branchOnVar(
2537    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */,
2538    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< config struct with the user configuration */
2539    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision            /**< the decision with all the needed data */
2540    )
2541 {
2542    SCIP_VAR* bestvar;
2543    SCIP_Real bestval;
2544    SCIP_NODE* downchild = NULL;
2545    SCIP_NODE* upchild = NULL;
2547    assert(scip != NULL);
2548    assert(decision != NULL);
2549    assert(config != NULL);
2551    bestvar = decision->branchvar;
2552    bestval = decision->branchval;
2553    assert(bestvar != NULL);
2555    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Effective branching on var <%s> with value <%g(%g)>. Old domain: [%g..%g].\n",
2556       SCIPvarGetName(bestvar), bestval, SCIPgetSolVal(scip, NULL, bestvar), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(bestvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(bestvar));
2558    assert(!SCIPisIntegral(scip, bestval));
2560    /* branch on the given variable */
2561    assert(SCIPisLT(scip, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(bestvar), bestval));
2562    assert(SCIPisLT(scip, bestval, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(bestvar)));
2563    SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchVarVal(scip, bestvar, bestval, &downchild, NULL, &upchild) );
2565    SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "down child (node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "): branching bound change <%s> <= %g\n",
2566       SCIPnodeGetNumber(downchild), SCIPvarGetName(bestvar), SCIPfeasFloor(scip, bestval));
2567    SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "up child (node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "): branching bound change <%s> >= %g\n",
2568       SCIPnodeGetNumber(upchild), SCIPvarGetName(bestvar), SCIPfeasCeil(scip, bestval));
2570    assert(downchild != NULL);
2571    assert(upchild != NULL);
2573    /* update the lower bounds in the children; we must not do this if columns are missing in the LP
2574     * (e.g., because we are doing branch-and-price) or the problem should be solved exactly */
2575    if( SCIPallColsInLP(scip) && !SCIPisExactSolve(scip) )
2576    {
2577       SCIP_Real bestdown = decision->downdb;
2578       SCIP_Bool bestdownvalid = decision->downdbvalid;
2579       SCIP_Real bestup = decision->updb;
2580       SCIP_Bool bestupvalid = decision->updbvalid;
2581       SCIP_Real provedbound = decision->proveddb;
2583       /* update the lower bound for the LPs for further children of both created nodes */
2584       SCIP_CALL( SCIPupdateNodeLowerbound(scip, downchild, bestdownvalid ? MAX(bestdown, provedbound) : provedbound) );
2585       SCIP_CALL( SCIPupdateNodeLowerbound(scip, upchild, bestupvalid ? MAX(bestup, provedbound) : provedbound) );
2587       if( decision->boundsvalid && config->applychildbounds )
2588       {
2589          SCIP_VAR** vars;
2590          int nvars;
2591          int i;
2593          assert(decision->downlowerbounds != NULL);
2594          assert(decision->downupperbounds != NULL);
2595          assert(decision->uplowerbounds != NULL);
2596          assert(decision->upupperbounds != NULL);
2598          nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
2599          vars = SCIPgetVars(scip);
2601          assert(nvars == decision->boundssize);
2603          for( i = 0; i < nvars; i++ )
2604          {
2605             SCIP_VAR* var = vars[i];
2606             SCIP_Real currentlb;
2607             SCIP_Real currentub;
2608             SCIP_Real newlb = decision->downlowerbounds[i];
2609             SCIP_Real newub = decision->downupperbounds[i];
2610             assert(var != NULL);
2612             currentlb = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var);
2613             currentub = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var);
2615             /* update the lower bound of the lower child in case it is better than the current one */
2616             if( SCIPisGT(scip, newlb, currentlb) )
2617             {
2618                SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarLbNode(scip, downchild, var, newlb) );
2620                SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "down child (node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "): add bound change <%s> >= %g\n",
2621                   SCIPnodeGetNumber(downchild), SCIPvarGetName(var), newlb);
2622             }
2624             /* update the upper bound of the lower child in case it is better than the current one AND it is not the
2625              * branching variable, as its upper bound is already updated
2626              */
2627             if( SCIPisLT(scip, newub, currentub) && var != bestvar )
2628             {
2629                SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarUbNode(scip, downchild, var, newub) );
2631                SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "down child (node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "): add bound change <%s> <= %g\n",
2632                   SCIPnodeGetNumber(downchild), SCIPvarGetName(var), newub);
2633             }
2635             newlb = decision->uplowerbounds[i];
2636             newub = decision->upupperbounds[i];
2638             /* update the lower bound of the upper child in case it is better than the current one AND it is not the
2639              * branching variable, as its lower bound is already updated
2640              */
2641             if( SCIPisGT(scip, newlb, currentlb) && var != bestvar)
2642             {
2643                SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarLbNode(scip, upchild, var, newlb) );
2645                SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "up child (node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "): add bound change <%s> >= %g\n",
2646                   SCIPnodeGetNumber(upchild), SCIPvarGetName(var), newlb);
2647             }
2649             /* update the upper bound of the upper child in case it is better than the current one */
2650             if( SCIPisLT(scip, newub, currentub) )
2651             {
2652                SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarUbNode(scip, upchild, var, newub) );
2654                SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "up child (node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "): add bound change <%s> <= %g\n",
2655                   SCIPnodeGetNumber(upchild), SCIPvarGetName(var), newub);
2656             }
2657          }
2658       }
2659    }
2660    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, " -> down child's lowerbound: %.9g, estimate: %.9g\n",
2661       SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(downchild), SCIPnodeGetEstimate(downchild));
2662    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, " -> up child's lowerbound: %.9g, estimate: %.9g\n",
2663       SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(upchild), SCIPnodeGetEstimate(upchild));
2665    return SCIP_OKAY;
2666 }
2668 /** Get the number of iterations the last LP needed */
2669 static
getNIterationsLastLP(SCIP * scip,SCIP_Longint * iterations)2670 SCIP_RETCODE getNIterationsLastLP(
2671    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2672    SCIP_Longint*         iterations          /**< pointer to store the number of iterations */
2673    )
2674 {
2675    SCIP_LPI* lpi;
2676    int tmpiter;
2678    assert(scip != NULL);
2679    assert(iterations != NULL);
2681    /* get the LP interface of the last solved LP */
2682    SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPI(scip, &lpi) );
2684    /* get the number of iterations from the interface */
2685    SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpiGetIterations(lpi, &tmpiter) );
2687    *iterations = (SCIP_Longint)tmpiter;
2689    return SCIP_OKAY;
2690 }
2692 /** Creates a new probing node with a new bound for the given candidate and solves the corresponding LP. */
2693 static
executeBranching(SCIP * scip,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_Bool downbranching,CANDIDATE * candidate,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * resultdata,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domreds,STATUS * status)2694 SCIP_RETCODE executeBranching(
2695    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2696    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< configuration to control the behavior */
2697    SCIP_Bool             downbranching,      /**< the branching direction */
2698    CANDIDATE*            candidate,          /**< the candidate to branch on */
2699    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  resultdata,         /**< pointer to the result data which gets filled with the status */
2700    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< the base lp solution */
2701    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domreds,            /**< struct to store the domain reduction found during propagation */
2702    STATUS*               status              /**< status will contain updated lperror and limit fields */
2703    )
2704 {
2705    SCIP_Real oldupperbound;
2706    SCIP_Real oldlowerbound;
2707    SCIP_Real newbound;
2708    SCIP_LPSOLSTAT solstat;
2709    SCIP_VAR* branchvar;
2710    SCIP_Real branchval;
2712    assert(scip != NULL);
2713    assert(candidate != NULL);
2714    assert(resultdata != NULL);
2715    assert(status != NULL);
2716    assert(config != NULL);
2717    assert(status != NULL);
2719    branchvar = candidate->branchvar;
2720    branchval = candidate->branchval;
2722    assert(branchvar != NULL);
2723    assert(!SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, branchval));
2725    if( downbranching )
2726    {
2727       /* round the given value down, so that it can be used as the new upper bound */
2728       newbound = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, branchval);
2729    }
2730    else
2731    {
2732       /* round the given value up, so that it can be used as the new lower bound */
2733       newbound = SCIPfeasCeil(scip, branchval);
2734    }
2736    oldupperbound = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar);
2737    oldlowerbound = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar);
2739 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
2740    if( downbranching )
2741    {
2742       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "DownBranching: Var=<%s>, Proposed upper bound=<%g>, "
2743          "old bounds=[<%g>..<%g>], new bounds=[<%g>..<%g>]\n", SCIPvarGetName(branchvar), newbound, oldlowerbound,
2744          oldupperbound, oldlowerbound, newbound);
2745    }
2746    else
2747    {
2748       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "UpBranching: Var=<%s>, Proposed lower bound=<%g>, "
2749          "old bounds=[<%g>..<%g>], new bounds=[<%g>..<%g>]\n", SCIPvarGetName(branchvar), newbound, oldlowerbound,
2750          oldupperbound, newbound, oldupperbound);
2751    }
2752 #endif
2754    if( (downbranching && newbound < oldlowerbound - 0.5)
2755       || (!downbranching && newbound > oldupperbound + 0.5) )
2756    {
2757       /* if lb > ub we can cutoff this node */
2758       resultdata->cutoff = TRUE;
2760       return SCIP_OKAY;
2761    }
2763    assert(!resultdata->cutoff);
2765    SCIP_CALL( SCIPnewProbingNode(scip) );
2767    if( downbranching )
2768    {
2769       /* down branching preparations */
2770       if( SCIPisFeasLT(scip, newbound, oldupperbound) )
2771       {
2772          /* If the new upper bound is smaller than the old upper bound and also
2773           * greater than (or equal to) the old lower bound, we set the new upper bound.
2774           * oldLowerBound <= newUpperBound < oldUpperBound */
2775          SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarUbProbing(scip, branchvar, newbound) );
2776       }
2777    }
2778    else
2779    {
2780       /* up branching preparations */
2781       if( SCIPisFeasGT(scip, newbound, oldlowerbound) )
2782       {
2783          /* If the new lower bound is greater than the old lower bound and also
2784           * smaller than (or equal to) the old upper bound, we set the new lower bound.
2785           * oldLowerBound < newLowerBound <= oldUpperBound
2786           */
2787          SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarLbProbing(scip, branchvar, newbound) );
2788       }
2789    }
2791    /* restore the stored LP data (e.g., the basis) from a filtering run */
2792    if( candidateHasWarmStartInfo(candidate, downbranching) )
2793    {
2794       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Restoring lp information for %s branch of variable <%s>\n",
2795          downbranching ? "down" : "up", SCIPvarGetName(branchvar));
2796       SCIP_CALL( candidateLoadWarmStartInfo(scip, candidate, downbranching) );
2797    }
2799    /* apply domain propagation */
2800    if( config->propagate )
2801    {
2802       SCIP_Longint ndomredsfound = 0;
2804       SCIP_CALL( SCIPpropagateProbing(scip, config->maxproprounds, &resultdata->cutoff, &ndomredsfound) );
2806       if( ndomredsfound > 0 )
2807       {
2808          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Found %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " domain reductions via propagation.\n", ndomredsfound);
2810          /* domreds != NULL iff config->usedomainreduction */
2811          if( domreds != NULL )
2812          {
2813             int i;
2814             SCIP_VAR** problemvars = SCIPgetVars(scip);
2815             int nproblemvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
2817             assert(problemvars != NULL);
2819             assert(config->usedomainreduction);
2821             for( i = 0; i < nproblemvars; i++ )
2822             {
2823                SCIP_Real lowerbound;
2824                SCIP_Real upperbound;
2825                SCIP_VAR* var = problemvars[i];
2826                assert(var != NULL);
2828                lowerbound = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var);
2829                upperbound = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var);
2830 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2831                addLowerBound(scip, var, lowerbound, baselpsol, FALSE, domreds, 0, FALSE);
2832                addUpperBound(scip, var, upperbound, baselpsol, FALSE, domreds, 0, FALSE);
2833 #else
2834                addLowerBound(scip, var, lowerbound, baselpsol, FALSE, domreds);
2835                addUpperBound(scip, var, upperbound, baselpsol, FALSE, domreds);
2836 #endif
2837             }
2838          }
2839       }
2840    }
2842    if( !resultdata->cutoff )
2843    {
2844       /* solve the prepared probing LP */
2845       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsolveProbingLP(scip, -1, &status->lperror, &resultdata->cutoff) );
2847       /* store the number of iterations needed */
2848       SCIP_CALL( getNIterationsLastLP(scip, &resultdata->niterations) );
2850       solstat = SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip);
2851       assert(solstat != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY);
2853       /* for us an error occurred, if an error during the solving occurred or the lp could not be solved but was not
2854        * cutoff */
2855       status->lperror = status->lperror || (solstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_NOTSOLVED && resultdata->cutoff == FALSE);
2857       /* if we seem to have reached a {time, iteration}-limit or the user cancelled the execution, we want to stop
2858        * further calculations and instead return the current calculation state */
2859       status->limitreached = (solstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_ITERLIMIT) || (solstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_TIMELIMIT);
2861       if( resultdata->cutoff )
2862       {
2863          resultdata->objval = SCIPinfinity(scip);
2864          resultdata->dualbound = SCIPinfinity(scip);
2865          resultdata->dualboundvalid = TRUE;
2866       }
2867       else if( !status->limitreached && !status->lperror )
2868       {
2869          SCIP_Bool foundsol = FALSE;
2871          SCIP_CALL( SCIPtryStrongbranchLPSol(scip, &foundsol, &resultdata->cutoff) );
2873          /* if we have no error, we save the new objective value and the cutoff decision in the resultdata */
2874          resultdata->objval = SCIPgetLPObjval(scip);
2875          resultdata->dualbound = SCIPgetLPObjval(scip);
2876          resultdata->dualboundvalid = TRUE;
2877          resultdata->cutoff = resultdata->cutoff || SCIPisGE(scip, resultdata->objval, SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip));
2879          assert(solstat != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE || resultdata->cutoff);
2880       }
2881    }
2883    return SCIP_OKAY;
2884 }
2886 /** Creates a logic or constraint based on the given 'consvars'. This array has to consist of the negated
2887  * versions of the variables present on a cutoff "path" (path means all variables from the root directly
2888  * to the cutoff node).
2889  * Let x_1, ..., x_n be the variables on a path to a cutoff with the branchings x_i <= 1 for all i.
2890  * Summed up the constraints would look like x_1 + ... x_n <= n-1.
2891  * Let y_i = 1 - x_i. Then we have y_1 + ... + y_n >= 1 which is a logic or constraint.
2892  */
2893 static
createBinaryConstraint(SCIP * scip,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_CONS ** constraint,char * constraintname,SCIP_VAR ** consvars,int nconsvars)2894 SCIP_RETCODE createBinaryConstraint(
2895    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2896    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< configuration containing flags changing the behavior */
2897    SCIP_CONS**           constraint,         /**< pointer to store the created constraint in */
2898    char*                 constraintname,     /**< name of the new constraint */
2899    SCIP_VAR**            consvars,           /**< array containing the negated binary vars */
2900    int                   nconsvars           /**< the number of elements in 'consvars' */
2901    )
2902 {
2903    SCIP_Bool initial;
2904    SCIP_Bool separate;
2905    SCIP_Bool removable;
2906    SCIP_Bool enforce = FALSE;
2907    SCIP_Bool check = FALSE;
2908    SCIP_Bool propagate = TRUE;
2909    SCIP_Bool local = TRUE;
2910    SCIP_Bool modifiable = FALSE;
2911    SCIP_Bool dynamic = FALSE;
2912    SCIP_Bool stickingatnode = FALSE;
2914    assert(scip != NULL);
2915    assert(config != NULL);
2916    assert(constraint != NULL);
2917    assert(constraintname != NULL);
2918    assert(consvars != NULL);
2919    assert(nconsvars > 0);
2921    initial = (config->addbinconsrow == 2);
2922    separate = (config->addbinconsrow == 1);
2923    removable = (config->addbinconsrow == 1);
2925    /* creating a logic or constraint based on the list of vars in 'consvars'.
2926     * A logic or constraints looks like that: y_1 + ... + y_n >= 1.
2927     */
2928    SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsLogicor(scip, constraint, constraintname, nconsvars, consvars, initial, separate, enforce,
2929          check, propagate, local, modifiable, dynamic, removable, stickingatnode) );
2930    return SCIP_OKAY;
2931 }
2933 /**
2934  * Create a name for the binary constraint.
2935  */
2936 static
createBinaryConstraintName(SCIP_VAR ** binaryvars,int nbinaryvars,char * constraintname)2937 void createBinaryConstraintName(
2938    SCIP_VAR**            binaryvars,         /**< the variables contained in the constraint */
2939    int                   nbinaryvars,        /**< the number of elements in 'binaryvars' */
2940    char*                 constraintname      /**< the char pointer to store the name in */
2941    )
2942 {
2943    int i;
2945    assert(binaryvars != NULL);
2946    assert(nbinaryvars > 0);
2947    assert(constraintname != NULL);
2948    assert(binaryvars[0] != NULL);
2950    (void) SCIPsnprintf(constraintname, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "lookahead_bin_%s", SCIPvarGetName(binaryvars[0]));
2952    for( i = 1; i < nbinaryvars; i++ )
2953    {
2954       size_t oldlen;
2955       SCIP_VAR* var = binaryvars[i];
2956       assert(var != NULL);
2958       oldlen = strlen(constraintname);
2959       (void) strncat(constraintname, "_", SCIP_MAXSTRLEN-oldlen);
2960       (void) strncat(constraintname, SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIP_MAXSTRLEN-oldlen-1);
2961    }
2962 }
2964 /**
2965  * Add the constraints found during the lookahead branching.
2966  * The implied binary bounds were found when two or more consecutive branchings of binary variables were cutoff. Then these
2967  * branching constraints can be combined into a single 'binary constraint'.
2968  */
2969 static
addBinaryConstraint(SCIP * scip,CONFIGURATION * config,BINCONSDATA * binconsdata,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,STATISTICS * statistics)2970 SCIP_RETCODE addBinaryConstraint(
2971    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2972    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
2973    BINCONSDATA*          binconsdata,        /**< collected binary constraints */
2974    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol           /**< the original lp solution, used to check the violation of the constraint */
2975 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
2976    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< statistics data */
2977 #endif
2978    )
2979 {
2980    assert(scip != NULL);
2981    assert(config != NULL);
2982    assert(binconsdata != NULL);
2983    assert(baselpsol != NULL);
2984    assert(binconsdata->binaryvars != NULL);
2985    assert(binconsdata->binaryvars->nbinaryvars > 0);
2987    /* if we only have one var for the constraint, we can ignore it as it is already added as a domain reduction. */
2988    if( binconsdata->binaryvars->nbinaryvars > 1 )
2989    {
2990       int i;
2991       SCIP_VAR** negatedvars;
2992       SCIP_Real lhssum = 0.0;
2993       SCIP_Bool violated;
2995       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Adding binary constraint for <%i> vars.\n",
2996          binconsdata->binaryvars->nbinaryvars);
2998       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &negatedvars, binconsdata->binaryvars->nbinaryvars) );
3000       for( i = 0; i < binconsdata->binaryvars->nbinaryvars; i++ )
3001       {
3002          SCIP_VAR* var = binconsdata->binaryvars->binaryvars[i];
3003          assert(var != NULL);
3004          assert(SCIPvarIsBinary(var));
3006          SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetNegatedVar(scip, var, &negatedvars[i]) );
3007          lhssum += SCIPgetSolVal(scip, baselpsol, negatedvars[i]);
3008       }
3010       violated = (lhssum < 1);
3012       if( config->addnonviocons || violated )
3013       {
3014          SCIP_CALL( constraintListAppend(scip, binconsdata->conslist, negatedvars,
3015             binconsdata->binaryvars->nbinaryvars, violated) );
3017          /* the constraint we will be building is a logic or: we have a list of binary variables that were
3018           * cutoff while we branched on with >= 1. So we have the constraint: x_1 + ... + x_n <= n-1.
3019           * Let y = (1-x), then we have an equivalent formulation: y_1 + ... + y_n >= 1. If the base lp
3020           * is violating this constraint we count this for our number of violated constraints and bounds. */
3021          if( violated )
3022             binconsdata->conslist->nviolatedcons++;
3023       }
3025       SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &negatedvars);
3026    }
3027 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
3028    else
3029    {
3030       assert(statistics != NULL);
3031       statistics->ndomredcons++;
3032    }
3033 #endif
3035    return SCIP_OKAY;
3036 }
3038 /** applies the binary constraints to the original problem. */
3039 static
applyBinaryConstraints(SCIP * scip,SCIP_NODE * basenode,CONSTRAINTLIST * conslist,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_Bool * consadded,SCIP_Bool * cutoff,SCIP_Bool * boundchange,STATISTICS * statistics)3040 SCIP_RETCODE applyBinaryConstraints(
3041    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3042    SCIP_NODE*            basenode,           /**< original branching node */
3043    CONSTRAINTLIST*       conslist,           /**< list of constraints to be added */
3044    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
3045    SCIP_Bool*            consadded,          /**< pointer to store whether at least one constraint was added */
3046    SCIP_Bool*            cutoff,             /**< pointer to store whether the original problem was made infeasible */
3047    SCIP_Bool*            boundchange         /**< pointer to store whether a bound change has been applied by adding the
3048                                               *   constraint as a clique */
3049 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
3050    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< statistics data */
3051 #endif
3052    )
3053 {
3054    int nconsadded = 0;
3055    int i;
3056 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
3057    int nvioconsadded = 0;
3059    assert(statistics != NULL);
3060 #endif
3061    assert(basenode != NULL);
3062    assert(conslist != NULL);
3063    assert(config != NULL);
3064    assert(consadded != NULL);
3065    assert(cutoff != NULL);
3066    assert(boundchange != NULL);
3068    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "processing %d binary constraints.\n", conslist->nelements);
3070    if( conslist->nelements == 0 )
3071       return SCIP_OKAY;
3073    for( i = 0; i < conslist->nelements; i++ )
3074    {
3075       SCIP_VAR** vars = conslist->consvars[i];
3076       int nvars = conslist->nconsvars[i];
3077       int v;
3078 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
3079       SCIP_Bool violated = conslist->violated[i];
3080 #endif
3082       assert(vars != NULL);
3084       for( v = 0; v < nvars; ++v )
3085       {
3086          assert(vars[v] != NULL);
3087          assert(SCIPvarIsBinary(vars[v]));
3089          if( SCIPvarGetLbLocal(vars[v]) > 0.5 )
3090             break;
3091       }
3093       /* no variable is fixed to 1 yet, so constraint is not redundant */
3094       if( v == nvars )
3095       {
3096          SCIP_CONS* constraint;
3097          char constraintname[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
3099          /* create a name for the new constraint */
3100          createBinaryConstraintName(vars, nvars, constraintname);
3101          /* create the constraint with the freshly created name */
3102          SCIP_CALL( createBinaryConstraint(scip, config, &constraint, constraintname, vars, nvars) );
3105          SCIPinfoMessage(scip, NULL, "Created constraint:\n");
3106          SCIP_CALL( SCIPprintCons(scip, constraint, NULL) );
3107          SCIPinfoMessage(scip, NULL, "\n");
3108 #endif
3109          /* add the constraint to the given node */
3110          SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddConsNode(scip, basenode, constraint, NULL) );
3112          nconsadded++;
3114 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
3115          if( violated )
3116             nvioconsadded++;
3117 #endif
3119          /* release the constraint, as it is no longer needed */
3120          SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &constraint) );
3122          /* a 2-variable logicor constraint can be expressend as a clique on the negated variables;
3123           * add it to the clique table if we are at the root node */
3124          if( nvars == 2 && config->addclique && SCIPgetNNodes(scip) == 1 )
3125          {
3126             SCIP_Bool* values;
3127             SCIP_Bool infeasible;
3128             int nbdchgs;
3130             SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocClearBufferArray(scip, &values, nvars) );
3132             /* a two-variable logicor constraint x + y >= 1 yields the implication x == 0 -> y == 1, and is represented
3133              * by the clique inequality ~x + ~y <= 1
3134              */
3135             SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddClique(scip, vars, values, nvars, FALSE, &infeasible, &nbdchgs) );
3137 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
3138             statistics->ncliquesadded++;
3139 #endif
3141             if( infeasible )
3142                *cutoff = TRUE;
3144             if( nbdchgs > 0 )
3145                *boundchange = TRUE;
3147             SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &values);
3148          }
3149       }
3150    }
3152    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "added %d/%d binary constraints.\n", nconsadded, conslist->nelements);
3154    if( nconsadded > 0 )
3155    {
3156       *consadded = TRUE;
3158 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
3159       statistics->nbinconst += nconsadded;
3160       statistics->nbinconstvio += nvioconsadded;
3161 #endif
3162    }
3164    return SCIP_OKAY;
3165 }
3167 /** checks whether the given bounds are still the bounds of the given variable */
3168 static
areBoundsChanged(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * var,SCIP_Real lowerbound,SCIP_Real upperbound)3169 SCIP_Bool areBoundsChanged(
3170    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3171    SCIP_VAR*             var,                /**< variable to check the bounds of */
3172    SCIP_Real             lowerbound,         /**< reference lower bound */
3173    SCIP_Real             upperbound          /**< reference upper bound */
3174    )
3175 {
3176    assert(scip != NULL);
3177    assert(var != NULL);
3178    assert(SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, lowerbound));
3179    assert(SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, upperbound));
3180    assert(!SCIPisEQ(scip, lowerbound, upperbound));
3181    assert(SCIPvarGetType(var) < SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS);
3183    /* due to roundings the value might have changed slightly without an actual influence on the integral value */
3184    return SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var) > lowerbound + 0.5 || SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var) < upperbound - 0.5;
3185 }
3187 /** Checks whether the branching rule should continue or terminate with the currently gathered data */
3188 static
isBranchFurther(STATUS * status,SCIP_Bool checkdomreds)3189 SCIP_Bool isBranchFurther(
3190    STATUS*               status,             /**< current status */
3191    SCIP_Bool             checkdomreds        /**< should domain reductions be checked? */
3192    )
3193 {
3194    assert(status != NULL);
3196    return !status->lperror && !status->cutoff && !status->limitreached
3197       && !status->maxnconsreached && (!checkdomreds || !status->domred);
3198 }
3200 /** Checks whether the branching rule should continue or terminate with the currently gathered data. Additionally decrements
3201  * the given loopcounter. This is needed to better emulate the behavior of FSB by LAB with a depth of 1. */
3202 static
isBranchFurtherLoopDecrement(STATUS * status,int * loopcounter)3203 SCIP_Bool isBranchFurtherLoopDecrement(
3204    STATUS*               status,             /**< current status */
3205    int*                  loopcounter         /**< the counter to decrement */
3206    )
3207 {
3208    SCIP_Bool branchfurther;
3210    assert(status != NULL);
3211    assert(loopcounter != NULL);
3213    branchfurther = isBranchFurther(status, FALSE);
3215    if( !branchfurther )
3216       (*loopcounter)--;
3218    return branchfurther;
3219 }
3221 /** determines whether the previous LAB result of a variable should be reused */
3222 static
isUseOldBranching(SCIP * scip,PERSISTENTDATA * persistent,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_VAR * branchvar)3223 SCIP_Bool isUseOldBranching(
3224    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3225    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent,         /**< data storage over multiple calls to the rule */
3226    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
3227    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar           /**< variable to check */
3228    )
3229 {
3230    assert(scip != NULL);
3231    assert(config != NULL);
3232    assert(branchvar != NULL);
3234    /* an old branching can be reused, if we are still at the same node and just a few LPs were solved in between */
3235    if( config->inscoring )
3236    {
3237        return SCIPgetVarStrongbranchNode(scip, branchvar) == SCIPgetNNodes(scip)
3238           && SCIPgetVarStrongbranchLPAge(scip, branchvar) < config->reevalagefsb;
3239    }
3240    else
3241    {
3242       return persistent->lastbranchid[SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar)] == SCIPgetNNodes(scip)
3243          && SCIPgetNLPs(scip) - persistent->lastbranchnlps[SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar)] < config->reevalage;
3244    }
3245 }
3247 /** retrieves previous LAB result for the given variable */
3248 static
getOldBranching(SCIP * scip,PERSISTENTDATA * persistent,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_VAR * branchvar,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult,SCIP_Real * oldlpobjval)3249 SCIP_RETCODE getOldBranching(
3250    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3251    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent,         /**< data storage over multiple calls to the rule */
3252    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
3253    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar,          /**< variable to get previous results for */
3254    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< pointer to store the previous down result in */
3255    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult,  /**< pointer to store the previous up result in */
3256    SCIP_Real*            oldlpobjval         /**< pointer to store the previous base lp objval in */
3257    )
3258 {
3259    assert(scip != NULL);
3260    assert(persistent != NULL);
3261    assert(branchvar != NULL);
3262    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3263    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3264    assert(oldlpobjval != NULL);
3266    if( config->inscoring )
3267    {
3268       SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetVarStrongbranchLast(scip, branchvar, &downbranchingresult->dualbound, &upbranchingresult->dualbound,
3269             &downbranchingresult->dualboundvalid, &upbranchingresult->dualboundvalid, NULL, oldlpobjval) );
3270       downbranchingresult->objval = downbranchingresult->dualbound;
3271       upbranchingresult->objval = upbranchingresult->dualbound;
3272    }
3273    else
3274    {
3275       int varindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar);
3277       branchingResultDataCopy(persistent->lastbranchdownres[varindex], downbranchingresult);
3278       branchingResultDataCopy(persistent->lastbranchupres[varindex], upbranchingresult);
3279       *oldlpobjval = persistent->lastbranchlpobjval[varindex];
3280    }
3282 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
3283    {
3284       SCIP_Real downgain;
3285       SCIP_Real upgain;
3287       downgain = MAX(downbranchingresult->dualbound - *oldlpobjval, 0);
3288       upgain = MAX(upbranchingresult->dualbound - *oldlpobjval, 0);
3290       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Lookahead branching on variable <%s> already performed (lpage=%"
3291          SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ", down=%.9g (%+g), up=%.9g (%+g))\n", SCIPvarGetName(branchvar),
3292          SCIPgetNLPs(scip) - persistent->lastbranchnlps[SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar)],
3293          downbranchingresult->dualbound, downgain, upbranchingresult->dualbound, upgain);
3294    }
3295 #endif
3297    return SCIP_OKAY;
3298 }
3300 /** stores the LAB result for use in a later call to the branching rule */
3301 static
updateOldBranching(SCIP * scip,PERSISTENTDATA * persistent,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_VAR * branchvar,SCIP_Real branchval,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult,SCIP_Real lpobjval)3302 SCIP_RETCODE updateOldBranching(
3303    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3304    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent,         /**< data storage over multiple calls to the rule */
3305    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
3306    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar,          /**< variable to store previous results for */
3307    SCIP_Real             branchval,          /**< the value of branchvar */
3308    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< down branching result to store */
3309    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult,  /**< up branching result to store */
3310    SCIP_Real             lpobjval            /**< base lp obj val */
3311    )
3312 {
3313    assert(scip != NULL);
3314    assert(persistent != NULL);
3315    assert(branchvar != NULL);
3316    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3317    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3319    if( config->inscoring )
3320    {
3321       SCIP_Longint niterations = downbranchingresult->niterations + upbranchingresult->niterations;
3323       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetVarStrongbranchData(scip, branchvar, lpobjval, branchval, downbranchingresult->dualbound,
3324             upbranchingresult->dualbound, downbranchingresult->dualboundvalid, upbranchingresult->dualboundvalid, niterations,
3325             INT_MAX) );
3326    }
3327    else
3328    {
3329       int varindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar);
3331       branchingResultDataCopy(downbranchingresult, persistent->lastbranchdownres[varindex]);
3332       branchingResultDataCopy(upbranchingresult, persistent->lastbranchupres[varindex]);
3333       persistent->lastbranchlpobjval[varindex] = lpobjval;
3334       persistent->lastbranchid[varindex] = SCIPgetNNodes(scip);
3335       persistent->lastbranchnlps[varindex] = SCIPgetNLPs(scip);
3336    }
3338    return SCIP_OKAY;
3339 }
3341 /** calculates the FSB scores for the given candidates */
3342 static
getFSBResult(SCIP * scip,STATUS * status,PERSISTENTDATA * persistent,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domainreductions,BINCONSDATA * binconsdata,CANDIDATELIST * candidatelist,BRANCHINGDECISION * decision,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,LEVEL2DATA * level2data,SCIP_Real lpobjval,STATISTICS * statistics,LOCALSTATISTICS * localstats)3343 SCIP_RETCODE getFSBResult(
3344    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3345    STATUS*               status,             /**< current status */
3346    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent,         /**< container to store data over multiple calls to the branching rule; or NULL */
3347    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
3348    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< base lp solution */
3349    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domainreductions,   /**< container collecting all domain reductions found; or NULL */
3350    BINCONSDATA*          binconsdata,        /**< container collecting all binary constraints; or NULL */
3351    CANDIDATELIST*        candidatelist,      /**< list containing all candidates to consider */
3352    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision,           /**< struct to store the final decision */
3353    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container to retrieve already calculated scores; or NULL */
3354    LEVEL2DATA*           level2data,         /**< level 2 LP results data */
3355    SCIP_Real             lpobjval            /**< base LP objective value */
3356 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
3357    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< general statistical data */
3358    ,LOCALSTATISTICS*     localstats          /**< local statistics, may be disregarded */
3359 #endif
3360    )
3361 {
3362    assert(scip != NULL);
3363    assert(config != NULL);
3364    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
3365    assert(status != NULL);
3366    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
3367    assert(SCIPinProbing(scip));
3368    assert(SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) >= 0 && SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) < config->recursiondepth);
3370    /* inform configuration that we are in scoring mode now */
3371    config->inscoring = TRUE;
3373 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
3374    SCIP_CALL( selectVarRecursive(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions,
3375          binconsdata, candidatelist, decision, scorecontainer, level2data, 1,
3376          lpobjval, lpobjval, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
3377          statistics, localstats, NULL, NULL) );
3378 #else
3379    SCIP_CALL( selectVarRecursive(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions,
3380          binconsdata, candidatelist, decision, scorecontainer, level2data, 1,
3381          lpobjval, lpobjval, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) );
3382 #endif
3384    /* inform configuration that we leave scoring mode now */
3385    config->inscoring = FALSE;
3387    return SCIP_OKAY;
3388 }
3390 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
3391 /** prints the given candidate list */
3392 static
printCandidates(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VERBLEVEL lvl,CANDIDATELIST * candidatelist)3393 void printCandidates(
3394    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3395    SCIP_VERBLEVEL        lvl,                /**< verbosity level to print the list in */
3396    CANDIDATELIST*        candidatelist       /**< the list to be printed */
3397    )
3398 {
3399    int ncands;
3400    int i;
3402    assert(scip != NULL);
3403    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
3405    ncands = candidatelist->ncandidates;
3407    LABdebugMessagePrint(scip, lvl, "[");
3409    for( i = 0; i < ncands; i++ )
3410    {
3411       CANDIDATE* cand = candidatelist->candidates[i];
3413       assert(cand != NULL);
3414       assert(cand->branchvar != NULL);
3416       LABdebugMessagePrint(scip, lvl, "%s", SCIPvarGetName(cand->branchvar));
3417       if(i != ncands-1)
3418       {
3419          LABdebugMessagePrint(scip, lvl, ", ");
3420       }
3421    }
3422    LABdebugMessagePrint(scip, lvl, "]\n");
3423 }
3424 #endif
3426 /** calculates the score based on the down and up branching result */
3427 static
calculateScoreFromResult(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * branchvar,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult,SCIP_Real lpobjval)3428 SCIP_Real calculateScoreFromResult(
3429    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3430    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar,          /**< variable to get the score for */
3431    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3432    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult,  /**< branching result of the up branch */
3433    SCIP_Real             lpobjval            /**< objective value to get difference to as gain */
3434    )
3435 {
3436    SCIP_Real score;
3437    SCIP_Real downgain = SCIPsumepsilon(scip);
3438    SCIP_Real upgain = SCIPsumepsilon(scip);
3440    assert(scip != NULL);
3441    assert(branchvar != NULL);
3442    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3443    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3445    /* the gain is the difference of the dualbound of a child and the reference objective value;
3446     * by bounding it by zero we are safe from numerical troubles
3447     */
3448    if( !downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3449       downgain = MAX(downgain, downbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval);
3450    if( !upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3451       upgain = MAX(upgain, upbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval);
3453    downgain = 100.0 * downgain;
3454    upgain = 100.0 * upgain;
3456    /* in case a child is infeasible and therefore cutoff we take the gain of the other child to receive a somewhat
3457     * realistic gain for the infeasible child;
3458     * if both children are infeasible we just reset the initial zero values again
3459     */
3460    if( downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3461       downgain = 2 * upgain;
3462    if( upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3463       upgain = 2 * downgain;
3465    score = SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, branchvar, downgain, upgain);
3467    return score;
3468 }
3470 /** calculates the score based on the down and up branching result */
3471 static
calculateScoreFromResult2(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * branchvar,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult,SCIP_Real lpobjval)3472 SCIP_Real calculateScoreFromResult2(
3473    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3474    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar,          /**< variable to get the score for */
3475    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3476    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult,  /**< branching result of the up branch */
3477    SCIP_Real             lpobjval            /**< objective value to get difference to as gain */
3478    )
3479 {
3480    SCIP_Real lpscore;
3481    SCIP_Real dbscore;
3482    SCIP_Real score;
3483    SCIP_Real downgain = SCIPsumepsilon(scip);
3484    SCIP_Real upgain = SCIPsumepsilon(scip);
3486    assert(scip != NULL);
3487    assert(branchvar != NULL);
3488    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3489    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3491    /* the gain is the difference of the dualbound of a child and the reference objective value;
3492     * by bounding it by zero we are safe from numerical troubles
3493     */
3494    if( !downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3495       downgain = MAX(downgain, downbranchingresult->objval - lpobjval);
3496    if( !upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3497       upgain = MAX(upgain, upbranchingresult->objval - lpobjval);
3499    downgain = 100.0 * downgain;
3500    upgain = 100.0 * upgain;
3502    /* in case a child is infeasible and therefore cutoff we take the gain of the other child to receive a somewhat
3503     * realistic gain for the infeasible child;
3504     * if both children are infeasible we just reset the initial zero values again
3505     */
3506    if( downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3507       downgain = 2 * upgain;
3508    if( upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3509       upgain = 2 * downgain;
3511    lpscore = SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, branchvar, downgain, upgain);
3513    /* the gain is the difference of the dualbound of a child and the reference objective value;
3514     * by bounding it by zero we are safe from numerical troubles
3515     */
3516    if( !downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3517       downgain = MAX(SCIPsumepsilon(scip), downbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval); /*lint !e666*/
3518    if( !upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3519       upgain = MAX(SCIPsumepsilon(scip), upbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval); /*lint !e666*/
3521    downgain = 100.0 * downgain;
3522    upgain = 100.0 * upgain;
3524    /* in case a child is infeasible and therefore cutoff we take the gain of the other child to receive a somewhat
3525     * realistic gain for the infeasible child;
3526     * if both children are infeasible we just reset the initial zero values again
3527     */
3528    if( downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3529       downgain = 2 * upgain;
3530    if( upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3531       upgain = 2 * downgain;
3533    dbscore = SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, branchvar, downgain, upgain);
3535    score = SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, branchvar, lpscore, dbscore);
3537    return score;
3538 }
3540 /** calculates the score based on the down and up branching scores */
3541 static
calculateScoreFromDeeperscore(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * branchvar,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult)3542 SCIP_Real calculateScoreFromDeeperscore(
3543    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3544    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar,          /**< variable to get the score for */
3545    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3546    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult   /**< branching result of the up branch */
3547    )
3548 {
3549    SCIP_Real score;
3550    SCIP_Real downscore;
3551    SCIP_Real upscore;
3553    assert(scip != NULL);
3554    assert(branchvar != NULL);
3555    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3556    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3558    assert(downbranchingresult->deeperscore >= -0.2 || downbranchingresult->cutoff || SCIPisStopped(scip));
3559    assert(upbranchingresult->deeperscore >= -0.2 || upbranchingresult->cutoff || SCIPisStopped(scip));
3561    downscore = sqrt(downbranchingresult->deeperscore);
3562    upscore = sqrt(upbranchingresult->deeperscore);
3564    downscore = MAX(downscore, SCIPsumepsilon(scip)); /*lint !e666*/
3565    upscore = MAX(upscore, SCIPsumepsilon(scip)); /*lint !e666*/
3567    if( downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3568       downscore = 2 * upscore;
3569    if( upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3570       upscore = 2 * downscore;
3572    score = SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, branchvar, downscore, upscore);
3574    return score;
3575 }
3577 /** calculates the score based on the down and up branching scores */
3578 static
calculateScoreFromDeeperscoreAndCutoffs(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * branchvar,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult)3579 SCIP_Real calculateScoreFromDeeperscoreAndCutoffs(
3580    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3581    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar,          /**< variable to get the score for */
3582    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3583    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult   /**< branching result of the up branch */
3584    )
3585 {
3586    SCIP_Real score;
3587    SCIP_Real downscore;
3588    SCIP_Real upscore;
3589    SCIP_Real totaldowngains;
3590    SCIP_Real totalupgains;
3591    SCIP_Real nlowestlevelcutoffs;
3592    int ntotaldowngains;
3593    int ntotalupgains;
3595    assert(scip != NULL);
3596    assert(branchvar != NULL);
3597    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3598    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3600    assert(downbranchingresult->deeperscore >= -0.2 || downbranchingresult->cutoff || SCIPisStopped(scip));
3601    assert(upbranchingresult->deeperscore >= -0.2 || upbranchingresult->cutoff || SCIPisStopped(scip));
3603    nlowestlevelcutoffs = (1.0 * downbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs + upbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs)/(MAX(1,downbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes + upbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes));
3604    totaldowngains = downbranchingresult->totalgains;
3605    totalupgains = upbranchingresult->totalgains;
3606    ntotaldowngains = MAX(1, downbranchingresult->ntotalgains);
3607    ntotalupgains = MAX(1, upbranchingresult->ntotalgains);
3609    downscore = sqrt(downbranchingresult->deeperscore);
3610    upscore = sqrt(upbranchingresult->deeperscore);
3612    downscore = MAX(downscore, SCIPsumepsilon(scip)); /*lint !e666*/
3613    upscore = MAX(upscore, SCIPsumepsilon(scip)); /*lint !e666*/
3615    if( downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3616       downscore = 2 * upscore;
3617    if( upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3618       upscore = 2 * downscore;
3620    score = SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, branchvar, downscore, upscore);
3622    downscore = sqrt(totaldowngains/ntotaldowngains);
3623    upscore = sqrt(totalupgains/ntotalupgains);
3625    downscore = MAX(downscore, SCIPsumepsilon(scip)); /*lint !e666*/
3626    upscore = MAX(upscore, SCIPsumepsilon(scip)); /*lint !e666*/
3628    score += SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, branchvar, downscore, upscore)*nlowestlevelcutoffs;
3630    return score;
3631 }
3633 /** calculates the combined gain, weighted with parameters given by the user configuration */
3634 static
calculateWeightedGain(SCIP * scip,CONFIGURATION * config,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult,SCIP_Real lpobjval)3635 SCIP_Real calculateWeightedGain(
3636    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3637    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< LAB configuration */
3638    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3639    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult,  /**< branching result of the up branch */
3640    SCIP_Real             lpobjval            /**< objective value to get difference to as gain */
3641    )
3642 {
3643    SCIP_Real downgain = 0.0;
3644    SCIP_Real upgain = 0.0;
3646    assert(config != NULL);
3647    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3648    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3650    /* the gain is the difference of the dualbound of a child and the reference objective value;
3651     * by bounding it by zero we are safe from numerical troubles
3652     */
3653    if( !downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3654       downgain = MAX(0, downbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval);
3655    if( !upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3656       upgain = MAX(0, upbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval);
3658    if( config->scoringfunction == 's' )
3659    {
3660       if( downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3661          downgain = SCIPinfinity(scip);
3662       if( upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3663          upgain = SCIPinfinity(scip);
3664    }
3665    else
3666    {
3667       /* in case a child is infeasible and therefore cutoff we take the gain of the other child to receive a somewhat
3668        * realistic gain for the infeasible child;
3669        * if both children are infeasible we just reset the initial zero values again
3670        */
3671       if( downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3672          downgain = upgain;
3673       if( upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3674          upgain = downgain;
3675    }
3677    return config->minweight * MIN(downgain, upgain) + (1.0 - config->minweight) * MAX(downgain, upgain);
3678 }
3680 /** calculates the score as mentioned in the lookahead branching paper by Glankwamdee and Linderoth;
3681  *  their score scales the number of cutoffs on the last layer of a 2-level temporary branching tree with the average gain of
3682  *  every last level problem; together with the best gain for each branch of a variable we get the final score
3683  */
3684 static
calculateScaledCutoffScore(BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult)3685 SCIP_Real calculateScaledCutoffScore(
3686    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3687    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult   /**< branching result of the up branch */
3688    )
3689 {
3690    SCIP_Real bestdowngain;
3691    SCIP_Real bestupgain;
3692    SCIP_Real totaldowngains;
3693    SCIP_Real totalupgains;
3694    int nlowestlevelcutoffs;
3695    int ntotaldowngains;
3696    int ntotalupgains;
3698    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3699    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3701    nlowestlevelcutoffs = downbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs + upbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs;
3702    bestdowngain = downbranchingresult->bestgain;
3703    bestupgain = upbranchingresult->bestgain;
3704    totaldowngains = downbranchingresult->totalgains;
3705    totalupgains = upbranchingresult->totalgains;
3706    ntotaldowngains = MAX(1, downbranchingresult->ntotalgains);
3707    ntotalupgains = MAX(1, upbranchingresult->ntotalgains);
3709    return bestdowngain + bestupgain + (totaldowngains/ntotaldowngains + totalupgains/ntotalupgains)*nlowestlevelcutoffs;
3710 }
3712 /** calculates the score as mentioned in the lookahead branching paper by Glankwamdee and Linderoth;
3713  *  their score scales the number of cutoffs on the last layer of a 2-level temporary branching tree with the average gain of
3714  *  every last level problem; together with the best gain for each branch of a variable we get the final score
3715  */
3716 static
calculateWeightedCutoffScore(CONFIGURATION * config,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult)3717 SCIP_Real calculateWeightedCutoffScore(
3718    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< LAB configuration */
3719    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3720    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult   /**< branching result of the up branch */
3721    )
3722 {
3723    SCIP_Real bestdowngain;
3724    SCIP_Real bestupgain;
3725    SCIP_Real totaldowngains;
3726    SCIP_Real totalupgains;
3727    SCIP_Real nlowestlevelcutoffs;
3728    int ntotaldowngains;
3729    int ntotalupgains;
3731    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3732    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3734    nlowestlevelcutoffs = (1.0 * downbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs + upbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs)/(downbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes + upbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes);
3735    bestdowngain = downbranchingresult->bestgain;
3736    bestupgain = upbranchingresult->bestgain;
3737    totaldowngains = downbranchingresult->totalgains;
3738    totalupgains = upbranchingresult->totalgains;
3739    ntotaldowngains = MAX(1, downbranchingresult->ntotalgains);
3740    ntotalupgains = MAX(1, upbranchingresult->ntotalgains);
3742    return config->minweight*MIN(bestdowngain, bestupgain) + (1.0 - config->minweight)*MAX(bestdowngain, bestupgain) + (totaldowngains/ntotaldowngains + totalupgains/ntotalupgains)*nlowestlevelcutoffs;
3743 }
3745 static
calculateCutoffScore(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * branchvar,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult,SCIP_Real lpobjval)3746 SCIP_Real calculateCutoffScore(
3747    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3748    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar,          /**< variable to get the score for */
3749    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3750    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult,  /**< branching result of the up branch */
3751    SCIP_Real             lpobjval            /**< objective value to get difference to as gain */
3752    )
3753 {
3754    SCIP_Real score;
3755    SCIP_Real downgain = SCIPsumepsilon(scip);
3756    SCIP_Real upgain = SCIPsumepsilon(scip);
3757    SCIP_Real gap;
3758    int nlowestlevelcutoffs;
3760    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3761    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3763    nlowestlevelcutoffs = 0;
3765    /* the gain is the difference of the dualbound of a child and the reference objective value;
3766     * by bounding it by zero we are safe from numerical troubles
3767     */
3768    if( !downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3769    {
3770       nlowestlevelcutoffs += downbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs;
3771       downgain = MAX(downgain, downbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval);
3772    }
3773    if( !upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3774    {
3775       nlowestlevelcutoffs += upbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs;
3776       upgain = MAX(upgain, upbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval);
3777    }
3779    /* in case a child is infeasible and therefore cutoff we take the gain of the other child to receive a somewhat
3780     * realistic gain for the infeasible child;
3781     * if both children are infeasible we just reset the initial zero values again
3782     */
3783    if( downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3784    {
3785       nlowestlevelcutoffs += 2 * SCIPgetNPseudoBranchCands(scip);
3786       downgain = 2 * upgain;
3787    }
3788    if( upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3789    {
3790       nlowestlevelcutoffs += 2 * SCIPgetNPseudoBranchCands(scip);
3791       upgain = 2 * downgain;
3792    }
3794    gap = SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip) - lpobjval;
3796    downgain = downgain/gap;
3797    upgain = upgain/gap;
3799    score = 1.0 * nlowestlevelcutoffs + SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, branchvar, downgain, upgain);
3801    return score;
3802 }
3804 static
calculateRelCutoffScore(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * branchvar,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult,SCIP_Real lpobjval)3805 SCIP_Real calculateRelCutoffScore(
3806    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3807    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar,          /**< variable to get the score for */
3808    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3809    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult,  /**< branching result of the up branch */
3810    SCIP_Real             lpobjval            /**< objective value to get difference to as gain */
3811    )
3812 {
3813    SCIP_Real score;
3814    SCIP_Real downgain = SCIPsumepsilon(scip);
3815    SCIP_Real upgain = SCIPsumepsilon(scip);
3816    SCIP_Real gap;
3817    int factor;
3818    SCIP_Real nlowestlevelcutoffs;
3820    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3821    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3823    assert(downbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes + upbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes > 0 || (downbranchingresult->cutoff && upbranchingresult->cutoff));
3825    nlowestlevelcutoffs = (1.0 * downbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs + upbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs)/(1 + downbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes + upbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes);
3827    factor = SCIPgetNPseudoBranchCands(scip);
3828    if( factor > SCIPgetNLPRows(scip) )
3829       factor = SCIPgetNLPRows(scip);
3830    factor = factor * factor;
3832    /* the gain is the difference of the dualbound of a child and the reference objective value;
3833     * by bounding it by zero we are safe from numerical troubles
3834     */
3835    if( !downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3836    {
3837       downgain = MAX(downgain, downbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval);
3838    }
3839    if( !upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3840    {
3841       upgain = MAX(upgain, upbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval);
3842    }
3844    /* in case a child is infeasible and therefore cutoff we take the gain of the other child to receive a somewhat
3845     * realistic gain for the infeasible child;
3846     * if both children are infeasible we just reset the initial zero values again
3847     */
3848    if( downbranchingresult->cutoff )
3849    {
3850       downgain = 2 * upgain;
3851    }
3852    if( upbranchingresult->cutoff )
3853    {
3854       upgain = 2 * downgain;
3855    }
3857    gap = SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip) - lpobjval;
3859    downgain = downgain/gap;
3860    upgain = upgain/gap;
3862    score = factor * nlowestlevelcutoffs + SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, branchvar, downgain, upgain);
3864    return score;
3865 }
3867 /** scoring method that selects an actual scoring method based on the user configuration */
3868 static
calculateScore(SCIP * scip,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_VAR * branchvar,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * downbranchingresult,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * upbranchingresult,SCIP_Real lpobjval,SCIP_Real baselpobjval)3869 SCIP_Real calculateScore(
3870    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3871    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< LAB configuration */
3872    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar,          /**< variable to get the score for */
3873    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  downbranchingresult,/**< branching result of the down branch */
3874    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  upbranchingresult,  /**< branching result of the up branch */
3875    SCIP_Real             lpobjval,           /**< objective value to get difference to as gain */
3876    SCIP_Real             baselpobjval        /**< base objective value to get difference to as gain */
3877    )
3878 {
3879    SCIP_Real score;
3880    char scoringfunction;
3882    assert(scip != NULL);
3883    assert(config != NULL);
3884    assert(branchvar != NULL);
3885    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
3886    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
3888    if( config->inscoring )
3889       scoringfunction = config->scoringscoringfunction;
3890    else if( SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) > 0 )
3891       scoringfunction = config->deeperscoringfunction;
3892    else
3893       scoringfunction = config->scoringfunction;
3895    switch( scoringfunction )
3896    {
3897    case 's':
3898       score = calculateScaledCutoffScore(downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult);
3899       break;
3900    case 'w':
3901       score = calculateWeightedCutoffScore(config, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult);
3902       break;
3903    case 'f':
3904       score = calculateWeightedGain(scip, config, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult, baselpobjval);
3905       break;
3906    case 'p':
3907       score = calculateScoreFromDeeperscore(scip, branchvar, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult);
3908       break;
3909    case 'a':
3910       score = calculateScoreFromDeeperscoreAndCutoffs(scip, branchvar, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult);
3911       break;
3912    case 'l':
3913       score = calculateScoreFromResult2(scip, branchvar, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult, lpobjval);
3914       break;
3915    case 'c':
3916       score = calculateCutoffScore(scip, branchvar, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult, lpobjval);
3917       break;
3918    case 'r':
3919       score = calculateRelCutoffScore(scip, branchvar, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult, lpobjval);
3920       break;
3921    case 'x':
3922       score = calculateScoreFromResult(scip, branchvar, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult, baselpobjval);
3923       break;
3924    default:
3925       assert(scoringfunction == 'd');
3926       score = calculateScoreFromResult(scip, branchvar, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult, lpobjval);
3927    }
3929    return score;
3930 }
3932 /** calculates the score based on the pseudocosts of the given variable */
3933 static
calculateScoreFromPseudocosts(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATE * lpcand)3934 SCIP_Real calculateScoreFromPseudocosts(
3935    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3936    CANDIDATE*            lpcand              /**< candidate to get the score for */
3937    )
3938 {
3939    SCIP_Real downpseudocost;
3940    SCIP_Real uppseudocost;
3941    SCIP_Real score;
3943    assert(scip != NULL);
3944    assert(lpcand != NULL);
3946    downpseudocost = SCIPgetVarPseudocostVal(scip, lpcand->branchvar, 0-lpcand->fracval);
3947    uppseudocost = SCIPgetVarPseudocostVal(scip, lpcand->branchvar, 1-lpcand->fracval);
3949    score = SCIPgetBranchScore(scip, lpcand->branchvar, downpseudocost, uppseudocost);
3951    return score;
3952 }
3954 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
3955 /** prints the names of the candidates of the given candidate list with their corresponding scores */
3956 static
printCandidateList(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATELIST * candidatelist,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer)3957 void printCandidateList(
3958    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3959    CANDIDATELIST*        candidatelist,      /**< list to be printed */
3960    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer      /**< container with all scores */
3961    )
3962 {
3963    int i;
3965    assert(scip != NULL);
3966    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
3967    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
3969    for( i = 0; i < candidatelist->ncandidates; i++ )
3970    {
3971       SCIP_VAR* var = candidatelist->candidates[i]->branchvar;
3972       SCIP_Real score = scorecontainer->scores[SCIPvarGetProbindex(var)];
3974       assert(var != NULL);
3976       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, " Index %2i: Var %s Score %.9g\n", i, SCIPvarGetName(var), score);
3977    }
3978 }
3979 #endif
3981 /** sorts the best candidates (w.r.t. the score in the container) of the candidate list to the front of the list */
3982 static
sortFirstCandidatesByScore(SCIP * scip,CANDIDATELIST * candidatelist,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,int nbestcandidates)3983 void sortFirstCandidatesByScore(
3984    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
3985    CANDIDATELIST*        candidatelist,      /**< candidates to be sorted */
3986    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container with the scores for each candidate */
3987    int                   nbestcandidates     /**< number of candidates that should be kept sorted at the start of the list*/
3988    )
3989 {
3990    int i;
3992    assert(scip != NULL);
3993    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
3994    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
3995    assert(candidatelist->ncandidates > 0);
3996    assert(nbestcandidates <= candidatelist->ncandidates);
3998    for( i = 1; i < candidatelist->ncandidates; i++ )
3999    {
4000       CANDIDATE* movecand = candidatelist->candidates[i];
4001       int moveprobindex;
4002       SCIP_Real movescore;
4003       int nsorted;
4004       int insertionindex;
4005       assert(movecand != NULL);
4007       moveprobindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(movecand->branchvar);
4008       movescore = scorecontainer->scores[moveprobindex];
4010       /* the length of the sorted portion of the array, starting at 0 */
4011       nsorted = MIN(i, nbestcandidates);
4013       insertionindex = findInsertionPoint(scip, scorecontainer, movescore, candidatelist->candidates, nsorted);
4015       assert(insertionindex <= nsorted);
4017       /* if no change has to be made, skip the reordering;
4018        * if the insertionindex lies after the sorted block, skip the reordering
4019        */
4020       if( insertionindex != i && insertionindex < nsorted )
4021       {
4022          int j;
4023          CANDIDATE* reordercand = movecand;
4025          /* move everything inside the sorted block one place further */
4026          for( j = insertionindex; j < nsorted; j++ )
4027          {
4028             CANDIDATE* oldcand = candidatelist->candidates[j];
4029             assert(oldcand != NULL);
4031             candidatelist->candidates[j] = reordercand;
4032             reordercand = oldcand;
4033          }
4034          /* the dropped element gets placed in the position of the actually moved element */
4035          candidatelist->candidates[i] = reordercand;
4036       }
4037    }
4039 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
4040    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "All %i candidates, with the first %i candidates sorted by their FSB score:"
4041       "\n", candidatelist->ncandidates, nbestcandidates);
4042    printCandidateList(scip, candidatelist, scorecontainer);
4043 #endif
4044 }
4046 /** checks whether the given candidates is reliable, so that its pseudocosts may be used */
4047 static
isCandidateReliable(SCIP * scip,SCIP_VAR * branchvar)4048 SCIP_Bool isCandidateReliable(
4049    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
4050    SCIP_VAR*             branchvar           /**< var to check for reliability */
4051    )
4052 {
4053    SCIP_Real size;
4054    SCIP_Real downsize;
4055    SCIP_Real upsize;
4056    SCIP_Real reliable = 5;
4058    assert(scip != NULL);
4059    assert(branchvar != NULL);
4061    downsize = SCIPgetVarPseudocostCountCurrentRun(scip, branchvar, SCIP_BRANCHDIR_DOWNWARDS);
4062    upsize = SCIPgetVarPseudocostCountCurrentRun(scip, branchvar, SCIP_BRANCHDIR_UPWARDS);
4063    size = MIN(downsize, upsize);
4065    return size >= reliable;
4066 }
4068 /** checks whether the current problem is feasible or cutoff */
4069 static
isCurrentNodeCutoff(SCIP * scip)4070 SCIP_Bool isCurrentNodeCutoff(
4071    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
4072    )
4073 {
4074    assert(scip != NULL);
4076    return (SCIPgetCutoffdepth(scip) <= SCIPgetDepth(scip));
4077 }
4079 /** Ensures that the scores are present in the scorecontainer for each of the candidates to consider */
4080 static
ensureScoresPresent(SCIP * scip,STATUS * status,PERSISTENTDATA * persistent,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domainreductions,BINCONSDATA * binconsdata,CANDIDATELIST * allcandidates,BRANCHINGDECISION * decision,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,LEVEL2DATA * level2data,SCIP_Real lpobjval,STATISTICS * statistics,LOCALSTATISTICS * localstats)4081 SCIP_RETCODE ensureScoresPresent(
4082    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
4083    STATUS*               status,             /**< current status */
4084    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent,         /**< container to store data over multiple calls to the branching rule; or NULL */
4085    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
4086    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< base lp solution */
4087    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domainreductions,   /**< container collecting all domain reductions found; or NULL */
4088    BINCONSDATA*          binconsdata,        /**< container collecting all binary constraints; or NULL */
4089    CANDIDATELIST*        allcandidates,      /**< list containing all candidates to consider */
4090    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision,           /**< struct to store the final decision */
4091    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container to retrieve already calculated scores; or NULL */
4092    LEVEL2DATA*           level2data,         /**< level 2 LP results data */
4093    SCIP_Real             lpobjval            /**< base LP objective value */
4094 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4095    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< general statistical data */
4096    ,LOCALSTATISTICS*     localstats          /**< local statistics, may be disregarded */
4097 #endif
4098    )
4099 {
4100    int i;
4101    int nunscoredcandidates = 0;
4102    int* candidateunscored;
4104    assert(scip != NULL);
4105    assert(config != NULL);
4106    assert(status != NULL);
4107    assert(allcandidates != NULL);
4108    assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
4109    assert(allcandidates->candidates != NULL || allcandidates->ncandidates == 0);
4111    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &candidateunscored, allcandidates->ncandidates) );
4113    /* filter the candidates based on the presence of a score in the 'scorecontainer'. Only those without a score need a
4114     * new one.
4115     */
4116    for( i = 0; i < allcandidates->ncandidates; i++ )
4117    {
4118       CANDIDATE* lpcand = allcandidates->candidates[i];
4119       SCIP_VAR* branchvar = lpcand->branchvar;
4120       int probindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar);
4121       SCIP_Real knownscore = scorecontainer->scores[probindex];
4123       assert(lpcand != NULL);
4124       assert(branchvar != NULL);
4126       if( SCIPisLT(scip, knownscore, 0.0) )
4127       {
4128          if( config->abbrevpseudo && isCandidateReliable(scip, branchvar) )
4129          {
4130             SCIP_Real score = calculateScoreFromPseudocosts(scip, lpcand);
4131             SCIP_CALL( scoreContainerSetScore(scip, scorecontainer, lpcand, score, 0.0, 0.0) );
4132          }
4133          else if( config->level2avgscore && SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) > 0 )
4134          {
4135             assert(scorecontainer->nsetscores > 0);
4136             SCIP_CALL( scoreContainerSetScore(scip, scorecontainer, lpcand,
4137                   scorecontainer->scoresum / scorecontainer->nsetscores, 0.0, 0.0) );
4138          }
4139          else if( config->level2zeroscore && SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) > 0 )
4140          {
4141             assert(scorecontainer->nsetscores > 0);
4142             SCIP_CALL( scoreContainerSetScore(scip, scorecontainer, lpcand,
4143                   -0.1, 0.0, 0.0) );
4144          }
4145          else
4146          {
4147             /* score is unknown and needs to be calculated */
4148             candidateunscored[nunscoredcandidates] = i;
4149             nunscoredcandidates++;
4150          }
4151       }
4152    }
4154    if( nunscoredcandidates > 0 )
4155    {
4156       CANDIDATELIST* unscoredcandidates;
4158       /* allocate the list of candidates without any score (gets updated further on) */
4159       SCIP_CALL( candidateListCreate(scip, &unscoredcandidates, nunscoredcandidates) );
4161       /* move the unscored candidates to the temp list */
4162       for( i = 0; i < nunscoredcandidates; i++ )
4163       {
4164          int candindex = candidateunscored[i];
4166          assert(allcandidates->candidates[candindex] != NULL);
4168          unscoredcandidates->candidates[i] = allcandidates->candidates[candindex];
4169       }
4171 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
4172       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Of the given %i candidates, %i have no score: ",
4173          allcandidates->ncandidates, nunscoredcandidates);
4174       printCandidates(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, unscoredcandidates);
4175       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Calculating the FSB result to get a score for the remaining "
4176          "candidates.\n");
4177 #endif
4179       /* Calculate all remaining FSB scores and collect the scores in the container */;
4180 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4181       SCIP_CALL( getFSBResult(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, binconsdata, unscoredcandidates,
4182             decision, scorecontainer, level2data, lpobjval, statistics, localstats) );
4183 #else
4184       SCIP_CALL( getFSBResult(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, binconsdata, unscoredcandidates,
4185             decision, scorecontainer, level2data, lpobjval) );
4186 #endif
4188       /* move the now scored candidates back to the original list */
4189       for( i = 0; i < nunscoredcandidates; i++ )
4190       {
4191          assert(allcandidates->candidates[candidateunscored[i]] == unscoredcandidates->candidates[i]);
4193          assert(unscoredcandidates->candidates[i] != NULL);
4194          unscoredcandidates->candidates[i] = NULL;
4195       }
4197       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Calculated the scores for the remaining candidates\n");
4199       SCIP_CALL( candidateListFree(scip, &unscoredcandidates) );
4200    }
4202    /* reset the best sorted indices, as those are only valid on the FSB run already completed */
4203    scoreContainterResetBestSortedCands(scorecontainer);
4205    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &candidateunscored);
4207    return SCIP_OKAY;
4208 }
4210 /** Get the candidates to temporarily branch on. In the LAB case this is the complete list of possible candidates. In the
4211  *  ALAB case only the 'best' candidates are returned. */
4212 static
filterCandidates(SCIP * scip,STATUS * status,PERSISTENTDATA * persistent,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domainreductions,BINCONSDATA * binconsdata,CANDIDATELIST * candidatelist,BRANCHINGDECISION * decision,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,LEVEL2DATA * level2data,SCIP_Real lpobjval,STATISTICS * statistics,LOCALSTATISTICS * localstats)4213 SCIP_RETCODE filterCandidates(
4214    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
4215    STATUS*               status,             /**< current status */
4216    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent,         /**< container to store data over multiple calls to the branching rule; or NULL */
4217    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
4218    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< base lp solution */
4219    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domainreductions,   /**< container collecting all domain reductions found; or NULL */
4220    BINCONSDATA*          binconsdata,        /**< container collecting all binary constraints; or NULL */
4221    CANDIDATELIST*        candidatelist,      /**< list of candidates to branch on */
4222    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision,           /**< struct to store the final decision */
4223    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container to retrieve already calculated scores; or NULL */
4224    LEVEL2DATA*           level2data,         /**< level 2 LP results data */
4225    SCIP_Real             lpobjval            /**< base LP objective value */
4226 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4227    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< general statistical data */
4228    ,LOCALSTATISTICS*     localstats          /**< local statistics, may be disregarded */
4229 #endif
4230    )
4231 {
4232    assert(scip != NULL);
4233    assert(config != NULL);
4234    assert(status != NULL);
4235    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
4236    assert(SCIPinProbing(scip));
4238    /* abbreviated LAB: only use the "best" candidates */
4239    if( config->abbreviated )
4240    {
4241       assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
4243       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Getting the best (at most) %i of the given %i candidates: ",
4244          config->maxncands, candidatelist->ncandidates);
4245 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
4246       printCandidates(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, candidatelist);
4247 #endif
4249       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "%s", "Ensuring that all candidates have a score.\n");
4250 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4251       SCIP_CALL( ensureScoresPresent(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, binconsdata, candidatelist,
4252             decision, scorecontainer, level2data, lpobjval, statistics, localstats) );
4253 #else
4254       SCIP_CALL( ensureScoresPresent(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, binconsdata, candidatelist,
4255             decision, scorecontainer, level2data, lpobjval) );
4256 #endif
4258       /* if we didn't find any domreds or constraints during the FSB scoring, we branch on */
4259       if( isBranchFurther(status, SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == 0) )
4260       {
4261          int nusedcands;
4262          int i;
4264          if( SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == 0 || config->maxndeepercands == 0 )
4265             nusedcands = MIN(config->maxncands, candidatelist->ncandidates);
4266          else
4267             nusedcands = MIN(config->maxndeepercands, candidatelist->ncandidates);
4269          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "%s", "Filter the candidates by their score.\n");
4271          sortFirstCandidatesByScore(scip, candidatelist, scorecontainer, nusedcands);
4273          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Best candidate according to FSB scores: <%s>\n",
4274             SCIPvarGetName(candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar));
4276          if( config->worsefactor >= 0 )
4277          {
4278             for( i = 1; i < nusedcands; ++i )
4279             {
4280                if( scorecontainer->scores[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar)] >
4281                   config->worsefactor * scorecontainer->scores[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[i]->branchvar)] )
4282                   break;
4283             }
4284             nusedcands = i;
4285          }
4287          if( config->filterbymaxgain && SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == 0 )
4288          {
4289             SCIP_Real maxgain;
4290             SCIP_Real bestmaxgain = MAX(scorecontainer->downgains[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar)],
4291                scorecontainer->upgains[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar)]); /*lint !e666*/
4293             if( bestmaxgain == 0.0 )
4294                nusedcands = 1;
4295             else
4296             {
4297                for( i = nusedcands - 1; i >= 1; --i )
4298                {
4299                   maxgain = MAX(scorecontainer->downgains[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[i]->branchvar)],
4300                      scorecontainer->upgains[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[i]->branchvar)]); /*lint !e666*/
4302                   if( SCIPisSumLE(scip, maxgain / bestmaxgain, 1.0) )
4303                   {
4304                      --nusedcands;
4306                      if( i < nusedcands )
4307                      {
4308                         CANDIDATE* tmp = candidatelist->candidates[i];
4309                         candidatelist->candidates[i] = candidatelist->candidates[nusedcands];
4310                         candidatelist->candidates[nusedcands] = tmp;
4311                      }
4312                   }
4313                }
4314             }
4315          }
4317          if( SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) > 0 && scorecontainer->scores[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar)] > -0.05)
4318          {
4319             for( i = 1; i < nusedcands; ++i )
4320             {
4321                if( scorecontainer->scores[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[i]->branchvar)] < -0.05 )
4322                   break;
4323             }
4324             nusedcands = i;
4325          }
4327          SCIP_CALL( candidateListKeep(scip, candidatelist, nusedcands) );
4328       }
4329 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
4330       else
4331       {
4332          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Strong Branching would have stopped.\n");
4333       }
4334 #endif
4336       if( isCurrentNodeCutoff(scip) )
4337          status->cutoff = TRUE;
4338    }
4339    else
4340    {
4341       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Getting the branching candidates by selecting all candidates.\n");
4342    }
4344    return SCIP_OKAY;
4345 }
4347 /** Executes the general branching on a variable in a given direction (up/down) and repeats the algorithm from the new node */
4348 static
executeBranchingRecursive(SCIP * scip,STATUS * status,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,CANDIDATE * candidate,SCIP_Real localbaselpsolval,SCIP_Real baselpobjval,int recursiondepth,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domainreductions,BINCONSDATA * binconsdata,LEVEL2DATA * level2data,BRANCHINGRESULTDATA * branchingresult,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,SCIP_Bool downbranching,STATISTICS * statistics,LOCALSTATISTICS * localstats)4349 SCIP_RETCODE executeBranchingRecursive(
4350    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
4351    STATUS*               status,             /**< current status */
4352    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
4353    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< the base lp solution */
4354    CANDIDATE*            candidate,          /**< candidate to branch on */
4355    SCIP_Real             localbaselpsolval,  /**< the objective value of the current temporary problem */
4356    SCIP_Real             baselpobjval,       /**< LP objective value of focus node (not probing) */
4357    int                   recursiondepth,     /**< remaining recursion depth */
4358    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domainreductions,   /**< container collecting all domain reductions found; or NULL */
4359    BINCONSDATA*          binconsdata,        /**< container collecting all binary constraints; or NULL */
4360    LEVEL2DATA*           level2data,         /**< level 2 LP results data */
4361    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA*  branchingresult,    /**< container to store the result of the branching in */
4362    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container to retrieve already calculated scores; or NULL */
4363    SCIP_Bool             downbranching       /**< should we branch up or down in here? */
4364 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4365    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< general statistical data */
4366    ,LOCALSTATISTICS*     localstats          /**< local statistics, may be disregarded */
4367 #endif
4368    )
4369 {
4370    int probingdepth;
4371    SCIP_VAR* branchvar;
4372    SCIP_Real branchvalfrac;
4373    SCIP_Real branchval;
4374    SCIP_Bool varisbinary;
4375    SCIP_Bool solvedlp = TRUE;
4377    assert(scip != NULL);
4378    assert(status != NULL);
4379    assert(config != NULL);
4380    assert(candidate != NULL);
4381    assert(branchingresult != NULL);
4383    branchvar = candidate->branchvar;
4384    branchvalfrac = candidate->fracval;
4385    branchval = candidate->branchval;
4387    assert(branchvar != NULL);
4389    probingdepth = SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip);
4390    varisbinary = SCIPvarIsBinary(branchvar);
4392    if( binconsdata != NULL && varisbinary )
4393    {
4394       if( downbranching )
4395       {
4396          /* In case that the branch variable is binary, add the negated var to the list.
4397           * This list is used to generate a set packing constraint for cutoff branches which were reached by only using
4398           * binary variables.
4399           * DownBranching on a binary variable x means: x <= 0
4400           * When this cutoff occurs we have that: x >= 1 <=> 1-x <= 0
4401           */
4402          SCIP_VAR* negbranchvar;
4404          SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetNegatedVar(scip, branchvar, &negbranchvar) );
4406          assert(negbranchvar != NULL);
4408          binaryVarListAppend(scip, binconsdata->binaryvars, negbranchvar);
4409       }
4410       else
4411       {
4412          /* In case that the branch variable is binary, add the var to the list.
4413           * This list is used to generate a set packing constraint for cutoff branches which were reached by only using
4414           * binary variables.
4415           * UpBranching on a binary variable x means: x >= 1
4416           * When this cutoff occurs we have that: x <= 0
4417           */
4418          binaryVarListAppend(scip, binconsdata->binaryvars, branchvar);
4419       }
4420    }
4422    if( level2data != NULL )
4423    {
4424       SCIP_Real newbound = downbranching ? SCIPfeasFloor(scip, branchval) : SCIPfeasCeil(scip, branchval);
4426       if( SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == 0 )
4427       {
4428          assert(SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar) >= 0);
4429          level2data->branchvar1 = (unsigned int) SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar);
4430          level2data->branchdir1 = !downbranching;
4431          level2data->branchval1 = newbound;
4432       }
4433       else
4434       {
4435          LEVEL2RESULT* result;
4437          assert(SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == 1);
4438          assert(SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar) >= 0);
4440          level2data->branchvar2 = (unsigned int) SCIPvarGetProbindex(branchvar);
4441          level2data->branchdir2 = !downbranching;
4442          level2data->branchval2 = newbound;
4444          SCIP_CALL( level2dataGetResult(scip, level2data, &result) );
4446          /* we already processed a similar level 2 node */
4447          if( result != NULL )
4448          {
4449             solvedlp = FALSE;
4450 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4451             statistics->nduplicatelps[probingdepth]++;
4452 #endif
4453             branchingresult->objval = result->lpobjval;
4454             branchingresult->dualbound = result->lpobjval;
4455             branchingresult->dualboundvalid = result->valid;
4456             branchingresult->cutoff = result->cutoff;
4457             branchingresult->niterations = 0;
4459             if( !branchingresult->cutoff && branchingresult->dualboundvalid
4460                && SCIPisGE(scip, branchingresult->objval, SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip)) )
4461                branchingresult->cutoff = TRUE;
4463             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH,
4464                "Use old %s branching result on var <%s> with 'val > %g' and bounds [<%g>..<%g>]: objval <%.9g>, cutoff <%d> "
4465                "(the parent objval was <%.9g>)\n",
4466                downbranching ? "down" : "up", SCIPvarGetName(branchvar), branchval, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar),
4467                SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar), branchingresult->objval, branchingresult->cutoff, localbaselpsolval);
4468          }
4469       }
4470    }
4472    if( solvedlp )
4473    {
4474       SCIP_CALL( executeBranching(scip, config, downbranching, candidate, branchingresult, baselpsol, domainreductions,
4475             status) );
4477       assert(SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == 1 || SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == 2);
4479       if( level2data != NULL && SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == 2)
4480       {
4481          SCIP_Bool duplicate;
4483          SCIP_CALL( level2dataStoreResult(scip, level2data, branchingresult->objval, branchingresult->cutoff, branchingresult->dualboundvalid, &duplicate) );
4484          assert(!duplicate);
4485       }
4487 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4488       statistics->nlpssolved[probingdepth]++;
4489       statistics->nlpiterations[probingdepth] += branchingresult->niterations;
4491       if( config->inscoring )
4492       {
4493          statistics->nlpssolvedfsb[probingdepth]++;
4494          statistics->nlpiterationsfsb[probingdepth] += branchingresult->niterations;
4495       }
4496 #endif
4497       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Solving the LP took %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " iterations (status %d).\n",
4498          branchingresult->niterations, SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip));
4500 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
4501       if( status->lperror )
4502       {
4503          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The LP could not be solved.\n");
4504       }
4505       else if( branchingresult->cutoff )
4506       {
4507          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The solved LP was infeasible and as such is cutoff\n");
4508       }
4509       else
4510       {
4511          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The solved LP was feasible and has an objval <%.9g> (the parent objval was "
4512             "<%.9g>)\n", branchingresult->objval, localbaselpsolval);
4513       }
4514 #endif
4515    }
4517    if( !branchingresult->cutoff && !status->lperror && !status->limitreached )
4518    {
4519       SCIP_Real localgain;
4521       localgain = MAX(0, branchingresult->objval - localbaselpsolval);
4523       /* update pseudo costs */
4524       if( downbranching )
4525       {
4526          SCIP_CALL( SCIPupdateVarPseudocost(scip, branchvar, 0.0 - branchvalfrac, localgain, 1.0) );
4527       }
4528       else
4529       {
4530          SCIP_CALL( SCIPupdateVarPseudocost(scip, branchvar, 1.0 - branchvalfrac, localgain, 1.0) );
4531       }
4532    }
4534    if( solvedlp && !branchingresult->cutoff && !status->lperror && !status->limitreached )
4535    {
4536       /* store the warm start information in the candidate, so that it can be reused in a later branching */
4537       if( config->reusebasis && config->inscoring )
4538       {
4539          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Storing warm start information for %s branching on var <%s>\n",
4540             downbranching ? "down" : "up", SCIPvarGetName(branchvar));
4542          SCIP_CALL( candidateStoreWarmStartInfo(scip, candidate, downbranching) );
4543       }
4545       if( recursiondepth > 1 && !config->inscoring )
4546       {
4547          CANDIDATELIST* candidatelist;
4549          SCIP_CALL( candidateListGetAllFractionalCandidates(scip, &candidatelist) );
4550          assert(candidatelist != NULL);
4552          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "%sbranching has <%i> candidates.\n", downbranching ? "Down" : "Up",
4553             candidatelist->ncandidates);
4555          if( candidatelist->ncandidates > 0 )
4556          {
4557             BRANCHINGDECISION* deeperdecision;
4558             STATUS* deeperstatus;
4559             PERSISTENTDATA* deeperpersistent = NULL;
4560             SCIP_Real deeperlpobjval = branchingresult->objval;
4561 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4562             LOCALSTATISTICS* deeperlocalstats;
4564             SCIP_CALL( localStatisticsAllocate(scip, &deeperlocalstats) );
4565 #endif
4566             SCIP_CALL( statusCreate(scip, &deeperstatus) );
4568             SCIP_CALL( branchingDecisionCreate(scip, &deeperdecision) );
4570 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4571             SCIP_CALL( filterCandidates(scip, deeperstatus, deeperpersistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, binconsdata, candidatelist,
4572                deeperdecision, scorecontainer, level2data, deeperlpobjval,
4573                statistics, localstats) );
4574 #else
4575             SCIP_CALL( filterCandidates(scip, deeperstatus, deeperpersistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, binconsdata, candidatelist,
4576                deeperdecision, scorecontainer, level2data, deeperlpobjval) );
4577 #endif
4578             if( deeperstatus->lperror )
4579             {
4580                LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "ignoring lperror in filtering call...\n");
4581                deeperstatus->lperror = FALSE;
4582             }
4583             if( deeperstatus->cutoff )
4584             {
4585                branchingresult->ndeepestnodes += 2;
4586                branchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs += 2;
4587             }
4589             /* the status may have changed because of FSB to get the best candidates */
4590             if( isBranchFurther(deeperstatus, FALSE) )
4591             {
4592                LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Now the objval is <%.9g>\n", branchingresult->objval);
4594 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4595                deeperlocalstats->ncutoffproofnodes = 0;
4596                SCIP_CALL( selectVarRecursive(scip, deeperstatus, deeperpersistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions,
4597                      binconsdata, candidatelist, deeperdecision, scorecontainer, level2data, recursiondepth - 1,
4598                      deeperlpobjval, baselpobjval, &branchingresult->niterations, &branchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs,
4599                      &branchingresult->bestgain, &branchingresult->totalgains, &branchingresult->ntotalgains,
4600                      &branchingresult->ndeepestnodes,
4601                      statistics, deeperlocalstats, NULL, NULL) );
4602 #else
4603                SCIP_CALL( selectVarRecursive(scip, deeperstatus, deeperpersistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions,
4604                      binconsdata, candidatelist, deeperdecision, scorecontainer, level2data, recursiondepth - 1,
4605                      deeperlpobjval, baselpobjval, &branchingresult->niterations, &branchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs,
4606                      &branchingresult->bestgain, &branchingresult->totalgains, &branchingresult->ntotalgains,
4607                      &branchingresult->ndeepestnodes) );
4608 #endif
4610                assert(deeperstatus->cutoff || deeperstatus->domred || deeperstatus->lperror
4611                   || branchingresult->ndeepestnodes == 8
4612                   || branchingresult->ndeepestnodes == 2 * candidatelist->ncandidates
4613                   || SCIPisStopped(scip));
4615                /* the proved dual bound of the deeper branching cannot be less than the current dual bound, as every deeper
4616                 * node has more/tighter constraints and as such cannot be better than the base LP. */
4617                assert(SCIPisGE(scip, deeperdecision->proveddb, branchingresult->dualbound));
4618                branchingresult->dualbound = deeperdecision->proveddb;
4619                branchingresult->deeperscore = deeperdecision->score;
4620                branchingresult->dualboundvalid = TRUE;
4621             }
4622 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4623             else
4624             {
4625                assert(SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == probingdepth + 1);
4627                statistics->stopafterfsb[probingdepth+1]++;
4629                if( deeperstatus->cutoff )
4630                {
4631                   statistics->cutoffafterfsb[probingdepth+1]++;
4632                }
4633                else if( deeperstatus->domred )
4634                {
4635                   statistics->domredafterfsb[probingdepth+1]++;
4636                }
4637             }
4638 #endif
4639             /* deeperstatus->cutoff is TRUE, if any up/down child pair of the up child were cutoff */
4640             if( deeperstatus->cutoff )
4641             {
4642                branchingresult->cutoff = TRUE;
4643 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4644                localstats->ncutoffproofnodes += deeperlocalstats->ncutoffproofnodes;
4645 #endif
4646                LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Both deeper children were cutoff, so the %s branch is "
4647                   "cutoff\n", downbranching ? "down" : "up");
4648             }
4650             branchingDecisionFree(scip, &deeperdecision);
4651             statusFree(scip, &deeperstatus);
4652 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4653             localStatisticsFree(scip, &deeperlocalstats);
4654 #endif
4655          }
4656          else
4657          {
4658             branchingresult->deeperscore = (branchingresult->dualbound - baselpobjval) * (branchingresult->dualbound - baselpobjval) * 10;
4659          }
4660          SCIP_CALL( candidateListFree(scip, &candidatelist) );
4661       }
4662    }
4664    if( recursiondepth == 1 && !config->inscoring )
4665    {
4666       branchingresult->ndeepestnodes++;
4667       /* this is a cutoff on the lowest tree level */
4668       if( branchingresult->cutoff )
4669       {
4670          branchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs++;
4671       }
4672    }
4674    if( binconsdata != NULL && varisbinary )
4675    {
4676       /* the current branching child is infeasible and we only branched on binary variables in lookahead branching */
4677       if( solvedlp && branchingresult->cutoff && !status->lperror && SCIPallColsInLP(scip)
4678          && binconsdata->binaryvars->nbinaryvars == (probingdepth + 1) )
4679       {
4680 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4681          SCIP_CALL( addBinaryConstraint(scip, config, binconsdata, baselpsol, statistics) );
4682 #else
4683          SCIP_CALL( addBinaryConstraint(scip, config, binconsdata, baselpsol) );
4684 #endif
4685       }
4687       binaryVarListDrop(binconsdata->binaryvars);
4688    }
4690    /* reset the probing depth to undo the previous branching */
4691    SCIP_CALL( SCIPbacktrackProbing(scip, probingdepth) );
4693    return SCIP_OKAY;
4694 }
4696 /** branches recursively on all given candidates */
4697 static
selectVarRecursive(SCIP * scip,STATUS * status,PERSISTENTDATA * persistent,CONFIGURATION * config,SCIP_SOL * baselpsol,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domainreductions,BINCONSDATA * binconsdata,CANDIDATELIST * candidatelist,BRANCHINGDECISION * decision,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,LEVEL2DATA * level2data,int recursiondepth,SCIP_Real lpobjval,SCIP_Real baselpobjval,SCIP_Longint * niterations,int * ndeepestcutoffs,SCIP_Real * bestgain,SCIP_Real * totalgains,int * ntotalgains,int * ndeepestnodes,STATISTICS * statistics,LOCALSTATISTICS * localstats,SCIP_Real * firstscoreptr,SCIP_Real * bestscoreptr)4698 SCIP_RETCODE selectVarRecursive(
4699    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
4700    STATUS*               status,             /**< current status */
4701    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent,         /**< container to store data over multiple calls to the branching rule; or NULL */
4702    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
4703    SCIP_SOL*             baselpsol,          /**< base lp solution */
4704    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domainreductions,   /**< container collecting all domain reductions found; or NULL */
4705    BINCONSDATA*          binconsdata,        /**< container collecting all binary constraints; or NULL */
4706    CANDIDATELIST*        candidatelist,      /**< list of candidates to branch on */
4707    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision,           /**< struct to store the final decision */
4708    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container to retrieve already calculated scores; or NULL */
4709    LEVEL2DATA*           level2data,         /**< level 2 LP results data */
4710    int                   recursiondepth,     /**< remaining recursion depth */
4711    SCIP_Real             lpobjval,           /**< LP objective value of current probing node*/
4712    SCIP_Real             baselpobjval,       /**< LP objective value of focus node (not probing) */
4713    SCIP_Longint*         niterations,        /**< pointer to store the total number of iterations for this variable; or NULL*/
4714    int*                  ndeepestcutoffs,    /**< pointer to store the total number of cutoffs on the deepest level; or NULL */
4715    SCIP_Real*            bestgain,           /**< pointer to store the best gain found with these candidates; or NULL */
4716    SCIP_Real*            totalgains,         /**< pointer to store the sum over all gains that are valid in both children;
4717                                               *   or NULL, if bestgain == NULL */
4718    int*                  ntotalgains,        /**< pointer to store the number of gains summed in totalgains;
4719                                               *   or NULL, if bestgain == NULL */
4720    int*                  ndeepestnodes       /**< pointer to store the number of nodes processed in the deepest level */
4721 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4722    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< general statistical data */
4723    ,LOCALSTATISTICS*     localstats          /**< local statistics, may be disregarded */
4724    ,SCIP_Real*           firstscoreptr       /**< pointer to store score of first candidate, or NULL */
4725    ,SCIP_Real*           bestscoreptr        /**< pointer to store best score, or NULL */
4726 #endif
4727    )
4728 {
4729    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA* downbranchingresult = NULL;
4730    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA* upbranchingresult = NULL;
4731    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA* bestdownbranchingresult = NULL;
4732    BRANCHINGRESULTDATA* bestupbranchingresult = NULL;
4733    SCIP_LPI* lpi;
4734    SCIP_Real bestscore = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
4735    SCIP_Real bestscorelowerbound;
4736    SCIP_Real bestscoreupperbound;
4737    SCIP_Real bestscoringlpobjval = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
4738    int start = 0;
4739    int i;
4740    int c;
4741    int nlpcands;
4742    int probingdepth;
4743    SCIP_Bool stopafterinfeasible = FALSE;
4745    assert(scip != NULL);
4746    assert(status != NULL);
4747    assert(config != NULL);
4748    assert(!config->usedomainreduction || domainreductions != NULL);
4749    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
4750    assert(candidatelist->ncandidates > 0);
4751    assert(decision != NULL);
4752    assert(recursiondepth >= 1);
4753 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4754    assert(statistics != NULL);
4756    if( firstscoreptr != NULL )
4757       *firstscoreptr = -1.0;
4758    if( bestscoreptr != NULL )
4759       *bestscoreptr = -1.0;
4760 #endif
4762    nlpcands = candidatelist->ncandidates;
4763    probingdepth = SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip);
4764    assert(probingdepth >= 0 && probingdepth < config->recursiondepth);
4766    if( persistent != NULL && (!config->abbreviated || config->inscoring) && probingdepth == 0 )
4767       start = persistent->restartindex;
4769    /* init default decision */
4770    decision->branchvar = candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar;
4771    decision->branchval = candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchval;
4772    decision->downdb = lpobjval;
4773    decision->downdbvalid = TRUE;
4774    decision->updb = lpobjval;
4775    decision->updbvalid = TRUE;
4776    decision->proveddb = lpobjval;
4777    decision->score = 0.0;
4779    bestscorelowerbound = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(decision->branchvar);
4780    bestscoreupperbound = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(decision->branchvar);
4782    SCIP_CALL( branchingResultDataCreate(scip, &downbranchingresult) );
4783    SCIP_CALL( branchingResultDataCreate(scip, &upbranchingresult) );
4785    SCIP_CALL( branchingResultDataCreate(scip, &bestdownbranchingresult) );
4786    SCIP_CALL( branchingResultDataCreate(scip, &bestupbranchingresult) );
4788    assert(downbranchingresult != NULL);
4789    assert(upbranchingresult != NULL);
4791    if( config->inscoring )
4792    {
4793       SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetBoolParam(scip, "branching/forceallchildren", &stopafterinfeasible) );
4794       stopafterinfeasible = !stopafterinfeasible;
4795    }
4797    SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPI(scip, &lpi) );
4799 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
4800    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Started selectVarRecursive with <%i> candidates: ", nlpcands);
4801    printCandidates(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, candidatelist);
4802 #endif
4804    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Starting loop from index %d\n", start);
4806    /* iterate over all current branching candidates and evaluate their two potential child nodes by:
4807     * - potentially applying domain propagation at each node before
4808     * - solving the LP at the nodes to obtain a dual bound
4809     * - potentially evaluating branching candidates at the potential child node again by applying this method recursively
4810     *
4811     * some improvements of the general scheme:
4812     * - results obtained for a candidate in a previous lookahead branching call at this node may be re-used
4813     * - while i counts the number of candidates evaluated in this call, we do not always start at the front
4814     *   of the candidate array, but rather store at which index we stopped last time (e.g., because a domain reduction was
4815     *   found and applied) and start from that index next time. Even though the set of branching candidates is probably different
4816     *   it is often reasonably close and we avoid evaluating the same variables again and again.
4817     */
4818    for( i = 0, c = start;
4819         isBranchFurtherLoopDecrement(status, &c) && i < nlpcands && !SCIPisStopped(scip); i++, c++)
4820    {
4821       DOMAINREDUCTIONS* downdomainreductions = NULL;
4822       DOMAINREDUCTIONS* updomainreductions = NULL;
4823       SCIP_Bool useoldbranching = FALSE;
4824       SCIP_Real oldlpobjval = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
4825       CANDIDATE* candidate;
4826       SCIP_VAR* branchvar;
4827       SCIP_Real branchval;
4828       SCIP_Real branchlb;
4829       SCIP_Real branchub;
4831       c = c % nlpcands;
4833       candidate = candidatelist->candidates[c];
4835       assert(candidate != NULL);
4837       branchvar = candidate->branchvar;
4838       branchval = candidate->branchval;
4840       assert(branchvar != NULL);
4842       branchlb = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar);
4843       branchub = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar);
4845       if( SCIPisEQ(scip, branchlb, branchub) )
4846       {
4847          /* if both bounds are equal the variable is fixed and we cannot branch
4848           * this may happen if domain propagation on other candidates finds better bounds for the current candidate
4849           */
4850          status->domred = TRUE;
4851 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4852          statistics->npropdomred[probingdepth]++;
4853 #endif
4854          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Domain Propagation changed the bounds of a branching candidate."
4855                "\n");
4856          continue;
4857       }
4859       /* @todo apply already found domainreductions for this candidate? */
4861 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4862       /* Reset the cutoffproofnodes, as the number of proof nodes from previous branching vars (which where not
4863        * cutoff, as we didn't break the loop) is not relevant for the min total sum of proof nodes.
4864        */
4865       localstats->ncutoffproofnodes = 0;
4866 #endif
4868       branchingResultDataInit(scip, downbranchingresult);
4869       branchingResultDataInit(scip, upbranchingresult);
4871       /* use old lookahead branching result, if last call on this variable is not too long ago */
4872       if( persistent != NULL && (config->inscoring || probingdepth == 0) && isUseOldBranching(scip, persistent, config, branchvar) )
4873       {
4874          SCIP_CALL( getOldBranching(scip, persistent, config, branchvar, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult,
4875                &oldlpobjval) );
4876          useoldbranching = TRUE;
4877 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4878          if( config->inscoring )
4879             statistics->noldbranchusedfsb[probingdepth]++;
4880          else
4881             statistics->noldbranchused[probingdepth]++;
4882 #endif
4883       }
4884       else
4885       {
4886          SCIP_Bool down;
4887          int k;
4889          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL, "Started branching on var <%s> with val <%g> and bounds "
4890             "[<%g>..<%g>]\n", SCIPvarGetName(branchvar), branchval, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(branchvar),
4891             SCIPvarGetUbLocal(branchvar));
4893          if( config->usedomainreduction )
4894          {
4895             SCIP_CALL( domainReductionsCreate(scip, &downdomainreductions) );
4896             SCIP_CALL( domainReductionsCreate(scip, &updomainreductions) );
4897          }
4899          down = SCIPisStrongbranchDownFirst(scip, branchvar);
4901          /* @todo break if result is infeasible (probably only in first layer)? */
4902          for( k = 0; k < 2; ++k )
4903          {
4904             DOMAINREDUCTIONS* localdomainreductions;
4905             BRANCHINGRESULTDATA* localbranchingresult;
4906             BRANCHINGRESULTDATA* otherbranchingresult;
4908             localdomainreductions = down ? downdomainreductions : updomainreductions;
4909             localbranchingresult = down ? downbranchingresult : upbranchingresult;
4910             otherbranchingresult = down ? upbranchingresult : downbranchingresult;
4912 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4913             SCIP_CALL( executeBranchingRecursive(scip, status, config, baselpsol, candidate, lpobjval, baselpobjval,
4914                   recursiondepth, localdomainreductions, binconsdata, level2data, localbranchingresult, scorecontainer,
4915                   down, statistics, localstats) );
4916 #else
4918             SCIP_CALL( executeBranchingRecursive(scip, status, config, baselpsol, candidate, lpobjval, baselpobjval,
4919                   recursiondepth, localdomainreductions, binconsdata, level2data, localbranchingresult, scorecontainer,
4920                   down) );
4921 #endif
4923             /* check whether a new solutions rendered the previous child infeasible */
4924             if( SCIPallColsInLP(scip) && !otherbranchingresult->cutoff )
4925             {
4926                if( k == 1 && SCIPisGE(scip, otherbranchingresult->dualbound, SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip)) )
4927                {
4928                   otherbranchingresult->cutoff = TRUE;
4929                   LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH,
4930                      "The %s branching changed the cutoffbound and rendered the %s branching result infeasible.\n",
4931                      down ? "down" : "up", down ? "up" : "down");
4932                }
4933             }
4934             if( stopafterinfeasible &&  k == 0 && localbranchingresult->cutoff )
4935                break;
4937             /* the second iteration of the loop should branch in the other direction */
4938             down = !down;
4939          }
4941          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL, "-> down=%.9g (gain=%.9g, valid=%u, inf=%u), up=%.9g "
4942                "(gain=%.9g, valid=%u, inf=%u)\n", downbranchingresult->dualbound,
4943                downbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval, downbranchingresult->dualboundvalid,
4944                downbranchingresult->cutoff, upbranchingresult->dualbound, upbranchingresult->dualbound - lpobjval,
4945                upbranchingresult->dualboundvalid, upbranchingresult->cutoff);
4947          if( niterations != NULL )
4948             *niterations += downbranchingresult->niterations + upbranchingresult->niterations;
4950          /* store results of branching call */
4951          if( persistent != NULL && !upbranchingresult->cutoff && !downbranchingresult->cutoff && (config->inscoring || probingdepth == 0) )
4952          {
4953             SCIP_CALL( updateOldBranching(scip, persistent, config, branchvar, branchval, downbranchingresult,
4954                   upbranchingresult, lpobjval) );
4955          }
4956       }
4958       if( ndeepestcutoffs != NULL )
4959          *ndeepestcutoffs += downbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs + upbranchingresult->ndeepestcutoffs;
4961       if( ndeepestnodes != NULL )
4962          *ndeepestnodes += downbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes + upbranchingresult->ndeepestnodes;
4964       if( !status->lperror && !status->limitreached )
4965       {
4966          SCIP_Real scoringlpobjval = useoldbranching ? oldlpobjval : lpobjval;
4967          SCIP_Real score = calculateScore(scip, config, branchvar, downbranchingresult, upbranchingresult,
4968             scoringlpobjval, baselpobjval);
4970 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4971          if( i == 0 && firstscoreptr != NULL )
4972             *firstscoreptr = score;
4973 #endif
4975          if( bestgain != NULL && !config->inscoring && SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip) == 1 && !useoldbranching )
4976          {
4977             assert(totalgains != NULL);
4978             assert(ntotalgains != NULL);
4980             *bestgain = MAX(*bestgain, score);
4982             if( !downbranchingresult->cutoff && !upbranchingresult->cutoff )
4983             {
4984                (*totalgains) += score;
4985                (*ntotalgains)++;
4986             }
4987          }
4989          /* both child nodes are infeasible -> the current node is infeasible */
4990          if( SCIPallColsInLP(scip) && upbranchingresult->cutoff && downbranchingresult->cutoff )
4991          {
4992             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL, " -> variable <%s> is infeasible in both directions\n",
4993                SCIPvarGetName(branchvar));
4995             /* this cutoff may be transferred to a higher level as a domain reduction/valid bound */
4996             status->cutoff = TRUE;
4997 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
4998             statistics->nfullcutoffs[probingdepth]++;
4999             localstats->ncutoffproofnodes += 2;
5000 #endif
5001          }
5002          /* up child is infeasible */
5003          else if( SCIPallColsInLP(scip) && upbranchingresult->cutoff )
5004          {
5005             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL, " -> variable <%s> is infeasible in upward branch\n",
5006                SCIPvarGetName(branchvar));
5008             /* apply down branching bound change at current node if we proved that this node is really infeasible and
5009              * parameters are set accordingly
5010              */
5011             if( config->usedomainreduction && !useoldbranching )
5012             {
5013 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5014                assert(localstats->ncutoffproofnodes == 0 || localstats->ncutoffproofnodes == 2);
5015                addUpperBound(scip, branchvar, branchval, baselpsol, TRUE, domainreductions,
5016                2 + localstats->ncutoffproofnodes, TRUE);
5017 #else
5018                addUpperBound(scip, branchvar, branchval, baselpsol, TRUE, domainreductions);
5019 #endif
5020             }
5022             /* the proved bound is given by the bound of the down child alone */
5023             if( downbranchingresult->dualboundvalid )
5024             {
5025                decision->proveddb = MAX(decision->proveddb, downbranchingresult->dualbound);
5026             }
5028 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5029             statistics->nsinglecutoffs[probingdepth]++;
5030 #endif
5031          }
5032          /* down child is infeasible */
5033          else if( SCIPallColsInLP(scip) && downbranchingresult->cutoff )
5034          {
5035             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL, " -> variable <%s> is infeasible in downward branch\n",
5036                SCIPvarGetName(branchvar));
5038             /* apply up branching bound change at current node if we proved that this node is really infeasible and
5039              * parameters are set accordingly
5040              */
5041             if( config->usedomainreduction && !useoldbranching )
5042             {
5043 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5044                assert(localstats->ncutoffproofnodes == 0 || localstats->ncutoffproofnodes == 2);
5045                addLowerBound(scip, branchvar, branchval, baselpsol, TRUE, domainreductions,
5046                   2 + localstats->ncutoffproofnodes, TRUE);
5047 #else
5048                addLowerBound(scip, branchvar, branchval, baselpsol, TRUE, domainreductions);
5049 #endif
5050             }
5052             /* the proved bound is given by the bound of the up child alone */
5053             if( upbranchingresult->dualboundvalid )
5054             {
5055                decision->proveddb = MAX(decision->proveddb, upbranchingresult->dualbound);
5056             }
5058 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5059             statistics->nsinglecutoffs[probingdepth]++;
5060 #endif
5061          }
5062          /* "normal" case: both child nodes are LP-feasible */
5063          else
5064          {
5065             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Neither branch is cut off and no limit reached.\n");
5067             /* the proved dual bound is the minimum of the dual bounds of both child nodes */
5068             if( upbranchingresult->dualboundvalid && downbranchingresult->dualboundvalid )
5069             {
5070                decision->proveddb = MAX(decision->proveddb, MIN(upbranchingresult->dualbound,
5071                      downbranchingresult->dualbound));
5072             }
5073          }
5075          /* merge domain changes from the two child nodes */
5076          if( updomainreductions != NULL && config->usedomainreduction && SCIPallColsInLP(scip) )
5077          {
5078             int maxstoredomreds = INT_MAX;
5080             assert(downdomainreductions != NULL);
5082             if( config->enforcemaxdomreds && config->maxnviolateddomreds > 0)
5083                maxstoredomreds = config->maxnviolateddomreds;
5085             if( !upbranchingresult->cutoff && !downbranchingresult->cutoff && config->mergedomainreductions )
5086                applyDeeperDomainReductions(scip, baselpsol, maxstoredomreds, domainreductions, downdomainreductions,
5087                   updomainreductions);
5088             else if( upbranchingresult->cutoff && !downbranchingresult->cutoff )
5089                applySingleDeeperDomainReductions(scip, baselpsol, maxstoredomreds, domainreductions, downdomainreductions);
5090             else if( downbranchingresult->cutoff && !upbranchingresult->cutoff )
5091                applySingleDeeperDomainReductions(scip, baselpsol, maxstoredomreds, domainreductions, updomainreductions);
5092          }
5094          if( config->updatebranchingresults && bestscore > -1.0 &&
5095             (SCIPisGT(scip, decision->proveddb, bestdownbranchingresult->dualbound)
5096                || SCIPisGT(scip, decision->proveddb, bestupbranchingresult->dualbound)) )
5097          {
5098             SCIP_Real newscore;
5100             bestdownbranchingresult->dualbound = MAX(bestdownbranchingresult->dualbound, decision->proveddb);
5101             bestupbranchingresult->dualbound = MAX(bestupbranchingresult->dualbound, decision->proveddb);
5103             newscore = calculateScore(scip, config, decision->branchvar, bestdownbranchingresult, bestupbranchingresult,
5104                bestscoringlpobjval, baselpobjval);
5106             if( newscore > bestscore )
5107             {
5108                bestscore = newscore;
5110 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5111                if( bestscoreptr != NULL )
5112                   *bestscoreptr = newscore;
5113 #endif
5114                decision->score = newscore;
5115                decision->downdb = bestdownbranchingresult->dualbound;
5116                decision->updb = bestupbranchingresult->dualbound;
5117             }
5118          }
5120          /* the current candidate variable has a better score than the best candidate investigated so far */
5121          if( SCIPisRelGT(scip, score, bestscore) )
5122          {
5123             int nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
5125             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Old best var <%s> with bounds [<%g>..<%g>] and score %.9g\n",
5126                SCIPvarGetName(decision->branchvar), bestscorelowerbound, bestscoreupperbound, bestscore);
5128             bestscore = score;
5130 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5131             if( bestscoreptr != NULL )
5132                *bestscoreptr = score;
5133 #endif
5134             decision->branchvar = candidate->branchvar;
5135             decision->branchval = candidate->branchval;
5136             decision->downdb = downbranchingresult->dualbound;
5137             decision->downdbvalid = downbranchingresult->dualboundvalid;
5138             decision->updb = upbranchingresult->dualbound;
5139             decision->updbvalid = upbranchingresult->dualboundvalid;
5140             decision->score = score;
5142             branchingResultDataCopy(downbranchingresult, bestdownbranchingresult);
5143             branchingResultDataCopy(upbranchingresult, bestupbranchingresult);
5145             /* store domain reductions found at the child nodes */
5146             if( !config->inscoring && updomainreductions != NULL )
5147             {
5148                assert(downdomainreductions != NULL);
5150                SCIP_CALL( branchingDecisionEnsureBoundArraysSize(scip, decision, nvars) );
5152                BMScopyMemoryArray(decision->uplowerbounds, updomainreductions->lowerbounds, nvars);
5153                BMScopyMemoryArray(decision->upupperbounds, updomainreductions->upperbounds, nvars);
5154                BMScopyMemoryArray(decision->downlowerbounds, downdomainreductions->lowerbounds, nvars);
5155                BMScopyMemoryArray(decision->downupperbounds, downdomainreductions->upperbounds, nvars);
5156                decision->boundsvalid = TRUE;
5157             }
5158             else
5159             {
5160                decision->boundsvalid = FALSE;
5161             }
5163             bestscorelowerbound = branchlb;
5164             bestscoreupperbound = branchub;
5165             bestscoringlpobjval = scoringlpobjval;
5166             assert(!SCIPisEQ(scip, bestscorelowerbound, bestscoreupperbound));
5168             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "New best var <%s> with bounds [<%g>..<%g>] and score %.9g\n",
5169                SCIPvarGetName(decision->branchvar), bestscorelowerbound, bestscoreupperbound, bestscore);
5170          }
5172 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
5173          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL, " -> cand %d/%d var <%s> (solval=%.9g, downgain=%.9g->%.9g, upgain=%.9g->%.9g,"
5174             " score=%.9g) -- best: <%s> (%.9g)\n", c, nlpcands, SCIPvarGetName(branchvar), branchval,
5175             MAX(downbranchingresult->objval - scoringlpobjval, 0), MAX(downbranchingresult->dualbound - scoringlpobjval, 0),
5176             MAX(upbranchingresult->objval - scoringlpobjval, 0), MAX(upbranchingresult->dualbound - scoringlpobjval, 0),
5177             score, SCIPvarGetName(decision->branchvar), bestscore);
5178 #endif
5180          if( config->inscoring )
5181          {
5182             assert(scorecontainer != NULL);
5183             /* only for abbreviated lookahead branching: we are in the FSB filtering step and store the score for this
5184              * variable and the warm starting basis to reuse it in the subsequent lookahead evaluation of the best
5185              * candidates
5186              */
5187             SCIP_CALL( scoreContainerSetScore(scip, scorecontainer, candidate, score,
5188                   downbranchingresult->dualbound - scoringlpobjval, upbranchingresult->dualbound - scoringlpobjval) );
5189          }
5191          if( probingdepth == 0 && (binconsdata != NULL || domainreductions != NULL) && !useoldbranching
5192             && (config->maxnviolatedcons >= 0 || config->maxnviolatedbincons >= 0 || config->maxnviolateddomreds >= 0 ) )
5193          {
5194             int nbincons = 0;
5195             int ndomreds = 0;
5197             if( binconsdata != NULL )
5198             {
5199                assert(binconsdata != NULL); /* for lint */
5200                nbincons = binconsdata->conslist->nviolatedcons;
5201                LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Found %d binary constraints (%d violated by the LP solution)\n",
5202                   binconsdata->conslist->nelements, nbincons);
5204                if( (config->maxnviolatedbincons > 0) && (nbincons >= config->maxnviolatedbincons) )
5205                {
5206                   LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The max number of violated binary constraints <%i> is "
5207                      "exceeded.\n", config->maxnviolatedbincons);
5208                   status->maxnconsreached = TRUE;
5209                }
5210             }
5212             if( domainreductions != NULL )
5213             {
5214                assert(domainreductions != NULL); /* for lint */
5215                ndomreds = domainreductions->nviolatedvars;
5216                if( config->prefersimplebounds && ndomreds > domainreductions->nsimplebounds )
5217                   ndomreds = domainreductions->nsimplebounds;
5219                LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Found %d bound changes (%d violated by the LP solution)\n",
5220                   domainreductions->nchangedvars, ndomreds);
5222                if( (config->maxnviolateddomreds > 0) && (ndomreds >= config->maxnviolateddomreds) )
5223                {
5224                   LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The max number of violated bound changes <%i> is "
5225                      "exceeded.\n", config->maxnviolateddomreds);
5226                   status->maxnconsreached = TRUE;
5227                }
5228             }
5230             if( config->maxnviolatedcons > 0 && (nbincons + ndomreds >= config->maxnviolatedcons) )
5231             {
5232                LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The max number of violated binary constraints and bound "
5233                   "changes <%d> is exceeded.\n", config->maxnviolatedcons);
5234                status->maxnconsreached = TRUE;
5235             }
5236          }
5237       }
5239       if( !(status->domred && decision->branchvar == candidate->branchvar) && areBoundsChanged(scip, decision->branchvar, bestscorelowerbound, bestscoreupperbound) )
5240       {
5241          /* in case the bounds of the current highest scored solution have changed due to domain propagation during
5242           * the lookahead branching we can/should not branch on this variable but instead report the domain
5243           * reduction */
5244          status->domred = TRUE;
5245 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5246          statistics->npropdomred[probingdepth]++;
5247 #endif
5248          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Domain Propagation changed the bounds of a branching candidate."
5249                "\n");
5250       }
5252       /* free domain reductions */
5253       if( updomainreductions != NULL )
5254       {
5255          assert(downdomainreductions != NULL);
5257          domainReductionsFree(scip, &updomainreductions);
5258          domainReductionsFree(scip, &downdomainreductions);
5259       }
5260    }
5262    branchingResultDataFree(scip, &bestupbranchingresult);
5263    branchingResultDataFree(scip, &bestdownbranchingresult);
5265    branchingResultDataFree(scip, &upbranchingresult);
5266    branchingResultDataFree(scip, &downbranchingresult);
5268    if( persistent != NULL && (!config->abbreviated || config->inscoring) && probingdepth == 0 )
5269    {
5270       persistent->restartindex = c;
5271    }
5273    return SCIP_OKAY;
5274 }
5276 /** checks whether the current decision should be stored. This is the case if we found domain reductions
5277  *  or constraints that will be applied, but none of them cuts off the current LP solution.
5278  *  Then our current decision still holds true for the next call and can be reused without further calculations
5279  */
5280 static
isStoreDecision(CONFIGURATION * config,BINCONSDATA * binconsdata,DOMAINREDUCTIONS * domainreductions)5281 SCIP_Bool isStoreDecision(
5282    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
5283    BINCONSDATA*          binconsdata,        /**< container collecting all binary constraints; or NULL */
5284    DOMAINREDUCTIONS*     domainreductions    /**< container collecting all domain reductions found; or NULL */
5285    )
5286 {
5287    assert(config != NULL);
5289    if( !config->storeunviolatedsol )
5290       return FALSE;
5292    /* there are violating binary constraints */
5293    if( binconsdata != NULL && binconsdata->conslist->nviolatedcons > 0 )
5294       return FALSE;
5296    /* there are violating domain changes */
5297    if( domainreductions != NULL && domainreductions->nviolatedvars > 0 )
5298       return FALSE;
5300    /* return TRUE if there is at least one domain change or binary constraint */
5301    return (domainreductions != NULL && domainreductions->nchangedvars > 0)
5302       || (binconsdata != NULL && binconsdata->conslist->nelements > 0);
5303 }
5305 /** starting point to obtain a branching decision via LAB/ALAB. */
5306 static
selectVarStart(SCIP * scip,CONFIGURATION * config,PERSISTENTDATA * persistent,STATUS * status,BRANCHINGDECISION * decision,SCORECONTAINER * scorecontainer,CANDIDATELIST * candidatelist,STATISTICS * statistics,LOCALSTATISTICS * localstats)5307 SCIP_RETCODE selectVarStart(
5308    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
5309    CONFIGURATION*        config,             /**< the configuration of the branching rule */
5310    PERSISTENTDATA*       persistent,         /**< container to store data over multiple calls to the branching rule; or NULL */
5311    STATUS*               status,             /**< current status */
5312    BRANCHINGDECISION*    decision,           /**< struct to store the final decision */
5313    SCORECONTAINER*       scorecontainer,     /**< container to retrieve already calculated scores; or NULL */
5314    CANDIDATELIST*        candidatelist       /**< list of candidates to branch on */
5315 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5316    ,STATISTICS*          statistics          /**< general statistical data */
5317    ,LOCALSTATISTICS*     localstats          /**< local statistics, may be disregarded */
5318 #endif
5319    )
5320 {
5321    int recursiondepth;
5322    DOMAINREDUCTIONS* domainreductions = NULL;
5323    BINCONSDATA* binconsdata = NULL;
5324    LEVEL2DATA* level2data = NULL;
5325    SCIP_SOL* baselpsol = NULL;
5326    SCIP_Real lpobjval;
5327 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5328    SCIP_Real firstscore = -1.0;
5329    SCIP_Real bestscore = -1.0;
5330    int chosencandnr = -1;
5331    SCIP_Bool performedlab = FALSE;
5332 #endif
5334    assert(scip != NULL);
5335    assert(config != NULL);
5336    assert(status != NULL);
5337    assert(decision != NULL);
5338    assert(candidatelist != NULL);
5339 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5340    assert(statistics != NULL);
5341 #endif
5343    recursiondepth = config->recursiondepth;
5344    lpobjval = SCIPgetLPObjval(scip);
5346    assert(recursiondepth > 0);
5348    if( SCIP_MAXTREEDEPTH <= (SCIPgetDepth(scip) + recursiondepth) )
5349    {
5350       /* we need at least 'recursiondepth' space for the branching */
5351       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Cannot perform probing in selectVarRecursive, depth limit reached. "
5352          "Current:<%i>, Max:<%i>\n", SCIP_MAXTREEDEPTH, SCIPgetDepth(scip) + recursiondepth);
5353       status->depthtoosmall = TRUE;
5354 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5355       statistics->ndepthreached++;
5356 #endif
5357       return SCIP_OKAY;
5358    }
5360    assert(!config->inscoring);
5362    if( candidatelist->ncandidates == 1 )
5363    {
5364       decision->branchvar = candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar;
5365       decision->branchval = candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchval;
5366       decision->downdb = lpobjval;
5367       decision->downdbvalid = TRUE;
5368       decision->updb = lpobjval;
5369       decision->updbvalid = TRUE;
5370       decision->proveddb = lpobjval;
5372       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Only one candidate (<%s>) is given. This one is chosen without "
5373          "calculations.\n", SCIPvarGetName(decision->branchvar));
5375 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5376       statistics->nsinglecandidate++;
5377 #endif
5378       return SCIP_OKAY;
5379    }
5380    assert(!SCIPinProbing(scip));
5382    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The objective value of the base lp is <%.9g>\n", lpobjval);
5384    if( config->usedomainreduction || config->usebincons )
5385    {
5386       /* we have to copy the current solution before getting the candidates, as we possibly solve some LPs during
5387        * the getter and as such would get a wrong LP copied */
5388       SCIP_CALL( copyCurrentSolution(scip, &baselpsol) );
5389    }
5391    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "About to start probing.\n");
5392    SCIP_CALL( SCIPstartStrongbranch(scip, TRUE) );
5393    SCIPenableVarHistory(scip);
5395    /* create the binary constraint data */
5396    if( config->usebincons )
5397    {
5398       SCIP_CALL( binConsDataCreate(scip, &binconsdata, recursiondepth,
5399             (int)SCIPceil(scip, 0.5*candidatelist->ncandidates)) );
5400    }
5402    /* collect domain reductions in FSB scoring or LAB branching */
5403    if( config->usedomainreduction )
5404    {
5405       SCIP_CALL( domainReductionsCreate(scip, &domainreductions) );
5406    }
5408 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5409    SCIP_CALL( filterCandidates(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, NULL, candidatelist,
5410             decision, scorecontainer, level2data, lpobjval,
5411             statistics, localstats) );
5412 #else
5413    SCIP_CALL( filterCandidates(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, NULL, candidatelist,
5414             decision, scorecontainer, level2data, lpobjval) );
5415 #endif
5417    if( candidatelist->ncandidates == 1 )
5418    {
5419       decision->branchvar = candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar;
5420       decision->branchval = candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchval;
5421       decision->downdb = lpobjval;
5422       decision->downdbvalid = TRUE;
5423       decision->updb = lpobjval;
5424       decision->updbvalid = TRUE;
5425       decision->proveddb = lpobjval;
5427       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Only one candidate (<%s>) is given. This one is chosen without "
5428          "calculations.\n", SCIPvarGetName(decision->branchvar));
5430 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5431       statistics->nsingleafterfilter++;
5432 #endif
5433       goto TERMINATE;
5434    }
5436    /* the status may have changed because of FSB to get the best candidates
5437     * if that is the case, we already changed the base node and should start again */
5438    if( isBranchFurther(status, TRUE) && candidatelist->ncandidates > 1 )
5439    {
5440       assert(candidatelist->ncandidates > 0);
5442       SCIPstatistic(performedlab = TRUE);
5444       /* we do not need the level 2 data for FSB scoring, so we do not need to create it before */
5445       if( recursiondepth == 2 && config->uselevel2data )
5446       {
5447          SCIP_CALL( level2dataCreate(scip, &level2data) );
5448       }
5450 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5451       SCIP_CALL( selectVarRecursive(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, binconsdata, candidatelist,
5452             decision, scorecontainer, level2data, recursiondepth, lpobjval, lpobjval, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
5453             statistics, localstats, &firstscore, &bestscore) );
5454 #else
5455       SCIP_CALL( selectVarRecursive(scip, status, persistent, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, binconsdata, candidatelist,
5456             decision, scorecontainer, level2data, recursiondepth, lpobjval, lpobjval, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) );
5457 #endif
5459       if( level2data != NULL )
5460       {
5461          level2dataFree(scip, &level2data);
5462       }
5464       /* only unviolating constraints and domain changes: store branching decision */
5465       if( persistent != NULL && !status->lperror && isStoreDecision(config, binconsdata, domainreductions) )
5466       {
5467          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "store decision: lpiters=%lld, cand <%s>[%g,%g - %g]\n",
5468             SCIPgetNNodeLPIterations(scip), SCIPvarGetName(decision->branchvar),
5469             SCIPvarGetLbLocal(decision->branchvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(decision->branchvar),
5470             SCIPgetSolVal(scip, NULL, decision->branchvar));
5472          persistent->oldntotalnodes = SCIPgetNTotalNodes(scip);
5473          persistent->oldnnodelpiterations = SCIPgetNNodeLPIterations(scip);
5474          persistent->oldnnodelps = SCIPgetNNodeLPs(scip) + SCIPgetNNodeZeroIterationLPs(scip);
5475          branchingDecisionCopy(decision, persistent->olddecision);
5476       }
5478 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5479       if( config->abbreviated && !status->cutoff && !status->maxnconsreached
5480          && !status->addedbinconss && !status->domred)
5481       {
5482          if( candidatelist->ncandidates > 0 )
5483          {
5484             assert(candidatelist->ncandidates <= statistics->maxnbestcands);
5486             /* find the "FSB-index" of the decision */
5487             for( chosencandnr = 0; chosencandnr < candidatelist->ncandidates; ++chosencandnr )
5488             {
5489                if( decision->branchvar == candidatelist->candidates[chosencandnr]->branchvar )
5490                {
5491                   break;
5492                }
5493             }
5494             assert(chosencandnr < candidatelist->ncandidates);
5495          }
5496       }
5497    }
5498    else
5499    {
5500       int probingdepth = 0;
5501       if( SCIPinProbing(scip) )
5502          probingdepth = SCIPgetProbingDepth(scip);
5503       statistics->stopafterfsb[probingdepth]++;
5505       if( status->cutoff )
5506       {
5507          statistics->cutoffafterfsb[probingdepth]++;
5508       }
5509       else if( status->maxnconsreached )
5510       {
5511          statistics->domredafterfsb[probingdepth]++;
5512       }
5513 #endif
5514    }
5517    SCIP_CALL( SCIPendStrongbranch(scip) );
5518    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Ended probing.\n");
5520    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Applying found data to the base node.\n");
5522    /* apply domain reductions */
5523    if( domainreductions != NULL )
5524    {
5525       assert(config->usedomainreduction);
5527       if( !status->cutoff )
5528       {
5529          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Applying domain reductions to the base node.\n");
5530 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5531          SCIP_CALL( applyDomainReductions(scip, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, &status->domredcutoff,
5532                &status->domred, statistics) );
5533 #else
5534          SCIP_CALL( applyDomainReductions(scip, config, baselpsol, domainreductions, &status->domredcutoff,
5535                &status->domred) );
5536 #endif
5537       }
5538       domainReductionsFree(scip, &domainreductions);
5539    }
5541    /* apply binary constraints */
5542    if( binconsdata != NULL )
5543    {
5544       assert(config->usebincons);
5545       assert(binconsdata->binaryvars->nbinaryvars == 0);
5547       if( !status->cutoff )
5548       {
5549          SCIP_NODE* basenode = SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip);
5551          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Applying %d binary constraints to the base node.\n", binconsdata->conslist->nelements);
5552 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5553          SCIP_CALL( applyBinaryConstraints(scip, basenode, binconsdata->conslist, config,
5554                &status->addedbinconss, &status->cutoff, &status->domred, statistics) );
5555 #else
5556          SCIP_CALL( applyBinaryConstraints(scip, basenode, binconsdata->conslist, config,
5557                &status->addedbinconss, &status->cutoff, &status->domred) );
5558 #endif
5559       }
5560       else
5561       {
5562          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Discarding %d binary constraints because the base node is cut off.\n", binconsdata->conslist->nelements);
5563       }
5564       binConsDataFree(scip, &binconsdata);
5565    }
5566    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Applied found data to the base node.\n");
5568 #if defined(SCIP_DEBUG) || defined(SCIP_STATISTIC)
5569    if( config->abbreviated )
5570    {
5571       if( status->domred )
5572       {
5573          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Lookahead Branching has added domain reductions. LAB restarts.\n");
5575 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5576          if( candidatelist->ncandidates == 1 )
5577             statistics->nsingleafterfilter--;
5578 #endif
5579       }
5580       else if( status->addedbinconss )
5581       {
5582          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Lookahead Branching has added binary constraints. LAB restarts.\n");
5584 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5585          if( candidatelist->ncandidates == 1 )
5586             statistics->nsingleafterfilter--;
5587 #endif
5588       }
5589       else if( status->cutoff )
5590       {
5591          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Lookahead Branching cut this node off.\n");
5592       }
5593       else if( candidatelist->ncandidates > 0 )
5594       {
5595          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Strong Branching would branch on variable <%s>\n",
5596             SCIPvarGetName(candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar));
5598          if( isBranchFurther(status, FALSE) && branchingDecisionIsValid(decision) )
5599          {
5600 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5601             if( chosencandnr >= 0 )
5602             {
5603                ++statistics->chosenfsbcand[chosencandnr];
5605                LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "node %lld chose candidate %d score %16.9g vs %16.9g FSB: %16.9g vs %16.9g\n",
5606                   SCIPnodeGetNumber(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)), chosencandnr,
5607                   scorecontainer->scores[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[chosencandnr]->branchvar)],
5608                   scorecontainer->scores[SCIPvarGetProbindex(candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar)],
5609                   bestscore, firstscore);
5610             }
5611             else
5612                assert(!performedlab);
5613 #endif
5615             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Lookahead Branching branches on variable <%s>\n",
5616                SCIPvarGetName(decision->branchvar));
5617          }
5618       }
5619       else
5620       {
5621          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Something unexpected happened.");
5622          SCIPABORT();
5623       }
5624    }
5625 #endif
5627    if( baselpsol != NULL )
5628    {
5629       SCIP_CALL( SCIPfreeSol(scip, &baselpsol) );
5630    }
5632    return SCIP_OKAY;
5633 }
5635 /**
5636  * We can use the previous result, stored in the branchruledata, if the branchingvariable (as an indicator) is set and
5637  * the current lp solution is equal to the previous lp solution.
5638  *
5639  * @return \ref TRUE, if we can branch on the previous decision, \ref FALSE, else.
5640  */
5641 static
isUsePreviousResult(SCIP * scip,SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA * branchruledata)5642 SCIP_Bool isUsePreviousResult(
5643    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
5644    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA*  branchruledata      /**< branching rule data */
5645    )
5646 {
5647    PERSISTENTDATA* persistent;
5649    assert(scip != NULL);
5650    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
5652    persistent = branchruledata->persistent;
5653    assert(persistent != NULL);
5655    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "check if previous result should be used: valid=%d, "\
5656       "nodes=%lld (old=%lld), iterations=%lld (old=%lld), lps=%lld (old=%lld)\n",
5657       branchingDecisionIsValid(persistent->olddecision),
5658       SCIPgetNTotalNodes(scip), persistent->oldntotalnodes,
5659       SCIPgetNNodeLPIterations(scip), persistent->oldnnodelpiterations,
5660       SCIPgetNNodeLPs(scip) + SCIPgetNNodeZeroIterationLPs(scip), persistent->oldnnodelps);
5662    return branchingDecisionIsValid(persistent->olddecision)
5663       && (persistent->oldntotalnodes == SCIPgetNTotalNodes(scip))
5664       && (persistent->oldnnodelpiterations == SCIPgetNNodeLPIterations(scip))
5665       && (persistent->oldnnodelps == SCIPgetNNodeLPs(scip) + SCIPgetNNodeZeroIterationLPs(scip));
5666 }
5668 /**
5669  * Uses the results from the previous run saved in the branchruledata to branch.
5670  * This is the case, if in the previous run only non-violating constraints were added. In that case we can use the
5671  * branching decision we would have made then.
5672  * If everything worked, the result pointer contains SCIP_BRANCHED.
5673  *
5674  * @return \ref SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See \ref
5675  *          SCIP_Retcode "SCIP_RETCODE" for a complete list of error codes.
5676  */
5677 static
usePreviousResult(SCIP * scip,SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA * branchruledata,SCIP_RESULT * result)5678 SCIP_RETCODE usePreviousResult(
5679    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
5680    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA*  branchruledata,     /**< branching rule data */
5681    SCIP_RESULT*          result              /**< the pointer to the branching result */
5682    )
5683 {
5684    assert(scip != NULL);
5685    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
5686    assert(result != NULL);
5687    assert(branchruledata->config != NULL);
5688    assert(branchruledata->persistent != NULL);
5689    assert(branchruledata->persistent->olddecision != NULL);
5691    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Branching based on previous solution.\n");
5693    /* execute the actual branching */
5694    SCIP_CALL( branchOnVar(scip, branchruledata->config, branchruledata->persistent->olddecision) );
5695    *result = SCIP_BRANCHED;
5697    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Result: Branched based on previous solution. Variable <%s>\n",
5698       SCIPvarGetName(branchruledata->persistent->olddecision->branchvar));
5700    /* reset the var pointer, as this is our indicator whether we should branch on prev data in the next call */
5701    branchruledata->persistent->olddecision->branchvar = NULL;
5703    return SCIP_OKAY;
5704 }
5706 /** free persistent data structure */
5707 static
freePersistent(SCIP * scip,SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA * branchruledata)5708 SCIP_RETCODE freePersistent(
5709    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
5710    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA*  branchruledata      /**< branching rule data */
5711    )
5712 {
5713    PERSISTENTDATA* persistent;
5714    int nvars;
5715    int i;
5717    assert(scip != NULL);
5718    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
5720    persistent = branchruledata->persistent;
5721    assert(persistent != NULL);
5723    nvars = persistent->nvars;
5725    for( i = nvars - 1; i >= 0; i--)
5726    {
5727       assert(persistent->lastbranchdownres[i] != NULL);
5728       assert(persistent->lastbranchupres[i] != NULL);
5730       SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, &persistent->lastbranchdownres[i]); /*lint !e866*/
5731       SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, &persistent->lastbranchupres[i]); /*lint !e866*/
5732    }
5734    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata->persistent->olddecision);
5736    assert(persistent->lastbranchlpobjval != NULL);
5737    assert(persistent->lastbranchdownres != NULL);
5738    assert(persistent->lastbranchupres != NULL);
5739    assert(persistent->lastbranchnlps != NULL);
5740    assert(persistent->lastbranchid != NULL);
5742    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &persistent->lastbranchlpobjval, nvars);
5743    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &persistent->lastbranchdownres, nvars);
5744    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &persistent->lastbranchupres, nvars);
5745    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &persistent->lastbranchnlps, nvars);
5746    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &persistent->lastbranchid, nvars);
5748    branchruledata->isinitialized = FALSE;
5750    return SCIP_OKAY;
5751 }
5753 /** initializes the branchruledata and the contained structs */
5754 static
initBranchruleData(SCIP * scip,SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA * branchruledata)5755 SCIP_RETCODE initBranchruleData(
5756    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
5757    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA*  branchruledata      /**< the branch rule data to initialize */
5758    )
5759 {
5760    int nvars;
5761    int i;
5763    assert(scip != NULL);
5764    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
5766    /* the branching rule data is already initialized and no new variables have been added in the meantime */
5767    if( branchruledata->isinitialized &&
5768       (SCIPgetNBinVars(scip) + SCIPgetNIntVars(scip) == branchruledata->persistent->nvars) )
5769       return SCIP_OKAY;
5771    if( branchruledata->isinitialized )
5772    {
5773       SCIP_CALL( freePersistent(scip, branchruledata) );
5774    }
5776    /* The variables given by the SCIPgetVars() array are sorted with the binaries at first and the integer variables
5777     * directly afterwards. With the SCIPvarGetProbindex() method we can access the index of a given variable in the
5778     * SCIPgetVars() array and as such we can use it to access our arrays which should only contain binary and integer
5779     * variables.
5780     */
5781    nvars = SCIPgetNBinVars(scip) + SCIPgetNIntVars(scip);
5783    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->persistent->lastbranchid, nvars) );
5784    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->persistent->lastbranchnlps, nvars) );
5785    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->persistent->lastbranchupres, nvars) );
5786    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->persistent->lastbranchdownres, nvars) );
5787    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->persistent->lastbranchlpobjval, nvars) );
5788    branchruledata->persistent->nvars = nvars;
5789    branchruledata->persistent->oldntotalnodes = -1;
5790    branchruledata->persistent->oldnnodelpiterations = -1;
5791    branchruledata->persistent->oldnnodelps = -1;
5793    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata->persistent->olddecision) );
5794    branchingDecisionInit(scip, branchruledata->persistent->olddecision);
5796    for( i = 0; i < nvars; i++ )
5797    {
5798       branchruledata->persistent->lastbranchid[i] = -1;
5799       branchruledata->persistent->lastbranchnlps[i] = 0;
5801       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata->persistent->lastbranchupres[i]) ); /*lint !e866*/
5802       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata->persistent->lastbranchdownres[i]) ); /*lint !e866*/
5803    }
5805    branchruledata->isinitialized = TRUE;
5807    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Initialized the branchruledata\n");
5809    return SCIP_OKAY;
5810 }
5812 /*
5813  * Callback methods of branching rule
5814  */
5816 /** copy method for branchrule plugins (called when SCIP copies plugins) */
5817 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHCOPY(branchCopyLookahead)5818 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHCOPY(branchCopyLookahead)
5819 {  /*lint --e{715}*/
5820    assert(scip != NULL);
5821    assert(branchrule != NULL);
5822    assert(strcmp(SCIPbranchruleGetName(branchrule), BRANCHRULE_NAME) == 0);
5824    return SCIP_OKAY;
5825 }
5827 /** destructor of branching rule to free user data (called when SCIP is exiting) */
5828 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHFREE(branchFreeLookahead)5829 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHFREE(branchFreeLookahead)
5830 {  /*lint --e{715}*/
5831    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
5833    branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
5834    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
5835    assert(branchruledata->config != NULL);
5836    assert(branchruledata->persistent != NULL);
5838    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata->persistent);
5839    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata->config);
5840    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata);
5841    SCIPbranchruleSetData(branchrule, NULL);
5843    return SCIP_OKAY;
5844 }
5846 /** initialization method of branching rule (called after problem was transformed) */
5847 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHINIT(branchInitLookahead)5848 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHINIT(branchInitLookahead)
5849 {  /*lint --e{715}*/
5850    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
5852    assert(scip != NULL);
5853    assert(branchrule != NULL);
5855    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Entering branchInitLookahead\n");
5857    branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
5858    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
5859    assert(branchruledata->persistent != NULL);
5861    branchruledata->persistent->restartindex = 0;
5863 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5864    {
5865       int recursiondepth;
5866       int maxncands;
5868       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Allocating space for the statistics struct.\n");
5870       recursiondepth = branchruledata->config->recursiondepth;
5871       maxncands = branchruledata->config->maxncands;
5872       maxncands = MIN(maxncands, SCIPgetNBinVars(scip) + SCIPgetNIntVars(scip));
5874       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemory(scip, &branchruledata->statistics) );
5875       /* RESULT enum is 1 based, so use MAXRESULT + 1 as array size with unused 0 element */
5876       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->nresults, MAXRESULT + 1) );
5877       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->nsinglecutoffs, recursiondepth) );
5878       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->nfullcutoffs, recursiondepth) );
5879       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->nlpssolved, recursiondepth) );
5880       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->nlpssolvedfsb, recursiondepth) );
5881       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->nlpiterations, recursiondepth) );
5882       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->nlpiterationsfsb, recursiondepth) );
5883       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->nduplicatelps, recursiondepth) );
5884       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->npropdomred, recursiondepth) );
5885       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->noldbranchused, recursiondepth) );
5886       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->noldbranchusedfsb, recursiondepth) );
5887       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->chosenfsbcand, maxncands) );
5888       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->domredafterfsb, recursiondepth) );
5889       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->cutoffafterfsb, recursiondepth) );
5890       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->statistics->stopafterfsb, recursiondepth) );
5892       branchruledata->statistics->recursiondepth = recursiondepth;
5893       branchruledata->statistics->maxnbestcands = maxncands;
5895       statisticsInit(branchruledata->statistics);
5896    }
5897 #endif
5899    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Leaving branchInitLookahead\n");
5901    return SCIP_OKAY;
5902 }
5905 /** deinitialization method of branching rule (called before transformed problem is freed) */
5906 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXIT(branchExitLookahead)5907 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXIT(branchExitLookahead)
5908 {  /*lint --e{715}*/
5909 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5910    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
5911    STATISTICS* statistics;
5913    branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
5914    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
5916    statistics = branchruledata->statistics;
5917    assert(statistics != NULL);
5919    statisticsPrint(scip, statistics);
5921    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->stopafterfsb);
5922    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->cutoffafterfsb);
5923    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->domredafterfsb);
5924    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->chosenfsbcand);
5925    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->noldbranchusedfsb);
5926    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->noldbranchused);
5927    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->npropdomred);
5928    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->nlpiterationsfsb);
5929    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->nlpiterations);
5930    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->nduplicatelps);
5931    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->nlpssolvedfsb);
5932    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->nlpssolved);
5933    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->nfullcutoffs);
5934    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->nsinglecutoffs);
5935    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &statistics->nresults);
5936    SCIPfreeMemory(scip, &statistics);
5937 #endif
5939    return SCIP_OKAY;
5940 }
5942 /** solving process deinitialization method of branching rule (called before branch and bound process data is freed) */
5943 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXITSOL(branchExitSolLookahead)5944 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXITSOL(branchExitSolLookahead)
5945 {  /*lint --e{715}*/
5946    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
5948    branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
5949    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
5951    if( branchruledata->isinitialized )
5952    {
5953       SCIP_CALL( freePersistent(scip, branchruledata) );
5954    }
5956    return SCIP_OKAY;
5957 }
5959 /** branching execution method for fractional LP solutions */
5960 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(branchExeclpLookahead)5961 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(branchExeclpLookahead)
5962 {  /*lint --e{715}*/
5963    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
5964    CONFIGURATION* config;
5965    SCIP_Bool userusebincons;
5967    assert(branchrule != NULL);
5968    assert(strcmp(SCIPbranchruleGetName(branchrule), BRANCHRULE_NAME) == 0);
5969    assert(scip != NULL);
5970    assert(result != NULL);
5972    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Entering branchExeclpLookahead at node %lld.\n", SCIPnodeGetNumber(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip)));
5974    branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
5975    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
5977    config = branchruledata->config;
5979    /* we are only allowed to add binary constraints, if the corresponding flag is given */
5980    userusebincons = config->usebincons;
5981    config->usebincons = config->usebincons && allowaddcons;
5983    SCIP_CALL( initBranchruleData(scip, branchruledata) );
5985    if( config->storeunviolatedsol
5986       && isUsePreviousResult(scip, branchruledata) )
5987    {
5988       /* in case we stopped the previous run without a branching decision, we have stored the decision and execute it
5989        * now */
5990       SCIP_CALL( usePreviousResult(scip, branchruledata, result) );
5992 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
5993       branchruledata->statistics->noldcandidate++;
5994 #endif
5995    }
5996    else
5997    {
5998       BRANCHINGDECISION* decision;
5999       SCORECONTAINER* scorecontainer = NULL;
6000       CANDIDATELIST* candidatelist;
6001       STATUS* status;
6002 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
6003       LOCALSTATISTICS* localstats;
6004 #endif
6006       /* create a struct to store the algorithm status */
6007       SCIP_CALL( statusCreate(scip, &status) );
6009       /* create a struct to store the branching decision (in case there is one) */
6010       SCIP_CALL( branchingDecisionCreate(scip, &decision) );
6011       if( config->abbreviated )
6012       {
6013          /* allocate and init the container used to store the FSB scores, later used to filter the candidates */
6014          SCIP_CALL( scoreContainerCreate(scip, &scorecontainer, config) );
6015       }
6017       SCIP_CALL( candidateListGetAllFractionalCandidates(scip, &candidatelist) );
6019       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "The base lp has <%i> variables with fractional value.\n",
6020          candidatelist->ncandidates);
6022       /* execute the main logic */
6023 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
6024       /* create a struct to store the statistics needed for this single run */
6025       SCIP_CALL( localStatisticsAllocate(scip, &localstats) );
6026       SCIP_CALL( selectVarStart(scip, config, branchruledata->persistent, status, decision,
6027             scorecontainer, candidatelist, branchruledata->statistics, localstats) );
6028 #else
6029       SCIP_CALL( selectVarStart(scip, config, branchruledata->persistent, status, decision,
6030             scorecontainer, candidatelist) );
6031 #endif
6033       if( status->cutoff || status->domredcutoff )
6034       {
6035          *result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
6036 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
6037          branchruledata->statistics->ncutoffproofnodes += localstats->ncutoffproofnodes;
6038 #endif
6039       }
6040       else if( status->addedbinconss )
6041       {
6042          *result = SCIP_CONSADDED;
6043       }
6044       else if( status->domred )
6045       {
6046          *result = SCIP_REDUCEDDOM;
6047       }
6048       else if( status->lperror )
6049       {
6050 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
6051          ++branchruledata->statistics->nlperrorcalls;
6052 #endif
6053          if( !branchingDecisionIsValid(decision) )
6054          {
6055             LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "LP error with no valid candidate: select first candidate variable\n");
6057             assert(candidatelist->ncandidates > 0);
6058             decision->branchvar = candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchvar;
6059             decision->branchval = candidatelist->candidates[0]->branchval;
6060          }
6061       }
6062       else if( status->maxnconsreached )
6063       {
6064          /* this case may occure if the domain reductions that reached the limit were already applied via domain
6065           * propagation
6066           */
6067          *result = SCIP_REDUCEDDOM;
6068       }
6069 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
6070       else if( status->limitreached )
6071       {
6072          ++branchruledata->statistics->nlimitcalls;
6073       }
6074 #endif
6076       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Result before branching is %s\n", getStatusString(*result));
6078       if( *result != SCIP_CUTOFF /* a variable could not be branched in any direction or any of the calculated domain
6079                                   * reductions was infeasible */
6080          && *result != SCIP_REDUCEDDOM /* the domain of a variable was reduced by evaluating the calculated cutoffs */
6081          && *result != SCIP_CONSADDED /* implied binary constraints were already added */
6082          && !status->depthtoosmall /* branching depth wasn't high enough */
6083          && branchingDecisionIsValid(decision)
6084          /*&& (0 <= bestcand && bestcand < nlpcands)*/ /* no valid candidate index could be found */
6085          )
6086       {
6087          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL, " -> %d candidates, selected variable <%s> (solval=%g, down=%.9g, "
6088             "up=%.9g)\n", candidatelist->ncandidates, SCIPvarGetName(decision->branchvar), decision->branchval,
6089             decision->downdb, decision->updb);
6091          /* execute the branching as a result of the branching logic */
6092          SCIP_CALL( branchOnVar(scip, config, decision) );
6094          *result = SCIP_BRANCHED;
6095       }
6097 #ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
6098       LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, "Result after branching is %s\n", getStatusString(*result));
6100       if( *result == SCIP_BRANCHED )
6101       {
6102          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Result: Finished LookaheadBranching by branching.\n");
6103       }
6104       else if( *result == SCIP_REDUCEDDOM )
6105       {
6106          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Result: Finished LookaheadBranching by reducing domains.\n");
6107       }
6108       else if( *result == SCIP_CUTOFF )
6109       {
6110          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Result: Finished LookaheadBranching by cutting off, as the current "
6111             "problem is infeasible.\n");
6112       }
6113       else if( *result == SCIP_CONSADDED )
6114       {
6115          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Result: Finished LookaheadBranching by adding constraints.\n");
6116       }
6117       else if( status->depthtoosmall )
6118       {
6119          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Result: The remaining tree depth did not allow for multi level "
6120             "lookahead branching.\n");
6121       }
6122       else
6123       {
6124          LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Result: Could not find any variable to branch on.\n");
6125       }
6126 #endif
6128 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
6129       localStatisticsFree(scip, &localstats);
6130 #endif
6131       SCIP_CALL( candidateListFree(scip, &candidatelist) );
6133       /* scorecontainer != NULL iff branchruledata->config->abbreviated == TRUE */
6134       if( scorecontainer != NULL )
6135       {
6136          SCIP_CALL( scoreContainerFree(scip, &scorecontainer) );
6137       }
6138       branchingDecisionFree(scip, &decision);
6139       statusFree(scip, &status);
6140    }
6142 #ifdef SCIP_STATISTIC
6143    assert(*result >= 1);
6144    assert(*result <= MAXRESULT);
6145    branchruledata->statistics->ntotalresults++;
6146    branchruledata->statistics->nresults[*result]++;
6148    if( config->abbreviated )
6149    {
6150       int sum;
6151       int i;
6153       sum = branchruledata->statistics->nsinglecandidate + branchruledata->statistics->nsingleafterfilter
6154          + branchruledata->statistics->noldcandidate + branchruledata->statistics->nlperrorcalls
6155          + branchruledata->statistics->nlimitcalls;
6157       for( i = 0; i < branchruledata->statistics->maxnbestcands; i++ )
6158       {
6159          sum += branchruledata->statistics->chosenfsbcand[i];
6160       }
6161       if( sum != branchruledata->statistics->nresults[SCIP_BRANCHED] )
6162       {
6163          printf("branched = %d != sum = %d (%d/%d/%d/%d/%d)\n",
6164             branchruledata->statistics->nresults[SCIP_BRANCHED], sum,
6165             branchruledata->statistics->nsinglecandidate, branchruledata->statistics->nsingleafterfilter,
6166             branchruledata->statistics->noldcandidate,
6167             branchruledata->statistics->nlperrorcalls, branchruledata->statistics->nlimitcalls);
6168          assert(SCIPisStopped(scip));
6169       }
6170       assert(sum == branchruledata->statistics->nresults[SCIP_BRANCHED]);
6171    }
6173    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "#### ncutoffproofnodes: %d ndomredproofnodes: %d\n",
6174       branchruledata->statistics->ncutoffproofnodes, branchruledata->statistics->ndomredproofnodes);
6175 #endif
6177    config->usebincons = userusebincons;
6179    LABdebugMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, "Exiting branchExeclpLookahead.\n");
6180    return SCIP_OKAY;
6181 }
6183 /*
6184  * branching rule specific interface methods
6185  */
6187 /** creates the lookahead branching rule and includes it in SCIP */
SCIPincludeBranchruleLookahead(SCIP * scip)6188 SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeBranchruleLookahead(
6189    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
6190    )
6191 {
6192    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
6193    SCIP_BRANCHRULE* branchrule;
6195    /* create lookahead branching rule data */
6196    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata) );
6197    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata->config) );
6198    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata->persistent) );
6199    branchruledata->persistent->restartindex = 0;
6200    branchruledata->isinitialized = FALSE;
6201    branchruledata->config->inscoring = FALSE;
6203    /* include branching rule */
6207    assert(branchrule != NULL);
6209    /* set non fundamental callbacks via setter functions */
6210    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleCopy(scip, branchrule, branchCopyLookahead) );
6211    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleFree(scip, branchrule, branchFreeLookahead) );
6212    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleInit(scip, branchrule, branchInitLookahead) );
6213    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleExit(scip, branchrule, branchExitLookahead) );
6214    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleExitsol(scip, branchrule, branchExitSolLookahead) );
6215    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleExecLp(scip, branchrule, branchExeclpLookahead) );
6217    /* add lookahead branching rule parameters */
6218    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6219          "branching/lookahead/useimpliedbincons",
6220          "should binary constraints be collected and applied?",
6221          &branchruledata->config->usebincons, TRUE, DEFAULT_USEBINARYCONSTRAINTS, NULL, NULL) );
6222    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
6223          "branching/lookahead/addbinconsrow",
6224          "should binary constraints be added as rows to the base LP? (0: no, 1: separate, 2: as initial rows)",
6225          &branchruledata->config->addbinconsrow, TRUE, DEFAULT_ADDBINCONSROW, 0, 2, NULL, NULL) );
6226    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip, "branching/lookahead/maxnviolatedcons",
6227          "how many constraints that are violated by the base lp solution should be gathered until the rule is stopped and "\
6228          "they are added? [0 for unrestricted]",
6229          &branchruledata->config->maxnviolatedcons, TRUE, DEFAULT_MAXNVIOLATEDCONS, 0, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6230    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip, "branching/lookahead/maxnviolatedbincons",
6231          "how many binary constraints that are violated by the base lp solution should be gathered until the rule is "\
6232          "stopped and they are added? [0 for unrestricted]",
6233          &branchruledata->config->maxnviolatedbincons, TRUE, DEFAULT_MAXNVIOLATEDBINCONS, 0, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6234    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip, "branching/lookahead/maxnviolateddomreds",
6235          "how many domain reductions that are violated by the base lp solution should be gathered until the rule is "\
6236          "stopped and they are added? [0 for unrestricted]",
6237          &branchruledata->config->maxnviolateddomreds, TRUE, DEFAULT_MAXNVIOLATEDDOMREDS, 0, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6238    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddLongintParam(scip,
6239          "branching/lookahead/reevalage",
6240          "max number of LPs solved after which a previous prob branching results are recalculated",
6241          &branchruledata->config->reevalage, TRUE, DEFAULT_REEVALAGE, 0LL, SCIP_LONGINT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6242    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddLongintParam(scip,
6243          "branching/lookahead/reevalagefsb",
6244          "max number of LPs solved after which a previous FSB scoring results are recalculated",
6245          &branchruledata->config->reevalagefsb, TRUE, DEFAULT_REEVALAGEFSB, 0LL, SCIP_LONGINT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6246    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip, "branching/lookahead/recursiondepth",
6247          "the max depth of LAB.",
6248          &branchruledata->config->recursiondepth, TRUE, DEFAULT_RECURSIONDEPTH, 1, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6249    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6250          "branching/lookahead/usedomainreduction",
6251          "should domain reductions be collected and applied?",
6252          &branchruledata->config->usedomainreduction, TRUE, DEFAULT_USEDOMAINREDUCTION, NULL, NULL) );
6253    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6254          "branching/lookahead/mergedomainreductions",
6255          "should domain reductions of feasible siblings should be merged?",
6256          &branchruledata->config->mergedomainreductions, TRUE, DEFAULT_MERGEDOMAINREDUCTIONS, NULL, NULL) );
6257    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6258          "branching/lookahead/prefersimplebounds",
6259          "should domain reductions only be applied if there are simple bound changes?",
6260          &branchruledata->config->prefersimplebounds, TRUE, DEFAULT_PREFERSIMPLEBOUNDS, NULL, NULL) );
6261    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6262          "branching/lookahead/onlyvioldomreds",
6263          "should only domain reductions that violate the LP solution be applied?",
6264          &branchruledata->config->onlyvioldomreds, TRUE, DEFAULT_ONLYVIOLDOMREDS, NULL, NULL) );
6265    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6266          "branching/lookahead/addnonviocons",
6267          "should binary constraints, that are not violated by the base LP, be collected and added?",
6268          &branchruledata->config->addnonviocons, TRUE, DEFAULT_ADDNONVIOCONS, NULL, NULL) );
6269    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6270          "branching/lookahead/abbreviated",
6271          "toggles the abbreviated LAB.",
6272          &branchruledata->config->abbreviated, TRUE, DEFAULT_ABBREVIATED, NULL, NULL) );
6273    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip, "branching/lookahead/maxncands",
6274          "if abbreviated: The max number of candidates to consider at the node.",
6275          &branchruledata->config->maxncands, TRUE, DEFAULT_MAXNCANDS, 1, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6276    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip, "branching/lookahead/maxndeepercands",
6277          "if abbreviated: The max number of candidates to consider per deeper node.",
6278          &branchruledata->config->maxndeepercands, TRUE, DEFAULT_MAXNDEEPERCANDS, 0, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6279    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6280          "branching/lookahead/reusebasis",
6281          "if abbreviated: Should the information gathered to obtain the best candidates be reused?",
6282          &branchruledata->config->reusebasis, TRUE, DEFAULT_REUSEBASIS, NULL, NULL) );
6283    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6284          "branching/lookahead/storeunviolatedsol",
6285          "if only non violating constraints are added, should the branching decision be stored till the next call?",
6286          &branchruledata->config->storeunviolatedsol, TRUE, DEFAULT_STOREUNVIOLATEDSOL, NULL, NULL) );
6287    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6288          "branching/lookahead/abbrevpseudo",
6289          "if abbreviated: Use pseudo costs to estimate the score of a candidate.",
6290          &branchruledata->config->abbrevpseudo, TRUE, DEFAULT_ABBREVPSEUDO, NULL, NULL) );
6291    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6292          "branching/lookahead/level2avgscore",
6293          "should the average score be used for uninitialized scores in level 2?",
6294          &branchruledata->config->level2avgscore, TRUE, DEFAULT_LEVEL2AVGSCORE, NULL, NULL) );
6295    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6296          "branching/lookahead/level2zeroscore",
6297          "should uninitialized scores in level 2 be set to 0?",
6298          &branchruledata->config->level2zeroscore, TRUE, DEFAULT_LEVEL2ZEROSCORE, NULL, NULL) );
6299    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6300          "branching/lookahead/addclique",
6301          "add binary constraints with two variables found at the root node also as a clique",
6302          &branchruledata->config->addclique, TRUE, DEFAULT_ADDCLIQUE, NULL, NULL) );
6303    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6304          "branching/lookahead/propagate",
6305          "should domain propagation be executed before each temporary node is solved?",
6306          &branchruledata->config->propagate, TRUE, DEFAULT_PROPAGATE, NULL, NULL) );
6307    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6308          "branching/lookahead/uselevel2data",
6309          "should branching data generated at depth level 2 be stored for re-using it?",
6310          &branchruledata->config->uselevel2data, TRUE, DEFAULT_USELEVEL2DATA, NULL, NULL) );
6311    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6312          "branching/lookahead/applychildbounds",
6313          "should bounds known for child nodes be applied?",
6314          &branchruledata->config->applychildbounds, TRUE, DEFAULT_APPLYCHILDBOUNDS, NULL, NULL) );
6315    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6316          "branching/lookahead/enforcemaxdomreds",
6317          "should the maximum number of domain reductions maxnviolateddomreds be enforced?",
6318          &branchruledata->config->enforcemaxdomreds, TRUE, DEFAULT_ENFORCEMAXDOMREDS, NULL, NULL) );
6319    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6320          "branching/lookahead/updatebranchingresults",
6321          "should branching results (and scores) be updated w.r.t. proven dual bounds?",
6322          &branchruledata->config->updatebranchingresults, TRUE, DEFAULT_UPDATEBRANCHINGRESULTS, NULL, NULL) );
6323    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
6324          "branching/lookahead/maxproprounds",
6325          "maximum number of propagation rounds to perform at each temporary node (-1: unlimited, 0: SCIP default)",
6326          &branchruledata->config->maxproprounds, TRUE, DEFAULT_MAXPROPROUNDS, -1, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6327    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCharParam(scip,
6328          "branching/lookahead/scoringfunction",
6329          "scoring function to be used at the base level",
6330          &branchruledata->config->scoringfunction, TRUE, DEFAULT_SCORINGFUNCTION, "dfswplcra", NULL, NULL) );
6331    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCharParam(scip,
6332          "branching/lookahead/deeperscoringfunction",
6333          "scoring function to be used at deeper levels",
6334          &branchruledata->config->deeperscoringfunction, TRUE, DEFAULT_DEEPERSCORINGFUNCTION, "dfswlcrx", NULL, NULL) );
6335    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCharParam(scip,
6336          "branching/lookahead/scoringscoringfunction",
6337          "scoring function to be used during FSB scoring",
6338          &branchruledata->config->scoringscoringfunction, TRUE, DEFAULT_SCORINGSCORINGFUNCTION, "dfswlcr", NULL, NULL) );
6339    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRealParam(scip,
6340          "branching/lookahead/minweight",
6341          "if scoringfunction is 's', this value is used to weight the min of the gains of two child problems in the convex combination",
6342          &branchruledata->config->minweight, TRUE, DEFAULT_MINWEIGHT, 0.0, SCIP_REAL_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6343    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRealParam(scip,
6344          "branching/lookahead/worsefactor",
6345          "if the FSB score is of a candidate is worse than the best by this factor, skip this candidate (-1: disable)",
6346          &branchruledata->config->worsefactor, TRUE, DEFAULT_WORSEFACTOR, -1.0, SCIP_REAL_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
6347    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
6348          "branching/lookahead/filterbymaxgain",
6349          "should lookahead branching only be applied if the max gain in level 1 is not uniquely that of the best candidate?",
6350          &branchruledata->config->filterbymaxgain, TRUE, DEFAULT_FILTERBYMAXGAIN, NULL, NULL) );
6352    return SCIP_OKAY;
6353 }