1This is algae.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.3 from algae.texinfo.
3INFO-DIR-SECTION Programming Languages
5* algae: (algae).		Another Matrix Programming Language
9File: algae.info,  Node: cd,  Next: eval,  Prev: builtin,  Up: Execution
11 - Function: cd ( path )
12     The `cd' function changes the current default directory to that
13     specified by the character scalar PATH.  If PATH is NULL, the
14     directory is changed to that given by the `HOME' environment
15     variable.
17     An exception is raised if an error occurs; otherwise, `cd' returns
18     the integer 1.
21File: algae.info,  Node: eval,  Next: exception,  Prev: cd,  Up: Execution
23 - Function: eval ( s )
24     The `eval' function evaluates the string S as an expression and
25     returns its value.  Variable references, if any, have global scope.
26     For example, consider the following interaction:
28          > x = 0.5;
29          > str = "sin(x)";
30          > eval (str)
31                  0.4794
32          > x = 1.0;
33          > eval (str)
34                  0.8415
36     Although the value of `str' remains `"sin(x)"', the result of
37     `eval(str)' changes when the value of `x' changes.
39     Unlike its prominent place in some matrix programming languages,
40     `eval' is rarely necessary in Algae.  Most examples of its use are
41     rather contrived.  Here's some code which evaluates an expression
42     typed in by the user:
44          x = eval (read ("!echo -n \"expression?  \" 1>&2 ; head -1"))
46     One use for `eval' that may not be quite so contrived involves
47     building a function within a function--something that you can't do
48     directly in Algae.  Here's an example:
50          add_const = function (c)
51          {
52            return eval (sprintf ("function (x) { return x+%g; }"; c));
53          };
55     This could then be used as follows:
57          > ten_more = add_const( 10 );
58          > ten_more(1)?
59                  11
61     Probably the most common mistake made with `eval' is giving it a
62     statement instead of an expression.  If that's really what you
63     want to do, use the `exec' function instead.
65     Remember, too, that all variable references are at global scope.
66     For example, the function
68          function( a; b ) { return eval( "a + b" ); }
70     returns the sum of the global variables `a' and `b'; it completely
71     ignores the function's arguments, as they are local variables.
73     See also `exec'.
76File: algae.info,  Node: exception,  Next: exec,  Prev: eval,  Up: Execution
78 - Function: exception ( )
79     This function "raises an exception", meaning that Algae makes an
80     error return.  If execution is interactive, control returns to the
81     user.  Otherwise, Algae exits.
84File: algae.info,  Node: exec,  Next: exit,  Prev: exception,  Up: Execution
86 - Function: exec ( s )
87     The `exec' function causes Algae to parse and execute the Algae
88     statements contained in the character string S.  Execution begins
89     at global scope, even if `exec' is called from a function.  It
90     returns a negative integer if an error occurs, and zero otherwise.
92     See also `eval' and `source'.
95File: algae.info,  Node: exit,  Next: file,  Prev: exec,  Up: Execution
97 - Function: exit ( status )
98     This function terminates Algae.  The optional argument STATUS
99     specifies the exit status that Algae returns.  On most computer
100     platforms, the exit status is expected to be a small, positive
101     integer.  The STATUS argument to `exit' should be numeric scalar.
102     If `exit' is called with anything else, Algae returns 0 as its exit
103     status.
105     A call to `exit' is not mandatory in your Algae programs.  Algae
106     terminates when it reaches the end of its input, returning exit
107     status 0.  If an error causes Algae to terminate, exit status 1 is
108     returned.
111File: algae.info,  Node: file,  Next: get_path,  Prev: exit,  Up: Execution
113 - Function: file ( )
114     The `file' function returns the name of the file from which
115     statements are currently being executed.
118File: algae.info,  Node: get_path,  Next: getenv,  Prev: file,  Up: Execution
120 - Function: get_path ( env; def )
121     The `get_path' function returns a path list, for use in file
122     searching.  The argument ENV, if it isn't NULL, gives the name of
123     an environment variable containing a colon-separated list of
124     paths.  The DEF argument gives a default value, in case ENV isn't
125     given or doesn't exist.
127     See also `search_path' and `src'.
130File: algae.info,  Node: getenv,  Next: line,  Prev: get_path,  Up: Execution
132 - Function: getenv ( ename )
133     The `getenv' function returns a character scalar that contains the
134     value of the environment variable named by ENAME.  If no such
135     variable exists, NULL is returned.
138File: algae.info,  Node: line,  Next: provide,  Prev: getenv,  Up: Execution
140 - Function: line ( )
141     The `line' function returns the line number from which it is
142     called.
145File: algae.info,  Node: provide,  Next: require,  Prev: line,  Up: Execution
147 - Function: provide ( feature )
148     A "feature" is simply a name that stands for a particular
149     collection of functions or other entities.  A program announces
150     that a feature is present by calling the `provide' function with
151     FEATURE, the name of that feature.  This means that the facilities
152     associated with FEATURE have been made available for other Algae
153     programs.
155     Programs that require a particular feature can source the
156     appropriate file with the `require' function.
158     The argument FEATURE must be a character scalar.  It is added to
159     the global variable `$features' if it is not already present in
160     that vector.  The `provide' function returns FEATURE.
163File: algae.info,  Node: require,  Next: search_path,  Prev: provide,  Up: Execution
165 - Function: require ( feature; filename )
166     A "feature" is simply a name that stands for a particular
167     collection of functions or other entities.  A program that needs
168     the collection may ensure that they are defined by calling
169     `require' with the name of that feature.  The use of named
170     features simplifies the task of determining whether required
171     assignments have been made.
173     The `require' function checks for the feature named FEATURE in the
174     current Algae session; if it isn't present, then `require' reads
175     the source file FILENAME with `src'.  If FILENAME is `NULL', then
176     the value of FEATURE is used as the file name.
178     Before it finishes, the source file read by `require' is expected
179     to call the `provide' function, indicating that the desired feature
180     has been provided.  An exception is raised if the source file
181     cannot be read or does not provide the feature named FEATURE.
184File: algae.info,  Node: search_path,  Next: source,  Prev: require,  Up: Execution
186 - Function: search_path ( fn; suffices; path )
187     The `search_path' function searches for a file in the directories
188     named in PATH.  The file name begins with the string given by FN,
189     with one of the suffices given by SUFFICES.
192File: algae.info,  Node: source,  Next: sources,  Prev: search_path,  Up: Execution
194 - Function: source ( fname )
195     This function causes Algae to parse and execute the file named
196     FNAME.  Execution begins at global scope, even if `source' is
197     called from a function.  It returns NULL if it has a problem
198     opening FNAME, a negative integer if a parse or run time error
199     occurs, and zero otherwise.
201     The file is closed after it is read.
203     See also `exec' and `sources'.
206File: algae.info,  Node: sources,  Next: src,  Prev: source,  Up: Execution
208 - Function: sources ( fname )
209     The `sources' function causes Algae to parse and execute specified
210     files.  The character scalar FNAME is passed through sh(1) to
211     ls(1), so file name generation is available and multiple names may
212     be given.  For example,
214          sources( "*.A" );
216     sources all of the files ending with `.A' in your working
217     directory.  Although you could use the `source' function to do this
218     as
220          source( "!cat *.A" );
222     using `sources' is preferable because it maintains the correct file
223     and line information for the interpreter.
225     The "pipe" capability normally available to Algae I/O functions is
226     not permitted in `sources'.  Command substitution works, though, as
227     demonstrated here:
229          sources( "`find $HOME -name '*.A' -print`" );
231     This example sources every file ending with `.A' found in any
232     subdirectory under your home directory.
235File: algae.info,  Node: src,  Next: strip,  Prev: sources,  Up: Execution
237 - Function: src ( filename )
238     The `src' function finds and opens a file of Algae code, executes
239     the statements within it at global scope, and then closes the file.
240     This function, rather than `source' or `sources', is intended to
241     be the normal way to source files directly.  Other functions that
242     may be used to source files are `require' and `autosrc'.
244     To find the file, `src' looks first for a file named `FILENAME.A',
245     that is, it appends `.A' to the name given by the argument
246     FILENAME.  If a file with that name exists, it is sourced;
247     otherwise, `src' looks for a file named FILENAME with nothing
248     appended, and sources it if it exists.
250     If FILENAME is a relative file name, such as `foo' or `foo/bar.A',
251     `src' searches for the file using the variable `$src_path'.  It
252     appends FILENAME to each of the directories listed in the
253     character vector `$src_path' (both with and without the `.A'), and
254     sources the first file it finds whose name matches.  The current
255     default directory is tried only if it is specified in `$src_path'.
257     No directory searching is performed if FILENAME is an absolute
258     file name.  File names that begin with `/', `./', `../', or `~/'
259     are absolute.  If the file name begins with `~/', the tilde is
260     replaced with the value of the `HOME' environment variable.
262     A file name that begins with the `!' character is a pipe; the rest
263     of the file name is given as a command line to the shell, the
264     standard output of which is then read by `src'.  For example,
266          src("!m4 foo.A")
268     runs the file `foo.A' through the `m4' macro preprocessor first
269     before `src' reads it.
271     The `$src_path' vector is initialized from the environment variable
272     `ALGAE_SRC_PATH', if it exists.  It may be modified in either of
273     the startup files `/usr/local/lib/algae/4.3.6/algae.A' or
274     `$HOME/.algae'.  (*Note Startup Files::.)
276     The syntax of `ALGAE_SRC_PATH' is the same as that of `PATH' for
277     the shell; fields are separated by `:', and `.' is used for the
278     current default directory.  To set `ALGAE_SRC_PATH' in the Bourne
279     shell, type something like the following:
281          export ALGAE_SRC_PATH
282          ALGAE_SRC_PATH=.:~/algae:/usr/local/lib/algae
284     Execution of the Algae code in FILENAME begins at global scope.
285     For example, if the source file contains the single statement
286     `x=1', the assignment is made to the global variable X regardless
287     of whether `src' was called from within a function or not.
289     The `src' function raises an exception if FILENAME cannot be
290     found. It returns `NULL' if it cannot be opened, a negative integer
291     if a parse or run-time error occurs, and 0 otherwise.
294File: algae.info,  Node: strip,  Next: system,  Prev: src,  Up: Execution
296 - Function: strip ( f )
297     The `strip' function removes all file and line information from the
298     given function F.  The parser ordinarily includes this information
299     so that, for example, run-time error messages can identify the
300     line on which they occurred.  If an error occurs in a function
301     that has been stripped, then the error is attributed instead to
302     the calling expression.
304     This function may also be useful in conjunction with profiling.
305     Any time spent in a call to a stripped function gets charged to
306     the file and line from which it was called.
308     All members of F are left unchanged as members of the return value.
311File: algae.info,  Node: system,  Prev: strip,  Up: Execution
313 - Function: system ( s )
314     This function passes the string S to the command processor for
315     execution.  On a UNIX system, for example, the statement
316     `system("ls")' lists the files in the current directory.  If the
317     call succeeds, the exit status is returned; otherwise a -1 is
318     returned.
321File: algae.info,  Node: Special Tools,  Next: Miscellaneous,  Prev: Execution,  Up: Standard Functions
323Special Tools
326* Menu:
328* npsol::	nonlinear optimization
329* plot::	plot curves
330* replot::      modify a plot
331* splot::       plot surfaces
332* umin::        unconstrained minimization
333* unplot::      terminate plots
336File: algae.info,  Node: npsol,  Next: plot,  Prev: Special Tools,  Up: Special Tools
338 - Function: npsol ( objective; start; constraints; options; state )
339     The `npsol' function uses a sequential quadratic programming method
340     to minimize a given objective function subject to given
341     constraints.  The domain of the objective function is called the
342     "design space", and the coordinates of the design space are called
343     "design variables".
345     This function uses the NPSOL package of Fortran routines developed
346     and sold by Stanford University.  Your version of Algae might not
347     have the `npsol' builtin function; if not, it probably means that
348     you don't have a license for NPSOL or that there was some problem
349     installing it on your computer.
351     The `npsol' function may not be called recursively.
353     The OBJECTIVE argument may be either a function or a table.  If a
354     function, then it's assumed to take one argument, a vector of
355     design variables, and return the value of the objective at that
356     point.  If OBJECTIVE is a table, it may have the following members:
358    `objf'
359          A function that returns the value of the objective function
360          for the vector of design variables given as its first
361          argument.  If the member `params' exists in OBJECTIVE, then
362          it is passed as a second argument to `objf'.
364    `objgrd'
365          A function that returns the sensitivities of the objective
366          function; that is, the first derivatives with respect to the
367          design variables.  Its arguments are the same as for `objf'.
369    `params'
370          This member, if it exists, is passed as the second argument to
371          `objf' and `objgrd', providing a means for passing additional
372          parameters to those functions.
374     Only the `objf' member is required.  If the objective derivatives
375     are not provided, you must ensure that `derivative_level' is set
376     accordingly.
378     The START argument is a vector that specifies the starting point.
380     The CONSTRAINTS argument is a table that may contain any of all of
381     the following members:
383    `side_constraints'
384          A matrix that specifies upper and lower constraints on values
385          of the design variables.  This matrix has two columns, the
386          first column giving lower bounds and the second column giving
387          upper bounds.  If this member is not given, then a default is
388          provided using 1.0E10 as "infinity".  In that case, you
389          should be aware that NPSOL will take these values literally
390          if you also use the "infinite_bound" option (in OPTIONS) with
391          a value greater than 1.0E10.
393    `linear_constraints'
394          A table that may contain any or all of the following members:
396         `coefficients'
397               A matrix of the linear constraint coefficients.  The
398               i-th row contains the coefficients for the i-th linear
399               constraint.
401         `bounds'
402               A matrix, like `side_constraints', that gives the upper
403               and lower bounds for the linear constraints.  If not
404               given, defaults are provided as with `side_constraints'.
406    `nonlinear_constraints'
407          A table that may contain any or all of the following members:
409         `values'
410               Either a function that computes the vector of nonlinear
411               constraint function values at the given point, or a
412               table in which member `conf' is a function returning the
413               values and `congrd' is a function returning the
414               gradients.  The constraint gradients, if provided,
415               should be given as a matrix in which the rows correspond
416               to the constraints and the columns correspond to the
417               design variables.  As in OBJECTIVES, a member called
418               `params' may also be included.
420         `bounds'
421               A matrix, like `side_constraints', that gives the upper
422               and lower bounds for the nonlinear constraints.  If not
423               given, defaults are provided as with `side_constraints'.
425          If the constraint derivatives are not provided, you must
426          ensure that `derivative_level' is set accordingly.
428          The OPTIONS argument is a table that may contain any of the
429          valid NPSOL options.  For example, `{ hessian = "yes" }'
430          specifies the corresponding option in NPSOL.  Use an
431          underscore instead of blanks between words, as in `{
432          major_print_level = 1 }'.  The valid options are:
434         `central_difference_interval'
435               If the algorithm switches to central differences because
436               the forward-difference approximation is not sufficiently
437               accurate, this value is used as the difference interval
438               for every variable.
440         `cold_start'
441         `warm_start'
442               These flags control the specification of the initial
443               working set in both the procedure for finding a feasible
444               point for the linear constraints and bounds, and in the
445               first QP subproblem thereafter.  With a `cold_start',
446               the first working set is chosen by `npsol' based on the
447               values of the variables and constraints at the initial
448               point.  Broadly speaking, the initial working set will
449               include equality constraints and bounds or inequality
450               constraints that violate or "nearly" satisfy their
451               bounds within `crash_tolerance'.  With a `warm_start',
452               the user must provide the `state' table.  A warm start
453               will be advantageous if a good estimate of the initial
454               working set is available--for example, when `npsol' is
455               called repeatedly to solve related problems.
457         `crash_tolerance'
458               This value is used in conjunction with the optional
459               parameter `cold_start', which is the default.  When
460               making a cold start, the QP algorithm in `npsol' must
461               select an initial working set.  The initial working set
462               will include, if possible, bounds or general inequality
463               constraints that lie within `crash_tolerance' of their
464               bounds.  The default value is 0.01.  If
465               `crash_tolerance' is less than zero or greater than one,
466               the default value is used.
468         `derivative_level'
469               This value indicates which objective and constraint
470               derivatives are provided by the user.  The choices are
471               as follows:
473              `0'
474                    Neither objective nor constraint derivatives are
475                    provided.
477              `1'
478                    The objective derivatives are provided by the
479                    `objgrd' function in argument OBJECTIVE.
480                    Constraint derivatives are not provided.
482              `2'
483                    The nonlinear constraint derivatives are provided
484                    by the `congrd' function in argument CONSTRAINTS.
485                    Objective derivatives are not provided.
487              `3'
488                    The objective derivatives are provided by the
489                    `objgrd' function in argument OBJECTIVE, and the
490                    nonlinear constraint derivatives are provided by
491                    the `congrd' function in argument CONSTRAINTS.
493               The value 3 is the default, and should be used whenever
494               possible, since `npsol' is more reliable and will
495               usually be more efficient when all derivatives are exact.
497               If `derivative_level' is 0 or 2, `npsol' will estimate
498               the objective gradients using finite differences.  The
499               computation of finite-difference approximations usually
500               increases the total run time, since a call to the
501               objective function is required for each constraint.
502               Furthermore, less accuracy can be attained in the
503               solution.
505               If `derivative_level' is 0 or 1, `npsol' will
506               approximate the constraint gradients.  One call to the
507               constraint function is required for each variable.  At
508               times, central differences are used rather than forward
509               differences, in which case twice as many calls to the
510               objective and constraint functions are needed.  The
511               switch to central differences is not under the user's
512               control.
514         `difference_interval'
515               This value defines an interval used to estimate
516               gradients by finite differences in the following
517               circumstances: (1) for verifying the objective and
518               constraint gradients, and (2) for estimating the
519               objective or constraint derivatives.  If a difference
520               interval is not specified by the user, a finite
521               difference interval will be computed automatically for
522               each variable by a procedure that requires up to six
523               calls of the objective and constraint functions for each
524               component.  This option is recommended if the function
525               is badly scaled or the user wishes to have `npsol'
526               determine constant elements in the objective and
527               constraint gradients.
529         `feasibility_tolerance'
530               This value defines the maximum acceptable absolute
531               violations in linear and nonlinear constraints at a
532               "feasible" point; i.e., a constraint is considered
533               satisfied if its violation does not exceed this value.
534               The default value is the square root of machine
535               precision.
537         `function_precision'
538               This value is intended to be a measure of the accuracy
539               with which the objective and constraint functions can be
540               computed.  It acts as a relative precision when the
541               magnitude is large, and as an absolute precision when
542               the magnitude is small.  For example, if the objective
543               function is typically on the order of 1000 and the first
544               6 digits are known to be correct, then
545               `function_precision' should be set to 1.0E-6. In
546               contrast, if the objective function is typically on the
547               order of 1.0E-4 and the first 6 digits are known to be
548               correct, then `function_precision' should be set to
549               1.0E-10.  The choice of `function_precision' can be
550               quite complicated for badly scaled problems.  The
551               default value is machine precision raised to the 0.9
552               power; this is appropriate for most simple functions
553               that are computed with full accuracy.  However, when the
554               accuracy of the computed function values is known to be
555               significantly worse than full precision, then
556               `function_precision' should be large enough that `npsol'
557               will not attempt to distinguish between function values
558               that differ by less than the error inherent in the
559               calculation.
561         `hessian'
562               This option must be either `"yes"' or `"no"'.  (The
563               default is `"no"').  This option controls the contents
564               of the `R' matrix in STATE.  The user should set
565               `hessian' to `"yes"' if the `state' table returned is to
566               be used for a subsequent warm start.
568         `infinite_bound_size'
569               If this value is greater than zero, it defines the
570               "infinite" bound in the definition of the problem
571               constraints.  Any upper bound greater than or equal to
572               this value will be regarded as positive infinity.  Any
573               lower bound less than or equal to the negative of this
574               value will be regarded as negative infinity.  The
575               default value is 1.0E10.
577         `infinite_step_size'
578               This value specifies the magnitude of the change in
579               variables that is treated as a step to an unbounded
580               solution.  If the change in any variable during an
581               iteration would exceed the value of
582               `infinite_step_size', the objective function is
583               considered to be unbounded below in the feasible region.
584               The default is the greater of `infinite_bound_size' and
585               1.0E10.
587         `iteration_limit'
588               This value specifies the maximum number of major
589               iterations allowed before termination.
591         `linear_feasibility_tolerance'
592         `nonlinear_feasibility_tolerance'
593               These values define the maximum acceptable absolute
594               violations in linear and nonlinear constraints at a
595               "feasible" point.  A constraint is considered satisfied
596               if its violation does not exceed this value.  The
597               default value for both options is the square root of
598               machine precision.
600               On entry to `npsol', an iterative procedure is executed
601               in order to find a point that satisfies the linear
602               constraints and bounds on the variables to within
603               `linear_feasibility_tolerance'.  All subsequent iterates
604               will satisfy the linear constraints to within the same
605               tolerance, unless this value is comparable to the finite
606               difference interval.
608               For nonlinear constraints,
609               `nonlinear_feasibility_tolerance' defines the largest
610               constraint violation that is acceptable at an optimal
611               point.  Since nonlinear constraints are generally not
612               satisfied until the final iterate, this value acts as a
613               partial termination criterion for the iterative sequence.
615               These tolerances should reflect the precision of the
616               corresponding constraints.  for example, if the
617               variables and the coefficients in the linear constraints
618               are of order unity, and the latter are correct to about
619               6 decimal digits, it would be appropriate to specify
620               `linear_feasibility_tolerance' as 1.0E-6.
622         `linesearch_tolerance'
623               This value controls the accuracy with which a step taken
624               during each iteration approximates a minimum of the
625               merit function along the search direction.  The smaller
626               the value, the more accurate the line search.  The
627               default value is 0.9; it requests an inaccurate search
628               that is appropriate for most problems, particularly
629               those with any nonlinear constraints.
631               If there are non nonlinear constraints, a more accurate
632               search may be appropriate when it is desirable to reduce
633               the number of major iterations--for example, if the
634               objective function is cheap to evaluate or if the
635               gradients are not specified.
637         `list'
638               If this flag is given, all of the options and their
639               values are printed.
641         `print_level'
642               This value controls the amount of printed output
643               produced by the major iterations of `npsol'.  The levels
644               are as follows:
646              `0'
647                    No output.  This is the default.
649              `1'
650                    The final solution only.
652              `5'
653                    One line of output for each major iteration, but no
654                    final solution.
656              `10'
657                    The final solution and one line of output for each
658                    iteration.
660              `20'
661                    At each major iteration, the objective function,
662                    the Euclidean norm of the nonlinear constraint
663                    violations, the value of the nonlinear constraints,
664                    the values of the linear constraints, and the
665                    current values of the variables.
667         `minor_iteration_limit'
668               This value specifies the maximum number of iterations
669               for the optimality phase of each QP subproblem.
671         `minor_print_level'
672               This value controls the amount of printout produced by
673               the minor iterations of `npsol'.  The levels are as
674               follows:
676              `0'
677                    No output.  This is the default.
679              `1'
680                    The final QP solution.
682              `5'
683                    One line of output for each minor iteration, but no
684                    final QP solution.
686              `10'
687                    The final QP solution and one line of output for
688                    each minor iteration.
690              `20'
691                    At each minor iteration, the current estimates of
692                    the QP multipliers, the current estimate of the QP
693                    search direction, the QP constraint values, and the
694                    status of each QP constraint.
696         `optimality_tolerance'
697               This value specifies the accuracy to which the user
698               wishes the final iterate to approximate a solution of
699               the problem.  Broadly speaking, it indicates the number
700               of correct figures desired in the objective function at
701               the solution.  For example, if `optimality_tolerance' is
702               1.0E-6 and `npsol' terminates successfully, the final
703               value of the objective function should have
704               approximately 6 correct figures.  The `npsol' function
705               will terminate successfully if the iterative sequence is
706               judged to have converged and the final point satisfies
707               the first-order optimality conditions.
709         `verify_level'
710               This value refers to finite-difference checks on the
711               gradients computed by the user function `objgrd' and
712               `congrd'.  It may take on one of the following values:
714              `-1'
715                    No checks are made.
717              `0'
718                    Perform only a very inexpensive check, involving
719                    one call to the objective function and one call to
720                    the constraint function.
722              `1'
723                    Perform a reliable but expensive check on the
724                    objective gradients.
726              `2'
727                    Perform a reliable but expensive check on the
728                    constraint gradients.
730              `3'
731                    Perform reliable but expensive checks on both the
732                    objective and the constraint gradients.
734               These checks are recommended whenever a new function
735               routine is being developed.
737          The STATE argument is used only when the NPSOL "warm_start"
738          option is requested.  It may be obtained from the return of a
739          previous call to `npsol'.  Its members are:
741         `ISTATE'
742               A vector describing the status of the constraints.
744         `CLAMDA'
745               The Lagrange multiplier estimates for the nonlinear
746               constraints.
748         `R'
749               The factored Hessian of the Lagrangian function.
751          The `npsol' function returns a table containing the following
752          members:
754         `objective'
755               The value of the objective function at the final iterate.
757         `solution'
758               The solution vector (or final estimate) for the problem.
760         `inform'
761               The INFORM value (success/error indicator) returned by
762               NPSOL.  The possibilities are:
764              `0'
765                    The iterates have converged to a point that
766                    satisfies the first-order optimality conditions to
767                    the accuracy requested by the optional parameter
768                    `optimality_tolerance', i.e., the projected
769                    gradient and active constraint residuals are
770                    negligible.  (Success.)
772              `1'
773                    The final iterate satisfies the first-order
774                    optimality conditions to the accuracy requested,
775                    but the sequence of iterates has not yet converged.
776                    NPSOL was terminated because no further improvement
777                    could be made in the merit function.  (Probable
778                    success.)
780              `2'
781                    No feasible point could be found for the linear
782                    constraints and bounds.  The problem has no
783                    feasible solution.
785              `3'
786                    No feasible point could be found for the nonlinear
787                    constraints.  The problem may have no feasible
788                    solution.
790              `4'
791                    The limiting number of iterations, determined by
792                    the optional parameter `major_iteration_limit', has
793                    been reached.
795              `6'
796                    The current point does not satisfy the first-order
797                    optimality conditions, and no improved point for
798                    the merit function could be found during the final
799                    line search.
801              `7'
802                    The user-provided derivatives of the objective
803                    function and/or nonlinear constraints appear to be
804                    incorrect.
806              `9'
807                    An input parameter is invalid.
809         `iter'
810               The number of major iterations performed.
812         `state'
813               The `state' table described above.
816File: algae.info,  Node: plot,  Next: replot,  Prev: npsol,  Up: Special Tools
818 - Function: plot ( ... )
819     The `plot', `splot', `replot', and `unplot' functions provide an
820     interface to the gnuplot program for plotting data.  Use `plot'
821     for plotting lines in two or three dimensions; `splot' is for
822     plotting surfaces in three dimensions.
824     To use these plotting functions effectively, you will probably
825     need some familiarity with the gnuplot commands.  For example, to
826     add a title to an existing plot, you'd type something like
827     `replot("set title 'Good Stuff'")'.  Read the gnuplot manual or
828     its on-line help for more information.
830     The `plot' function accepts as many as three arguments.  If either
831     or both of the first two arguments are (or can be converted to)
832     character vectors, then their elements are sent, each on a separate
833     line, to gnuplot as commands.  For example, `plot("set term X11")'
834     causes gnuplot to generate X11 output.  Even commands that request
835     information from gnuplot, like `plot("show term")' are acceptable
836     (although you might temporarily lose sight of Algae's prompt).
837     Don't use the "exit" or "quit" commands of gnuplot--they cause
838     gnuplot to exit without Algae knowing about it.
840     If more than one argument is given to `plot' and the last one is an
841     integer scalar, then it is taken to be an identifier for the plot
842     process.  This allows you to have more than one plot open at a
843     time.  If no identifier is given, then the active plot is killed
844     and replaced by a new one with the same identifier.  The "active"
845     plot is the one last referenced, or 1 if there are no plots open.
846     The `replot' function may be used to modify an open plot.
848     Any other arguments given to `plot' are taken to be data to be
849     plotted.  Vectors are plotted using their element values as
850     ordinates and their labels for the abscissae.  Matrices with 2
851     columns are plotted using the second column for ordinates and the
852     first column for abscissae.  A matrix with 3 columns is plotted as
853     a curve in three dimensions, with the third column specifying the
854     ordinates.  Surface plots are obtained using the `splot' function.
856     If the data given to `plot' is a vector, but has no labels, then
857     the element indices are used instead of the labels.
859     Multiple curves may be shown on the same plot, either by giving
860     `plot' two data arguments or (better yet) supplying the data in a
861     table.  When data is given in a table (even if it contains only one
862     member), the member name is used in the plot legend.  Otherwise,
863     `plot' uses the names "y_1" and "y_2".
865     If the data is given in a table, any members that are tables
866     themselves are given to gnuplot in a single data file.  This means
867     that the same line and point type is used.  For example, if `x'
868     and `y' are vectors to be plotted, then `plot({x;y})' plots the
869     two, each with a different line and point type and described by
870     name in the legend.  On the other hand, `plot({z={x;y}})' plots
871     them with the same line and point type and names the combination
872     "z" in the legend.
874     If `plot' is called with no arguments, it returns a vector of the
875     open plot identifiers.  This vector is sorted from most to least
876     recently referenced, so the "active" plot is first.
878     Here's an example that simulates the Van der Pol system and plots
879     the results:
881          xdot = function( t; x ) {
882              return x[1]*(1-x[2]^2)-x[2], x[1];
883          }
884          x = ode4( xdot; 0; 20; 0,.25 );
885          plot( "set data style lines"; { x1=x[1;]; x2=x[2;] } );
887     See also `splot', `replot', and `unplot'.
890File: algae.info,  Node: replot,  Next: splot,  Prev: plot,  Up: Special Tools
892 - Function: replot ( ... )
893     The `replot' function is used to modify or redisplay plots created
894     with either the `plot' or `splot' functions.  It takes at most 2
895     arguments.  If the first argument has character type, it is passed
896     to gnuplot as commands.
898     The last argument is the optional plot identifier.  If not given,
899     the active plot is used by default.
901     See also `plot', `splot', and `unplot'.
904File: algae.info,  Node: splot,  Next: umin,  Prev: replot,  Up: Special Tools
906 - Function: splot ( ... )
907     The `splot' function is used to plot surfaces in three dimensions.
908     Except for the form of the data, its input is identical to that of
909     the `plot' function.  The data is specifed as a matrix of
910     ordinates.  The labels of the matrix, or the corresponding indices
911     if the labels don't exist, are used for the abscissae.
913     See also `plot', `replot', and `unplot'.
916File: algae.info,  Node: umin,  Next: unplot,  Prev: splot,  Up: Special Tools
918 - Function: umin ( objective; start; options )
919     The `umin' function performs unconstrained minimization using the
920     Nelder-Mead direct search method.  It does not have the features or
921     sophistication of `npsol', but it works well for some
922     cases--particularly when the objective surface is not smooth.
924     The OBJECTIVE argument is a function that takes one or two
925     arguments and returns the value of the objective at that point.
926     The first argument is a vector of design variables.  The second
927     argument, which is optional, is passed unchanged from the PARAMS
928     member of the OPTIONS argument to `umin' itself.
930     The START argument is an integer or real vector that specifies the
931     starting point.
933     The OPTIONS augument may be either NULL or a table containing
934     convergence and other specifications.  The meaningful options are:
936    `bound'
937          The minimum value permitted for the objective function.  The
938          default is -1e32.
940    `display'
941          A function called at each "successful" iteration with the
942          current design point as its only argument.  This may be used,
943          for example, to plot the design as it changes.
945    `evals'
946          The maximum number of objective function evaluations
947          permitted.  The default value is 1000.
949    `iter'
950          The maximum number of iterations permitted.  The default
951          value is 100.
953    `params'
954          The value of this member is passed as the second argument to
955          the objective function.
957    `right'
958          If this member exists, then the initial simplex has right
959          angles.  By default, the initial simplex has sides of equal
960          length.
962    `size'
963          The initial size of the simplex.  By default, this is the
964          greater of 1 and the infinity norm of the starting vector.
966    `tol'
967          The relative size of the simplex, below which the iteration
968          is taken to have converged.  The tolerance is 1e-6 by default.
970    `verbose'
971          If this member exists, then information is printed at each
972          "successful" iteration.
974     The return value from `umin' is a table with the following members:
976    `evals'
977          The number of objective function evaluations.
979    `inform'
980          A return code specifying success or failure:
982         `0'
983               success
985         `1'
986               failure, objective bound reached
988         `2'
989               failure, function evaluation limit exceeded
991         `3'
992               failure, iteration limit exceeded
994    `iter'
995          The number of iterations performed.
997    `msg'
998          A message corresponding to the inform code.
1000    `obj'
1001          The final objective value.
1003    `sol'
1004          The final design point.
1006     This code is based on `nmsmax', a MATLAB function by Nick Higham.
1008     See also `npsol'.
1011File: algae.info,  Node: unplot,  Prev: umin,  Up: Special Tools
1013 - Function: unplot ( id )
1014     The `unplot' function is used to terminate plots created with the
1015     `plot' or `splot' functions.  The integer scalar or vector
1016     argument ID specifies the identifiers of the plots to be
1017     terminated.  If no ID is given, the active plot is terminated.
1018     You can terminate all open plots with `unplot(plot())'.
1020     See also `plot', `replot', and `splot'.
1023File: algae.info,  Node: Miscellaneous,  Prev: Special Tools,  Up: Standard Functions
1028* Menu:
1030* all::         test all elements
1031* atof::        convert string to number
1032* char::        vector to character string
1033* class::	entity class
1034* equal::	test for equality
1035* members::	members of a table
1036* info::        documentation browsing system
1037* prof::        summarize profiler output
1038* show::	show entity information
1039* split::       split string into fields
1040* string::      convert to character type
1041* substr::      return a substring
1042* test::	truth test
1043* time::        user time
1044* tolower::     convert strings to lower case
1045* toupper::     convert strings to upper case
1046* what::	list functions
1047* who::		list variables
1050File: algae.info,  Node: all,  Next: atof,  Prev: Miscellaneous,  Up: Miscellaneous
1052 - Function: all ( x )
1053     The `all' function evaluates the "truth" of its argument X in the
1054     same way that the function `test' does, except that vectors and
1055     matrices are "true" only if all of their elements are "true".  For
1056     example, `all(1,0)' returns 0 while `test(1,0)' returns 1.  If X
1057     has no elements, `all' returns 0.
1059     See also `test' and `equal'.
1062File: algae.info,  Node: atof,  Next: char,  Prev: all,  Up: Miscellaneous
1064 - Function: atof ( s )
1065     The `atof' function converts character strings to real numbers.
1066     The argument S may be a scalar, vector, or matrix.  The function
1067     reads only up to the first unrecognized character of each string,
1068     and ignores anything that remains.  If the first character of a
1069     string is unrecognized, then the value is taken to be zero.
1072File: algae.info,  Node: char,  Next: class,  Prev: atof,  Up: Miscellaneous
1074 - Function: char ( v )
1075     The `char' function converts the vector V into a character string;
1076     each element of V contributes a single character according to its
1077     ASCII value.  For example, `char(65,66,67)' returns the string
1078     `"ABC"'.
1080     If an element of V is less than 0 or greater than 255, then it
1081     will "wrap" (modulo 256).  Thus `char(65)' and `char(65+256)' both
1082     return the string `"A"'.
1084     Algae's character strings are terminated with a NUL (0) character.
1085     For the `char' function, that means that if an element of V is
1086     zero (or a multiple of 256) then the string is terminated at that
1087     point.  For example, `char(65,0,66)' yields the string `"A"'.
1090File: algae.info,  Node: class,  Next: equal,  Prev: char,  Up: Miscellaneous
1092 - Function: class ( x )
1093     The `class' function returns a character string (such as "scalar"
1094     or "table") that describes the class of X.
1097File: algae.info,  Node: equal,  Next: members,  Prev: class,  Up: Miscellaneous
1099 - Function: equal ( a; b )
1100     This function tests A and B for equality.  For vectors and
1101     matrices, it returns true (1) only if every pair of corresponding
1102     elements is equal, and false (0) otherwise.  For all other
1103     classes, this function returns the same value as the expression
1104     `a==b' would.
1106     See also `test'.
1109File: algae.info,  Node: members,  Next: info,  Prev: equal,  Up: Miscellaneous
1111 - Function: members ( e )
1112     This function returns a vector containing the names of the members
1113     of E.
1116File: algae.info,  Node: info,  Next: prof,  Prev: members,  Up: Miscellaneous
1118 - Function: info ( topic )
1119     This function starts up an interactive browser for Algae's
1120     documentation.  The optional argument TOPIC (a character scalar)
1121     takes you directly to that topic.  For example, `info("sort")'
1122     takes you directly to the description of the `sort' function.
1124     If possible, `info' uses an X-based html browser (like netscape or
1125     mosaic).  Otherwise, a character-based html browser (like lynx)
1126     will be tried.  As a final resort, the GNU Info browser is called.
1128     The names of the available browsers are assigned by the startup
1129     code (*note Startup Files::) as members `xhtml', `html', and
1130     `info' of the global table `$programs'.  To prevent Algae from
1131     using a particular browser, simply set the appropriate member of
1132     `$programs' to a zero-length string.  If you prefer to use Info,
1133     for example, you could simply put the line
1135          $programs.xhtml = $programs.html = "";
1137     in your `.algae' file.