1 // Copyright (c) 2006,2007,2009,2010,2011 Tel-Aviv University (Israel).
2 // All rights reserved.
3 //
4 // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org).
5 //
6 // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.3/Arrangement_on_surface_2/include/CGAL/Arrangement_zone_2.h $
7 // $Id: Arrangement_zone_2.h e0c8048 2020-07-02T14:08:08+03:00 Efi Fogel
8 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial
9 //
10 //
11 // Author(s): Ron Wein          <wein@post.tau.ac.il>
12 //            Efi Fogel         <efif@post.tau.ac.il>
13 //            (based on old version by Eyal Flato)
18 #include <CGAL/license/Arrangement_on_surface_2.h>
20 #include <CGAL/disable_warnings.h>
23 /*! \file
24  * Defintion of the Arrangement_zone_2 class.
25  */
27 #include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
28 #include <CGAL/Arr_tags.h>
29 #include <CGAL/Arr_accessor.h>
30 #include <CGAL/Arrangement_2/Arr_traits_adaptor_2.h>
31 #include <CGAL/Arr_point_location_result.h>
33 #include <list>
34 #include <map>
35 #include <set>
37 namespace CGAL {
39 /*! \class
40  * A class for computing the zone of a given $x$-monotone curve in a given
41  * arrangement.
42  * The arrangement parameter corresponds to the underlying arrangement, and
43  * the zone-visitor parameter corresponds to a visitor class which is capable
44  * of receiving notifications on the arrangment features the query curve
45  * traverses. The visitor has to support the following functions:
46  * - init(), for initializing the visitor with a given arrangement.
47  * - found_subcurve(), called when a non-intersecting x-monotone curve is
48  *                     computed and located in the arrangement.
49  * - found_overlap(), called when an x-monotone curve overlaps an existing
50  *                    halfedge in the arrangement.
51  * Both the second and the third functions return pair<Halfedge_handle, bool>,
52  * where the halfedge handle corresponds to the halfedge created or modified
53  * by the visitor (if valid), and the Boolean value indicates whether we
54  * should halt the zone-computation process.
55  */
56 template <typename Arrangement_, typename ZoneVisitor_>
57 class Arrangement_zone_2 {
58 public:
59   typedef Arrangement_                                   Arrangement_2;
60   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Geometry_traits_2      Geometry_traits_2;
61   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Topology_traits        Topology_traits;
63 protected:
64   typedef Arr_traits_adaptor_2<Geometry_traits_2>        Traits_adaptor_2;
66   typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Left_side_category   Left_side_category;
67   typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Bottom_side_category Bottom_side_category;
68   typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Top_side_category    Top_side_category;
69   typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Right_side_category  Right_side_category;
72   ((typename Arr_sane_identified_tagging<Left_side_category,
73                                          Bottom_side_category,
74                                          Top_side_category,
75                                          Right_side_category>::result));
77 public:
78   typedef ZoneVisitor_                                   Visitor;
80   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_handle          Vertex_handle;
81   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_handle        Halfedge_handle;
82   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_handle            Face_handle;
84   typedef std::pair<Halfedge_handle, bool>               Visitor_result;
86   typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2            Point_2;
87   typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::X_monotone_curve_2 X_monotone_curve_2;
88   typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Multiplicity       Multiplicity;
90 protected:
91   typedef typename Arr_are_all_sides_oblivious_tag<Left_side_category,
92                                                    Bottom_side_category,
93                                                    Top_side_category,
94                                                    Right_side_category>::result
95     Are_all_sides_oblivious_category;
97   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_const_handle   Vertex_const_handle;
98   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle;
99   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_const_handle     Face_const_handle;
101   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Ccb_halfedge_circulator
102     Ccb_halfedge_circulator;
104   // Types used for caching intersection points:
105   typedef std::pair<Point_2, Multiplicity>              Intersection_point;
106   typedef boost::variant<Intersection_point, X_monotone_curve_2>
107                                                         Intersection_result;
108   typedef boost::optional<Intersection_result>          Optional_intersection;
109   typedef std::list<Intersection_result>                Intersect_list;
110   typedef std::map<const X_monotone_curve_2*, Intersect_list>
111                                                         Intersect_map;
112   typedef typename Intersect_map::iterator              Intersect_map_iterator;
114   typedef std::set<const X_monotone_curve_2*>           Curves_set;
115   typedef typename Curves_set::iterator                 Curves_set_iterator;
117   typedef Arr_point_location_result<Arrangement_2>      Pl_result;
118   typedef typename Pl_result::Type                      Pl_result_type;
120   // Data members:
121   Arrangement_2& m_arr;                 // The associated arrangement.
122   const Traits_adaptor_2* m_geom_traits; // Its associated geometry traits.
123   Arr_accessor<Arrangement_2> m_arr_access; // An accessor for the arrangement.
125   Visitor* m_visitor;                   // The zone visitor.
127   Intersect_map m_inter_map;            // Stores all computed intersections.
129   const Vertex_handle m_invalid_v;      // An invalid vertex handle.
130   const Halfedge_handle m_invalid_he;   // An invalid halfedge handle.
132   X_monotone_curve_2 m_cv;              // The current portion of the
133                                         // inserted curve.
134   Pl_result_type m_obj;                 // The location of the left endpoint.
135   bool m_has_left_pt;                   // Is the left end of the curve bounded.
136   bool m_left_on_boundary;              // Is the left point on the boundary.
137   Point_2 m_left_pt;                    // Its current left endpoint.
138   bool m_has_right_pt;                  // Is the right end of the curve bounded.
139   bool m_right_on_boundary;             // Is the right point on the boundary.
140   Point_2 m_right_pt;                   // Its right endpoint (if bounded).
142   Vertex_handle m_left_v;               // The arrangement vertex associated
143                                         // with the current left_pt (if any).
144   Halfedge_handle m_left_he;            // If left_v is valid, left_he is the
145                                         // predecessor for cv around this
146                                         // vertex. Otherwise, if it is valid,
147                                         // it is the halfedge that contains
148                                         // the left endpoint it its interior.
150   Vertex_handle m_right_v;              // The arrangement vertex associated
151                                         // with the current m_right_pt (if any).
152   Halfedge_handle m_right_he;           // If m_right_v is valid, left_he is the
153                                         // predecessor for cv around this
154                                         // vertex. Otherwise, if it is valid,
155                                         // it is the halfedge that contains
156                                         // the right endpoint it its interior.
158   Point_2 m_intersect_p;                // The next intersection point.
159   unsigned int m_ip_multiplicity;       // Its multiplicity
160                                         // (0 in case of an overlap).
161   bool m_found_intersect;               // An intersection has been found.
162                                         // (or an overlap).
163   X_monotone_curve_2 m_overlap_cv;      // The currently discovered overlap.
164   bool m_found_overlap;                 // An overlap has been found.
165   bool m_found_iso_vert;                // Check whether an isolated vertex
166                                         // induces the next intersection.
167   Vertex_handle m_intersect_v;          // The vertex that intersects cv.
168   Halfedge_handle m_intersect_he;       // The halfedge that intersects cv
169                                         // (or overlaps it).
171   X_monotone_curve_2 m_sub_cv1;         // Auxiliary variable (for curve split).
172   X_monotone_curve_2 m_sub_cv2;         // Auxiliary variable (for curve split).
174 public:
175   /*! Constructor.
176    * \param _arr The arrangement for which we compute the zone.
177    * \param _visitor A pointer to a zone-visitor object.
178    */
Arrangement_zone_2(Arrangement_2 & arr,Visitor * visitor)179   Arrangement_zone_2(Arrangement_2& arr, Visitor* visitor) :
180     m_arr(arr),
181     m_arr_access(arr),
182     m_visitor(visitor),
183     m_invalid_v(),
184     m_invalid_he()
185   {
186     m_geom_traits = static_cast<const Traits_adaptor_2*>(arr.geometry_traits());
187     CGAL_assertion(visitor != nullptr);
189     // Initialize the visitor.
190     visitor->init(&arr);
191   }
193   /*! Initialize the zone-computation process with a given curve.
194    * \param _cv The query curve.
195    * \param pl A point-location object associated with the arrangement.
196    */
197   template <typename PointLocation>
init(const X_monotone_curve_2 & cv,const PointLocation & pl)198   void init(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, const PointLocation& pl)
199   {
200     // Set the curve and check whether its left end has boundary conditions.
201     m_cv = cv;
203     const Arr_parameter_space bx1 =
204       m_geom_traits->parameter_space_in_x_2_object()(m_cv, ARR_MIN_END);
205     const Arr_parameter_space by1 =
206       m_geom_traits->parameter_space_in_y_2_object()(m_cv, ARR_MIN_END);
208     if (bx1 == ARR_INTERIOR && by1 == ARR_INTERIOR) {
209       // The curve has a finite left endpoint with no boundary conditions:
210       // locate it in the arrangement.
211       m_has_left_pt = true;
212       m_left_on_boundary = (bx1 != ARR_INTERIOR || by1 != ARR_INTERIOR);
213       m_left_pt = m_geom_traits->construct_min_vertex_2_object()(m_cv);
215       m_obj = pl.locate(m_left_pt);
216     }
217     else {
218       // The left end of the curve has boundary conditions: use the topology
219       // traits use the arrangement accessor to locate it.
220       // Note that if the curve-end is unbounded, m_left_pt does not exist.
221       // Note that if the curve-end is unbounded, m_left_pt does not exist.
222       m_has_left_pt = m_geom_traits->is_closed_2_object()(m_cv, ARR_MIN_END);
223       m_left_on_boundary = true;
224       if (m_has_left_pt)
225         m_left_pt = m_geom_traits->construct_min_vertex_2_object()(m_cv);
226       m_obj = m_arr_access.locate_curve_end(m_cv, ARR_MIN_END, bx1, by1);
227     }
229     // Check the boundary conditions of th right curve end.
230     if (m_geom_traits->is_closed_2_object()(m_cv, ARR_MAX_END)) {
231       const Arr_parameter_space bx2 =
232         m_geom_traits->parameter_space_in_x_2_object()(m_cv, ARR_MAX_END);
233       const Arr_parameter_space by2 =
234         m_geom_traits->parameter_space_in_y_2_object()(m_cv, ARR_MAX_END);
236       // The right endpoint is valid.
237       m_has_right_pt = true;
238       m_right_pt = m_geom_traits->construct_max_vertex_2_object()(m_cv);
239       m_right_on_boundary = (bx2 != ARR_INTERIOR) || (by2 != ARR_INTERIOR);
240     }
241     else {
242       // The right end of the curve lies at infinity.
243       m_has_right_pt = false;
244       m_right_on_boundary = true;
245     }
246   }
248   /*! Initialize the zone-computation process with a given curve and an object
249    * that wraps the location of the curve's left end.
250    * \param cv The query curve.
251    * \param obj An object that represents the location of the left end of the
252    *            curve.
253    */
254   void init_with_hint(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Pl_result_type obj);
256   /*! Compute the zone of the given curve and issue the apporpriate
257    * notifications for the visitor.
258    */
259   void compute_zone();
261 private:
262   /*! Check whether two curves with a common endpoint overlap.
263    * \pre p == min_point(cv1)
264    * \pre p == min_point(cv2)
265    * \todo move this function to a more accessible place so that it can be reused
266    */
do_overlap(const X_monotone_curve_2 & cv1,const X_monotone_curve_2 & cv2,const Point_2 & p)267   bool do_overlap(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2,
268                   const Point_2& p) const
269   { return do_overlap_impl(cv1, cv2, p, Are_all_sides_oblivious_category()); }
271   /*! Check whether two curves with a common min endpoint overlap.
272    */
do_overlap_impl(const X_monotone_curve_2 & cv1,const X_monotone_curve_2 & cv2,const Point_2 & p,Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag)273   bool do_overlap_impl(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1,
274                        const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2,
275                        const Point_2& p, Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const
276   {
277     return m_geom_traits->compare_y_at_x_right_2_object()(cv1, cv2, p) == EQUAL;
278   }
280   /*! Check whether two curves with a common min endpoint overlap.
281    */
282   bool do_overlap_impl(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1,
283                        const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2,
284                        const Point_2& p, Arr_not_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const;
286   /* Check whether the given query curve is encountered when rotating the
287    * first curve in a clockwise direction around a given point until reaching
288    * the second curve.
289    * \pre p == min_point(xcv)
290    * \pre p == min_point(xcv1)
291    * \pre p == min_point(cxv2)
292    * \pre xcv_to_right == TRUE
293    * \todo move this function to a more accessible place so that it can be reused
294    */
is_between_cw(const X_monotone_curve_2 & xcv,bool xcv_to_right,const X_monotone_curve_2 & xcv1,bool xcv1_to_right,const X_monotone_curve_2 & xcv2,bool xcv2_to_right,const Point_2 & p,bool & xcv_equal_xcv1,bool & xcv_equal_xcv2)295   bool is_between_cw(const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv, bool xcv_to_right,
296                      const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv1, bool xcv1_to_right,
297                      const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv2, bool xcv2_to_right,
298                      const Point_2& p,
299                      bool& xcv_equal_xcv1, bool& xcv_equal_xcv2) const
300   {
301     return is_between_cw_impl(xcv, xcv_to_right,
302                               xcv1, xcv1_to_right,
303                               xcv2, xcv2_to_right,
304                               p, xcv_equal_xcv1, xcv_equal_xcv2,
305                               Are_all_sides_oblivious_category());
306   }
308   /* Check whether the given query curve is encountered when rotating the
309    * first curve in a clockwise direction around a given point until reaching
310    * the second curve.
311    */
is_between_cw_impl(const X_monotone_curve_2 & xcv,bool xcv_to_right,const X_monotone_curve_2 & xcv1,bool xcv1_to_right,const X_monotone_curve_2 & xcv2,bool xcv2_to_right,const Point_2 & p,bool & xcv_equal_xcv1,bool & xcv_equal_xcv2,Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag)312   bool is_between_cw_impl(const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv, bool xcv_to_right,
313                           const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv1, bool xcv1_to_right,
314                           const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv2, bool xcv2_to_right,
315                           const Point_2& p,
316                           bool& xcv_equal_xcv1, bool& xcv_equal_xcv2,
317                           Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const
318   {
319     return m_geom_traits->is_between_cw_2_object()(xcv, xcv_to_right,
320                                                    xcv1, xcv1_to_right,
321                                                    xcv2, xcv2_to_right,
322                                                    p,
323                                                    xcv_equal_xcv1,
324                                                    xcv_equal_xcv2);
325   }
327   /* Check whether the given query curve is encountered when rotating the
328    * first curve in a clockwise direction around a given point until reaching
329    * the second curve.
330    */
331   bool is_between_cw_impl(const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv, bool xcv_to_right,
332                           const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv1, bool xcv1_to_right,
333                           const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv2, bool xcv2_to_right,
334                           const Point_2& p,
335                           bool& xcv_equal_xcv1, bool& xcv_equal_xcv2,
336                           Arr_not_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const;
338   /*! Find a face containing the query curve m_cv around the given vertex.
339    * In case an overlap occurs, sets m_intersect_he to be the overlapping edge.
340    * \param v The query vertex.
341    * \param he Output: The predecessor of m_cv around the vertex.
342    * \return (true) if m_cv overlaps with the curve associated with he;
343    *         (false) if there is no overlap.
344    */
345   bool _find_prev_around_vertex(Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle& he);
347   /*! Direct the halfedge for the location of the given subcurve around a split
348    * point that occurs in the interior of a given edge, when the subcurve lies
349    * to the right of the split point.
350    * In case of overlaps, it sets also m_found_overlap and m_intersect_he.
351    * \param cv_ins The curve to be inserted, whose left endpoint coincides
352    *               with the edge to be split.
353    * \param cv_left_pt The left endpoint of cv_ins.
354    * \param query_he The edge that intersects cv_ins.
355    * \pre The left endpoint of cv_ins lies in the interior of the curve
356    *      associated with query_he.
357    * \return The halfedge whose incident face contains cv_ins
358    *         (either query_he or its twin).
359    */
360   Halfedge_handle
361   _direct_intersecting_edge_to_right(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv_ins,
362                                      const Point_2& cv_left_pt,
363                                      Halfedge_handle query_he);
365   /*! Direct the halfedge for the location of the given subcurve around a split
366    * point that occurs in the interior of a given edge, when the subcurve lies
367    * to the left of the split point.
368    * \param cv_ins The curve to be inserted, whose right endpoint coincides
369    *               with the edge to be split.
370    * \param query_he The edge that intersects cv_ins.
371    * \pre The right endpoint of cv_ins lies in the interior of the curve
372    *      associated with query_he.
373    * \return The halfedge whose incident face contains cv_ins
374    *         (either query_he or its twin).
375    */
376   Halfedge_handle
377   _direct_intersecting_edge_to_left(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv_ins,
378                                     Halfedge_handle query_he);
380   /*! Get the next intersection of m_cv with the given halfedge.
381    * \param he A handle to the halfedge.
382    * \param skip_first_point Should we skip the first intersection point.
383    * \param intersect_on_right_boundary Output: If an intersetion point is
384    *                                            computed, marks whether this
385    *                                            point coincides with the right
386    *                                            curve-end, which lies on the
387    *                                            surface boundary.
388    * \return An object representing the next intersection: Intersection_point
389    *         in case of a simple intersection point, X_monotone_curve_2 in
390    *         case of an overlap, and an empty object if there is no
391    *         intersection.
392    */
393   Optional_intersection
394   _compute_next_intersection(Halfedge_handle he,
395                              bool skip_first_point,
396                              bool& intersect_on_right_boundary);
398   /*! Remove the next intersection of m_cv with the given halfedge from the map.
399    * \param he A handle to the halfedge.
400    * \pre The list of intersections with the curve of he has already been
401    *      computed, and it is not empty.
402    */
403   void _remove_next_intersection (Halfedge_handle he);
405   /*! Check whether the given point lies completely to the left of the given
406    * egde.
407    * \param p The point.
408    * \param he The halfedge.
409    * \pre he is not a fictitious edge.
410    * \return Whether p lies entirely to the left of the edge.
411    */
_is_to_left(const Point_2 & p,Halfedge_handle he)412   bool _is_to_left(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he) const
413   {
414     return (_is_to_left_impl(p, he, Are_all_sides_oblivious_category()));
415   }
_is_to_left_impl(const Point_2 & p,Halfedge_handle he,Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag)417   bool _is_to_left_impl(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he,
418                         Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const
419   {
420     return (((he->direction() == ARR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) &&
421              m_geom_traits->compare_xy_2_object()
422              (p, he->source()->point()) == SMALLER) ||
423             (he->direction() == ARR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT &&
424              m_geom_traits->compare_xy_2_object()
425              (p, he->target()->point()) == SMALLER));
426   }
428   bool _is_to_left_impl(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he,
429                         Arr_not_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const;
431   /*! Check whether the given point lies completely to the right of the given
432    * egde.
433    * \param p The point.
434    * \param he The halfedge.
435    * \pre he is not a fictitious edge.
436    * \return Whether p lies entirely to the right of the edge.
437    */
_is_to_right(const Point_2 & p,Halfedge_handle he)438   bool _is_to_right(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he) const
439   {
440     return (_is_to_right_impl(p, he, Are_all_sides_oblivious_category()));
441   }
_is_to_right_impl(const Point_2 & p,Halfedge_handle he,Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag)443   bool _is_to_right_impl(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he,
444                          Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const
445   {
446     return (((he->direction() == ARR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) &&
447              m_geom_traits->compare_xy_2_object()(p, he->target()->point()) ==
448              LARGER) ||
449             ((he->direction() == ARR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) &&
450              m_geom_traits->compare_xy_2_object()(p, he->source()->point()) ==
451              LARGER));
452   }
454   bool _is_to_right_impl(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he,
455                          Arr_not_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const;
457   /*! Compute the (lexicographically) leftmost intersection of the query
458    * curve with a given halfedge on the boundary of a face in the arrangement.
459    */
460   void
461   _leftmost_intersection(Ccb_halfedge_circulator he_curr, bool on_boundary,
462                          bool& leftmost_on_right_boundary);
464   /*! Compute the (lexicographically) leftmost intersection of the query
465    * curve with the boundary of a given face in the arrangement.
466    * The function computes sets m_intersect_p, m_intersect_he (or alternatively
467    * m_overlap_cv and m_intersect_he) and set the flags m_found_intersect and
468    * m_found_overlap accordingly.
469    * \param face A handle to the face.
470    * \param on_boundary Specifies whether the left endpoint of the curve lies
471    *                    on the face boundary.
472    */
473   void _leftmost_intersection_with_face_boundary(Face_handle face,
474                                                  bool on_boundary);
476   /*! Compute the zone of an x-monotone curve in a given arrangement face.
477    * The left endpoint of the curve either lies in the face interior or on
478    * the boundary of the face.
479    * This function updates m_cv and its left endpoint and also sets m_left_v
480    * and m_left_he for the remaining portion of the curve.
481    * In case of overlaps, it sets also m_overlap_cv and m_intersect_he.
482    * \param face The given face.
483    * \param on_boundary Specifies whether the left endpoint of the curve lies
484    *                    on the face boundary.
485    * \pre If on_boundary is (true) then m_left_he must be valid; if it is
486    *      (false), then both m_left_v anf m_left_he must be invalid.
487    * \return (true) if we are done with the zone-computation process;
488    *         (false) if we still have a remaining portion of m_cv to continue
489    *         with.
490    */
491   bool _zone_in_face(Face_handle face, bool on_boundary);
493   /*! Compute the zone of an overlapping subcurve m_overlap_cv of m_cv and the
494    * curve currently associated with m_intersect_he.
495    * This function updates m_cv and its left endpoint and also sets m_left_v
496    * and m_left_he for the remaining portion of the curve.
497    * \return (true) if we are done with the zone-computation process;
498    *         (false) if we still have a remaining portion of m_cv to continue
499    *         with.
500    */
501   bool _zone_in_overlap();
502 };
504 } //namespace CGAL
506 // The function definitions can be found under:
507 #include <CGAL/Arrangement_2/Arrangement_zone_2_impl.h>
509 #include <CGAL/enable_warnings.h>
511 #endif