1 // Copyright (c) 2013  Tel-Aviv University (Israel).
2 // All rights reserved.
3 //
4 // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org).
5 //
6 // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.3/Minkowski_sum_2/include/CGAL/Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2.h $
7 // $Id: Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2.h 254d60f 2019-10-19T15:23:19+02:00 Sébastien Loriot
8 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial
9 //
10 // Author(s) : Efi Fogel   <efifogel@gmail.com>
15 #include <CGAL/license/Minkowski_sum_2.h>
18 #include <CGAL/Polygon_2.h>
19 #include <CGAL/Polygon_with_holes_2.h>
20 #include <CGAL/General_polygon_set_2.h>
21 #include <CGAL/Arr_vertical_decomposition_2.h>
22 #include <CGAL/Arr_segment_traits_2.h>
23 #include <CGAL/Gps_segment_traits_2.h>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include <list>
28 namespace CGAL {
31 /*!
32  * \class
33  * Vertical decomposition strategy.
34  */
35 template <typename Kernel_,
36           typename Container_ = std::vector<typename Kernel_::Point_2> >
37 class Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2 {
38 public:
39   typedef Kernel_                                        Kernel;
40   typedef Container_                                     Container;
42   typedef CGAL::Polygon_2<Kernel, Container>             Polygon_2;
43   typedef CGAL::Polygon_with_holes_2<Kernel, Container>  Polygon_with_holes_2;
45   typedef CGAL::Arr_segment_traits_2<Kernel>             Arr_segment_traits;
46   typedef CGAL::Gps_segment_traits_2<Kernel, Container, Arr_segment_traits>
47                                                          Traits_2;
48   typedef CGAL::General_polygon_set_2<Traits_2>          General_polygon_set_2;
49   typedef typename General_polygon_set_2::Arrangement_2  Arrangement_2;
51   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_const_iterator
52     Halfedge_const_iterator;
53   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_const_iterator    Face_const_iterator;
55   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_const_handle    Vertex_const_handle;
56   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_const_handle  Halfedge_const_handle;
57   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_const_handle      Face_const_handle;
59   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_handle          Vertex_handle;
60   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_handle        Halfedge_handle;
61   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_handle            Face_handle;
63   typedef std::pair<Vertex_const_handle, std::pair<CGAL::Object, CGAL::Object> >
64                                                          Vert_decomp_entry;
65   typedef std::list<Vert_decomp_entry>                   Vert_decomp_list;
67   typedef typename Kernel::Point_2                       Point_2;
69   typedef typename Arrangement_2::Outer_ccb_const_iterator
70     Outer_ccb_const_iterator;
72 private:
73   typedef typename Arrangement_2::X_monotone_curve_2     Segment_2;
74   typedef typename Kernel::Line_2                        Line_2;
76   typedef typename Polygon_2::Vertex_circulator          Vertex_circulator;
78   // An arrangement observer, used to receive notifications of face splits and
79   // face mergers.
80   class My_observer : public CGAL::Arr_observer<Arrangement_2> {
81   public:
My_observer(Arrangement_2 & arr)82     My_observer(Arrangement_2& arr) : Arr_observer<Arrangement_2>(arr) {}
after_split_face(Face_handle f,Face_handle new_f,bool)84     virtual void after_split_face(Face_handle f, Face_handle new_f,
85                                   bool /* is_hole */)
86     { if (f->contained()) new_f->set_contained(true); }
87   };
89   // Kernel functors:
90   typedef typename Kernel::Compare_x_2                   Compare_x_2;
91   typedef typename Kernel::Intersect_2                   Intersect_2;
92   typedef typename Kernel::Equal_2                       Equal_2;
94   // Data members:
95   const Traits_2* m_traits;
96   bool m_own_traits;    // inidicates whether the kernel should be freed up.
98   Compare_x_2 f_cmp_x;
99   Intersect_2 f_intersect;
100   Equal_2     f_equal;
102 public:
103   /*! Default constructor. */
Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2()104   Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2() :
105     m_traits(nullptr),
106     m_own_traits(false)
107   { init(); }
109   /*! Constructor */
Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2(const Traits_2 & traits)110   Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2(const Traits_2& traits) :
111     m_traits(&traits),
112     m_own_traits(false)
113   { init(); }
115   /*! Initialize */
init()116   void init()
117   {
118     // Allocate the traits if not provided.
119     if (m_traits == nullptr) {
120       m_traits = new Traits_2;
121       m_own_traits = true;
122     }
124     // Obtain kernel functors.
125     const Kernel* kernel = m_traits;
126     f_cmp_x = kernel->compare_x_2_object();
127     f_intersect = kernel->intersect_2_object();
128     f_equal = kernel->equal_2_object();
129   }
131   // Destructor
~Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2()132   ~Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2()
133   {
134     if (m_own_traits) {
135       if (m_traits) {
136         delete m_traits;
137         m_traits = nullptr;
138       }
139       m_own_traits = false;
140     }
141   }
143   /*! Obtain the traits
144    * \return the traits
145    */
traits()146   const Traits_2& traits() const { return *m_traits; }
148   /*! Decompose a polygon into convex sub-polygons.
149    * \param pgn The input polygon.
150    * \param oi An output iterator of convex polygons.
151    * \return A past-the-end iterator for the sub-polygons.
152    */
153   template <typename OutputIterator_>
operator()154   OutputIterator_ operator()(const Polygon_2& pgn, OutputIterator_ oi) const
155   { return decomp(pgn, oi); }
157   /*! Decompose a polygon with holes into convex sub-polygons.
158    * \param pgn The input polygon.
159    * \param oi An output iterator of convex polygons.
160    * \return A past-the-end iterator for the sub-polygons.
161    */
162   template <typename OutputIterator_>
163   OutputIterator_
operator()164   operator()(const Polygon_with_holes_2& pgn, OutputIterator_ oi) const
165   { return decomp(pgn, oi); }
167 private:
168   /*!
169    * Decompose a polygon-with-holes into convex sub-polygons.
170    * \param pgn The input polygon.
171    * \param oi An output iterator of convex polygons.
172    * \return A past-the-end iterator for the sub-polygons.
173    */
174   template <typename Polygon_, typename OutputIterator_>
decomp(const Polygon_ & pgn,OutputIterator_ oi)175   OutputIterator_ decomp(const Polygon_& pgn, OutputIterator_ oi) const
176   {
177     const Traits_2& traits = *m_traits;
178     General_polygon_set_2 gps(traits);
179     gps.insert(pgn);
180     Arrangement_2& arr = gps.arrangement();
181     My_observer obs(arr);
182     vertical_decomposition(arr);
183     Face_const_iterator fi;
184     for (fi = arr.faces_begin(); fi != arr.faces_end(); ++fi) {
185       if (! fi->contained()) continue;
186       CGAL_assertion(fi->number_of_outer_ccbs() == 1);
187       Outer_ccb_const_iterator oci = fi->outer_ccbs_begin();
188       Halfedge_const_iterator first = *oci;
189       Halfedge_const_iterator curr = first;
190       Polygon_2 pgn;
191       do {
192         pgn.push_back(curr->target()->point());
193         curr = curr->next();
194       } while (curr != first);
195       *oi++ = pgn;
196     }
197     return oi;
198   }
200   // Add a vertical segment from the given vertex to some other arrangement
201   // feature.
202   Halfedge_const_handle
add_vertical_segment(Arrangement_2 & arr,Vertex_handle v,CGAL::Object obj)203   add_vertical_segment(Arrangement_2& arr, Vertex_handle v, CGAL::Object obj)
204     const
205   {
206     Segment_2 seg;
207     Vertex_const_handle vh;
208     Halfedge_const_handle hh;
209     Face_const_handle fh;
210     Vertex_handle v2;
212     if (CGAL::assign(vh, obj)) {
213       // The given feature is a vertex.
214       seg = Segment_2(v->point(), vh->point());
215       v2 = arr.non_const_handle(vh);
216     }
217     else if (CGAL::assign(hh, obj)) {
218       // The given feature is a halfedge. We ignore fictitious halfedges.
219       if (hh->is_fictitious())
220         return Halfedge_const_handle();
222       // Check whether v lies in the interior of the x-range of the edge (in
223       // which case this edge should be split).
224       if (f_cmp_x(v->point(), hh->target()->point()) == CGAL::EQUAL) {
225         // In case the target of the edge already has the same x-coordinate as
226         // the vertex v, just connect these two vertices.
227         seg = Segment_2(v->point(), hh->target()->point());
228         v2 = arr.non_const_handle(hh->target());
229       }
230       else {
231         // Compute the vertical projection of v onto the segment associated
232         // with the halfedge. Split the edge and connect v with the split point.
233         Line_2 supp_line(hh->source()->point(), hh->target()->point());
234         Line_2 vert_line(v->point(),
235                          Point_2(v->point().x(), v->point().y() + 1));
236         Point_2 point;
237         CGAL::assign(point, f_intersect(supp_line, vert_line));
238         seg = Segment_2(v->point(), point);
239         arr.split_edge(arr.non_const_handle(hh),
240                        Segment_2(hh->source()->point(), point),
241                        Segment_2(point, hh->target()->point()));
242         v2 = arr.non_const_handle(hh->target());
243       }
244     }
245     // Ignore faces and empty objects.
246     else return Halfedge_const_handle();
248     // Add the vertical segment to the arrangement using its two end vertices.
249     return arr.insert_at_vertices(seg, v, v2);
250   }
252   // Construct the vertical decomposition of the given arrangement.
vertical_decomposition(Arrangement_2 & arr)253   void vertical_decomposition(Arrangement_2& arr) const
254   {
255     // For each vertex in the arrangment, locate the feature that lies
256     // directly below it and the feature that lies directly above it.
257     Vert_decomp_list vd_list;
258     CGAL::decompose(arr, std::back_inserter(vd_list));
260     // Go over the vertices (given in ascending lexicographical xy-order),
261     // and add segements to the feautres below and above it.
262     typename Vert_decomp_list::iterator it, prev = vd_list.end();
263     for (it = vd_list.begin(); it != vd_list.end(); ++it) {
264       // If the feature above the previous vertex is not the current vertex,
265       // add a vertical segment to the feature below the vertex.
266       Vertex_const_handle v;
267       if ((prev == vd_list.end()) ||
268           !CGAL::assign(v, prev->second.second) ||
269           !f_equal(v->point(), it->first->point()))
270         add_vertical_segment(arr, arr.non_const_handle(it->first),
271                              it->second.first);
272       // Add a vertical segment to the feature above the vertex.
273       add_vertical_segment(arr, arr.non_const_handle(it->first),
274                            it->second.second);
275       prev = it;
276     }
277   }
278 };
280 } //namespace CGAL
282 #endif