2Functions and classes related to solving.
7The following example shows how to intercept models with a callback:
9    >>> from clingo import Control
10    >>>
11    >>> ctl = Control(["0"])
12    >>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
13    >>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
14    >>> print(ctl.solve(on_model=print))
15    Answer: a
16    Answer: b
17    SAT
19The following example shows how to yield models:
21    >>> from clingo import Control
22    >>>
23    >>> ctl = Control(["0"])
24    >>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
25    >>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
26    >>> with ctl.solve(yield_=True) as hnd:
27    ...     for m in hnd:
28    ...         print(m)
29    ...     print(hnd.get())
30    ...
31    Answer: a
32    Answer: b
33    SAT
35The following example shows how to solve asynchronously:
37    >>> from clingo import Control
38    >>>
39    >>> ctl = Control(["0"])
40    >>> ctl = clingo.Control("0")
41    >>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
42    >>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
43    >>> with ctl.solve(on_model=print, async_=True) as hnd:
44    ...     # some computation here
45    ...     hnd.wait():
46    ...     print(hnd.get())
47    ...
48    Answer: a
49    Answer: b
50    SAT
52This example shows how to solve both iteratively and asynchronously:
54    >>> from clingo import Control
55    >>>
56    >>> ctl = Control(["0"])
57    >>> ctl.configuration.solve.models = 0
58    >>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
59    >>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
60    >>> with ctl.solve(yield_=True, async_=True) as hnd:
61    ...     while True:
62    ...         hnd.resume()
63    ...         # some computation here
64    ...         _ = hnd.wait()
65    ...         m = hnd.model()
66    ...         if m is None:
67    ...             print(hnd.get())
68    ...             break
69    ...         print(m)
70    b
71    a
72    a b
73    None
76from typing import ContextManager, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
77from enum import Enum
79from ._internal import _c_call, _c_call2, _ffi, _handle_error, _lib
80from .util import Slice, SlicedSequence
81from .symbol import Symbol
82from .symbolic_atoms import SymbolicAtoms
84__all__ = [ 'Model', 'ModelType', 'SolveControl', 'SolveHandle', 'SolveResult' ]
86class SolveResult:
87    '''
88    Captures the result of a solve call.
89    '''
90    def __init__(self, rep):
91        self._rep = rep
93    @property
94    def exhausted(self) -> bool:
95        '''
96        Determine if the search space was exhausted.
97        '''
98        return (_lib.clingo_solve_result_exhausted & self._rep) != 0
100    @property
101    def interrupted(self) -> bool:
102        '''
103        Determine if the search was interrupted.
104        '''
105        return (_lib.clingo_solve_result_interrupted & self._rep) != 0
107    @property
108    def satisfiable(self) -> Optional[bool]:
109        '''
110        `True` if the problem is satisfiable, `False` if the problem is
111        unsatisfiable, or `None` if the satisfiablity is not known.
112        '''
113        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_satisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
114            return True
115        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
116            return False
117        return None
119    @property
120    def unknown(self) -> bool:
121        '''
122        Determine if the satisfiablity is not known.
124        This is equivalent to satisfiable is None.
125        '''
126        return self.satisfiable is None
128    @property
129    def unsatisfiable(self) -> Optional[bool]:
130        '''
131        `True` if the problem is unsatisfiable, `False` if the problem is
132        satisfiable, or `None` if the satisfiablity is not known.
133        '''
134        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
135            return True
136        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_satisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
137            return False
138        return None
140    def __str__(self):
141        if self.satisfiable:
142            return "SAT"
143        if self.unsatisfiable:
144            return "UNSAT"
145        return "UNKNOWN"
147    def __repr__(self):
148        return f"SolveResult({self._rep})"
150class SolveControl:
151    '''
152    Object that allows for controlling a running search.
153    '''
154    def __init__(self, rep):
155        self._rep = rep
157    def add_clause(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]]) -> None:
158        '''
159        Add a clause that applies to the current solving step during the search.
161        Parameters
162        ----------
163        literals
164            List of literals either represented as pairs of symbolic atoms and
165            Booleans or as program literals.
167        Notes
168        -----
169        This function can only be called in a model callback or while iterating
170        when using a `SolveHandle`.
171        '''
172        atoms = self.symbolic_atoms
173        p_lits = _ffi.new('clingo_literal_t[]', len(literals))
174        for i, lit in enumerate(literals):
175            if isinstance(lit, int):
176                p_lits[i] = lit
177            else:
178                atom = atoms[lit[0]]
179                if atom is not None:
180                    slit = atom.literal
181                else:
182                    slit = -1
183                p_lits[i] = slit if lit[1] else -slit
185        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_control_add_clause(self._rep, p_lits, len(literals)))
187    def _invert(self, lit: Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]) -> Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]:
188        if isinstance(lit, int):
189            return -lit
190        return lit[0], not lit[1]
192    def add_nogood(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]]) -> None:
193        '''
194        Equivalent to `SolveControl.add_clause` with the literals inverted.
195        '''
196        self.add_clause([self._invert(lit) for lit in literals])
198    @property
199    def symbolic_atoms(self) -> SymbolicAtoms:
200        '''
201        `clingo.symbolic_atoms.SymbolicAtoms` object to inspect the symbolic atoms.
202        '''
203        atoms = _c_call('clingo_symbolic_atoms_t*', _lib.clingo_solve_control_symbolic_atoms, self._rep)
204        return SymbolicAtoms(atoms)
206class ModelType(Enum):
207    '''
208    Enumeration of the different types of models.
209    '''
210    BraveConsequences = _lib.clingo_model_type_brave_consequences
211    '''
212    The model stores the set of brave consequences.
213    '''
214    CautiousConsequences = _lib.clingo_model_type_cautious_consequences
215    '''
216    The model stores the set of cautious consequences.
217    '''
218    StableModel = _lib.clingo_model_type_stable_model
219    '''
220    The model captures a stable model.
221    '''
223class _SymbolSequence(Sequence[Symbol]):
224    '''
225    Helper class to efficiently store sequences of symbols.
226    '''
227    def __init__(self, p_symbols):
228        self._p_symbols = p_symbols
230    def __len__(self):
231        return len(self._p_symbols)
233    def __getitem__(self, slc):
234        if isinstance(slc, slice):
235            return SlicedSequence(self, Slice(slc))
236        if slc < 0:
237            slc += len(self)
238        if slc < 0 or slc >= len(self):
239            raise IndexError('invalid index')
240        return Symbol(self._p_symbols[slc])
242    def __iter__(self):
243        for i in range(len(self)):
244            yield Symbol(self._p_symbols[i])
246    def __str__(self):
247        return f'[{", ".join(str(sym) for sym in self)}]'
249    def __repr__(self):
250        return f'[{", ".join(repr(sym) for sym in self)}]'
252class Model:
253    '''
254    Provides access to a model during a solve call and provides a
255    `SolveContext` object to influence the running search.
257    Notes
258    -----
259    The string representation of a model object is similar to the output of
260    models by clingo using the default output.
262    `Model` objects cannot be constructed from Python. Instead they are obained
263    during solving (see `Control.solve`). Furthermore, the lifetime of a model
264    object is limited to the scope of the callback it was passed to or until
265    the search for the next model is started. They must not be stored for later
266    use.
267    '''
268    def __init__(self, rep):
269        self._rep = rep
271    def contains(self, atom: Symbol) -> bool:
272        '''
273        Efficiently check if an atom is contained in the model.
275        Parameters
276        ----------
277        atom
278            The atom to lookup.
280        Returns
281        -------
282        Whether the given atom is contained in the model.
284        Notes
285        -----
286        The atom must be represented using a function symbol.
287        '''
288        # pylint: disable=protected-access
289        return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_contains, self._rep, atom._rep)
291    def extend(self, symbols: Sequence[Symbol]) -> None:
292        '''
293        Extend a model with the given symbols.
295        Parameters
296        ----------
297        symbols
298            The symbols to add to the model.
300        Notes
301        -----
302        This only has an effect if there is an underlying clingo application,
303        which will print the added symbols.
304        '''
305        # pylint: disable=protected-access
306        c_symbols = _ffi.new('clingo_symbol_t[]', len(symbols))
307        for i, sym in enumerate(symbols):
308            c_symbols[i] = sym._rep
309        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_extend(self._rep, c_symbols, len(symbols)))
311    def is_true(self, literal: int) -> bool:
312        '''
313        Check if the given program literal is true.
315        Parameters
316        ----------
317        literal
318            The given program literal.
320        Returns
321        -------
322        Whether the given program literal is true.
323        '''
324        return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_is_true, self._rep, literal)
326    def symbols(self, atoms: bool=False, terms: bool=False, shown: bool=False, csp: bool=False,
327                theory: bool=False, complement: bool=False) -> Sequence[Symbol]:
328        '''
329        Return the list of atoms, terms, or CSP assignments in the model.
331        Parameters
332        ----------
333        atoms
334            Select all atoms in the model (independent of `#show` statements).
335        terms
336            Select all terms displayed with `#show` statements in the model.
337        shown
338            Select all atoms and terms as outputted by clingo.
339        csp
340            Select all csp assignments (independent of `#show` statements).
341        theory
342            Select atoms added with `Model.extend`.
343        complement
344            Return the complement of the answer set w.r.t. to the atoms known
345            to the grounder. (Does not affect csp assignments.)
347        Returns
348        -------
349        The selected symbols.
351        Notes
352        -----
353        Atoms are represented using functions (`Symbol` objects), and CSP
354        assignments are represented using functions with name `"$"` where the
355        first argument is the name of the CSP variable and the second its
356        value.
357        '''
358        show = 0
359        if atoms:
360            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_atoms
361        if terms:
362            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_terms
363        if shown:
364            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_shown
365        if csp:
366            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_csp
367        if theory:
368            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_theory
369        if complement:
370            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_complement
372        size = _c_call('size_t', _lib.clingo_model_symbols_size, self._rep, show)
374        p_symbols = _ffi.new('clingo_symbol_t[]', size)
375        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_symbols(self._rep, show, p_symbols, size))
377        return _SymbolSequence(p_symbols)
379    def __str__(self):
380        return " ".join(map(str, self.symbols(shown=True)))
382    def __repr__(self):
383        return f'Model({self._rep!r})'
385    @property
386    def context(self) -> SolveControl:
387        '''
388        Object that allows for controlling the running search.
389        '''
390        ctl = _c_call('clingo_solve_control_t*', _lib.clingo_model_context, self._rep)
391        return SolveControl(ctl)
393    @property
394    def cost(self) -> List[int]:
395        '''
396        Return the list of integer cost values of the model.
398        The return values correspond to clasp's cost output.
399        '''
400        size = _c_call('size_t', _lib.clingo_model_cost_size, self._rep)
402        p_costs = _ffi.new('int64_t[]', size)
403        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_cost(self._rep, p_costs, size))
405        return list(p_costs)
407    @property
408    def number(self) -> int:
409        '''
410        The running number of the model.
411        '''
412        return _c_call('uint64_t', _lib.clingo_model_number, self._rep)
414    @property
415    def optimality_proven(self) -> bool:
416        '''
417        Whether the optimality of the model has been proven.
418        '''
419        return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_optimality_proven, self._rep)
421    @property
422    def thread_id(self) -> int:
423        '''
424        The id of the thread which found the model.
425        '''
426        return _c_call('clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_model_thread_id, self._rep)
428    @property
429    def type(self) -> ModelType:
430        '''
431        The type of the model.
432        '''
433        return ModelType(_c_call('clingo_model_type_t', _lib.clingo_model_type, self._rep))
435class SolveHandle(ContextManager['SolveHandle']):
436    '''
437    Handle for solve calls.
439    They can be used to control solving, like, retrieving models or cancelling
440    a search.
442    See Also
443    --------
444    Control.solve
446    Notes
447    -----
448    A `SolveHandle` is a context manager and must be used with Python's `with`
449    statement.
451    Blocking functions in this object release the GIL. They are not thread-safe
452    though.
453    '''
454    def __init__(self, rep, handler):
455        self._rep = rep
456        self._handler = handler
458    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Model]:
459        while True:
460            self.resume()
461            m = self.model()
462            if m is None:
463                break
464            yield m
466    def __enter__(self):
467        return self
469    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
470        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_close(self._rep), self._handler)
471        return False
473    def cancel(self) -> None:
474        '''
475        Cancel the running search.
477        See Also
478        --------
479        clingo.control.Control.interrupt
480        '''
481        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_cancel(self._rep), self._handler)
483    def core(self) -> List[int]:
484        '''
485        The subset of assumptions that made the problem unsatisfiable.
486        '''
487        core, size = _c_call2('clingo_literal_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_solve_handle_core,
488                              self._rep, handler=self._handler)
489        return [core[i] for i in range(size)]
491    def get(self) -> SolveResult:
492        '''
493        Get the result of a solve call.
495        If the search is not completed yet, the function blocks until the
496        result is ready.
497        '''
498        res = _c_call('clingo_solve_result_bitset_t', _lib.clingo_solve_handle_get, self._rep, handler=self._handler)
499        return SolveResult(res)
501    def model(self) -> Optional[Model]:
502        '''
503        Get the current model if there is any.
504        '''
505        p_model = _ffi.new('clingo_model_t**')
506        _handle_error(
507            _lib.clingo_solve_handle_model(self._rep, p_model),
508            self._handler)
509        if p_model[0] == _ffi.NULL:
510            return None
511        return Model(p_model[0])
513    def resume(self) -> None:
514        '''
515        Discards the last model and starts searching for the next one.
517        Notes
518        -----
519        If the search has been started asynchronously, this function starts the
520        search in the background.
521        '''
522        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_resume(self._rep), self._handler)
524    def wait(self, timeout: Optional[float]=None) -> bool:
525        '''
526        Wait for solve call to finish or the next result with an optional timeout.
528        If a timeout is given, the behavior of the function changes depending
529        on the sign of the timeout. If a postive timeout is given, the function
530        blocks for the given amount time or until a result is ready. If the
531        timeout is negative, the function will block until a result is ready,
532        which also corresponds to the behavior of the function if no timeout is
533        given. A timeout of zero can be used to poll if a result is ready.
535        Parameters
536        ----------
537        timeout
538            If a timeout is given, the function blocks for at most timeout seconds.
540        Returns
541        -------
542        Indicates whether the solve call has finished or the next result is ready.
543        '''
544        p_res = _ffi.new('bool*')
545        _lib.clingo_solve_handle_wait(self._rep, -1 if timeout is None else timeout, p_res)
546        return p_res[0]