1 /* $Id: sprint.cpp 2278 2017-10-02 09:51:14Z forrest $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2003, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #include "ClpSimplex.hpp"
7 #include "CoinSort.hpp"
8 #include <iomanip>
main(int argc,const char * argv[])10 int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
11 {
12      ClpSimplex  model;
13      int status;
14      // Keep names
15      if (argc < 2) {
16           status = model.readMps("small.mps", true);
17      } else {
18           status = model.readMps(argv[1], true);
19      }
20      if (status)
21           exit(10);
22      /*
23        This driver implements what I called Sprint.  Cplex calls it
24        "sifting" which is just as silly.  When I thought of this trivial idea
25        it reminded me of an LP code of the 60's called sprint which after
26        every factorization took a subset of the matrix into memory (all
27        64K words!) and then iterated very fast on that subset.  On the
28        problems of those days it did not work very well, but it worked very
29        well on aircrew scheduling problems where there were very large numbers
30        of columns all with the same flavor.
31      */
33      /* The idea works best if you can get feasible easily.  To make it
34         more general we can add in costed slacks */
36      int originalNumberColumns = model.numberColumns();
37      int numberRows = model.numberRows();
39      // We will need arrays to choose variables.  These are too big but ..
40      double * weight = new double [numberRows+originalNumberColumns];
41      int * sort = new int [numberRows+originalNumberColumns];
42      int numberSort = 0;
43      // Say we are going to add slacks - if you can get a feasible
44      // solution then do that at the comment - Add in your own coding here
45      bool addSlacks = true;
47      if (addSlacks) {
48           // initial list will just be artificials
49           // first we will set all variables as close to zero as possible
50           int iColumn;
51           const double * columnLower = model.columnLower();
52           const double * columnUpper = model.columnUpper();
53           double * columnSolution = model.primalColumnSolution();
55           for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < originalNumberColumns; iColumn++) {
56                double value = 0.0;
57                if (columnLower[iColumn] > 0.0)
58                     value = columnLower[iColumn];
59                else if (columnUpper[iColumn] < 0.0)
60                     value = columnUpper[iColumn];
61                columnSolution[iColumn] = value;
62           }
63           // now see what that does to row solution
64           double * rowSolution = model.primalRowSolution();
65           memset(rowSolution, 0, numberRows * sizeof(double));
66           model.times(1.0, columnSolution, rowSolution);
68           CoinBigIndex * addStarts = new CoinBigIndex [numberRows+1];
69           int * addRow = new int[numberRows];
70           double * addElement = new double[numberRows];
71           const double * lower = model.rowLower();
72           const double * upper = model.rowUpper();
73           addStarts[0] = 0;
74           int numberArtificials = 0;
75           double * addCost = new double [numberRows];
76           const double penalty = 1.0e8;
77           int iRow;
78           for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
79                if (lower[iRow] > rowSolution[iRow]) {
80                     addRow[numberArtificials] = iRow;
81                     addElement[numberArtificials] = 1.0;
82                     addCost[numberArtificials] = penalty;
83                     numberArtificials++;
84                     addStarts[numberArtificials] = numberArtificials;
85                } else if (upper[iRow] < rowSolution[iRow]) {
86                     addRow[numberArtificials] = iRow;
87                     addElement[numberArtificials] = -1.0;
88                     addCost[numberArtificials] = penalty;
89                     numberArtificials++;
90                     addStarts[numberArtificials] = numberArtificials;
91                }
92           }
93           model.addColumns(numberArtificials, NULL, NULL, addCost,
94                            addStarts, addRow, addElement);
95           delete [] addStarts;
96           delete [] addRow;
97           delete [] addElement;
98           delete [] addCost;
99           // Set up initial list
100           numberSort = numberArtificials;
101           int i;
102           for (i = 0; i < numberSort; i++)
103                sort[i] = i + originalNumberColumns;
104      } else {
105           // Get initial list in some magical way
106           // Add in your own coding here
107           abort();
108      }
110      int numberColumns = model.numberColumns();
111      const double * columnLower = model.columnLower();
112      const double * columnUpper = model.columnUpper();
113      double * fullSolution = model.primalColumnSolution();
115      // Just do this number of passes
116      int maxPass = 100;
117      int iPass;
118      double lastObjective = 1.0e31;
120      // Just take this number of columns in small problem
121      int smallNumberColumns = CoinMin(3 * numberRows, numberColumns);
122      smallNumberColumns = CoinMax(smallNumberColumns, 3000);
123      // To stop seg faults on unsuitable problems
124      smallNumberColumns = CoinMin(smallNumberColumns,numberColumns);
125      // We will be using all rows
126      int * whichRows = new int [numberRows];
127      for (int iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++)
128           whichRows[iRow] = iRow;
129      double originalOffset;
130      model.getDblParam(ClpObjOffset, originalOffset);
132      for (iPass = 0; iPass < maxPass; iPass++) {
133           printf("Start of pass %d\n", iPass);
134           //printf("Bug until submodel new version\n");
135           CoinSort_2(sort, sort + numberSort, weight);
136           // Create small problem
137           ClpSimplex small(&model, numberRows, whichRows, numberSort, sort);
138           // now see what variables left out do to row solution
139           double * rowSolution = model.primalRowSolution();
140           memset(rowSolution, 0, numberRows * sizeof(double));
141           int iRow, iColumn;
142           // zero out ones in small problem
143           for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberSort; iColumn++) {
144                int kColumn = sort[iColumn];
145                fullSolution[kColumn] = 0.0;
146           }
147           // Get objective offset
148           double offset = 0.0;
149           const double * objective = model.objective();
150           for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < originalNumberColumns; iColumn++)
151                offset += fullSolution[iColumn] * objective[iColumn];
152           small.setDblParam(ClpObjOffset, originalOffset - offset);
153           model.times(1.0, fullSolution, rowSolution);
155           double * lower = small.rowLower();
156           double * upper = small.rowUpper();
157           for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
158                if (lower[iRow] > -1.0e50)
159                     lower[iRow] -= rowSolution[iRow];
160                if (upper[iRow] < 1.0e50)
161                     upper[iRow] -= rowSolution[iRow];
162           }
163           /* For some problems a useful variant is to presolve problem.
164              In this case you need to adjust smallNumberColumns to get
165              right size problem.  Also you can dispense with creating
166              small problem and fix variables in large problem and do presolve
167              on that. */
168           // Solve
169           small.primal();
170           // move solution back
171           const double * solution = small.primalColumnSolution();
172           for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberSort; iColumn++) {
173                int kColumn = sort[iColumn];
174                model.setColumnStatus(kColumn, small.getColumnStatus(iColumn));
175                fullSolution[kColumn] = solution[iColumn];
176           }
177           for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++)
178                model.setRowStatus(iRow, small.getRowStatus(iRow));
179           memcpy(model.primalRowSolution(), small.primalRowSolution(),
180                  numberRows * sizeof(double));
181           if ((small.objectiveValue() > lastObjective - 1.0e-7 && iPass > 5) ||
182                     !small.numberIterations() ||
183                     iPass == maxPass - 1) {
185                break; // finished
186           } else {
187                lastObjective = small.objectiveValue();
188                // get reduced cost for large problem
189                // this assumes minimization
190                memcpy(weight, model.objective(), numberColumns * sizeof(double));
191                model.transposeTimes(-1.0, small.dualRowSolution(), weight);
192                // now massage weight so all basic in plus good djs
193                for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
194                     double dj = weight[iColumn];
195                     double value = fullSolution[iColumn];
196                     if (model.getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::basic)
197                          dj = -1.0e50;
198                     else if (dj < 0.0 && value < columnUpper[iColumn])
199                          dj = dj;
200                     else if (dj > 0.0 && value > columnLower[iColumn])
201                          dj = -dj;
202                     else if (columnUpper[iColumn] > columnLower[iColumn])
203                          dj = fabs(dj);
204                     else
205                          dj = 1.0e50;
206                     weight[iColumn] = dj;
207                     sort[iColumn] = iColumn;
208                }
209                // sort
210                CoinSort_2(weight, weight + numberColumns, sort);
211                numberSort = smallNumberColumns;
212           }
213      }
214      if (addSlacks) {
215           int i;
216           int numberArtificials = numberColumns - originalNumberColumns;
217           for (i = 0; i < numberArtificials; i++)
218                sort[i] = i + originalNumberColumns;
219           model.deleteColumns(numberArtificials, sort);
220      }
221      delete [] weight;
222      delete [] sort;
223      delete [] whichRows;
224      model.primal(1);
225      return 0;
226 }