1 /*
3 modpol.c - code for handling modular polynomials
5 Copyright (C) 2009, 2012 Andreas Enge
7 This file is part of CM.
9 CM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
10 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
11 Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the license, or (at your
12 option) any later version.
14 CM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
17 for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
20 with CM; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
21 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 */
24 #include "cm_common-impl.h"
26 static unsigned long int read_gz_ui (gzFile f);
27 static void read_gz_mpz (mpz_t rop, gzFile f);
29 /*****************************************************************************/
read_gz_ui(gzFile f)31 static unsigned long int read_gz_ui (gzFile f)
32    /* reads and returns an unsigned long integer in base 10 from the gzipped */
33    /* file f                                                                 */
34 {
35    char c;
36    unsigned long int res = 0ul;
38    do {
39       c = gzgetc (f);
40       if (c == EOF) {
41          printf ("*** EOF in 'modpol_read_gz_ui'\n");
42          exit (1);
43       }
44    } while (isspace (c));
45    do {
46       if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
47          printf ("*** Non-digit in 'modpol_read_gz_ui'\n");
48          exit (1);
49       }
50       res = 10 * res + (c - '0');
51       c = gzgetc (f);
52    } while (!(isspace (c) || c == EOF));
54    return res;
55 }
57 /*****************************************************************************/
read_gz_mpz(mpz_t rop,gzFile f)59 static void read_gz_mpz (mpz_t rop, gzFile f)
60    /* reads a coefficient of type mpz in base 10 from the gzipped file f     */
61 {
62    char c;
63    int sign = 1;
65    mpz_set_ui (rop, 0);
67    do {
68       c = gzgetc (f);
69       if (c == EOF) {
70          printf ("*** EOF in 'modpol_read_gz_mpz'\n");
71          exit (1);
72       }
73    } while (isspace (c));
74    if (c == '-') {
75       sign = -1;
76       c = gzgetc (f);
77       if (c == EOF) {
78          printf ("*** EOF in 'modpol_read_gz_mpz'\n");
79          exit (1);
80       }
81    }
82    do {
83       if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
84          printf ("*** Non-digit in 'modpol_read_gz_mpz'\n");
85          exit (1);
86       }
87       mpz_mul_ui (rop, rop, 10ul);
88       mpz_add_ui (rop, rop, (unsigned long int) (c - '0'));
89       c = gzgetc (f);
90    } while (!(isspace (c) || c == EOF));
92    if (sign == -1)
93       mpz_neg (rop, rop);
94 }
96 /*****************************************************************************/
cm_modpol_read_specialised_mod(int * n,int level,char type,mpz_t p,mpz_t x,const char * datadir)98 mpz_t* cm_modpol_read_specialised_mod (int* n, int level, char type, mpz_t p,
99    mpz_t x, const char* datadir)
100    /* returns the modular polynomial of the given type and level modulo p    */
101    /* and evaluated in the first argument x; n is replaced by its degree  */
103 {
104    char filename [255];
105    gzFile f;
106    int lev, N, i, k;
107    char c;
108    mpz_t* xpow;
109    mpz_t tmp;
110    mpz_t* res;
112    sprintf (filename, "%s/%cf/%cf_%.4i.dat.gz", datadir,
113       type, type, level);
114    cm_file_gzopen_read (&f, filename);
116    lev = read_gz_ui (f);
117    if (lev != level) {
118       printf ("*** Trying to read modular polynomial of level %i ", level);
119       printf ("in a file for the level %i!\n", lev);
120       exit (1);
121    }
122    c = gzgetc (f);
123    if (c != type) {
124       printf ("*** Trying to read modular polynomial of type %c ", type);
125       printf ("in a file for the type %c!\n", c);
126       exit (1);
127    }
129    N = read_gz_ui (f);
130    xpow = (mpz_t *) malloc ((N + 1) * sizeof (mpz_t));
131    mpz_init_set_ui (xpow [0], 1ul);
132    for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
133       mpz_init (xpow [i]);
134       mpz_mul (xpow [i], xpow [i-1], x);
135       mpz_mod (xpow [i], xpow [i], p);
136    }
137    mpz_init (tmp);
139    *n = read_gz_ui (f);
140    res = (mpz_t*) malloc ((*n+1) * sizeof (mpz_t));
141    for (i = 0; i <= *n; i++)
142       mpz_init_set_ui (res [i], 0ul);
143    do {
144       i = read_gz_ui (f);
145       k = read_gz_ui (f);
146       read_gz_mpz (tmp, f);
147       mpz_mul (tmp, tmp, xpow [i]);
148       mpz_add (res [k], res [k], tmp);
149       mpz_mod (res [k], res [k], p);
150    } while (k != 0 || i != 0);
151       /* we assume that the last entry in the file is the constant one */
153    for (i = 0; i <= N; i++)
154       mpz_clear (xpow [i]);
155    free (xpow);
156    mpz_clear (tmp);
158    cm_file_gzclose (f);
160    return res;
161 }
163 /*****************************************************************************/
cm_modpol_print_pari(int level,char type,const char * datadir)165 void cm_modpol_print_pari (int level, char type, const char* datadir)
166       /* prints the modular polynomial of the given type and level in the    */
167       /* pari seadata format                                                 */
169 {
170    char filename [255];
171    gzFile f;
172    int lev, i_old, i, k;
173    char c;
174    mpz_t tmp;
176    if (type != 'a') {
177       printf ("*** Trying to read modular polynomial of type %c ", type);
178       printf ("instead of 'a'!\n");
179       exit (1);
180    }
181    sprintf (filename, "%s/%cf/%cf_%.4i.dat.gz", datadir,
182             type, type, level);
183    cm_file_gzopen_read (&f, filename);
185    lev = read_gz_ui (f);
186    if (lev != level) {
187       printf ("*** Trying to read modular polynomial of level %i ", level);
188       printf ("in a file for the level %i!\n", lev);
189       exit (1);
190    }
191    c = gzgetc (f);
192    if (c != type) {
193       printf ("*** Trying to read modular polynomial of type '%c' ", type);
194       printf ("in a file for the type %c!\n", c);
195       exit (1);
196    }
198    /* skip N and n */
199    read_gz_ui (f);
200    read_gz_ui (f);
201    mpz_init (tmp);
203    printf ("[%i, \"A\", [", level);
204    i_old = level + 2;
205    do {
206       i = read_gz_ui (f);
207       k = read_gz_ui (f);
208       read_gz_mpz (tmp, f);
209       if (i != i_old && k != 0)
210          printf ("[");
211       mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, tmp);
212       if (k != 0)
213          printf (", ");
214       else {
215          if (i == i_old)
216             printf ("]");
217          if (i != 0)
218             printf (", ");
219       }
220       i_old = i;
221    } while (k != 0 || i != 0);
222    /* we assume that the last entry in the file is the constant one */
223    printf ("]]");
225    cm_file_gzclose (f);
226 }
228 /*****************************************************************************/
cm_modpol_print_magma(int level,char type,const char * datadir)230 void cm_modpol_print_magma (int level, char type, const char* datadir)
231       /* prints the modular polynomial of the given type and level in magma  */
232       /* format                                                              */
234 {
235    char filename [255];
236    gzFile f;
237    int lev, i, k;
238    char c;
239    mpz_t tmp;
241    sprintf (filename, "%s/%cf/%cf_%.4i.dat.gz", datadir,
242             type, type, level);
243    cm_file_gzopen_read (&f, filename);
245    lev = read_gz_ui (f);
246    if (lev != level) {
247       printf ("*** Trying to read modular polynomial of level %i ", level);
248       printf ("in a file for the level %i!\n", lev);
249       exit (1);
250    }
251    c = gzgetc (f);
252    if (c != type) {
253       printf ("*** Trying to read modular polynomial of type %c ", type);
254       printf ("in a file for the type %c!\n", c);
255       exit (1);
256    }
258    /* skip N and n */
259    read_gz_ui (f);
260    read_gz_ui (f);
261    mpz_init (tmp);
263    printf ("phi :=");
264    do {
265       i = read_gz_ui (f);
266       k = read_gz_ui (f);
267       read_gz_mpz (tmp, f);
268       printf (" +(");
269       mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, tmp);
270       printf (")*F^%i*J^%i", i, k);
271    } while (k != 0 || i != 0);
272    /* we assume that the last entry in the file is the constant one */
273    printf (";\n");
275    cm_file_gzclose (f);
276 }
278 /*****************************************************************************/