1 /****************************************************************/
2 /* Parallel Combinatorial BLAS Library (for Graph Computations) */
3 /* version 1.6 -------------------------------------------------*/
4 /* date: 6/15/2017 ---------------------------------------------*/
5 /* authors: Ariful Azad, Aydin Buluc  --------------------------*/
6 /****************************************************************/
7 /*
8  Copyright (c) 2010-2017, The Regents of the University of California
10  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
11  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
12  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
13  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
14  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
15  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
17  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
18  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
27  */
30 #ifndef _FRIENDS_H_
31 #define _FRIENDS_H_
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include "SpMat.h"	// Best to include the base class first
35 #include "SpHelper.h"
36 #include "StackEntry.h"
37 #include "Isect.h"
38 #include "Deleter.h"
39 #include "SpImpl.h"
40 #include "SpParHelper.h"
41 #include "Compare.h"
42 #include "CombBLAS.h"
43 #include "PreAllocatedSPA.h"
45 namespace combblas {
47 template <class IU, class NU>
48 class SpTuples;
50 template <class IU, class NU>
51 class SpDCCols;
53 template <class IU, class NU>
54 class Dcsc;
56 /*************************************************************************************************/
57 /**************************** SHARED ADDRESS SPACE FRIEND FUNCTIONS ******************************/
58 /****************************** MULTITHREADED LOGIC ALSO GOES HERE *******************************/
59 /*************************************************************************************************/
62 //! SpMV with dense vector
63 template <typename SR, typename IU, typename NU, typename RHS, typename LHS>
dcsc_gespmv(const SpDCCols<IU,NU> & A,const RHS * x,LHS * y)64 void dcsc_gespmv (const SpDCCols<IU, NU> & A, const RHS * x, LHS * y)
65 {
66 	if(A.nnz > 0)
67 	{
68 		for(IU j =0; j<A.dcsc->nzc; ++j)	// for all nonzero columns
69 		{
70 			IU colid = A.dcsc->jc[j];
71 			for(IU i = A.dcsc->cp[j]; i< A.dcsc->cp[j+1]; ++i)
72 			{
73 				IU rowid = A.dcsc->ir[i];
74 				SR::axpy(A.dcsc->numx[i], x[colid], y[rowid]);
75 			}
76 		}
77 	}
78 }
80 //! SpMV with dense vector (multithreaded version)
81 template <typename SR, typename IU, typename NU, typename RHS, typename LHS>
dcsc_gespmv_threaded(const SpDCCols<IU,NU> & A,const RHS * x,LHS * y)82 void dcsc_gespmv_threaded (const SpDCCols<IU, NU> & A, const RHS * x, LHS * y)
83 {
84 	if(A.nnz > 0)
85 	{
86 		int nthreads=1;
87 		#ifdef _OPENMP
88 		#pragma omp parallel
89 		{
90                 	nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
91             	}
92 		#endif
94 		IU nlocrows =  A.getnrow();
95 		LHS ** tomerge = SpHelper::allocate2D<LHS>(nthreads, nlocrows);
96 		auto id = SR::id();
98 		for(int i=0; i<nthreads; ++i)
99 		{
100 			std::fill_n(tomerge[i], nlocrows, id);
101 		}
103 		#pragma omp parallel for
104 		for(IU j =0; j<A.dcsc->nzc; ++j)	// for all nonzero columns
105 		{
106 			int curthread = 1;
107 			#ifdef _OPENMP
108 			curthread = omp_get_thread_num();
109 			#endif
111 			LHS * loc2merge = tomerge[curthread];
113 			IU colid = A.dcsc->jc[j];
114 			for(IU i = A.dcsc->cp[j]; i< A.dcsc->cp[j+1]; ++i)
115 			{
116 				IU rowid = A.dcsc->ir[i];
117 				SR::axpy(A.dcsc->numx[i], x[colid], loc2merge[rowid]);
118 			}
119 		}
121 		#pragma omp parallel for
122 		for(IU j=0; j < nlocrows; ++j)
123 		{
124 			for(int i=0; i< nthreads; ++i)
125 			{
126 				y[j] = SR::add(y[j], tomerge[i][j]);
127 			}
128 		}
129 		SpHelper::deallocate2D(tomerge, nthreads);
130 	}
131 }
134 /**
135   * Multithreaded SpMV with sparse vector
136   * the assembly of outgoing buffers sendindbuf/sendnumbuf are done here
137   */
138 template <typename SR, typename IU, typename NUM, typename DER, typename IVT, typename OVT>
generic_gespmv_threaded(const SpMat<IU,NUM,DER> & A,const int32_t * indx,const IVT * numx,int32_t nnzx,int32_t * & sendindbuf,OVT * & sendnumbuf,int * & sdispls,int p_c,PreAllocatedSPA<OVT> & SPA)139 int generic_gespmv_threaded (const SpMat<IU,NUM,DER> & A, const int32_t * indx, const IVT * numx, int32_t nnzx,
140 		int32_t * & sendindbuf, OVT * & sendnumbuf, int * & sdispls, int p_c, PreAllocatedSPA<OVT> & SPA)
141 {
142 	// FACTS: Split boundaries (for multithreaded execution) are independent of recipient boundaries
143 	// Two splits might create output to the same recipient (needs to be merged)
144 	// However, each split's output is distinct (no duplicate elimination is needed after merge)
146 	sdispls = new int[p_c]();	// initialize to zero (as all indy might be empty)
147 	if(A.getnnz() > 0 && nnzx > 0)
148 	{
149 		int splits = A.getnsplit();
150 		if(splits > 0)
151 		{
152 			int32_t nlocrows = static_cast<int32_t>(A.getnrow());
153 			int32_t perpiece = nlocrows / splits;
154 			std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > indy(splits);
155 			std::vector< std::vector< OVT > > numy(splits);
157 			// Parallelize with OpenMP
158 			#ifdef _OPENMP
159 			#pragma omp parallel for // num_threads(6)
160 			#endif
161 			for(int i=0; i<splits; ++i)
162 			{
163                 if(SPA.initialized)
164                 {
165                     if(i != splits-1)
166                          SpMXSpV_ForThreading<SR>(*(A.GetInternal(i)), perpiece, indx, numx, nnzx, indy[i], numy[i], i*perpiece, SPA.V_localy[i], SPA.V_isthere[i], SPA.V_inds[i]);
167                     else
168                         SpMXSpV_ForThreading<SR>(*(A.GetInternal(i)), nlocrows - perpiece*i, indx, numx, nnzx, indy[i], numy[i], i*perpiece, SPA.V_localy[i], SPA.V_isthere[i], SPA.V_inds[i]);
169                 }
170                 else
171                 {
172                     if(i != splits-1)
173                         SpMXSpV_ForThreading<SR>(*(A.GetInternal(i)), perpiece, indx, numx, nnzx, indy[i], numy[i], i*perpiece);
174                     else
175                         SpMXSpV_ForThreading<SR>(*(A.GetInternal(i)), nlocrows - perpiece*i, indx, numx, nnzx, indy[i], numy[i], i*perpiece);
176                 }
177 			}
179 			std::vector<int> accum(splits+1, 0);
180 			for(int i=0; i<splits; ++i)
181 				accum[i+1] = accum[i] + indy[i].size();
183 			sendindbuf = new int32_t[accum[splits]];
184 			sendnumbuf = new OVT[accum[splits]];
185 			int32_t perproc = nlocrows / p_c;
186 			int32_t last_rec = p_c-1;
188 			// keep recipients of last entries in each split (-1 for an empty split)
189 			// so that we can delete indy[] and numy[] contents as soon as they are processed
190 			std::vector<int32_t> end_recs(splits);
191 			for(int i=0; i<splits; ++i)
192 			{
193 				if(indy[i].empty())
194 					end_recs[i] = -1;
195 				else
196 					end_recs[i] = std::min(indy[i].back() / perproc, last_rec);
197 			}
198 			#ifdef _OPENMP
199 			#pragma omp parallel for // num_threads(6)
200 			#endif
201 			for(int i=0; i<splits; ++i)
202 			{
203 				if(!indy[i].empty())	// guarantee that .begin() and .end() are not null
204 				{
205 					// FACT: Data is sorted, so if the recipient of begin is the same as the owner of end,
206 					// then the whole data is sent to the same processor
207 					int32_t beg_rec = std::min( indy[i].front() / perproc, last_rec);
209 					// We have to test the previous "split", to see if we are marking a "recipient head"
210 					// set displacement markers for the completed (previous) buffers only
211 					if(i != 0)
212 					{
213 						int k = i-1;
214 						while (k >= 0 && end_recs[k] == -1) k--;	// loop backwards until seeing an non-empty split
215 						if(k >= 0)	// we found a non-empty split
216 						{
217 							std::fill(sdispls+end_recs[k]+1, sdispls+beg_rec+1, accum[i]);	// last entry to be set is sdispls[beg_rec]
218 						}
219 						// else fill sdispls[1...beg_rec] with zero (already done)
220 					}
221 					// else set sdispls[0] to zero (already done)
222 					if(beg_rec == end_recs[i])	// fast case
223 					{
224 						std::transform(indy[i].begin(), indy[i].end(), indy[i].begin(), std::bind2nd(std::minus<int32_t>(), perproc*beg_rec));
225             std::copy(indy[i].begin(), indy[i].end(), sendindbuf+accum[i]);
226             std::copy(numy[i].begin(), numy[i].end(), sendnumbuf+accum[i]);
227 					}
228 					else	// slow case
229 					{
230 						// FACT: No matter how many splits or threads, there will be only one "recipient head"
231 						// Therefore there are no race conditions for marking send displacements (sdispls)
232 						int end = indy[i].size();
233 						for(int cur=0; cur< end; ++cur)
234 						{
235 							int32_t cur_rec = std::min( indy[i][cur] / perproc, last_rec);
236 							while(beg_rec != cur_rec)
237 							{
238 								sdispls[++beg_rec] = accum[i] + cur;	// first entry to be set is sdispls[beg_rec+1]
239 							}
240 							sendindbuf[ accum[i] + cur ] = indy[i][cur] - perproc*beg_rec;	// convert to receiver's local index
241 							sendnumbuf[ accum[i] + cur ] = numy[i][cur];
242 						}
243 					}
244 					std::vector<int32_t>().swap(indy[i]);
245 					std::vector<OVT>().swap(numy[i]);
246 					bool lastnonzero = true;	// am I the last nonzero split?
247 					for(int k=i+1; k < splits; ++k)
248 					{
249 						if(end_recs[k] != -1)
250 							lastnonzero = false;
251 					}
252 					if(lastnonzero)
253 						std::fill(sdispls+end_recs[i]+1, sdispls+p_c, accum[i+1]);
254 				}	// end_if(!indy[i].empty)
255 			}	// end parallel for
256 			return accum[splits];
257 		}
258 		else
259 		{
260 			std::cout << "Something is wrong, splits should be nonzero for multithreaded execution" << std::endl;
261 			return 0;
262 		}
263 	}
264 	else
265 	{
266 		sendindbuf = NULL;
267 		sendnumbuf = NULL;
268 		return 0;
269 	}
270 }
273 /**
274  * Multithreaded SpMV with sparse vector and preset buffers
275  * the assembly of outgoing buffers sendindbuf/sendnumbuf are done here
276  * IVT: input vector numerical type
277  * OVT: output vector numerical type
278  */
279 template <typename SR, typename IU, typename NUM, typename DER, typename IVT, typename OVT>
generic_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers(const SpMat<IU,NUM,DER> & A,const int32_t * indx,const IVT * numx,int32_t nnzx,int32_t * sendindbuf,OVT * sendnumbuf,int * cnts,int * dspls,int p_c)280 void generic_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers (const SpMat<IU,NUM,DER> & A, const int32_t * indx, const IVT * numx, int32_t nnzx,
281 				 int32_t * sendindbuf, OVT * sendnumbuf, int * cnts, int * dspls, int p_c)
282 {
283 	if(A.getnnz() > 0 && nnzx > 0)
284 	{
285 		int splits = A.getnsplit();
286 		if(splits > 0)
287 		{
288 			std::vector< std::vector<int32_t> > indy(splits);
289 			std::vector< std::vector< OVT > > numy(splits);
290 			int32_t nlocrows = static_cast<int32_t>(A.getnrow());
291 			int32_t perpiece = nlocrows / splits;
293 			#ifdef _OPENMP
294 			#pragma omp parallel for
295 			#endif
296 			for(int i=0; i<splits; ++i)
297 			{
298 				if(i != splits-1)
299 					SpMXSpV_ForThreading<SR>(*(A.GetInternal(i)), perpiece, indx, numx, nnzx, indy[i], numy[i], i*perpiece);
300 				else
301 					SpMXSpV_ForThreading<SR>(*(A.GetInternal(i)), nlocrows - perpiece*i, indx, numx, nnzx, indy[i], numy[i], i*perpiece);
302 			}
304 			int32_t perproc = nlocrows / p_c;
305 			int32_t last_rec = p_c-1;
307 			// keep recipients of last entries in each split (-1 for an empty split)
308 			// so that we can delete indy[] and numy[] contents as soon as they are processed
309 			std::vector<int32_t> end_recs(splits);
310 			for(int i=0; i<splits; ++i)
311 			{
312 				if(indy[i].empty())
313 					end_recs[i] = -1;
314 				else
315 					end_recs[i] = std::min(indy[i].back() / perproc, last_rec);
316 			}
318 			int ** loc_rec_cnts = new int *[splits];
319 			#ifdef _OPENMP
320 			#pragma omp parallel for
321 			#endif
322 			for(int i=0; i<splits; ++i)
323 			{
324 				loc_rec_cnts[i]  = new int[p_c](); // thread-local recipient data
325 				if(!indy[i].empty())	// guarantee that .begin() and .end() are not null
326 				{
327 					int32_t cur_rec = std::min( indy[i].front() / perproc, last_rec);
328 					int32_t lastdata = (cur_rec+1) * perproc;  // one past last entry that goes to this current recipient
329 					for(typename std::vector<int32_t>::iterator it = indy[i].begin(); it != indy[i].end(); ++it)
330 					{
332 						if( ( (*it) >= lastdata ) && cur_rec != last_rec )
333 						{
334 							cur_rec = std::min( (*it) / perproc, last_rec);
335 							lastdata = (cur_rec+1) * perproc;
336 						}
337 						++loc_rec_cnts[i][cur_rec];
338 					}
339 				}
340 			}
341 			#ifdef _OPENMP
342 			#pragma omp parallel for
343 			#endif
344 			for(int i=0; i<splits; ++i)
345 			{
346 				if(!indy[i].empty())	// guarantee that .begin() and .end() are not null
347 				{
348 					// FACT: Data is sorted, so if the recipient of begin is the same as the owner of end,
349 					// then the whole data is sent to the same processor
350 					int32_t beg_rec = std::min( indy[i].front() / perproc, last_rec);
351 					int32_t alreadysent = 0;	// already sent per recipient
352 					for(int before = i-1; before >= 0; before--)
353 						 alreadysent += loc_rec_cnts[before][beg_rec];
355 					if(beg_rec == end_recs[i])	// fast case
356 					{
357             std::transform(indy[i].begin(), indy[i].end(), indy[i].begin(), std::bind2nd(std::minus<int32_t>(), perproc*beg_rec));
358             std::copy(indy[i].begin(), indy[i].end(), sendindbuf + dspls[beg_rec] + alreadysent);
359             std::copy(numy[i].begin(), numy[i].end(), sendnumbuf + dspls[beg_rec] + alreadysent);
360 					}
361 					else	// slow case
362 					{
363 						int32_t cur_rec = beg_rec;
364 						int32_t lastdata = (cur_rec+1) * perproc;  // one past last entry that goes to this current recipient
365 						for(typename std::vector<int32_t>::iterator it = indy[i].begin(); it != indy[i].end(); ++it)
366 						{
367 							if( ( (*it) >= lastdata ) && cur_rec != last_rec )
368 							{
369 								cur_rec = std::min( (*it) / perproc, last_rec);
370 								lastdata = (cur_rec+1) * perproc;
372 								// if this split switches to a new recipient after sending some data
373 								// then it's sure that no data has been sent to that recipient yet
374 						 		alreadysent = 0;
375 							}
376 							sendindbuf[ dspls[cur_rec] + alreadysent ] = (*it) - perproc*cur_rec;	// convert to receiver's local index
377 							sendnumbuf[ dspls[cur_rec] + (alreadysent++) ] = *(numy[i].begin() + (it-indy[i].begin()));
378 						}
379 					}
380 				}
381 			}
382 			// Deallocated rec counts serially once all threads complete
383 			for(int i=0; i< splits; ++i)
384 			{
385 				for(int j=0; j< p_c; ++j)
386 					cnts[j] += loc_rec_cnts[i][j];
387 				delete [] loc_rec_cnts[i];
388 			}
389 			delete [] loc_rec_cnts;
390 		}
391 		else
392 		{
393 			std::cout << "Something is wrong, splits should be nonzero for multithreaded execution" << std::endl;
394 		}
395 	}
396 }
398 //! SpMV with sparse vector
399 //! MIND: Matrix index type
400 //! VIND: Vector index type (optimized: int32_t, general: int64_t)
401 template <typename SR, typename MIND, typename VIND, typename DER, typename NUM, typename IVT, typename OVT>
generic_gespmv(const SpMat<MIND,NUM,DER> & A,const VIND * indx,const IVT * numx,VIND nnzx,std::vector<VIND> & indy,std::vector<OVT> & numy,PreAllocatedSPA<OVT> & SPA)402 void generic_gespmv (const SpMat<MIND,NUM,DER> & A, const VIND * indx, const IVT * numx, VIND nnzx, std::vector<VIND> & indy, std::vector<OVT>  & numy, PreAllocatedSPA<OVT> & SPA)
403 {
404 	if(A.getnnz() > 0 && nnzx > 0)
405 	{
406 		if(A.getnsplit() > 0)
407 		{
408 			std::cout << "Call dcsc_gespmv_threaded instead" << std::endl;
409 		}
410 		else
411 		{
412 			SpMXSpV<SR>(*(A.GetInternal()), (VIND) A.getnrow(), indx, numx, nnzx, indy, numy, SPA);
413 		}
414 	}
415 }
417 /** SpMV with sparse vector
418   * @param[in] indexisvalue is only used for BFS-like computations, if true then we can call the optimized version that skips SPA
419   */
420 template <typename SR, typename IU, typename DER, typename NUM, typename IVT, typename OVT>
generic_gespmv(const SpMat<IU,NUM,DER> & A,const int32_t * indx,const IVT * numx,int32_t nnzx,int32_t * indy,OVT * numy,int * cnts,int * dspls,int p_c,bool indexisvalue)421 void generic_gespmv (const SpMat<IU,NUM,DER> & A, const int32_t * indx, const IVT * numx, int32_t nnzx,
422 		int32_t * indy, OVT * numy, int * cnts, int * dspls, int p_c, bool indexisvalue)
423 {
424 	if(A.getnnz() > 0 && nnzx > 0)
425 	{
426 		if(A.getnsplit() > 0)
427 		{
428 			SpParHelper::Print("Call dcsc_gespmv_threaded instead\n");
429 		}
430 		else
431 		{
432             SpMXSpV<SR>(*(A.GetInternal()), (int32_t) A.getnrow(), indx, numx, nnzx, indy, numy, cnts, dspls, p_c);
433 		}
434 	}
435 }
438 template<typename IU>
BooleanRowSplit(SpDCCols<IU,bool> & A,int numsplits)439 void BooleanRowSplit(SpDCCols<IU, bool> & A, int numsplits)
440 {
441 	A.splits = numsplits;
442 	IU perpiece = A.m / A.splits;
443 	std::vector<IU> prevcolids(A.splits, -1);	// previous column id's are set to -1
444 	std::vector<IU> nzcs(A.splits, 0);
445 	std::vector<IU> nnzs(A.splits, 0);
446 	std::vector < std::vector < std::pair<IU,IU> > > colrowpairs(A.splits);
447 	if(A.nnz > 0 && A.dcsc != NULL)
448 	{
449 		for(IU i=0; i< A.dcsc->nzc; ++i)
450 		{
451 			for(IU j = A.dcsc->cp[i]; j< A.dcsc->cp[i+1]; ++j)
452 			{
453 				IU colid = A.dcsc->jc[i];
454 				IU rowid = A.dcsc->ir[j];
455 				IU owner = std::min(rowid / perpiece, static_cast<IU>(A.splits-1));
456 				colrowpairs[owner].push_back(std::make_pair(colid, rowid - owner*perpiece));
458 				if(prevcolids[owner] != colid)
459 				{
460 					prevcolids[owner] = colid;
461 					++nzcs[owner];
462 				}
463 				++nnzs[owner];
464 			}
465 		}
466 	}
467 	delete A.dcsc;	// claim memory
468 	//copy(nzcs.begin(), nzcs.end(), ostream_iterator<IU>(cout," " )); cout << endl;
469 	//copy(nnzs.begin(), nnzs.end(), ostream_iterator<IU>(cout," " )); cout << endl;
470 	A.dcscarr = new Dcsc<IU,bool>*[A.splits];
472 	// To be parallelized with OpenMP
473 	for(int i=0; i< A.splits; ++i)
474 	{
475 		sort(colrowpairs[i].begin(), colrowpairs[i].end());	// sort w.r.t. columns
476 		A.dcscarr[i] = new Dcsc<IU,bool>(nnzs[i],nzcs[i]);
477 		std::fill(A.dcscarr[i]->numx, A.dcscarr[i]->numx+nnzs[i], static_cast<bool>(1));
478 		IU curnzc = 0;				// number of nonzero columns constructed so far
479 		IU cindex = colrowpairs[i][0].first;
480 		IU rindex = colrowpairs[i][0].second;
482 		A.dcscarr[i]->ir[0] = rindex;
483 		A.dcscarr[i]->jc[curnzc] = cindex;
484 		A.dcscarr[i]->cp[curnzc++] = 0;
486 		for(IU j=1; j<nnzs[i]; ++j)
487 		{
488 			cindex = colrowpairs[i][j].first;
489 			rindex = colrowpairs[i][j].second;
491 			A.dcscarr[i]->ir[j] = rindex;
492 			if(cindex != A.dcscarr[i]->jc[curnzc-1])
493 			{
494 				A.dcscarr[i]->jc[curnzc] = cindex;
495 				A.dcscarr[i]->cp[curnzc++] = j;
496 			}
497 		}
498 		A.dcscarr[i]->cp[curnzc] = nnzs[i];
499 	}
500 }
503 /**
504  * SpTuples(A*B') (Using OuterProduct Algorithm)
505  * Returns the tuples for efficient merging later
506  * Support mixed precision multiplication
507  * The multiplication is on the specified semiring (passed as parameter)
508  */
509 template<class SR, class NUO, class IU, class NU1, class NU2>
510 SpTuples<IU, NUO> * Tuples_AnXBt
511 					(const SpDCCols<IU, NU1> & A,
512 					 const SpDCCols<IU, NU2> & B,
513 					bool clearA = false, bool clearB = false)
514 {
515 	IU mdim = A.m;
516 	IU ndim = B.m;	// B is already transposed
518 	if(A.isZero() || B.isZero())
519 	{
520 		if(clearA)	delete const_cast<SpDCCols<IU, NU1> *>(&A);
521 		if(clearB)	delete const_cast<SpDCCols<IU, NU2> *>(&B);
522 		return new SpTuples< IU, NUO >(0, mdim, ndim);	// just return an empty matrix
523 	}
524 	Isect<IU> *isect1, *isect2, *itr1, *itr2, *cols, *rows;
525 	SpHelper::SpIntersect(*(A.dcsc), *(B.dcsc), cols, rows, isect1, isect2, itr1, itr2);
527 	IU kisect = static_cast<IU>(itr1-isect1);		// size of the intersection ((itr1-isect1) == (itr2-isect2))
528 	if(kisect == 0)
529 	{
530 		if(clearA)	delete const_cast<SpDCCols<IU, NU1> *>(&A);
531 		if(clearB)	delete const_cast<SpDCCols<IU, NU2> *>(&B);
532 		DeleteAll(isect1, isect2, cols, rows);
533 		return new SpTuples< IU, NUO >(0, mdim, ndim);
534 	}
536 	StackEntry< NUO, std::pair<IU,IU> > * multstack;
538 	IU cnz = SpHelper::SpCartesian< SR > (*(A.dcsc), *(B.dcsc), kisect, isect1, isect2, multstack);
539 	DeleteAll(isect1, isect2, cols, rows);
541 	if(clearA)	delete const_cast<SpDCCols<IU, NU1> *>(&A);
542 	if(clearB)	delete const_cast<SpDCCols<IU, NU2> *>(&B);
543 	return new SpTuples<IU, NUO> (cnz, mdim, ndim, multstack);
544 }
546 /**
547  * SpTuples(A*B) (Using ColByCol Algorithm)
548  * Returns the tuples for efficient merging later
549  * Support mixed precision multiplication
550  * The multiplication is on the specified semiring (passed as parameter)
551  */
552 template<class SR, class NUO, class IU, class NU1, class NU2>
553 SpTuples<IU, NUO> * Tuples_AnXBn
554 					(const SpDCCols<IU, NU1> & A,
555 					 const SpDCCols<IU, NU2> & B,
556 					bool clearA = false, bool clearB = false)
557 {
558 	IU mdim = A.m;
559 	IU ndim = B.n;
560 	if(A.isZero() || B.isZero())
561 	{
562 		return new SpTuples<IU, NUO>(0, mdim, ndim);
563 	}
564 	StackEntry< NUO, std::pair<IU,IU> > * multstack;
565 	IU cnz = SpHelper::SpColByCol< SR > (*(A.dcsc), *(B.dcsc), A.n,  multstack);
567 	if(clearA)
568 		delete const_cast<SpDCCols<IU, NU1> *>(&A);
569 	if(clearB)
570 		delete const_cast<SpDCCols<IU, NU2> *>(&B);
572 	return new SpTuples<IU, NUO> (cnz, mdim, ndim, multstack);
573 }
576 template<class SR, class NUO, class IU, class NU1, class NU2>
577 SpTuples<IU, NUO> * Tuples_AtXBt
578 					(const SpDCCols<IU, NU1> & A,
579 					 const SpDCCols<IU, NU2> & B,
580 					bool clearA = false, bool clearB = false)
581 {
582 	IU mdim = A.n;
583 	IU ndim = B.m;
584 	std::cout << "Tuples_AtXBt function has not been implemented yet !" << std::endl;
586 	return new SpTuples<IU, NUO> (0, mdim, ndim);
587 }
589 template<class SR, class NUO, class IU, class NU1, class NU2>
590 SpTuples<IU, NUO> * Tuples_AtXBn
591 					(const SpDCCols<IU, NU1> & A,
592 					 const SpDCCols<IU, NU2> & B,
593 					bool clearA = false, bool clearB = false)
594 {
595 	IU mdim = A.n;
596 	IU ndim = B.n;
597 	std::cout << "Tuples_AtXBn function has not been implemented yet !" << std::endl;
599 	return new SpTuples<IU, NUO> (0, mdim, ndim);
600 }
602 // Performs a balanced merge of the array of SpTuples
603 // Assumes the input parameters are already column sorted
604 template<class SR, class IU, class NU>
605 SpTuples<IU,NU> MergeAll( const std::vector<SpTuples<IU,NU> *> & ArrSpTups, IU mstar = 0, IU nstar = 0, bool delarrs = false )
606 {
607 	int hsize =  ArrSpTups.size();
608 	if(hsize == 0)
609 	{
610 		return SpTuples<IU,NU>(0, mstar,nstar);
611 	}
612 	else
613 	{
614 		mstar = ArrSpTups[0]->m;
615 		nstar = ArrSpTups[0]->n;
616 	}
617 	for(int i=1; i< hsize; ++i)
618 	{
619 		if((mstar != ArrSpTups[i]->m) || nstar != ArrSpTups[i]->n)
620 		{
621 			std::cerr << "Dimensions do not match on MergeAll()" << std::endl;
622 			return SpTuples<IU,NU>(0,0,0);
623 		}
624 	}
625 	if(hsize > 1)
626 	{
627 		ColLexiCompare<IU,int> heapcomp;
628 		std::tuple<IU, IU, int> * heap = new std::tuple<IU, IU, int> [hsize];	// (rowindex, colindex, source-id)
629 		IU * curptr = new IU[hsize];
630 		std::fill_n(curptr, hsize, static_cast<IU>(0));
631 		IU estnnz = 0;
633 		for(int i=0; i< hsize; ++i)
634 		{
635 			estnnz += ArrSpTups[i]->getnnz();
636 			heap[i] = std::make_tuple(std::get<0>(ArrSpTups[i]->tuples[0]), std::get<1>(ArrSpTups[i]->tuples[0]), i);
637 		}
638     std::make_heap(heap, heap+hsize, std::not2(heapcomp));
640 		std::tuple<IU, IU, NU> * ntuples = new std::tuple<IU,IU,NU>[estnnz];
641 		IU cnz = 0;
643 		while(hsize > 0)
644 		{
645       std::pop_heap(heap, heap + hsize, std::not2(heapcomp));         // result is stored in heap[hsize-1]
646 			int source = std::get<2>(heap[hsize-1]);
648 			if( (cnz != 0) &&
649 				((std::get<0>(ntuples[cnz-1]) == std::get<0>(heap[hsize-1])) && (std::get<1>(ntuples[cnz-1]) == std::get<1>(heap[hsize-1]))) )
650 			{
651 				std::get<2>(ntuples[cnz-1])  = SR::add(std::get<2>(ntuples[cnz-1]), ArrSpTups[source]->numvalue(curptr[source]++));
652 			}
653 			else
654 			{
655 				ntuples[cnz++] = ArrSpTups[source]->tuples[curptr[source]++];
656 			}
658 			if(curptr[source] != ArrSpTups[source]->getnnz())	// That array has not been depleted
659 			{
660 				heap[hsize-1] = std::make_tuple(std::get<0>(ArrSpTups[source]->tuples[curptr[source]]),
661 								std::get<1>(ArrSpTups[source]->tuples[curptr[source]]), source);
662         std::push_heap(heap, heap+hsize, std::not2(heapcomp));
663 			}
664 			else
665 			{
666 				--hsize;
667 			}
668 		}
669 		SpHelper::ShrinkArray(ntuples, cnz);
670 		DeleteAll(heap, curptr);
672 		if(delarrs)
673 		{
674 			for(size_t i=0; i<ArrSpTups.size(); ++i)
675 				delete ArrSpTups[i];
676 		}
677 		return SpTuples<IU,NU> (cnz, mstar, nstar, ntuples);
678 	}
679 	else
680 	{
681 		SpTuples<IU,NU> ret = *ArrSpTups[0];
682 		if(delarrs)
683 			delete ArrSpTups[0];
684 		return ret;
685 	}
686 }
688 /**
689  * @param[in]   exclude if false,
690  *      \n              then operation is A = A .* B
691  *      \n              else operation is A = A .* not(B)
692  **/
693 template <typename IU, typename NU1, typename NU2>
EWiseMult(const Dcsc<IU,NU1> & A,const Dcsc<IU,NU2> * B,bool exclude)694 Dcsc<IU, typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote> EWiseMult(const Dcsc<IU,NU1> & A, const Dcsc<IU,NU2> * B, bool exclude)
695 {
696 	typedef typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote N_promote;
697 	IU estnzc, estnz;
698 	if(exclude)
699 	{
700 		estnzc = A.nzc;
701 		estnz = A.nz;
702 	}
703 	else
704 	{
705 		estnzc = std::min(A.nzc, B->nzc);
706 		estnz  = std::min(A.nz, B->nz);
707 	}
709 	Dcsc<IU,N_promote> temp(estnz, estnzc);
711 	IU curnzc = 0;
712 	IU curnz = 0;
713 	IU i = 0;
714 	IU j = 0;
715 	temp.cp[0] = 0;
717 	if(!exclude)	// A = A .* B
718 	{
719 		while(i< A.nzc && B != NULL && j<B->nzc)
720 		{
721 			if(A.jc[i] > B->jc[j]) 		++j;
722 			else if(A.jc[i] < B->jc[j]) 	++i;
723 			else
724 			{
725 				IU ii = A.cp[i];
726 				IU jj = B->cp[j];
727 				IU prevnz = curnz;
728 				while (ii < A.cp[i+1] && jj < B->cp[j+1])
729 				{
730 					if (A.ir[ii] < B->ir[jj])	++ii;
731 					else if (A.ir[ii] > B->ir[jj])	++jj;
732 					else
733 					{
734 						temp.ir[curnz] = A.ir[ii];
735 						temp.numx[curnz++] = A.numx[ii++] * B->numx[jj++];
736 					}
737 				}
738 				if(prevnz < curnz)	// at least one nonzero exists in this column
739 				{
740 					temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i];
741 					temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
742 				}
743 				++i;
744 				++j;
745 			}
746 		}
747 	}
748 	else	// A = A .* not(B)
749 	{
750 		while(i< A.nzc && B != NULL && j< B->nzc)
751 		{
752 			if(A.jc[i] > B->jc[j])		++j;
753 			else if(A.jc[i] < B->jc[j])
754 			{
755 				temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i++];
756 				for(IU k = A.cp[i-1]; k< A.cp[i]; k++)
757 				{
758 					temp.ir[curnz] 		= A.ir[k];
759 					temp.numx[curnz++] 	= A.numx[k];
760 				}
761 				temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (A.cp[i] - A.cp[i-1]);
762 			}
763 			else
764 			{
765 				IU ii = A.cp[i];
766 				IU jj = B->cp[j];
767 				IU prevnz = curnz;
768 				while (ii < A.cp[i+1] && jj < B->cp[j+1])
769 				{
770 					if (A.ir[ii] > B->ir[jj])	++jj;
771 					else if (A.ir[ii] < B->ir[jj])
772 					{
773 						temp.ir[curnz] = A.ir[ii];
774 						temp.numx[curnz++] = A.numx[ii++];
775 					}
776 					else	// eliminate those existing nonzeros
777 					{
778 						++ii;
779 						++jj;
780 					}
781 				}
782 				while (ii < A.cp[i+1])
783 				{
784 					temp.ir[curnz] = A.ir[ii];
785 					temp.numx[curnz++] = A.numx[ii++];
786 				}
788 				if(prevnz < curnz)	// at least one nonzero exists in this column
789 				{
790 					temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i];
791 					temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
792 				}
793 				++i;
794 				++j;
795 			}
796 		}
797 		while(i< A.nzc)
798 		{
799 			temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i++];
800 			for(IU k = A.cp[i-1]; k< A.cp[i]; ++k)
801 			{
802 				temp.ir[curnz] 	= A.ir[k];
803 				temp.numx[curnz++] = A.numx[k];
804 			}
805 			temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (A.cp[i] - A.cp[i-1]);
806 		}
807 	}
809 	temp.Resize(curnzc, curnz);
810 	return temp;
811 }
813 template <typename N_promote, typename IU, typename NU1, typename NU2, typename _BinaryOperation>
EWiseApply(const Dcsc<IU,NU1> & A,const Dcsc<IU,NU2> * B,_BinaryOperation __binary_op,bool notB,const NU2 & defaultBVal)814 Dcsc<IU, N_promote> EWiseApply(const Dcsc<IU,NU1> & A, const Dcsc<IU,NU2> * B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool notB, const NU2& defaultBVal)
815 {
816 	//typedef typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote N_promote;
817 	IU estnzc, estnz;
818 	if(notB)
819 	{
820 		estnzc = A.nzc;
821 		estnz = A.nz;
822 	}
823 	else
824 	{
825 		estnzc = std::min(A.nzc, B->nzc);
826 		estnz  = std::min(A.nz, B->nz);
827 	}
829 	Dcsc<IU,N_promote> temp(estnz, estnzc);
831 	IU curnzc = 0;
832 	IU curnz = 0;
833 	IU i = 0;
834 	IU j = 0;
835 	temp.cp[0] = 0;
837 	if(!notB)	// A = A .* B
838 	{
839 		while(i< A.nzc && B != NULL && j<B->nzc)
840 		{
841 			if(A.jc[i] > B->jc[j]) 		++j;
842 			else if(A.jc[i] < B->jc[j]) 	++i;
843 			else
844 			{
845 				IU ii = A.cp[i];
846 				IU jj = B->cp[j];
847 				IU prevnz = curnz;
848 				while (ii < A.cp[i+1] && jj < B->cp[j+1])
849 				{
850 					if (A.ir[ii] < B->ir[jj])	++ii;
851 					else if (A.ir[ii] > B->ir[jj])	++jj;
852 					else
853 					{
854 						temp.ir[curnz] = A.ir[ii];
855 						temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(A.numx[ii++], B->numx[jj++]);
856 					}
857 				}
858 				if(prevnz < curnz)	// at least one nonzero exists in this column
859 				{
860 					temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i];
861 					temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
862 				}
863 				++i;
864 				++j;
865 			}
866 		}
867 	}
868 	else	// A = A .* not(B)
869 	{
870 		while(i< A.nzc && B != NULL && j< B->nzc)
871 		{
872 			if(A.jc[i] > B->jc[j])		++j;
873 			else if(A.jc[i] < B->jc[j])
874 			{
875 				temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i++];
876 				for(IU k = A.cp[i-1]; k< A.cp[i]; k++)
877 				{
878 					temp.ir[curnz] 		= A.ir[k];
879 					temp.numx[curnz++] 	= __binary_op(A.numx[k], defaultBVal);
880 				}
881 				temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (A.cp[i] - A.cp[i-1]);
882 			}
883 			else
884 			{
885 				IU ii = A.cp[i];
886 				IU jj = B->cp[j];
887 				IU prevnz = curnz;
888 				while (ii < A.cp[i+1] && jj < B->cp[j+1])
889 				{
890 					if (A.ir[ii] > B->ir[jj])	++jj;
891 					else if (A.ir[ii] < B->ir[jj])
892 					{
893 						temp.ir[curnz] = A.ir[ii];
894 						temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(A.numx[ii++], defaultBVal);
895 					}
896 					else	// eliminate those existing nonzeros
897 					{
898 						++ii;
899 						++jj;
900 					}
901 				}
902 				while (ii < A.cp[i+1])
903 				{
904 					temp.ir[curnz] = A.ir[ii];
905 					temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(A.numx[ii++], defaultBVal);
906 				}
908 				if(prevnz < curnz)	// at least one nonzero exists in this column
909 				{
910 					temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i];
911 					temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
912 				}
913 				++i;
914 				++j;
915 			}
916 		}
917 		while(i< A.nzc)
918 		{
919 			temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i++];
920 			for(IU k = A.cp[i-1]; k< A.cp[i]; ++k)
921 			{
922 				temp.ir[curnz] 	= A.ir[k];
923 				temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(A.numx[k], defaultBVal);
924 			}
925 			temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (A.cp[i] - A.cp[i-1]);
926 		}
927 	}
929 	temp.Resize(curnzc, curnz);
930 	return temp;
931 }
934 template<typename IU, typename NU1, typename NU2>
EWiseMult(const SpDCCols<IU,NU1> & A,const SpDCCols<IU,NU2> & B,bool exclude)935 SpDCCols<IU, typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote > EWiseMult (const SpDCCols<IU,NU1> & A, const SpDCCols<IU,NU2> & B, bool exclude)
936 {
937 	typedef typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote N_promote;
938 	assert(A.m == B.m);
939 	assert(A.n == B.n);
941 	Dcsc<IU, N_promote> * tdcsc = NULL;
942 	if(A.nnz > 0 && B.nnz > 0)
943 	{
944 		tdcsc = new Dcsc<IU, N_promote>(EWiseMult(*(A.dcsc), B.dcsc, exclude));
945 		return 	SpDCCols<IU, N_promote> (A.m , A.n, tdcsc);
946 	}
947 	else if (A.nnz > 0 && exclude) // && B.nnz == 0
948 	{
949 		tdcsc = new Dcsc<IU, N_promote>(EWiseMult(*(A.dcsc), (const Dcsc<IU,NU2>*)NULL, exclude));
950 		return 	SpDCCols<IU, N_promote> (A.m , A.n, tdcsc);
951 	}
952 	else
953 	{
954 		return 	SpDCCols<IU, N_promote> (A.m , A.n, tdcsc);
955 	}
956 }
959 template<typename N_promote, typename IU, typename NU1, typename NU2, typename _BinaryOperation>
EWiseApply(const SpDCCols<IU,NU1> & A,const SpDCCols<IU,NU2> & B,_BinaryOperation __binary_op,bool notB,const NU2 & defaultBVal)960 SpDCCols<IU, N_promote> EWiseApply (const SpDCCols<IU,NU1> & A, const SpDCCols<IU,NU2> & B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool notB, const NU2& defaultBVal)
961 {
962 	//typedef typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote N_promote;
963 	assert(A.m == B.m);
964 	assert(A.n == B.n);
966 	Dcsc<IU, N_promote> * tdcsc = NULL;
967 	if(A.nnz > 0 && B.nnz > 0)
968 	{
969 		tdcsc = new Dcsc<IU, N_promote>(EWiseApply<N_promote>(*(A.dcsc), B.dcsc, __binary_op, notB, defaultBVal));
970 		return 	SpDCCols<IU, N_promote> (A.m , A.n, tdcsc);
971 	}
972 	else if (A.nnz > 0 && notB) // && B.nnz == 0
973 	{
974 		tdcsc = new Dcsc<IU, N_promote>(EWiseApply<N_promote>(*(A.dcsc), (const Dcsc<IU,NU2>*)NULL, __binary_op, notB, defaultBVal));
975 		return 	SpDCCols<IU, N_promote> (A.m , A.n, tdcsc);
976 	}
977 	else
978 	{
979 		return 	SpDCCols<IU, N_promote> (A.m , A.n, tdcsc);
980 	}
981 }
983 /**
984  * Implementation based on operator +=
985  * Element wise apply with the following constraints
986  * The operation to be performed is __binary_op
987  * The operation `c = __binary_op(a, b)` is only performed if `do_op(a, b)` returns true
988  * If allowANulls is true, then if A is missing an element that B has, then ANullVal is used
989  * In that case the operation becomes c[i,j] = __binary_op(ANullVal, b[i,j])
990  * If both allowANulls and allowBNulls is false then the function degenerates into intersection
991  */
992 template <typename RETT, typename IU, typename NU1, typename NU2, typename _BinaryOperation, typename _BinaryPredicate>
EWiseApply(const Dcsc<IU,NU1> * Ap,const Dcsc<IU,NU2> * Bp,_BinaryOperation __binary_op,_BinaryPredicate do_op,bool allowANulls,bool allowBNulls,const NU1 & ANullVal,const NU2 & BNullVal,const bool allowIntersect)993 Dcsc<IU, RETT> EWiseApply(const Dcsc<IU,NU1> * Ap, const Dcsc<IU,NU2> * Bp, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _BinaryPredicate do_op, bool allowANulls, bool allowBNulls, const NU1& ANullVal, const NU2& BNullVal, const bool allowIntersect)
994 {
995 	if (Ap == NULL && Bp == NULL)
996 		return Dcsc<IU,RETT>(0, 0);
998 	if (Ap == NULL && Bp != NULL)
999 	{
1000 		if (!allowANulls)
1001 			return Dcsc<IU,RETT>(0, 0);
1003 		const Dcsc<IU,NU2> & B = *Bp;
1004 		IU estnzc = B.nzc;
1005 		IU estnz  = B.nz;
1006 		Dcsc<IU,RETT> temp(estnz, estnzc);
1008 		IU curnzc = 0;
1009 		IU curnz = 0;
1010 		//IU i = 0;
1011 		IU j = 0;
1012 		temp.cp[0] = 0;
1013 		while(j<B.nzc)
1014 		{
1015 			// Based on the if statement below which handles A null values.
1016 			j++;
1017 			IU prevnz = curnz;
1018 			temp.jc[curnzc++] = B.jc[j-1];
1019 			for(IU k = B.cp[j-1]; k< B.cp[j]; ++k)
1020 			{
1021 				if (do_op(ANullVal, B.numx[k], true, false))
1022 				{
1023 					temp.ir[curnz] 		= B.ir[k];
1024 					temp.numx[curnz++] 	= __binary_op(ANullVal, B.numx[k], true, false);
1025 				}
1026 			}
1027 			//temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (B.cp[j] - B.cp[j-1]);
1028 			temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
1029 		}
1030 		temp.Resize(curnzc, curnz);
1031 		return temp;
1032 	}
1034 	if (Ap != NULL && Bp == NULL)
1035 	{
1036 		if (!allowBNulls)
1037 			return Dcsc<IU,RETT>(0, 0);
1039 		const Dcsc<IU,NU1> & A = *Ap;
1040 		IU estnzc = A.nzc;
1041 		IU estnz  = A.nz;
1042 		Dcsc<IU,RETT> temp(estnz, estnzc);
1044 		IU curnzc = 0;
1045 		IU curnz = 0;
1046 		IU i = 0;
1047 		//IU j = 0;
1048 		temp.cp[0] = 0;
1049 		while(i< A.nzc)
1050 		{
1051 			i++;
1052 			IU prevnz = curnz;
1053 			temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i-1];
1054 			for(IU k = A.cp[i-1]; k< A.cp[i]; k++)
1055 			{
1056 				if (do_op(A.numx[k], BNullVal, false, true))
1057 				{
1058 					temp.ir[curnz] 		= A.ir[k];
1059 					temp.numx[curnz++] 	= __binary_op(A.numx[k], BNullVal, false, true);
1060 				}
1061 			}
1062 			//temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (A.cp[i] - A.cp[i-1]);
1063 			temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
1064 		}
1065 		temp.Resize(curnzc, curnz);
1066 		return temp;
1067 	}
1069 	// both A and B are non-NULL at this point
1070 	const Dcsc<IU,NU1> & A = *Ap;
1071 	const Dcsc<IU,NU2> & B = *Bp;
1073 	IU estnzc = A.nzc + B.nzc;
1074 	IU estnz  = A.nz + B.nz;
1075 	Dcsc<IU,RETT> temp(estnz, estnzc);
1077 	IU curnzc = 0;
1078 	IU curnz = 0;
1079 	IU i = 0;
1080 	IU j = 0;
1081 	temp.cp[0] = 0;
1082 	while(i< A.nzc && j<B.nzc)
1083 	{
1084 		if(A.jc[i] > B.jc[j])
1085 		{
1086 			j++;
1087 			if (allowANulls)
1088 			{
1089 				IU prevnz = curnz;
1090 				temp.jc[curnzc++] = B.jc[j-1];
1091 				for(IU k = B.cp[j-1]; k< B.cp[j]; ++k)
1092 				{
1093 					if (do_op(ANullVal, B.numx[k], true, false))
1094 					{
1095 						temp.ir[curnz] 		= B.ir[k];
1096 						temp.numx[curnz++] 	= __binary_op(ANullVal, B.numx[k], true, false);
1097 					}
1098 				}
1099 				//temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (B.cp[j] - B.cp[j-1]);
1100 				temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
1101 			}
1102 		}
1103 		else if(A.jc[i] < B.jc[j])
1104 		{
1105 			i++;
1106 			if (allowBNulls)
1107 			{
1108 				IU prevnz = curnz;
1109 				temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i-1];
1110 				for(IU k = A.cp[i-1]; k< A.cp[i]; k++)
1111 				{
1112 					if (do_op(A.numx[k], BNullVal, false, true))
1113 					{
1114 						temp.ir[curnz] 		= A.ir[k];
1115 						temp.numx[curnz++] 	= __binary_op(A.numx[k], BNullVal, false, true);
1116 					}
1117 				}
1118 				//temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (A.cp[i] - A.cp[i-1]);
1119 				temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
1120 			}
1121 		}
1122 		else
1123 		{
1124 			temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i];
1125 			IU ii = A.cp[i];
1126 			IU jj = B.cp[j];
1127 			IU prevnz = curnz;
1128 			while (ii < A.cp[i+1] && jj < B.cp[j+1])
1129 			{
1130 				if (A.ir[ii] < B.ir[jj])
1131 				{
1132 					if (allowBNulls && do_op(A.numx[ii], BNullVal, false, true))
1133 					{
1134 						temp.ir[curnz] = A.ir[ii];
1135 						temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(A.numx[ii++], BNullVal, false, true);
1136 					}
1137 					else
1138 						ii++;
1139 				}
1140 				else if (A.ir[ii] > B.ir[jj])
1141 				{
1142 					if (allowANulls && do_op(ANullVal, B.numx[jj], true, false))
1143 					{
1144 						temp.ir[curnz] = B.ir[jj];
1145 						temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(ANullVal, B.numx[jj++], true, false);
1146 					}
1147 					else
1148 						jj++;
1149 				}
1150 				else
1151 				{
1152 					if (allowIntersect && do_op(A.numx[ii], B.numx[jj], false, false))
1153 					{
1154 						temp.ir[curnz] = A.ir[ii];
1155 						temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(A.numx[ii++], B.numx[jj++], false, false);	// might include zeros
1156 					}
1157 					else
1158 					{
1159 						ii++;
1160 						jj++;
1161 					}
1162 				}
1163 			}
1164 			while (ii < A.cp[i+1])
1165 			{
1166 				if (allowBNulls && do_op(A.numx[ii], BNullVal, false, true))
1167 				{
1168 					temp.ir[curnz] = A.ir[ii];
1169 					temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(A.numx[ii++], BNullVal, false, true);
1170 				}
1171 				else
1172 					ii++;
1173 			}
1174 			while (jj < B.cp[j+1])
1175 			{
1176 				if (allowANulls && do_op(ANullVal, B.numx[jj], true, false))
1177 				{
1178 					temp.ir[curnz] = B.ir[jj];
1179 					temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(ANullVal, B.numx[jj++], true, false);
1180 				}
1181 				else
1182 					jj++;
1183 			}
1184 			temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
1185 			++i;
1186 			++j;
1187 		}
1188 	}
1189 	while(allowBNulls && i< A.nzc) // remaining A elements after B ran out
1190 	{
1191 		IU prevnz = curnz;
1192 		temp.jc[curnzc++] = A.jc[i++];
1193 		for(IU k = A.cp[i-1]; k< A.cp[i]; ++k)
1194 		{
1195 			if (do_op(A.numx[k], BNullVal, false, true))
1196 			{
1197 				temp.ir[curnz] 	= A.ir[k];
1198 				temp.numx[curnz++] = __binary_op(A.numx[k], BNullVal, false, true);
1199 			}
1200 		}
1201 		//temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (A.cp[i] - A.cp[i-1]);
1202 		temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
1203 	}
1204 	while(allowANulls && j < B.nzc) // remaining B elements after A ran out
1205 	{
1206 		IU prevnz = curnz;
1207 		temp.jc[curnzc++] = B.jc[j++];
1208 		for(IU k = B.cp[j-1]; k< B.cp[j]; ++k)
1209 		{
1210 			if (do_op(ANullVal, B.numx[k], true, false))
1211 			{
1212 				temp.ir[curnz] 	= B.ir[k];
1213 				temp.numx[curnz++] 	= __binary_op(ANullVal, B.numx[k], true, false);
1214 			}
1215 		}
1216 		//temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + (B.cp[j] - B.cp[j-1]);
1217 		temp.cp[curnzc] = temp.cp[curnzc-1] + curnz-prevnz;
1218 	}
1219 	temp.Resize(curnzc, curnz);
1220 	return temp;
1221 }
1223 template <typename RETT, typename IU, typename NU1, typename NU2, typename _BinaryOperation, typename _BinaryPredicate>
EWiseApply(const SpDCCols<IU,NU1> & A,const SpDCCols<IU,NU2> & B,_BinaryOperation __binary_op,_BinaryPredicate do_op,bool allowANulls,bool allowBNulls,const NU1 & ANullVal,const NU2 & BNullVal,const bool allowIntersect)1224 SpDCCols<IU,RETT> EWiseApply (const SpDCCols<IU,NU1> & A, const SpDCCols<IU,NU2> & B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _BinaryPredicate do_op, bool allowANulls, bool allowBNulls, const NU1& ANullVal, const NU2& BNullVal, const bool allowIntersect)
1225 {
1226 	assert(A.m == B.m);
1227 	assert(A.n == B.n);
1229 	Dcsc<IU, RETT> * tdcsc = new Dcsc<IU, RETT>(EWiseApply<RETT>(A.dcsc, B.dcsc, __binary_op, do_op, allowANulls, allowBNulls, ANullVal, BNullVal, allowIntersect));
1230 	return 	SpDCCols<IU, RETT> (A.m , A.n, tdcsc);
1231 }
1234 }
1236 #endif