1Use Travis-CI.org to build Curv for Mac, Linux (ubuntu trusty 14.04)
2and Windows 64 (using MinGW or wclang github.com/tpoechtrager/wclang).
4Note that wclang requires at least clang 3.7, and only 64 bit Windows is
5fully supported for C++. Also, MinGW is a standard Ubuntu package, and is
6more mature, so I should prefer that. Go with standard and best-of-breed
7where possible.
9Do I need to use clang for all of my builds?
10* On Trusty (the most recent linux supported by Travis-CI),
11  gcc doesn't fully support C++14, while clang does support C++14.
12  Or use g++: `apt-get install c++-5`. Note that gcc might be faster than clang
13  for direct threading using "labels as values": the issues are caching the IP
14  (a label value) in a register, and the code generated for goto a label value.
15  This was an issue in 2014, need to test with the latest clang to be sure.
16* I'm using LLVM. Is there a compatibility issue with GCC?
17  C++ name mangling in the C++11 library is incompatible, that's all I've got
18  so far. Calls to C functions from jitted code should work.
20AppVeyor is like travis-ci for windows. But where do you get packages?
21Chocolatey is like apt-get for windows, but is missing a lot of OSS packages.