1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file alpha_equivalence.cpp
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Alpha equivalence checking
13  **
14  **/
16 #include "theory/quantifiers/alpha_equivalence.h"
17 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_canonize.h"
19 using namespace CVC4;
20 using namespace std;
21 using namespace CVC4::theory;
22 using namespace CVC4::theory::quantifiers;
23 using namespace CVC4::kind;
25 struct sortTypeOrder {
26   TermCanonize* d_tu;
operator ()sortTypeOrder27   bool operator() (TypeNode i, TypeNode j) {
28     return d_tu->getIdForType( i )<d_tu->getIdForType( j );
29   }
30 };
registerNode(Node q,Node t)32 Node AlphaEquivalenceNode::registerNode(Node q, Node t)
33 {
34   AlphaEquivalenceNode* aen = this;
35   std::vector<Node> tt;
36   std::vector<int> arg_index;
37   tt.push_back(t);
38   std::map< Node, bool > visited;
39   while( !tt.empty() ){
40     if( tt.size()==arg_index.size()+1 ){
41       Node t = tt.back();
42       Node op;
43       if( t.hasOperator() ){
44         if( visited.find( t )==visited.end() ){
45           visited[t] = true;
46           op = t.getOperator();
47           arg_index.push_back( 0 );
48         }else{
49           op = t;
50           arg_index.push_back( -1 );
51         }
52       }else{
53         op = t;
54         arg_index.push_back( 0 );
55       }
56       Trace("aeq-debug") << op << " ";
57       aen = &(aen->d_children[op][t.getNumChildren()]);
58     }else{
59       Node t = tt.back();
60       int i = arg_index.back();
61       if( i==-1 || i==(int)t.getNumChildren() ){
62         tt.pop_back();
63         arg_index.pop_back();
64       }else{
65         tt.push_back( t[i] );
66         arg_index[arg_index.size()-1]++;
67       }
68     }
69   }
70   Trace("aeq-debug") << std::endl;
71   if( aen->d_quant.isNull() ){
72     aen->d_quant = q;
73   }
74   return aen->d_quant;
75 }
registerNode(Node q,Node t,std::vector<TypeNode> & typs,std::map<TypeNode,int> & typ_count)77 Node AlphaEquivalenceTypeNode::registerNode(Node q,
78                                             Node t,
79                                             std::vector<TypeNode>& typs,
80                                             std::map<TypeNode, int>& typ_count)
81 {
82   AlphaEquivalenceTypeNode* aetn = this;
83   unsigned index = 0;
84   while (index < typs.size())
85   {
86     TypeNode curr = typs[index];
87     Assert( typ_count.find( curr )!=typ_count.end() );
88     Trace("aeq-debug") << "[" << curr << " " << typ_count[curr] << "] ";
89     aetn = &(aetn->d_children[curr][typ_count[curr]]);
90     index = index + 1;
91   }
92   Trace("aeq-debug") << " : ";
93   return aetn->d_data.registerNode(q, t);
94 }
addTerm(Node q)96 Node AlphaEquivalenceDb::addTerm(Node q)
97 {
98   Assert( q.getKind()==FORALL );
99   Trace("aeq") << "Alpha equivalence : register " << q << std::endl;
100   //construct canonical quantified formula
101   Node t = d_tc->getCanonicalTerm(q[1], true);
102   Trace("aeq") << "  canonical form: " << t << std::endl;
103   //compute variable type counts
104   std::map< TypeNode, int > typ_count;
105   std::vector< TypeNode > typs;
106   for( unsigned i=0; i<q[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
107     TypeNode tn = q[0][i].getType();
108     typ_count[tn]++;
109     if( std::find( typs.begin(), typs.end(), tn )==typs.end() ){
110       typs.push_back( tn );
111     }
112   }
113   sortTypeOrder sto;
114   sto.d_tu = d_tc;
115   std::sort( typs.begin(), typs.end(), sto );
116   Trace("aeq-debug") << "  ";
117   Node ret = d_ae_typ_trie.registerNode(q, t, typs, typ_count);
118   Trace("aeq") << "  ...result : " << ret << std::endl;
119   return ret;
120 }
AlphaEquivalence(QuantifiersEngine * qe)122 AlphaEquivalence::AlphaEquivalence(QuantifiersEngine* qe)
123     : d_aedb(qe->getTermCanonize())
124 {
125 }
reduceQuantifier(Node q)127 Node AlphaEquivalence::reduceQuantifier(Node q)
128 {
129   Assert(q.getKind() == FORALL);
130   Trace("aeq") << "Alpha equivalence : register " << q << std::endl;
131   Node ret = d_aedb.addTerm(q);
132   Node lem;
133   if (ret != q)
134   {
135     // do not reduce annotated quantified formulas based on alpha equivalence
136     if (q.getNumChildren() == 2)
137     {
138       // lemma ( q <=> d_quant )
139       Trace("alpha-eq") << "Alpha equivalent : " << std::endl;
140       Trace("alpha-eq") << "  " << q << std::endl;
141       Trace("alpha-eq") << "  " << ret << std::endl;
142       lem = q.eqNode(ret);
143     }
144   }
145   return lem;
146 }