1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file model_engine.cpp
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Kshitij Bansal
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Implementation of model engine class
13  **/
15 #include "theory/quantifiers/fmf/model_engine.h"
17 #include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
18 #include "theory/quantifiers/first_order_model.h"
19 #include "theory/quantifiers/fmf/full_model_check.h"
20 #include "theory/quantifiers/instantiate.h"
21 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_attributes.h"
22 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_database.h"
23 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_util.h"
24 #include "theory/theory_engine.h"
25 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
26 #include "theory/uf/theory_uf.h"
27 #include "theory/uf/theory_uf_strong_solver.h"
29 using namespace std;
30 using namespace CVC4;
31 using namespace CVC4::kind;
32 using namespace CVC4::context;
33 using namespace CVC4::theory;
34 using namespace CVC4::theory::quantifiers;
35 using namespace CVC4::theory::inst;
37 //Model Engine constructor
ModelEngine(context::Context * c,QuantifiersEngine * qe)38 ModelEngine::ModelEngine( context::Context* c, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) :
39 QuantifiersModule( qe ),
40 d_incomplete_check(true),
41 d_addedLemmas(0),
42 d_triedLemmas(0),
43 d_totalLemmas(0)
44 {
46 }
~ModelEngine()48 ModelEngine::~ModelEngine() {
50 }
needsCheck(Theory::Effort e)52 bool ModelEngine::needsCheck( Theory::Effort e ) {
53   return e==Theory::EFFORT_LAST_CALL;
54 }
needsModel(Theory::Effort e)56 QuantifiersModule::QEffort ModelEngine::needsModel(Theory::Effort e)
57 {
58   if( options::mbqiInterleave() ){
59     return QEFFORT_STANDARD;
60   }else{
61     return QEFFORT_MODEL;
62   }
63 }
reset_round(Theory::Effort e)65 void ModelEngine::reset_round( Theory::Effort e ) {
66   d_incomplete_check = true;
67 }
check(Theory::Effort e,QEffort quant_e)68 void ModelEngine::check(Theory::Effort e, QEffort quant_e)
69 {
70   bool doCheck = false;
71   if( options::mbqiInterleave() ){
72     doCheck = quant_e == QEFFORT_STANDARD && d_quantEngine->hasAddedLemma();
73   }
74   if( !doCheck ){
75     doCheck = quant_e == QEFFORT_MODEL;
76   }
77   if( doCheck ){
78     Assert( !d_quantEngine->inConflict() );
79     int addedLemmas = 0;
80     FirstOrderModel* fm = d_quantEngine->getModel();
82     //the following will test that the model satisfies all asserted universal quantifiers by
83     // (model-based) exhaustive instantiation.
84     double clSet = 0;
85     if( Trace.isOn("model-engine") ){
86       Trace("model-engine") << "---Model Engine Round---" << std::endl;
87       clSet = double(clock())/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
88     }
90     Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Verify uf ss is minimal..." << std::endl;
91     //let the strong solver verify that the model is minimal
92     //for debugging, this will if there are terms in the model that the strong solver was not notified of
93     uf::StrongSolverTheoryUF * ufss = ((uf::TheoryUF*)d_quantEngine->getTheoryEngine()->theoryOf( THEORY_UF ))->getStrongSolver();
94     if( !ufss || ufss->debugModel( fm ) ){
95       Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Check model..." << std::endl;
96       d_incomplete_check = false;
97       //print debug
98       if( Trace.isOn("fmf-model-complete") ){
99         Trace("fmf-model-complete") << std::endl;
100         debugPrint("fmf-model-complete");
101       }
102       //successfully built an acceptable model, now check it
103       addedLemmas += checkModel();
104     }else{
105       addedLemmas++;
106     }
108     if( Trace.isOn("model-engine") ){
109       double clSet2 = double(clock())/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
110       Trace("model-engine") << "Finished model engine, time = " << (clSet2-clSet) << std::endl;
111     }
113     if( addedLemmas==0 ){
114       Trace("model-engine-debug") << "No lemmas added, incomplete = " << ( d_incomplete_check || !d_incomplete_quants.empty() ) << std::endl;
115       //CVC4 will answer SAT or unknown
116       if( Trace.isOn("fmf-consistent") ){
117         Trace("fmf-consistent") << std::endl;
118         debugPrint("fmf-consistent");
119       }
120     }
121   }
122 }
checkComplete()124 bool ModelEngine::checkComplete() {
125   return !d_incomplete_check;
126 }
checkCompleteFor(Node q)128 bool ModelEngine::checkCompleteFor( Node q ) {
129   return std::find( d_incomplete_quants.begin(), d_incomplete_quants.end(), q )==d_incomplete_quants.end();
130 }
registerQuantifier(Node f)132 void ModelEngine::registerQuantifier( Node f ){
133   if( Trace.isOn("fmf-warn") ){
134     bool canHandle = true;
135     for( unsigned i=0; i<f[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
136       TypeNode tn = f[0][i].getType();
137       if( !tn.isSort() ){
138         if (!tn.isInterpretedFinite())
139         {
140           if( tn.isInteger() ){
141             if( !options::fmfBound() ){
142               canHandle = false;
143             }
144           }else{
145             canHandle = false;
146           }
147         }
148       }
149     }
150     if( !canHandle ){
151       Trace("fmf-warn") << "Warning : Model Engine : may not be able to answer SAT because of formula : " << f << std::endl;
152     }
153   }
154 }
assertNode(Node f)156 void ModelEngine::assertNode( Node f ){
158 }
optOneQuantPerRound()160 bool ModelEngine::optOneQuantPerRound(){
161   return options::fmfOneQuantPerRound();
162 }
checkModel()165 int ModelEngine::checkModel(){
166   FirstOrderModel* fm = d_quantEngine->getModel();
168   //for debugging, setup
169   for (std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node> >::iterator it =
170            fm->getRepSetPtr()->d_type_reps.begin();
171        it != fm->getRepSetPtr()->d_type_reps.end();
172        ++it)
173   {
174     if( it->first.isSort() ){
175       Trace("model-engine") << "Cardinality( " << it->first << " )" << " = " << it->second.size() << std::endl;
176       Trace("model-engine-debug") << "        Reps : ";
177       for( size_t i=0; i<it->second.size(); i++ ){
178         Trace("model-engine-debug") << it->second[i] << "  ";
179       }
180       Trace("model-engine-debug") << std::endl;
181       Trace("model-engine-debug") << "   Term reps : ";
182       for( size_t i=0; i<it->second.size(); i++ ){
183         Node r = d_quantEngine->getInternalRepresentative( it->second[i], Node::null(), 0 );
184         Trace("model-engine-debug") << r << " ";
185       }
186       Trace("model-engine-debug") << std::endl;
187       Node mbt = fm->getModelBasisTerm(it->first);
188       Trace("model-engine-debug") << "  Basis term : " << mbt << std::endl;
189     }
190   }
192   d_triedLemmas = 0;
193   d_addedLemmas = 0;
194   d_totalLemmas = 0;
195   //for statistics
196   if( Trace.isOn("model-engine") ){
197     for( unsigned i=0; i<fm->getNumAssertedQuantifiers(); i++ ){
198       Node f = fm->getAssertedQuantifier( i );
199       if( d_quantEngine->getModel()->isQuantifierActive( f ) && d_quantEngine->hasOwnership( f, this ) ){
200         int totalInst = 1;
201         for( unsigned j=0; j<f[0].getNumChildren(); j++ ){
202           TypeNode tn = f[0][j].getType();
203           if (fm->getRepSet()->hasType(tn))
204           {
205             totalInst =
206                 totalInst * (int)fm->getRepSet()->getNumRepresentatives(tn);
207           }
208         }
209         d_totalLemmas += totalInst;
210       }
211     }
212   }
214   Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Do exhaustive instantiation..." << std::endl;
215   // FMC uses two sub-effort levels
216   int e_max = options::mbqiMode() == MBQI_FMC
217                   ? 2
218                   : (options::mbqiMode() == MBQI_TRUST ? 0 : 1);
219   for( int e=0; e<e_max; e++) {
220     d_incomplete_quants.clear();
221     for( unsigned i=0; i<fm->getNumAssertedQuantifiers(); i++ ){
222       Node q = fm->getAssertedQuantifier( i, true );
223       Trace("fmf-exh-inst") << "-> Exhaustive instantiate " << q << ", effort = " << e << "..." << std::endl;
224       //determine if we should check this quantifier
225       if( d_quantEngine->getModel()->isQuantifierActive( q ) && d_quantEngine->hasOwnership( q, this ) ){
226         exhaustiveInstantiate( q, e );
227         if( d_quantEngine->inConflict() || ( optOneQuantPerRound() && d_addedLemmas>0 ) ){
228           break;
229         }
230       }else{
231         Trace("fmf-exh-inst") << "-> Inactive : " << q << std::endl;
232       }
233     }
234     if( d_addedLemmas>0 ){
235       break;
236     }else{
237       Assert( !d_quantEngine->inConflict() );
238     }
239   }
241   //print debug information
242   if( d_quantEngine->inConflict() ){
243     Trace("model-engine") << "Conflict, added lemmas = ";
244   }else{
245     Trace("model-engine") << "Added Lemmas = ";
246   }
247   Trace("model-engine") << d_addedLemmas << " / " << d_triedLemmas << " / ";
248   Trace("model-engine") << d_totalLemmas << std::endl;
249   return d_addedLemmas;
250 }
exhaustiveInstantiate(Node f,int effort)254 void ModelEngine::exhaustiveInstantiate( Node f, int effort ){
255   //first check if the builder can do the exhaustive instantiation
256   quantifiers::QModelBuilder * mb = d_quantEngine->getModelBuilder();
257   unsigned prev_alem = mb->getNumAddedLemmas();
258   unsigned prev_tlem = mb->getNumTriedLemmas();
259   int retEi = mb->doExhaustiveInstantiation( d_quantEngine->getModel(), f, effort );
260   if( retEi!=0 ){
261     if( retEi<0 ){
262       Trace("fmf-exh-inst") << "-> Builder determined complete instantiation was impossible." << std::endl;
263       d_incomplete_quants.push_back( f );
264     }else{
265       Trace("fmf-exh-inst") << "-> Builder determined instantiation(s)." << std::endl;
266     }
267     d_triedLemmas += mb->getNumTriedLemmas()-prev_tlem;
268     d_addedLemmas += mb->getNumAddedLemmas()-prev_alem;
269     d_quantEngine->d_statistics.d_instantiations_fmf_mbqi +=
270         (mb->getNumAddedLemmas() - prev_alem);
271   }else{
272     if( Trace.isOn("fmf-exh-inst-debug") ){
273       Trace("fmf-exh-inst-debug") << "   Instantiation Constants: ";
274       for( size_t i=0; i<f[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
275         Trace("fmf-exh-inst-debug") << d_quantEngine->getTermUtil()->getInstantiationConstant( f, i ) << " ";
276       }
277       Trace("fmf-exh-inst-debug") << std::endl;
278     }
279     //create a rep set iterator and iterate over the (relevant) domain of the quantifier
280     QRepBoundExt qrbe(d_quantEngine);
281     RepSetIterator riter(d_quantEngine->getModel()->getRepSet(), &qrbe);
282     if( riter.setQuantifier( f ) ){
283       Trace("fmf-exh-inst") << "...exhaustive instantiation set, incomplete=" << riter.isIncomplete() << "..." << std::endl;
284       if( !riter.isIncomplete() ){
285         int triedLemmas = 0;
286         int addedLemmas = 0;
287         EqualityQuery* qy = d_quantEngine->getEqualityQuery();
288         Instantiate* inst = d_quantEngine->getInstantiate();
289         while( !riter.isFinished() && ( addedLemmas==0 || !options::fmfOneInstPerRound() ) ){
290           //instantiation was not shown to be true, construct the match
291           InstMatch m( f );
292           for (unsigned i = 0; i < riter.getNumTerms(); i++)
293           {
294             m.set(qy, i, riter.getCurrentTerm(i));
295           }
296           Debug("fmf-model-eval") << "* Add instantiation " << m << std::endl;
297           triedLemmas++;
298           //add as instantiation
299           if (inst->addInstantiation(f, m, true))
300           {
301             addedLemmas++;
302             if( d_quantEngine->inConflict() ){
303               break;
304             }
305           }else{
306             Debug("fmf-model-eval") << "* Failed Add instantiation " << m << std::endl;
307           }
308           riter.increment();
309         }
310         d_addedLemmas += addedLemmas;
311         d_triedLemmas += triedLemmas;
312         d_quantEngine->d_statistics.d_instantiations_fmf_exh += addedLemmas;
313       }
314     }else{
315       Trace("fmf-exh-inst") << "...exhaustive instantiation did set, incomplete=" << riter.isIncomplete() << "..." << std::endl;
316     }
317     //if the iterator is incomplete, we will return unknown instead of sat if no instantiations are added this round
318     if( riter.isIncomplete() ){
319       d_incomplete_quants.push_back( f );
320     }
321   }
322 }
debugPrint(const char * c)324 void ModelEngine::debugPrint( const char* c ){
325   Trace( c ) << "Quantifiers: " << std::endl;
326   for( unsigned i=0; i<d_quantEngine->getModel()->getNumAssertedQuantifiers(); i++ ){
327     Node q = d_quantEngine->getModel()->getAssertedQuantifier( i );
328     if( d_quantEngine->hasOwnership( q, this ) ){
329       Trace( c ) << "   ";
330       if( !d_quantEngine->getModel()->isQuantifierActive( q ) ){
331         Trace( c ) << "*Inactive* ";
332       }else{
333         Trace( c ) << "           ";
334       }
335       Trace( c ) << q << std::endl;
336     }
337   }
338   //d_quantEngine->getModel()->debugPrint( c );
339 }