1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file cegis_unif.cpp
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief implementation of class for cegis with unification techniques
13  **/
15 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/cegis_unif.h"
17 #include "options/base_options.h"
18 #include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
19 #include "printer/printer.h"
20 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif_rl.h"
21 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/synth_conjecture.h"
22 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/term_database_sygus.h"
23 #include "theory/theory_engine.h"
25 using namespace CVC4::kind;
27 namespace CVC4 {
28 namespace theory {
29 namespace quantifiers {
CegisUnif(QuantifiersEngine * qe,SynthConjecture * p)31 CegisUnif::CegisUnif(QuantifiersEngine* qe, SynthConjecture* p)
32     : Cegis(qe, p), d_sygus_unif(p), d_u_enum_manager(qe, p)
33 {
34 }
~CegisUnif()36 CegisUnif::~CegisUnif() {}
processInitialize(Node n,const std::vector<Node> & candidates,std::vector<Node> & lemmas)37 bool CegisUnif::processInitialize(Node n,
38                                   const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
39                                   std::vector<Node>& lemmas)
40 {
41   // list of strategy points for unification candidates
42   std::vector<Node> unif_candidate_pts;
43   // map from strategy points to their conditions
44   std::map<Node, Node> pt_to_cond;
45   // strategy lemmas for each strategy point
46   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>> strategy_lemmas;
47   // Initialize strategies for all functions-to-synthesize
48   // The role of non-unification enumerators is to be either the single solution
49   // or part of a solution involving multiple enumerators.
50   EnumeratorRole eroleNonUnif = candidates.size() == 1
51                                     ? ROLE_ENUM_SINGLE_SOLUTION
52                                     : ROLE_ENUM_MULTI_SOLUTION;
53   for (const Node& f : candidates)
54   {
55     // Init UNIF util for this candidate
56     d_sygus_unif.initializeCandidate(
57         d_qe, f, d_cand_to_strat_pt[f], strategy_lemmas);
58     if (!d_sygus_unif.usingUnif(f))
59     {
60       Trace("cegis-unif") << "* non-unification candidate : " << f << std::endl;
61       d_tds->registerEnumerator(f, f, d_parent, eroleNonUnif);
62       d_non_unif_candidates.push_back(f);
63     }
64     else
65     {
66       d_unif_candidates.push_back(f);
67       Trace("cegis-unif") << "* unification candidate : " << f
68                           << " with strategy points:" << std::endl;
69       std::vector<Node>& enums = d_cand_to_strat_pt[f];
70       unif_candidate_pts.insert(
71           unif_candidate_pts.end(), enums.begin(), enums.end());
72       // map strategy point to its condition in pt_to_cond
73       for (const Node& e : enums)
74       {
75         Node cond = d_sygus_unif.getConditionForEvaluationPoint(e);
76         Assert(!cond.isNull());
77         Trace("cegis-unif")
78             << "  " << e << " with condition : " << cond << std::endl;
79         pt_to_cond[e] = cond;
80       }
81     }
82   }
83   // initialize the enumeration manager
84   d_u_enum_manager.initialize(unif_candidate_pts, pt_to_cond, strategy_lemmas);
85   return true;
86 }
getTermList(const std::vector<Node> & candidates,std::vector<Node> & enums)88 void CegisUnif::getTermList(const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
89                             std::vector<Node>& enums)
90 {
91   // Non-unif candidate are themselves the enumerators
92   enums.insert(
93       enums.end(), d_non_unif_candidates.begin(), d_non_unif_candidates.end());
94   for (const Node& c : d_unif_candidates)
95   {
96     // Collect heads of candidates
97     for (const Node& hd : d_sygus_unif.getEvalPointHeads(c))
98     {
99       Trace("cegis-unif-enum-debug")
100           << "......cand " << c << " with enum hd " << hd << "\n";
101       enums.push_back(hd);
102     }
103     // get unification enumerators
104     for (const Node& e : d_cand_to_strat_pt[c])
105     {
106       for (unsigned index = 0; index < 2; index++)
107       {
108         std::vector<Node> uenums;
109         // get the current unification enumerators
110         d_u_enum_manager.getEnumeratorsForStrategyPt(e, uenums, index);
111         // get the model value of each enumerator
112         enums.insert(enums.end(), uenums.begin(), uenums.end());
113       }
114     }
115   }
116 }
getEnumValues(const std::vector<Node> & enums,const std::vector<Node> & enum_values,std::map<Node,std::vector<Node>> & unif_cenums,std::map<Node,std::vector<Node>> & unif_cvalues,std::vector<Node> & lems)118 bool CegisUnif::getEnumValues(const std::vector<Node>& enums,
119                               const std::vector<Node>& enum_values,
120                               std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>& unif_cenums,
121                               std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>& unif_cvalues,
122                               std::vector<Node>& lems)
123 {
124   NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
125   Node cost_lit = d_u_enum_manager.getAssertedLiteral();
126   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>> unif_renums, unif_rvalues;
127   // build model value map
128   std::map<Node, Node> mvMap;
129   for (unsigned i = 0, size = enums.size(); i < size; i++)
130   {
131     mvMap[enums[i]] = enum_values[i];
132   }
133   bool addedUnifEnumSymBreakLemma = false;
134   // populate maps between unification enumerators and their model values
135   for (const Node& c : d_unif_candidates)
136   {
137     // for each decision tree strategy allocated for c (these are referenced
138     // by strategy points in d_cand_to_strat_pt[c])
139     for (const Node& e : d_cand_to_strat_pt[c])
140     {
141       for (unsigned index = 0; index < 2; index++)
142       {
143         std::vector<Node> es, vs;
144         Trace("cegis-unif")
145             << "  " << (index == 0 ? "Return values" : "Conditions") << " for "
146             << e << ":\n";
147         // get the current unification enumerators
148         d_u_enum_manager.getEnumeratorsForStrategyPt(e, es, index);
149         // set enums for condition enumerators
150         if (index == 1)
151         {
152           if (options::sygusUnifCondIndependent())
153           {
154             Assert(es.size() == 1);
155             // whether valueus exhausted
156             if (mvMap.find(es[0]) == mvMap.end())
157             {
158               Trace("cegis-unif") << "    " << es[0] << " -> N/A\n";
159               es.clear();
160             }
161           }
162           unif_cenums[e] = es;
163         }
164         // get the model value of each enumerator
165         for (const Node& eu : es)
166         {
167           Assert(mvMap.find(eu) != mvMap.end());
168           Node m_eu = mvMap[eu];
169           if (Trace.isOn("cegis-unif"))
170           {
171             Trace("cegis-unif") << "    " << eu << " -> ";
172             TermDbSygus::toStreamSygus("cegis-unif", m_eu);
173             Trace("cegis-unif") << "\n";
174           }
175           vs.push_back(m_eu);
176         }
177         // set values for condition enumerators of e
178         if (index == 1)
179         {
180           unif_cvalues[e] = vs;
181         }
182         // inter-enumerator symmetry breaking for return values
183         else
184         {
185           // given a pool of unification enumerators eu_1, ..., eu_n,
186           // CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy insists that size(eu_1) <= ... <=
187           // size(eu_n). We additionally insist that M(eu_i) < M(eu_{i+1}) when
188           // size(eu_i) = size(eu_{i+1}), where < is pointer comparison.
189           // We enforce this below by adding symmetry breaking lemmas of the
190           // form ~( eu_i = M(eu_i) ^ eu_{i+1} = M(eu_{i+1} ) )
191           // when applicable.
192           // we only do this for return value enumerators, since condition
193           // enumerators cannot be ordered (their order is based on the
194           // seperation resolution scheme during model construction).
195           for (unsigned j = 1, nenum = vs.size(); j < nenum; j++)
196           {
197             Node prev_val = vs[j - 1];
198             Node curr_val = vs[j];
199             // compare the node values
200             if (curr_val < prev_val)
201             {
202               // must have the same size
203               unsigned prev_size = d_tds->getSygusTermSize(prev_val);
204               unsigned curr_size = d_tds->getSygusTermSize(curr_val);
205               Assert(prev_size <= curr_size);
206               if (curr_size == prev_size)
207               {
208                 Node slem =
209                     nm->mkNode(
210                           AND, es[j - 1].eqNode(vs[j - 1]), es[j].eqNode(vs[j]))
211                         .negate();
212                 Trace("cegis-unif")
213                     << "CegisUnif::lemma, inter-unif-enumerator "
214                        "symmetry breaking lemma : "
215                     << slem << "\n";
216                 d_qe->getOutputChannel().lemma(slem);
217                 addedUnifEnumSymBreakLemma = true;
218                 break;
219               }
220             }
221           }
222         }
223       }
224     }
225   }
226   return !addedUnifEnumSymBreakLemma;
227 }
setConditions(const std::map<Node,std::vector<Node>> & unif_cenums,const std::map<Node,std::vector<Node>> & unif_cvalues,std::vector<Node> & lems)229 void CegisUnif::setConditions(
230     const std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>& unif_cenums,
231     const std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>& unif_cvalues,
232     std::vector<Node>& lems)
233 {
234   Node cost_lit = d_u_enum_manager.getAssertedLiteral();
235   NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
236   // set the conditions
237   for (const Node& c : d_unif_candidates)
238   {
239     for (const Node& e : d_cand_to_strat_pt[c])
240     {
241       Assert(unif_cenums.find(e) != unif_cenums.end());
242       Assert(unif_cvalues.find(e) != unif_cvalues.end());
243       std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>::const_iterator itc =
244           unif_cenums.find(e);
245       std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>::const_iterator itv =
246           unif_cvalues.find(e);
247       d_sygus_unif.setConditions(e, cost_lit, itc->second, itv->second);
248       // d_sygus_unif.setConditions(e, cost_lit, unif_cenums[e],
249       // unif_cvalues[e]); if condition enumerator had value and it is being
250       // passively generated, exclude this value
251       if (options::sygusUnifCondIndependent() && !itc->second.empty())
252       {
253         Node eu = itc->second[0];
254         Assert(d_tds->isEnumerator(eu));
255         Assert(!itv->second.empty());
256         if (d_tds->isPassiveEnumerator(eu))
257         {
258           Node g = d_tds->getActiveGuardForEnumerator(eu);
259           Node exp_exc = d_tds->getExplain()
260                              ->getExplanationForEquality(eu, itv->second[0])
261                              .negate();
262           lems.push_back(nm->mkNode(OR, g.negate(), exp_exc));
263         }
264       }
265     }
266   }
267 }
processConstructCandidates(const std::vector<Node> & enums,const std::vector<Node> & enum_values,const std::vector<Node> & candidates,std::vector<Node> & candidate_values,bool satisfiedRl,std::vector<Node> & lems)269 bool CegisUnif::processConstructCandidates(const std::vector<Node>& enums,
270                                            const std::vector<Node>& enum_values,
271                                            const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
272                                            std::vector<Node>& candidate_values,
273                                            bool satisfiedRl,
274                                            std::vector<Node>& lems)
275 {
276   if (d_unif_candidates.empty())
277   {
278     Assert(d_non_unif_candidates.size() == candidates.size());
279     return Cegis::processConstructCandidates(
280         enums, enum_values, candidates, candidate_values, satisfiedRl, lems);
281   }
282   if (Trace.isOn("cegis-unif"))
283   {
284     for (const Node& c : d_unif_candidates)
285     {
286       // Collect heads of candidates
287       Trace("cegis-unif") << "  Evaluation heads for " << c << " :\n";
288       for (const Node& hd : d_sygus_unif.getEvalPointHeads(c))
289       {
290         bool isUnit = false;
291         // d_rl_eval_hds accumulates eval apps, so need to look at operators
292         for (const Node& hd_unit : d_rl_eval_hds)
293         {
294           if (hd == hd_unit[0])
295           {
296             isUnit = true;
297             break;
298           }
299         }
300         Trace("cegis-unif") << "    " << hd << (isUnit ? "*" : "") << " -> ";
301         Assert(std::find(enums.begin(), enums.end(), hd) != enums.end());
302         unsigned i = std::distance(enums.begin(),
303                                    std::find(enums.begin(), enums.end(), hd));
304         Assert(i >= 0 && i < enum_values.size());
305         TermDbSygus::toStreamSygus("cegis-unif", enum_values[i]);
306         Trace("cegis-unif") << "\n";
307       }
308     }
309   }
310   // the unification enumerators for conditions and their model values
311   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>> unif_cenums;
312   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>> unif_cvalues;
313   // we only proceed to solution building if we are not introducing symmetry
314   // breaking lemmas between return values and if we have not previously
315   // introduced return values refinement lemmas
316   if (!getEnumValues(enums, enum_values, unif_cenums, unif_cvalues, lems)
317       || !satisfiedRl)
318   {
319     // if condition values are being indepedently enumerated, they should be
320     // communicated to the decision tree strategies indepedently of we
321     // proceeding to attempt solution building
322     if (options::sygusUnifCondIndependent())
323     {
324       setConditions(unif_cenums, unif_cvalues, lems);
325     }
326     Trace("cegis-unif") << (!satisfiedRl
327                                 ? "..added refinement lemmas"
328                                 : "..added unif enum symmetry breaking")
329                         << "\n---CegisUnif Engine---\n";
330     // if we didn't satisfy the specification, there is no way to repair
331     return false;
332   }
333   setConditions(unif_cenums, unif_cvalues, lems);
334   // build solutions (for unif candidates a divide-and-conquer approach is used)
335   std::vector<Node> sols;
336   std::vector<Node> lemmas;
337   if (d_sygus_unif.constructSolution(sols, lemmas))
338   {
339     candidate_values.insert(candidate_values.end(), sols.begin(), sols.end());
340     if (Trace.isOn("cegis-unif"))
341     {
342       Trace("cegis-unif") << "* Candidate solutions are:\n";
343       for (const Node& sol : sols)
344       {
345         Trace("cegis-unif")
346             << "... " << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(sol, sol.getType()) << "\n";
347       }
348       Trace("cegis-unif") << "---CegisUnif Engine---\n";
349     }
350     return true;
351   }
353   // TODO tie this to the lemma for getting a new condition value
354   Assert(options::sygusUnifCondIndependent() || !lemmas.empty());
355   for (const Node& lem : lemmas)
356   {
357     Trace("cegis-unif-lemma")
358         << "CegisUnif::lemma, separation lemma : " << lem << "\n";
359     d_qe->getOutputChannel().lemma(lem);
360   }
361   Trace("cegis-unif") << "..failed to separate heads\n---CegisUnif Engine---\n";
362   return false;
363 }
registerRefinementLemma(const std::vector<Node> & vars,Node lem,std::vector<Node> & lems)365 void CegisUnif::registerRefinementLemma(const std::vector<Node>& vars,
366                                         Node lem,
367                                         std::vector<Node>& lems)
368 {
369   // Notify lemma to unification utility and get its purified form
370   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>> eval_pts;
371   Node plem = d_sygus_unif.addRefLemma(lem, eval_pts);
372   addRefinementLemma(plem);
373   Trace("cegis-unif-lemma")
374       << "CegisUnif::lemma, refinement lemma : " << plem << "\n";
375   // Notify the enumeration manager if there are new evaluation points
376   for (const std::pair<const Node, std::vector<Node>>& ep : eval_pts)
377   {
378     Assert(d_cand_to_strat_pt.find(ep.first) != d_cand_to_strat_pt.end());
379     // Notify each strategy point of the respective candidate
380     for (const Node& n : d_cand_to_strat_pt[ep.first])
381     {
382       d_u_enum_manager.registerEvalPts(ep.second, n);
383     }
384   }
385   // Make the refinement lemma and add it to lems. This lemma is guarded by the
386   // parent's guard, which has the semantics "this conjecture has a solution",
387   // hence this lemma states: if the parent conjecture has a solution, it
388   // satisfies the specification for the given concrete point.
389   lems.push_back(NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(
390       OR, d_parent->getGuard().negate(), plem));
391 }
CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy(QuantifiersEngine * qe,SynthConjecture * parent)393 CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy::CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy(
394     QuantifiersEngine* qe, SynthConjecture* parent)
395     : DecisionStrategyFmf(qe->getSatContext(), qe->getValuation()),
396       d_qe(qe),
397       d_parent(parent)
398 {
399   d_initialized = false;
400   d_tds = d_qe->getTermDatabaseSygus();
401 }
mkLiteral(unsigned n)403 Node CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy::mkLiteral(unsigned n)
404 {
405   NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
406   Node new_lit = nm->mkSkolem("G_cost", nm->booleanType());
407   unsigned new_size = n + 1;
409   // allocate an enumerator for each candidate
410   for (std::pair<const Node, StrategyPtInfo>& ci : d_ce_info)
411   {
412     Node c = ci.first;
413     TypeNode ct = c.getType();
414     Node eu = nm->mkSkolem("eu", ct);
415     Node ceu;
416     if (!options::sygusUnifCondIndependent() && !ci.second.d_enums[0].empty())
417     {
418       // make a new conditional enumerator as well, starting the
419       // second type around
420       ceu = nm->mkSkolem("cu", ci.second.d_ce_type);
421     }
422     // register the new enumerators
423     for (unsigned index = 0; index < 2; index++)
424     {
425       Node e = index == 0 ? eu : ceu;
426       if (e.isNull())
427       {
428         continue;
429       }
430       setUpEnumerator(e, ci.second, index);
431     }
432   }
433   // register the evaluation points at the new value
434   for (std::pair<const Node, StrategyPtInfo>& ci : d_ce_info)
435   {
436     Node c = ci.first;
437     for (const Node& ei : ci.second.d_eval_points)
438     {
439       Trace("cegis-unif-enum") << "...increasing enum number for hd " << ei
440                                << " to new size " << new_size << "\n";
441       registerEvalPtAtSize(c, ei, new_lit, new_size);
442     }
443   }
444   // enforce fairness between number of enumerators and enumerator size
445   if (new_size > 1)
446   {
447     // construct the "virtual enumerator"
448     if (d_virtual_enum.isNull())
449     {
450       // we construct the default integer grammar with no variables, e.g.:
451       //   A -> 0 | 1 | A+A
452       TypeNode intTn = nm->integerType();
453       // use a null variable list
454       Node bvl;
455       std::stringstream ss;
456       ss << "_virtual_enum_grammar";
457       std::string virtualEnumName(ss.str());
458       std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node>> extra_cons;
459       std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node>> exclude_cons;
460       // do not include "-", which is included by default for integers
461       exclude_cons[intTn].push_back(nm->operatorOf(MINUS));
462       std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> term_irrelevant;
463       TypeNode vtn = CegGrammarConstructor::mkSygusDefaultType(intTn,
464                                                                bvl,
465                                                                virtualEnumName,
466                                                                extra_cons,
467                                                                exclude_cons,
468                                                                term_irrelevant);
469       d_virtual_enum = nm->mkSkolem("_ve", vtn);
470       d_tds->registerEnumerator(
471           d_virtual_enum, Node::null(), d_parent, ROLE_ENUM_CONSTRAINED);
472     }
473     // if new_size is a power of two, then isPow2 returns log2(new_size)+1
474     // otherwise, this returns 0. In the case it returns 0, we don't care
475     // since the floor( log2( i ) ) = floor( log2( i - 1 ) ) and we do not
476     // increase our size bound.
477     unsigned pow_two = Integer(new_size).isPow2();
478     if (pow_two > 0)
479     {
480       Node size_ve = nm->mkNode(DT_SIZE, d_virtual_enum);
481       Node fair_lemma =
482           nm->mkNode(GEQ, size_ve, nm->mkConst(Rational(pow_two - 1)));
483       fair_lemma = nm->mkNode(OR, new_lit, fair_lemma);
484       Trace("cegis-unif-enum-lemma")
485           << "CegisUnifEnum::lemma, fairness size:" << fair_lemma << "\n";
486       // this lemma relates the number of conditions we enumerate and the
487       // maximum size of a term that is part of our solution. It is of the
488       // form:
489       //   G_uq_i => size(ve) >= log_2( i-1 )
490       // In other words, if we use i conditions, then we allow terms in our
491       // solution whose size is at most log_2(i-1).
492       d_qe->getOutputChannel().lemma(fair_lemma);
493     }
494   }
496   return new_lit;
497 }
initialize(const std::vector<Node> & es,const std::map<Node,Node> & e_to_cond,const std::map<Node,std::vector<Node>> & strategy_lemmas)499 void CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy::initialize(
500     const std::vector<Node>& es,
501     const std::map<Node, Node>& e_to_cond,
502     const std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>& strategy_lemmas)
503 {
504   Assert(!d_initialized);
505   d_initialized = true;
506   if (es.empty())
507   {
508     return;
509   }
510   // initialize type information for candidates
511   NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
512   for (const Node& e : es)
513   {
514     Trace("cegis-unif-enum-debug") << "...adding strategy point " << e << "\n";
515     // currently, we allocate the same enumerators for candidates of the same
516     // type
517     d_ce_info[e].d_pt = e;
518     std::map<Node, Node>::const_iterator itcc = e_to_cond.find(e);
519     Assert(itcc != e_to_cond.end());
520     Node cond = itcc->second;
521     Trace("cegis-unif-enum-debug")
522         << "...its condition strategy point is " << cond << "\n";
523     d_ce_info[e].d_ce_type = cond.getType();
524     // initialize the symmetry breaking lemma templates
525     for (unsigned index = 0; index < 2; index++)
526     {
527       Assert(d_ce_info[e].d_sbt_lemma_tmpl[index].first.isNull());
528       Node sp = index == 0 ? e : cond;
529       std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>::const_iterator it =
530           strategy_lemmas.find(sp);
531       if (it == strategy_lemmas.end())
532       {
533         continue;
534       }
535       // collect lemmas for removing redundant ops for this candidate's type
536       Node d_sbt_lemma =
537           it->second.size() == 1 ? it->second[0] : nm->mkNode(AND, it->second);
538       Trace("cegis-unif-enum-debug")
539           << "...adding lemma template to remove redundant operators for " << sp
540           << " --> lambda " << sp << ". " << d_sbt_lemma << "\n";
541       d_ce_info[e].d_sbt_lemma_tmpl[index] =
542           std::pair<Node, Node>(d_sbt_lemma, sp);
543     }
544   }
546   // register this strategy
547   d_qe->getTheoryEngine()->getDecisionManager()->registerStrategy(
548       DecisionManager::STRAT_QUANT_CEGIS_UNIF_NUM_ENUMS, this);
550   // create single condition enumerator for each decision tree strategy
551   if (options::sygusUnifCondIndependent())
552   {
553     // allocate a condition enumerator for each candidate
554     for (std::pair<const Node, StrategyPtInfo>& ci : d_ce_info)
555     {
556       Node ceu = nm->mkSkolem("cu", ci.second.d_ce_type);
557       setUpEnumerator(ceu, ci.second, 1);
558     }
559   }
560 }
getEnumeratorsForStrategyPt(Node e,std::vector<Node> & es,unsigned index) const562 void CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy::getEnumeratorsForStrategyPt(
563     Node e, std::vector<Node>& es, unsigned index) const
564 {
565   // the number of active enumerators is related to the current cost value
566   unsigned num_enums = 0;
567   bool has_num_enums = getAssertedLiteralIndex(num_enums);
568   AlwaysAssert(has_num_enums);
569   num_enums = num_enums + 1;
570   if (index == 1)
571   {
572     // we always use (cost-1) conditions, or 1 if in the indepedent case
573     num_enums = !options::sygusUnifCondIndependent() ? num_enums - 1 : 1;
574   }
575   if (num_enums > 0)
576   {
577     std::map<Node, StrategyPtInfo>::const_iterator itc = d_ce_info.find(e);
578     Assert(itc != d_ce_info.end());
579     Assert(num_enums <= itc->second.d_enums[index].size());
580     es.insert(es.end(),
581               itc->second.d_enums[index].begin(),
582               itc->second.d_enums[index].begin() + num_enums);
583   }
584 }
setUpEnumerator(Node e,StrategyPtInfo & si,unsigned index)586 void CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy::setUpEnumerator(Node e,
587                                                     StrategyPtInfo& si,
588                                                     unsigned index)
589 {
590   NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
591   // instantiate template for removing redundant operators
592   if (!si.d_sbt_lemma_tmpl[index].first.isNull())
593   {
594     Node templ = si.d_sbt_lemma_tmpl[index].first;
595     TNode templ_var = si.d_sbt_lemma_tmpl[index].second;
596     Node sym_break_red_ops = templ.substitute(templ_var, e);
597     Trace("cegis-unif-enum-lemma")
598         << "CegisUnifEnum::lemma, remove redundant ops of " << e << " : "
599         << sym_break_red_ops << "\n";
600     d_qe->getOutputChannel().lemma(sym_break_red_ops);
601   }
602   // symmetry breaking between enumerators
603   if (!si.d_enums[index].empty() && index == 0)
604   {
605     Node e_prev = si.d_enums[index].back();
606     Node size_e = nm->mkNode(DT_SIZE, e);
607     Node size_e_prev = nm->mkNode(DT_SIZE, e_prev);
608     Node sym_break = nm->mkNode(GEQ, size_e, size_e_prev);
609     Trace("cegis-unif-enum-lemma")
610         << "CegisUnifEnum::lemma, enum sym break:" << sym_break << "\n";
611     d_qe->getOutputChannel().lemma(sym_break);
612   }
613   // register the enumerator
614   si.d_enums[index].push_back(e);
615   EnumeratorRole erole = ROLE_ENUM_CONSTRAINED;
616   // if we are using a single independent enumerator for conditions, then we
617   // allocate an active guard, and are eligible to use variable-agnostic
618   // enumeration.
619   if (options::sygusUnifCondIndependent() && index == 1)
620   {
621     erole = ROLE_ENUM_POOL;
622   }
623   Trace("cegis-unif-enum") << "* Registering new enumerator " << e
624                            << " to strategy point " << si.d_pt << "\n";
625   d_tds->registerEnumerator(e, si.d_pt, d_parent, erole, false);
626 }
registerEvalPts(const std::vector<Node> & eis,Node e)628 void CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy::registerEvalPts(
629     const std::vector<Node>& eis, Node e)
630 {
631   // candidates of the same type are managed
632   std::map<Node, StrategyPtInfo>::iterator it = d_ce_info.find(e);
633   Assert(it != d_ce_info.end());
634   it->second.d_eval_points.insert(
635       it->second.d_eval_points.end(), eis.begin(), eis.end());
636   // register at all already allocated sizes
637   for (const Node& ei : eis)
638   {
639     Assert(ei.getType() == e.getType());
640     for (unsigned j = 0, size = d_literals.size(); j < size; j++)
641     {
642       Trace("cegis-unif-enum") << "...for cand " << e << " adding hd " << ei
643                                << " at size " << j << "\n";
644       registerEvalPtAtSize(e, ei, d_literals[j], j + 1);
645     }
646   }
647 }
registerEvalPtAtSize(Node e,Node ei,Node guq_lit,unsigned n)649 void CegisUnifEnumDecisionStrategy::registerEvalPtAtSize(Node e,
650                                                          Node ei,
651                                                          Node guq_lit,
652                                                          unsigned n)
653 {
654   // must be equal to one of the first n enums
655   std::map<Node, StrategyPtInfo>::iterator itc = d_ce_info.find(e);
656   Assert(itc != d_ce_info.end());
657   Assert(itc->second.d_enums[0].size() >= n);
658   std::vector<Node> disj;
659   disj.push_back(guq_lit.negate());
660   for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
661   {
662     disj.push_back(ei.eqNode(itc->second.d_enums[0][i]));
663   }
664   Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(OR, disj);
665   Trace("cegis-unif-enum-lemma")
666       << "CegisUnifEnum::lemma, domain:" << lem << "\n";
667   d_qe->getOutputChannel().lemma(lem);
668 }
670 }  // namespace quantifiers
671 }  // namespace theory
672 }  // namespace CVC4