1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file theory_sets_rels.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Paul Meng, Tim King
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Sets theory implementation.
13  **
14  ** Extension to Sets theory.
15  **/
20 #include <unordered_set>
22 #include "context/cdhashset.h"
23 #include "context/cdlist.h"
24 #include "theory/sets/rels_utils.h"
25 #include "theory/theory.h"
26 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
28 namespace CVC4 {
29 namespace theory {
30 namespace sets {
32 class TheorySets;
35 class TupleTrie {
36 public:
37   /** the data */
38   std::map< Node, TupleTrie > d_data;
39 public:
40   std::vector<Node> findTerms( std::vector< Node >& reps, int argIndex = 0 );
41   std::vector<Node> findSuccessors( std::vector< Node >& reps, int argIndex = 0 );
42   Node existsTerm( std::vector< Node >& reps, int argIndex = 0 );
43   bool addTerm( Node n, std::vector< Node >& reps, int argIndex = 0 );
44   void debugPrint( const char * c, Node n, unsigned depth = 0 );
clear()45   void clear() { d_data.clear(); }
46 };/* class TupleTrie */
48 class TheorySetsRels {
49   typedef context::CDList<Node> NodeList;
50   typedef context::CDHashSet< Node, NodeHashFunction >            NodeSet;
51   typedef context::CDHashMap< Node, Node, NodeHashFunction >      NodeMap;
53 public:
54   TheorySetsRels(context::Context* c,
55                  context::UserContext* u,
56                  eq::EqualityEngine*,
57                  context::CDO<bool>*,
58                  TheorySets&);
60   ~TheorySetsRels();
61   void check(Theory::Effort);
62   void doPendingLemmas();
64   bool isRelationKind( Kind k );
65 private:
66   /** equivalence class info
67    * d_mem tuples that are members of this equivalence class
68    * d_not_mem tuples that are not members of this equivalence class
69    * d_tp is a node of kind TRANSPOSE (if any) in this equivalence class,
70    * d_pt is a node of kind PRODUCT (if any) in this equivalence class,
71    * d_tc is a node of kind TCLOSURE (if any) in this equivalence class,
72    */
73   class EqcInfo
74   {
75   public:
76     EqcInfo( context::Context* c );
~EqcInfo()77     ~EqcInfo(){}
78     NodeSet                     d_mem;
79     NodeMap                     d_mem_exp;
80     context::CDO< Node >        d_tp;
81     context::CDO< Node >        d_pt;
82     context::CDO< Node >        d_tc;
83     context::CDO< Node >        d_rel_tc;
84   };
86 private:
88   /** has eqc info */
hasEqcInfo(TNode n)89   bool hasEqcInfo( TNode n ) { return d_eqc_info.find( n )!=d_eqc_info.end(); }
91   eq::EqualityEngine            *d_eqEngine;
92   context::CDO<bool>            *d_conflict;
93   TheorySets&                   d_sets_theory;
95   /** True and false constant nodes */
96   Node                          d_trueNode;
97   Node                          d_falseNode;
99   /** Facts and lemmas to be sent to EE */
100   NodeList                      d_pending_merge;
101   NodeSet                       d_lemmas_produced;
102   NodeSet                       d_shared_terms;
103   std::vector< Node >           d_lemmas_out;
104   std::map< Node, Node >        d_pending_facts;
107   std::unordered_set< Node, NodeHashFunction >       d_rel_nodes;
108   std::map< Node, std::vector<Node> >           d_tuple_reps;
109   std::map< Node, TupleTrie >                   d_membership_trie;
111   /** Symbolic tuple variables that has been reduced to concrete ones */
112   std::unordered_set< Node, NodeHashFunction >       d_symbolic_tuples;
114   /** Mapping between relation and its member representatives */
115   std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >           d_rReps_memberReps_cache;
117   /** Mapping between relation and its member representatives explanation */
118   std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >           d_rReps_memberReps_exp_cache;
120   /** Mapping between a relation representative and its equivalent relations involving relational operators */
121   std::map< Node, std::map<kind::Kind_t, std::vector<Node> > >                  d_terms_cache;
123   /** Mapping between transitive closure relation TC(r) and its TC graph constructed based on the members of r*/
124   std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> > >     d_rRep_tcGraph;
125   std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> > >     d_tcr_tcGraph;
126   std::map< Node, std::map< Node, Node > > d_tcr_tcGraph_exps;
127   std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_tc_lemmas_last;
129   std::map< Node, EqcInfo* > d_eqc_info;
131 public:
132   /** Standard effort notifications */
133   void eqNotifyNewClass(Node t);
134   void eqNotifyPostMerge(Node t1, Node t2);
136 private:
138   /** Methods used in standard effort */
139   void doPendingMerge();
140   void sendInferProduct(Node member, Node pt_rel, Node exp);
141   void sendInferTranspose(Node t1, Node t2, Node exp );
142   void sendInferTClosure( Node mem_rep, EqcInfo* ei );
143   void sendMergeInfer( Node fact, Node reason, const char * c );
144   EqcInfo* getOrMakeEqcInfo( Node n, bool doMake = false );
146   /** Methods used in full effort */
147   void check();
148   void collectRelsInfo();
149   void applyTransposeRule( std::vector<Node> tp_terms );
150   void applyTransposeRule( Node rel, Node rel_rep, Node exp );
151   void applyProductRule( Node rel, Node rel_rep, Node exp );
152   void applyJoinRule( Node rel, Node rel_rep, Node exp);
153   void applyJoinImageRule( Node mem_rep, Node rel_rep, Node exp);
154   void applyIdenRule( Node mem_rep, Node rel_rep, Node exp);
155   void applyTCRule( Node mem, Node rel, Node rel_rep, Node exp);
156   void buildTCGraphForRel( Node tc_rel );
157   void doTCInference();
158   void doTCInference( std::map< Node, std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> > rel_tc_graph, std::map< Node, Node > rel_tc_graph_exps, Node tc_rel );
159   void doTCInference(Node tc_rel, std::vector< Node > reasons, std::map< Node, std::unordered_set< Node, NodeHashFunction > >& tc_graph,
160                        std::map< Node, Node >& rel_tc_graph_exps, Node start_node_rep, Node cur_node_rep, std::unordered_set< Node, NodeHashFunction >& seen );
162   void composeMembersForRels( Node );
163   void computeMembersForBinOpRel( Node );
164   void computeMembersForIdenTerm( Node );
165   void computeMembersForUnaryOpRel( Node );
166   void computeMembersForJoinImageTerm( Node );
168   bool isTCReachable( Node mem_rep, Node tc_rel );
169   void isTCReachable( Node start, Node dest, std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction>& hasSeen,
170                     std::map< Node, std::unordered_set< Node, NodeHashFunction > >& tc_graph, bool& isReachable );
173   void addSharedTerm( TNode n );
174   void sendInfer( Node fact, Node exp, const char * c );
175   void sendLemma( Node fact, Node reason, const char * c );
176   void doTCLemmas();
178   /** Helper functions */
179   bool holds( Node );
180   bool hasTerm( Node a );
181   void makeSharedTerm( Node );
182   void reduceTupleVar( Node );
183   bool hasMember( Node, Node );
184   void computeTupleReps( Node );
185   bool areEqual( Node a, Node b );
186   Node getRepresentative( Node t );
187   bool exists( std::vector<Node>&, Node );
188   inline void addToMembershipDB( Node, Node, Node  );
189   static void printNodeMap(const char* fst,
190                            const char* snd,
191                            const NodeMap& map);
192   inline Node constructPair(Node tc_rep, Node a, Node b);
193   void addToMap( std::map< Node, std::vector<Node> >&, Node, Node );
194   bool safelyAddToMap( std::map< Node, std::vector<Node> >&, Node, Node );
isRel(Node n)195   bool isRel( Node n ) {return n.getType().isSet() && n.getType().getSetElementType().isTuple();}
196 };
199 }/* CVC4::theory::sets namespace */
200 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
201 }/* CVC4 namespace */