1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file result.cpp
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Tim King, Morgan Deters, Andrew Reynolds
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Encapsulation of the result of a query.
13  **
14  ** Encapsulation of the result of a query.
15  **/
16 #include "util/result.h"
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <cctype>
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <string>
23 #include "base/cvc4_assert.h"
24 #include "options/set_language.h"
26 using namespace std;
28 namespace CVC4 {
Result()30 Result::Result()
31     : d_sat(SAT_UNKNOWN),
32       d_validity(VALIDITY_UNKNOWN),
33       d_which(TYPE_NONE),
34       d_unknownExplanation(UNKNOWN_REASON),
35       d_inputName("") {}
Result(enum Sat s,std::string inputName)37 Result::Result(enum Sat s, std::string inputName)
38     : d_sat(s),
39       d_validity(VALIDITY_UNKNOWN),
40       d_which(TYPE_SAT),
41       d_unknownExplanation(UNKNOWN_REASON),
42       d_inputName(inputName) {
43   PrettyCheckArgument(s != SAT_UNKNOWN,
44                       "Must provide a reason for satisfiability being unknown");
45 }
Result(enum Validity v,std::string inputName)47 Result::Result(enum Validity v, std::string inputName)
48     : d_sat(SAT_UNKNOWN),
49       d_validity(v),
50       d_which(TYPE_VALIDITY),
51       d_unknownExplanation(UNKNOWN_REASON),
52       d_inputName(inputName) {
53   PrettyCheckArgument(v != VALIDITY_UNKNOWN,
54                       "Must provide a reason for validity being unknown");
55 }
Result(enum Sat s,enum UnknownExplanation unknownExplanation,std::string inputName)57 Result::Result(enum Sat s, enum UnknownExplanation unknownExplanation,
58                std::string inputName)
59     : d_sat(s),
60       d_validity(VALIDITY_UNKNOWN),
61       d_which(TYPE_SAT),
62       d_unknownExplanation(unknownExplanation),
63       d_inputName(inputName) {
64   PrettyCheckArgument(s == SAT_UNKNOWN,
65                       "improper use of unknown-result constructor");
66 }
Result(enum Validity v,enum UnknownExplanation unknownExplanation,std::string inputName)68 Result::Result(enum Validity v, enum UnknownExplanation unknownExplanation,
69                std::string inputName)
70     : d_sat(SAT_UNKNOWN),
71       d_validity(v),
72       d_which(TYPE_VALIDITY),
73       d_unknownExplanation(unknownExplanation),
74       d_inputName(inputName) {
75   PrettyCheckArgument(v == VALIDITY_UNKNOWN,
76                       "improper use of unknown-result constructor");
77 }
Result(const std::string & instr,std::string inputName)79 Result::Result(const std::string& instr, std::string inputName)
80     : d_sat(SAT_UNKNOWN),
81       d_validity(VALIDITY_UNKNOWN),
82       d_which(TYPE_NONE),
83       d_unknownExplanation(UNKNOWN_REASON),
84       d_inputName(inputName) {
85   string s = instr;
86   transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower);
87   if (s == "sat" || s == "satisfiable") {
88     d_which = TYPE_SAT;
89     d_sat = SAT;
90   } else if (s == "unsat" || s == "unsatisfiable") {
91     d_which = TYPE_SAT;
92     d_sat = UNSAT;
93   } else if (s == "valid") {
94     d_which = TYPE_VALIDITY;
95     d_validity = VALID;
96   } else if (s == "invalid") {
97     d_which = TYPE_VALIDITY;
98     d_validity = INVALID;
99   } else if (s == "incomplete") {
100     d_which = TYPE_SAT;
101     d_sat = SAT_UNKNOWN;
102     d_unknownExplanation = INCOMPLETE;
103   } else if (s == "timeout") {
104     d_which = TYPE_SAT;
105     d_sat = SAT_UNKNOWN;
106     d_unknownExplanation = TIMEOUT;
107   } else if (s == "resourceout") {
108     d_which = TYPE_SAT;
109     d_sat = SAT_UNKNOWN;
110     d_unknownExplanation = RESOURCEOUT;
111   } else if (s == "memout") {
112     d_which = TYPE_SAT;
113     d_sat = SAT_UNKNOWN;
114     d_unknownExplanation = MEMOUT;
115   } else if (s == "interrupted") {
116     d_which = TYPE_SAT;
117     d_sat = SAT_UNKNOWN;
118     d_unknownExplanation = INTERRUPTED;
119   } else if (s.size() >= 7 && s.compare(0, 7, "unknown") == 0) {
120     d_which = TYPE_SAT;
121     d_sat = SAT_UNKNOWN;
122   } else {
123     IllegalArgument(s,
124                     "expected satisfiability/validity result, "
125                     "instead got `%s'",
126                     s.c_str());
127   }
128 }
whyUnknown() const130 Result::UnknownExplanation Result::whyUnknown() const {
131   PrettyCheckArgument(isUnknown(), this,
132                       "This result is not unknown, so the reason for "
133                       "being unknown cannot be inquired of it");
134   return d_unknownExplanation;
135 }
operator ==(const Result & r) const137 bool Result::operator==(const Result& r) const {
138   if (d_which != r.d_which) {
139     return false;
140   }
141   if (d_which == TYPE_SAT) {
142     return d_sat == r.d_sat && (d_sat != SAT_UNKNOWN ||
143                                 d_unknownExplanation == r.d_unknownExplanation);
144   }
145   if (d_which == TYPE_VALIDITY) {
146     return d_validity == r.d_validity &&
147            (d_validity != VALIDITY_UNKNOWN ||
148             d_unknownExplanation == r.d_unknownExplanation);
149   }
150   return false;
151 }
operator ==(enum Result::Sat sr,const Result & r)153 bool operator==(enum Result::Sat sr, const Result& r) { return r == sr; }
operator ==(enum Result::Validity vr,const Result & r)155 bool operator==(enum Result::Validity vr, const Result& r) { return r == vr; }
operator !=(enum Result::Sat s,const Result & r)156 bool operator!=(enum Result::Sat s, const Result& r) { return !(s == r); }
operator !=(enum Result::Validity v,const Result & r)157 bool operator!=(enum Result::Validity v, const Result& r) { return !(v == r); }
asSatisfiabilityResult() const159 Result Result::asSatisfiabilityResult() const {
160   if (d_which == TYPE_SAT) {
161     return *this;
162   }
164   if (d_which == TYPE_VALIDITY) {
165     switch (d_validity) {
166       case INVALID:
167         return Result(SAT, d_inputName);
169       case VALID:
170         return Result(UNSAT, d_inputName);
172       case VALIDITY_UNKNOWN:
173         return Result(SAT_UNKNOWN, d_unknownExplanation, d_inputName);
175       default:
176         Unhandled(d_validity);
177     }
178   }
180   // TYPE_NONE
181   return Result(SAT_UNKNOWN, NO_STATUS, d_inputName);
182 }
asValidityResult() const184 Result Result::asValidityResult() const {
185   if (d_which == TYPE_VALIDITY) {
186     return *this;
187   }
189   if (d_which == TYPE_SAT) {
190     switch (d_sat) {
191       case SAT:
192         return Result(INVALID, d_inputName);
194       case UNSAT:
195         return Result(VALID, d_inputName);
197       case SAT_UNKNOWN:
198         return Result(VALIDITY_UNKNOWN, d_unknownExplanation, d_inputName);
200       default:
201         Unhandled(d_sat);
202     }
203   }
205   // TYPE_NONE
206   return Result(VALIDITY_UNKNOWN, NO_STATUS, d_inputName);
207 }
toString() const209 string Result::toString() const {
210   stringstream ss;
211   ss << *this;
212   return ss.str();
213 }
operator <<(ostream & out,enum Result::Sat s)215 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, enum Result::Sat s) {
216   switch (s) {
217     case Result::UNSAT:
218       out << "UNSAT";
219       break;
220     case Result::SAT:
221       out << "SAT";
222       break;
223     case Result::SAT_UNKNOWN:
224       out << "SAT_UNKNOWN";
225       break;
226     default:
227       Unhandled(s);
228   }
229   return out;
230 }
operator <<(ostream & out,enum Result::Validity v)232 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, enum Result::Validity v) {
233   switch (v) {
234     case Result::INVALID:
235       out << "INVALID";
236       break;
237     case Result::VALID:
238       out << "VALID";
239       break;
240     case Result::VALIDITY_UNKNOWN:
241       out << "VALIDITY_UNKNOWN";
242       break;
243     default:
244       Unhandled(v);
245   }
246   return out;
247 }
operator <<(ostream & out,enum Result::UnknownExplanation e)249 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, enum Result::UnknownExplanation e) {
250   switch (e) {
251     case Result::REQUIRES_FULL_CHECK:
252       out << "REQUIRES_FULL_CHECK";
253       break;
254     case Result::INCOMPLETE:
255       out << "INCOMPLETE";
256       break;
257     case Result::TIMEOUT:
258       out << "TIMEOUT";
259       break;
260     case Result::RESOURCEOUT:
261       out << "RESOURCEOUT";
262       break;
263     case Result::MEMOUT:
264       out << "MEMOUT";
265       break;
266     case Result::INTERRUPTED:
267       out << "INTERRUPTED";
268       break;
269     case Result::NO_STATUS:
270       out << "NO_STATUS";
271       break;
272     case Result::UNSUPPORTED:
273       out << "UNSUPPORTED";
274       break;
275     case Result::OTHER:
276       out << "OTHER";
277       break;
278     case Result::UNKNOWN_REASON:
279       out << "UNKNOWN_REASON";
280       break;
281     default:
282       Unhandled(e);
283   }
284   return out;
285 }
operator <<(ostream & out,const Result & r)287 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Result& r) {
288   r.toStream(out, language::SetLanguage::getLanguage(out));
289   return out;
290 } /* operator<<(ostream&, const Result&) */
toStreamDefault(std::ostream & out) const292 void Result::toStreamDefault(std::ostream& out) const {
293   if (getType() == Result::TYPE_SAT) {
294     switch (isSat()) {
295       case Result::UNSAT:
296         out << "unsat";
297         break;
298       case Result::SAT:
299         out << "sat";
300         break;
301       case Result::SAT_UNKNOWN:
302         out << "unknown";
303         if (whyUnknown() != Result::UNKNOWN_REASON) {
304           out << " (" << whyUnknown() << ")";
305         }
306         break;
307     }
308   } else {
309     switch (isValid()) {
310       case Result::INVALID:
311         out << "invalid";
312         break;
313       case Result::VALID:
314         out << "valid";
315         break;
316       case Result::VALIDITY_UNKNOWN:
317         out << "unknown";
318         if (whyUnknown() != Result::UNKNOWN_REASON) {
319           out << " (" << whyUnknown() << ")";
320         }
321         break;
322     }
323   }
324 } /* Result::toStreamDefault() */
toStreamSmt2(ostream & out) const326 void Result::toStreamSmt2(ostream& out) const {
327   if (getType() == Result::TYPE_SAT && isSat() == Result::SAT_UNKNOWN) {
328     out << "unknown";
329   } else {
330     toStreamDefault(out);
331   }
332 }
toStreamTptp(std::ostream & out) const334 void Result::toStreamTptp(std::ostream& out) const {
335   out << "% SZS status ";
336   if (isSat() == Result::SAT) {
337     out << "Satisfiable";
338   } else if (isSat() == Result::UNSAT) {
339     out << "Unsatisfiable";
340   } else if (isValid() == Result::VALID) {
341     out << "Theorem";
342   } else if (isValid() == Result::INVALID) {
343     out << "CounterSatisfiable";
344   } else {
345     out << "GaveUp";
346   }
347   out << " for " << getInputName();
348 }
toStream(std::ostream & out,OutputLanguage language) const350 void Result::toStream(std::ostream& out, OutputLanguage language) const {
351   switch (language) {
352     case language::output::LANG_SYGUS:
353       toStreamSmt2(out);
354       break;
355     case language::output::LANG_TPTP:
356       toStreamTptp(out);
357       break;
358     default:
359       if (language::isOutputLang_smt2(language))
360       {
361         toStreamSmt2(out);
362       }
363       else
364       {
365         toStreamDefault(out);
366       }
367       break;
368   };
369 }
371 } /* CVC4 namespace */