1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_dof_handler_h
17 #define dealii_dof_handler_h
21 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/function.h>
25 #include <deal.II/base/index_set.h>
26 #include <deal.II/base/iterator_range.h>
27 #include <deal.II/base/smartpointer.h>
29 #include <deal.II/distributed/tria_base.h>
31 #include <deal.II/dofs/block_info.h>
32 #include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
33 #include <deal.II/dofs/dof_faces.h>
34 #include <deal.II/dofs/dof_iterator_selector.h>
35 #include <deal.II/dofs/dof_levels.h>
36 #include <deal.II/dofs/number_cache.h>
38 #include <deal.II/hp/fe_collection.h>
40 #include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
42 #include <map>
43 #include <memory>
44 #include <set>
45 #include <vector>
49 // Forward declarations
50 #ifndef DOXYGEN
51 template <int dim, int spacedim>
52 class FiniteElement;
53 template <int dim, int spacedim>
54 class Triangulation;
56 namespace internal
57 {
58   namespace DoFHandlerImplementation
59   {
60     struct Implementation;
62     namespace Policy
63     {
64       template <int dim, int spacedim>
65       class PolicyBase;
66       struct Implementation;
67     } // namespace Policy
68   }   // namespace DoFHandlerImplementation
70   namespace DoFAccessorImplementation
71   {
72     struct Implementation;
73   }
75   namespace DoFCellAccessorImplementation
76   {
77     struct Implementation;
78   }
80   namespace hp
81   {
82     namespace DoFHandlerImplementation
83     {
84       struct Implementation;
85     }
86   } // namespace hp
87 } // namespace internal
89 namespace parallel
90 {
91   namespace distributed
92   {
93     template <int dim, int spacedim, typename VectorType>
94     class CellDataTransfer;
95   }
96 } // namespace parallel
97 #endif
99 /**
100  * Given a triangulation and a description of a finite element, this
101  * class enumerates degrees of freedom on all vertices, edges, faces,
102  * and cells of the triangulation. As a result, it also provides a
103  * <i>basis</i> for a discrete space $V_h$ whose elements are finite
104  * element functions defined on each cell by a FiniteElement object.
105  * This class satisfies the
106  * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept"
107  * requirements.
108  *
109  * It is first used in the step-2 tutorial program.
110  *
111  * For each vertex, line, quad, etc, this class stores a list of the indices
112  * of degrees of freedom living on this object. These indices refer to the
113  * unconstrained degrees of freedom, i.e. constrained degrees of freedom are
114  * numbered in the same way as unconstrained ones, and are only later
115  * eliminated.  This leads to the fact that indices in global vectors and
116  * matrices also refer to all degrees of freedom and some kind of condensation
117  * is needed to restrict the systems of equations to the unconstrained degrees
118  * of freedom only. The actual layout of storage of the indices is described
119  * in the dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::DoFLevel class
120  * documentation.
121  *
122  * The class offers iterators to traverse all cells, in much the same way as
123  * the Triangulation class does. Using the begin() and end() functions (and
124  * companions, like begin_active()), one can obtain iterators to walk over
125  * cells, and query the degree of freedom structures as well as the
126  * triangulation data. These iterators are built on top of those of the
127  * Triangulation class, but offer the additional information on degrees of
128  * freedom functionality compared to pure triangulation iterators. The order
129  * in which dof iterators are presented by the <tt>++</tt> and <tt>\--</tt>
130  * operators is the same as that for the corresponding iterators traversing
131  * the triangulation on which this DoFHandler is constructed.
132  *
133  * The <tt>spacedim</tt> parameter has to be used if one wants to solve
134  * problems on surfaces. If not specified, this parameter takes the default
135  * value <tt>=dim</tt> implying that we want to solve problems in a domain
136  * whose dimension equals the dimension of the space in which it is embedded.
137  *
138  *
139  * <h3>Distribution of indices for degrees of freedom</h3>
140  *
141  * The degrees of freedom (`dofs') are distributed on the given triangulation
142  * by the function distribute_dofs(). It gets passed a finite element object
143  * describing how many degrees of freedom are located on vertices, lines, etc.
144  * It traverses the triangulation cell by cell and numbers the dofs of that
145  * cell if not yet numbered. For non-multigrid algorithms, only active cells
146  * are considered. Active cells are defined to be those cells which have no
147  * children, i.e. they are the most refined ones.
148  *
149  * Since the triangulation is traversed starting with the cells of the
150  * coarsest active level and going to more refined levels, the lowest numbers
151  * for dofs are given to the largest cells as well as their bounding lines and
152  * vertices, with the dofs of more refined cells getting higher numbers.
153  *
154  * This numbering implies very large bandwidths of the resulting matrices and
155  * is thus vastly suboptimal for some solution algorithms. For this reason,
156  * the DoFRenumbering class offers several algorithms to reorder the dof
157  * numbering according. See there for a discussion of the implemented
158  * algorithms.
159  *
160  *
161  * <h3>Interaction with distributed meshes</h3>
162  *
163  * Upon construction, this class takes a reference to a triangulation object.
164  * In most cases, this will be a reference to an object of type Triangulation,
165  * i.e. the class that represents triangulations that entirely reside on a
166  * single processor. However, it can also be of type
167  * parallel::distributed::Triangulation (see, for example, step-32, step-40
168  * and in particular the
169  * @ref distributed
170  * module) in which case the DoFHandler object will proceed to only manage
171  * degrees of freedom on locally owned and ghost cells. This process is
172  * entirely transparent to the used.
173  *
174  *
175  * <h3>User defined renumbering schemes</h3>
176  *
177  * The DoFRenumbering class offers a number of renumbering schemes like the
178  * Cuthill-McKee scheme. Basically, the function sets up an array in which for
179  * each degree of freedom we store the new index this DoF should have after
180  * renumbering. Using this array, the renumber_dofs() function of the present
181  * class is called, which actually performs the change from old DoF indices to
182  * the ones given in the array. In some cases, however, a user may want to
183  * compute their own renumbering order; in this case, one can allocate an array
184  * with one element per degree of freedom and fill it with the number that the
185  * respective degree of freedom shall be assigned. This number may, for
186  * example, be obtained by sorting the support points of the degrees of
187  * freedom in downwind direction.  Then call the
188  * <tt>renumber_dofs(vector<types::global_dof_index>)</tt> function with the
189  * array, which converts old into new degree of freedom indices.
190  *
191  *
192  * <h3>Serializing (loading or storing) DoFHandler objects</h3>
193  *
194  * Like many other classes in deal.II, the DoFHandler class can stream its
195  * contents to an archive using BOOST's serialization facilities. The data so
196  * stored can later be retrieved again from the archive to restore the
197  * contents of this object. This facility is frequently used to save the state
198  * of a program to disk for possible later resurrection, often in the context
199  * of checkpoint/restart strategies for long running computations or on
200  * computers that aren't very reliable (e.g. on very large clusters where
201  * individual nodes occasionally fail and then bring down an entire MPI job).
202  *
203  * The model for doing so is similar for the DoFHandler class as it is for the
204  * Triangulation class (see the section in the general documentation of that
205  * class). In particular, the load() function does not exactly restore the
206  * same state as was stored previously using the save() function. Rather, the
207  * function assumes that you load data into a DoFHandler object that is
208  * already associated with a triangulation that has a content that matches the
209  * one that was used when the data was saved. Likewise, the load() function
210  * assumes that the current object is already associated with a finite element
211  * object that matches the one that was associated with it when data was
212  * saved; the latter can be achieved by calling DoFHandler::distribute_dofs()
213  * using the same kind of finite element before re-loading data from the
214  * serialization archive.
215  *
216  * @ingroup dofs
217  */
218 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
219 class DoFHandler : public Subscriptor
220 {
221   using ActiveSelector =
222     dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Iterators<dim, spacedim, false>;
223   using LevelSelector =
224     dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Iterators<dim, spacedim, true>;
226 public:
227   /**
228    * An alias that is used to identify cell iterators in DoFHandler objects.
229    * The concept of iterators is discussed at length in the
230    * @ref Iterators "iterators documentation module".
231    *
232    * The current alias works, in essence, like the corresponding
233    * Triangulation::cell_accessor alias. However, it also makes available
234    * the member functions of DoFCellAccessor, in addition to the ones
235    * already available through the CellAccessor class.
236    *
237    * @ingroup Iterators
238    */
239   using cell_accessor = typename ActiveSelector::CellAccessor;
241   /**
242    * An alias that is used to identify iterators that point to faces.
243    * The concept of iterators is discussed at length in the
244    * @ref Iterators "iterators documentation module".
245    *
246    * The current alias works, in essence, like the corresponding
247    * Triangulation::face_accessor alias. However, it also makes available
248    * the member functions of DoFAccessor, in addition to the ones
249    * already available through the TriaAccessor class.
250    *
251    * @ingroup Iterators
252    */
253   using face_accessor = typename ActiveSelector::FaceAccessor;
255   /**
256    * An alias that defines an iterator over the (one-dimensional) lines
257    * of a mesh. In one-dimensional meshes, these are the cells of the mesh,
258    * whereas in two-dimensional meshes the lines are the faces of cells.
259    *
260    * @ingroup Iterators
261    */
262   using line_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::line_iterator;
264   /**
265    * An alias that allows iterating over the <i>active</i> lines, i.e.,
266    * that subset of lines that have no children. In one-dimensional meshes,
267    * these are the cells of the mesh, whereas in two-dimensional
268    * meshes the lines are the faces of cells.
269    *
270    * In two- or three-dimensional meshes, lines without children (i.e.,
271    * the active lines) are part of at least one active cell. Each such line may
272    * additionally be a child of a line of a coarser cell adjacent to a cell
273    * that is active. (This coarser neighbor would then also be active.)
274    *
275    * @ingroup Iterators
276    */
277   using active_line_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::active_line_iterator;
279   /**
280    * An alias that defines an iterator over the (two-dimensional) quads
281    * of a mesh. In two-dimensional meshes, these are the cells of the mesh,
282    * whereas in three-dimensional meshes the quads are the faces of cells.
283    *
284    * @ingroup Iterators
285    */
286   using quad_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::quad_iterator;
288   /**
289    * An alias that allows iterating over the <i>active</i> quads, i.e.,
290    * that subset of quads that have no children. In two-dimensional meshes,
291    * these are the cells of the mesh, whereas in three-dimensional
292    * meshes the quads are the faces of cells.
293    *
294    * In three-dimensional meshes, quads without children (i.e.,
295    * the active quads) are faces of at least one active cell. Each such quad may
296    * additionally be a child of a quad face of a coarser cell adjacent to a cell
297    * that is active. (This coarser neighbor would then also be active.)
298    *
299    * @ingroup Iterators
300    */
301   using active_quad_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::active_quad_iterator;
303   /**
304    * An alias that defines an iterator over the (three-dimensional) hexes
305    * of a mesh. This iterator only makes sense in three-dimensional meshes,
306    * where hexes are the cells of the mesh.
307    *
308    * @ingroup Iterators
309    */
310   using hex_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::hex_iterator;
312   /**
313    * An alias that allows iterating over the <i>active</i> hexes of a mesh.
314    * This iterator only makes sense in three-dimensional meshes,
315    * where hexes are the cells of the mesh. Consequently, in these
316    * three-dimensional meshes, this iterator is equivalent to the
317    * @p active_cell_iterator alias.
318    *
319    * @ingroup Iterators
320    */
321   using active_hex_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::active_hex_iterator;
323   /**
324    * An alias that is used to identify
325    * @ref GlossActive "active cell iterators".
326    * The concept of iterators is discussed at length in the
327    * @ref Iterators "iterators documentation module".
328    *
329    * The current alias identifies active cells in a DoFHandler object. While
330    * the actual data type of the alias is hidden behind a few layers of
331    * (unfortunately necessary) indirections, it is in essence
332    * TriaActiveIterator<DoFCellAccessor>. The TriaActiveIterator class works
333    * like a pointer to active objects that when you dereference it yields an
334    * object of type DoFCellAccessor. DoFCellAccessor is a class that
335    * identifies properties that are specific to cells in a DoFHandler, but it
336    * is derived (and consequently inherits) from both DoFAccessor,
337    * TriaCellAccessor and TriaAccessor that describe what you can ask of more
338    * general objects (lines, faces, as well as cells) in a triangulation and
339    * DoFHandler objects.
340    *
341    * @ingroup Iterators
342    */
343   using active_cell_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::active_cell_iterator;
345   /**
346    * An alias that is used to identify cell iterators. The concept of
347    * iterators is discussed at length in the
348    * @ref Iterators "iterators documentation module".
349    *
350    * The current alias identifies cells in a DoFHandler object. Some of
351    * these cells may in fact be active (see
352    * @ref GlossActive "active cell iterators")
353    * in which case they can in fact be asked for the degrees of freedom that
354    * live on them. On the other hand, if the cell is not active, any such
355    * query will result in an error. Note that this is what distinguishes this
356    * alias from the level_cell_iterator alias.
357    *
358    * While the actual data type of the alias is hidden behind a few layers
359    * of (unfortunately necessary) indirections, it is in essence
360    * TriaIterator<DoFCellAccessor>. The TriaIterator class works like a
361    * pointer to objects that when you dereference it yields an object of type
362    * DoFCellAccessor. DoFCellAccessor is a class that identifies properties
363    * that are specific to cells in a DoFHandler, but it is derived (and
364    * consequently inherits) from both DoFAccessor, TriaCellAccessor and
365    * TriaAccessor that describe what you can ask of more general objects
366    * (lines, faces, as well as cells) in a triangulation and DoFHandler
367    * objects.
368    *
369    * @ingroup Iterators
370    */
371   using cell_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::cell_iterator;
373   /**
374    * An alias that is used to identify iterators that point to faces.
375    * The concept of iterators is discussed at length in the
376    * @ref Iterators "iterators documentation module".
377    *
378    * While the actual data type of the alias is hidden behind a few layers
379    * of (unfortunately necessary) indirections, it is in essence
380    * TriaIterator<DoFAccessor>. The
381    * TriaIterator class works like a pointer to objects that when
382    * you dereference it yields an object of type DoFAccessor. DoFAccessor,
383    * in turn, is a class that can be used to query DoF indices on faces,
384    * but it is also derived from TriaAccessor and consequently can be used
385    * to query geometric properties such as vertices of faces, their area, etc.
386    *
387    * @ingroup Iterators
388    */
389   using face_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::face_iterator;
391   /**
392    * An alias that is used to identify iterators that point to active faces,
393    * i.e., to faces that have no children. Active faces must be faces of at
394    * least one active cell.
395    *
396    * Other than the "active" qualification, this alias is identical to the
397    * @p face_iterator alias. In particular, dereferencing either yields
398    * the same kind of object.
399    *
400    * @ingroup Iterators
401    */
402   using active_face_iterator = typename ActiveSelector::active_face_iterator;
404   using level_cell_accessor = typename LevelSelector::CellAccessor;
405   using level_face_accessor = typename LevelSelector::FaceAccessor;
407   using level_cell_iterator = typename LevelSelector::cell_iterator;
408   using level_face_iterator = typename LevelSelector::face_iterator;
411   /**
412    * Make the dimension available in function templates.
413    */
414   static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
416   /**
417    * Make the space dimension available in function templates.
418    */
419   static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
421   /**
422    * Boolean indicating whether or not the current DoFHander has hp
423    * capabilities.
424    */
425   const bool hp_capability_enabled;
427   /**
428    * The default index of the finite element to be used on a given cell.
429    */
430   static const unsigned int default_fe_index = 0;
432   /**
433    * Invalid index of the finite element to be used on a given cell.
434    */
435   static const unsigned int invalid_fe_index = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
437   /**
438    * The type in which we store the active FE index.
439    */
440   using active_fe_index_type = unsigned short int;
442   /**
443    * The type in which we store the offsets in the CRS data structures.
444    */
445   using offset_type = unsigned int;
447   /**
448    * Invalid active_fe_index which will be used as a default value to determine
449    *  whether a future_fe_index has been set or not.
450    */
451   static const active_fe_index_type invalid_active_fe_index =
452     static_cast<active_fe_index_type>(-1);
454   /**
455    * Standard constructor, not initializing any data. After constructing an
456    * object with this constructor, use initialize() to make a valid
457    * DoFHandler.
458    */
459   DoFHandler(const bool hp_capability_enabled = false);
461   /**
462    * Constructor. Take @p tria as the triangulation to work on.
463    */
464   DoFHandler(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
465              const bool                          hp_capability_enabled = false);
467   /**
468    * Copy constructor. DoFHandler objects are large and expensive.
469    * They should not be copied, in particular not by accident, but
470    * rather deliberately constructed. As a consequence, this constructor
471    * is explicitly removed from the interface of this class.
472    */
473   DoFHandler(const DoFHandler &) = delete;
475   /**
476    * Destructor.
477    */
478   virtual ~DoFHandler() override;
480   /**
481    * Copy operator. DoFHandler objects are large and expensive.
482    * They should not be copied, in particular not by accident, but
483    * rather deliberately constructed. As a consequence, this operator
484    * is explicitly removed from the interface of this class.
485    */
486   DoFHandler &
487   operator=(const DoFHandler &) = delete;
489   /**
490    * Assign a Triangulation and a FiniteElement to the DoFHandler and compute
491    * the distribution of degrees of freedom over the mesh.
492    */
493   void
494   initialize(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
495              const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe);
497   /**
498    * Same as above but taking an hp::FECollection object.
499    */
500   void
501   initialize(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &   tria,
502              const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &fe);
504   /**
505    * Assign a FiniteElement @p fe to this object.
506    *
507    * @note This function makes a copy of the finite element given as
508    * argument, and stores it as a member variable. Consequently, it is
509    * possible to write code such as
510    * @code
511    *   dof_handler.set_fe(FE_Q<dim>(2));
512    * @endcode
513    * You can then access the finite element later on by calling
514    * DoFHandler::get_fe(). However, it is often more convenient to
515    * keep a named finite element object as a member variable in your
516    * main class and refer to it directly whenever you need to access
517    * properties of the finite element (such as
518    * FiniteElementData::dofs_per_cell). This is what all tutorial programs do.
519    *
520    * @warning This function only sets a FiniteElement. Degrees of freedom have
521    * either not been distributed yet, or are distributed using a previously set
522    * element. In both cases, accessing degrees of freedom will lead to invalid
523    * results. To restore consistency, call distribute_dofs().
524    */
525   void
526   set_fe(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe);
528   /**
529    * Same as above but taking an hp::FECollection object.
530    */
531   void
532   set_fe(const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &fe);
534   /**
535    * Go through the triangulation and set the active FE indices of all
536    * active cells to the values given in @p active_fe_indices.
537    */
538   void
539   set_active_fe_indices(const std::vector<unsigned int> &active_fe_indices);
541   /**
542    * Go through the triangulation and store the active FE indices of all
543    * active cells to the vector @p active_fe_indices. This vector is
544    * resized, if necessary.
545    */
546   void
547   get_active_fe_indices(std::vector<unsigned int> &active_fe_indices) const;
549   /**
550    * Go through the triangulation and "distribute" the degrees of
551    * freedom needed for the given finite element. "Distributing"
552    * degrees of freedom involves allocating memory to store the
553    * indices on all entities on which degrees of freedom can be
554    * located (e.g., vertices, edges, faces, etc.) and to then enumerate
555    * all degrees of freedom. In other words, while the mesh and the
556    * finite element object by themselves simply define a finite
557    * element space $V_h$, the process of distributing degrees of
558    * freedom makes sure that there is a basis for this space and that
559    * the shape functions of this basis are enumerated in an indexable,
560    * predictable way.
561    *
562    * The exact order in which degrees of freedom on a mesh are
563    * ordered, i.e., the order in which basis functions of the finite
564    * element space are enumerated, is something that deal.II treats as
565    * an implementation detail. By and large, degrees of freedom are
566    * enumerated in the same order in which we traverse cells, but you
567    * should not rely on any specific numbering. In contrast, if you
568    * want a particular ordering, use the functions in namespace
569    * DoFRenumbering.
570    *
571    * This function is first discussed in the introduction to the
572    * step-2 tutorial program.
573    *
574    * @note This function makes a copy of the finite element given as
575    * argument, and stores it as a member variable, similarly to the above
576    * function set_fe().
577    */
578   void
579   distribute_dofs(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe);
581   /**
582    * Same as above but taking an hp::FECollection object.
583    */
584   void
585   distribute_dofs(const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &fe);
587   /**
588    * Distribute level degrees of freedom on each level for geometric
589    * multigrid. The active DoFs need to be distributed using distribute_dofs()
590    * before calling this function.
591    */
592   void
593   distribute_mg_dofs();
595   /**
596    * This function returns whether this DoFHandler has DoFs distributed on
597    * each multigrid level or in other words if distribute_mg_dofs() has been
598    * called.
599    */
600   bool
601   has_level_dofs() const;
603   /**
604    * This function returns whether this DoFHandler has active DoFs. This is
605    * equivalent to asking whether (i) distribute_dofs() has been called and
606    * (ii) the finite element for which degrees of freedom have been
607    * distributed actually has degrees of freedom (which is not the case for
608    * FE_Nothing, for example).
609    *
610    * If this object is based on a parallel::distributed::Triangulation, then
611    * the current function returns true if <i>any</i> partition of the parallel
612    * DoFHandler object has any degrees of freedom. In other words, the
613    * function returns true even if the Triangulation does not own any active
614    * cells on the current MPI process, but at least one process owns cells and
615    * at least this one process has any degrees of freedom associated with it.
616    */
617   bool
618   has_active_dofs() const;
620   /**
621    * After distribute_dofs() with an FESystem element, the block structure of
622    * global and level vectors is stored in a BlockInfo object accessible with
623    * block_info(). This function initializes the local block structure on each
624    * cell in the same object.
625    */
626   void
627   initialize_local_block_info();
629   /**
630    * Clear all data of this object.
631    */
632   void
633   clear();
635   /**
636    * Renumber degrees of freedom based on a list of new DoF indices for each
637    * of the degrees of freedom.
638    *
639    * This function is called by the functions in DoFRenumbering function after
640    * computing a new ordering of the degree of freedom indices. However, it
641    * can of course also be called from user code.
642    *
643    * @arg new_number This array must have a size equal to the number of
644    * degrees of freedom owned by the current processor, i.e. the size must be
645    * equal to what n_locally_owned_dofs() returns. If only one processor
646    * participates in storing the current mesh, then this equals the total
647    * number of degrees of freedom, i.e. the result of n_dofs(). The contents
648    * of this array are the new global indices for each freedom listed in the
649    * IndexSet returned by locally_owned_dofs(). In the case of a sequential
650    * mesh this means that the array is a list of new indices for each of the
651    * degrees of freedom on the current mesh. In the case that we have a
652    * parallel::shared::Triangulation or
653    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation underlying this DoFHandler object,
654    * the array is a list of new indices for all the locally owned degrees of
655    * freedom, enumerated in the same order as the currently locally owned
656    * DoFs. In other words, assume that degree of freedom <code>i</code> is
657    * currently locally owned, then
658    * <code>new_numbers[locally_owned_dofs().index_within_set(i)]</code>
659    * returns the new global DoF index of <code>i</code>. Since the IndexSet of
660    * locally_owned_dofs() is complete in the sequential case, the latter
661    * convention for the content of the array reduces to the former in the case
662    * that only one processor participates in the mesh.
663    *
664    * @note While it follows from the above, it may be surprising to know that
665    *   the <i>number</i> of locally owned degrees of freedom in a parallel
666    *   computation is an invariant
667    *   under renumbering, even if the <i>indices</i> associated with these
668    *   locally owned degrees of freedom are not. At a fundamental level,
669    *   this invariant exists because the <i>decision</i> whether a degree of
670    *   freedom is locally owned or not has nothing to do with that
671    *   degree of freedom's (old or new) index. Indeed, degrees of freedom
672    *   are locally owned if they are on a locally owned cell and not on
673    *   an interface between cells where the neighboring cell has a lower
674    *   @ref GlossSubdomainId "subdomain id". Since both of these conditions
675    *   are independent of the index associated with the DoF, a locally
676    *   owned degree of freedom will also be locally owned after renumbering.
677    *   On the other hand, properties such as whether the set of indices
678    *   of locally owned DoFs forms a contiguous range or not
679    *   (i.e., whether the locally_owned_dofs() returns an IndexSet object
680    *   for which IndexSet::is_contiguous() returns @p true) are of
681    *   course affected by the exact renumbering performed here. For example,
682    *   while the initial numbering of DoF indices done in distribute_dofs()
683    *   yields a contiguous numbering, the renumbering performed by
684    *   DoFRenumbering::component_wise() will, in general, not yield
685    *   contiguous locally owned DoF indices.
686    */
687   void
688   renumber_dofs(const std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &new_numbers);
690   /**
691    * The same function as above, but renumber the degrees of freedom of a
692    * single level of a multigrid hierarchy.
693    */
694   void
695   renumber_dofs(const unsigned int                          level,
696                 const std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &new_numbers);
698   /**
699    * Return the maximum number of degrees of freedom a degree of freedom in
700    * the given triangulation with the given finite element may couple with.
701    * This is the maximum number of entries per line in the system matrix; this
702    * information can therefore be used upon construction of the
703    * SparsityPattern object.
704    *
705    * The returned number is not really the maximum number but an estimate
706    * based on the finite element and the maximum number of cells meeting at a
707    * vertex. The number holds for the constrained matrix as well.
708    *
709    * The determination of the number of couplings can be done by simple
710    * picture drawing. An example can be found in the implementation of this
711    * function.
712    *
713    * @note This function is most often used to determine the maximal row
714    * length for sparsity patterns. Unfortunately, while the estimates returned
715    * by this function are rather accurate in 1d and 2d, they are often
716    * significantly too high in 3d, leading the SparsityPattern class to
717    * allocate much too much memory in some cases. Unless someone comes around
718    * to improving the present function for 3d, there is not very much one can
719    * do about these cases. The typical way to work around this problem is to
720    * use an intermediate compressed sparsity pattern that only allocates
721    * memory on demand. Refer to the step-2 and step-11 example programs on how
722    * to do this. The problem is also discussed in the documentation of the
723    * module on
724    * @ref Sparsity.
725    */
726   unsigned int
727   max_couplings_between_dofs() const;
729   /**
730    * Return the number of degrees of freedom located on the boundary another
731    * dof on the boundary can couple with.
732    *
733    * The number is the same as for max_couplings_between_dofs() in one
734    * dimension less.
735    *
736    * @note The same applies to this function as to max_couplings_per_dofs() as
737    * regards the performance of this function. Think about one of the dynamic
738    * sparsity pattern classes instead (see
739    * @ref Sparsity).
740    */
741   unsigned int
742   max_couplings_between_boundary_dofs() const;
744   /*--------------------------------------*/
746   /**
747    * @name Cell iterator functions
748    */
750   /*
751    * @{
752    */
754   /**
755    * Iterator to the first used cell on level @p level.
756    */
757   cell_iterator
758   begin(const unsigned int level = 0) const;
760   /**
761    * Iterator to the first active cell on level @p level. If the given level
762    * does not contain any active cells (i.e., all cells on this level are
763    * further refined), then this function returns
764    * <code>end_active(level)</code> so that loops of the kind
765    * @code
766    *   for (cell=dof_handler.begin_active(level);
767    *        cell!=dof_handler.end_active(level);
768    *        ++cell)
769    *     {
770    *       ...
771    *     }
772    * @endcode
773    * have zero iterations, as may be expected if there are no active cells on
774    * this level.
775    */
776   active_cell_iterator
777   begin_active(const unsigned int level = 0) const;
779   /**
780    * Iterator past the end; this iterator serves for comparisons of iterators
781    * with past-the-end or before-the-beginning states.
782    */
783   cell_iterator
784   end() const;
786   /**
787    * Return an iterator which is the first iterator not on the given level. If
788    * @p level is the last level, then this returns <tt>end()</tt>.
789    */
790   cell_iterator
791   end(const unsigned int level) const;
793   /**
794    * Return an active iterator which is the first active iterator not on the
795    * given level. If @p level is the last level, then this returns
796    * <tt>end()</tt>.
797    */
798   active_cell_iterator
799   end_active(const unsigned int level) const;
801   /**
802    * Iterator to the first used cell on level @p level. This returns a
803    * level_cell_iterator that returns level dofs when dof_indices() is called.
804    */
805   level_cell_iterator
806   begin_mg(const unsigned int level = 0) const;
808   /**
809    * Iterator past the last cell on level @p level. This returns a
810    * level_cell_iterator that returns level dofs when dof_indices() is called.
811    */
812   level_cell_iterator
813   end_mg(const unsigned int level) const;
815   /**
816    * Iterator past the end; this iterator serves for comparisons of iterators
817    * with past-the-end or before-the-beginning states.
818    */
819   level_cell_iterator
820   end_mg() const;
822   /**
823    * @name Cell iterator functions returning ranges of iterators
824    */
826   /**
827    * Return an iterator range that contains all cells (active or not) that
828    * make up this DoFHandler. Such a range is useful to initialize range-based
829    * for loops as supported by C++11. See the example in the documentation of
830    * active_cell_iterators().
831    *
832    * @return The half open range <code>[this->begin(), this->end())</code>
833    *
834    * @ingroup CPP11
835    */
836   IteratorRange<cell_iterator>
837   cell_iterators() const;
839   /**
840    * Return an iterator range that contains all active cells that make up this
841    * DoFHandler. Such a range is useful to initialize range-based for loops as
842    * supported by C++11, see also
843    * @ref CPP11 "C++11 standard".
844    *
845    * Range-based for loops are useful in that they require much less code than
846    * traditional loops (see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B11
847    * #Range-based_for_loop">here</a> for a discussion of how they work). An
848    * example is that without range-based for loops, one often writes code such
849    * as the following:
850    * @code
851    *   DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
852    *   ...
853    *   typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
854    *     cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
855    *     endc = dof_handler.end();
856    *   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
857    *     {
858    *       fe_values.reinit (cell);
859    *       ...do the local integration on 'cell'...;
860    *     }
861    * @endcode
862    * Using C++11's range-based for loops, this is now entirely equivalent to
863    * the following:
864    * @code
865    *   DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
866    *   ...
867    *   for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
868    *     {
869    *       fe_values.reinit (cell);
870    *       ...do the local integration on 'cell'...;
871    *     }
872    * @endcode
873    *
874    * @return The half open range <code>[this->begin_active(),
875    * this->end())</code>
876    *
877    * @ingroup CPP11
878    */
879   IteratorRange<active_cell_iterator>
880   active_cell_iterators() const;
882   /**
883    * Return an iterator range that contains all cells (active or not) that
884    * make up this DoFHandler in their level-cell form. Such a range is useful
885    * to initialize range-based for loops as supported by C++11. See the
886    * example in the documentation of active_cell_iterators().
887    *
888    * @return The half open range <code>[this->begin_mg(),
889    * this->end_mg())</code>
890    *
891    * @ingroup CPP11
892    */
893   IteratorRange<level_cell_iterator>
894   mg_cell_iterators() const;
896   /**
897    * Return an iterator range that contains all cells (active or not) that
898    * make up the given level of this DoFHandler. Such a range is useful to
899    * initialize range-based for loops as supported by C++11. See the example
900    * in the documentation of active_cell_iterators().
901    *
902    * @param[in] level A given level in the refinement hierarchy of this
903    * triangulation.
904    * @return The half open range <code>[this->begin(level),
905    * this->end(level))</code>
906    *
907    * @pre level must be less than this->n_levels().
908    *
909    * @ingroup CPP11
910    */
911   IteratorRange<cell_iterator>
912   cell_iterators_on_level(const unsigned int level) const;
914   /**
915    * Return an iterator range that contains all active cells that make up the
916    * given level of this DoFHandler. Such a range is useful to initialize
917    * range-based for loops as supported by C++11. See the example in the
918    * documentation of active_cell_iterators().
919    *
920    * @param[in] level A given level in the refinement hierarchy of this
921    * triangulation.
922    * @return The half open range <code>[this->begin_active(level),
923    * this->end(level))</code>
924    *
925    * @pre level must be less than this->n_levels().
926    *
927    * @ingroup CPP11
928    */
929   IteratorRange<active_cell_iterator>
930   active_cell_iterators_on_level(const unsigned int level) const;
932   /**
933    * Return an iterator range that contains all cells (active or not) that
934    * make up the given level of this DoFHandler in their level-cell form. Such
935    * a range is useful to initialize range-based for loops as supported by
936    * C++11. See the example in the documentation of active_cell_iterators().
937    *
938    * @param[in] level A given level in the refinement hierarchy of this
939    * triangulation.
940    * @return The half open range <code>[this->begin_mg(level),
941    * this->end_mg(level))</code>
942    *
943    * @pre level must be less than this->n_levels().
944    *
945    * @ingroup CPP11
946    */
947   IteratorRange<level_cell_iterator>
948   mg_cell_iterators_on_level(const unsigned int level) const;
950   /*
951    * @}
952    */
955   /*---------------------------------------*/
958   /**
959    * Return the global number of degrees of freedom. If the current object
960    * handles all degrees of freedom itself (even if you may intend to solve
961    * your linear system in parallel, such as in step-17 or step-18), then this
962    * number equals the number of locally owned degrees of freedom since this
963    * object doesn't know anything about what you want to do with it and
964    * believes that it owns every degree of freedom it knows about.
965    *
966    * On the other hand, if this object operates on a
967    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation object, then this function returns
968    * the global number of degrees of freedom, accumulated over all processors.
969    *
970    * In either case, included in the returned number are those DoFs which are
971    * constrained by hanging nodes, see
972    * @ref constraints.
973    *
974    * Mathematically speaking, the number returned by this function equals the
975    * dimension of the finite element space (without taking into account
976    * constraints) that corresponds to (i) the mesh on which it is defined,
977    * and (ii) the finite element that is used by the current object. It
978    * also, of course, equals the number of shape functions that span this
979    * space.
980    */
981   types::global_dof_index
982   n_dofs() const;
984   /**
985    * The (global) number of multilevel degrees of freedom on a given level.
986    *
987    * If no level degrees of freedom have been assigned to this level, returns
988    * numbers::invalid_dof_index. Else returns the number of degrees of freedom
989    * on this level.
990    */
991   types::global_dof_index
992   n_dofs(const unsigned int level) const;
994   /**
995    * Return the number of locally owned degrees of freedom located on the
996    * boundary.
997    */
998   types::global_dof_index
999   n_boundary_dofs() const;
1001   /**
1002    * Return the number of locally owned degrees of freedom located on those
1003    * parts of the boundary which have a boundary indicator listed in the given
1004    * set.
1005    * The reason that a @p map rather than a @p set is used is the same as
1006    * described in the documentation of that variant of
1007    * DoFTools::make_boundary_sparsity_pattern() that takes a map.
1008    *
1009    * There is, however, another overload of this function that takes
1010    * a @p set argument (see below).
1011    */
1012   template <typename number>
1013   types::global_dof_index
1014   n_boundary_dofs(
1015     const std::map<types::boundary_id, const Function<spacedim, number> *>
1016       &boundary_ids) const;
1018   /**
1019    * Return the number of degrees of freedom located on those parts of the
1020    * boundary which have a boundary indicator listed in the given set. The
1021    */
1022   types::global_dof_index
1023   n_boundary_dofs(const std::set<types::boundary_id> &boundary_ids) const;
1025   /**
1026    * Access to an object informing of the block structure of the dof handler.
1027    *
1028    * If an FESystem is used in distribute_dofs(), degrees of freedom naturally
1029    * split into several
1030    * @ref GlossBlock "blocks".
1031    * For each base element as many blocks appear as its multiplicity.
1032    *
1033    * At the end of distribute_dofs(), the number of degrees of freedom in each
1034    * block is counted, and stored in a BlockInfo object, which can be accessed
1035    * here. If you have previously called distribute_mg_dofs(), the same is
1036    * done on each level of the multigrid hierarchy. Additionally, the block
1037    * structure on each cell can be generated in this object by calling
1038    * initialize_local_block_info().
1039    */
1040   const BlockInfo &
1041   block_info() const;
1043   /**
1044    * Return the number of degrees of freedom that belong to this process.
1045    *
1046    * If this is a sequential DoFHandler, then the result equals that produced by
1047    * n_dofs(). (Here, "sequential" means that either
1048    * the whole program does not use MPI, or that it uses MPI
1049    * but only uses a single MPI process, or that there are multiple MPI
1050    * processes but the Triangulation on which this DoFHandler builds
1051    * works only on one MPI process.)
1052    * On the other hand, if we are operating on a
1053    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation or parallel::shared::Triangulation,
1054    * then it includes only the degrees
1055    * of freedom that the current processor owns. Note that in this case this
1056    * does not include all degrees of freedom that have been distributed on the
1057    * current processor's image of the mesh: in particular, some of the degrees
1058    * of freedom on the interface between the cells owned by this processor and
1059    * cells owned by other processors may be theirs, and degrees of freedom on
1060    * ghost cells are also not necessarily included.
1061    */
1062   types::global_dof_index
1063   n_locally_owned_dofs() const;
1065   /**
1066    * Return an IndexSet describing the set of locally owned DoFs as a subset
1067    * of 0..n_dofs(). The number of elements of this set equals
1068    * n_locally_owned_dofs().
1069    */
1070   const IndexSet &
1071   locally_owned_dofs() const;
1073   /**
1074    * Return an IndexSet describing the set of locally owned DoFs used for the
1075    * given multigrid level as a subset of 0..n_dofs(level).
1076    */
1077   const IndexSet &
1078   locally_owned_mg_dofs(const unsigned int level) const;
1080   /**
1081    * Return a vector that stores the locally owned DoFs of each processor.
1082    *
1083    * @deprecated As of deal.II version 9.2, we do not populate a vector with
1084    * the index sets of all processors by default any more due to a possibly
1085    * large memory footprint on many processors. As a consequence, this
1086    * function needs to call `Utilities::all_gather(comm, locally_owned_dofs())`
1087    * upon the first invocation, including global communication. Use
1088    * `Utilities::all_gather(comm, dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs())` instead if
1089    * using up to a few thousands of MPI ranks or some variant involving local
1090    * communication with more processors.
1091    */
1092   DEAL_II_DEPRECATED const std::vector<IndexSet> &
1093                            locally_owned_dofs_per_processor() const;
1095   /**
1096    * Return a vector that stores the number of degrees of freedom each
1097    * processor that participates in this triangulation owns locally. The sum
1098    * of all these numbers equals the number of degrees of freedom that exist
1099    * globally, i.e. what n_dofs() returns.
1100    *
1101    * @deprecated As of deal.II version 9.2, we do not populate a vector with
1102    * the numbers of dofs of all processors by default any more due to a
1103    * possibly large memory footprint on many processors. As a consequence,
1104    * this function needs to call `Utilities::all_gather(comm,
1105    * n_locally_owned_dofs()` upon the first invocation, including global
1106    * communication. Use `Utilities::all_gather(comm,
1107    * dof_handler.n_locally_owned_dofs()` instead if using up to a few thousands
1108    * of MPI ranks or some variant involving local communication with more
1109    * processors.
1110    */
1111   DEAL_II_DEPRECATED const std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &
1112                            n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor() const;
1114   /**
1115    * Return a vector that stores the locally owned DoFs of each processor on
1116    * the given level @p level.
1117    *
1118    * @deprecated As of deal.II version 9.2, we do not populate a vector with
1119    * the index sets of all processors by default any more due to a possibly
1120    * large memory footprint on many processors. As a consequence, this
1121    * function needs to call `Utilities::all_gather(comm,
1122    * locally_owned_dofs_mg())` upon the first invocation, including global
1123    * communication. Use `Utilities::all_gather(comm,
1124    * dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs_mg())` instead if using up to a few
1125    * thousands of MPI ranks or some variant involving local communication with
1126    * more processors.
1127    */
1128   DEAL_II_DEPRECATED const std::vector<IndexSet> &
1129                            locally_owned_mg_dofs_per_processor(const unsigned int level) const;
1131   /**
1132    * Return a constant reference to the selected finite element object.
1133    * Since there is only one FiniteElement @p index must be equal to zero
1134    * which is also the default value.
1135    */
1136   const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &
1137   get_fe(const unsigned int index = 0) const;
1139   /**
1140    * Return a constant reference to the set of finite element objects that
1141    * are used by this @p DoFHandler. Since this object only contains one
1142    * FiniteElement, only this one object is returned wrapped in a
1143    * hp::FECollection.
1144    */
1145   const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &
1146   get_fe_collection() const;
1148   /**
1149    * Return a constant reference to the triangulation underlying this object.
1150    */
1151   const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &
1152   get_triangulation() const;
1154   /**
1155    * Whenever serialization with a parallel::distributed::Triangulation as the
1156    * underlying triangulation is considered, we also need to consider storing
1157    * the active_fe_indices on all active cells as well.
1158    *
1159    * This function registers that these indices are to be stored whenever the
1160    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation::save() function is called on the
1161    * underlying triangulation.
1162    *
1163    * @note Currently only implemented for triangulations of type
1164    *   parallel::distributed::Triangulation. An assertion will be triggered if
1165    *   a different type is registered.
1166    *
1167    * @see The documentation of parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer has further
1168    *   information on serialization.
1169    */
1170   void
1171   prepare_for_serialization_of_active_fe_indices();
1173   /**
1174    * Whenever serialization with a parallel::distributed::Triangulation as the
1175    * underlying triangulation is considered, we also need to consider storing
1176    * the active_fe_indices on all active cells as well.
1177    *
1178    * This function deserializes and distributes the previously stored
1179    * active_fe_indices on all active cells.
1180    *
1181    * @note Currently only implemented for triangulations of type
1182    *   parallel::distributed::Triangulation. An assertion will be triggered if
1183    *   a different type is registered.
1184    *
1185    * @see The documentation of parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer has further
1186    *   information on serialization.
1187    */
1188   void
1189   deserialize_active_fe_indices();
1191   /**
1192    * Determine an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes) of this
1193    * object.
1194    *
1195    * This function is made virtual, since a dof handler object might be
1196    * accessed through a pointers to this base class, although the actual
1197    * object might be a derived class.
1198    */
1199   virtual std::size_t
1200   memory_consumption() const;
1202   /**
1203    * Write the data of this object to a stream for the purpose of
1204    * serialization.
1205    */
1206   template <class Archive>
1207   void
1208   save(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const;
1210   /**
1211    * Read the data of this object from a stream for the purpose of
1212    * serialization.
1213    */
1214   template <class Archive>
1215   void
1216   load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version);
1218 #ifdef DOXYGEN
1219   /**
1220    * Write and read the data of this object from a stream for the purpose
1221    * of serialization.
1222    */
1223   template <class Archive>
1224   void
1225   serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int version);
1226 #else
1227   // This macro defines the serialize() method that is compatible with
1228   // the templated save() and load() method that have been implemented.
1230 #endif
1232   /**
1233    * Exception
1234    */
1235   DeclException0(ExcNoFESelected);
1236   /**
1237    * Exception
1238    * @ingroup Exceptions
1239    */
1240   DeclException0(ExcInvalidBoundaryIndicator);
1241   /**
1242    * Exception
1243    * @ingroup Exceptions
1244    */
1245   DeclException1(ExcInvalidLevel,
1246                  int,
1247                  << "The given level " << arg1
1248                  << " is not in the valid range!");
1249   /**
1250    * Exception
1251    * @ingroup Exceptions
1252    */
1253   DeclException1(ExcNewNumbersNotConsecutive,
1254                  types::global_dof_index,
1255                  << "The given list of new dof indices is not consecutive: "
1256                  << "the index " << arg1 << " does not exist.");
1257   /**
1258    * Exception
1259    */
1260   DeclException2(ExcInvalidFEIndex,
1261                  int,
1262                  int,
1263                  << "The mesh contains a cell with an active_fe_index of "
1264                  << arg1 << ", but the finite element collection only has "
1265                  << arg2 << " elements");
1267   /**
1268    * Exception used when a certain feature doesn't make sense when
1269    * DoFHandler does not hp capabilities.
1270    */
1271   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcNotAvailableWithoutHP,
1272                    "The current function doesn't make sense when used with a "
1273                    "DoFHandler without hp capabilities.");
1275   /**
1276    * Exception used when a certain feature is not implemented when the
1277    * DoFHandler has hp capabilities.
1278    */
1279   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcNotImplementedWithHP,
1280                    "The current function has not yet been implemented for a "
1281                    "DoFHandler with hp capabilities.");
1283 private:
1284   /**
1285    * A data structure that is used to store the DoF indices associated with a
1286    * particular vertex. Unlike cells, vertices live on several levels of a
1287    * multigrid hierarchy; consequently, we need to store DoF indices for each
1288    * vertex for each of the levels it lives on. This class does this.
1289    */
1290   class MGVertexDoFs
1291   {
1292   public:
1293     /**
1294      * Constructor.
1295      */
1296     MGVertexDoFs();
1298     /**
1299      * A function that is called to allocate the necessary amount of memory to
1300      * store the indices of the DoFs that live on this vertex for the given
1301      * (inclusive) range of levels.
1302      */
1303     void
1304     init(const unsigned int coarsest_level,
1305          const unsigned int finest_level,
1306          const unsigned int dofs_per_vertex);
1308     /**
1309      * Return the coarsest level for which this structure stores data.
1310      */
1311     unsigned int
1312     get_coarsest_level() const;
1314     /**
1315      * Return the finest level for which this structure stores data.
1316      */
1317     unsigned int
1318     get_finest_level() const;
1320     /**
1321      * Return the index of the <code>dof_number</code>th degree of freedom for
1322      * the given level stored for the current vertex.
1323      */
1324     types::global_dof_index
1325     get_index(const unsigned int level,
1326               const unsigned int dof_number,
1327               const unsigned int dofs_per_vertex) const;
1329     /**
1330      * Set the index of the <code>dof_number</code>th degree of freedom for
1331      * the given level stored for the current vertex to <code>index</code>.
1332      */
1333     void
1334     set_index(const unsigned int            level,
1335               const unsigned int            dof_number,
1336               const unsigned int            dofs_per_vertex,
1337               const types::global_dof_index index);
1339   private:
1340     /**
1341      * Coarsest level for which this object stores DoF indices.
1342      */
1343     unsigned int coarsest_level;
1345     /**
1346      * Finest level for which this object stores DoF indices.
1347      */
1348     unsigned int finest_level;
1350     /**
1351      * A pointer to an array where we store the indices of the DoFs that live
1352      * on the various levels this vertex exists on.
1353      *
1354      * The starting offset of the DoFs that belong to a @p level are given by
1355      * <code>n_dofs_per_vertex() * (level-coarsest_level)</code>. @p n_dofs_per_vertex()
1356      * must therefore be passed as an argument to the functions that set or
1357      * read an index.
1358      */
1359     std::unique_ptr<types::global_dof_index[]> indices;
1360   };
1362   /**
1363    * Whenever the underlying triangulation changes by either
1364    * h/p refinement/coarsening and serialization, the active_fe_index of cells
1365    * needs to be transferred. This structure stores all temporary information
1366    * required during that process.
1367    */
1368   struct ActiveFEIndexTransfer
1369   {
1370     /**
1371      * Container to temporarily store the iterator and future active FE index
1372      * of cells that persist.
1373      */
1374     std::map<const cell_iterator, const unsigned int> persisting_cells_fe_index;
1376     /**
1377      * Container to temporarily store the iterator and future active FE index
1378      * of cells that will be refined.
1379      */
1380     std::map<const cell_iterator, const unsigned int> refined_cells_fe_index;
1382     /**
1383      * Container to temporarily store the iterator and future active FE index
1384      * of parent cells that will remain after coarsening.
1385      */
1386     std::map<const cell_iterator, const unsigned int> coarsened_cells_fe_index;
1388     /**
1389      * Container to temporarily store the active_fe_index of every locally
1390      * owned cell for transfer across parallel::distributed::Triangulation
1391      * objects.
1392      */
1393     std::vector<unsigned int> active_fe_indices;
1395     /**
1396      * Helper object to transfer all active_fe_indices on
1397      * parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects during
1398      * refinement/coarsening and serialization.
1399      */
1400     std::unique_ptr<
1401       parallel::distributed::
1402         CellDataTransfer<dim, spacedim, std::vector<unsigned int>>>
1403       cell_data_transfer;
1404   };
1406   /**
1407    * An object containing information on the block structure.
1408    */
1409   BlockInfo block_info_object;
1411   /**
1412    * Address of the triangulation to work on.
1413    */
1414   SmartPointer<const Triangulation<dim, spacedim>, DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>>
1415     tria;
1417   /**
1418    * Store a hp::FECollection object. If only a single FiniteElement is
1419    * used during initialization of this object, it contains the (one)
1420    * FiniteElement.
1421    */
1422   hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> fe_collection;
1424   /**
1425    * An object that describes how degrees of freedom should be distributed and
1426    * renumbered.
1427    */
1428   std::unique_ptr<dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Policy::
1429                     PolicyBase<dim, spacedim>>
1430     policy;
1432   /**
1433    * A structure that contains all sorts of numbers that characterize the
1434    * degrees of freedom this object works on.
1435    *
1436    * For most members of this structure, there is an accessor function in this
1437    * class that returns its value.
1438    */
1439   dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::NumberCache number_cache;
1441   /**
1442    * Data structure like number_cache, but for each multigrid level.
1443    */
1444   std::vector<dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::NumberCache>
1445     mg_number_cache;
1447   /**
1448    * Cached indices of the degrees of freedom of all active cell. Identification
1449    * of the appropriate position of a cell in the vectors is done via
1450    * cell_dof_cache_ptr (CRS scheme).
1451    */
1452   mutable std::vector<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>>
1453     cell_dof_cache_indices;
1455   /**
1456    * Pointer to the first cached degree of freedom of an active cell
1457    * (identified by level and level index) within cell_dof_cache_indices.
1458    */
1459   mutable std::vector<std::vector<offset_type>> cell_dof_cache_ptr;
1461   /**
1462    * Indices of degree of freedom of each d+1 geometric object (3D: vertex,
1463    * line, quad, hex) for all relevant active finite elements. Identification
1464    * of the appropriate position is done via object_dof_ptr (CRS scheme).
1465    */
1466   mutable std::vector<std::array<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>, dim + 1>>
1467     object_dof_indices;
1469   /**
1470    * Pointer to the first cached degree of freedom of a geometric object for all
1471    * relevant active finite elements.
1472    *
1473    * @note In normal mode it is possible to access this data strucutre directly.
1474    *   In hp mode, an indirection via hp_object_fe_indices/hp_object_fe_ptr is
1475    * necessary.
1476    */
1477   mutable std::vector<std::array<std::vector<offset_type>, dim + 1>>
1478     object_dof_ptr;
1480   /**
1481    * Active fe indices of each geometric object. Identification
1482    * of the appropriate position of a cell in the vectors is done via
1483    * hp_object_fe_ptr (CRS scheme).
1484    */
1485   mutable std::array<std::vector<active_fe_index_type>, dim + 1>
1486     hp_object_fe_indices;
1488   /**
1489    * Pointer to the first fe index of a geometric object.
1490    */
1491   mutable std::array<std::vector<offset_type>, dim + 1> hp_object_fe_ptr;
1493   /**
1494    * Active fe index of an active cell (identified by level and level index).
1495    * This vector is only used in hp mode.
1496    */
1497   mutable std::vector<std::vector<active_fe_index_type>>
1498     hp_cell_active_fe_indices;
1500   /**
1501    * Future fe index of an active cell (identified by level and level index).
1502    * This vector is only used in hp mode.
1503    */
1504   mutable std::vector<std::vector<active_fe_index_type>>
1505     hp_cell_future_fe_indices;
1507   /**
1508    * An array to store the indices for level degrees of freedom located at
1509    * vertices.
1510    */
1511   std::vector<MGVertexDoFs> mg_vertex_dofs;
1513   /**
1514    * Space to store the DoF numbers for the different multigrid levels.
1515    */
1516   std::vector<
1517     std::unique_ptr<dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::DoFLevel<dim>>>
1518     mg_levels;
1520   /**
1521    * Space to store DoF numbers of faces in the multigrid context.
1522    */
1523   std::unique_ptr<dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::DoFFaces<dim>>
1524     mg_faces;
1526   /**
1527    * We embed our data structure into a pointer to control that
1528    * all transfer related data only exists during the actual transfer process.
1529    */
1530   std::unique_ptr<ActiveFEIndexTransfer> active_fe_index_transfer;
1532   /**
1533    * A list of connections with which this object connects to the
1534    * triangulation to get information about when the triangulation changes.
1535    */
1536   std::vector<boost::signals2::connection> tria_listeners;
1538   /**
1539    * Free all memory used for non-multigrid data structures.
1540    */
1541   void
1542   clear_space();
1544   /**
1545    * Free all memory used for multigrid data structures.
1546    */
1547   void
1548   clear_mg_space();
1550   /**
1551    * Return dof index of specified object.
1552    */
1553   template <int structdim>
1554   types::global_dof_index
1555   get_dof_index(const unsigned int obj_level,
1556                 const unsigned int obj_index,
1557                 const unsigned int fe_index,
1558                 const unsigned int local_index) const;
1560   /**
1561    * Return dof index of specified object.
1562    */
1563   template <int structdim>
1564   void
1565   set_dof_index(const unsigned int            obj_level,
1566                 const unsigned int            obj_index,
1567                 const unsigned int            fe_index,
1568                 const unsigned int            local_index,
1569                 const types::global_dof_index global_index) const;
1571   /**
1572    * Setup DoFHandler policy.
1573    */
1574   void
1575   setup_policy();
1577   /**
1578    * Setup DoFHandler policy and listeners (in the hp-context).
1579    */
1580   void
1581   setup_policy_and_listeners();
1583   /**
1584    * Create default tables for the active_fe_indices.
1585    * They are initialized with a zero
1586    * indicator, meaning that fe[0] is going to be used by default. This
1587    * method is called before refinement and while setting the finite elements
1588    * via set_fe(). It ensures each cell has a valid active_fe_index.
1589    */
1590   void
1591   create_active_fe_table();
1593   /**
1594    * A function that will be triggered through a triangulation
1595    * signal just before the triangulation is modified.
1596    *
1597    * The function that stores the active_fe_flags of all cells that will
1598    * be refined or coarsened before the refinement happens, so that
1599    * they can be set again after refinement.
1600    */
1601   void
1602   pre_refinement_action();
1604   /**
1605    * A function that will be triggered through a triangulation
1606    * signal just after the triangulation is modified.
1607    *
1608    * The function that restores the active_fe_flags of all cells that
1609    * were refined.
1610    */
1611   void
1612   post_refinement_action();
1614   /**
1615    * A function that will be triggered through a triangulation
1616    * signal just before the associated Triangulation or
1617    * parallel::shared::Triangulation is modified.
1618    *
1619    * The function that stores the active_fe_indices of all cells that will
1620    * be refined or coarsened before the refinement happens, so that
1621    * they can be set again after refinement.
1622    */
1623   void
1624   pre_active_fe_index_transfer();
1626   /**
1627    * A function that will be triggered through a triangulation
1628    * signal just before the associated parallel::distributed::Triangulation is
1629    * modified.
1630    *
1631    * The function that stores all active_fe_indices on locally owned cells for
1632    * distribution over all participating processors.
1633    */
1634   void
1635   pre_distributed_active_fe_index_transfer();
1637   /**
1638    * A function that will be triggered through a triangulation
1639    * signal just after the associated Triangulation or
1640    * parallel::shared::Triangulation is modified.
1641    *
1642    * The function that restores the active_fe_indices of all cells that
1643    * were refined or coarsened.
1644    */
1645   void
1646   post_active_fe_index_transfer();
1648   /**
1649    * A function that will be triggered through a triangulation
1650    * signal just after the associated parallel::distributed::Triangulation is
1651    * modified.
1652    *
1653    * The function that restores all active_fe_indices on locally owned cells
1654    * that have been communicated.
1655    */
1656   void
1657   post_distributed_active_fe_index_transfer();
1659   /**
1660    * A function that will be triggered through a triangulation
1661    * signal just after the associated parallel::distributed::Triangulation has
1662    * been saved.
1663    *
1664    * The function frees all memory related to the transfer of
1665    * active_fe_indices.
1666    */
1667   void
1668   post_distributed_serialization_of_active_fe_indices();
1671   // Make accessor objects friends.
1672   template <int, int, int, bool>
1673   friend class dealii::DoFAccessor;
1674   template <int, int, bool>
1675   friend class dealii::DoFCellAccessor;
1676   friend struct dealii::internal::DoFAccessorImplementation::Implementation;
1677   friend struct dealii::internal::DoFCellAccessorImplementation::Implementation;
1679   // Likewise for DoFLevel objects since they need to access the vertex dofs
1680   // in the functions that set and retrieve vertex dof indices.
1681   friend struct dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Implementation;
1682   friend struct dealii::internal::hp::DoFHandlerImplementation::Implementation;
1683   friend struct dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Policy::
1684     Implementation;
1686   // explicitly check for sensible template arguments, but not on windows
1687   // because MSVC creates bogus warnings during normal compilation
1688 #ifndef DEAL_II_MSVC
1689   static_assert(dim <= spacedim,
1690                 "The dimension <dim> of a DoFHandler must be less than or "
1691                 "equal to the space dimension <spacedim> in which it lives.");
1692 #endif
1693 };
1695 #ifndef DOXYGEN
1697 /* ----------------------- Inline functions ----------------------------------
1698  */
1701 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1702 inline bool
has_level_dofs()1703 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::has_level_dofs() const
1704 {
1705   return mg_number_cache.size() > 0;
1706 }
1710 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1711 inline bool
has_active_dofs()1712 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::has_active_dofs() const
1713 {
1714   return number_cache.n_global_dofs > 0;
1715 }
1719 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1720 inline types::global_dof_index
n_dofs()1721 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::n_dofs() const
1722 {
1723   return number_cache.n_global_dofs;
1724 }
1728 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1729 inline types::global_dof_index
n_dofs(const unsigned int level)1730 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::n_dofs(const unsigned int level) const
1731 {
1732   Assert(has_level_dofs(),
1733          ExcMessage(
1734            "n_dofs(level) can only be called after distribute_mg_dofs()"));
1735   Assert(level < mg_number_cache.size(), ExcInvalidLevel(level));
1736   return mg_number_cache[level].n_global_dofs;
1737 }
1741 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1742 types::global_dof_index
n_locally_owned_dofs()1743 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::n_locally_owned_dofs() const
1744 {
1745   return number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs;
1746 }
1750 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1751 const IndexSet &
locally_owned_dofs()1752 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::locally_owned_dofs() const
1753 {
1754   return number_cache.locally_owned_dofs;
1755 }
1759 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1760 const IndexSet &
locally_owned_mg_dofs(const unsigned int level)1761 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::locally_owned_mg_dofs(const unsigned int level) const
1762 {
1763   Assert(level < this->get_triangulation().n_global_levels(),
1764          ExcMessage("The given level index exceeds the number of levels "
1765                     "present in the triangulation"));
1766   Assert(
1767     mg_number_cache.size() == this->get_triangulation().n_global_levels(),
1768     ExcMessage(
1769       "The level dofs are not set up properly! Did you call distribute_mg_dofs()?"));
1770   return mg_number_cache[level].locally_owned_dofs;
1771 }
1775 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1776 const std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &
n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor()1777 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor() const
1778 {
1779   if (number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.empty() &&
1780       number_cache.n_global_dofs > 0)
1781     {
1782       MPI_Comm comm;
1784       const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *tr =
1785         (dynamic_cast<const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *>(
1786           &this->get_triangulation()));
1787       if (tr != nullptr)
1788         comm = tr->get_communicator();
1789       else
1790         comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;
1792       const_cast<dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::NumberCache &>(
1793         number_cache)
1794         .n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor =
1795         number_cache.get_n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor(comm);
1796     }
1797   return number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor;
1798 }
1802 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1803 const std::vector<IndexSet> &
locally_owned_dofs_per_processor()1804 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::locally_owned_dofs_per_processor() const
1805 {
1806   if (number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.empty() &&
1807       number_cache.n_global_dofs > 0)
1808     {
1809       MPI_Comm comm;
1811       const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *tr =
1812         (dynamic_cast<const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *>(
1813           &this->get_triangulation()));
1814       if (tr != nullptr)
1815         comm = tr->get_communicator();
1816       else
1817         comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;
1819       const_cast<dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::NumberCache &>(
1820         number_cache)
1821         .locally_owned_dofs_per_processor =
1822         number_cache.get_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor(comm);
1823     }
1824   return number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor;
1825 }
1829 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1830 const std::vector<IndexSet> &
locally_owned_mg_dofs_per_processor(const unsigned int level)1831 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::locally_owned_mg_dofs_per_processor(
1832   const unsigned int level) const
1833 {
1834   Assert(level < this->get_triangulation().n_global_levels(),
1835          ExcMessage("The given level index exceeds the number of levels "
1836                     "present in the triangulation"));
1837   Assert(
1838     mg_number_cache.size() == this->get_triangulation().n_global_levels(),
1839     ExcMessage(
1840       "The level dofs are not set up properly! Did you call distribute_mg_dofs()?"));
1841   if (mg_number_cache[level].locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.empty() &&
1842       mg_number_cache[level].n_global_dofs > 0)
1843     {
1844       MPI_Comm comm;
1846       const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *tr =
1847         (dynamic_cast<const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *>(
1848           &this->get_triangulation()));
1849       if (tr != nullptr)
1850         comm = tr->get_communicator();
1851       else
1852         comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;
1854       const_cast<dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::NumberCache &>(
1855         mg_number_cache[level])
1856         .locally_owned_dofs_per_processor =
1857         mg_number_cache[level].get_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor(comm);
1858     }
1859   return mg_number_cache[level].locally_owned_dofs_per_processor;
1860 }
1864 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1865 inline const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &
get_fe(const unsigned int number)1866 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::get_fe(const unsigned int number) const
1867 {
1868   Assert(fe_collection.size() > 0,
1869          ExcMessage("No finite element collection is associated with "
1870                     "this DoFHandler"));
1871   return fe_collection[number];
1872 }
1876 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1877 inline const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &
get_fe_collection()1878 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::get_fe_collection() const
1879 {
1880   Assert(fe_collection.size() > 0,
1881          ExcMessage("No finite element collection is associated with "
1882                     "this DoFHandler"));
1883   return fe_collection;
1884 }
1888 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1889 inline const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &
get_triangulation()1890 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::get_triangulation() const
1891 {
1892   Assert(tria != nullptr,
1893          ExcMessage("This DoFHandler object has not been associated "
1894                     "with a triangulation."));
1895   return *tria;
1896 }
1900 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1901 inline const BlockInfo &
block_info()1902 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::block_info() const
1903 {
1904   Assert(this->hp_capability_enabled == false, ExcNotImplementedWithHP());
1906   return block_info_object;
1907 }
1911 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1912 template <typename number>
1913 types::global_dof_index
n_boundary_dofs(const std::map<types::boundary_id,const Function<spacedim,number> * > & boundary_ids)1914 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::n_boundary_dofs(
1915   const std::map<types::boundary_id, const Function<spacedim, number> *>
1916     &boundary_ids) const
1917 {
1918   Assert(!(dim == 2 && spacedim == 3) || this->hp_capability_enabled == false,
1919          ExcNotImplementedWithHP());
1921   // extract the set of boundary ids and forget about the function object
1922   // pointers
1923   std::set<types::boundary_id> boundary_ids_only;
1924   for (typename std::map<types::boundary_id,
1925                          const Function<spacedim, number> *>::const_iterator p =
1926          boundary_ids.begin();
1927        p != boundary_ids.end();
1928        ++p)
1929     boundary_ids_only.insert(p->first);
1931   // then just hand everything over to the other function that does the work
1932   return n_boundary_dofs(boundary_ids_only);
1933 }
1937 namespace internal
1938 {
1939   /**
1940    * Return a string representing the dynamic type of the given argument.
1941    * This is basically the same what typeid(...).name() does, but it turns out
1942    * this is broken on Intel 13+.
1943    *
1944    * Defined in dof_handler.cc.
1945    */
1946   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1947   std::string
1948   policy_to_string(const dealii::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Policy::
1949                      PolicyBase<dim, spacedim> &policy);
1950 } // namespace internal
1954 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1955 template <class Archive>
1956 void
save(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)1957 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::save(Archive &ar, const unsigned int) const
1958 {
1959   if (this->hp_capability_enabled)
1960     {
1961       ar & this->object_dof_indices;
1962       ar & this->object_dof_ptr;
1964       ar & this->cell_dof_cache_indices;
1965       ar & this->cell_dof_cache_ptr;
1967       ar & this->hp_cell_active_fe_indices;
1968       ar & this->hp_cell_future_fe_indices;
1970       ar &hp_object_fe_ptr;
1971       ar &hp_object_fe_indices;
1973       ar &number_cache;
1975       ar &mg_number_cache;
1977       // write out the number of triangulation cells and later check during
1978       // loading that this number is indeed correct; same with something that
1979       // identifies the policy
1980       const unsigned int n_cells = this->tria->n_cells();
1981       std::string        policy_name =
1982         dealii::internal::policy_to_string(*this->policy);
1984       ar &n_cells &policy_name;
1985     }
1986   else
1987     {
1988       ar & this->block_info_object;
1989       ar &number_cache;
1991       ar & this->object_dof_indices;
1992       ar & this->object_dof_ptr;
1994       ar & this->cell_dof_cache_indices;
1995       ar & this->cell_dof_cache_ptr;
1997       // write out the number of triangulation cells and later check during
1998       // loading that this number is indeed correct; same with something that
1999       // identifies the FE and the policy
2000       unsigned int n_cells     = this->tria->n_cells();
2001       std::string  fe_name     = this->get_fe(0).get_name();
2002       std::string  policy_name = internal::policy_to_string(*this->policy);
2004       ar &n_cells &fe_name &policy_name;
2005     }
2006 }
2010 template <int dim, int spacedim>
2011 template <class Archive>
2012 void
load(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)2013 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int)
2014 {
2015   if (this->hp_capability_enabled)
2016     {
2017       ar & this->object_dof_indices;
2018       ar & this->object_dof_ptr;
2020       ar & this->cell_dof_cache_indices;
2021       ar & this->cell_dof_cache_ptr;
2023       ar & this->hp_cell_active_fe_indices;
2024       ar & this->hp_cell_future_fe_indices;
2026       ar &hp_object_fe_ptr;
2027       ar &hp_object_fe_indices;
2029       ar &number_cache;
2031       ar &mg_number_cache;
2033       // these are the checks that correspond to the last block in the save()
2034       // function
2035       unsigned int n_cells;
2036       std::string  policy_name;
2038       ar &n_cells &policy_name;
2040       AssertThrow(
2041         n_cells == this->tria->n_cells(),
2042         ExcMessage(
2043           "The object being loaded into does not match the triangulation "
2044           "that has been stored previously."));
2045       AssertThrow(
2046         policy_name == dealii::internal::policy_to_string(*this->policy),
2047         ExcMessage("The policy currently associated with this DoFHandler (" +
2048                    dealii::internal::policy_to_string(*this->policy) +
2049                    ") does not match the one that was associated with the "
2050                    "DoFHandler previously stored (" +
2051                    policy_name + ")."));
2052     }
2053   else
2054     {
2055       ar & this->block_info_object;
2056       ar &number_cache;
2058       object_dof_indices.clear();
2060       object_dof_ptr.clear();
2062       ar & this->object_dof_indices;
2063       ar & this->object_dof_ptr;
2065       ar & this->cell_dof_cache_indices;
2066       ar & this->cell_dof_cache_ptr;
2068       // these are the checks that correspond to the last block in the save()
2069       // function
2070       unsigned int n_cells;
2071       std::string  fe_name;
2072       std::string  policy_name;
2074       ar &n_cells &fe_name &policy_name;
2076       AssertThrow(
2077         n_cells == this->tria->n_cells(),
2078         ExcMessage(
2079           "The object being loaded into does not match the triangulation "
2080           "that has been stored previously."));
2081       AssertThrow(
2082         fe_name == this->get_fe(0).get_name(),
2083         ExcMessage(
2084           "The finite element associated with this DoFHandler does not match "
2085           "the one that was associated with the DoFHandler previously stored."));
2086       AssertThrow(policy_name == internal::policy_to_string(*this->policy),
2087                   ExcMessage(
2088                     "The policy currently associated with this DoFHandler (" +
2089                     internal::policy_to_string(*this->policy) +
2090                     ") does not match the one that was associated with the "
2091                     "DoFHandler previously stored (" +
2092                     policy_name + ")."));
2093     }
2094 }
2098 template <int dim, int spacedim>
2099 inline types::global_dof_index
get_index(const unsigned int level,const unsigned int dof_number,const unsigned int dofs_per_vertex)2100 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::MGVertexDoFs::get_index(
2101   const unsigned int level,
2102   const unsigned int dof_number,
2103   const unsigned int dofs_per_vertex) const
2104 {
2105   Assert((level >= coarsest_level) && (level <= finest_level),
2106          ExcInvalidLevel(level));
2107   return indices[dofs_per_vertex * (level - coarsest_level) + dof_number];
2108 }
2112 template <int dim, int spacedim>
2113 inline void
set_index(const unsigned int level,const unsigned int dof_number,const unsigned int dofs_per_vertex,const types::global_dof_index index)2114 DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::MGVertexDoFs::set_index(
2115   const unsigned int            level,
2116   const unsigned int            dof_number,
2117   const unsigned int            dofs_per_vertex,
2118   const types::global_dof_index index)
2119 {
2120   Assert((level >= coarsest_level) && (level <= finest_level),
2121          ExcInvalidLevel(level));
2122   indices[dofs_per_vertex * (level - coarsest_level) + dof_number] = index;
2123 }
2126 #endif // DOXYGEN
2130 #endif