1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2001 - 2019 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_matrix_out_h
17 #  define dealii_matrix_out_h
19 #  include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #  include <deal.II/base/data_out_base.h>
23 #  include <deal.II/lac/block_sparse_matrix.h>
24 #  include <deal.II/lac/sparse_matrix.h>
27 #    include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_block_sparse_matrix.h>
28 #    include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_sparse_matrix.h>
29 #  endif
34 /**
35  * Output a matrix in graphical form using the generic format independent
36  * output routines of the base class. The matrix is converted into a list of
37  * patches on a 2d domain where the height is given by the elements of the
38  * matrix. The functions of the base class can then write this "mountain
39  * representation" of the matrix in a variety of graphical output formats. The
40  * coordinates of the matrix output are that the columns run with increasing
41  * x-axis, as usual, starting from zero, while the rows run into the negative
42  * y-axis, also starting from zero. Note that due to some internal
43  * restrictions, this class can only output one matrix at a time, i.e. it can
44  * not take advantage of the multiple dataset capabilities of the base class.
45  *
46  * A typical usage of this class would be as follows:
47  * @code
48  *   FullMatrix<double> M;
49  *   // fill matrix M with some values
50  *   ...
51  *
52  *   // now write out M:
53  *   MatrixOut matrix_out;
54  *   std::ofstream out ("M.gnuplot");
55  *   matrix_out.build_patches (M, "M");
56  *   matrix_out.write_gnuplot (out);
57  * @endcode
58  * Of course, you can as well choose a different graphical output format.
59  * Also, this class supports any matrix, not only of type FullMatrix, as long
60  * as it satisfies a number of requirements, stated with the member functions
61  * of this class.
62  *
63  * The generation of patches through the build_patches() function can be
64  * modified by giving it an object holding certain flags. See the
65  * documentation of the members of the Options class for a description of
66  * these flags.
67  *
68  *
69  * @ingroup output
70  */
71 class MatrixOut : public DataOutInterface<2, 2>
72 {
73 public:
74   /**
75    * Declare type for container size.
76    */
77   using size_type = types::global_dof_index;
79   /**
80    * Class holding various variables which are used to modify the output of
81    * the MatrixOut class.
82    */
83   struct Options
84   {
85     /**
86      * If @p true, only show the absolute values of the matrix entries, rather
87      * than their true values including the sign. Default value is @p false.
88      */
89     bool show_absolute_values;
91     /**
92      * If larger than one, do not show each element of the matrix, but rather
93      * an average over a number of entries. The number of output patches is
94      * accordingly smaller. This flag determines how large each shown block
95      * shall be (in rows/columns). For example, if it is two, then always four
96      * entries are collated into one.
97      *
98      * Default value is one.
99      */
100     unsigned int block_size;
102     /**
103      * If true, plot discontinuous patches, one for each entry.
104      */
105     bool discontinuous;
107     /**
108      * Default constructor. Set all elements of this structure to their
109      * default values.
110      */
111     Options(const bool         show_absolute_values = false,
112             const unsigned int block_size           = 1,
113             const bool         discontinuous        = false);
114   };
116   /**
117    * Destructor. Declared in order to make it virtual.
118    */
119   virtual ~MatrixOut() override = default;
121   /**
122    * Generate a list of patches from the given matrix and use the given string
123    * as the name of the data set upon writing to a file. Once patches have
124    * been built, you can use the functions of the base class to write the data
125    * into a files, using one of the supported output formats.
126    *
127    * You may give a structure holding various options. See the description of
128    * the fields of this structure for more information.
129    *
130    * Note that this function requires that we can extract elements of the
131    * matrix, which is done using the get_element() function declared in an
132    * internal namespace. By adding specializations, you can extend this class
133    * to other matrix classes which are not presently supported. Furthermore,
134    * we need to be able to extract the size of the matrix, for which we assume
135    * that the matrix type offers member functions <tt>m()</tt> and
136    * <tt>n()</tt>, which return the number of rows and columns, respectively.
137    */
138   template <class Matrix>
139   void
140   build_patches(const Matrix &     matrix,
141                 const std::string &name,
142                 const Options      options = Options(false, 1, false));
144 private:
145   /**
146    * Abbreviate the somewhat lengthy name for the dealii::DataOutBase::Patch
147    * class.
148    */
149   using Patch = DataOutBase::Patch<2, 2>;
151   /**
152    * This is a list of patches that is created each time build_patches() is
153    * called. These patches are used in the output routines of the base
154    * classes.
155    */
156   std::vector<Patch> patches;
158   /**
159    * Name of the matrix to be written.
160    */
161   std::string name;
163   /**
164    * Function by which the base class's functions get to know what patches
165    * they shall write to a file.
166    */
167   virtual const std::vector<Patch> &
168   get_patches() const override;
170   /**
171    * Virtual function through which the names of data sets are obtained by the
172    * output functions of the base class.
173    */
174   virtual std::vector<std::string>
175   get_dataset_names() const override;
177   /**
178    * Get the value of the matrix at gridpoint <tt>(i,j)</tt>. Depending on the
179    * given flags, this can mean different things, for example if only absolute
180    * values shall be shown then the absolute value of the matrix entry is
181    * taken. If the block size is larger than one, then an average of several
182    * matrix entries is taken.
183    */
184   template <class Matrix>
185   static double
186   get_gridpoint_value(const Matrix &  matrix,
187                       const size_type i,
188                       const size_type j,
189                       const Options & options);
190 };
193 /* ---------------------- Template and inline functions ------------- */
196 namespace internal
197 {
198   namespace MatrixOutImplementation
199   {
200     /**
201      * Return the element with given indices of a sparse matrix.
202      */
203     template <typename number>
204     double
get_element(const dealii::SparseMatrix<number> & matrix,const types::global_dof_index i,const types::global_dof_index j)205     get_element(const dealii::SparseMatrix<number> &matrix,
206                 const types::global_dof_index       i,
207                 const types::global_dof_index       j)
208     {
209       return matrix.el(i, j);
210     }
214     /**
215      * Return the element with given indices of a block sparse matrix.
216      */
217     template <typename number>
218     double
get_element(const dealii::BlockSparseMatrix<number> & matrix,const types::global_dof_index i,const types::global_dof_index j)219     get_element(const dealii::BlockSparseMatrix<number> &matrix,
220                 const types::global_dof_index            i,
221                 const types::global_dof_index            j)
222     {
223       return matrix.el(i, j);
224     }
228     /**
229      * Return the element with given indices of a Trilinos sparse matrix.
230      */
231     inline double
get_element(const TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix & matrix,const types::global_dof_index i,const types::global_dof_index j)232     get_element(const TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix &matrix,
233                 const types::global_dof_index         i,
234                 const types::global_dof_index         j)
235     {
236       return matrix.el(i, j);
237     }
241     /**
242      * Return the element with given indices of a Trilinos block sparse
243      * matrix.
244      */
245     inline double
get_element(const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix & matrix,const types::global_dof_index i,const types::global_dof_index j)246     get_element(const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix &matrix,
247                 const types::global_dof_index              i,
248                 const types::global_dof_index              j)
249     {
250       return matrix.el(i, j);
251     }
252 #  endif
255 #  ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_PETSC
256     // no need to do anything: PETSc matrix objects do not distinguish
257     // between operator() and el(i,j), so we can safely access elements
258     // through the generic function below
259 #  endif
262     /**
263      * Return the element with given indices from any matrix type for which
264      * no specialization of this function was declared above. This will call
265      * <tt>operator()</tt> on the matrix.
266      */
267     template <class Matrix>
268     double
get_element(const Matrix & matrix,const types::global_dof_index i,const types::global_dof_index j)269     get_element(const Matrix &                matrix,
270                 const types::global_dof_index i,
271                 const types::global_dof_index j)
272     {
273       return matrix(i, j);
274     }
275   } // namespace MatrixOutImplementation
276 } // namespace internal
280 template <class Matrix>
281 inline double
get_gridpoint_value(const Matrix & matrix,const size_type i,const size_type j,const Options & options)282 MatrixOut::get_gridpoint_value(const Matrix &  matrix,
283                                const size_type i,
284                                const size_type j,
285                                const Options & options)
286 {
287   // special case if block size is
288   // one since we then don't need all
289   // that loop overhead
290   if (options.block_size == 1)
291     {
292       if (options.show_absolute_values == true)
293         return std::fabs(
294           internal::MatrixOutImplementation::get_element(matrix, i, j));
295       else
296         return internal::MatrixOutImplementation::get_element(matrix, i, j);
297     }
299   // if blocksize greater than one,
300   // then compute average of elements
301   double    average    = 0;
302   size_type n_elements = 0;
303   for (size_type row = i * options.block_size;
304        row <
305        std::min(size_type(matrix.m()), size_type((i + 1) * options.block_size));
306        ++row)
307     for (size_type col = j * options.block_size;
308          col < std::min(size_type(matrix.m()),
309                         size_type((j + 1) * options.block_size));
310          ++col, ++n_elements)
311       if (options.show_absolute_values == true)
312         average += std::fabs(
313           internal::MatrixOutImplementation::get_element(matrix, row, col));
314       else
315         average +=
316           internal::MatrixOutImplementation::get_element(matrix, row, col);
317   average /= n_elements;
318   return average;
319 }
323 template <class Matrix>
324 void
build_patches(const Matrix & matrix,const std::string & name,const Options options)325 MatrixOut::build_patches(const Matrix &     matrix,
326                          const std::string &name,
327                          const Options      options)
328 {
329   size_type gridpoints_x = (matrix.n() / options.block_size +
330                             (matrix.n() % options.block_size != 0 ? 1 : 0)),
331             gridpoints_y = (matrix.m() / options.block_size +
332                             (matrix.m() % options.block_size != 0 ? 1 : 0));
334   // If continuous, the number of
335   // plotted patches is matrix size-1
336   if (!options.discontinuous)
337     {
338       --gridpoints_x;
339       --gridpoints_y;
340     }
342   // first clear old data and set it
343   // to virgin state
344   patches.clear();
345   patches.resize((gridpoints_x) * (gridpoints_y));
347   // now build the patches
348   size_type index = 0;
349   for (size_type i = 0; i < gridpoints_y; ++i)
350     for (size_type j = 0; j < gridpoints_x; ++j, ++index)
351       {
352         // within each patch, order the points in such a way that if some
353         // graphical output program (such as gnuplot) plots the quadrilaterals
354         // as two triangles, then the diagonal of the quadrilateral which cuts
355         // it into the two printed triangles is parallel to the diagonal of the
356         // matrix, rather than perpendicular to it. this has the advantage that,
357         // for example, the unit matrix is plotted as a straight rim, rather
358         // than as a series of bumps and valleys along the diagonal
359         patches[index].vertices[0](0) = j;
360         patches[index].vertices[0](1) = -static_cast<signed int>(i);
361         patches[index].vertices[1](0) = j;
362         patches[index].vertices[1](1) = -static_cast<signed int>(i + 1);
363         patches[index].vertices[2](0) = j + 1;
364         patches[index].vertices[2](1) = -static_cast<signed int>(i);
365         patches[index].vertices[3](0) = j + 1;
366         patches[index].vertices[3](1) = -static_cast<signed int>(i + 1);
367         // next scale all the patch
368         // coordinates by the block
369         // size, to get original
370         // coordinates
371         for (auto &vertex : patches[index].vertices)
372           vertex *= options.block_size;
374         patches[index].n_subdivisions = 1;
376         patches[index].data.reinit(1, 4);
377         if (options.discontinuous)
378           {
379             patches[index].data(0, 0) =
380               get_gridpoint_value(matrix, i, j, options);
381             patches[index].data(0, 1) =
382               get_gridpoint_value(matrix, i, j, options);
383             patches[index].data(0, 2) =
384               get_gridpoint_value(matrix, i, j, options);
385             patches[index].data(0, 3) =
386               get_gridpoint_value(matrix, i, j, options);
387           }
388         else
389           {
390             patches[index].data(0, 0) =
391               get_gridpoint_value(matrix, i, j, options);
392             patches[index].data(0, 1) =
393               get_gridpoint_value(matrix, i + 1, j, options);
394             patches[index].data(0, 2) =
395               get_gridpoint_value(matrix, i, j + 1, options);
396             patches[index].data(0, 3) =
397               get_gridpoint_value(matrix, i + 1, j + 1, options);
398           }
399       };
401   // finally set the name
402   this->name = name;
403 }
407 /*----------------------------   matrix_out.h     ---------------------------*/
411 #endif
412 /*----------------------------   matrix_out.h     ---------------------------*/