1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1999 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_precondition_block_h
17 #define dealii_precondition_block_h
20 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/smartpointer.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/subscriptor.h>
26 #include <deal.II/lac/precondition_block_base.h>
28 #include <vector>
32 /*! @addtogroup Preconditioners
33  *@{
34  */
37 /**
38  * Base class for actual block preconditioners. This class assumes the
39  * <tt>MatrixType</tt> consisting of invertible blocks of @p blocksize on the
40  * diagonal and provides the inversion of the diagonal blocks of the matrix.
41  * It is not necessary for this class that the matrix be block diagonal;
42  * rather, it applies to matrices of arbitrary structure with the minimal
43  * property of having invertible blocks on the diagonal. Still the matrix must
44  * have access to single matrix entries. Therefore, BlockMatrixArray and
45  * similar classes are not a possible matrix class template arguments.
46  *
47  * The block matrix structure used by this class is given, e.g., for the DG
48  * method for the transport equation. For a downstream numbering the matrices
49  * even have got a block lower left matrix structure, i.e. the matrices are
50  * empty above the diagonal blocks.
51  *
52  * @note This class is intended to be used for matrices whose structure is
53  * given by local contributions from disjoint cells, such as for DG methods.
54  * It is not intended for problems where the block structure results from
55  * different physical variables such as in the Stokes equations considered in
56  * step-22.
57  *
58  * For all matrices that are empty above and below the diagonal blocks (i.e.
59  * for all block diagonal matrices) the @p BlockJacobi preconditioner is a
60  * direct solver. For all matrices that are empty only above the diagonal
61  * blocks (e.g. the matrices one gets by the DG method with downstream
62  * numbering) @p BlockSOR is a direct solver.
63  *
64  * This first implementation of the @p PreconditionBlock assumes the matrix
65  * has blocks each of the same block size. Varying block sizes within the
66  * matrix must still be implemented if needed.
67  *
68  * The first template parameter denotes the type of number representation in
69  * the sparse matrix, the second denotes the type of number representation in
70  * which the inverted diagonal block matrices are stored within this class by
71  * <tt>invert_diagblocks()</tt>. If you don't want to use the block inversion
72  * as an exact solver, but rather as a preconditioner, you may probably want
73  * to store the inverted blocks with less accuracy than the original matrix;
74  * for example, <tt>number==double, inverse_type=float</tt> might be a viable
75  * choice.
76  *
77  * @see
78  * @ref GlossBlockLA "Block (linear algebra)"
79  */
80 template <typename MatrixType,
81           typename inverse_type = typename MatrixType::value_type>
82 class PreconditionBlock : public virtual Subscriptor,
83                           protected PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>
84 {
85 private:
86   /**
87    * Define number type of matrix.
88    */
89   using number = typename MatrixType::value_type;
91   /**
92    * Value type for inverse matrices.
93    */
94   using value_type = inverse_type;
96 public:
97   /**
98    * Declare type for container size.
99    */
100   using size_type = types::global_dof_index;
102   /**
103    * Parameters for block preconditioners.
104    */
105   class AdditionalData
106   {
107   public:
108     /**
109      * Constructor. Block size must be given since there is no reasonable
110      * default parameter.
111      */
112     AdditionalData(const size_type block_size,
113                    const double    relaxation      = 1.,
114                    const bool      invert_diagonal = true,
115                    const bool      same_diagonal   = false);
117     /**
118      * Relaxation parameter.
119      */
120     double relaxation;
122     /**
123      * Block size.
124      */
125     size_type block_size;
127     /**
128      * Invert diagonal during initialization.
129      */
130     bool invert_diagonal;
132     /**
133      * Assume all diagonal blocks are equal to save memory.
134      */
135     bool same_diagonal;
136     /**
137      * Choose the inversion method for the blocks.
138      */
139     typename PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::Inversion inversion;
141     /**
142      * The if #inversion is SVD, the threshold below which a singular value
143      * will be considered zero and thus not inverted. This parameter is used
144      * in the call to LAPACKFullMatrix::compute_inverse_svd().
145      */
146     double threshold;
147   };
150   /**
151    * Constructor.
152    */
153   PreconditionBlock(bool store_diagonals = false);
155   /**
156    * Destructor.
157    */
158   ~PreconditionBlock() override = default;
160   /**
161    * Initialize matrix and block size.  We store the matrix and the block size
162    * in the preconditioner object. In a second step, the inverses of the
163    * diagonal blocks may be computed.
164    *
165    * Additionally, a relaxation parameter for derived classes may be provided.
166    */
167   void
168   initialize(const MatrixType &A, const AdditionalData parameters);
170 protected:
171   /**
172    * Initialize matrix and block size for permuted preconditioning.
173    * Additionally to the parameters of the other initialize() function, we
174    * hand over two index vectors with the permutation and its inverse. For the
175    * meaning of these vectors see PreconditionBlockSOR.
176    *
177    * In a second step, the inverses of the diagonal blocks may be computed.
178    * Make sure you use invert_permuted_diagblocks() to yield consistent data.
179    *
180    * Additionally, a relaxation parameter for derived classes may be provided.
181    */
182   void
183   initialize(const MatrixType &            A,
184              const std::vector<size_type> &permutation,
185              const std::vector<size_type> &inverse_permutation,
186              const AdditionalData          parameters);
188   /**
189    * Set either the permutation of rows or the permutation of blocks,
190    * depending on the size of the vector.
191    *
192    * If the size of the permutation vectors is equal to the dimension of the
193    * linear system, it is assumed that rows are permuted individually. In this
194    * case, set_permutation() must be called before initialize(), since the
195    * diagonal blocks are built from the permuted entries of the matrix.
196    *
197    * If the size of the permutation vector is not equal to the dimension of
198    * the system, the diagonal blocks are computed from the unpermuted entries.
199    * Instead, the relaxation methods step() and Tstep() are executed applying
200    * the blocks in the order given by the permutation vector. They will throw
201    * an exception if length of this vector is not equal to the number of
202    * blocks.
203    *
204    * @note Permutation of blocks can only be applied to the relaxation
205    * operators step() and Tstep(), not to the preconditioning operators
206    * vmult() and Tvmult().
207    *
208    * @note It is safe to call set_permutation() before initialize(), while the
209    * other order is only admissible for block permutation.
210    */
211   void
212   set_permutation(const std::vector<size_type> &permutation,
213                   const std::vector<size_type> &inverse_permutation);
215   /**
216    * Replacement of invert_diagblocks() for permuted preconditioning.
217    */
218   void
219   invert_permuted_diagblocks();
221 public:
222   /**
223    * Deletes the inverse diagonal block matrices if existent, sets the
224    * blocksize to 0, hence leaves the class in the state that it had directly
225    * after calling the constructor.
226    */
227   void
228   clear();
230   /**
231    * Check whether the object is empty.
232    */
233   bool
234   empty() const;
236   /**
237    * Read-only access to entries. This function is only possible if the
238    * inverse diagonal blocks are stored.
239    */
240   value_type
241   el(size_type i, size_type j) const;
243   /**
244    * Stores the inverse of the diagonal blocks in @p inverse. This costs some
245    * additional memory - for DG methods about 1/3 (for double inverses) or 1/6
246    * (for float inverses) of that used for the matrix - but it makes the
247    * preconditioning much faster.
248    *
249    * It is not allowed to call this function twice (will produce an error)
250    * before a call of <tt>clear(...)</tt>  because at the second time there
251    * already exist the inverse matrices.
252    *
253    * After this function is called, the lock on the matrix given through the
254    * @p use_matrix function is released, i.e. you may overwrite of delete it.
255    * You may want to do this in case you use this matrix to precondition
256    * another matrix.
257    */
258   void
259   invert_diagblocks();
261   /**
262    * Perform one block relaxation step in forward numbering.
263    *
264    * Depending on the arguments @p dst and @p pref, this performs an SOR step
265    * (both reference the same vector) of a Jacobi step (both different
266    * vectors). For the Jacobi step, the calling function must copy @p dst to
267    * @p pref after this.
268    *
269    * @note If a permutation is set, it is automatically honored by this
270    * function.
271    */
272   template <typename number2>
273   void
274   forward_step(Vector<number2> &      dst,
275                const Vector<number2> &prev,
276                const Vector<number2> &src,
277                const bool             transpose_diagonal) const;
279   /**
280    * Perform one block relaxation step in backward numbering.
281    *
282    * Depending on the arguments @p dst and @p pref, this performs an SOR step
283    * (both reference the same vector) of a Jacobi step (both different
284    * vectors). For the Jacobi step, the calling function must copy @p dst to
285    * @p pref after this.
286    *
287    * @note If a permutation is set, it is automatically honored by this
288    * function.
289    */
290   template <typename number2>
291   void
292   backward_step(Vector<number2> &      dst,
293                 const Vector<number2> &prev,
294                 const Vector<number2> &src,
295                 const bool             transpose_diagonal) const;
298   /**
299    * Return the size of the blocks.
300    */
301   size_type
302   block_size() const;
304   /**
305    * Determine an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes) of this
306    * object.
307    */
308   std::size_t
309   memory_consumption() const;
311   /**
312    * @addtogroup Exceptions
313    * @{
314    */
316   /**
317    * For non-overlapping block preconditioners, the block size must divide the
318    * matrix size. If not, this exception gets thrown.
319    */
320   DeclException2(ExcWrongBlockSize,
321                  int,
322                  int,
323                  << "The blocksize " << arg1 << " and the size of the matrix "
324                  << arg2 << " do not match.");
326   /**
327    * Exception
328    */
329   DeclException0(ExcInverseMatricesAlreadyExist);
331   //@}
333 protected:
334   /**
335    * Size of the blocks. Each diagonal block is assumed to be of the same
336    * size.
337    */
338   size_type blocksize;
340   /**
341    * Pointer to the matrix. Make sure that the matrix exists as long as this
342    * class needs it, i.e. until calling @p invert_diagblocks, or (if the
343    * inverse matrices should not be stored) until the last call of the
344    * preconditoining @p vmult function of the derived classes.
345    */
346   SmartPointer<const MatrixType, PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>> A;
347   /**
348    * Relaxation parameter to be used by derived classes.
349    */
350   double relaxation;
352   /**
353    * The permutation vector
354    */
355   std::vector<size_type> permutation;
357   /**
358    * The inverse permutation vector
359    */
360   std::vector<size_type> inverse_permutation;
361 };
365 /**
366  * Block Jacobi preconditioning. See PreconditionBlock for requirements on the
367  * matrix. This class satisfies the
368  * @ref ConceptRelaxationType "relaxation concept".
369  *
370  * @note Instantiations for this template are provided for <tt>@<float@> and
371  * @<double@></tt>; others can be generated in application programs (see the
372  * section on
373  * @ref Instantiations
374  * in the manual).
375  */
376 template <typename MatrixType,
377           typename inverse_type = typename MatrixType::value_type>
378 class PreconditionBlockJacobi
379   : public virtual Subscriptor,
380     private PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>
381 {
382 private:
383   /**
384    * Define number type of matrix.
385    */
386   using number = typename MatrixType::value_type;
388 public:
389   /**
390    * Declare type for container size.
391    */
392   using size_type = types::global_dof_index;
394   /**
395    * Standard-conforming iterator.
396    */
397   class const_iterator
398   {
399   private:
400     /**
401      * Accessor class for iterators
402      */
403     class Accessor
404     {
405     public:
406       /**
407        * Constructor. Since we use accessors only for read access, a const
408        * matrix pointer is sufficient.
409        */
410       Accessor(const PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type> *matrix,
411                const size_type                                          row);
413       /**
414        * Row number of the element represented by this object.
415        */
416       size_type
417       row() const;
419       /**
420        * Column number of the element represented by this object.
421        */
422       size_type
423       column() const;
425       /**
426        * Value of this matrix entry.
427        */
428       inverse_type
429       value() const;
431     protected:
432       /**
433        * The matrix accessed.
434        */
435       const PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type> *matrix;
437       /**
438        * Save block size here for further reference.
439        */
440       size_type bs;
442       /**
443        * Current block number.
444        */
445       size_type a_block;
447       /**
448        * Iterator inside block.
449        */
450       typename FullMatrix<inverse_type>::const_iterator b_iterator;
452       /**
453        * End of current block.
454        */
455       typename FullMatrix<inverse_type>::const_iterator b_end;
457       // Make enclosing class a friend.
458       friend class const_iterator;
459     };
461   public:
462     /**
463      * Constructor.
464      */
465     const_iterator(
466       const PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type> *matrix,
467       const size_type                                          row);
469     /**
470      * Prefix increment.
471      */
472     const_iterator &
473     operator++();
475     /**
476      * Dereferencing operator.
477      */
478     const Accessor &operator*() const;
480     /**
481      * Dereferencing operator.
482      */
483     const Accessor *operator->() const;
485     /**
486      * Comparison. True, if both iterators point to the same matrix position.
487      */
488     bool
489     operator==(const const_iterator &) const;
490     /**
491      * Inverse of <tt>==</tt>.
492      */
493     bool
494     operator!=(const const_iterator &) const;
496     /**
497      * Comparison operator. Result is true if either the first row number is
498      * smaller or if the row numbers are equal and the first index is smaller.
499      */
500     bool
501     operator<(const const_iterator &) const;
503   private:
504     /**
505      * Store an object of the accessor class.
506      */
507     Accessor accessor;
508   };
510   /**
511    * import functions from private base class
512    */
513   using typename PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::AdditionalData;
514   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::initialize;
515   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::clear;
516   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::empty;
517   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::el;
518   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::invert_diagblocks;
519   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::block_size;
520   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::size;
521   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::inverse;
522   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::inverse_householder;
523   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::inverse_svd;
524   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::log_statistics;
525   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::set_permutation;
527   /**
528    * Execute block Jacobi preconditioning.
529    *
530    * This function will automatically use the inverse matrices if they exist,
531    * if not then BlockJacobi will need much time inverting the diagonal block
532    * matrices in each preconditioning step.
533    */
534   template <typename number2>
535   void
536   vmult(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
538   /**
539    * Same as @p vmult, since Jacobi is symmetric.
540    */
541   template <typename number2>
542   void
543   Tvmult(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
544   /**
545    * Execute block Jacobi preconditioning, adding to @p dst.
546    *
547    * This function will automatically use the inverse matrices if they exist,
548    * if not then BlockJacobi will need much time inverting the diagonal block
549    * matrices in each preconditioning step.
550    */
551   template <typename number2>
552   void
553   vmult_add(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
555   /**
556    * Same as @p vmult_add, since Jacobi is symmetric.
557    */
558   template <typename number2>
559   void
560   Tvmult_add(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
562   /**
563    * Perform one step of the Jacobi iteration.
564    */
565   template <typename number2>
566   void
567   step(Vector<number2> &dst, const Vector<number2> &rhs) const;
569   /**
570    * Perform one step of the Jacobi iteration.
571    */
572   template <typename number2>
573   void
574   Tstep(Vector<number2> &dst, const Vector<number2> &rhs) const;
576   /**
577    * Iterator starting at the first entry.
578    */
579   const_iterator
580   begin() const;
582   /**
583    * Final iterator.
584    */
585   const_iterator
586   end() const;
588   /**
589    * Iterator starting at the first entry of row @p r.
590    */
591   const_iterator
592   begin(const size_type r) const;
594   /**
595    * Final iterator of row @p r.
596    */
597   const_iterator
598   end(const size_type r) const;
601 private:
602   /**
603    * Actual implementation of the preconditioner.
604    *
605    * Depending on @p adding, the result of preconditioning is added to the
606    * destination vector.
607    */
608   template <typename number2>
609   void
610   do_vmult(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &, bool adding) const;
612   friend class Accessor;
613   friend class const_iterator;
614 };
618 /**
619  * Block SOR preconditioning. This class satisfies the
620  * @ref ConceptRelaxationType "relaxation concept".
621  *
622  * The functions @p vmult and @p Tvmult execute a (transposed) block-SOR step,
623  * based on the blocks in PreconditionBlock. The elements outside the diagonal
624  * blocks may be distributed arbitrarily.
625  *
626  * See PreconditionBlock for requirements on the matrix. The blocks used in
627  * this class must be contiguous and non-overlapping. An overlapping Schwarz
628  * relaxation method can be found in RelaxationBlockSOR; that class does not
629  * offer preconditioning, though.
630  *
631  * <h3>Permutations</h3>
632  *
633  * Optionally, the entries of the source vector can be treated in the order of
634  * the indices in the permutation vector set by #set_permutation (or the
635  * opposite order for Tvmult()). The inverse permutation is used for storing
636  * elements back into this vector. This functionality is automatically enabled
637  * after a call to set_permutation() with vectors of nonzero size.
638  *
639  * @note The diagonal blocks, like the matrix, are not permuted! Therefore,
640  * the permutation vector can only swap whole blocks. It may not change the
641  * order inside blocks or swap single indices between blocks.
642  *
643  * <h3>Instantiations</h3>
644  *
645  * @note Instantiations for this template are provided for <tt>@<float@> and
646  * @<double@></tt>; others can be generated in application programs (see the
647  * section on
648  * @ref Instantiations
649  * in the manual).
650  */
651 template <typename MatrixType,
652           typename inverse_type = typename MatrixType::value_type>
653 class PreconditionBlockSOR
654   : public virtual Subscriptor,
655     protected PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>
656 {
657 public:
658   /**
659    * Declare type for container size.
660    */
661   using size_type = types::global_dof_index;
663   /**
664    * Default constructor.
665    */
666   PreconditionBlockSOR();
668   /**
669    * Define number type of matrix.
670    */
671   using number = typename MatrixType::value_type;
673   /**
674    * import types and functions from protected base class.
675    */
676   using typename PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::AdditionalData;
677   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::initialize;
678   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::clear;
679   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::size;
680   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::inverse;
681   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::inverse_householder;
682   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::inverse_svd;
683   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::invert_diagblocks;
684   using PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::set_permutation;
685   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::log_statistics;
687   /**
688    * Execute block SOR preconditioning.
689    *
690    * This function will automatically use the inverse matrices if they exist,
691    * if not then BlockSOR will waste much time inverting the diagonal block
692    * matrices in each preconditioning step.
693    *
694    * For matrices which are empty above the diagonal blocks BlockSOR is a
695    * direct solver.
696    */
697   template <typename number2>
698   void
699   vmult(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
701   /**
702    * Execute block SOR preconditioning.
703    *
704    * Warning: this function performs normal @p vmult without adding. The
705    * reason for its existence is that BlockMatrixArray requires the adding
706    * version by default. On the other hand, adding requires an additional
707    * auxiliary vector, which is not desirable.
708    *
709    * @see vmult
710    */
711   template <typename number2>
712   void
713   vmult_add(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
715   /**
716    * Backward application of vmult().
717    *
718    * In the current implementation, this is not the transpose of vmult(). It
719    * is a transposed Gauss-Seidel algorithm applied to the whole matrix, but
720    * the diagonal blocks being inverted are not transposed. Therefore, it is
721    * the transposed, if the diagonal blocks are symmetric.
722    */
723   template <typename number2>
724   void
725   Tvmult(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
727   /**
728    * Execute backward block SOR preconditioning.
729    *
730    * Warning: this function performs normal @p vmult without adding. The
731    * reason for its existence is that BlockMatrixArray requires the adding
732    * version by default. On the other hand, adding requires an additional
733    * auxiliary vector, which is not desirable.
734    *
735    * @see vmult
736    */
737   template <typename number2>
738   void
739   Tvmult_add(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
741   /**
742    * Perform one step of the SOR iteration.
743    */
744   template <typename number2>
745   void
746   step(Vector<number2> &dst, const Vector<number2> &rhs) const;
748   /**
749    * Perform one step of the transposed SOR iteration.
750    */
751   template <typename number2>
752   void
753   Tstep(Vector<number2> &dst, const Vector<number2> &rhs) const;
755 protected:
756   /**
757    * Constructor to be used by PreconditionBlockSSOR.
758    */
759   PreconditionBlockSOR(bool store);
761   /**
762    * Implementation of the forward substitution loop called by vmult() and
763    * vmult_add().
764    *
765    * If a #permutation is set by set_permutation(), it will automatically be
766    * honored by this function.
767    *
768    * The parameter @p adding does not have any function, yet.
769    */
770   template <typename number2>
771   void
772   forward(Vector<number2> &,
773           const Vector<number2> &,
774           const bool transpose_diagonal,
775           const bool adding) const;
777   /**
778    * Implementation of the backward substitution loop called by Tvmult() and
779    * Tvmult_add().
780    *
781    * If a #permutation is set by set_permutation(), it will automatically be
782    * honored by this function.
783    *
784    * The parameter @p adding does not have any function, yet.
785    */
786   template <typename number2>
787   void
788   backward(Vector<number2> &,
789            const Vector<number2> &,
790            const bool transpose_diagonal,
791            const bool adding) const;
792 };
795 /**
796  * Block SSOR preconditioning. This class satisfies the
797  * @ref ConceptRelaxationType "relaxation concept".
798  *
799  * The functions @p vmult and @p Tvmult execute a block-SSOR step, based on
800  * the implementation in PreconditionBlockSOR.  This class requires storage of
801  * the diagonal blocks and their inverses.
802  *
803  * See PreconditionBlock for requirements on the matrix. The blocks used in
804  * this class must be contiguous and non-overlapping. An overlapping Schwarz
805  * relaxation method can be found in RelaxationBlockSSOR; that class does not
806  * offer preconditioning, though.
807  *
808  * @note Instantiations for this template are provided for <tt>@<float@> and
809  * @<double@></tt>; others can be generated in application programs (see the
810  * section on
811  * @ref Instantiations
812  * in the manual).
813  */
814 template <typename MatrixType,
815           typename inverse_type = typename MatrixType::value_type>
816 class PreconditionBlockSSOR
817   : public virtual Subscriptor,
818     private PreconditionBlockSOR<MatrixType, inverse_type>
819 {
820 public:
821   /**
822    * Declare type for container size.
823    */
824   using size_type = types::global_dof_index;
826   /**
827    * Define number type of matrix.
828    */
829   using number = typename MatrixType::value_type;
831   /**
832    * Constructor.
833    */
834   PreconditionBlockSSOR();
836   // Keep AdditionalData accessible
837   using typename PreconditionBlockSOR<MatrixType, inverse_type>::AdditionalData;
839   // The following are the
840   // functions of the base classes
841   // which we want to keep
842   // accessible.
843   /**
844    * Make initialization function publicly available.
845    */
846   using PreconditionBlockSOR<MatrixType, inverse_type>::initialize;
847   using PreconditionBlockSOR<MatrixType, inverse_type>::clear;
848   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::size;
849   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::inverse;
850   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::inverse_householder;
851   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::inverse_svd;
852   using PreconditionBlockBase<inverse_type>::log_statistics;
853   using PreconditionBlockSOR<MatrixType, inverse_type>::set_permutation;
854   using PreconditionBlockSOR<MatrixType, inverse_type>::empty;
855   using PreconditionBlockSOR<MatrixType, inverse_type>::el;
856   using PreconditionBlockSOR<MatrixType, inverse_type>::invert_diagblocks;
858   /**
859    * Execute block SSOR preconditioning.
860    *
861    * This function will automatically use the inverse matrices if they exist,
862    * if not then BlockSOR will waste much time inverting the diagonal block
863    * matrices in each preconditioning step.
864    */
865   template <typename number2>
866   void
867   vmult(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
869   /**
870    * Same as vmult()
871    */
872   template <typename number2>
873   void
874   Tvmult(Vector<number2> &, const Vector<number2> &) const;
876   /**
877    * Perform one step of the SOR iteration.
878    */
879   template <typename number2>
880   void
881   step(Vector<number2> &dst, const Vector<number2> &rhs) const;
883   /**
884    * Perform one step of the transposed SOR iteration.
885    */
886   template <typename number2>
887   void
888   Tstep(Vector<number2> &dst, const Vector<number2> &rhs) const;
889 };
891 /*@}*/
892 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
894 #ifndef DOXYGEN
896 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
897 inline bool
empty()898 PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::empty() const
899 {
900   if (A == nullptr)
901     return true;
902   return A->empty();
903 }
906 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
907 inline inverse_type
el(size_type i,size_type j)908 PreconditionBlock<MatrixType, inverse_type>::el(size_type i, size_type j) const
909 {
910   const size_type    bs = blocksize;
911   const unsigned int nb = i / bs;
913   const FullMatrix<inverse_type> &B = this->inverse(nb);
915   const size_type ib = i % bs;
916   const size_type jb = j % bs;
918   if (jb + nb * bs != j)
919     {
920       return 0.;
921     }
923   return B(ib, jb);
924 }
926 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
928 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
929 inline PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator::
Accessor(const PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType,inverse_type> * matrix,const size_type row)930   Accessor::Accessor(
931     const PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type> *matrix,
932     const size_type                                          row)
933   : matrix(matrix)
934   , bs(matrix->block_size())
935   , a_block(row / bs)
936   , b_iterator(&matrix->inverse(0), 0, 0)
937   , b_end(&matrix->inverse(0), 0, 0)
938 {
939   // This is the end accessor, which
940   // does not have a valid block.
941   if (a_block == matrix->size())
942     return;
944   const size_type r = row % bs;
946   b_iterator = matrix->inverse(a_block).begin(r);
947   b_end      = matrix->inverse(a_block).end();
949   AssertIndexRange(a_block, matrix->size());
950 }
953 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
954 inline typename PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::size_type
955 PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType,
row()956                         inverse_type>::const_iterator::Accessor::row() const
957 {
958   Assert(a_block < matrix->size(), ExcIteratorPastEnd());
960   return bs * a_block + b_iterator->row();
961 }
964 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
965 inline typename PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::size_type
966 PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType,
column()967                         inverse_type>::const_iterator::Accessor::column() const
968 {
969   Assert(a_block < matrix->size(), ExcIteratorPastEnd());
971   return bs * a_block + b_iterator->column();
972 }
975 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
976 inline inverse_type
977 PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType,
value()978                         inverse_type>::const_iterator::Accessor::value() const
979 {
980   Assert(a_block < matrix->size(), ExcIteratorPastEnd());
982   return b_iterator->value();
983 }
986 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
987 inline PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator::
const_iterator(const PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType,inverse_type> * matrix,const size_type row)988   const_iterator(
989     const PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type> *matrix,
990     const size_type                                          row)
991   : accessor(matrix, row)
992 {}
995 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
996 inline
997   typename PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator &
998   PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator::
999   operator++()
1000 {
1001   Assert(*this != accessor.matrix->end(), ExcIteratorPastEnd());
1003   ++accessor.b_iterator;
1004   if (accessor.b_iterator == accessor.b_end)
1005     {
1006       ++accessor.a_block;
1008       if (accessor.a_block < accessor.matrix->size())
1009         {
1010           accessor.b_iterator =
1011             accessor.matrix->inverse(accessor.a_block).begin();
1012           accessor.b_end = accessor.matrix->inverse(accessor.a_block).end();
1013         }
1014     }
1015   return *this;
1016 }
1019 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
1020 inline const typename PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::
1021   const_iterator::Accessor &
1022     PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator::
1023     operator*() const
1024 {
1025   return accessor;
1026 }
1029 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
1030 inline const typename PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::
1031   const_iterator::Accessor *
1032     PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator::
1033     operator->() const
1034 {
1035   return &accessor;
1036 }
1039 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
1040 inline bool
1041 PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator::
1042 operator==(const const_iterator &other) const
1043 {
1044   if (accessor.a_block == accessor.matrix->size() &&
1045       accessor.a_block == other.accessor.a_block)
1046     return true;
1048   if (accessor.a_block != other.accessor.a_block)
1049     return false;
1051   return (accessor.row() == other.accessor.row() &&
1052           accessor.column() == other.accessor.column());
1053 }
1056 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
1057 inline bool
1058 PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator::
1059 operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const
1060 {
1061   return !(*this == other);
1062 }
1065 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
1066 inline bool
1067 PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator::
1068 operator<(const const_iterator &other) const
1069 {
1070   return (accessor.row() < other.accessor.row() ||
1071           (accessor.row() == other.accessor.row() &&
1072            accessor.column() < other.accessor.column()));
1073 }
1076 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
1077 inline
1078   typename PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator
begin()1079   PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::begin() const
1080 {
1081   return const_iterator(this, 0);
1082 }
1085 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
1086 inline
1087   typename PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator
end()1088   PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::end() const
1089 {
1090   return const_iterator(this, this->size() * this->block_size());
1091 }
1094 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
1095 inline
1096   typename PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator
begin(const size_type r)1097   PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::begin(
1098     const size_type r) const
1099 {
1100   AssertIndexRange(r, this->A->m());
1101   return const_iterator(this, r);
1102 }
1106 template <typename MatrixType, typename inverse_type>
1107 inline
1108   typename PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::const_iterator
end(const size_type r)1109   PreconditionBlockJacobi<MatrixType, inverse_type>::end(
1110     const size_type r) const
1111 {
1112   AssertIndexRange(r, this->A->m());
1113   return const_iterator(this, r + 1);
1114 }
1116 #endif // DOXYGEN
1120 #endif