1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_solver_gmres_h
17 #define dealii_solver_gmres_h
21 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/subscriptor.h>
26 #include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
27 #include <deal.II/lac/householder.h>
28 #include <deal.II/lac/lapack_full_matrix.h>
29 #include <deal.II/lac/solver.h>
30 #include <deal.II/lac/solver_control.h>
31 #include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
33 #include <algorithm>
34 #include <cmath>
35 #include <memory>
36 #include <vector>
40 /*!@addtogroup Solvers */
41 /*@{*/
43 namespace internal
44 {
45   /**
46    * A namespace for a helper class to the GMRES solver.
47    */
48   namespace SolverGMRESImplementation
49   {
50     /**
51      * Class to hold temporary vectors.  This class automatically allocates a
52      * new vector, once it is needed.
53      *
54      * A future version should also be able to shift through vectors
55      * automatically, avoiding restart.
56      */
58     template <typename VectorType>
59     class TmpVectors
60     {
61     public:
62       /**
63        * Constructor. Prepares an array of @p VectorType of length @p
64        * max_size.
65        */
66       TmpVectors(const unsigned int max_size, VectorMemory<VectorType> &vmem);
68       /**
69        * Destructor. Delete all allocated vectors.
70        */
71       ~TmpVectors() = default;
73       /**
74        * Get vector number @p i. If this vector was unused before, an error
75        * occurs.
76        */
77       VectorType &operator[](const unsigned int i) const;
79       /**
80        * Get vector number @p i. Allocate it if necessary.
81        *
82        * If a vector must be allocated, @p temp is used to reinit it to the
83        * proper dimensions.
84        */
85       VectorType &
86       operator()(const unsigned int i, const VectorType &temp);
88       /**
89        * Return size of data vector. It is used in the solver to store
90        * the Arnoldi vectors.
91        */
92       unsigned int
93       size() const;
96     private:
97       /**
98        * Pool where vectors are obtained from.
99        */
100       VectorMemory<VectorType> &mem;
102       /**
103        * Field for storing the vectors.
104        */
105       std::vector<typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer> data;
106     };
107   } // namespace SolverGMRESImplementation
108 } // namespace internal
110 /**
111  * Implementation of the Restarted Preconditioned Direct Generalized Minimal
112  * Residual Method. The stopping criterion is the norm of the residual.
113  *
114  * The AdditionalData structure contains the number of temporary vectors used.
115  * The size of the Arnoldi basis is this number minus three. Additionally, it
116  * allows you to choose between right or left preconditioning. The default is
117  * left preconditioning. Finally it includes a flag indicating whether or not
118  * the default residual is used as stopping criterion.
119  *
120  *
121  * <h3>Left versus right preconditioning</h3>
122  *
123  * @p AdditionalData allows you to choose between left and right
124  * preconditioning. As expected, this switches between solving for the systems
125  * <i>P<sup>-1</sup>A</i> and <i>AP<sup>-1</sup></i>, respectively.
126  *
127  * A second consequence is the type of residual which is used to measure
128  * convergence. With left preconditioning, this is the <b>preconditioned</b>
129  * residual, while with right preconditioning, it is the residual of the
130  * unpreconditioned system.
131  *
132  * Optionally, this behavior can be overridden by using the flag
133  * AdditionalData::use_default_residual. A <tt>true</tt> value refers to the
134  * behavior described in the previous paragraph, while <tt>false</tt> reverts
135  * it. Be aware though that additional residuals have to be computed in this
136  * case, impeding the overall performance of the solver.
137  *
138  *
139  * <h3>The size of the Arnoldi basis</h3>
140  *
141  * The maximal basis size is controlled by AdditionalData::max_n_tmp_vectors,
142  * and it is this number minus 2. If the number of iteration steps exceeds
143  * this number, all basis vectors are discarded and the iteration starts anew
144  * from the approximation obtained so far.
145  *
146  * Note that the minimizing property of GMRes only pertains to the Krylov
147  * space spanned by the Arnoldi basis. Therefore, restarted GMRes is
148  * <b>not</b> minimizing anymore. The choice of the basis length is a trade-
149  * off between memory consumption and convergence speed, since a longer basis
150  * means minimization over a larger space.
151  *
152  * For the requirements on matrices and vectors in order to work with this
153  * class, see the documentation of the Solver base class.
154  *
155  *
156  * <h3>Observing the progress of linear solver iterations</h3>
157  *
158  * The solve() function of this class uses the mechanism described in the
159  * Solver base class to determine convergence. This mechanism can also be used
160  * to observe the progress of the iteration.
161  *
162  *
163  * <h3>Eigenvalue and condition number estimates</h3>
164  *
165  * This class can estimate eigenvalues and condition number during the
166  * solution process. This is done by creating the Hessenberg matrix during the
167  * inner iterations. The eigenvalues are estimated as the eigenvalues of the
168  * Hessenberg matrix and the condition number is estimated as the ratio of the
169  * largest and smallest singular value of the Hessenberg matrix. The estimates
170  * can be obtained by connecting a function as a slot using @p
171  * connect_condition_number_slot and @p connect_eigenvalues_slot. These slots
172  * will then be called from the solver with the estimates as argument.
173  */
174 template <class VectorType = Vector<double>>
175 class SolverGMRES : public SolverBase<VectorType>
176 {
177 public:
178   /**
179    * Standardized data struct to pipe additional data to the solver.
180    */
181   struct AdditionalData
182   {
183     /**
184      * Constructor. By default, set the number of temporary vectors to 30,
185      * i.e. do a restart every 28 iterations. Also set preconditioning from
186      * left, the residual of the stopping criterion to the default residual,
187      * and re-orthogonalization only if necessary.
188      */
189     explicit AdditionalData(const unsigned int max_n_tmp_vectors     = 30,
190                             const bool         right_preconditioning = false,
191                             const bool         use_default_residual  = true,
192                             const bool force_re_orthogonalization    = false);
194     /**
195      * Maximum number of temporary vectors. This parameter controls the size
196      * of the Arnoldi basis, which for historical reasons is
197      * #max_n_tmp_vectors-2. SolverGMRES assumes that there are at least three
198      * temporary vectors, so this value must be greater than or equal to three.
199      */
200     unsigned int max_n_tmp_vectors;
202     /**
203      * Flag for right preconditioning.
204      *
205      * @note Change between left and right preconditioning will also change
206      * the way residuals are evaluated. See the corresponding section in the
207      * SolverGMRES.
208      */
209     bool right_preconditioning;
211     /**
212      * Flag for the default residual that is used to measure convergence.
213      */
214     bool use_default_residual;
216     /**
217      * Flag to force re-orthogonalization of orthonormal basis in every step.
218      * If set to false, the solver automatically checks for loss of
219      * orthogonality every 5 iterations and enables re-orthogonalization only
220      * if necessary.
221      */
222     bool force_re_orthogonalization;
223   };
225   /**
226    * Constructor.
227    */
228   SolverGMRES(SolverControl &           cn,
229               VectorMemory<VectorType> &mem,
230               const AdditionalData &    data = AdditionalData());
232   /**
233    * Constructor. Use an object of type GrowingVectorMemory as a default to
234    * allocate memory.
235    */
236   SolverGMRES(SolverControl &cn, const AdditionalData &data = AdditionalData());
238   /**
239    * The copy constructor is deleted.
240    */
241   SolverGMRES(const SolverGMRES<VectorType> &) = delete;
243   /**
244    * Solve the linear system $Ax=b$ for x.
245    */
246   template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
247   void
248   solve(const MatrixType &        A,
249         VectorType &              x,
250         const VectorType &        b,
251         const PreconditionerType &preconditioner);
253   /**
254    * Connect a slot to retrieve the estimated condition number. Called on each
255    * outer iteration if every_iteration=true, otherwise called once when
256    * iterations are ended (i.e., either because convergence has been achieved,
257    * or because divergence has been detected).
258    */
259   boost::signals2::connection
260   connect_condition_number_slot(const std::function<void(double)> &slot,
261                                 const bool every_iteration = false);
263   /**
264    * Connect a slot to retrieve the estimated eigenvalues. Called on each
265    * outer iteration if every_iteration=true, otherwise called once when
266    * iterations are ended (i.e., either because convergence has been achieved,
267    * or because divergence has been detected).
268    */
269   boost::signals2::connection
270   connect_eigenvalues_slot(
271     const std::function<void(const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &)> &slot,
272     const bool every_iteration = false);
274   /**
275    * Connect a slot to retrieve the Hessenberg matrix obtained by the
276    * projection of the initial matrix on the Krylov basis. Called on each
277    * outer iteration if every_iteration=true, otherwise called once when
278    * iterations are ended (i.e., either because convergence has been achieved,
279    * or because divergence has been detected).
280    */
281   boost::signals2::connection
282   connect_hessenberg_slot(
283     const std::function<void(const FullMatrix<double> &)> &slot,
284     const bool every_iteration = true);
286   /**
287    * Connect a slot to retrieve the basis vectors of the Krylov space
288    * generated by the Arnoldi algorithm. Called at once when iterations
289    * are completed (i.e., either because convergence has been achieved,
290    * or because divergence has been detected).
291    */
292   boost::signals2::connection
293   connect_krylov_space_slot(
294     const std::function<
295       void(const internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType> &)>
296       &slot);
299   /**
300    * Connect a slot to retrieve a notification when the vectors are
301    * re-orthogonalized.
302    */
303   boost::signals2::connection
304   connect_re_orthogonalization_slot(const std::function<void(int)> &slot);
307   DeclException1(ExcTooFewTmpVectors,
308                  int,
309                  << "The number of temporary vectors you gave (" << arg1
310                  << ") is too small. It should be at least 10 for "
311                  << "any results, and much more for reasonable ones.");
313 protected:
314   /**
315    * Includes the maximum number of tmp vectors.
316    */
317   AdditionalData additional_data;
319   /**
320    * Signal used to retrieve the estimated condition number. Called once when
321    * all iterations are ended.
322    */
323   boost::signals2::signal<void(double)> condition_number_signal;
325   /**
326    * Signal used to retrieve the estimated condition numbers. Called on each
327    * outer iteration.
328    */
329   boost::signals2::signal<void(double)> all_condition_numbers_signal;
331   /**
332    * Signal used to retrieve the estimated eigenvalues. Called once when all
333    * iterations are ended.
334    */
335   boost::signals2::signal<void(const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &)>
336     eigenvalues_signal;
338   /**
339    * Signal used to retrieve the estimated eigenvalues. Called on each outer
340    * iteration.
341    */
342   boost::signals2::signal<void(const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &)>
343     all_eigenvalues_signal;
345   /**
346    * Signal used to retrieve the Hessenberg matrix. Called once when
347    * all iterations are ended.
348    */
349   boost::signals2::signal<void(const FullMatrix<double> &)> hessenberg_signal;
351   /**
352    * Signal used to retrieve the Hessenberg matrix. Called on each outer
353    * iteration.
354    */
355   boost::signals2::signal<void(const FullMatrix<double> &)>
356     all_hessenberg_signal;
358   /**
359    * Signal used to retrieve the Krylov space basis vectors. Called once
360    * when all iterations are ended.
361    */
362   boost::signals2::signal<void(
363     const internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType> &)>
364     krylov_space_signal;
366   /**
367    * Signal used to retrieve a notification
368    * when the vectors are re-orthogonalized.
369    */
370   boost::signals2::signal<void(int)> re_orthogonalize_signal;
372   /**
373    * Implementation of the computation of the norm of the residual.
374    */
375   virtual double
376   criterion();
378   /**
379    * Transformation of an upper Hessenberg matrix into tridiagonal structure
380    * by givens rotation of the last column
381    */
382   void
383   givens_rotation(Vector<double> &h,
384                   Vector<double> &b,
385                   Vector<double> &ci,
386                   Vector<double> &si,
387                   int             col) const;
389   /**
390    * Orthogonalize the vector @p vv against the @p dim (orthogonal) vectors
391    * given by the first argument using the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm.
392    * The factors used for orthogonalization are stored in @p h. The boolean @p
393    * re_orthogonalize specifies whether the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm
394    * should be applied twice. The algorithm checks loss of orthogonality in
395    * the procedure every fifth step and sets the flag to true in that case.
396    * All subsequent iterations use re-orthogonalization.
397    * Calls the signal re_orthogonalize_signal if it is connected.
398    */
399   static double
400   modified_gram_schmidt(
401     const internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType>
402       &                                       orthogonal_vectors,
403     const unsigned int                        dim,
404     const unsigned int                        accumulated_iterations,
405     VectorType &                              vv,
406     Vector<double> &                          h,
407     bool &                                    re_orthogonalize,
408     const boost::signals2::signal<void(int)> &re_orthogonalize_signal =
409       boost::signals2::signal<void(int)>());
411   /**
412    * Estimates the eigenvalues from the Hessenberg matrix, H_orig, generated
413    * during the inner iterations. Uses these estimate to compute the condition
414    * number. Calls the signals eigenvalues_signal and cond_signal with these
415    * estimates as arguments.
416    */
417   static void
418   compute_eigs_and_cond(
419     const FullMatrix<double> &H_orig,
420     const unsigned int        dim,
421     const boost::signals2::signal<
422       void(const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &)> &eigenvalues_signal,
423     const boost::signals2::signal<void(const FullMatrix<double> &)>
424       &                                          hessenberg_signal,
425     const boost::signals2::signal<void(double)> &cond_signal);
427   /**
428    * Projected system matrix
429    */
430   FullMatrix<double> H;
432   /**
433    * Auxiliary matrix for inverting @p H
434    */
435   FullMatrix<double> H1;
436 };
438 /**
439  * Implementation of the Generalized minimal residual method with flexible
440  * preconditioning (flexible GMRES or FGMRES).
441  *
442  * This flexible version of the GMRES method allows for the use of a different
443  * preconditioner in each iteration step. Therefore, it is also more robust
444  * with respect to inaccurate evaluation of the preconditioner. An important
445  * application is the use of a Krylov space method inside the
446  * preconditioner. As opposed to SolverGMRES which allows one to choose
447  * between left and right preconditioning, this solver always applies the
448  * preconditioner from the right.
449  *
450  * FGMRES needs two vectors in each iteration steps yielding a total of
451  * <tt>2*SolverFGMRES::%AdditionalData::%max_basis_size+1</tt> auxiliary
452  * vectors. Otherwise, FGMRES requires roughly the same number of operations
453  * per iteration compared to GMRES, except one application of the
454  * preconditioner less at each restart and at the end of solve().
455  *
456  * For more details see @cite Saad1991.
457  */
458 template <class VectorType = Vector<double>>
459 class SolverFGMRES : public SolverBase<VectorType>
460 {
461 public:
462   /**
463    * Standardized data struct to pipe additional data to the solver.
464    */
465   struct AdditionalData
466   {
467     /**
468      * Constructor. By default, set the maximum basis size to 30.
469      */
470     explicit AdditionalData(const unsigned int max_basis_size = 30)
max_basis_sizeAdditionalData471       : max_basis_size(max_basis_size)
472     {}
474     /**
475      * Maximum basis size.
476      */
477     unsigned int max_basis_size;
478   };
480   /**
481    * Constructor.
482    */
483   SolverFGMRES(SolverControl &           cn,
484                VectorMemory<VectorType> &mem,
485                const AdditionalData &    data = AdditionalData());
487   /**
488    * Constructor. Use an object of type GrowingVectorMemory as a default to
489    * allocate memory.
490    */
491   SolverFGMRES(SolverControl &       cn,
492                const AdditionalData &data = AdditionalData());
494   /**
495    * Solve the linear system $Ax=b$ for x.
496    */
497   template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
498   void
499   solve(const MatrixType &        A,
500         VectorType &              x,
501         const VectorType &        b,
502         const PreconditionerType &preconditioner);
504 private:
505   /**
506    * Additional flags.
507    */
508   AdditionalData additional_data;
510   /**
511    * Projected system matrix
512    */
513   FullMatrix<double> H;
515   /**
516    * Auxiliary matrix for inverting @p H
517    */
518   FullMatrix<double> H1;
519 };
521 /*@}*/
522 /* --------------------- Inline and template functions ------------------- */
525 #ifndef DOXYGEN
526 namespace internal
527 {
528   namespace SolverGMRESImplementation
529   {
530     template <class VectorType>
TmpVectors(const unsigned int max_size,VectorMemory<VectorType> & vmem)531     inline TmpVectors<VectorType>::TmpVectors(const unsigned int max_size,
532                                               VectorMemory<VectorType> &vmem)
533       : mem(vmem)
534       , data(max_size)
535     {}
539     template <class VectorType>
540     inline VectorType &TmpVectors<VectorType>::
541                        operator[](const unsigned int i) const
542     {
543       AssertIndexRange(i, data.size());
545       Assert(data[i] != nullptr, ExcNotInitialized());
546       return *data[i];
547     }
551     template <class VectorType>
552     inline VectorType &
operator()553     TmpVectors<VectorType>::operator()(const unsigned int i,
554                                        const VectorType & temp)
555     {
556       AssertIndexRange(i, data.size());
557       if (data[i] == nullptr)
558         {
559           data[i] = std::move(typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer(mem));
560           data[i]->reinit(temp);
561         }
562       return *data[i];
563     }
567     template <class VectorType>
568     unsigned int
size()569     TmpVectors<VectorType>::size() const
570     {
571       return (data.size() > 0 ? data.size() - 1 : 0);
572     }
576     // A comparator for better printing eigenvalues
577     inline bool
complex_less_pred(const std::complex<double> & x,const std::complex<double> & y)578     complex_less_pred(const std::complex<double> &x,
579                       const std::complex<double> &y)
580     {
581       return x.real() < y.real() ||
582              (x.real() == y.real() && x.imag() < y.imag());
583     }
584   } // namespace SolverGMRESImplementation
585 } // namespace internal
589 template <class VectorType>
AdditionalData(const unsigned int max_n_tmp_vectors,const bool right_preconditioning,const bool use_default_residual,const bool force_re_orthogonalization)590 inline SolverGMRES<VectorType>::AdditionalData::AdditionalData(
591   const unsigned int max_n_tmp_vectors,
592   const bool         right_preconditioning,
593   const bool         use_default_residual,
594   const bool         force_re_orthogonalization)
595   : max_n_tmp_vectors(max_n_tmp_vectors)
596   , right_preconditioning(right_preconditioning)
597   , use_default_residual(use_default_residual)
598   , force_re_orthogonalization(force_re_orthogonalization)
599 {
600   Assert(3 <= max_n_tmp_vectors,
601          ExcMessage("SolverGMRES needs at least three "
602                     "temporary vectors."));
603 }
607 template <class VectorType>
SolverGMRES(SolverControl & cn,VectorMemory<VectorType> & mem,const AdditionalData & data)608 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::SolverGMRES(SolverControl &           cn,
609                                      VectorMemory<VectorType> &mem,
610                                      const AdditionalData &    data)
611   : SolverBase<VectorType>(cn, mem)
612   , additional_data(data)
613 {}
617 template <class VectorType>
SolverGMRES(SolverControl & cn,const AdditionalData & data)618 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::SolverGMRES(SolverControl &       cn,
619                                      const AdditionalData &data)
620   : SolverBase<VectorType>(cn)
621   , additional_data(data)
622 {}
626 template <class VectorType>
627 inline void
givens_rotation(Vector<double> & h,Vector<double> & b,Vector<double> & ci,Vector<double> & si,int col)628 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::givens_rotation(Vector<double> &h,
629                                          Vector<double> &b,
630                                          Vector<double> &ci,
631                                          Vector<double> &si,
632                                          int             col) const
633 {
634   for (int i = 0; i < col; i++)
635     {
636       const double s     = si(i);
637       const double c     = ci(i);
638       const double dummy = h(i);
639       h(i)               = c * dummy + s * h(i + 1);
640       h(i + 1)           = -s * dummy + c * h(i + 1);
641     };
643   const double r = 1. / std::sqrt(h(col) * h(col) + h(col + 1) * h(col + 1));
644   si(col)        = h(col + 1) * r;
645   ci(col)        = h(col) * r;
646   h(col)         = ci(col) * h(col) + si(col) * h(col + 1);
647   b(col + 1)     = -si(col) * b(col);
648   b(col) *= ci(col);
649 }
653 template <class VectorType>
654 inline double
modified_gram_schmidt(const internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType> & orthogonal_vectors,const unsigned int dim,const unsigned int accumulated_iterations,VectorType & vv,Vector<double> & h,bool & reorthogonalize,const boost::signals2::signal<void (int)> & reorthogonalize_signal)655 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::modified_gram_schmidt(
656   const internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType>
657     &                                       orthogonal_vectors,
658   const unsigned int                        dim,
659   const unsigned int                        accumulated_iterations,
660   VectorType &                              vv,
661   Vector<double> &                          h,
662   bool &                                    reorthogonalize,
663   const boost::signals2::signal<void(int)> &reorthogonalize_signal)
664 {
665   Assert(dim > 0, ExcInternalError());
666   const unsigned int inner_iteration = dim - 1;
668   // need initial norm for detection of re-orthogonalization, see below
669   double     norm_vv_start = 0;
670   const bool consider_reorthogonalize =
671     (reorthogonalize == false) && (inner_iteration % 5 == 4);
672   if (consider_reorthogonalize)
673     norm_vv_start = vv.l2_norm();
675   // Orthogonalization
676   h(0) = vv * orthogonal_vectors[0];
677   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < dim; ++i)
678     h(i) = vv.add_and_dot(-h(i - 1),
679                           orthogonal_vectors[i - 1],
680                           orthogonal_vectors[i]);
681   double norm_vv =
682     std::sqrt(vv.add_and_dot(-h(dim - 1), orthogonal_vectors[dim - 1], vv));
684   // Re-orthogonalization if loss of orthogonality detected. For the test, use
685   // a strategy discussed in C. T. Kelley, Iterative Methods for Linear and
686   // Nonlinear Equations, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1995: Compare the norm of vv
687   // after orthogonalization with its norm when starting the
688   // orthogonalization. If vv became very small (here: less than the square
689   // root of the machine precision times 10), it is almost in the span of the
690   // previous vectors, which indicates loss of precision.
691   if (consider_reorthogonalize)
692     {
693       if (norm_vv >
694           10. * norm_vv_start *
695             std::sqrt(
696               std::numeric_limits<typename VectorType::value_type>::epsilon()))
697         return norm_vv;
699       else
700         {
701           reorthogonalize = true;
702           if (!reorthogonalize_signal.empty())
703             reorthogonalize_signal(accumulated_iterations);
704         }
705     }
707   if (reorthogonalize == true)
708     {
709       double htmp = vv * orthogonal_vectors[0];
710       h(0) += htmp;
711       for (unsigned int i = 1; i < dim; ++i)
712         {
713           htmp = vv.add_and_dot(-htmp,
714                                 orthogonal_vectors[i - 1],
715                                 orthogonal_vectors[i]);
716           h(i) += htmp;
717         }
718       norm_vv =
719         std::sqrt(vv.add_and_dot(-htmp, orthogonal_vectors[dim - 1], vv));
720     }
722   return norm_vv;
723 }
727 template <class VectorType>
728 inline void
compute_eigs_and_cond(const FullMatrix<double> & H_orig,const unsigned int dim,const boost::signals2::signal<void (const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &)> & eigenvalues_signal,const boost::signals2::signal<void (const FullMatrix<double> &)> & hessenberg_signal,const boost::signals2::signal<void (double)> & cond_signal)729 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::compute_eigs_and_cond(
730   const FullMatrix<double> &H_orig,
731   const unsigned int        dim,
732   const boost::signals2::signal<void(const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &)>
733     &eigenvalues_signal,
734   const boost::signals2::signal<void(const FullMatrix<double> &)>
735     &                                          hessenberg_signal,
736   const boost::signals2::signal<void(double)> &cond_signal)
737 {
738   // Avoid copying the Hessenberg matrix if it isn't needed.
739   if ((!eigenvalues_signal.empty() || !hessenberg_signal.empty() ||
740        !cond_signal.empty()) &&
741       dim > 0)
742     {
743       LAPACKFullMatrix<double> mat(dim, dim);
744       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
745         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
746           mat(i, j) = H_orig(i, j);
747       hessenberg_signal(H_orig);
748       // Avoid computing eigenvalues if they are not needed.
749       if (!eigenvalues_signal.empty())
750         {
751           // Copy mat so that we can compute svd below. Necessary since
752           // compute_eigenvalues will leave mat in state
753           // LAPACKSupport::unusable.
754           LAPACKFullMatrix<double> mat_eig(mat);
755           mat_eig.compute_eigenvalues();
756           std::vector<std::complex<double>> eigenvalues(dim);
757           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat_eig.n(); ++i)
758             eigenvalues[i] = mat_eig.eigenvalue(i);
759           // Sort eigenvalues for nicer output.
760           std::sort(eigenvalues.begin(),
761                     eigenvalues.end(),
762                     internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::complex_less_pred);
763           eigenvalues_signal(eigenvalues);
764         }
765       // Calculate condition number, avoid calculating the svd if a slot
766       // isn't connected. Need at least a 2-by-2 matrix to do the estimate.
767       if (!cond_signal.empty() && (mat.n() > 1))
768         {
769           mat.compute_svd();
770           double condition_number =
771             mat.singular_value(0) / mat.singular_value(mat.n() - 1);
772           cond_signal(condition_number);
773         }
774     }
775 }
779 template <class VectorType>
780 template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
781 void
solve(const MatrixType & A,VectorType & x,const VectorType & b,const PreconditionerType & preconditioner)782 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::solve(const MatrixType &        A,
783                                VectorType &              x,
784                                const VectorType &        b,
785                                const PreconditionerType &preconditioner)
786 {
787   // TODO:[?] Check, why there are two different start residuals.
788   // TODO:[GK] Make sure the parameter in the constructor means maximum basis
789   // size
791   LogStream::Prefix prefix("GMRES");
793   // extra call to std::max to placate static analyzers: coverity rightfully
794   // complains that data.max_n_tmp_vectors - 2 may overflow
795   const unsigned int n_tmp_vectors =
796     std::max(additional_data.max_n_tmp_vectors, 3u);
798   // Generate an object where basis vectors are stored.
799   internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType> tmp_vectors(
800     n_tmp_vectors, this->memory);
802   // number of the present iteration; this
803   // number is not reset to zero upon a
804   // restart
805   unsigned int accumulated_iterations = 0;
807   const bool do_eigenvalues =
808     !condition_number_signal.empty() || !all_condition_numbers_signal.empty() ||
809     !eigenvalues_signal.empty() || !all_eigenvalues_signal.empty() ||
810     !hessenberg_signal.empty() || !all_hessenberg_signal.empty();
811   // for eigenvalue computation, need to collect the Hessenberg matrix (before
812   // applying Givens rotations)
813   FullMatrix<double> H_orig;
814   if (do_eigenvalues)
815     H_orig.reinit(n_tmp_vectors, n_tmp_vectors - 1);
817   // matrix used for the orthogonalization process later
818   H.reinit(n_tmp_vectors, n_tmp_vectors - 1);
820   // some additional vectors, also used in the orthogonalization
821   dealii::Vector<double> gamma(n_tmp_vectors), ci(n_tmp_vectors - 1),
822     si(n_tmp_vectors - 1), h(n_tmp_vectors - 1);
825   unsigned int dim = 0;
827   SolverControl::State iteration_state = SolverControl::iterate;
828   double               last_res        = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
830   // switch to determine whether we want a left or a right preconditioner. at
831   // present, left is default, but both ways are implemented
832   const bool left_precondition = !additional_data.right_preconditioning;
834   // Per default the left preconditioned GMRes uses the preconditioned
835   // residual and the right preconditioned GMRes uses the unpreconditioned
836   // residual as stopping criterion.
837   const bool use_default_residual = additional_data.use_default_residual;
839   // define two aliases
840   VectorType &v = tmp_vectors(0, x);
841   VectorType &p = tmp_vectors(n_tmp_vectors - 1, x);
843   // Following vectors are needed when we are not using the default residuals
844   // as stopping criterion
845   typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer r;
846   typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer x_;
847   std::unique_ptr<dealii::Vector<double>>    gamma_;
848   if (!use_default_residual)
849     {
850       r  = std::move(typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer(this->memory));
851       x_ = std::move(typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer(this->memory));
852       r->reinit(x);
853       x_->reinit(x);
855       gamma_ = std::make_unique<dealii::Vector<double>>(gamma.size());
856     }
858   bool re_orthogonalize = additional_data.force_re_orthogonalization;
860   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
861   // outer iteration: loop until we either reach convergence or the maximum
862   // number of iterations is exceeded. each cycle of this loop amounts to one
863   // restart
864   do
865     {
866       // reset this vector to the right size
867       h.reinit(n_tmp_vectors - 1);
869       if (left_precondition)
870         {
871           A.vmult(p, x);
872           p.sadd(-1., 1., b);
873           preconditioner.vmult(v, p);
874         }
875       else
876         {
877           A.vmult(v, x);
878           v.sadd(-1., 1., b);
879         };
881       double rho = v.l2_norm();
883       // check the residual here as well since it may be that we got the exact
884       // (or an almost exact) solution vector at the outset. if we wouldn't
885       // check here, the next scaling operation would produce garbage
886       if (use_default_residual)
887         {
888           last_res = rho;
889           iteration_state =
890             this->iteration_status(accumulated_iterations, rho, x);
892           if (iteration_state != SolverControl::iterate)
893             break;
894         }
895       else
896         {
897           deallog << "default_res=" << rho << std::endl;
899           if (left_precondition)
900             {
901               A.vmult(*r, x);
902               r->sadd(-1., 1., b);
903             }
904           else
905             preconditioner.vmult(*r, v);
907           double res = r->l2_norm();
908           last_res   = res;
909           iteration_state =
910             this->iteration_status(accumulated_iterations, res, x);
912           if (iteration_state != SolverControl::iterate)
913             break;
914         }
916       gamma(0) = rho;
918       v *= 1. / rho;
920       // inner iteration doing at most as many steps as there are temporary
921       // vectors. the number of steps actually been done is propagated outside
922       // through the @p dim variable
923       for (unsigned int inner_iteration = 0;
924            ((inner_iteration < n_tmp_vectors - 2) &&
925             (iteration_state == SolverControl::iterate));
926            ++inner_iteration)
927         {
928           ++accumulated_iterations;
929           // yet another alias
930           VectorType &vv = tmp_vectors(inner_iteration + 1, x);
932           if (left_precondition)
933             {
934               A.vmult(p, tmp_vectors[inner_iteration]);
935               preconditioner.vmult(vv, p);
936             }
937           else
938             {
939               preconditioner.vmult(p, tmp_vectors[inner_iteration]);
940               A.vmult(vv, p);
941             }
943           dim = inner_iteration + 1;
945           const double s         = modified_gram_schmidt(tmp_vectors,
946                                                  dim,
947                                                  accumulated_iterations,
948                                                  vv,
949                                                  h,
950                                                  re_orthogonalize,
951                                                  re_orthogonalize_signal);
952           h(inner_iteration + 1) = s;
954           // s=0 is a lucky breakdown, the solver will reach convergence,
955           // but we must not divide by zero here.
956           if (s != 0)
957             vv *= 1. / s;
959           // for eigenvalues, get the resulting coefficients from the
960           // orthogonalization process
961           if (do_eigenvalues)
962             for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim + 1; ++i)
963               H_orig(i, inner_iteration) = h(i);
965           //  Transformation into tridiagonal structure
966           givens_rotation(h, gamma, ci, si, inner_iteration);
968           //  append vector on matrix
969           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
970             H(i, inner_iteration) = h(i);
972           //  default residual
973           rho = std::fabs(gamma(dim));
975           if (use_default_residual)
976             {
977               last_res = rho;
978               iteration_state =
979                 this->iteration_status(accumulated_iterations, rho, x);
980             }
981           else
982             {
983               deallog << "default_res=" << rho << std::endl;
985               dealii::Vector<double> h_(dim);
986               *x_     = x;
987               *gamma_ = gamma;
988               H1.reinit(dim + 1, dim);
990               for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim + 1; ++i)
991                 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
992                   H1(i, j) = H(i, j);
994               H1.backward(h_, *gamma_);
996               if (left_precondition)
997                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
998                   x_->add(h_(i), tmp_vectors[i]);
999               else
1000                 {
1001                   p = 0.;
1002                   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
1003                     p.add(h_(i), tmp_vectors[i]);
1004                   preconditioner.vmult(*r, p);
1005                   x_->add(1., *r);
1006                 };
1007               A.vmult(*r, *x_);
1008               r->sadd(-1., 1., b);
1009               // Now *r contains the unpreconditioned residual!!
1010               if (left_precondition)
1011                 {
1012                   const double res = r->l2_norm();
1013                   last_res         = res;
1015                   iteration_state =
1016                     this->iteration_status(accumulated_iterations, res, x);
1017                 }
1018               else
1019                 {
1020                   preconditioner.vmult(*x_, *r);
1021                   const double preconditioned_res = x_->l2_norm();
1022                   last_res                        = preconditioned_res;
1024                   iteration_state =
1025                     this->iteration_status(accumulated_iterations,
1026                                            preconditioned_res,
1027                                            x);
1028                 }
1029             }
1030         };
1031       // end of inner iteration. now calculate the solution from the temporary
1032       // vectors
1033       h.reinit(dim);
1034       H1.reinit(dim + 1, dim);
1036       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim + 1; ++i)
1037         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
1038           H1(i, j) = H(i, j);
1040       compute_eigs_and_cond(H_orig,
1041                             dim,
1042                             all_eigenvalues_signal,
1043                             all_hessenberg_signal,
1044                             condition_number_signal);
1046       H1.backward(h, gamma);
1048       if (left_precondition)
1049         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
1050           x.add(h(i), tmp_vectors[i]);
1051       else
1052         {
1053           p = 0.;
1054           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
1055             p.add(h(i), tmp_vectors[i]);
1056           preconditioner.vmult(v, p);
1057           x.add(1., v);
1058         };
1059       // end of outer iteration. restart if no convergence and the number of
1060       // iterations is not exceeded
1061     }
1062   while (iteration_state == SolverControl::iterate);
1064   compute_eigs_and_cond(H_orig,
1065                         dim,
1066                         eigenvalues_signal,
1067                         hessenberg_signal,
1068                         condition_number_signal);
1070   if (!krylov_space_signal.empty())
1071     krylov_space_signal(tmp_vectors);
1073   // in case of failure: throw exception
1074   AssertThrow(iteration_state == SolverControl::success,
1075               SolverControl::NoConvergence(accumulated_iterations, last_res));
1076 }
1080 template <class VectorType>
1081 boost::signals2::connection
connect_condition_number_slot(const std::function<void (double)> & slot,const bool every_iteration)1082 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::connect_condition_number_slot(
1083   const std::function<void(double)> &slot,
1084   const bool                         every_iteration)
1085 {
1086   if (every_iteration)
1087     {
1088       return all_condition_numbers_signal.connect(slot);
1089     }
1090   else
1091     {
1092       return condition_number_signal.connect(slot);
1093     }
1094 }
1098 template <class VectorType>
1099 boost::signals2::connection
connect_eigenvalues_slot(const std::function<void (const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &)> & slot,const bool every_iteration)1100 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::connect_eigenvalues_slot(
1101   const std::function<void(const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &)> &slot,
1102   const bool every_iteration)
1103 {
1104   if (every_iteration)
1105     {
1106       return all_eigenvalues_signal.connect(slot);
1107     }
1108   else
1109     {
1110       return eigenvalues_signal.connect(slot);
1111     }
1112 }
1116 template <class VectorType>
1117 boost::signals2::connection
connect_hessenberg_slot(const std::function<void (const FullMatrix<double> &)> & slot,const bool every_iteration)1118 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::connect_hessenberg_slot(
1119   const std::function<void(const FullMatrix<double> &)> &slot,
1120   const bool                                             every_iteration)
1121 {
1122   if (every_iteration)
1123     {
1124       return all_hessenberg_signal.connect(slot);
1125     }
1126   else
1127     {
1128       return hessenberg_signal.connect(slot);
1129     }
1130 }
1134 template <class VectorType>
1135 boost::signals2::connection
connect_krylov_space_slot(const std::function<void (const internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType> &)> & slot)1136 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::connect_krylov_space_slot(
1137   const std::function<void(
1138     const internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType> &)> &slot)
1139 {
1140   return krylov_space_signal.connect(slot);
1141 }
1145 template <class VectorType>
1146 boost::signals2::connection
connect_re_orthogonalization_slot(const std::function<void (int)> & slot)1147 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::connect_re_orthogonalization_slot(
1148   const std::function<void(int)> &slot)
1149 {
1150   return re_orthogonalize_signal.connect(slot);
1151 }
1155 template <class VectorType>
1156 double
criterion()1157 SolverGMRES<VectorType>::criterion()
1158 {
1159   // dummy implementation. this function is not needed for the present
1160   // implementation of gmres
1161   Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
1162   return 0;
1163 }
1166 //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
1168 template <class VectorType>
SolverFGMRES(SolverControl & cn,VectorMemory<VectorType> & mem,const AdditionalData & data)1169 SolverFGMRES<VectorType>::SolverFGMRES(SolverControl &           cn,
1170                                        VectorMemory<VectorType> &mem,
1171                                        const AdditionalData &    data)
1172   : SolverBase<VectorType>(cn, mem)
1173   , additional_data(data)
1174 {}
1178 template <class VectorType>
SolverFGMRES(SolverControl & cn,const AdditionalData & data)1179 SolverFGMRES<VectorType>::SolverFGMRES(SolverControl &       cn,
1180                                        const AdditionalData &data)
1181   : SolverBase<VectorType>(cn)
1182   , additional_data(data)
1183 {}
1187 template <class VectorType>
1188 template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
1189 void
solve(const MatrixType & A,VectorType & x,const VectorType & b,const PreconditionerType & preconditioner)1190 SolverFGMRES<VectorType>::solve(const MatrixType &        A,
1191                                 VectorType &              x,
1192                                 const VectorType &        b,
1193                                 const PreconditionerType &preconditioner)
1194 {
1195   LogStream::Prefix prefix("FGMRES");
1197   SolverControl::State iteration_state = SolverControl::iterate;
1199   const unsigned int basis_size = additional_data.max_basis_size;
1201   // Generate an object where basis vectors are stored.
1202   typename internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType> v(
1203     basis_size, this->memory);
1204   typename internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors<VectorType> z(
1205     basis_size, this->memory);
1207   // number of the present iteration; this number is not reset to zero upon a
1208   // restart
1209   unsigned int accumulated_iterations = 0;
1211   // matrix used for the orthogonalization process later
1212   H.reinit(basis_size + 1, basis_size);
1214   // Vectors for projected system
1215   Vector<double> projected_rhs;
1216   Vector<double> y;
1218   // Iteration starts here
1219   double res = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
1221   typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer aux(this->memory);
1222   aux->reinit(x);
1223   do
1224     {
1225       A.vmult(*aux, x);
1226       aux->sadd(-1., 1., b);
1228       double beta     = aux->l2_norm();
1229       res             = beta;
1230       iteration_state = this->iteration_status(accumulated_iterations, res, x);
1231       if (iteration_state == SolverControl::success)
1232         break;
1234       H.reinit(basis_size + 1, basis_size);
1235       double a = beta;
1237       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < basis_size; ++j)
1238         {
1239           if (a != 0) // treat lucky breakdown
1240             v(j, x).equ(1. / a, *aux);
1241           else
1242             v(j, x) = 0.;
1245           preconditioner.vmult(z(j, x), v[j]);
1246           A.vmult(*aux, z[j]);
1248           // Gram-Schmidt
1249           H(0, j) = *aux * v[0];
1250           for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= j; ++i)
1251             H(i, j) = aux->add_and_dot(-H(i - 1, j), v[i - 1], v[i]);
1252           H(j + 1, j) = a = std::sqrt(aux->add_and_dot(-H(j, j), v[j], *aux));
1254           // Compute projected solution
1256           if (j > 0)
1257             {
1258               H1.reinit(j + 1, j);
1259               projected_rhs.reinit(j + 1);
1260               y.reinit(j);
1261               projected_rhs(0) = beta;
1262               H1.fill(H);
1264               // check convergence. note that the vector 'x' we pass to the
1265               // criterion is not the final solution we compute if we
1266               // decide to jump out of the iteration (we update 'x' again
1267               // right after the current loop)
1268               Householder<double> house(H1);
1269               res = house.least_squares(y, projected_rhs);
1270               iteration_state =
1271                 this->iteration_status(++accumulated_iterations, res, x);
1272               if (iteration_state != SolverControl::iterate)
1273                 break;
1274             }
1275         }
1277       // Update solution vector
1278       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < y.size(); ++j)
1279         x.add(y(j), z[j]);
1280     }
1281   while (iteration_state == SolverControl::iterate);
1283   // in case of failure: throw exception
1284   if (iteration_state != SolverControl::success)
1285     AssertThrow(false,
1286                 SolverControl::NoConvergence(accumulated_iterations, res));
1287 }
1289 #endif // DOXYGEN
1293 #endif